poster visains hw1


Upload: erisa-weri-nydia

Post on 03-Oct-2015




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Poster Visains Hw1



    Future work based on this scene

    THE QUESTIONSThe Physical Concept

    The Connection between physical concept and the scene


    A shield is a type of an object protector, meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping the projectiles from its surrounding.There are many type of shield itself one is metal shield which made from the solid metal. It usually used by the soldier as protection armor and the other type of shield is made from non solid material to be used for shielding the object.Recently, the electromagnetic and gas used for protection as shielding. The non-solid material that named force field is commonly used in science fiction movie as shown in this poster. The figure is capture from the movie with title The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug.AA force field, sometimes knowns as an energy shield, force field, or deflector shield is a barrier made up of energy are par-ticles to protect a person, area or object from attacks or intrusions (Wiki's definition). It is created as a field of energy with-out mass that acts as a wall, so that the objects affected to the field are unable to pass through the field and reach the other side.The real energy shield in ongoing research, primarily to protect the radiation. The real phenomena that similar case is the Earth's magnetosphere protecting our Earth from the solar radiation.

    In the scene showed, the shield constructs a half spherical shape with the constant radius. The area of shield is related to the energy of plasma. The question is how to create the shield with spherical shape?The important thing that it have to create the ionized particle has circular moving with constant velocity and constant radius from the center of plasma. Then, to make the force that has outward and perpendicular direction to the surface is the direction of the magnetic field should be perpendicular to the ionized particle velocity direction.TheThe force effect makes a counter attack from the object trying to pass the plasma. This object can pass through the plasma if its energy is greater than the energy of the plasma.

    Physically, these phenomena used some physical word like plasma and electromagnet.

    PlasmaPlasma containing the charged particles (positive ion and negatives electrons) is one of the four fundamental state of matter. It is created when the temperature gas is increasing and may ionized its molecules or atoms (reducing or increasing the number of elec-trons in them). Because of plasma does not have a definite shape or volume unless enclosed in a container, it can be structured as a beams if it is under influence of magnetic field.

    Plasma MagnetizationPlasma with a magnetic field strong enough to influence the motion of the charge particles is said to be magnetized. Magnetized plasma is anisotropic, meaning that their properties in the direction parallel to the magnetic field are different from those perpendicular to it. While electrical field in plasmas are usually small due to the high conductivity. The electric field associated with a plasma moving in magnetic field is given by E=-v x B.

    What is that?How it can be happened?What is physical concept?

    Based on this analysis and explanation, the concept of force field can be realized. It means that sometimes, there will be instru-mentation or a system that can be used for protections.