ppt childhood sleep apnea

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Post on 29-Oct-2015




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  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaNAME: ARIANTI ANGGRAINIID NUMBER: 03008037

  • INTRODUCTIONIn non obese and otherwise healthy children younger than 8 years, the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea is estimated to be 1-3%. Habitual snoring is common during childhood and affects approximately 10% of children aged 2-8 years; the frequency decreases after age 9-10 years. Obesity added risk for sleep-disordered breathing.

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaDEFINITION

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaSYMPTOMS

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaETIOLOGY

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaPATHOPHYSIOLOGYupper airway obstruction Breathing abnormalities include apnea (cessation of air flow) and hypopnea (decreased air flow) sleep apnea

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaTREATMENTadenotonsillectomy antobiotics Down syndrome adenotonsillectomy fails uvulopalatopharyngoplasty(UPPP)

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaPATIENT EDUCATION

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaPrognosis bonamadenotonsillectomy usually results in complete cure

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaConclusion

  • Children Obstructive Sleep ApneaREFERENCEPediatric sleep apnea. Available at : http://www.mayoclinic.org/pediatric-sleep-apnea/. Accessed : July, 2011symptom of sleep apnea in children. Available at : http://pediatrics.about.com/cs/sleep/a/sleep_apnea.htm. Accessed : July,2011Verhulst SL, Van Gaal L, De Backer W, Desager K. The prevalence, anatomical correlates and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing in obese children and adolescents. Sleep Med Rev. P:339-46.Guilleminault C, Tilkian A, Dement WC. The sleep apnea syndromes. Annu Rev Med. 1976.P:465-84.Calhoun H.Karen et al.Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology second edition.Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea. New York : Lippincott-raven. 1998. P:1109-13