
Our omnipotent, powerful, awesome Lord, we all knew how courageous you are from all the circumstances you’ve encountered, for our sake. People of Jerusalem witnessed the faithfulness and courage you have just to spread the word of the God to the extent that you sacrificed yourself, still, for our sake. You are a victorious warrior. Today, Lord, please strengthen our hearts and soul to go through our daily difficulties and make us victorious warriors in order to conquer our fears that barren us to achieve our dreams and ambitions. We humbly ask to send to us your holy spirit to lighten the path to our salvation and victorious life by glorifying your name. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Upload: patricialetran

Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Pray

Our omnipotent, powerful, awesome Lord, we all knew how courageous you are from all the circumstances you’ve encountered, for our sake. People of Jerusalem witnessed the faithfulness and courage you have just to spread the word of the God to the extent that you sacrificed yourself, still, for our sake. You are a victorious warrior. Today, Lord, please strengthen our hearts and soul to go through our daily difficulties and make us victorious warriors in order to conquer our fears that barren us to achieve our dreams and ambitions. We humbly ask to send to us your holy spirit to lighten the path to our salvation and victorious life by glorifying your name. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen