ppp candidate mentor faculty supervisor internship training module

Training Module for Principal Preparation Program Internship Candidates, Internship Mentors, and Faculty Supervisors

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principal program candidate mentor faculty supervisor


Page 1: PPP Candidate Mentor Faculty Supervisor Internship Training Module

Training Module for

Principal Preparation Program

Internship Candidates,

Internship Mentors, and

Faculty Supervisors

Page 2: PPP Candidate Mentor Faculty Supervisor Internship Training Module

This module is designed

so that you can view, listen

to, read, or download the


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• College/University Internship Training


– it contains “specific” information, guidelines, or

rules that pertain specifically to the internship of

your college or university

• Have it available and ready to use while

completing this training module

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Purpose of Internship

The primary objectives of the internship are:

To experience the realities of the principalship by applying previous classroom knowledge to actual principal-like situations;

To gain practical experience in applying administrative skills, techniques, and theory through working with professional administrators;

To gain problem-based experiences in strategic leadership, instructional leadership, organizational leadership, and political and community leadership.

To practice problem-based learning in an authentic supervised environment.

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Purpose of Internship

To provide:

• opportunities to work with and learn from administrators in public schools, social service agencies, and other public and private organizations.

• a catalyst for professional growth and development based on standards and tailored to the help the candidate meet the state requirements for a principal endorsement.

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Review: The intent of the internship is to provide a catalyst for professional growth and development based on standards and tailored to the help the candidate meet the state requirements for a principal endorsement.

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to determine if your

institution has additional

items/information concerning

the Purpose of Internship

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Leadership Standards

Upon Which the

Internship is Based

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The internship is based upon the

following leadership standards:

• Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium

(ISLLC) Standards

• Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) 13

Critical Success Factors

• Illinois Professional School Leader Standards


• Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (IPTS)

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determine if your institution has

additional items/information

concerning the Internship Leadership


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Internship Learning


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Internship learning experiences

Candidates must demonstrate the ability to meet:

• The three required State Assessments as

promulgated in IL ADM CODE 30.APPENDIX A;

• 2008 ISLLC Standards for School Leaders


• SREB 13 Critical Success Factors Assessments;

• SREB 36 Competencies of Critical Success Factors


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Internship learning experiences

Candidates must demonstrate engagement in preschool – grade 12 instructional activities that involve:

• general education teachers at all grade levels

• special education teachers at all grade levels in special education settings;

• bilingual teachers at all grade levels in bilingual education settings;

• gifted education teachers at all grade levels in gifted education settings;

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Internship learning experiences

Candidates must:

• demonstrate 100% participation (49) in the

• SREB 13 Critical Success Factors

• SREB 36 Competencies

• demonstrate 80% leadership (40) in the

• SREB 13 Critical Success Factors

• SREB 36 Competencies

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Internship learning experiences

What they are NOT:

• any activities that are not directly related to the

provision of instruction at the school site

Examples of excluded activities:

• supervision of students during lunch or recess


• completion of preparation program coursework

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• Review: Candidates must actively engage in leadership activities that allow them to demonstrate the ability to meet standards and their own university requirements.

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to determine if your

institution has additional

items/information concerning

the Internship Learning


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Internship Products and


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Internship Products and artifacts

Candidates are responsible for


• the internship required assessments,

• university/college requirements

• products and/or artifacts that represent the

ability to meet the internship assessment

rubrics as outlined in the “Learning

Experiences Section” of this training module.

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additional items/information

concerning the Internship

Products or Artifacts

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Attendance, Participation,

and Technology

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Attendance and Participation


• Regular and punctual attendance is a

responsibility of the candidate while

participating in the internship.

• “Proactive” scheduling may be necessary to

participate in timely opportunities.

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Technology and email

• Each candidate is responsible for their own technology for use during the internship.

• It is a privilege to be able to use the internship internet site and every candidate is expected to become familiar with and adhere to the school’s internet and technology policies.

• Email may be the best way for candidates and faculty supervisors to communicate during the internship. Prompt responses and communication between both the candidate and the faculty supervisor will make the internship run effectively and efficiently.

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determine if your institution has

additional items/information

concerning Attendance,

Participation, and Technology

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Required Experiences in

Diverse Settings

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The internship is required to be conducted at one or more public or nonpublic schools as to enable the candidate to be exposed to and participate in a variety of school leadership situations in settings that:

• represent diverse economic and

• cultural conditions and

• involve interaction with various members of the school community.

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Experiences are required to include:

• Engagement in instructional activities that

involve teachers in both general education and

special education.

• Participation in leadership opportunities.

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Candidates must work with their faculty

supervisor to obtain the required school sites

that represent:

• Diverse economic conditions

• Diverse cultural conditions

• Involve interaction with various members

of the school community.

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Review: In accordance with Section 30.40 of Illinois State Leadership Redesign: The internship shall be conducted at one or more public or nonpublic schools as to enable the candidate to be exposed to and participate in a variety of school leadership situations in diverse settings.

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determine if your institution has

additional items/information

concerning Diversity


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The Role of the Candidate

in the Internship

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The role of the candidate in the


Candidates must:

• participate in all orientation and seminar

preparation/training as provided by the principal

preparation program and as required by the State;

• participate in all internship required leadership

activities and projects in collaboration with the

mentor and site administration team members;

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The role of the candidate in the


Candidates must:

• regularly communicate with the mentor to best meet the needs of students while engaging in appropriate/relevant leadership activities related to student learning;

• successfully complete the evaluation of license staff training required under Section 24A-3 of the School Code before the internship;

• take and pass the principal content-area test before completion of the internship;

• participate in a minimum of three seminars/meetings with the faculty supervisor(s) related to internship experiences;

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The role of the candidate in the


Candidates must:

• arrange with the faculty supervisor for observation and evaluation at least four times a year;

• incorporate feedback from the faculty supervisor and internship mentor into ongoing efforts towards growth and development;

• assure the completion of assessments of performance by the faculty supervisor and internship mentor;

• collect and submit all candidate internship assessments and documents;

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The role of the candidate in the


Candidates must:

• collect artifacts and submit evidence of

completion of all the SREB Critical Success factors;

• successfully complete all three prescribed State

internship assessments;

• complete the principal preparation program’s full

time residency requirement;

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The role of the candidate in the


Candidates must:

• successfully complete all of the principal

preparation program’s internship requirements with

supporting artifacts and documentation;

• request additional time, if necessary, to complete

the requirements of the internship.

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• Review: It is the responsibility of the candidates who wish to pursue the Educational Leadership program degree and/or endorsement to be fully engaged in meeting all state and university/college program requirements.

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additional items/information

concerning the Role of

Candidates in the Internship

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The Role of the

Internship Mentor

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The Role of the Internship Mentor

• Primary internship mentor in most cases will be the

candidate’s principal.

• Internship Mentor will provide feedback and

assessment to the candidate on all assessments of

the internship

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The Role of the Internship Mentor

• The internship mentor agrees to the responsibilities

and qualifications required by the state and college

and to complete the training to successfully fulfill

the role of the internship mentor.

• A copy of the mentoring agreement will be

submitted to the mentor’s district to communicate

the responsibilities of the mentor to the mentor’s

district supervisor.

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The Role of the Internship Mentor

The internship mentor plays a critical role in the internship

experiences and agrees to:

• participate in internship mentor preparation/training

as provided by the preparation program and as required

by the State;

• work directly with candidates that they observe

specific tasks related to meeting the SREB 13 critical

success factors and 36 essential competencies;

• work directly with candidates to participate in

specific tasks related to meeting SREB 13 the critical

success factors and 36 essential competencies;

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The Role of the Internship Mentor

The internship mentor plays a critical role in the internship experiences and agrees to:

• work directly with candidates to take the lead in specific tasks related to meeting the critical success factors and essential competencies referenced in Section 30.30(b)(3) of the rules;

• collaboratively work with the faculty supervisor to assess the performance of the leadership candidate through observations and the use of the internship rubrics as provided by the preparation program;

• provide support and remediation for any areas of performance in the internship that does not meet the identified standards

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• Review: The internship mentor agrees to the responsibilities and qualifications required by the state and college/university and to complete training to successfully fulfill the role of the internship mentor.

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determine if your institution has

additional items/information

concerning The Role of the

Internship Mentor

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The Role of the

Faculty Supervisor

in the Internship

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The role of the faculty supervisor in

the internship

• The faculty supervisor is responsible to:

– provide feedback to candidates

– support candidates

– provide assessment of leadership candidates’ work

– be the liaison for the university/college between the

candidate and the internship mentor.

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The role of the faculty supervisor in

the internship

The following is a summary of faculty supervisor


Participate in:

– supervisor preparation/training as provided by the

preparation program and as required by the State;

– training for the evaluation of licensed staff Section

24A-3 of the School Code

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The role of the faculty supervisor in

the internship Faculty supervisor responsibilities continued:

Verify that: • the candidate receives a passing score on the applicable

content-area test before entering the internship;

• the candidate successfully completes the evaluation of licensed staff training required under Section 24A-3 of the School Code before beginning his or her internship;

• observe, evaluate and provide feedback at least four times a year to each candidate about the candidate’s performance on those measures which align to the final assessments;

• conduct at least four face-to-face meetings with the internship mentor at the internship site of each candidate;

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The role of the faculty supervisor in

the internship Faculty supervisor responsibilities continued:

• conduct a minimum of three seminars a year for candidates involved in the internship;

•work in collaboration with the internship mentor to complete the assessment of the candidate’s performance;

• collect and submit all candidate internship assessments and documents;

• request additional time and/or support for a candidate who does not meet all the requirements of the internship;

• determine a plan of action to remediate any competency not met during the internship.

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The faculty supervisor is responsible to

provide feedback, support, and assessment

for the leadership candidate, and be the

liaison between the candidate and internship

mentor with the college. The faculty

supervisor is responsible for the collection

and submission of all documents

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additional items/information

concerning Role of the Faculty

Supervisor in the Internship

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Assessment Procedures,

Criteria, and Grading

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Each candidate is required to:

Demonstrate the ability to meet:

– the three required State Assessments as

promulgated in IL ADM CODE 30.APPENDIX A

– the 2008 ISLLC Standards for School Leaders


– the SREB 13 Critical Success Factors

– the SREB 36 Competencies of Critical Success


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Each candidate is required to demonstrate

engagement in the following:

instructional activities that involve:

• general education teachers at all grade levels

• special education teachers at all grade levels in special

education settings;

• bilingual teachers at all grade levels in bilingual

education settings;

• gifted education teachers at all grade levels in gifted

education settings;

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Each candidate is required to demonstrate

engagement in the following:

instructional activities that involve:

• observation of the hiring of teachers, other certified

staff, and noncertified staff;

• observation of supervision and evaluation of teachers,

other certified staff, and noncertified staff;

• development of a professional development plan for


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Each candidate is required to successfully

complete and to demonstrate proficiency

on the following internship activities:

• Demonstrate 100% participation (49) in the SREB 13 Critical Success Factors and 36 Competencies

• Demonstrate 80% leadership (40) in the SREB 13 Critical Success Factors and 36 Competencies

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Grading Criteria

Each college or university will have its own

grading criteria for the internship.

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• Each candidate is required to successfully complete and to demonstrate proficiency on a variety of activities and leadership opportunities;

• Each college/university will have its own grading criteria

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determine if your institution has

additional items/information

concerning Assessment

Procedures, Criteria, and Grading

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Certificate of Completion

is hereby granted to


to certify that he/she has completed to satisfaction


Internship Training Module


Candidate Date Mentor Date


Faculty Supervisor Date