prayer & fasting jouranl nov


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Prayer & fasting Jouranl Nov


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CONTENTSWelcome 1The Importance of Prayer and Fasting 2Types of Fasts 3Our Prayer Focus 4Personal Preparation 5Easy pattern to follow 5Prayer 6

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Hi Friends

We have an opportunity right before us to experience a breakthrough in our personal lives and together as a church as we enter our 14 days of prayer and fasting. We’re looking forward to hearing your personal stories of how God has moved in your lives as we set aside the time to seek Him.

With the help of Ps Jane Ntamunoza this guide has been put together to assist you as we prepare our hearts to enter the presence of God, seek his face and pray. We encourage you to read the information provided, pick your type of fast and make the most of your reading the Word during this time.

Ephesians 3:12 says; “In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.”

Lets draw near to him with full confidence that he hears us and is eager to grant the desire of our hearts.

Paul & Joanne Kellock



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THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER & FASTINGFasting releases God to do the unusual…

Why Fast? • Hear His voice with Clarity as we fast to seek God and get into a place

where we can hear His voice.• Develops our spiritual senses as we are challenged throughout this

time, and we learn more about Him. • Develops our intimacy with God by having some alone time with

Him- to hear Him share His heart with us, as we share ours with His. • Trains us to prioritise, as we learn that by making Him our first priority

we succeed in the things that we do for Him. (Matthew 6:33) “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

• Fasting brings your “flesh” under control, by dethroning your physical desires you are able to enthrone God and establish his desires in your life.

• Fasting intensifies prayer and results in deliverance and victory. (2 Chronicles 22: 1-30) (Acts 16: 16-29) In the above two instances, divine intervention brought a major breakthrough.

Let your Fast be lead by God;

• Come with the right motives. It is not for weight loss, nor for selfish ambition. Having the right attitude towards fasting ensures God’s best is released for you. (1 Corinthians 10: 6-7)

• Consider what result you are after. Write down the result that you are seeking through this fast; you may want to hear from God or see Him intervene in an area of your life etc.

Fasting is enhanced and supported by prayer;

• When fasting, set aside time to pray, worship, read the word of God, wait in His presence and learn to listen to His voice.

• Pray to stay focused and to tune into God, otherwise it is merely a hunger strike with poor results for your spiritual life.

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Even though God intervenes as we fast when in crisis, remember that corporate fasting is first about seeking Him as a church so we can bring the benefits of the Kingdom of God to others.


There are many different things you can fast during the next 14 days. Below are a number of suggestions. I do highly recommend you include foods of some kind in your fasting and please also ensure you seek medical advice if your diet will incur a significant change during the fast.

Before you start, know your limitations and take the type of fast that suits you lifestyle. Be yourself, press into his presence and give your testimony where applicable.

Prepare physically, mentally and emotionally. Use wisdom if taking medications or if nursing or pregnant.

Here are some suggestions:

Partial Fast • Eating only one meal or two meals a day OR • Doing a total fast for one or multiple days of the week

Daniel Fast • Eating only fruits and vegetables

Junk Food Fast • No unhealthy fast food and/or sweet foods

Media or Technology Fast • Fasting from all, or some, of the following:

TV, movies, mobile phones, internet, computers, Ipods, CD players There’s a whole range of other things you can fast, the key to the fast is making sure you abstain from something that will cost you, and will be a challenge for the full 14 days. For some this may include things like:

• Shopping/Facebook/Twitter

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Make it count… the bigger the challenge, the better the breakthrough.

Total Fast • Only consuming juices and water

It’s important that you are certain, without a doubt, that God has lead you to do this fast. This fast requires meticulous preparation in the lead up and we recommend you to consult with your doctor to ensure you can physically cope with this.


Prayer focus

Our focus of prayer is in two main areas.

1. RelationshipWe are taking the time over these fourteen days to seek a closer relationship with our God. Heb 11:6 says; “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

During the next 14 days I want to encourage you to earnestly seek Him. Seek to know Him better, walk in a closer relationship, in prayer work through the things that come between you and your walk with God. Take the time to worship and press closer to Him.

2. InterventionWe are looking for heaven to intervene in our world. 1 Timothy 2:1- 5 says; “...pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. v2 ̀ Pray this way for Kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. v3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, v4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.”

a. Pray for the church, that each member will arise and fulfill the missionto make disciples. That His presence with inhabit the house, and we will come into unity and maturity as His body. Pray for the leaders of Life that they may be protected, blessed and lead with wisdom and diligence.

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b. Pray that God will reach forth His hand to perform miracles, signs and wonders. That the blindness of sin will be healed in the lives of people so they can see and turn to Christ.

c. Pray for our nation, community, schools, families and the Westernsuburbs. Pray for righteous values to be restored and people to begin to seek the truth.

d. Pray for our local, state & national leaders. That they may govern wellwith integrity and with a heart for the people. Pray they will uphold righteous values so that we can therefore live in a peaceful and secure environment.

Don’t forget to present your own personal needs to God.


Give yourself just enough time to begin to flow with the Holy Spirit, listen for His lead and spend some time speaking in tongues if you can.

This will act as a time of personal cleansing ask God to help you deal with unresolved issues such as; disappointments, offences, rejection, bitterness, insecurity, laziness, doubt and fear. Come just as you are, and decide to repent from those things that come between you and God.

Use your Daily devotional to enhance your time of prayer and fasting. Read the daily scriptures, select a verse that speaks to you and use the space provided to journal as God speaks to your heart and causes revelation in your spirit.


Jesus taught his disciples a basic pattern for praying, because they requested his help to be better at prayer. This basic pattern that Jesus gave is much more than a prayer to recite but a helpful guide on areas to cover in prayer and a helpful order to put them in.

Our Father - Begin prayer with Thanksgiving, thanking our heavenly father for all he has done, reminded of your relationship and standing in Him

Hallowed be your name - Praise, is important in prayer, it lifts our faith and gives God His due worth.

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Your Kingdom Come Your will be done – before we mention even one of our needs, we begin to pray in the will of God on earth, in our lives, church, community, city, nation and beyond. Spend the time calling on His promises and will to be fulfilled.

Supply our needs – Now it is time to present your needs and personal requests to God-healing, finance, relationships, wisdom, guidance, and more. Our Father knows our need and loves to hear us come to Him for help.

Forgive our sins – Now it is time to do business with our Father and work on weeding the sinfulness in our lives that easily ensnares us. Pray for God’s forgiveness and help to overcome.

Resolve your offences – Any hurt, offences and unforgiveness you carry from others needs to be brought before your father. Confess it and ask for help to resolve it in your heart and thinking.

Deliverance from the enemy’s trap – Your enemy is looking to bring you down, but God wants to lift you up. Spend time with God praying for His help, insight, wisdom and protection from the enemy’s traps that cause us to fall.

Praise – Finally end in praise and thanksgiving for His goodness and the answers to your requests


This November, we’re ‘Covering the West in Prayer’. For our corporate evening prayer meetings, we’ll kick off the first prayer meeting together at our Highpoint Campus and for the remaining 3 evening prayer meetings, we’ll be meeting in homes around the West. Our weekly 7am Thursday morning prayer meeting will still run at the Highpoint Campus as usual. See below for all the details on our prayer meetings below:

Mondays (7 November) 7:30pm Highpoint Campus, 90 Mitchell St, MaidstoneThursdays (10, 17 November) 7:00am Highpoint Campus, 90 Mitchell St, Maidstone

Mondays (14 November) 7:30pm Prayer Meetings will take place at homes (see below) Thursdays (10, 17 November) 7:30pm Prayer Meetings will take place at homes (see below)

Matt & Elise Heerde Deep & Elizabeth Narayan13 Bruxner Way 3 Salvatore CrtTaylors Lakes VIC 3038 Ardeer VIC 3022

Yomi & Nike Adesina Carlos & Esther Herrera30 Domain Drive 16 Paringa Way Hillside VIC 3037 Burnside VIC 3023

Open your spirit to praise Him like never before. Pray for a great breakthrough among us.


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