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Working with text

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Working with text

Page 2: Powepoint pages 41 54

Microsoft PowerPoint Basic text formating tools

1)Most of powerpoint´s basic text formating tools are found on the home tab of the ribbon.

2)There are two groups of text formatting tools on the ribbon: the font group and the paragraph group.

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Choosing font and font sizes

1)Fonts are sets of characters, numbers, and symbols in a specific style or design.

2)The exercise shows you how to do this both with mini toolbar and with the ribbon.

3)A theme is a set of formating specifications, including the colors, fonts, graphic effects, and slide layouts available.

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Using autofit to change text size

1)Autofit is enable by default because it is a useful feature that most users appreciate in most situations.

2)There are some situations, through, where autofit may not be appropiate.

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Applying font styles and effects

1)You will apply a font style and an effect to texts on a slide, as well as adjust characters spacing.

2)Use font styles and effects to emphatize text on a slide.

3)You can also adjust character spacing and case to give your text a special look.

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Changing font color

1)An easy way to change text apperance is to modify its color.

2)By selecting one of the theme´s colors, you can be sure that all the font colors in your slides will look well together on the screen, making them easier to read.

3)The difference between a theme color and a estándar color is apparent when you swith to a different theme or color scheme.

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Copying character formats with the format painter

1)Format painter is a tool that copies formating from one block of text to another.

2)You will use format painter to copy some formating.

3)The format painter can not only character formats but paragraph formats such as alignments and line spacing.

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Set indentation

1)Indentation controls the horizontal spacing of a paragraph, much as line spacing controls its vertical spacing.

2)This is useful when want to change how a paragraph is formatted without changing its meaning or importance in the presentation´s meassage.

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Creating numbered lists

1)Powerpoint neables you to create numbered lists to place a list of itemized imformation in numeric order.

2)You create a numbered list from a list of items on a slide.

3)Powepoint automatically numbers the new paragraph with the next number in the sequence.

4)By default, powerpoint numbers items using numerals followed by periods.

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Inserting a wordart graphic

1)You enhance the apperance of slides titles by converting them to word art.

2)After you have inserted a word art graphic, you can format it in a number of ways.

3)You can also modify the text of the graphic at any time.

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Changing the word art fill color

1)The word arte fill is the color you see inside the word art characters.

2)You can change the fill color by using the color pattle from the current theme or any other abaidable color.

3)You can also apply a special effect fill to word art such as texture, gradient, or pattern.

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Applying a texture fill to word art

1)Textures are graphics that repeat to fill an object with a surface that resembles a familiar material, such as straw, marbel, paper, or wood.

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Changing the wordart outline color

1)Most word art styles incude a colored outline aroud the edges of the word art characters.

2)Just as with a word art object´s fill color, you can fine-tune the outline color of the object.

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Applying special effects to word art

1)You can apply special effects to your word art objects, such as shadows, reflections, glows, transformations, and more.

2)Word art especial effect provide a way ti spice up an ordinary slide.

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1)You do not have to insert a word art graphic to use the word art styles.

Formatting text with word art styles

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Adding a text box to a slide

1)Text boxes can de used to place text on a slide anyplace you wnat it.

2)You add a text box to a slide and then insert text into the text box.

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1)Text boxes can be resized to make rooms for the addition of other text boxes or objects or to rearrange a text box´s contents.

Resizing a text box

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Adding a text box to a slide

1)If you want more control over formatting applied to a text box, you can use the shape fill and shape outline tools to set the formatting for a text box on your own.

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1)You insert a picture and apply a gradient color to a text box.

2)You can choose from several preset color combinations in the formatting shape dialog box, or create your own color combinations.

Appling special fills to a text box

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1)Texture and pattern fills are alternatives to plain colored fills.

2)A texture fill repeats a small graphic to fill the area; texture graphics are specially designed so that the edges blend together and it looks a single graphic.

Appling texture and pattern fills

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Changing text box and applying effects

1)You can apply the same special effects to text boxes as you can to word art, drawn shapes, and other objects.

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1)If you are going to create lots of text boxes in a presentation, there are ways you can save time in formatting them.

Changing the default fornatting for new text


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1)You can change the text direction in a text box so that text runs from botton to top or staks one letter atop the other.

2)Orienting text boxes can be a design enhancement for your slides.

Orienting text in a box

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1)Power point enables you to set the margins in a text box.

2)Margins control the distance between the text and outer border of the text box.

Setting the margins in a text box

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Changing the text wrap setting for a text box

1)Depending on the type of the text box and the way it was created, it may or may not be set to wrap the text automatically to the next line when the right margin is reached.

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1)In addition to aligning the text within a text box, you can align the text box itself with other objects on the slide, including other text boxes.

Aligning text boxes on a slide