posibles apliaciones de las espumas

Upload: daniela-silva-molina

Post on 12-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 Posibles Apliaciones de Las Espumas


    Sandwich coresMetal foams have low density with good shear and fracture strength

    Strain isolationMetal foams can take up strain mismatch by crushing at controled pressure

    Mechanical dampingThe damping capacity of metal foams is larger than that of solid metals by up to afactor of 10

    Vibration controlFoamed panels have higher natural eural vibration fre!uencies than solid sheet ofthe same mass per unit "rea

    #coustic absorption$eticulated metal foams have sound%absorbing capacity

    &nergy management' compact or light energy absorbersMetal foams have eceptional ability to absorb energy at almost constant presurre

    (ackaging with high%temperature capability#bility to absorb impact at constant load) coupled with termal stability above roomtemperatura

    #rti*cial +ood ,furniture) +all panels-Metal foams have some +ood%like characteristics' light) sti.) and ability to be /oineedwith +ood screws

    Thermal management' heat echangers refrigeratorspen%cell foams have large accesible Surface area and high cell%wall conducctiongiving eceptional heat transfer ability

    Termal management' ame arresers

    2igh termal conductivity of cell edges together with high Surface "rea!uenches combusti3n

    Thermal management' heat shields'Metfoams are non%ammable4 oidation of cell faces of closed%cell aluminumfoams appears to impart eceptionaal resistance to direct ame

    5onsumable cores for castingsMetfoams) in/ection%molded to comple shapes) are used as consumable coresfor aluminum castings6

    7iocompatible inserts

    The cellular teture of biocompatible metal foams such as titanium stimulate cellgrowth

    Filterspen%cell foams with controled pore si8e have potential for high%temperature gas anduid *ltration

    &lectrical screening

  • 7/23/2019 Posibles Apliaciones de Las Espumas


    9ood electrical conduction) mechanical strength and low density make metfoamsattractive for screening

    &lectrodes) and catalyst carriers2igh surfacevolume ratio allows compact electrodes with high reaction surface area

    7uoyancy:ow density and good corrosion resistance suggests possible oatation applications