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Plastic Water Bottles Production By: Arjun Vaswani To: His Supremacy, Terence Donohue, President of Mbantu

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Post on 20-May-2018




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Plastic Water BottlesProduction

By: Arjun VaswaniTo: His Supremacy, Terence Donohue,

President of Mbantu

Production Process• Uses a lot of energy to make plastic bottles• Toxic chemicals are mixed with oil and water.• Often native or elderly people work for the plastic water

bottle companies which displace them. – Their resource has been taken.– Need money– They risk their lives working in Factories with toxics

• Toxics in - Toxics out– Bisphenol A

Facts on Production• Production of plastics has increased over 2000% since Bakelite

was first produced.• The production of plastic emits substantial amounts of toxic

chemicals( eg. ethylene oxide, benzene and xylenes) to air and water.

• Millions of dollars are spent yearly in plastics research, trying to find new plastics and to improve the existing ones.

Effects of BPA on people• Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in #7 PC, considered to be

another dangerous plastic.• Type 2 Diabetes may develop because of BPA, since it can

disrupt the proper function of the pancreas and insulin production.

• The problem with BPA contamination from polycarbonate water containers first came to light in 1998

• Manufacturers have quietly substituted other, safer plastics for their baby bottle products since the BPA leaching issue.

Effects of chemicals on environment

• Many tend to be gases and liquid hydrocarbons, which readily vaporize and pollute the air.

• Many are flammable and explosive.• Ex: Cancer Alley, Louisiana

State of California

• Did you Know..as of 2003, 1 billion plastic water bottles per year entered the state's landfills

PET(Polycarbonate Plastic)

• Polycarbonate plastic bottles and containers are identified by the plastic recycling symbol #7.

• This is used for a wide variety of plastics and plastic mixtures

Production of PET

• Making a kilogram of PET, which is enough for around 30 one-liter plastic bottles, takes around 3 liters of petroleum.

• More energy is then required to turn that PET into bottles, to filter, to ozonate or purify water.

Work CitedInformation “Dangers of Plastic Water Bottles.” Livestrong.com. 2011. 14 Feb. 2011.

Gleick, Peter H. Bottled and Sold: The story behind our obsession with bottled water. Washington: Island Press, 2010.

“Water Bottle Toxins.” Labour Environmental Alliance Society. 2005. 16 Feb. 2011.

“What are the harmful effects of plastic?” Answers.com: Wiki Answers. 2011. 14 Feb. 2011.

Work CitedImageshttp://dustbowl.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/plastic-7other_main.jpg



