pragmatism and business ethics

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  • 8/2/2019 Pragmatism and Business Ethics


    Collin Kennedy

    Pragmatism and Business Ethics

    On the topic of the American Business ideal, Gerald Cavanagh once wrote,

    One of the strengths of the American business ideology has been its pragmatism:

    how to get the job done without much inconsistency. Simply put, pragmatism says

    that which works is by that good and true, (1976, p. 172). Such a loose

    interpretation of William James conception of truth has to be taken lightly. Im sure

    the colonist thought that the use of slave labor significantly increased their

    productivity and dividends when it came it the tobacco trade, but one could hardly

    say that such practices were good and true. From the outside looking in, it would

    be a fair assessment to say that the United States uses a pragmatic approach in

    regards to the way business is practiced. Much of the business world holds to the

    belief that the main goal and responsibility of any business is to generate the as

    much profit as possible for its shareholders. Firms and corporations implement

    policies and procedures that try to optimize resources and expand that bottom-

    line number. While such practices do fit in with the pragmatic view, the four main

    contributors of this field of philosophy would argue that such views come with its

    own set of ethical codes. Business ethics, for many years now, has been an area of

    discussion in which numerous viewpoints of past philosophers have been argued

    and weighed. I can still remember taking my ethics class sophomore year and

    looking at all of the different ethical theories and how they related to different

    aspects of business and different case studies. While we discussed the pros and cons

    of each theory of thought, I distinctly remember the lack of a final conclusion to

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    which school of thought is superior to the rest. One of the main problems that these

    pragmatists had with their classical philosophy counterparts was their call for

    finding absolute truths and principles. In an era of business that usespractical

    means to accomplish goals, it follows that apragmatic code of ethics should be

    utilized. This paper will examine current business and management processes and

    see how they fit into the pragmatic framework. Special emphasis will be put of

    Dewey and his pragmatist thoughts and insights.

    Lets begin by looking at the idea of big business and see how itfits into the

    pragmatist framework. One of the centrals nodes of pragmatism that Dewey and his

    counterparts came up with is that there is no such thing as absolute truth. Rather,

    pragmatism relies on constant experimentation (both natural and morally) and

    growth. The views and idea we hold now are only true until they are either outdated

    or disproved. This same principle carries over to the business world. Government

    policies regulating trade and capitalism are only relevant until the collective decides

    that such guidelines no longer apply and need to be updated and changed. At the

    heart of both business and pragmatism is the idea of innovation, or changing with

    the times. As an individual or a business, refusal to grow and readjust as times and

    society changes can have detrimental effects. This brings up the question of what

    exactly it means to be an individual in the context of society. The pragmatist view

    holds that there is no such thing as an atomistic individual. That is, no person can be

    completely separated from the context of the rest of the community. True

    community occurs in the interplay between the individual and the generalized

    other, and this takes place through ongoing communication in which each adjusts,

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    or accommodates the other, (Rosenthal p. 11). I believe that this quotes by Susan

    Rosenthal also applies to the relationship that businesses has with both the

    collective community and the government as well. There is so much talk today about

    the public vs private sector and whether the government should govern business. I

    think, as Dewey would think, that this dualism should be gotten rid of. Businesses

    are like the individual in the former quote. If we want to make a true community

    each business needs to communicate with the generalized other, including the


    In todays world of business ethics the phrase Corporate Social

    Responsibility is often thrown around. This refers to a business taking

    responsibility for its impact on society through safe labor practices, being

    environmentally friendly, and spending capital in the best interest of society. In

    many instances, businesses and corporations have been found guilty of

    implementing poor CSR practices and come under much attack and backlash when

    sought to amend these problems. Take Nikes labor debacle in 1997 a labor policy

    watchdog released a report that highlighted unsafe working conditions in one of

    their Vietnam factories, including low wages, teenage workers, and poor treatment

    of workers. As can be expected customers were shocked and outraged at such

    findings. Nike spent the next seven years putting in policies that outlined new

    procedures for Nike in terms of labor practices, environmentally friendliness and

    other guidelines. They even become one of the leading activists in the Fair Labor

    Association. Throughout all of the implementations the company put in place, Nike

    still came under fire. Critics claimed that Nike was simply using these policies to

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    gain favor with consumers through positive PR. Throughout this era of CSR many

    companies have come under these same kinds of attacks. The true pragmatist would

    say, So what if they are? In his Later Works, Ethics, John Dewey wrote:

    That men form purposes, strive for the realization of ends, is an established fact. It if

    is asked why they do so, the only answer to the question, aside from saying that they

    do so unreasonable from mere blind custom, is that they strive to attain certain

    goals because they believe that these ends have an intrinsic value of their own; they

    are good, satisfactory. (Ethics, 1932, p. 186)

    It may be true that the end goal in many of these practices is to generate good buzz

    about a company. Who doesnt love a business that they can relate to socially? The

    important thing to keep in mind is that such CSR policies and implementations make

    significant differences and impacts on the community. With the case of Nike, their

    new labor policies not only allowed them to refute their previous unethical charges,

    but also allowed Vietnamese workers to earn a living in which they could provide for

    their families. While critics claim that such practices are such a response to negative

    press, as Rorty puts it Pragmatists, in contrasts, treat inquiry in both business and

    ethics as the search for adjustments, (Rorty, p. 72). Unfair practices cannot always

    be prevented until they come to light. Years later after the allegations, Nike CEO

    stated, After a bumpy original response, we focused on making working conditions

    better and showing that to the world. It becomes a tool for both our management of

    business and in giving us clues about what we need to do next. Such statements by

    Phil Knight puts to practice what Rorty meant by adjustment. (Keller)

    As mentioned earlier, dualism is something that John Dewey lobbied strongly

    against. On this topic lets approach one of the many ethical decisions that are facing

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    many businesses today. In the early days of capitalism, not much thought was put

    into the notion of saving natural resources or taking care of the environment. There

    was this idea that our resources were endless and the nature that surrounded us

    would always be around. This was the development of the Modern Worldview. The

    dualistic idea that nature and humans stood distinctly apart, as the environment

    was simply a means of producing natural resources to create goods. Look how that

    has worked out for us. In the past 30 years, a significant number of animals have

    gone extinct, oil which, we need to survive, is at an all time low, and global warming

    is at an all time high. And through this, consumer consumption continues to rise and

    so the businesses continue to burn through our environmental resources. One of the

    foundational aspects of pragmatism is being able to observe the practical

    consequences of our actions. What do you think the consequences will be if we

    continue to burn through our resources as we are now? Economic growth will

    diminish and our growth as a society right along with it. The pragmatic solution to

    this? Weve already begun the process: green businesspractices. By producing

    products in ways that are environmentally friendly and dont hurt our natural

    resources, business is slowly turning away from the dualistic view mentioned above.

    Instead of two separate entities, the economy and the environment go hand in hand.

    While businesses and corporations on the whole play major roles in

    impacting the community at large, I want to now turn and focus on the people

    within those organizations, specifically managers, who help to make the decisions of

    the whole. The question we turn to now is, in a pragmatic framework, how does a

    manager act ethically and with integrity? For Dewey, experience is the root of all

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    ethics. Going along with his non-dualistic approach, there is not difference between

    scientific and moral experimentation, a view that Charles Peirce would strongly

    agree with. To decide how one should act, a person should come up with hypothesis

    of different outcomes based on the different behavioral options. Here the different

    consequences are being analyzed and the individual must choose the one in which

    lines up best with their moral character. Dewey maintains that the right choice in

    action will not always be openly present, but must be searched for. There might be a

    multitude of goods and it is that individuals responsibility to find the right one

    (Dewey, 1920, p. 163). A manager following the pragmatist view of ethics would

    view the business or corporation as a means to satisfy the needs ofhumans and

    societynot a means to the organizations own survival. For an example, during a time

    of economic downturn many managers are faced with the issue of laying off

    employees. Instead of looking at the short sighted benefits of immediately cutting

    labor costs, a manager practicing Deweyian ethics would take the time to discuss the

    issue with employees and talk through alternative methods. This manager would

    look back at other times such downsizing was appropriate and see what lessons

    were learned from those instances. Pragmatic integrity would look for ways to

    ensure that in firing employees, such individuals were not left high and dry, but

    given resources to move onto another job. Why? Again, because the purpose of such

    an organization, in the pragmatic framework, is to benefithumans. On that same

    token, Deweyian integrity wouldve had a huge issue with Nikes initial labor

    practices. The practice of low wages and long hours relative to the standard of living

    should not be utilized just make an organization more competitive by lowering the

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    cost of labor. Such competitiveness should be second rate when compared to the

    social consequences of such practices.

    Another issue of concern, that is related to much of what was said above, that

    any ethical manager faces is the topic of outsourcing U.S. jobs. While it is not the

    extreme case of sweatshop labor, many firms utilize such outsourcing practices

    because it allows them to save a good deal of capital due to lower employee

    standards of living. What must be remembered in this instance is that for many of

    the pragmatists truth is defined by the culture and society in which an individual

    is located. With that mentality note, an American pragmatic manager would have an

    issue with this idea of outsourcing. By taking part in such practices, a company is

    taking away opportunities for U.S. citizens to earn a living to provide for his or

    herself and their families. A manager acting with pragmatic integrity should concern

    his or herself with finding qualifiedemployees locally at first, then shifting its focus

    to overseas labor. This would ensure that the business is putting the social needs of

    the organization first rather than market competiveness.

    To a marketing major who has spent the last four years learning about all the

    different ways in which a business should act in order to become the leader of a

    given industry, all of Deweys points on ethics and industry sound a little bit like

    wishful thinking. While I agree with many of his statements, a firm that would take

    part in such practices would get eaten alive in the marketplace. On the contrary,

    there have been certain exceptions to the this. There have been managers that were

    willing to take such risks. Edward Filene , founder of Filenes Department Store, was

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    one of these managers. In talking about the way a business leader should act, Filene


    The sort of business man who broadly speaking, is the opposite of the reactionary,

    the sort of business man who faces fresh problems with a fresh mind, who is more

    interested in creating a better order of things than in defending the existing order of

    things, who realizes that a private business is a public trust, and who has greater

    reverence for scientific method than the traditions and majority opinion of his

    class. (p.284-285)

    Filene, in his business practices, dedicated himself to becoming a transparent

    organization to the general public. He also realized that his employees were both

    part of the private organization as well as the general public who gave the company

    its true power within the community. As such, he was willing to share the power he

    had with his employees. The ironic part about this, and gives credit to my earlier

    reservations, was that the Filenes Board Members voted to have Filene removed

    from his position because they felt their revenue was being impacted by such


    American business, in its core, was founded on the idea of pragmatism.

    Business did not attempt to find some higher purpose or justification for the work

    that it did. Instead, it looked at the current world, took in all the various problems

    and opportunities, and sought to find solutions to those immediate problems. Just as

    pragmatist philosophers stressed, like philosophy, business must change with the

    current environment in which it is located. As people, technology, and policies grow,

    so must business or face being left in the dust by competitors. While the pragmatists

    would agree that business, in its nature, is pragmatic, that view seems to have been

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    distorted over the years. A business is composed of its individual employees who, in

    turn, part of the overall community. Under this relationship business originated with

    the intent to help the overall community its everyday interaction with its individuals.

    Somewhere along the way this point was lost and managers and CEOs of

    corporations and firms became fixated with idea of growing their businessfor the

    sake of their business. What was once pragmatic in nature has turned to greed. While

    I think many of Deweys managerial ideas are loft, they are what the pragmatic

    manager should strive for. The real questions becomes can such a manager survive

    implementing such practices?


    Cavanagh, G.F. 1976:American Business Values in Transition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

    Prentice Hall, Inc.

    Rosenthal, Sandra, 2000: Rethinking Business Ethics, A Pragmatic Approach. Oxford,

    NY: Oxford University Press

    Dewey, John, 2008: The Late Works of John Dewey, Volume , 1932, Ethics. SIU Press

    Rorty, Richard, 1999: Philosophy and Social Hope. Penguin Books.

    Keller, Kevin, 2008: Best Practice Cases in Branding: Lessons from the Worlds

    Strategic Brands. Pearson Prentice Hall.

    Dewey, John, 1920: Reconstruction in Philosophy. New York: Henry Holt.

    Filene, E.A. 1924: The way out: A forecast of coming changes in American business and

    industry. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page