ppt manajemen pendidikan kelompok 1 fiks

MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN DOSEN PENGAMPU Yayan Andrian, S. Ag., M. Ed. MGMT Kelompok 1 : Abdul Rohman 143111302 Retno Wiyanti F. 143111315 Dani Safiq Salsabila 1431113 Khamid Baedhowi 123111215

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• Yayan Andrian, S. Ag., M. Ed. MGMT

Kelompok 1 :

• Abdul Rohman 143111302• Retno Wiyanti F. 143111315• Dani Safiq Salsabila 1431113• Khamid Baedhowi 123111215

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Definition of OrganizationThe organization according to the Experts :

James D. Mooney says "Organizations that any form of human association to reach the goal together“

Sutarto (1995). defines the organization as a collection of people, the process of division of labor and cooperation system or social system.

Jones (1995). definition the organization as a response to the meaning of creative values to satisfy human needs.

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From the description of the experts can be concluded that the organization is a grouping of people in the activities of cooperation to achieve the goals set. in other words, the organization is the assignment of the -people into job functions that must be done to cooperation activities in achieving objectives. so, even though his job is different and various with the organization, the work can be performed well.


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Type of Organization

• based on the need in organizing relations that exist in it in the form of defined structure.

Formal Organizatio


• Is the common bonds formed voluntarily by members affiliated to obtain satisfaction.

• And one the perpuse of informal organization is to get fiendship.

Informal Organizatio


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The organizational structure

The main factors that determine the design of the organizational structure is as follows:

a. The organization's strategy to achieve its objectives.

b. The technology used.c. Members (employees) and those involved in

the organization.d. Size of organization

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The function of organization:

a. Organize the accupation and cooperation as well as possible.

b. Prevent delay and trouble in working.c. Prevent miscommunication in working.d. Determine work orientations.

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Type Of Educational Institution

Education is a right of all citizens of Indonesia. Implementation of education is usually done by educational institutions, which are also regulated by the state. Institutions are institutions or the venue for the educational process conducted with the aim to change the behavior of individuals toward better through interaction with the surrounding environment. In Indonesia there are four levels of education are set according to the level of development of learners that early childhood education (PAUD), Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Higher Education.


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1. Formal education Formal education is education held in schools. Formal

education has clear educational levels, from primary, secondary, up to higher education.

2. Non formal education Non formal education is lane the outsider education of the

formal education that maybe enforced in a well structure and a step of the series.

3. Informal education Informal education is the path of family education and the

environment shaped self-directed learning activities.


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Formal Education Non Formal Education Informal Education Learning place

in the buildings school

There are special requirement to be learners

The curriculum is distinct

Learning materials are academic

Have long time for the process education

There is the best

Learning place can be outside of room

Sometimes there is no special requirements

Nothing distinct in the curriculum

The existence of the specific will be in signature

Have the practical and special for the process education

Sometime there are some test

Learning place in the where it

No special requirements

Nothing curriculum Nothing learning

program Nothing the

process education Nothing test


Formal Education Non Formal Education Informal Education

Learning place in the buildings school

There are special requirement to be learners

The curriculum is distinct

Learning materials are academic

Have long time for the process education

There is the best

Learning place can be outside of room

Sometimes there is no special requirements

Nothing distinct in the curriculum

The existence of the specific will be in signature

Have the practical and special for the process education

Sometime there are some test


Learning place in the where it

No special requirements

Nothing curriculum Nothing learning

program Nothing the process

education Nothing test

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1. Structure Of Educational Institution According to the theories of organization, there are some organizing structure which today is known within an institution or educational institution, including

Organizing educational unit level in the form of lines (line organizational structure)The structure of the organization line-staffOrganizing functionalForm organizing committeeThe structure of the combined organization

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The education process involves many things:a. LearnersLearners are students or private subjects autonomous, who want to be recognized its existence.b. Educators (those who guide)

Educators are responsible for the implementation of education by the target learners.c. Educational interaction (interaction between learners with educators) Educational interaction is basically reciprocal communication between learners with educators who

focus on the purpose of educationd. The purpose of education (the direction in which the guidance is intended) Tools and methodsTools and methods defined as everything that is done or held deliberately to achieve educational goals.

In particular tool saw its kind while the methods view of efficiency and effectiveness. Educational environment (where the events took place guidance)

Learners have essentially three pendididkannya on the environment, the family environment, school environment and the community and the environment.



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Handoko, Hani.1995. Manajemen Edisi 2. Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta. Imron, Ali. 2013. Proses Manajemen Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Joesoef, Soelaiman. 1992. Konsep Dasar Kependidikan Luar Sekolah. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. M. Manullang. 2012. Dasar-Dasar Manajemen. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Mas’ud, Fuad. 2004. Survai Diagnosis Organisasional Konsep dan Aplikasi. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Mj, Aida. 2005. Ilmu Pendidikan. Semarang: Putra Sanjaya. Soetopo, Hendyat.2012. Perilaku Organisasi Teori dan Praktik di Bidang Pendidikan. Bandung: PT.Remaja Rosdakarya Offset

dengan Universitas Negeri Malang. Sutarto. 1993. Dasar-Dasar Organisasi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Syuaeb, Kurdie. 2002. Pendidikan Luar Sekolah. Cirebon: Alawiyah. Usman, Husaini. 2013. Managemen Teori, Praktik, dan Riset Pendidikan. Jakarta timur: PT Bumi Aksara. Veithzal Rivai & Deddy Mulyadi. 2012. Kepemimpinan dan Perilaku Organisasi. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. 


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