power of positive thinking quotes

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Power of Positive Thinking Quotes


    1. The day is what you make it! So why not make it a great one? ~ Steve Schulte

    2. Write it on your heart that every day is the est day in the year. ~ al"h Waldo #merson

    $. %eing miserale is a hait& eing ha""y is a hait& and the choice is yours. ~ Tom 'o"kins

    (. )ou cannot tailor*make the situations in li+e ut you can tailor*make the attitudes to +it those

    situations. ~ ,ig ,iglar

    -. Things turn out est +or the "eo"le who make the est o+ the way things turn out. ~ ohn Wooden

    /. We can0t esca"e "ain& we can0t esca"e the essential nature o+ our lives. %ut we do have a choice.

    We can give in and relent or we can +ight "ersevere and create a li+e worth living a nole li+e.

    ain is a +act& our evaluation o+ it is a choice. ~ aco 'eld

    3. #ach "rolem has hidden in it an o""ortunity so "ower+ul that it literally dwar+s the "rolem. The

    greatest success stories were created y "eo"le who recogni4ed a "rolem and turned it into an

    o""ortunity. ~ ose"h Sugarman

    5. The greatest discovery o+ all time is that a "erson can change his +uture y merely changing his

    attitude. ~ 6"rah Win+rey

    7. 6"timism is the most im"ortant human trait ecause it allows us to evolve our ideas to im"rove

    our situation and to ho"e +or a etter tomorrow. ~ Seth 8odin

    19. : have +or many years endeavored to make this vital truth clear& and still "eo"le marvel when : tell

    them that : am ha""y. They imagine that my limitations weigh heavily u"on my s"irit and chain me

    to the rock o+ des"air. )et it seems to me ha""iness has very little to do with the senses. :+ we

    make u" our minds that this is a dra and "ur"oseless universe it will e that and nothing else. 6nthe other hand i+ we elieve that the earth is ours and that the sun and moon hang in the sky +or

    our delight there will e ;oy u"on the hills and gladness in the +ields ecause the

  • 8/12/2019 Power of Positive Thinking Quotes


    sel+*starter. @et your +irst hour set the theme o+ success and "ositive action that is certain to echo

    through your entire day. Today will never ha""en again. Fon0t waste it with a +alse start or no startat all. )ou were not orn to +ail. ~ 6g Candino