positive intelligence-presentation


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Post on 17-Oct-2015




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Positive Intelligence


PowerPoint Presentation

Pentru indrazneala de a se socoti mai istet si mai viclean decat zeii, Sisif a fost condamnat pe vesnicie sa impinga un bolovan urias pana aproape de varful unui deal, fara a reusi sa atinga varful. Imediat ce Sisif pare ca isi termina cazna, bolovanul o ia la vale, iar munca trebuie luata de la capatMintea iti este cel mai bun prieten, dar totodata si cel mai aprig dusman

Cu ajutorul Inteligentei Pozitive poti masura dar si imbunatati procentul de timp in care mintea serveste scopurilor tale mai mult decat sa te saboteze

In cele din urma Inteligenta Pozitiva inseamna actiune si inseamna rezultate. Potentialul este determinat de mai multi factori, printre care : inteligenta cognitiva(IQ), inteligenta emotionala (EQ) si totodata abilitatile, cunostintele si experienta .

In final Inteligenta pozitiva este cea care determina ce procent din potential vei atinge

Sabotorii sunt dusmanii interni; sunt un set de modele mentale automate, fiecare cu propria voce, propriile convingeri i ipoteze care funcioneaz mpotriva interesului tauJudge (Judecatorul) este cel mai mare Sabotor, prezent in mintea fiecaruia din noi. Te obliga sa gasesti mereu defecte in ceea ce te priveste, in privinta altora si in mai multe situatii. Genereaza cea mai mare parte din anxietate, stres, furie, dezamagire, rusine si vinovatie. Prezenta sa se autojustifica printr-o minciuna: fara el tu sau ceilalti ati fi persoane demotivate si lenese care nu ar realiza multe.

Stickler. Acest Sabotor reprezinta nevoia de perfectiune, ordine si organizare duse la extrema. Te stoarce de energie si creeaza frustrare din cauza lucrurilor care nu ating perfectiunea. Justificarea lui este ca perfectiunea este mereu ceruta si nu poate exista un pret prea mare pe care sa-l platesti.

Pleaser. Acest Sabotor te determina sa incercati sa castigi acceptarea si afectiunea celorlati printr-o atitudine multumitoare, de ajutorare si de flatare a altora. Te face sa pierzi din vedere nevoile proprii drept pentru acre resentimentele pentru ceilalti nu vor ezita sa apara. Acesta ii incurajeaza, de asemenea, pe altii sa devina excesiv de dependenti de tine. Justificarea sa este ca ii ajuti pe cei din jurul tau pentru ca este un lucru bun si nu pentru ca, de fapt, cauti compasiunea si acceptarea lor.

Hyper-Achiever. Acest Sabotor te face dependent de performanta constanta si de realizari pentru respectul de sine. De multe ori duce la tendinte workaholice nesustenabile. Justificarea sa este ca auto-acceptarea ar trebui sa fie conditionata de performanta si validare externa.

Victim. Acest SabotorThe Victim wants you to feel emotional and temperamental as away of gaining attention and affection. It results in an extremefocus on internal feelings, particularly painful ones, and can oftenresult in a martyr streak. The consequences are that you wasteyour mental and emotional energy, and others feel frustrated,helpless, or guilty that they can never make you happy for long.The Victims lie is that assuming the victim or martyr persona isthe best way to attract caring and attention for yourself.

dfgdVictimThe Victim wants you to feel emotional and temperamental as away of gaining attention and affection. It results in an extremefocus on internal feelings, particularly painful ones, and can oftenresult in a martyr streak. The consequences are that you wasteyour mental and emotional energy, and others feel frustrated,helpless, or guilty that they can never make you happy for long.The Victims lie is that assuming the victim or martyr persona isthe best way to attract caring and attention for yourself.Hyper-RationalThe Hyper-Rational involves an intense and exclusive focus onthe rational processing of everything, including relationships. Itcauses you to be impatient with peoples emotions and regardemotions as unworthy of much time or consideration. Whenunder the influence of the Hyper-Rational, you can be perceivedas cold, distant, or intellectually arrogant. It limits your depth andflexibility in relationships at work or in your personal life andintimidates less analytically minded people. Its lie is that therational mind is the most important and helpful form ofintelligence that you possess.Hyper-VigilantThe Hyper-Vigilant makes you feel intense and continuousanxiety about all the dangers surrounding you and what could gowrong. It is constantly vigilant and can never rest. It results in agreat deal of ongoing stress that wears you and others down. Itslie is that the dangers around you are bigger than they actuallyare and that nonstop vigilance is the best way to tackle them.RestlessThe Restless is constantly in search of greater excitement in thenext activity or through perpetual busyness. It doesnt allow youto feel much peace or contentment with your current activity. Itgives you a never-ending stream of distractions that make youlose your focus on the things and relationships that truly matter.Other people have a difficult time keeping up with the personruled by The Restless and often feel distanced from him or her.Its lie is that by being so busy you are living life fully, but itignores the fact that in pursuit of a full life you miss out on yourlife as it is happening.ControllerThe Controller runs on an anxiety-based need to take charge,control situations, and bend peoples actions to ones own will.It generates high anxiety and impatience when that is notpossible. In the Controllers worldview, you are either in controlor out of control. While the Controller allows you to get shorttermresults, in the long run it generates resentment in others andprevents them from exercising and developing their own fullestcapabilities. Its lie is that you need the Controller to generate thebest results from the people around you.AvoiderThe Avoider focuses on the positive and the pleasant in anextreme way. It avoids difficult and unpleasant tasks andconflicts. It leads you to the habits of procrastination and conflictavoidance. It results in damaging eruptions in festering conflictsthat have been sidestepped and causes delays in getting thingsdone. Its lie is that you are being positive, not avoiding yourproblems.THE SAGEIf your Saboteurs represent your internal enemies, your Sagerepresents the deeper and wiser part of you. Your Sages five great powers are (1) to Explore with greatcuriosity and an open mind; (2) to Empathize with yourself andothers and bring compassion and understanding to any situation;(3) to Innovate and create new perspectives and outside-theboxsolutions; (4) to Navigate and choose a path that best alignswith your deeper underlying values and mission; and (5) toActivate and take decisive action without the distress,interference, or distractions of the Saboteurs.