ppt ethics


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Post on 09-Apr-2017




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• Introduction of business ethics• Meaning and Definition of business ethics• Importance of business ethics• Rural economy• Problems related in rural economy• Conclusion

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Introduction• The term Ethics derived from Greek word ‘Ethos’

which means ‘Character’• Ethics is a social science which deals with

concepts such as right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad etc.

• At its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy.

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Business ethics deals with morality in the business. It is a system of moral principles and values applied to business activities. This means the business activities should be conducted according to ethics or moral standards.

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Business ethics is an art or science of maintaining harmonious relationship with society, its various groups and institutions as well as reorganizing for right or wrong of business conduct.

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Features of business ethics

• Code of Conduct −• Based on Moral and Social Values −• Protection to Social Groups −• Voluntary −• Relative Term −

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Importance of business ethics

• Business ethics help the organisation to protect their reputation

• Improving consumer confidence.

• Create good image of business

• Protect consumer rights.

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Ethical and Unethical

Ethical Having moral valuesFair priceFair wages

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Unethical no value no ethics Short weight and measures Supply inferior quality

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Rural Economy

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• Rural economics is the study of rural economies, including: farm and non-farm industry. economic growth, development, and change. ... general-equilibrium and welfare analysis. • India is known as an agricultural country, as most of the population of villages depends on agriculture. Agriculture forms the backbone of the country's economy. The agricultural sector contributes most to the overall economic development of the country.

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Characteristics of rural economy

• Size of the Community: The village communities are smaller

in area than the urban communities. As the village communities are small, the population is also low.

• Density of Population: As the density of population is low,

the people have intimate relationships and face-to-face contacts with each other. In a village, everyone knows everyone.

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• Agriculture is the Main Occupation: Agriculture is the fundamental

occupation of the rural people and forms the basis of rural economy. A farmer has to perform various agricultural activities for which he needs the cooperation of other members. Usually, these members are from his family. Thus, the members of the entire family share agricultural activities.

• Close Contact with Nature: The rural people are in close contact with

nature as most of their daily activities revolve around the natural environment. This is the reason why a ruralite is more influenced by nature than an urbanite. The villagers consider land as their real mother as they depend on it for their food, clothing and shelter.

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• Joint Family: Another characteristic feature of

the rural society is the joint family system. The family controls the behaviour of the individuals. Generally, the father is the head of the family and is also responsible for maintaining the discipline among members. He manages the affairs of the family.

• Social Solidarity: The degree of social solidarity is

greater in villages as com pared to urban areas. Common experience, purposes, customs and traditions form the basis of unity in the villages.

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People related problems

• Traditional way of thinking• Poor understanding• Low level of education to understand developmental efforts and new technology• Lack of confidence• Personal ego

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Agricultural related problem

• Poor marketing facility• Division of land• Unavailability of inputs• Lack of expected awareness, knowledge, skill and attitude• Unwillingness to work and stay in rural areas

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Infrastructural related problemPoor infrastructure facilities like:• Water• Electricity• Transport• Educational institution• Communication• Health• Employment

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Economic problems

• High cost of inputs• Unfavourable economic condition to adopt high cost technology• Underprivileged rural industries.

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conclusion• A company’s ethics will determine its reputation•Good business ethics are essential for the long term success of an organisation•It create good image of business and also protect consumer rights.

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