powerpoint ellie oldfield


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Post on 09-Apr-2017




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Page 2: Powerpoint ellie oldfield

My Front CoverI used many key features to address/ attract your audience such as the following; • I made sure that my key image would attract a younger generation therefore I used a teenage girl to be the model, this allows my target audience to be able to straight away relate to the magazine. I had to take into account miss-en-scene in order to achieve this effectively.

•Having a menu strip within my front cover was a great way to draw the audience in. The audience are able to see straight away what the main things in the magazine are instead of being givin to much information at once.

•The colour scheme was very important when attracting the audience, as I was doing a pop/RnB magazine I made sure the colours were not dull but instead bright and noticeable.

• I used cover lines such as ‘Rachael Green beats Rihanna to top spot’ which again shows that I was focusing on a younger audience that is into chart music as Rihanna is a very big pop sensation.

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MY CONTENTS PAGEIn order to attract my audience using my

contents page I have to include various things;

• I used three different pictures that spoke about three different yet just as important things within

the magazine. It showed straight away that it includes a range of artists for boys and girls

which again leaves the audience feeling more enticed to purchase it.

• Pages are numbered clearly which again makes the readers to find everything more clearly and

shows a range of what is inside.

• within the contents page I have included bold writing which were parts that I wanted to stand

out the most for example. ‘exclusive’ which draws the audiences attention straight away

therfore it has to be a intersting topic.

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The picture used within my magazine is very similar to ones used through my front page and contents, I like that fact that I have kept a steady theme going which again I think is a great way to entice my audience in buying it. The fact there is change throughout but they know they are getting what they first saw on the front cover, a mainstream music magazine. I included a ‘competition box’ within my double page spread. I decided to put this in as it is what people of a younger age 13-20 enjoy within a magazine. The opportunities that my magazine gives makes the audience want to purchase my magazine