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TEST BOOKLET-2013 (narjm-nwpñVH$m-2013) Exam. Code Test Booklet No. : narjm> H$moS> narjm-nwpñVH$m g§»`m : (This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.) TIME : 2 Hours 15 Minutes (Bg narjm-nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa Ag§bp½ZV Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ aIm hþAm h¡) g_` : 2 K§ Q>m 15 {_ZQ> Subject No. of Questions I§S> àíZm| H$s g§»`m G.K., Hindi & Maths 100 gm_mÝ` kmZ, qhXr Ed§ J{UV 100 NOTE : Please read the “Instructions to Candidates” and then fill up the following accordingly. (ZmoQ> : ""narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {b`o {ZX}em|'' H$mo nT>| Am¡a V~ CZHo$ AZwgma ZrMo ^a| &) 1. Candidate’s Name : ____________________________________________________________________ (narjmWu H$m Zm_) 2. Candidate’s Full Signature : ____________________________________________________________ (narjmWu H$m nyam hñVmja) 3. Roll No. (Fill in digits and words as shown in the Example) : am¡b Z§. (CXmhaU ({ZX}e g§»`m 2) _| {XImE J`o AZwgma AnZo am¡b Zå~a H$mo A§H$m| VWm eãXm| _| ^a|) 4. Exam. Centre : ________________________________________________________________________ (narjm Ho$ÝÐ) 5. Exam. Centre Code : (narjm Ho$ÝÐ H$m H$moS>) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {b`o {ZX}e) (A) General (gm_mÝ`) : 1. This Booklet contains 32 pages and one unattached OMR Answer Sheet kept inside it. As soon as the booklet is distributed, Examinees are directed to confirm the number of pages, legibility of printing etc. They must also confirm that the Bar Code is printed on the OMR Answer Sheet. No complain will be entertained for exchange of booklet later than 10 minutes after distribution. Bg narjm nw pñVH$m _| EH$ Ag§ b½Z Amo .E_.Ama. CÎma nÌH$ Ho $ A{V[aV 32 n¥ îR> h¢ & O¡ go hr `h nw pñVH$m {dV[aV H$s OmVr h¡ d¡ go hr àË`o H$ narjmWu H$m o Mm{h`o {H$ dh BgHo n¥ îR>m | H$s g§ »`m Am ¡ a N>nmB© H$s ew ÕVm Am{X H$s gå`H² $ Om ± M H$a bo & àË`o H$ narjmWu H$m o `h ^r gw {ZpíMV H$a bo Zm Mm{h`o {H Am o .E_.Ama. CÎma nÌ na ""~ma H$m o S'' N>nm h¡ > & narjm nw pñVH$m Ho $ ~± Q>Zo Ho $ Xg {_ZQ> Ho $ ~mX Bgo ~XbZo H$s H$m o B© {eH$m`V ñdrH$ma Zht H$s Om`o Jr & 2. Roll No. should be written in digits as well as in words in the appropriate Box provided at serial-3 above on the upper portion of the front cover page of this Test Booklet as per the example given below : narjm nw pñVH$m Ho $ _w »` n¥ îR> Ho $ D$nar ^mJ Ho $ H« $_ 3 _| ~Zm`o J`o gå~pÝYV ~m° g _| ZrMo {X`o J`o CXmhaU Ho $ AZw gma am¡ b Zå~a H$mo A§ H$m| VWm eãXm| _| {bIZm h¡ : Example ( CXmhaU): Roll No. (am¡b Z§) : 179682 1 7 9 6 8 2 O S N S E T N E I I I W E V N X G O E E H N T 3.The candidate will first open GREEN Colour Seal only and read the complete instructions carefully as also see the instructions on the back side and fill the details in the Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet. Candidates will next open BLUE Colour Seal when asked to do so. Before answering please ensure that Question Booklet has 32 pages and 100 questions. Immediately report on error and ask for change. gd© àW_ Ho$db ham a§J H$s grb Imob|o Am¡a Xr JB© gyMZmAm| H$mo Am¡a gmW hr A§{V_ n¥îR> _| Xr JB© gyMZmAm| H$mo Ü`mZ go nT>|& àíZ nÌ Am¡a Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma nÌ _| _m§Jr J`r OmZH$mar gmdYmZr nyd©H$ {bI| & ~mX _| O~ H$hm Om`o, V^r narjmWu {Zbo a§J H$s grb Imob|& CÎma {bIZo Ho$ nyd© `h gw{ZpíMV H$a| {H$ àíZ nwpñVH$m _| 32 n¥îR> Am¡a 100 àíZ h¢ & JbVr nm`o OmZo na VwaÝV Ü`mZ AmH${f©V H$a| Am¡a Cgo ~Xb b| & Continued on Page No. 2 (n¥îR> g§. 2 na XoI|&) HGEXMEN * Powered by : Allpapers.in www.CareerJobIndia.com

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Page 1: Powered by : Allpapers · TEST BOOKLET-2013 Exam. Code Test Booklet No. : ˘ˇˆ˙ ˝ (This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.)

TEST BOOKLET-2013���������� ��������

Exam. Code Test Booklet No. :

������� ����� ��������� ��������� �

(This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.) TIME : 2 Hours 15 Minutes

������������� ��� ����� �����!"#�����$%&$���$�'(����) ���*��+,���+-� �&����2�.�/���15 0&#/� Subject No. of Questions ���*��� 12#�3� �4������ G.K., Hindi & Maths 100 ��&����5�#6�7+ ��%8��90:� 100 NOTE : Please read the “Instructions to Candidates” and then fill up the following accordingly.

�������#��/����;;�����0<=��3� ���0!���0# >?�3@@� �����AB�3���-���C�'# ����#����#�D��E�3�FG�1. Candidate’s Name : ____________________________________________________________________

������<H� ���#�&�2. Candidate’s Full Signature : ____________________________________________________________

������<H� ����I���+������3. Roll No. (Fill in digits and words as shown in the Example) :

��-!�#�$��' �+�:��0# >?�������2��&3�0 *�%�9����#������#����-!�#JC�� ������ ��3��<��?K �3�&3�E�3�

4. Exam. Centre : ________________________________________________________________________������� ���L�

5. Exam. Centre Code : ������� ���L� ��� ������


������0<=��3� ���0!���0# >?�(A) General ���&������

1. This Booklet contains 32 pages and one unattached OMR Answer Sheet kept inside it. As soon as the booklet is distributed,Examinees are directed to confirm the number of pages, legibility of printing etc. They must also confirm that the Bar Code is printedon the OMR Answer Sheet. No complain will be entertained for exchange of booklet later than 10 minutes after distribution.

�������������� ���������������������������������������������� ��32��!"#$$�%&'(�)*���%��+%���� �����,�������-�)���%*�,*���%��./+�������01�����2�%+������,%������!"#$����-���3+��*��4$��5���-�6�7����8���-��9+�:��);2�������'(�./+�������01�����+%�<�������=2����������2�%+��������������������������>>?�����@AA�4$���%*$�'(������� ��������?;B$�������8�����B$�����?8�����?8������-�����5��6��+�� ,������%C���-�)+�D��'(

2. Roll No. should be written in digits as well as in words in the appropriate Box provided at serial-3 above on the upper portion of thefront cover page of this Test Booklet as per the example given below :

����������� ����������3+��!"#$�����E�����<D������F���3����?�+��D+���9?�GH��?I �������2���8+��D+���8%�J������������*���9?�������������0�6K8�������L��%*��Example �' �+�:�: Roll No. ���-!�#�� : 179682 1 7 9 6 8 2



3.The candidate will first open GREEN Colour Seal only and read the complete instructions carefully as also see the instructions onthe back side and fill the details in the Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet. Candidates will next open BLUE Colour Seal whenasked to do so. Before answering please ensure that Question Booklet has 32 pages and 100 questions. Immediately report on errorand ask for change.

�����,5�.0�����,��+�����9� �4���!�L������*��8��D�5��M2���������*���0�%���������!"#$����8��D�5��M2��������N+������O$�'(�.=������*�����������������������D��D+��)�������,H����M,5�����L��'(�?8����)?���%�)+�P��<�����01�0#!����9� �4���!�L���(�������L��������M,5�+%������=2�����������.=�

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Page 2: Powered by : Allpapers · TEST BOOKLET-2013 Exam. Code Test Booklet No. : ˘ˇˆ˙ ˝ (This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.)

* -2-

HGEXMEN ���������

4. In the Test Booklet, there are 100 questions. Thus 100 questions in all are to be answered.

������� ������������100�.=��%&'(����.���������100 .=����������8���%*'(

5. Each Question is of 1 mark, which will be awarded for the correct answer. No negative mark will be

deducted for each wrong answer. More than one Answer indicated against a Question will be declared as

incorrect Answer.



6. If there is any difference between English version and the corresponding translated version in Hindi of

any question, then the English version will be treated as authentic.


7. Use of Calculator/Slide Rule/Log Table/Graph Paper/Charts or any electronic gadget eg. Mobile Phone

etc. is not allowed.

�*�������B$�T ��@$U��T�ID�B$�?��TDFV�����T2B$:$5��+�������.����������� BW$����������J�+0���?���V������8�����+�D�,�)5��%*'(

8. Any candidate attempting or using unfair means or copying or detaching any page of question booklet

or marking the answer on the question booklet will be expelled and his candidature will be rejected.

+�8�����5����01�����������P�D���������������P����X��� ��������!"#$�V�Y@$���+�������������L����+�)+�D����������������"�����������8+�)+�D��*������-��9��8,����Z�����8��)+�D�'(

9. Candidates must also follow the instructions, which may be given by the Centre Superintendent from

time to time.




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11. Candidates on completion of examination handover the OMR answer sheet to the invigilator. The invigilatorshall separate the two sheets and handover the duplicate copy (orange) which is mandatory to preserve

till counseling is over. Candidates are allowed to carry the question booklet allotted to them.

���������M��%��������9��8,������������������� ����������������&��8��'(��������8������� ������������D����D��*��8M����.���R���D�]��������&��8�DP��)��������^�D�����L/��%���������������L�����,+5�%*�'(��9��8,�������G%���,��B$��.=����� �������)�����-��������%*�'(

Continued on Page No. 3���������������������������MNO����$�3 ��� �*3FG�

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Page 3: Powered by : Allpapers · TEST BOOKLET-2013 Exam. Code Test Booklet No. : ˘ˇˆ˙ ˝ (This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.)

* -3-

��������� HGEXMEN

(B) Process for Filling up OMR Answer-Sheet ����$%&$���$�'(����) �� ����E�#�� �4�10 P������


��������������������F�������%*��)�����9_+MB$�� �*����[���YO$�)��%*'(

2. Roll No., Examination Centre and its Code and Test Booklet No. should be written on the AnswerSheet in CAPITAL LETTERS. The Digits should be written in appropriate boxes in Blue/Black ball pointpen and the circles corresponding to the digits be darkened with Blue/Black ball point pen only.

����������������85"B$� 0�������*���9?�T�������GS�������@$T������� ������-���3+���8��������X��������I���B$����B$�����<��'(����85"B$�2*�����L���������������T�����?��_,��B$���������<����*���9?�GH��D����������V5�#�!�Q ��!��C�R!�S8���/�� �!&����<��'(

Example : If Roll No. is 179682 and the Question Booklet No. is 2439, then

' �+�:�� +�8��*���9?��179682 %*P��� �,� ������� ������3+�2439 %*P���1 7 9 6 8 2

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9 9

0 0 0 0 0 0

2 4 3 9

1 1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8

9 9 9

0 0 0 0

3. On completion of examination handover the answer sheet to the Invigilator. The Invigilator shall separatethe two sheets and handover the duplicate copy (orange) to you.

����%���� ����?8�������������� ���,�)��B$�� R�M��,�`)�)����� �8+�)��2�%�'(� ���,�)��B$��8��6�B$�������D�������@�$�_����B$���IV�-�����������8���2�%��'(

4. The questions are multiple choice type. Each question is provided with a number of choices of Answers,out of which ONLY ONE is MOST APPROPRIATE. The candidate must darken the appropriate circleprovided in front of the question number, using Blue/Black ball point pen only.

.=��?%aX�,��b��.��������%*'(�./+����.=�����������8+��D+���,��b����������������,������%���,5�H�����+� ��%*'(����01����

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Example : If correct answer for question no. 7 is the choice ‘B’, then darken the circle in front of questionno. 7 as shown below :

' �+�:�� +�8�.=����3+�7 ���������,��b��‘B’ �%������%*P����.=����3+� 7 ��������������9?�GH��D����������2���8L+��D+�������������D��%*��XQ. No. 1 A B C D

Q. No. 2 A B C D

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. ..

Q. No. 7 A B C D Continued on Page No. 32���������������������������MNO����$�32 ��� �*3FG�

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* -4-

HGEXMEN ���������

General Knowledge

1. The full form of N.A.B.A.R.D. is

(A) National Bank of Agriculture Regional Development

(B) National Bank of Agriculture Rural Development

(C) National Bureau of Aeronautical Research and Development

(D) None of the above

2. P.A.N. means

(A) Permanent Account Number

(B) Personal Account Number

(C) Patent Allocation Number

(D) None of the above

3. S.T.D. stands for

(A) State Telephone Dialling

(B) Standard Telephone Dialling

(C) Subscriber Telephone Dialling

(D) Subscriber Trunk Dialling

4. National Game of India is

(A) Hockey (B) Cricket

(C) Kabaddi (D) Kho-Kho

5. The longest bone in Human Body is

(A) Thigh (B) Hand

(C) Leg (D) Spine

6. Photosynthesis occurs in

(A) Flowers

(B) Leaves

(C) Trunk

(D) Roots

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* -5-

��������� HGEXMEN


1. �?@$5�(N.A.B.A.R.D.) ����MJ5�U���%*�'(

(A) ��6���?&����IV���DF���b2����)���@$�,����B$

(B) ��6���?&����IV���DF���b2��U����@$�,����B$

(C) ��6���K+M����IV������I�B$�������25��c@$�@$�,����B$

(D) ������������5��%C

2. P.A.N. �����<.+�%*�'(

(A) �����B$�����cB$���?�

(B) ��5�������cB$���?�

(C) ��B$�B$�������6����?�

(D) ������������5��%C

3. S.T.D. ����/�+5�%*�'(

(A) B$�B$�B$���V����@$+^�D

(B) B$*c@$@$5�B$���V����@$+^�D

(C) �? �F��?��B$���V����@$+^�D

(D) �? �F��?��BW$����@$+^�D

4. <�������"BW$�+�L���%*�'(

(A) %��- (B) ��F����B$

(C) ��?d$� (D) L�XL�

5. ��,�6������-��?�����?��%d$��%*�'(

(A) );e (B) %0

(C) �*� (D) ��YO$

6. .��6���=��QJ���-���F�+�%����%*�'(

(A) VM������ (B) ������

(C) ������ (D) )Y@$����

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* -6-

HGEXMEN ���������

7. Rice is

(A) A seed

(B) A seeded fruit

(C) Multi seeded fruit

(D) None of the above

8. Which plant has seeds but does not have fruits ?

(A) Sugarcane (B) Groundnut

(C) Almond (D) Sycus

9. In which plant the fruit is found beneath the soil ?

(A) Carrot (B) Radish

(C) Potato (D) Groundnut

10. Which type of plant is Pea Plant ?

(A) Vegetable (B) Flower

(C) Shrub (D) None of the above

11. ‘Yellow Cake’ is smuggled across borders. This substance is

(A) Unrefined Heroin

(B) Uranium Oxide

(C) Unrefined Cocaine

(D) Impure Gold

12. Alum cleans dirty water by the process of

(A) Absorption (B) Adsorption

(C) Coagulation (D) Dialysis

13. Pearls is basically made of

(A) Calcium Oxalate

(B) Calcium Sulphate

(C) Calcium Carbonate

(D) Calcium Oxide

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* -7-

��������� HGEXMEN

7. 2,�����8��%*�'(

(A) ����?�) (B) ����?�)�+�V��

(C) ?%a?�)�+�V�� (D) ������������5��%C

8. ������*H�����?�)�%���%*��������V����%C�%���%*�f

(A) �5L (B) �M�DV���

(C) ?8� (D) �����

9. ������*H�����V���<M���������2���+�)��%*�f

(A) D)� (B) �M��

(C) ��M (D) �M�DV���

10. �B$���*H�%*�'(

(A) 6�� (B) ��"�

(C) gY@$� (D) ������������5��%C

11. >+��������A�������)��, �����-��������� �������-�)���%*P�,%�%*�'(

(A) %�������������"�!���U��

(B) +M����+���I ��@$

(C) ���������������"�!���U��

(D) �6��H�����

12. �V�B$�����D�8���������������.��F�+�[�� ,h4$�������%*�f

(A) �,6�QJ (B) ��H6�QJ

(C) ���8� (D) ���%�

13. �������3+�U������?��%���%*�'(

(A) �*��b�+���I )���B$ (B) �*��b�+���bV��B$

(C) �*��b�+����?\��B$ (D) �*��b�+���I ��@$

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* -8-

HGEXMEN ���������

14. Who gave the slogan of ‘Jai Hind’ ?

(A) Subhash Chandra Bose

(B) Jawaharlal Nehru

(C) Motilal Nehru

(D) Mahatma Gandhi

15. Who said, “Give me blood, I will give you freedom” ?

(A) Subhash Chandra Bose

(B) Arvind Ghosh

(C) Bhagat Singh

(D) Chandra Shekhar Azad

16. Who wrote our National Song ?

(A) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

(B) Harivansh Rai Bachchan

(C) Iqbal

(D) None of the above

17. The author of the book ‘Godaan’ is

(A) Premchand

(B) Bharatendu Harishchandra

(C) Harivansh Rai Bachchan

(D) Mahadevi Verma

18. When did the Indian Constitution come into force ?

(A) 1947 (B) 1950

(C) 1941 (D) 1965

19. When is ‘Hindi Diwas’ celebrated ?

(A) 2 October (B) 14 September

(C) 22 June (D) None of the above

20. International Women’s Day is celebrated on

(A) 8 March (B) 14 November

(C) 1 July (D) None of the above

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* -9-

��������� HGEXMEN

14. >)+�^%8A���������������8+�'f

(A) ��<Q�2�S�?��

(B) ),%������%U�

(C) ����������%U�

(D) �%/��D;H�

15. ���������%�0�����>>������g��LM��8���*���9%���)8��8M�DAA�'f

(A) ��<Q�2�S�?�� (B) ��^,8�e�Q

(C) <D��̂ �% (D) 2�S6�L���)8

16. %�����"BW$�+�D���������L�����*��0��f

(A) ?�����2�S�2B$)1

(B) %��,�6�+�?h2�

(C) ���?�

(D) ������������5��%C

17. >D�8�A���G+��������L���%*�'(

(A) .��2�S (B) <���8��%��62�S

(C) %��,�6�+�?h2� (D) �%8�,��,�5

18. <�������������,H����?� ,��������+�f

(A) 1947 (B) 1950

(C) 1941 (D) 1965

19. >^%8���8,�A���+�)��%*

(A) 2 � �M?� (B) 14 ����?�

(C) 22 )M� (D) ������������5��%C

20. ����5"BW$�+���%���8,����?���+�)��%*�'f

(A) 8 �25 (B) 14 �,�?�

(C) 1 )���5 (D) ������������5��%C

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* -10-

HGEXMEN ���������

21. Which is the soul of Indian Constitution ?

(A) Preamble (B) Directive Principle

(C) Fundamental Rights (D) None of the above

22. India is

(A) A Secular Nation

(B) Hindu Nation

(C) Hindu-Muslim Nation

(D) None of the above

23. Lok Sabha consists of ___________ members.

(A) 240 (B) 230

(C) 540 (D) 450

24. From which Indian State maximum number of representatives are elected ?

(A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Rajasthan (D) West Bengal

25. In order to be Prime Minister, a person must be

(A) 21 years of age (B) 25 years of age

(C) 30 years of age (D) 35 years of age

26. Who was the first Home Minister of Independent India ?

(A) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

(B) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

(C) Gulzari Lal Nanda

(D) None of the above

27. Which institution has the power to control the expenditure of Central Government ?

(A) Parliament

(B) President

(C) Prime Minister

(D) Comptroller and Auditor General

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* -11-

��������� HGEXMEN

21. <���+����,H����-��/����������%�)��%*�f

(A) . �,����� (B) ��8�6�����7������

(C) �*�������H�������� (D) ������������5��%C

22. <���%*����

(A) H�5�������"BW$ (B) ^%8���"BW$

(C) ^%8����� ����"BW$ (D) ����5��%C

23. <���+�������<�����������������8 +�%����%*�f

(A) 240 (B) 230

(C) 540 (D) 450

24. ������i+�����?�����H���.�����H�2����)���%*'f

(A) �N+.8�6 (B) ����.8�6

(C) �) 0� (D) ����?�D�

25. .H������?������-���H������+�'

(A) 21 (B) 25

(C) 30 (D) 35

26. ,����<�������.0��D!%�����0�'(

(A) ����),%�������%U�

(B) ��8��,b�<<�5��B$��

(C) D��)��������8

(D) ����5��%C

27. ���S�����������j++�������+�������������-�6� �������������%*'f

(A) ���8

(B) �"BW$���

(C) .H�����

(D) ��+������,���%��L���������

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HGEXMEN ���������

28. Who has the right to interpret the Constitution ?

(A) Parliament

(B) Judiciary

(C) Council of Ministers at the Centre

(D) None of the above

29. Which language is used in the Supreme Court for its legal work ?

(A) Hindi

(B) English

(C) Hindi and English

(D) Languages included in 8th schedule of the Constitution

30. Judiciary in India is

(A) Independent

(B) Subordinate to the Parliament

(C) Subordinate judiciary

(D) Election Commission

31. How many High Courts are there in India ?

(A) 15 (B) 16

(C) 17 (D) 21

32. The Prime Minister of India submits his/her resignation to whom ?

(A) President (B) Home Minister

(C) Chief Justice of Supreme Court (D) None

33. Whom does the Governor represent in the States ?

(A) Central Government

(B) President

(C) Prime Minister

(D) None of the above

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* -13-

��������� HGEXMEN

28. ���,H����-�j+3+������������H���������������%*'f

(A) ���8 (B) G++�����

(C) ���S�+�������@$� (D) ����������%C

29. �,\k�G++�+����G+�+������X��)��������������<Q����.+�D����+�)��%*'f

(A) ^%8�

(B) ��D�F)�

(C) ^%8���*����DF�)�

(D) 8 ,������M2�����6��������5�<��<Q

30. <������G++�������%*'(

(A) ,���

(B) ���8������H��

(C) �H�� ��G++�+

(D) ��,52���+�D

31. <�������������������h2�G++�+�%*'f

(A) 15 (B) 16

(C) 17 (D) 21

32. <������.H����������/+D����������&���%*'f

(A) �"BW$���

(B) D!%����

(C) �,\k�G++�+�������3+�G++H�6����

(D) ����������%C

33. �i+����i+�����������.�����H�%���%*'f

(A) ���S��������� (B) �"BW$���

(C) .H�������� (D) ����������%C

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HGEXMEN ���������

34. Who appoints the Lieutenant Governor ?

(A) Central Government

(B) President

(C) Prime Minister

(D) None of the above

35. Chief Ministers of State are

(A) Appointed (B) Elected

(C) Nominated (D) Selected

36. Who appoints the Chief Minister ?

(A) President

(B) Prime Minister

(C) Governor

(D) Chairman of Vidhan Sabha

37. What type of electricity is mostly produced in India ?

(A) Hydel-electricity (B) Solar-electricity

(C) Atomic-electricity (D) Wind electricity

38. Which was the first country where Industrial Revolution took place ?

(A) France (B) Germany

(C) England (D) India

39. Where is the maximum production of wheat in India ?

(A) Punjab (B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Haryana (D) Madhya Pradesh

40. Who was the founder of Green Revolution in India ?

(A) Norman Borlaugh

(B) William God

(C) Verghese Kurrian

(D) M. S. Swaminathan

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��������� HGEXMEN

34. ���i+�����-�G+�� ����*�������%*�f

(A) ���S������ (B) �"BW$���

(C) .H����� (D) ����������%C

35. �i+��������3+����

(A) ��+� ��%����%*'(

(B) ��,5�2��%����%*'(

(C) �������%����%*'(

(D) 2+����%����%*'(

36. ��3+�������-���+�� ����������[����-�)���%*'f

(A) �"BW$��� (B) .H�����

(C) �i+�� (D) �,H���<N+

37. <�����������.������-��,l�������,5�H����/�8��%���%*'f

(A) )�X�,l�� (B) ����,l��

(C) ���J�X�,l�� (D) �,���,l��

38. �*l��D����F��G���,5.0�������8�6����%a�5'f

(A) VF��� (B) )�5��

(C) �����@$ (D) <��

39. <������D�%m������,5�H����/�8��������,���i+���*����%**'�f

(A) ��)? (B) ����.8�6

(C) %��+J (D) �N+.8�6

40. <������%�����F��G������)������*��0�'f

(A) �II����?���ID (B) �,��+��DI@$

(C) ,�D5�������+� (D) �������� ,���0�

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HGEXMEN ���������

7+ �

41. �/0������,����6K8������������������������%*�'((A) ��� (B) �D�� (C) ���� (D) �M�8�

42. <Q���-��?���4$�B$������5��������������������������%*�'((A) ,J5 (B) j+�)� (C) N,�� (D) ,�

43. ����������*��>�;LA�����+5+,2���%C�%*�'f(A) 2� (B) �+� (C) �,����� (D) ���

44. ?������?����P� ,�������������������������(A) ����� (B) ��D�� (C) ,���� (D) �����

45. +%P�,%P����P������8������������������������%&�'((A) ��F�+ (B) �,5�� (C) ��n (D) �,6�QJ

46. 8M�861���)��8M����-���2��%*P��o=+������������������������(A) )��8M��%� (B) )���8L�5�8�(C) )���8L�5���8� (D) 8M��8�L���,�

47. �%G8��<Q��������������������������������%*�'((A) D����L� (B) ?Fp� (C) V���� (D) 8�,�D��

48. �8�����8,�P�D!%������������������������(A) �8� (B) �%� (C) D;, (D) 6%�

49. >��D����D��A���%,������%���05��,��b���������2����'((A) �F��H�����������#$���6K8���%� (B) �D�V�����(C) ������%�� (D) ��,��%��

50. ����6K8�8��)����>�)����������%�A(A) ����� (B) ���� (C) ��8 (D) �D�

51. >)������-��h4$��L���,�A����� +���%���%&�f(A) �)n�� (B) n�� (C) ?��7�� (D) �)D

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* -17-

��������� HGEXMEN

52. ���6+�6K8��������������������������������D5�%*�'(

(A) � (B) ��� (C) � (D) ���

53. ������6K8�����������������������������D5�%*�'(

(A) � (B) �� (C) E� (D) ��

54. >�������A�6K8����6�7�U��� +�%*�f

(A) ������� (B) 6������

(C) ������� (D) �������

55. >�G���A�6K8������%���,����6K8��,��b���������2�����'(

(A) ����� (B) ���

(C) �,��� (D) .�G���

56. #$�������� ��^�D�6K8�%*�'(

(A) #$����� (B) #$�����

(C) #$������ (D) #$������

57. �,l01�6K8����?%a,2�����������������������%*�'(

(A) �,l�05+; (B) �,l�05+�

(C) �,l01�DJ (D) �,l�05+�

58. D������8MH���+�'(


(A) ���5������ (B) ���J������

(C) ���5������ (D) ��.8�������

59. >H�5A�6K8�����,6�QJ� +�%*�f

(A) H�1 (B) H��5�� (C) �H�5 (D) H�1+

60. >�H�� L�A�6K8����?%a,2��%*�'(

(A) �H�� L�+; (B) �H��� L+�

(C) �H��� L+� (D) �H��� L+;

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HGEXMEN ���������


61. Multiply 235 by 13 ________________

(A) 4322 (B) 3078

(C) 3055 (D) 5566

62. Round 846 to the nearest hundred _____________

(A) 900 (B) 800

(C) 840 (D) 700

63. What number is the same as five thousand twenty-two ?

(A) 5200 (B) 502

(C) 5202 (D) 5022

64. Which number is greater than 5678 but less than 5708 ?

(A) 5677 (B) 5707

(C) 5800 (D) 0

65. What is the value of the symbol # ______________

6 + # = 14

(A) 8 (B) 7

(C) 10 (D) 12

66. How many blocks of 100 and 10 can you make with 3250 ?

(A) 325 and 1 (B) 32 and 5

(C) 30 and 50 (D) 3 and 55

67. Find the value of 5 kilometre in meters.

(A) 500 m (B) 5500 m

(C) 1500 m (D) 5000 m

68. Which fraction is greater than 2/3 ?

(A) 1/3 (B) 3/3

(C) 3/9 (D) 2/6

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��������� HGEXMEN


61. 235�����13����D�J���������(A) 4322 (B) 3078

(C) 3055 (D) 5566

62. 846�����D��100�,;�D�J���(A) 900 (B) 800

(C) 840 (D) 700

63. ��*�������3+���2�%)��?�5������?�?��%*�f(A) 5200 (B) 502

(C) 5202 (D) 5022

64. ��*�������3+�5678����i+8��*��5708��������%*�f(A) 5677 (B) 5707

(C) 5800 (D) 0

65. #����������� +��Mb+�%���%*�f

6 + # = 14

(A) 8 (B) 7

(C) 10 (D) 12

66. 3250�����?������������100��*��10������������K�I ����-��,=+����%����%*�f(A) 325 �*��1 (B) 32 �*��5(C) 30 �*��50 (D) 3 �*��55

67. 5��������B$��������������B$��%����%*�f(A) 500 m (B) 5500 m

(C) 1500 m (D) 5000 m

68. 2T3����?@$���<G��?��5�'((A) 1/3 (B) 3/3

(C) 3/9 (D) 2/6

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* -20-

HGEXMEN ���������

69. Find the value of 12 × 12 × 12.

(A) 1893 (B) 1728

(C) 2000 (D) 2005

70. The shaded fraction is ___________

(A) two-ninths (B) nine-three

(C) four-eights (D) three-ninths

71. Perform the following additions :

64837 + 4598 = ?

(A) 69435 (B) 69500

(C) 69436 (D) 69434

72. Perform the following subtractions :

92345 – 91422 = ?

(A) 920 (B) 924

(C) 921 (D) 923

73. What is the best name of a geometric figure that looks like a Geometry box ?

(A) Cone (B) Prism

(C) Cuboids (D) None

74. Which of the following shape could you probably use to describe the shape of youreyeball ?

(A) Cube (B) Sphere

(C) Cylinder (D) Cone

75. Which of the following shape could you probably use to describe the shape of a dice ?

(A) Cube (B) Sphere

(C) Cylinder (D) Rectangular prism

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* -21-

��������� HGEXMEN

69. 12��12��12�����Mb+�?��5�'((A) 1893 (B) 1728

(C) 2000 (D) 2005

70. <��%a��<D�������������������%*'(

(A) 8�X�* (B) �*X���

(C) 2�X�#$ (D) ���X�*

71. ��9����L������)��Y@$��'(

64837 + 4598 = ?

(A) 69435 (B) 69500

(C) 69436 (D) 69434

72. ��9����L������eB$�5��(

92345 – 91422 = ?

(A) 920 (B) 924

(C) 921 (D) 923

73. ���i+����+���!����������?��5��)������i+�����? ����-���%��8L��%*

(A) ���� (B) �.i�

(C) e� (D) ����5��%C

74. �������5�?b����-���!��������?������������������������������+�D�������%*�f

(A) e� (B) ,!�

(C) ?��� (D) ����

75. ������������������?�������������������!���������+�D����+�)��%*�f

(A) e� (B) ,!�

(C) ?��� (D) 2*��*���.i�

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HGEXMEN ���������

76. Write the following numbers in words :

962 ________________________________

(A) Nine hundred and sixty two (B) Nine thousand and sixty two

(C) Ninety six and two (D) Nine sixty two

77. Write the following numbers in words :

5669 _______________________________

(A) Fifty six hundred sixty nine

(B) Five thousand six hundred and sixty nine

(C) Fifty six thousand sixty nine

(D) Five thousand six hundred sixty and nine

78. Write the following numbers in words :

8785 ______________________________

(A) Eight lacs seven hundred and eighty five

(B) Eighty seven lacs eighty five

(C) Eighty seven hundred eighty five

(D) Eight thousand seven hundred and eighty five

79. Perform the following long division :


(A) 8224 (B) 8221

(C) 8220 (D) 8229

80. Jeff has 5 peaches. Jeff ate 3 of them. How many peaches does Jeff have left ?

(A) 4 peaches (B) 3 peaches

(C) 2 peaches (D) 5 peaches

81. Sidd has 11 blocks. Tom has 10 blocks. How many blocks do they have altogether ?

(A) 21 blocks (B) 20 blocks

(C) 22 blocks (D) 19 blocks

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* -23-

��������� HGEXMEN

76. ��9����L����3+�����6K8��������L�'(

962 ________________________________

(A) �*��*�?�#$ (B) �*�%)��?�#$

(C) �4$+�,���*��8� (D) �*�?�#$

77. ��9����L����3+�����6K8��������L�'(

5669 _________________________________

(A) 4$_����*���%�� (B) �;2�%)��4%��*���%��

(C) 4$_���%)����%�� (D) �;2�%)��4%��*��#$��*���*

78. ��9����L����3+�����6K8��������L�'(

8785 ________________________________

(A) �#$��L�����*��2�� (B) ������L��2��

(C) ������*��2�� (D) �#$�%)������*��2��

79. �;D��,<)����-�)�'(


(A) 8224 (B) 8221

(C) 8220 (D) 8229

80. )�V�����5���2��L��8���*����������3�L�����?�)�V����������������6�Q�?2��%*�f

(A) 4 ��2� (B) 3 ��2�

(C) 2 ��2� (D) 5 ��2�

81. ��@$��������11�K� ��%*��0�B$I���������10�K����%*����8������������������������������K�I���%*�f

(A) 21 K� � (B) 20�K� �

(C) 22�K� � (D) 19�K� �

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* -24-

HGEXMEN ���������

82. Paul has 11 blocks. He gives his sister 9 . How many blocks are left ?

(A) 4 blocks (B) 6 blocks

(C) 3 blocks (D) 2 blocks

83. Som has 7 pens. He buys 7 more pens. How many pens does he have in all ?

(A) 49 pens (B) 14 pens

(C) 1 pen (D) 0 pen

84. A pencil costs is Rs. 2. What is the costs of 10 pencil ?

(A) 5 Rupees (B) 15 Rupees

(C) 20 Rupees (D) 25 Rupees

85. Lee has 5 books. Sidd has 3 books. How many books do they have altogether ?

(A) 15 books (B) 3 books

(C) 2 books (D) 8 books

86. 6 boys went to the carnival. Each boy rode the roller coaster 8 times, how many times

did they ride the roller coaster in all ?

(A) 48 times (B) 14 times

(C) 84 times (D) 86 times

87. Each student has 8 markers. If there are 12 students in class, how many markers are

there in all ?

(A) 69 markers (B) 96 markers

(C) 46 markers (D) 36 markers

88. There are 6 buses in the parking lot. Each bus has 12 windows. How many windows

are there in all ?

(A) 18 windows (B) 76 windows

(C) 70 windows (D) 72 windows

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* -25-

��������� HGEXMEN

82. �I��������������11�K� ��%*'(��)������������9�K� �������?%������8���8+����?��5����-��I��������������������K� ��6�Q�?2�'f

(A) 4�K� � (B) 6�K� �

(C) 3�K� � (D) 2�K� �

83. �����������7�����%*��*�������7��*������L��8��������?��5����-��������������������������%*�f

(A) 49���� (B) 14����

(C) 1���� (D) 0����

84. +�8��������G�����-���-���2�q�+��%*P����10����G������-���-����������%�D��f

(A) 5�q�+� (B) 15�q�+�

(C) 20�q�+� (D) 25�q�+�

85. ����������5�����?��%*'(���@$��������3�����?��%*P����8����������������������������������?��%�D��f

(A) 15�����?� (B) 3�����?�

(C) 2�����?� (D) 8�����?�

86. 6��Y@$����������������D����������./+�����Y@$�������8�?���������� B$����-��,�����-�����G%���������������?���������� B$����-��,�����-�f

(A) 48�?� (B) 14�?�

(C) 84�?� (D) 86�?�

87. +�8�����������12��,l01�%*��*����������./+�����������8���5��5�%*P������������������������5��5%�D��f

(A) 69���5��5 (B) 96���5��5

(C) 46���5��5 (D) 36���5��5

88. +�8��������r�D��IB:$����6�?���%*��*����������./+����?�����12��LY@$���+;�%������?�?�������������������������LY@$���+;�%�D�'f

(A) 18��LY@$���+; (B) 76��LY@$���+;

(C) 70��LY@$���+; (D) 72��LY@$���+;

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HGEXMEN ���������

89. Jenny has 9 kittens. Each kitten has 7 spots in their backs, how many spots are there

in all ?

(A) 58 spots (B) 60 spots

(C) 63 spots (D) 62 spots

90. Aman is 4 years elder to Zoya. Ram is 5 years younger to Zoya. If Zoya’s age is 32,

find Aman’s and Ram’s age.

(A) Aman’s age-27 years and Ram’s age-36 years

(B) Aman’s age-36 years and Ram’s age-27 years

(C) Aman’s age-28 years and Ram’s age-32 years

(D) Aman’s age-32 years and Ram’s age-25 years

91. There are 14 people standing in line. Each person holds 2 books, how many books

are there in all ?

(A) 26 Books (B) 16 Books

(C) 28 Books (D) 12 Books

92. There are 8 cookies in a box. How many cookies are in 5 boxes ?

(A) 13 cookies (B) 03 cookies

(C) 40 cookies (D) 15 cookies

93. Each kid has 8 toys. There are 8 kids, how many toys are there in total ?

(A) 64 toys (B) 46 toys

(C) 16 toys (D) 68 toys

94. Jody goes to the mall 7 times a month. Every time Jody goes, she buys 3 new shirts.

How many shirts does Jody have at the end of each month ?

(A) 21 shirts (B) 18 shirts

(C) 20 shirts (D) 19 shirts

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* -27-

��������� HGEXMEN

89. )�����������9��?b�������?h2��%*'��*����������./+������-���#$����7�2�����%*'(�����?����E���������������2�����%�D��f

(A) 58�2���� (B) 60�2����

(C) 63�2���� (D) 62�2����

90. ����)�+����4����?Y@$�%*'(����)�+����5����4$�B$�%*'(�+�8�)�+���-��+��32�%*P���������*������-��+��n�������'(

(A) ��������+� 27 ����*���������+� 36 ��

(B) ��������+� 36 ����*���������+� 27 ��

(C) ��������+� 28 ����*���������+� 32 ��

(D) ��������+� 32 ����*���������+� 25 ��

91. +�8�14���D�������5�����LY@$��%*��*����������./+�����������2�����?��%*P��������?����������������������?��%�D��f

(A) 26�����?� (B) 16�����?�

(C) 28�����?� (D) 12�����?�

92. +�8������@$K?�����8��?� ��B$�%*����5��@$K?������������������?� ��B$�%�D��f

(A) 13��?� ��B$ (B) 03��?� ��B$

(C) 40��?� ��B$ (D) 15��?� ��B$

93. +�8�8�?h2�����./+����?h2���������8��L�����%������?��������������������L�����%�D��f

(A) 64��L���� (B) 46��L����

(C) 16��L���� (D) 68��L����

94. )�@$�������%����7�?������������)��%*'��*��)�@$��)?�<�����)��%*�',%�./+����?��3�6B$5�L��8�%*'P�����%������������)�@$���������������������6B$5��%�D��f

(A) 21�6B$5 (B) 18�6B$5

(C) 20�6B$5 (D) 19�6B$5

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HGEXMEN ���������

95. There are 17 trees in the garden. Each tree has 15 fruits, how many fruits are

there in all ?

(A) 254 fruits (B) 256 fruits

(C) 255 fruits (D) 32 fruits

96. John bought 8 apples out of which he ate 2 and his sister ate 3. How many apples are

left with John ?

(A) 3 apples (B) 4 apples

(C) 5 apples (D) 6 apples

97. Nine pens cost Rs. 108. Find the cost of three pens.

(A) 36 Rupees (B) 105 Rupees

(C) 3 Rupees (D) 40 Rupees

98. Multiply 6 with 7 and add 50 to the product. You get ________

(A) 90 (B) 14

(C) 63 (D) 92

99. There were 25 trees in a park.12 trees were cut down and 7 trees were planted. How

many trees are there in the park today ?

(A) 20 trees (B) 32 trees

(C) 37 trees (D) 17 trees

100. If Drek is elder to Sam by 8 years and Sam’s age is 13, what is Drek’s age ?

(A) 18 years (B) 20 years

(C) 19 years (D) 21 years

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��������� HGEXMEN

95. ����?D����17���Y@$�%*��*��./+������Y@$����15�V����D��%a��%*P�����?�����������������������V���%�D��f

(A) 254�V�� (B) 256�V��

(C) 255�V�� (D) 32�V��

96. )I�����8���?�L��8���*����������2���?�L��������0�3���?�����-�?%�����L������?�)I�������������


(A) 3���? (B) 4���?

(C) 5���? (D) 6���?

97. +�8�9��������-��������-���108�%�����3��������-���-���n������'(

(A) 36�q�+� (B) 105�q�+�

(C) 3�q�+� (D) 40�q�+�

98. +�8�6�����7����D�J�������������50�)�Y@$�)+��������,�����3+�%�D���������������������

(A) 90 (B) 14

(C) 63 (D) 92

99. +�8�������5�����25���Y@$�%���*����������12���Y@$��������B$����7���Y@$�������D+�)+�����?���5���������


(A) 20���Y@$� (B) 32���Y@$�

(C) 37���Y@$� (D) 17���Y@$�

100. @W$�����I�����8����?@$�%*��*��+�8��I����-���F�13����%�����@W$������-���F�?��5�'(

(A) 18��� (B) 20���

(C) 19��� (D) 21���

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HGEXMEN ���������

5. (a) The circles, as described in 4 above, are to be darkened by using Blue/Black ball point pen only.

R��] ���� ���F���4 ���?�+��D+��������D��������#�!�Q ��!��C�R!�S8���/�� �!&�[��%����D��%*'(

(b) The shading should be dark and should completely fill the circle.

RL] D���������MJ5U������<���,����D�%���2�%�'(

(c) Only one circle corresponding to the correct answer should be darkened as shown below :

RD] �%����������9?�GH�����,������%��D����������D�)��2�%��)*����2���8L+�D+�%*��

Correct / �%� A B C D

Incorrect / D�� A B C D or A B C D or A B C D or A B C D

Incorrect / D�� A B C D or A B C D or A B C D or A B C D

(d) If more than one circle is darkened using Blue/Black ball point pen or if the response is marked inany other manner or as shown in ‘‘Incorrect method’’ above, it shall be treated as wrong way ofmarking.

Re$] +�8����������H���D��������#�!�Q ��!��C�R!�S8���/�� �!&������D�)+�D�+������������G+�.��������0,�E����8L+��D+��D�������������j+ �����+�)+�D��������D���������8+�)+�D'(

6. Rough work must not be done on the OMR Answer Sheet. Free space provided in the question bookletshould only be used for this purpose.

������.���������h2������������������%C������%*'(����������� �����������������L��� 0��4$�Y@$��8+�D+�%*P���������h2����������'(

7. ‘‘Bar Code’’ printed on the Answer Sheet must not be tampered or in any way marked; otherwise thecandidature will be rejected.������������4$���>>?�����@$AA������������%������6����8���?�+��+�������������%����,�!���������*�����,�!���%����8��G+0����01���-��9��8,����Z�����8��)+�D�'(

8. Candidate must not leave any mark of identification on any part of the Answer Sheet except as asked onthe OMR Answer Sheet as this may lead to disqualification.

�9��8,����������������ROMR]�������� ��������M4$��D��������,�������� ��������������<D�����%2������������<���6�������%C�4$�Y@$��2�%�P������,%��+��+�%�������%*'(

9. For verification of your handwriting, it is necessary to write the prescribed Text completely, which isprinted in Hindi on the OMR Sheet and also put your signature on specified space in Hindi and Englishotherwise your answer sheet / candidature will be rejected.

�������L,B$������/+������� ���P���H5�����#$� �)��������������������� ^%8��������S�����+�D+�%*P������M�� ��L��,=+���%*��*�����85"B$� 0�����̂ %8���*����DF�)����������% ���<������P��G+0�����-�������� ���T�9��8,���� ,��!������8��)�D��'(

10. In case you do not follow the instructions as given on the backside of OMR answer sheet, your answersheet is liable to be rejected for which you yourself will be fully responsible.

�D�����������������������������������!"#$�<D�����8+��D+����8\6����������%C����+�������������������Z����+�)�����%*��)������������ ,+���MJ5�U���������8+��%�D�'(

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