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Post on 31-Oct-2015




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Jericho SadorraPeriod 4DBQ EssayMuslims made important achievements that contributed greatly to other nations and impacted their growth and technology severely. Islamic people translated vital documents that led to impacts regarding others medicinal and technological fields. The use of translated documents also blew the spread of Islam even further. Documents 3, 4, 5, and 9 all represent important Islamic Achievements. Document 3 talks about how the Muslims preserved important medical texts. Without this important Islamic achievement, vital information that guided doctors for centuries would be lost. Documents 4 and 5 clearly states Muslim achievements in the field of mathematics. An achievement in Document 4 would be al-jabr, or today, Algebra. Al-jabr was a textbook written by a Muslim mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi. Another achievement in mathematics stated in Document 5 would be trigonometry, astronomy, and mapmaking. With these, studies of the sky were conducted more smoothly and calculations for calendars and maps were improved. Document 9 states that the Muslims built an extensive trade network. This can be viewed as a great achievement as they were seen as Masters of the sea, even as of the land. Although, it can be argued that the speaker from Document 9 can be heavily biased.The Muslims made great contributions to other nations. This can be supported by Documents 1, 3, 4, and 5. All four documents show contributions the Muslims made to other countries. Documents 1 and 3 describe Muslims translating almost lost forms of texts, bringing it back to life. This leads to Document 3. Document 3 talks about how the translated forms of texts helped medical schools gain access to vital reference sources. The Muslims mathematical contributions are talked about in Documents 4 and 5. Document 4 states the origins of algebra, which was called al-jabr in the 800s. In Document 5, it talks about the advances in optics and further understanding of mathematics. Muslims made a great impact on the world that is still felt today. Documents 1-10 all represent that. While Achieving important innovations, as said in Documents 3-5 and 9, they also contributed greatly to other nations, as stated in Documents 1 and 3-5. The Muslims also built themselves up while helping other countries as well. As stated in Document 10, their trade was spread out as well as being busy. The word traffic was actually derived from the Arabic word tafriq, meaning distribution. Documents 6-8 describe how they impacted themselves. In Document 8, the Sufi poem clearly exhibits a form of strong religious ties. This is also boasted from the text coming from the Quran. In Documents 6 and 7, Muslim arts represent strong religious influence. Pictures, similar to ones in Document 6, are used throughout the Dome of the Rock in Document 7. Additional documents that may help would be an unbiased merchant using Muslim trade routes. Another document that would help me better understand the Islamic Civilizations contributions and achievements would be an account from a Muslim who had partaken in those contributions or achievements. Another would be an account from a person in the medical field who has used the translated texts. The Islamic Civilization made several important contributions to the world. They have also impacted the world greatly by their incoherently powerful religion and their love for academics.