poster analysis


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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Poster analysis


Page 2: Poster analysis

I’ve decided that I want to analyse simplistic posters as I want my poster to be simple but


Page 3: Poster analysis

The black background and eerie font points out to the audience that this is a poster for a horror movie.

This strap line is effective because it raises questions about the film. It is placed right at the bottom centre of the poster so it is the last thing the audience reads. Also a different font has been used to the reset of the posters text to make it stand out.

The number 6 is edited to look like flames adding to the horror feel of this poster. The silhouette inside is of a boy suggesting the main character is a little boy.

Only the main actor’s name is on the poster and it is right at the top to draw peoples eye to it and get them interested in the film.

The billing box is place below the title and is a different colour to the rest of the text.

Page 4: Poster analysis

Simplistic image is used that raises questions about the film.

Only one review quote is used and it is longer than usual ones.

The title is a different colour to the rest of the text used in the poster to make it stand out.

The main actors names have been placed under the title.

This tells the audience quite specifically when the film is coming out, it says “In theatres this Christmas”

Page 5: Poster analysis

The photograph is very well edited to make it appear moody in the background they have edited in a ghoulish face. The main characters face is the main aspect of the poster and only half of his face is used but the eye that is showing engages eye contact with audiences.

They have only displayed Daniel Radcliffe’s name as he is a very well know actor and people will want to see the movie because he is in it.

The strap line is very effective because it is a question and it persuades audiences to see the movie to answer the question.

The fonts used in this poster are all the same and they are the same colour only the title is edited more than the other pieces of text. White is used to contrast against the foggy grey background

This poster is very specific about the release date so that audiences remember exactly when its coming out.

Page 6: Poster analysis

Unconventional photo, not of main


No mentions of director, producer or


Dark colour scheme apart from the contrasting red

which will make the audience think of


No billing box is used. And

the same font for all the

text throughout the poster.

The strap line is a direct question to

the audience.

Page 7: Poster analysis

“Classic Novel” indicates as a novel this was already a popular story so the audience will want to see it more. The authors name is bold so they want people to recognise the name as he is probably a well known author.

The photograph has been edited very well inside the man they have merged in another image of what is probably the setting which is very effective so the audience can know more about the movie. Actors names are placed

above the title.

Billing box is very pale and discreet it also mentions the producers other famous films.

Main character is shown with direct eye contact.

Clear pale colour scheme, with block colours for title that also follow the colour scheme but in a bolder way.