practica oral ingles

 There’s a lot of people, a crowd. It looks like they’ re having fun. There are speakers everywhere. The setting seems to be a concert in an open area. The picture shows a man on a stage and I think the people are cheering him. From the looks of it, I think he is a famous singer. He has a microphone on his left hand and he’s holding it to the crowd before him. I think he’s allowing them to sing a part of the song he’s singing. There’s a man and two women wearing light blue robes. They’re wearing white caps and masks, covering their hair head hair, mouths and noses. They are in a room of white walls. All of them are using tools on something. I think they are doctors and they are performing a surgery on someone.

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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Page 1: Practica Oral Ingles

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There’s a lot of people, a crowd. It looks like they’re having fun. There are speakers everywhere.

The setting seems to be a concert in an open area.

The picture shows a man on a stage and I think the people are cheering him. From the looks of it, I

think he is a famous singer. He has a microphone on his left hand and he’s holding it to the crowd

before him. I think he’s allowing them to sing a part of the song he’s singing. 

There’s a man and two women wearing light blue robes. They’re wearing white caps and masks,

covering their hair head hair, mouths and noses. They are in a room of white walls. All of them are

using tools on something. I think they are doctors and they are performing a surgery on someone.

Page 2: Practica Oral Ingles

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The scenery is a beach and there’s a lot of people in it. All of them are young women and men,

likely on their twenties. There are two women and a man sunbathing in the middle of the picture.

Two men are playing beach tennis on the right side of the picture. A woman is picking up

something from the sand, and there’s woman picking up something from a bag.  

There’s a woman, a man and two children inside a room with two windows. There are boxeseverywhere.

The woman, the man and one of the children are sitting on the floor. The man is scooping the

other child up. Everyone seems to be in a happy mood. I think the picture is about a family that

has just moved to a new place.

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Un grupo de amigos queria viajar a lo largo de Chile y tenian 3 opciones; avion, auto o mochileando y

en base a eso se discutia : D

If you’re willing to spend lots of money on gas carry a lot of things, I think the best option is travelling by car. It’s

 probably to most expensive out of the three, but it’s by far the most enjoyable in my opinion. Firstl  y, by car you

 get to set the pace for your trips. Also you can visit many of the most alluring places in Chile and more.

Otro tema de debate tambien sobre: Que es mejor para regalarle a un niño: Un Play station, libros, ouna gift card

I think a play station makes a good gift for almost any child. The only downside is, as a parent, you have to

control the kind of content you child gets to see. For example, you will most likely have to judge whether you

 get GTA V for your child or not. The great thing about a PS is it has games of all genres and for all ages. If you

buy a PS for your child, there’s one guarantee – he/she will never get bored.

Instrumentos musicales para un niño, decidir si es mejor: Guitarra, batería y saxo

The drums should be an excellent instrument for your child, because it will act as great outlet for physical

activity. Also all bands need at least a drummer, which will help him socialize with other kids with common


Un panorama: Debatir q panorama es mejor, ir a un bar, parque o restaurante 

Personally, I prefer a laid back and friendly hang out at a park. Something in the open air is always

good for people looking to relax and have fun with friends. Alcohol shouldn’t be a problem either –  

you can pay for an enclosed park and you can drink with your friends in there.