position of adverb

POSITION OF ADVERBS Frequency Adverbs most common position for these adv before the main verb in the WHAT p I always watch the news

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The most common position for these adverbs is before the main verb in the WHAT part.

I always watch the news

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If there is an auxiliary (do,does, etc.) or a modal verb (can,could,etc.) they come between the auxiliary or modal and the main verb

They will never do that.She doesn’t usually work on Fridays.He hardly ever goes out

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Other Adverbs that come before the main verb

I have already had lunch.We finally managed to contact him.They have recently bought a new car.

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Verb ‘to be’ as the main verb

Frequency Adverbs She is always here The bus is rarely on

time They are often tired

Other Adverbs We were all happy August was even

hotter than July I am already late

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Putting an Adverbs at the beginning of a sentence

This is to put more emphasis on this element. The punctuation and the voice will change too.

Sometimes, he has to work late.Usually, she doesn’t work on Fridays

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Putting an Adverbs at the beginning of a sentence

If you put any of the nagative adverbs at the beginning of a sentence,

you will require an inversion (auxiliary-

subject switch).

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Negative Adverbs at the start of a sentence:

They will never do it againNever will they do it again

She can rarely have a restRarely can she have a rest

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Adverbs of ‘Manner’, answering the question ‘How’

Now, if the ‘How’ is an ‘ly’ adverb such as quickly, slowly, gently, etc.

You can put it before the main verb, as we have seen with the other adverbs.

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Adverbs of ‘Manner’, answering the question ‘How’

If you do this,you are stressing this element and

should reflect it in your voice

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POSITION OF ADVERBSAdverbs of ‘Manner’, answering the question


He opened the door quietly.

He quietly opened the door

We could see it in the distance clearly.We could clearly see it in the distance.

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The structure Of

adverb phrases

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Adverb phrase structure rule:AdvP(deg)Adv

AdvP AdvP


Very, Suspiciously, Extremely…

Quietly, Softly, Carefully…

Well,hard,Fast, Badly…

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• Example:

She sings very quietly.




She sings

V AdvP

Deg Adv

very quitely

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FUNCTIONadverb phrases perform five main

grammatical functions within sentences in the English


correctly speak and write with adverbs and adverb

phrases in English.

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Adverbs are traditionally defined as "words that describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs."

Adverb phrases are defined as phrases that consist of an adverb plus any modifying adverbs and adverb phrases. For example : very, incredibly , quickly, and however are all adverb phrases.

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The five functions of adverb phrases are:

1. Adjective phrase modifier2. Adverb phrase modifier3. Verb phrase modifier4. Adverbial5. Adjunct

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The first grammatical function that adverb phrases can perform is the adjective phrase modifier- For example, the following italicized adverbs and adverb phrases function as adjective phrase modifiers:

Your newborn baby daughter is very tiny.Students who are clearly sick may not attend class.

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• The second grammatical function that adverb phrases can perform is the adverb phrase modifier. Adverb phrase modifiers are defined as words and phrases that describe an adverb or adverb phrase

EX :My use of adverbs is almost always perfectThe music from next door is blaring extremely loudly.

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• The third grammatical function that adverbs and adverb phrases can perform is the verb phrase modifier. Verb phrase modifiers are defined as words and phrases that can describe a verb or verb phrase

• EX :Residents must quickly and quietly exit the building during the fire drill.Her husband almost always forgets to take out the trash.

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The fourth grammatical function that adverb phrases can perform is the adverbial. Adverbials are defined as words, phrases, and clauses that modify an entire clause by providing information such as time, place, manner, condition, reason, or purpose.EX:

The woman waited in line patientlyThe new mother looked at her new baby adoringly.

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The fifth grammatical function that adverbs and adverb phrases can perform is the adjunct. Adjuncts are defined as words and phrases that frame an entire clauseEX:Do you like to write about grammar, too?Nevertheless, students must turn in all assignments before the next class.

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Syntax of the Adverb Phrase

Like Adjective, Adverbs can be introduced by Degree words• Comparison:more/most, less/least• Intensity: too, very, so, quite…_Franz walks more quickly than Hans._Sora ate her lunch too fast._Nika speaks so quietly.

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Can Adverb introduce other Adverb?

• Franz walks amazingly quickly.• Sora ate her lunch incredibly fast.• Nika speaks extremely quietly.

These are also Degree wordsEX:_She sings terribly.(= in a terrible manner) ADV_She sings terribly well. (= very) DEG

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Evidence that a DEGREE WORD “goes with” an ADVERB to form a phrase:


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_Charlie drives very carefully._Charlie drives how carefully?_How carefully does Charlie drive?_How does Charlie drive carefully?how carefully is a constituent = ADVP

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Wh-proforms can also pronominalize for entire ADVP in a way that it often can’t for AP:Ricky drives [ADVvery fast].

How does Ricky drive? (very fast)Charlotte is [APreally nice].

What is Charlotte? (≠ really nice)

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The singer sang softly.The singer sang very beautifully.The soprano sang softly and very beautifully. [softly] and [very beautifully] are both ADVPs

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“softly and very beautifully” ADVP




very beautifully


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Type Adverb phrase Example

Manner With a hammer The carpenter hit the nail with a hammer.

Place Next door The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

Time Before the holidays We must finish ourproject before the holidays.

Frequency Every month Sally buys two CDs every month.

Purpose For his mother John bought the flowers for his mother.