powerpoint about colour-secondary education resource


Upload: anisa-tahzib

Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Learning Objectives

To know more about colour mixing and artists who created Fauve paintings

To be able to plan and create ideas towards their paintings inspired by Fauvism, using colour mixing effectively

To begin to think about the use of painting materials and colour painting techniques for their fauve paintings

Learning outcome: All – To have discussed and created at least a few images

leading to a painting inspired by Fauvism using colour mixing effectively.

Most-will have added colour mixing techniques to all of their drawings

Some-will have added some annotations to their paintings inspired by Fauvism

Key Words

*Colour Mixing*Fauves Art*Accuracy*Linear Perspective

Henri Matisse

According to the Fauves, the painting should give us joy; it should work as a liberator. ‘Something which represents his spirit,’ according to Matisse

Andre Derain

Charing Cross Bridge, London, 1906 A Fauve artist feels that a painting should not only express the glory of life, but should also

be a jewel in every surrounding

Maurice de Vlaminck

- Fauvism is the first movement that takes the main focus of the picture to the painting itself, to the play of lines and colors, and is therefore one of the pioneering movements of the modern art of painting. It originated in France.

Colour Wheel


-What would you create for your painting inspired by Fauvism. Remember the use of colour and technique used in Fauve painting

-Split the page into at least 4 and start drawing and use paints to express your ideas

-If you have completed your paintings annotate work: *Have you used the materials effectively to express your idea*What image did you choose to paint and why? *Is your painting technique effective?*What is the meaning/story behind the work?*What has could be improved and what has been successful?