portland daily pless

PORTLAND DAILY PLESS. VOLUME II. PORTLAND, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1863. WHOLE NO. 372. rUKTLAWU DAllil FKE8S, JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor. Is published at No. 82J EXCHANGE STEEF.T, IN FOX BLOCK, by N. A. FOSTER 4 CO. T erins: The Portland Daily Fresh is published every morning (Sundays excepted), at *6.00 per year in advance, to which will be added twenty-five cents for each three mouths' delay, and if not paid for at the end ot the year the paper will bo discontinued. Single copies three cents. Tun Maine Statu Press is published every Thurs- day moruing.at aS.OO per annum, in advance; *.*.26 if paid withiu six mouths; and *2.60, if payment be delayed beyond the year. Rates of Advertising : *1.26 per square daily first week; 76 cents per week after; force insertions or less, *1.00; continuing eve- ry other day after first week, 60 cents. Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents: one week, *1.00; 60 cents per week alter. Under head of Amusements. *2 00 per square per week ; three insertions or less, *1,60. (special Notices, *1.76 per square first week, •1,00 per square after; three insertions or less, *1.26; half a square, three insertions, *1.00; one week, *1.26. Business Notices, In reading columns, 12 cents per liue for oue insertion. No charge less than fifty cents. Leoal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted iu the Maine State Pit ess (which has a large circulation iu every part o the State) for 60 cents per square in addition to the above rates for each insertion. Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad- vance SyAII communications intended for the paper should be directed to the “Editor of the Prett" and those of a business character to the Publithrm. lyi'be Portland Daily and Maine State Press Office, iu Fox Block, No. 82) Exchange Street, is open at all hours during the day ami eve- ning, from 7 o'clock in the morning to 0 iu the evening. IF Job Printing o| overy description executed with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of- fice or paper promptly transacted on application as above. F. Tracy, Travel!Kg Agent. Tridny Morning, September 4, 1803. “Political Priests.” This cry, which was the watchword of a certain political fraternity a few years since, when party issues turned upon the principles of tlie Maine Law, is now being re-rung by a devotee of the great Red Dragon of secession in this city. Then, as now, our clergymen, iu obedience to a divine injunction to preach righteous- ness, temperance and judgment, did much to promote the interest of that party that w;ts mooring lor me suppression or vice and crime, and of course said much to offend a party that was wedded to self-interest and self-indulgence. Not that our ministers descended from their high and holy calling to pull the wires of a base election campaign, but because, in the course of events, political issues embraced the legiti- mate objects of Christian miaistration, and in the discharge of their sacred duty to reprove the world ol sin, they inadvertently trod upon the gouty toes of the anti-temperance party, who rose In wrath, and denounced them as profane blasphemers and political priests. They bad some show of reason for being of fended at this alleged interference of the Christian ministry. They considered the mor- al aspect of the politics of that time from their own base and groveling standpoint of vision, and while no one would deny that a Christian minister laboring to promote the in- terests ol the rum-loving community would richly merit the opprobrium of tbe whole civ- ilized world, they on their part, blinded with infatuation, could not see why it was not equally profane for the pulpit to favor the oth- er side of the question. Stupendous fools! To-day the great political issues have again over-lapped most broadly the Gospel domain. To-day there are but two great political par- ties—the party for Union,Democracy, Liberty and Government, and the party for Treason, Anarchy and War. Our clergymen are found as ever on the side of mercy and justice and truth; and lh« great party for the right de- pends much upon the instructive sermons and prevailing prayers of our host of united Chris- tian ministers, to bring back to our distressed country tbe blessing of union and peace. Hence the avowed discontent of these J udas Iscariots, who would, fain for thirty pieces of silver, see this Republic smoldering in the ashes of ulter demolition. No wonder that the hideous structure of treason and revolt shudders with apprehension to the very foundation, at the advance of the valiant Gospel army. We have a truly noble Christian ministry upon the soil of America, in whose veins still flows the brave blood of tbeir Puritan sires, and they dare to stand up for truth forever, though the heaveus fall and the earth be removed. They still revere aud cherish the example of an an- cient preacher, who dared to stand boldly be- fore the king and teach him the words of truth—and among whose numerous and in- structive writings appears the following re- markable specimen of political preaching: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: »uu me powers mat oe are ordained or God. Whosoever, therefore, resislctb the power, re- sisted! the ordinance of God: and they that resist receive unto themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to the good works, but to the evil.” We find that it has ever been the party al- lied to base self-interest and moral evil that raises this hue and cry of ‘political preaching,’ and persecutes the ciiurch for daring to uphold the good and to oppose the wickedness of these political schemes. It was so in the days of Christ and it is so to-day. Aud this is why vile traitors raise their polluted heads from the loathsome slime of treason and se- cession and hiss at the sacred ministers of Christ. Mo doubt the old serpent, the king of all the Copperheads, felt much the same emo- tion when he saw the Star in the East, whiclt proclaimed the birth of a Prince beneath whose power all the kingdoms of sin and darkness shall finally crumble to the dust, aud the reign of the Gospel of Peace fill the whole earth. Jose. Berdan's Sharp Shooters. The First and second Kegimenu United States Sharp-shooters are to be filled up to the maximum number at once from drafted men and veteran volunteers who can do the snooting required by General Orders for tins branch of service, viz., a string of five consecutive shots, not exceeding twenty- five inches, with a target rifle, distance two hundred yards, at rest or the same string, with open sights, one hundred vards, at rest. The States from which the regiments are to be recruited are Mai„c, New i[8n,p8birf, Vermont, New lotk, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Drafted men from the above named Slates, who arc desirous of joining this arm of the service, can do so upou fnrnisning an aftiduvit, made before a Justice of the peace, that they made the target specified above, and presenting the same”to the commaudaiit of the rendevous on their arrival. Men who have seen not less than nine months service, and have received an honor- able discharge, desiring to enlist in the sharp- shooters, ean do so by applying to the Provost Marsltal of their district or to the authorities designated by the Governor for recruiting veteran volunteers’ and furnishing xue auiuBvit ui required above. They will be nuetered in as sharp-shooters and receive the $402 bounty allowed by the Government, and will be accredited to their respective States, as specified in General Order 191, War Department, current series. All recruits, whether drafted men or vol- unteers, will address Colonel H. Bekhan, New York who has been ordered from the field to superintend this work. They will furnish a copy of{the affidavit required, their address, and the probable time when they will arrive in the rendevous, that proper steps may be to forward them to their regiments. Tlie sharp-shooters are armed with splendid breach loading rifles, costing $43 a piece, and the above affords a fine ciiance for men who desire to join a corps where their skill with the rifle will be apreciated and made effective by a good weapon. By circulating the above information, news- papers in the States above named, especially those in the rural districts, will render esential aid to the Government by iusuring the speedy filling up of these valuable regiments to tue maximum. —(Philedelphia Inquirer. £y*The Portsmouth Chronicle says tha on Friday morning last, while a berrying party had just got on board a boat at an island below New Castle bridge to return to New Castle, a shot from fort constitution passed over the bridge, on which several persons were standing, and struck the boat, shivering it to atoms. The boat contained seven per- sons, all of whom were thrown into the wat- er. Of these, a sonofMr. Win. Trefethen, Jr., of New Casile, was instantly killed, his body being frightfully manghut. He was about twelve years of age. Another son. about ten years of age was seriously injured in the head, possibly by a piece of the' boat. He may recover. Mrs. Trefethen, who was in the boat, rescued him from drowning, and also took out the lifeless remains of the son who was killed. A son of the late Samuel Batson was slightly wounded, and also a son of Capt. Elias Todd, Jr. These ull reside in New Cas- tle. It is explained that the boat could not be seen from the Fort, and that the shot went farther than was intended. GRAND EXCURSION ! Only $20 to Chicago ! AND RETl'RN, VIA MILWAUKEE, WHITE MOUNTAINS, MONTREAL, TORONTO, and PORT SARNIA, f la the Grand Trunk Railway, and STEAMERS OF FIRST CLASS, Through Lake Huron to Mackinaw and Lake Michigan Forts; touching at Milwaukee, thence to Chicago, and return same route— a passage oi about 40 hours. State Kooms and Mcala included on Steamers. Ticket* sold from August tO Mood to re* turn mo til Oct, IO, I 81*3. Two Through Trains leave Fort land daily at 7.46 A. m. and 1.26 F. m. This Excursion affords facilities ncrer before offer- ed the Tourist, to visit Canada. Niagara Falls, To- ronto, Fort Sarnia, the (jrand Lakes of Huron and Michigan, the Great West! VWmAmerican money taken at par at all the prin- cipal Hotels at Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec: also on the Grand Trunk Railway for Sleep- ing Car Bertha, aud lor meals, kc., at Refreshment Saloon*. xW Tickets from Bangor and other points, at re- duced rates to Tourist Ticket Holders. THROUGH TfUKKTi, and other information, apply to all the Grand Trunk Agent* in .Maine and New Brunswick— or to connecting Steamboat Offices, And 90 Exchange street, Portland. C. J. BRYDGES. Managing Director, Montreal. 8. SiiACKLLL, General Eastern Ageut, Boston. WU, FLOWERS, Eastern Agent, Bangor. Bangor, July 29, 1«63. septa to octlO dk w THROUGH TICKETS! NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Via the Stonwgton or Fall River Lines. For sale at lo.e.t Hinton rate. by W. D. LIT- TLE, A Kent. 31 Kxolunuc Stn-et. au «2/i IV. D. WEYMOUTH, WlloLESALE DEALER IN Flour, Provisions nnd Grass Need, NO- 87 COMMERCIAL STREET, «,p8 tf Portland, Me. UNITED STATES SUBSTITUTE AGENCY. Ho. 2 Fox Block, up stairs, E X O H A N G E S T R E E T, PORTLAND. A. P HASKELL, .... WM. M CUSHMAN. QT*Towii Quotas supplied. §ep3 lw W JCS, Portland Commercial College. LOCATED I860 in the Hanson Block, No. 161 Mid- dle street. The rooms have recently been made new, and furnished neatly, aud are the most plea-ant in the city. One separate room for Ladies. 1 pre- sent my thanks lor the extensive patronage, and promise as in the past, nopains shall be spared in the future. I have removed from No. 164 to 161 Middle street. The Principal has had 20 years’ experience. Diplomas will be riven to those Ladies ana Gentle- men who pass through thorough courses for Ac- countants. Terms will be reasonable. My Institu- tion is a branch of the Hon. Bartlett's Commercial College, Cincinnati, Ohio, the first aud eldest in the United States. My teaching and plans are modern, aud the most improved aud approved, as the first Z.OSS business ium have and will testify. MT* Practically taught,as followsBook-Keeping, Navigation, Commercial Law, Phonography, High- er Mathematics, Civil Engineering. Surveying. Na- tive, Business and Ornamental Writing,'Commer- cial Arithmetic, Correspondence. Card Blarkiug, Ac. Teaching from printed writing copies aud text books are avoided. Each Student receives separate instruction. Intricate Accounts adjusted. Certain evenings will be devoted to Late Lectures, if expedient. kcW Mr. B. would refer to a recommendation from his Students of this city, who are acting as business men, accountants, Ac containing above four hun- dred signatures, a part of which mav be seen in print in the ball at the eutsance to his Rconis, a few oi which are as follows: We have been taught by actual experience, that the method of instruction pursued by Mr R. N. Brown, of thiscity, in teaching the art of Writing, aud the complicated series of Book Keeping, has been eminently successful, and we take pleasure in publicly acknowledging our indebtedness to him for whatever skill aud facility in adjusting accounts we may now possess: Philip ffeury Brown, Jas. Olcutt Brown, Stephen H. Cummings. W. W. Thomas, Jr., Samuel Chad- wiek u gust us Cummings, Jason Berry, John S. Russell, Fred. Priuco, John H. Hall, George E. Thompson, John B. Coyle,Jr., Fred H. Small, John M Meyem, aud 200 others. » The services oi a Sea Captain is secured to tench Navigation, who has had 40 years experience a practitioner.__aug31 .l&wll Co|»nrfnrrslii|, Notice. THE undersigned have tbia dav awociated them- aelvj. in bu.,ue» under the u™ „Bmc of NOR- lv,", * HAI MAN A CO., for the purpose of trans- acting a general Commission Business in Flour aud Western Produce, at No. 6 Galt lilttck. E. A NORTON. C. C. CHAPMAN Portland, Sept. 1,1863. sept2 8w Evniing Work. YOUNG and active journeyman CARPENTERS can find employment evenings, from 7 to 10 or 11 o'clock, on application at the offee of the CA1IOON MANUFACTURING CO., *®pl tf 89 Federal Street. Dlno at the MERCHANTS'Exchange Eating House, 17 k 19 Exchanges! Free Lunch every day from 10 apSdOm L S.TWOMBLY. DRY GOODS. THE LATEST NEWS! THOMAS LUCAS, No. lil.1 middle Street Portland, Respectfully calls your particular attention to His Great Closing-out Sale of SPRING AND SUMMER dry goods, WHICH WILL BE BOLD OPP POIt T\i© Next Thirty Days, -POE- WHAT THEY WILL BRING! Silk and Lace mantillds, Beragcs, Berage Double Kobe*, Parasols, muslins, -AND ALL KINDS OP- SUMMER GOODS Cheap fop the millions ! SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS Ire tile only motto appreciated by Bayers of Dry Goods- the days of large profit* having gone by. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF RICH foreign dress goods, Such a* plain and brocaded Black Silk*; blue and brown Silk*; also all the desirable color* to be found. Let every Lady in want of a GOOD SILK bear in mind that this is the Largest and Best Uttorfmonf rtf i_a have the ENGLISH CROWKBLACK 8H.K. and both plain and figured or all other celebrated Euro- pean make, all of which will bo SOLD VERT LOW FOR CASH. All Ihr New Style* «f DRESS GOODS, -HITCH AH- Silk and Wool Plaids, Satin Stripes, Garabaldi Checks, Poil Cheveres, Travelling Mixtures, rich French Poplins,Italian Lustres, Spring and Summer Delaines, plain all-wool Delaines, in all the beautiful shades and colors. Talfettas, Goat's Hair Goods and Camel's Hair Lustres in all the new shades, plain Alpaccas in all colors, French and English Ging- hams, Americtn and English Prints, Thibet*, Lyon- ©ses, and all other Dress Goods, too numerous to recapitulate here. Shawls! Shawls! Shawls! OVER 3000 NEW SHAWLS, Perfect Beauties—All New Pattern*I lmO WHAAVVHS \ A large assortment of Cloths for Men and Boys’ wear, consisting of German Broadcloths, West of England Broadcloths, American Broadcloths, Doe- skin*. Satiuetts, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Waterproofs, and all kinds of 'Woolen Goods. Grey, Blue, White, Striped, and Shirtin FLANNELS, IN ALL THE NEW PATTERNS Special attention to be devoted to the W ooten Department \ lOOO NEW CAPES Xo be Sold far trhnl ibrv will hrinv. Also, a full assortment SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, STRIPE SHIRT. JNGS, DENIMS, PLAIDS, CRASH, TABLE LINEN, TABLE COPERS, NAPKINS, WHITE LINEN, LINEN BOSOMS, LINEN CAMBRICS, Balmoral Skirts, Watch Spring Skirts, TOOETHER WITH ALL OTHER HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, too numerous to mention. THOMAS LUCAS Would assure all buyers of Dry Goods that this is the ONL Y STORE IN PORTLAND where cau be found a completk assortment of Fashionable Dress Goods, AT LOW PRICES. I My entire stock of SUMMER GOODS must be and shall be closed out to make room for Kali Goods. Now is tlie time to get goods CHEAP, as in less than oue mouth goods Will advance nt least 25 per Cent. Let all who want Dry Goods embrace this opportu- nity, and buy what goods they want for summer and fall. WA. this is a rare chance, all in want of Dry 1 Goods should call early in order to secure the BEST BARGAINS! iy Country Merchants are particularly solicited to call examine. REMEMBER. THE PLACE IS Mo. ISA middle Street. THOMAS LUCAS’ NEW YORK STORE, ^Portland-Tvlaine. )y2S d3m FOR SALE & TO LET. Counting: Room to Let. COUNTING ROOM over No. 90 Commercial St, Thomas Block, to let. Apply to N. J. MILLER, mchlldtf Over 92Commercial Street. To Let THE commodious Chamber in the northerly cor ner of the new brick block, corner of Lime and Milk Streets, directly facing the market. Rent low. Enquire at office of OCEAN INSURANCE CO., Sept. 15,1882. dti No.27 ExchangeSt Office to Let. ON second floor, Middle Street,contrally situated and easy of access. Apply at No. 61 Commer- cial Street. jy17 To be Let. CHAMBKRSin the second story, over Store 98 Middlestroot—Mitchell's Building. Possession given immediately, inquired jan2tf A T. DOLE. For Sale. THE Three Story Brick Dwelling Honse, ■SSh No‘ 195 ^onRrC8S street, corner Quiucv street. IftfsL Said House contains fourteen finished rooms; is warmed by furnace; plenty of hard and soft water; an abundance of closet room. Enquire Of JAMES E. Jf'EKNALD, ap23tf __ 87 Middle Street. TO LET. r»R a term of rears, the vacant Lot of Land on Fore street, above India street, recently occu- pied bv B. F. Noble k Co., as a Lumber Yara. A pply to LEWIS PI ERCE, »P30G'_ 64 Middle Street. For Sale or to Let. k CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20 r* * rooms,large stable and sheds—situated two UtM and miles from Portland, and the HBRil >*ituation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- tering place, and summer boarders. For particulars enquire of G EO. OWEN, apT dtf 31 Winter Street, Portland. FOR SALE. *|k HOUSE No. 172 Cumberland Street, be •y tween Elm and Chestnut, now occupied by iL Rev. W. R. Clark. Said house is in good re- pair, is built of brick, and contains thirteen rooms, lighted with gas. Good collar aud furnace. Title clear. For particulars enquire of THOMAS R. JONES, or J. C. PROCTER, Lime Street. mchl4 dtf To Lof. fllilK eligible and convenient Chambers over store L No. 14 Market Square, now occupied by Mr. Rufus Dunham, suitable for salesroom** or other purposes. Possession given about Julv 1st. Also one very desirable Chamber iu the third story of sam«* block. Apply to je21 dtf THOMAS or WM. HAMMOND. 1 or Kale. Attft A new two-atory house, thoroughly built, Hiii roof, 11 finished rooms, convenient for HUli one or two families, with bar windows.plenty of excellent water; wood-house attached, and a large garden lot—situated on Veranda street, near Tukey'a bridge, in Westbrook, within ten minutes' walk of Portland l’oat office. Conditions easy.price low, and excellent neighborhood. j«23 d3m_ ISAAC 8YLVRSTER. FOR KALE. 1% A handsome bay PUNY, 9 years old, weighs about 450 pounds warranted <n4 M* *ou||d aud kind in harness or saddle—has II(J vice or trfcblf, and sold lor in* fault.— Perfectly kind tor children Enquire of Kennebunk Depot Master, IVORY LITTLEFIELD, heuncbunk, July 22.1868. j\23 dtf itfachini«ts' Tools for Kale. CONSISTING of one 11 ft Iron Planing Machine; One7 ft Engine Lathe; One Gear-Cutting Engine; Drill*. Rimmers, and small toots suited to a small shop. Enquire of ISAAC McLELLAN. augl4 d‘lw# Gorham, Maine. DpkI ruble Keal EMate Tor Sale. ONE undivided half of the two storikd Brick DWELLING HOUSE, WITH LOT NO. 32 GREEN STREET, above Cumberland.) The lot is about 36 x 100 feet. The house contains ten finished rooms, well arranged for two families, front aud back stairs, unfinished attic, good cellar and well supplied witl^excelleut water. Arrangements can be made for purchasing the whole property if dosired. Apply to C M. HAWKES, Residence No 23 Elm street, or at John Lynch k Co., 139 Commercial street. je6 dtf Iti‘iil Eslalp Tor Salt* or lo Kent. The Farm formerly owned by John LrVS Mountfort, Mug in South'Gray, containing 100acres. 60 of it improv- wi, the remainder wood and timber, well fenced with stone wall Good bin Ming* and enough of them. Two hundn*d apple trees in good condition. For particulars enquire of ELIAS MOUN I FoRT. on the premises. Also, the Brick Building in Portland, situated on Fore and Chatham streets. augl2 tfdfcw8 lluusp Lots lor Snip or lo Lease. 1^0R SALE, Hou*e Lots in dimensions to suit, on L Oxford. Washington, Fox, Winthrop, Everett, Mad ison, Munroe, Green loaf, and Fremont streets, or will be leased for a term of years, say ten or more —any of the land on the above streets the lessee to have the privilege of purchasing at the expiration of the lease. Apply to the subscriber for terras, which will be made satisfactory to those isliiiig to build. WILLIAM OXNARD. Portland. July 7th, 1863. jv7 dtweod2m* Brick House and Store on Congress Stree F OH IS A L E. MTho Store, House, and Lot 344 Congress street—a first rate stand. A desirable and well finished House, with 10 finished rooms, besides closets, ha 1 Ac. Abundant supplv of umu ttnu Kim w»ur. Lin v' in a common pas- sage wav 12 feet wide. For particulars inquire of JOHN C. PROCTOR, Jy22eod8w Liuu* Street. For Kale. TITHE fast sailing. conp**red and copper-fasteued A Yacht Pilot Boat SIBYL, in good repair, well furnished with sails and rigging. Will be sold ( HEAP FOH CASH. Now running as a packet between Isles of Shoals aud Portsmouth.N. il. Any one wishing to purchase can have au opportunity to examine her by making a trip to the Shqpls. For further particulars inquire of RUFUS A. PREBLE, aug22 eod3w Newcastle, N. II. For Kale. Ame&l A good two-story house, barn, and c ar- [•••OT riage-house. with lot 68 x 88 feet, in Back -JHAlabCove Village, near Tukey's Bridge, about one mile from Portland post office—a pleasaut situ- ation. Also one house lot on Monument street, in Port- land, on which is an unfinished house; aud one lot, about one bundr«*d feet square, on Atlantic street; will be sold entire, or in two lots. Terms easy. Apply to J. HACKER, jell deod& wtlL2 A Farm for Kale. PLEASANTLY situated in North Gorham, on tho road leading from Fort Hill to Standish, containing fifty-four acres of land, suitably di- __ vided into mowing, tillage, pastur- ing and woodland, with good and c< nveuicnt build- iugs thereon, all in good repair; with a good well of water convenient for house and ham. Said fnrm is situated on a good road aud in a good neighborhood, aud within ouc-half mile of church and school. Terms easy. For further information iuquirc of the subscriber on tho premises. MOSES BUTTERFIELD. North Gorham, Aug. 17, 1863. augl9 eodlwaw* Country It evidence lor Kale. ^ The FARM owned by the late ^ Hon. R. K. Goode now, situated * wirhin one hundred rods of the County Buildings at Paris. Oxiord _- County, Me., is offered for sale at a great bargain. The Farm contains 110 acres ot land, of excellent quality, which prod ce< at present about 30 tons of hay, and the amount may be largely increased.— Fruit, wood and water ate abundant. The dwelling house and out-buildiugs are commodious and in good repair. The location is pleasant and healthy, offer- ing u desirable country residence. For particulars inquiry may be made on tfie prein ises of Dr. W. A. RUST, South Paris, or WILLIAM G(X) DENOW, Esq., Portland. j)3eodtf FOR SALE. IS LAWN COTTAGE, situated in Cape Elizabeth, two miles from Portland Post Office. This is one of the most beautiful country resideu- _ees in the vicinity of Portiand.com- mantling a tine view of the city, the harbor, and the surrounding coiiutry. Tho house, stable, and out- buildings have every convenience, aud are surround- ed by shade trees and shrubbery; and are in good repair. Couuected with them are two acres of land in a high state of cultivation, and planted with ap- ple, pear and cherry trees, now iu bearing condition. On the whole this is one of the most desirable coun- try seats to be found anywhere, and affords a rare opportunity for those desiring to purchase. Inquire of HENRY BAILEY It CO., 18 Exchange St. Je8 3m BUSINESS CARDS. A CARD. DR. S. C. FERNALD, ftEKTIST, No. 170 Middl Street. RirEuiNcEfl.Dra. Bacon and Breclir. Portland, May 26,1863. tf Dr. J. H. KKEALD disposed of his entire interest in his Office to Dr. 8.C FERNALD, wonld cheerfully rec corn me ud him to his former patients and the pub- uc. L)r. Fkknald, from long experience, is prepar- ed insert Artificial Teeth on the “Vulcanite Base " ant. all otlier methods known to the profession Portland, May 25,1863. tf IF YOU -WANT THE- Best Ambrotype or Photograph, DO not fail to call at No. 27 Market Square, where they take PERFECT LIKENESSES, and war- rant satisfaction, at pricer rhlch defy competition. N.B.—Largo Arabrotypeaonly Fifteen Cent,. TRASK A LEWIS, 87 Market Square, fa’d Preble St _Joiy 14th, 1862. dtf JOHN CROCKETT & 00., -DEALERS IN- New and Second Hand Furniture, -and- FURNISHING GOODS. 12S A 130 .... Exchange Street. mayll dtf SIXfifiR’S SEWING MACHINES! WOODMAN, TRUE A CO., AGENTS, No*. 54 and 56 .... Middle Street. Needles and Trimmings kIwbvi a mchlStf Dine at the iUercliaiitsExchangc Ealing House 17 ft 10 Exchange Street. A Free Lunch every day (ha into JS sp8 «m For the Islands. Tim steamer CASCO will, notll flirt her notice, leare Hfhkhak's "* **•-■■■ Wharf for Pkak's and Cushino'r ISLANDe at 9 and 10 30 A M and 2 and 8.30 P. M. Returning, will loave Cnemivo’a Island at 9 46and 11.15 A. M.. and 2.45 and 5 15 P. M. The boat will touch at Pkak's Island every trip down, but returnin'!, will milv tonch there the last trips in the forcuoon and afternoon. Fare Down and Back 25 Cents. June 24,1868. dtf I. w. SYKES, Purchaser for Eastern Account or LOUR. liRVIX. SEEDS, PROVISIONS. LARD, BUTTER and WESTERN PRODUCE generally. Particular attention given to .hipping bv quickest and cheapest routes. No. 152 SOUTH WATER ST., p. o. Box 471. Chicago, Illinois. Referkncks—Messrs. Mavnarri k Sons; HAW Chickeriug; C.H. Cummings A Co.; S. u. Bowdlear A Co.; Charles A. Stone: Hallett. Davis A Co., of Boston, Mass. Cashier Elliot Bank. Boston. J. N. Bacon, Esq President Newton Bank. Newton. C. B. Collin: Warren Ellis A Sons, New York City Jy9 '63 dly WHITE LEAD! H. ?T. P. MARSHALL * CO., Store 78 Broad Street.Boston MANUPACTtTRBR* OP \PARSHALL’S l*ure and Ext. l*uro White Lead. UJL Superior White Lead. '* Buckeye do Nos. 1 A 2. All colors ground in oil put up iu assorted cans. Dry, warranted superior. CTT*78 Broad Street, Boatoh. JelA d3m Copartnership Notice. PIT HE undersigned have this day formed a copart* A uership under the name and style of NOYES. HOWARD & C0„ for the transaction of the Stove and Furnace Rnsine«8, AT XO. 36 EXCIIAXGE STREET. N. W NOYES. 1. L. HOWARD. Portland. July 1. 1888. jy8 dtf PLeal Estate, INVESTMENTS ! GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS BEFORE THE RISE! 20 HOUSES, at prices from SlOOOto 86000. BV) HOUSE LOTS, at prices from 8200to 83000. 2.000. 000 feet of FLATS. 1.000. 000 feet of LAND. 2 STORK LOTS on Commercial Street. MOSES (vOULl), 74 Middle St., nov27dtf Up Stair*. machineryT Steam and Ciati Fittings, &c. mill’ _Li.r.i._a X public, that he may be found at 37 UNION STREET, (until his shop is rebuilt,) ready to answer any orders lor steam, gas and water pipes. Steam and Gas Fittings of all descriptions. Will also attend to fitting the above for steam or g.ts. Orders received for Pattern making, and Steam and other machinery, Boilers. Water Tanks. 4c. Will devote his persona) attention to arranging and setting Engines, Boilers. Shafting, on reasonable terms IRA WIXX Axrat declfidtf Tliost* Wishing to Save fill ME. money, health, trouble, fretting and the like X call where vou can get ilawse's Patent Pulley Elevating and Folding Clothes Dryer, undoubtedly the best in the world An assortment of the best Clothes Wringers now in use. spring Beds, which for neat ness, simplicity and durability have no equal. Churns, window* washers, knife scourers and other articles too numerous to meution. Where is it* At 229 CONGRESS ST., near City Building. Iy20 dtf UNITED STATES SUBSTITUTE AGENCY Cor. Congress & Chestnut Sts., PORTLAND, ME. G^Drafted men supplied and Town Quotas filled. Portland, Aug. 31, 1863. dlw* New Wheat Flour. NEW WHEAT FLOUR, from St. Louis Treble Extra—Geo. Peg ram’s Champion. For sale by P. F. VAR.iUM, Head Widgery’s Wharf. Portland, August 10, 1863. tf Mixed Co.n. H««bels Heavy Mixed Corn landing 4 UV/U and for sale by C. E. CRAM, Jy27 tf No. 5 Central Wharf. Yellow Corn. PRIME Yellow* Corn, for sale by P. F VARNUM. jy 13 Commercial street, head Widgery’s w harf Wuulctl Immediately. AGENTS, aud men with large or small capital, to engage in a business that will pay eight hun- dred per cent, profit ou every dollar invested. Call and see for youraelves, at 229 Congress street. anglTdtf G. W. MADOX. NEW FIRM ANDJtEW GOODS, 119 Commercial and 4 Moulton Streets, JUST RECEIVED 600 barrels Extra Family Flour, 66 44 Mess Pork, 20 '* Leaf Lard, 10 half barrels Leaf Lard. Alto a general assortment of Groceries, Ship Stores, 4c., which will be sold at wholttale or retail. HAMILTON 4 LOTHROF. Portland, Aug. 18,1363. 8wd MISCELLANEOUS. fTmTcabsleyT CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERERj No. 51 Union Street, IS Prepared to do all kinds of CABINET JOB- BING in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Book and Show Cases made to order. ^’Furniture Made. Repaired and Varnished at SUORT NOTICE. Portland, May 29.1863. tf ■A.. F\ PULLER (Successor to JOS. L. KELLEY k CO.,) Varnish and Japan Manufacturer, And dealer in Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Albert and Benzole Spirit*. Office Congress Street, Portland Re. jelOimdfcw FAIRBANKS’ Standard SCALES. These celebrated Scales are still made by the orig- inal inventors, (anp only by THEM,) and are con •tantly receiving all the improvements which their long experience and skill enn suggest. They are correct in principle, thoroughly made, »/ the beet materials, and arc perfectly accurateaud durable in operation. Forsale.in every variety,ns liar, Coal aad Railroad Seales! BUTCHERS', GROCERS', DRUGGIST8’. CON FECTIONERS’and GOLD Beams, W eights,&c.,&c. With a complete variety of WEIGHING APPARATUS, BY FAIRBANKS ft BROWN, 118XILBSTBBBT-corner of BatterymarcbStreet n Sold in Portland by EMERY k WATERHOUSE oc26 tt MAINE INSURANCE CO., Of Aagiuta, Maine, INSURE Building., Merchandize, and Pcraonai Property generally, not exceeding SfiPOO on any ono rise. J. L. CUTLER, President. J. II WILLIAMS, Secretary. EDWARD SHAW, Agent for Portland and Vicinity, Ho. 102 Middle Street Up Stair*. Jy29 eodSm JOHN F. SHERRYj Hair Cutter and Wig Maker, No. 13 Market Square, Portland, (up (fairs.) Separate room for Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. A good stock of Wigs. Half-Wigs, Bands. Braids, Curls, F hcetts, Pads, Rolls, Crimping Boards, Ac., ac., constantly on hand. je22 63 dly GRAY’S Celebrated HAIR Restorative It is not a Djre t $1000 PREMIUM. $1000 WILLCAL'SEUAIRtoUROWoxBALD heads will aasTona u.iy or oimcackp hair to it. Original Condition A Color, Will prevent the flair from Falling Off, and promote a Near and Healthy Urowth: completely eradi- cates Dandruff; will prevent and cure Ner- vous Headache; will give to the hair a Cleau, (jlent*v Appearance, and is a Certain Care for all Dis- eases of tlie Head. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. It is a perfect and complete dressing for th« hair. Read tlie following testimonial: U. J}. M Hsu a i. 's Officb, New York, Nov. 6, 1961. Wm. Gray, Esq. Dear Sir: Two months ago mv head was almost entirely BALD, and the little hair I hail was all UREY, and falling out very last, until I feared 1 should lose all. 1 commenced using your Hair lies- tomiive, and it immediately stop|K-d the hair falling off. and soon restored the color, and after using two bottles my head is completely covered w it ha healthy growth of hair, aud of the same color it was in early manhood. I take great pleasure iu recommending your excellent Hair /^atorativr, aud vou mar also reierany aouhtiuir person to me. ROBERT MURRAY, U 8. Marshal. Southern District. New York. Other testimonials may be seen at the Restorative Depot.801 Broadway. New York. Manufactured and sold by the proprietor, (Wi. Goat) at the Restorative Depot. 301 Broadway, New York, amt for sale bv all druggists. H. H. HAY, Wholesale Druggist. Agent for Portland and vicinity. je25'63 d&wly? Grand Chance for Investment! STOCK AND STAND FOR SALE. THE subscribers, being desirous of making a change iu their business, offer for sale their | Stock and Stand situated in North Yarmouth. The ; stock consists of DR Y GOODS, GROCERIES, kc., and is one of the best locations for trade in the coun- try. The store is nearly new, with dwelling bouse attached. -also.- They offer one other store and stable near by, with about four acres ot land. A good cbauce for a Boot and Shoe Manufactory. For further particulars inquire of CHARLES MC- LAUGHLIN & CO., Thomas Block, Commercial street.. Portlaud, Me., or of the subscribers, on the premises. I. S. STAN Wo<»D k CO. North Yarmouth. Mav 21st, 1863. Je4 tl'dft w51 V«“«*ie Bank Currency RECEIVED at par in exchange for goods, or re- deemed in any amount at 10 per cent discount, at ALLEN S FRUIT STORE Nos. 13 and 16 Ex- change street. augl9 ed3w Attention Conscripts. I CAN furnish 13able bodied Substitutes at short notice. Apply to D. T. CHASE. augl3dtf Head Long Wharf. taoo«l Farm for Sale. The well known Farm, formerly own- ed by David Marsfou, now by John Whitney, in North Yarmouth. 13 miles from Portland, and only 2 miles from 'two Railroad Depots, is offered tor sale, and will be sold at public auction, ou Wednesday, September 16th,at M) o’clock a. m., if not soouer dDnosed of. For information to strangers wishing to invest monev in real estate, the following descrip- tion may be relied o i: the faun SOStttSi ubont la) acres of good land; it has a sufficient quantity of growing wood far borne Mr* and is iu »uch condi- tion as to gecure to the industrious husbandroa good pay for whatever branch of agriculture he may with to engage in. It is well adapted to stock growing, and lor good, convenient buildings, water, and a very large and profitable oreliard and nursery. It is not often surpas ed. Also Stork, consisting of Horses, Oxen and Cowa, and a good supply of Farming Tools. J WHITNEY. Forth arniouth, Aug, 31. sep2 3aw A w2w*U A Desirable Farm for Sale. Ple*»»ntly diluted in Weetbrook, six milestrom Portland,near Pride’s Bridge, on the road leading from Falmouth to Saccarappa—contafn- ingone hundred acres, suitably di- vided into tillage, pasture and woodland. A pfeuty o! vouii* orcharding apple and pear trees just come into beariug, of the best varieties. The soil is most- ly clay loam, well watered by a never-failing br-*ok running through the farm. Anew two story brick ; House, with a good cellar, Barn and other oui-build- ings, and an abundant supply of excellent water.— Terms easy. For further information inquire of the subscriber on the premises. AHIJAH HAWKE8. augSl d2w* MEDICAL. II- H.HAY, |k * JUNCTION OF FEME AND MIDDLE STS. -DBA hr ib- Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs GENUINE MEDICINES, 1KLISI, niMI All A1IKKAI MPCHT, AND FANCY GOODS. APOTHECARIES' GLASS WARE, PORK WE LEECHES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, BRACES ELASTIC STOCKINGS, fc. P -ALSO- VARNISHES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, KEROSENE OIL, Lian OIL B,,,,Ujr k,p* '■ *Dr** »« LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS The Ureal Female Hrmrij LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ABB BETTER THAB ALL «mi n « a _ x ikimf x uwucra auu yuac* preparation*. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS -ABB- SUBE TO DO GOOD AND CANNOT DO HABV. Lyon's Periodical Drops! TBS GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Lyon’s Periodical Drops! AMB BETTMB THAM ALL Pill*, Powder* 4k Qiack Preparation*. Lyon’s Periodical Drops! Sure to do Good and cannot do Kara. LYON’S PERIODICAL DR0P8! The Oku Female Remedy! LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! ABM BETTER THAM ALL PILLS,POWDERS f QUACK PREPARATIONS. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! ARE SURE TO DO GOOD AND CANNOT DO HARM. Lyon’a Periodical Drops THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Lyon’s Periodical Drops ARE BETTER THAM ALL PILLS. POWDER8 AND QUACK MEDICINES. Lyon’s Periodical Drops Are Sure to do Good and cannot do’ Harm. Lyon’s Periodical Drops THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Lyon’s Periodical Drops Ar* better than all Fill*, Powder*, And Quack Preparation*. Lyon’s Periodical Drops, -Ana- Sure to do Good and cannot do Harm. L Price, *1 per Bottle. For nle br all Druggist*. At wboleMl. bjr W. F- Phillip*. H. H. Hay ft Co Portland. aug23 rodly A NEW DISCOVERY 1 A Patent Compound far the Care * or the PILES! ByWM. CARR. Both, Mo. A FTER suffering sixteen years, and trying every- thing that could be found In tbe market recom- mended for that complaint, without findiug any re- lief, the inventor of this compound thought he would try an experiment, and Anally succeeded in Hading a remedy that has effected a permanent cure. A tier waiting four years for the purpose ot ascertaining whether the cure was perfect, and not having had the slightest touch of it during that time, he then advertised It in the Bath Times fbr one year. Biuec its introduction it has proved itself to be tbe best rem- edy ever brought before the public for this complaint. It ia made of different things that grow in the fields and pas turns, that are good for any one to take. It has be* n taken by children but three years old, and IVom that up to people of seventy years, and has effected a eure in almost every case. Some people are troubled with other complaints in connection with thin, and he does not claim that this medicine will cure every disease that people are subject to, bat those troubled with the Piles need not despair. Many who have been troubled with the Piles but a fbw years, have been cured by the use of a single bottle: but for those who have had the disease In tbeir blood twenty or thirty years, it will require more. This medicine has been taken by hundreds ia tbe eiftv of Rath and its vicinity, and has proved te be the HEST REMEDY ever discovered fcr the above complaint. It is got up expressly fbr the Pilee, bat for Inflammation of the Bowels it is second to none. The iuvenfor, wishing to send it to other cities and towns to let the people satisfv themselves of its heal- ing and cleansing virtues, has been at tbe expense of securing a patent. Aomts for PonTi.AXD—k. 8 Whittier. H. H. Hay, and E. L Stanwood. jy31 dBm Book Card & Famv Printing NEATLY EXECUTE!' AT THE OFFICE OF THE MESS

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Is published at No. 82J EXCHANGE STEEF.T, IN FOX BLOCK, by


T erins: The Portland Daily Fresh is published every

morning (Sundays excepted), at *6.00 per year in advance, to which will be added twenty-five cents for each three mouths' delay, and if not paid for at the end ot the year the paper will bo discontinued.

Single copies three cents. Tun Maine Statu Press is published every Thurs-

day moruing.at aS.OO per annum, in advance; *.*.26 if paid withiu six mouths; and *2.60, if payment be delayed beyond the year.

Rates of Advertising :

*1.26 per square daily first week; 76 cents per week after; force insertions or less, *1.00; continuing eve- ry other day after first week, 60 cents.

Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents: one week, *1.00; 60 cents per week alter.

Under head of Amusements. *2 00 per square per week ; three insertions or less, *1,60.

(special Notices, *1.76 per square first week, •1,00 per square after; three insertions or less, *1.26; half a square, three insertions, *1.00; one week, *1.26.

Business Notices, In reading columns, 12 cents per liue for oue insertion. No charge less than fifty cents.

Leoal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted iu the Maine State

Pit ess (which has a large circulation iu every part o the State) for 60 cents per square in addition to the above rates for each insertion.

Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad- vance

SyAII communications intended for the paper should be directed to the “Editor of the Prett" and those of a business character to the Publithrm. lyi'be Portland Daily and Maine State

Press Office, iu Fox Block, No. 82) Exchange Street, is open at all hours during the day ami eve- ning, from 7 o'clock in the morning to 0 iu the evening. IF Job Printing o| overy description executed

with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of- fice or paper promptly transacted on application as above.

F. Tracy, Travel!Kg Agent.

Tridny Morning, September 4, 1803.

“Political Priests.” This cry, which was the watchword of a

certain political fraternity a few years since, when party issues turned upon the principles of tlie Maine Law, is now being re-rung by a devotee of the great Red Dragon of secession in this city.

Then, as now, our clergymen, iu obedience to a divine injunction to preach righteous- ness, temperance and judgment, did much to

promote the interest of that party that w;ts

mooring lor me suppression or vice and crime, and of course said much to offend a party that was wedded to self-interest and self-indulgence. Not that our ministers descended from their high and holy calling to pull the wires of a base election campaign, but because, in the course of events, political issues embraced the legiti- mate objects of Christian miaistration, and in the discharge of their sacred duty to reprove the world ol sin, they inadvertently trod upon the gouty toes of the anti-temperance party, who rose In wrath, and denounced them as

profane blasphemers and political priests. They bad some show of reason for being of fended at this alleged interference of the Christian ministry. They considered the mor- al aspect of the politics of that time from their own base and groveling standpoint of vision, and while no one would deny that a Christian minister laboring to promote the in- terests ol the rum-loving community would richly merit the opprobrium of tbe whole civ- ilized world, they on their part, blinded with infatuation, could not see why it was not equally profane for the pulpit to favor the oth- er side of the question. Stupendous fools!

To-day the great political issues have again over-lapped most broadly the Gospel domain. To-day there are but two great political par- ties—the party for Union,Democracy, Liberty and Government, and the party for Treason, Anarchy and War. Our clergymen are found as ever on the side of mercy and justice and truth; and lh« great party for the right de- pends much upon the instructive sermons and prevailing prayers of our host of united Chris- tian ministers, to bring back to our distressed country tbe blessing of union and peace. Hence the avowed discontent of these J udas Iscariots, who would, fain for thirty pieces of silver, see this Republic smoldering in the ashes of ulter demolition. No wonder that the hideous structure of treason and revolt shudders with apprehension to the very foundation, at the advance of the valiant Gospel army. We have a truly noble Christian ministry upon the soil of America, in whose veins still flows the brave blood of tbeir Puritan sires, and they dare to stand up for truth forever, though the heaveus fall and the earth be removed. They still revere aud cherish the example of an an- cient preacher, who dared to stand boldly be- fore the king and teach him the words of truth—and among whose numerous and in- structive writings appears the following re- markable specimen of political preaching:

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: »uu me powers mat oe are ordained or God. Whosoever, therefore, resislctb the power, re- sisted! the ordinance of God: and they that resist receive unto themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to the good works, but to the evil.”

We find that it has ever been the party al- lied to base self-interest and moral evil that raises this hue and cry of ‘political preaching,’ and persecutes the ciiurch for daring to uphold the good and to oppose the wickedness of these political schemes. It was so in the days of Christ and it is so to-day. Aud this is why vile traitors raise their polluted heads from the loathsome slime of treason and se- cession and hiss at the sacred ministers of Christ. Mo doubt the old serpent, the king of all the Copperheads, felt much the same emo- tion when he saw the Star in the East, whiclt proclaimed the birth of a Prince beneath whose power all the kingdoms of sin and darkness shall finally crumble to the dust, aud the reign of the Gospel of Peace fill the whole earth. Jose.

Berdan's Sharp Shooters. The First and second Kegimenu United States Sharp-shooters are to be filled up to

the maximum number at once from drafted men and veteran volunteers who can do the snooting required by General Orders for tins branch of service, viz., a string of five consecutive shots, not exceeding twenty- five inches, with a target rifle, distance two hundred yards, at rest or the same string, with open sights, one hundred vards, at rest.

The States from which the regiments are to be recruited are Mai„c, New i[8n,p8birf, Vermont, New lotk, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Drafted men from the above named Slates, who arc desirous of joining this arm of the service, can do so upou fnrnisning an aftiduvit, made before a Justice of the peace, that they made the target specified above, and presenting the same”to the commaudaiit of the rendevous on their arrival.

Men who have seen not less than nine months service, and have received an honor- able discharge, desiring to enlist in the sharp- shooters, ean do so by applying to the Provost Marsltal of their district or to the authorities designated by the Governor for recruiting veteran volunteers’ and furnishing

xue auiuBvit ui required above. They will be nuetered in as sharp-shooters and receive the $402 bounty allowed by the Government, and will be accredited to their respective States, as specified in General Order 191, War Department, current series.

All recruits, whether drafted men or vol- unteers, will address Colonel H. Bekhan, New York who has been ordered from the field to superintend this work. They will furnish a copy of{the affidavit required, their address, and the probable time when they will arrive in the rendevous, that proper steps may be to forward them to their regiments.

Tlie sharp-shooters are armed with splendid breach loading rifles, costing $43 a piece, and the above affords a fine ciiance for men who desire to join a corps where their skill with the rifle will be apreciated and made effective by a good weapon.

By circulating the above information, news- papers in the States above named, especially those in the rural districts, will render esential aid to the Government by iusuring the speedy filling up of these valuable regiments to tue maximum. —(Philedelphia Inquirer.

£y*The Portsmouth Chronicle says tha on Friday morning last, while a berrying party had just got on board a boat at an island below New Castle bridge to return to New Castle, a shot from fort constitution passed over the bridge, on which several persons were standing, and struck the boat, shivering it to atoms. The boat contained seven per- sons, all of whom were thrown into the wat- er. Of these, a sonofMr. Win. Trefethen, Jr., of New Casile, was instantly killed, his body being frightfully manghut. He was about twelve years of age. Another son. about ten years of age was seriously injured in the head, possibly by a piece of the' boat. He may recover. Mrs. Trefethen, who was in the boat, rescued him from drowning, and also took out the lifeless remains of the son who was killed. A son of the late Samuel Batson was slightly wounded, and also a son of Capt. Elias Todd, Jr. These ull reside in New Cas- tle. It is explained that the boat could not be seen from the Fort, and that the shot went farther than was intended.


Only $20 to Chicago ! AND RETl'RN,



f la the Grand Trunk Railway, and STEAMERS OF FIRST CLASS,

Through Lake Huron to Mackinaw and Lake Michigan Forts; touching at Milwaukee,

thence to Chicago, and return same route— a passage oi about 40 hours. State Kooms

and Mcala included on Steamers.

Ticket* sold from August tO Mood to re* turn mo til Oct, IO, I 81*3.

Two Through Trains leave Fort land daily at 7.46 A. m. and 1.26 F. m.

This Excursion affords facilities ncrer before offer- ed the Tourist, to visit Canada. Niagara Falls, To- ronto, Fort Sarnia, the (jrand Lakes of Huron and Michigan, the Great West!

VWmAmerican money taken at par at all the prin- cipal Hotels at Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec: also on the Grand Trunk Railway for Sleep- ing Car Bertha, aud lor meals, kc., at Refreshment Saloon*.

xW Tickets from Bangor and other points, at re- duced rates to Tourist Ticket Holders.

THROUGH TfUKKTi, and other information, apply to all the Grand Trunk Agent* in .Maine and New Brunswick— or to connecting Steamboat Offices, And 90 Exchange street, Portland.

C. J. BRYDGES. Managing Director, Montreal. 8. SiiACKLLL, General Eastern Ageut, Boston.

WU, FLOWERS, Eastern Agent, Bangor.

Bangor, July 29, 1«63. septa to octlO dk w



WASHINGTON, Via the Stonwgton or Fall River Lines.

For sale at lo.e.t Hinton rate. by W. D. LIT- TLE, A Kent. 31 Kxolunuc Stn-et. au «2/i


Flour, Provisions nnd Grass Need, NO- 87 COMMERCIAL STREET,

«,p8 tf Portland, Me.


SUBSTITUTE AGENCY. Ho. 2 Fox Block, up stairs,


A. P HASKELL, .... WM. M CUSHMAN. QT*Towii Quotas supplied. §ep3 lw


Portland Commercial College. LOCATED I860 in the Hanson Block, No. 161 Mid-

dle street. The rooms have recently been made new, and furnished neatly, aud are the most plea-ant in the city. One separate room for Ladies. 1 pre- sent my thanks lor the extensive patronage, and promise as in the past, nopains shall be spared in the future. I have removed from No. 164 to 161 Middle street. The Principal has had 20 years’ experience. Diplomas will be riven to those Ladies ana Gentle- men who pass through thorough courses for Ac- countants. Terms will be reasonable. My Institu- tion is a branch of the Hon. Bartlett's Commercial College, Cincinnati, Ohio, the first aud eldest in the United States. My teaching and plans are modern, aud the most improved aud approved, as the first Z.OSS business ium have and will testify. MT* Practically taught,as followsBook-Keeping, Navigation, Commercial Law, Phonography, High- er Mathematics, Civil Engineering. Surveying. Na- tive, Business and Ornamental Writing,'Commer- cial Arithmetic, Correspondence. Card Blarkiug, Ac. Teaching from printed writing copies aud text books are avoided. Each Student receives separate instruction. Intricate Accounts adjusted. Certain evenings will be devoted to Late Lectures, if expedient.

kcW Mr. B. would refer to a recommendation from his Students of this city, who are acting as business men, accountants, Ac containing above four hun- dred signatures, a part of which mav be seen in print in the ball at the eutsance to his Rconis, a few oi which are as follows:

We have been taught by actual experience, that the method of instruction pursued by Mr R. N. Brown, of thiscity, in teaching the art of Writing, aud the complicated series of Book Keeping, has been eminently successful, and we take pleasure in publicly acknowledging our indebtedness to him for whatever skill aud facility in adjusting accounts we may now possess: Philip ffeury Brown, Jas. Olcutt Brown, Stephen H. Cummings. W. W. Thomas, Jr., Samuel Chad- wiek u gust us Cummings, Jason Berry, John S. Russell, Fred. Priuco, John H. Hall, George E. Thompson, John B. Coyle,Jr., Fred H. Small, John M Meyem, aud 200 others. » The services oi a Sea Captain is secured to

tench Navigation, who has had 40 years experience a« a practitioner.__aug31 .l&wll

Co|»nrfnrrslii|, Notice.

THE undersigned have tbia dav awociated them-

aelvj. in bu.,ue» under the u™ „Bmc of NOR- lv,", * HAI MAN A CO., for the purpose of trans- acting a general Commission Business in Flour aud Western Produce, at No. 6 Galt lilttck.


Portland, Sept. 1,1863. sept2 8w

Evniing Work.

YOUNG and active journeyman CARPENTERS can find employment evenings, from 7 to 10 or 11

o'clock, on application at the offee of the CA1IOON MANUFACTURING CO.,

*®pl tf 89 Federal Street.

Dlno at the MERCHANTS'Exchange Eating House, 17 k 19

Exchanges! Free Lunch every day from 10 apSdOm L S.TWOMBLY.



THOMAS LUCAS, No. lil.1 middle Street Portland,

Respectfully calls your particular attention to

His Great Closing-out Sale of SPRING AND SUMMER


T\i© Next Thirty Days, -POE-


Silk and Lace mantillds, Beragcs, Berage Double Kobe*,

Parasols, muslins, -AND ALL KINDS OP-

SUMMER GOODS Cheap fop the millions !

A« SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS Ire tile only motto appreciated by Bayers of Dry Goods- the days of large profit* having gone by.


foreign dress goods, Such a* plain and brocaded Black Silk*; blue and

brown Silk*; also all the desirable color* to be found. Let every Lady in want of a GOOD SILK bear in mind that this is the

Largest and Best Uttorfmonf rtf i_a

have the ENGLISH CROWKBLACK 8H.K. and both plain and figured or all other celebrated Euro- pean make, all of which will bo


All Ihr New Style* «f


Silk and Wool Plaids, Satin Stripes, Garabaldi Checks, Poil d© Cheveres, Travelling Mixtures, rich French Poplins,Italian Lustres, Spring and Summer Delaines, plain all-wool Delaines, in all the beautiful shades and colors. Talfettas, Goat's Hair Goods and Camel's Hair Lustres in all the new shades, plain Alpaccas in all colors, French and English Ging- hams, Americtn and English Prints, Thibet*, Lyon- ©ses, and all other Dress Goods, too numerous to recapitulate here.

Shawls! Shawls! Shawls! OVER 3000 NEW SHAWLS,

Perfect Beauties—All New Pattern*I

lmO WHAAVVHS \ A large assortment of Cloths for Men and Boys’

wear, consisting of German Broadcloths, West of England Broadcloths, American Broadcloths, Doe- skin*. Satiuetts, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Waterproofs, and all kinds of

'Woolen Goods.

Grey, Blue, White, Striped, and Shirtin


Special attention to be devoted to the

W ooten Department \

lOOO NEW CAPES Xo be Sold far trhnl ibrv will hrinv.

Also, a full assortment



LINEN CAMBRICS, Balmoral Skirts, Watch Spring Skirts,


HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, too numerous to mention.

THOMAS LUCAS Would assure all buyers of Dry Goods that this is the ONL Y STORE IN PORTLAND where cau be found a completk assortment of

Fashionable Dress Goods, AT LOW PRICES.


My entire stock of SUMMER GOODS must be and shall be closed out to make room for Kali Goods. Now is tlie time to get goods CHEAP, as in less than oue mouth goods

Will advance nt least 25 per Cent.

Let all who want Dry Goods embrace this opportu- nity, and buy what goods they want for summer and fall.

WA. this is a rare chance, all in want of Dry 1 Goods should call early in order to secure the

BEST BARGAINS! iy Country Merchants are particularly solicited

to call examine.


Mo. ISA middle Street.


^Portland-Tvlaine. )y2S d3m

FOR SALE & TO LET. Counting: Room to Let.

COUNTING ROOM over No. 90 Commercial St, Thomas Block, to let. Apply to

N. J. MILLER, mchlldtf Over 92Commercial Street.

To Let

THE commodious Chamber in the northerly cor ner of the new brick block, corner of Lime and

Milk Streets, directly facing the market. Rent low. Enquire at office of

OCEAN INSURANCE CO., Sept. 15,1882. dti No.27 ExchangeSt

Office to Let.

ON second floor, Middle Street,contrally situated and easy of access. Apply at No. 61 Commer-

cial Street. jy17

To be Let.

CHAMBKRSin the second story, over Store 98 Middlestroot—Mitchell's Building. Possession

given immediately, inquired jan2tf A T. DOLE.

For Sale. THE Three Story Brick Dwelling Honse,

■SSh No‘ 195 ^onRrC8S street, corner Quiucv street. IftfsL Said House contains fourteen finished

rooms; is warmed by furnace; plenty of hard and soft water; an abundance of closet room. Enquire Of JAMES E. Jf'EKNALD,

ap23tf __

87 Middle Street.


r»R a term of rears, the vacant Lot of Land on Fore street, above India street, recently occu-

pied bv B. F. Noble k Co., as a Lumber Yara. A pply to LEWIS PI ERCE,

»P30G'_ 64 Middle Street.

For Sale or to Let. k CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20

r* * rooms,large stable and sheds—situated two UtM and miles from Portland, and the

• HBRil >*ituation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- tering place, and summer boarders. For

particulars enquire of G EO. OWEN, apT dtf 31 Winter Street, Portland.


*|k HOUSE No. 172 Cumberland Street, be •y tween Elm and Chestnut, now occupied by iL Rev. W. R. Clark. Said house is in good re-

pair, is built of brick, and contains thirteen rooms, lighted with gas. Good collar aud furnace. Title clear.

For particulars enquire of THOMAS R. JONES, or J. C. PROCTER, Lime Street.

mchl4 dtf

To Lof. fllilK eligible and convenient Chambers over store L No. 14 Market Square, now occupied by Mr.

Rufus Dunham, suitable for salesroom** or other purposes. Possession given about Julv 1st. Also one very desirable Chamber iu the third story of sam«* block. Apply to

je21 dtf THOMAS or WM. HAMMOND.

1 or Kale. Attft A new two-atory house, thoroughly built, Hiii roof, 11 finished rooms, convenient for HUli one or two families, with bar windows.plenty

of excellent water; wood-house attached, and a large garden lot—situated on Veranda street, near Tukey'a bridge, in Westbrook, within ten minutes' walk of Portland l’oat office. Conditions easy.price low, and excellent neighborhood.

j«23 d3m_ ISAAC 8YLVRSTER.

FOR KALE. 1% A handsome bay PUNY, 9 years old,

weighs about 450 pounds — warranted <n4 M* *ou||d aud kind in harness or saddle—has

II(J vice or trfcblf, and sold lor in* fault.— Perfectly kind tor children Enquire of Kennebunk Depot Master, IVORY LITTLEFIELD,

heuncbunk, July 22.1868. j\23 dtf

itfachini«ts' Tools for Kale.

CONSISTING of one 11 ft Iron Planing Machine; One7 ft Engine Lathe; One Gear-Cutting Engine;

Drill*. Rimmers, and small toots suited to a small shop. Enquire of ISAAC McLELLAN.

augl4 d‘lw# Gorham, Maine.

DpkI ruble Keal EMate Tor Sale.

ONE undivided half of the two storikd Brick DWELLING HOUSE, WITH LOT NO. 32

GREEN STREET, above Cumberland.) The lot is about 36 x 100 feet. The house contains ten finished rooms, well arranged for two families, front aud back stairs, unfinished attic, good cellar and well supplied witl^excelleut water.

Arrangements can be made for purchasing the whole property if dosired.

Apply to C M. HAWKES, Residence No 23 Elm street, or at John Lynch k Co.,

139 Commercial street. je6 dtf

Iti‘iil Eslalp Tor Salt* or lo Kent. The Farm formerly owned by John

LrVS Mountfort, Mug in South'Gray, containing 100acres. 60 of it improv- wi, the remainder wood and timber, well fenced with stone wall Good

bin Ming* and enough of them. Two hundn*d apple trees in good condition. For particulars enquire of ELIAS MOUN I FoRT. on the premises.

Also, the Brick Building in Portland, situated on Fore and Chatham streets. augl2 tfdfcw8

lluusp Lots lor Snip or lo Lease. 1^0R SALE, Hou*e Lots in dimensions to suit, on L Oxford. Washington, Fox, Winthrop, Everett, Mad ison, Munroe, Green loaf, and Fremont streets, or will be leased for a term of years, say ten or more —any of the land on the above streets the lessee to have the privilege of purchasing at the expiration of the lease.

Apply to the subscriber for terras, which will be made satisfactory to those isliiiig to build.

WILLIAM OXNARD. Portland. July 7th, 1863. jv7 dtweod2m*

Brick House and Store on Congress Stree F OH IS A L E.

MTho Store, House, and Lot 344 Congress street—a first rate stand. A desirable and well finished House, with 10 finished

rooms, besides closets, ha 1 Ac. Abundant supplv of umu ttnu Kim w»ur. Lin v' in a common pas- sage wav 12 feet wide. For particulars inquire of

JOHN C. PROCTOR, Jy22eod8w Liuu* Street.

For Kale. TITHE fast sailing. conp**red and copper-fasteued A Yacht Pilot Boat SIBYL, in good repair, well furnished with sails and rigging. Will be sold ( HEAP FOH CASH. Now running as a packet between Isles of Shoals aud Portsmouth.N. il. Any one wishing to purchase can have au opportunity to examine her by making a trip to the Shqpls. For further particulars inquire of

RUFUS A. PREBLE, aug22 eod3w Newcastle, N. II.

For Kale. Ame&l A good two-story house, barn, and c ar-

[•••OT riage-house. with lot 68 x 88 feet, in Back -JHAlabCove Village, near Tukey's Bridge, about one mile from Portland post office—a pleasaut situ- ation.

Also one house lot on Monument street, in Port- land, on which is an unfinished house; aud one lot, about one bundr«*d feet square, on Atlantic street; will be sold entire, or in two lots. Terms easy.

Apply to J. HACKER, jell deod& wtlL2

A Farm for Kale. PLEASANTLY situated in North

Gorham, on tho road leading from Fort Hill to Standish, containing fifty-four acres of land, suitably di-

__ vided into mowing, tillage, pastur- ing and woodland, with good and c< nveuicnt build- iugs thereon, all in good repair; with a good well of water convenient for house and ham. Said fnrm is situated on a good road aud in a good neighborhood, aud within ouc-half mile of church and school.

Terms easy. For further information iuquirc of the subscriber on tho premises.

MOSES BUTTERFIELD. North Gorham, Aug. 17, 1863.

augl9 eodlwaw*

Country It evidence lor Kale. ^

The FARM owned by the late ^ Hon. R. K. Goode now, situated * wirhin one hundred rods of the

County Buildings at Paris. Oxiord _- County, Me., is offered for sale at a

great bargain. The Farm contains 110 acres ot land, of excellent

quality, which prod ce< at present about 30 tons of hay, and the amount may be largely increased.— Fruit, wood and water ate abundant. The dwelling house and out-buildiugs are commodious and in good repair. The location is pleasant and healthy, offer- ing u desirable country residence.

For particulars inquiry may be made on tfie prein ises of Dr. W. A. RUST, South Paris, or WILLIAM G(X) DENOW, Esq., Portland. j)3eodtf


Cape Elizabeth, two miles from Portland Post Office. This is one of the most beautiful country resideu-

_ees in the vicinity of Portiand.com- mantling a tine view of the city, the harbor, and the surrounding coiiutry. Tho house, stable, and out- buildings have every convenience, aud are surround- ed by shade trees and shrubbery; and are in good repair. Couuected with them are two acres of land in a high state of cultivation, and planted with ap- ple, pear and cherry trees, now iu bearing condition. On the whole this is one of the most desirable coun- try seats to be found anywhere, and affords a rare opportunity for those desiring to purchase. Inquire of HENRY BAILEY It CO., 18 Exchange St.

Je8 3m



No. 170 Middl Street. RirEuiNcEfl.Dra. Bacon and Breclir.

Portland, May 26,1863. tf

Dr. J. H. KKEALD disposed of his entire interest in his Office to Dr. 8.C FERNALD, wonld cheerfully rec corn me ud him to his former patients and the pub- uc. L)r. Fkknald, from long experience, is prepar- ed J® insert Artificial Teeth on the “Vulcanite Base "

ant. all otlier methods known to the profession Portland, May 25,1863. tf


Best Ambrotype or Photograph, DO not fail to call at No. 27 Market Square, where they take PERFECT LIKENESSES, and war- rant satisfaction, at pricer rhlch defy competition.

N.B.—Largo Arabrotypeaonly Fifteen Cent,.

TRASK A LEWIS, 87 Market Square, fa’d Preble St _Joiy 14th, 1862. dtf


New and Second Hand Furniture, -and-

FURNISHING GOODS. 12S A 130 .... Exchange Street.

mayll dtf



No*. 54 and 56 .... Middle Street. Needles and Trimmings kIwbvi a


Dine at the iUercliaiitsExchangc Ealing House

17 ft 10 Exchange Street. A Free Lunch every day (ha into JS sp8 «m

For the Islands. Tim steamer CASCO will, notll

flirt her notice, leare Hfhkhak's "* **•-■■■ Wharf for Pkak's and Cushino'r ISLANDe at 9 and 10 30 A M and 2 and 8.30 P. M.

Returning, will loave Cnemivo’a Island at 9 46and 11.15 A. M.. and 2.45 and 5 15 P. M.

The boat will touch at Pkak's Island every trip down, but returnin'!, will milv tonch there the last trips in the forcuoon and afternoon.

Fare Down and Back 25 Cents. June 24,1868. dtf

I. w. SYKES, Purchaser for Eastern Account


generally. Particular attention given to .hipping bv quickest and cheapest routes. No. 152 SOUTH WATER ST., p. o. Box 471. Chicago, Illinois. Referkncks—Messrs. Mavnarri k Sons; HAW

Chickeriug; C.H. Cummings A Co.; S. u. Bowdlear A Co.; Charles A. Stone: Hallett. Davis A Co., of Boston, Mass. Cashier Elliot Bank. Boston. J. N. Bacon, Esq President Newton Bank. Newton. C. B. Collin: Warren Ellis A Sons, New York City

Jy9 '63 dly


Store 78 Broad Street.Boston MANUPACTtTRBR* OP

\PARSHALL’S l*ure and Ext. l*uro White Lead. UJL Superior White Lead.

'* Buckeye do Nos. 1 A 2. All colors ground in oil put up iu assorted cans.

Dry, warranted superior. CTT*78 Broad Street, Boatoh. JelA d3m

Copartnership Notice. PIT HE undersigned have this day formed a copart* A uership under the name and style of

NOYES. HOWARD & C0„ for the transaction of the

Stove and Furnace Rnsine«8, AT XO. 36 EXCIIAXGE STREET.


Portland. July 1. 1888. jy8 dtf


GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS BEFORE THE RISE! 20 HOUSES, at prices from SlOOOto 86000. BV) HOUSE LOTS, at prices from 8200to 83000. 2.000. 000 feet of FLATS. 1.000. 000 feet of LAND. 2 STORK LOTS on Commercial Street.

MOSES (vOULl), 74 Middle St., nov27dtf Up Stair*.

machineryT Steam and Ciati Fittings, &c. mill’ _Li.r.i._a

X public, that he may be found at

37 UNION STREET, (until his shop is rebuilt,) ready to answer any orders lor steam, gas and water pipes.

Steam and Gas Fittings of all descriptions. Will also attend to fitting the above for steam or g.ts.

Orders received for Pattern making, and Steam and other machinery, Boilers. Water Tanks. 4c.

Will devote his persona) attention to arranging and setting Engines, Boilers. Shafting, on reasonable terms IRA WIXX Axrat


Tliost* Wishing to Save fill ME. money, health, trouble, fretting and the like X call where vou can get ilawse's Patent Pulley Elevating and Folding Clothes Dryer, undoubtedly the best in the world An assortment of the best Clothes Wringers now in use. spring Beds, which for neat ness, simplicity and durability have no equal. Churns, window* washers, knife scourers and other articles too numerous to meution.

Where is it* At 229 CONGRESS ST., near City Building.

Iy20 dtf


SUBSTITUTE AGENCY Cor. Congress & Chestnut Sts.,


G^Drafted men supplied and Town Quotas filled. Portland, Aug. 31, 1863. dlw*

New Wheat Flour.

NEW WHEAT FLOUR, from St. Louis Treble Extra—Geo. Peg ram’s Champion.

For sale by P. F. VAR.iUM, Head Widgery’s Wharf.

Portland, August 10, 1863. tf

Mixed Co.n. H««bels Heavy Mixed Corn landing

4 UV/U and for sale by C. E. CRAM,

Jy27 tf No. 5 Central Wharf.

Yellow Corn.

PRIME Yellow* Corn, for sale by P. F VARNUM.

jy 13 Commercial street, head Widgery’s w harf

Wuulctl Immediately. AGENTS, aud men with large or small capital, to

engage in a business that will pay eight hun- dred per cent, profit ou every dollar invested. Call and see for youraelves, at 229 Congress street.

anglTdtf G. W. MADOX.

NEW FIRM ANDJtEW GOODS, 119 Commercial and 4 Moulton Streets,


600 barrels Extra Family Flour, 66 44 Mess Pork, 20 '* Leaf Lard, 10 half barrels Leaf Lard.

Alto a general assortment of Groceries, Ship Stores, 4c., which will be sold at wholttale or retail.

HAMILTON 4 LOTHROF. Portland, Aug. 18,1363. 8wd



No. 51 Union Street, IS Prepared to do all kinds of CABINET JOB- BING in a prompt and satisfactory manner.

Book and Show Cases made to order. ^’Furniture Made. Repaired and Varnished at

SUORT NOTICE. Portland, May 29.1863. tf

■A.. F\ PULLER (Successor to JOS. L. KELLEY k CO.,)

Varnish and Japan Manufacturer, And dealer in

Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Albert and Benzole Spirit*.

Office Congress Street, Portland Re. jelOimdfcw




These celebrated Scales are still made by the orig- inal inventors, (anp only by THEM,) and are con •tantly receiving all the improvements which their long experience and skill enn suggest.

They are correct in principle, thoroughly made, »/ the beet materials, and arc perfectly accurateaud durable in operation.

Forsale.in every variety,ns liar, Coal aad Railroad Seales!


Beams, W eights,&c.,&c. With a complete variety of


FAIRBANKS ft BROWN, 118XILBSTBBBT-corner of BatterymarcbStreet


Sold in Portland by EMERY k WATERHOUSE oc26 tt

MAINE INSURANCE CO., Of Aagiuta, Maine,

INSURE Building., Merchandize, and Pcraonai Property generally, not exceeding SfiPOO on any

ono rise. J. L. CUTLER, President. J. II WILLIAMS, Secretary.

EDWARD SHAW, Agent for Portland and Vicinity,

Ho. 102 Middle Street Up Stair*. Jy29 eodSm

JOHN F. SHERRYj Hair Cutter and Wig Maker,

No. 13 Market Square, Portland, (up (fairs.) Separate room for Ladies' and Children's Hair

Cutting. A good stock of Wigs. Half-Wigs, Bands. Braids,

Curls, F hcetts, Pads, Rolls, Crimping Boards, Ac., ac., constantly on hand. je22 63 dly

GRAY’S Celebrated


Restorative It is not a Djre t


will aasTona u.iy or oimcackp hair to it.

Original Condition A Color, Will prevent the flair from Falling Off, and promote

a Near and Healthy Urowth: completely eradi- cates Dandruff; will prevent and cure Ner-

vous Headache; will give to the hair a Cleau, (jlent*v Appearance, and is a

Certain Care for all Dis- eases of tlie Head.

PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. It is a perfect and complete dressing for th« hair.

Read tlie following testimonial: U. J}. M Hsu a i. 's Officb,

New York, Nov. 6, 1961. Wm. Gray, Esq.

Dear Sir: Two months ago mv head was almost entirely BALD, and the little hair I hail was all UREY, and falling out very last, until I feared 1 should lose all. 1 commenced using your Hair lies- tomiive, and it immediately stop|K-d the hair falling off. and soon restored the color, and after using two bottles my head is completely covered w it ha healthy growth of hair, aud of the same color it was in early manhood. I take great pleasure iu recommending your excellent Hair /^atorativr, aud vou mar also reierany aouhtiuir person to me.

ROBERT MURRAY, U 8. Marshal. Southern District. New York.

Other testimonials may be seen at the Restorative Depot.801 Broadway. New York.

Manufactured and sold by the proprietor, (Wi. Goat) at the Restorative Depot. 301 Broadway, New York, amt for sale bv all druggists.

H. H. HAY, Wholesale Druggist. Agent for Portland and vicinity. je25'63 d&wly?

Grand Chance for Investment! STOCK AND STAND FOR SALE.

THE subscribers, being desirous of making a change iu their business, offer for sale their

| Stock and Stand situated in North Yarmouth. The ; stock consists of DR Y GOODS, GROCERIES, kc.,

and is one of the best locations for trade in the coun- try. The store is nearly new, with dwelling bouse attached.

-also.- They offer one other store and stable near by, with

about four acres ot land. A good cbauce for a Boot and Shoe Manufactory.

For further particulars inquire of CHARLES MC- LAUGHLIN & CO., Thomas Block, Commercial street.. Portlaud, Me., or of the subscribers, on the premises. I. S. STAN Wo<»D k CO.

North Yarmouth. Mav 21st, 1863. Je4 tl'dft w51

V«“«*ie Bank Currency RECEIVED at par in exchange for goods, or re-

deemed in any amount at 10 per cent discount, at ALLEN S FRUIT STORE Nos. 13 and 16 Ex- change street. augl9 ed3w

Attention Conscripts. I CAN furnish 13able bodied Substitutes at short

notice. Apply to D. T. CHASE. augl3dtf Head Long Wharf.

taoo«l Farm for Sale. The well known Farm, formerly own-

ed by David Marsfou, now by John Whitney, in North Yarmouth. 13 miles from Portland, and only 2 miles from

'two Railroad Depots, is offered tor sale, and will be sold at public auction, ou Wednesday, September 16th,at M) o’clock a. m., if not soouer dDnosed of. For information to strangers wishing to invest monev in real estate, the following descrip- tion may be relied o i: the faun SOStttSi ubont la) acres of good land; it has a sufficient quantity of growing wood far borne Mr* and is iu »uch condi- tion as to gecure to the industrious husbandroa good pay for whatever branch of agriculture he may with to engage in. It is well adapted to stock growing, and lor good, convenient buildings, water, and a very large and profitable oreliard and nursery. It is not often surpas ed.

Also Stork, consisting of Horses, Oxen and Cowa, and a good supply of Farming Tools.

J WHITNEY. Forth arniouth, Aug, 31. sep2 3aw A w2w*U

A Desirable Farm for Sale. Ple*»»ntly diluted in Weetbrook,

six milestrom Portland,near Pride’s Bridge, on the road leading from Falmouth to Saccarappa—contafn-

— ingone hundred acres, suitably di- vided into tillage, pasture and woodland. A pfeuty o! vouii* orcharding apple and pear trees just come into beariug, of the best varieties. The soil is most- ly clay loam, well watered by a never-failing br-*ok running through the farm. Anew two story brick ; House, with a good cellar, Barn and other oui-build- ings, and an abundant supply of excellent water.— Terms easy. For further information inquire of the subscriber on the premises. AHIJAH HAWKE8.

augSl d2w*


|k *


Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs GENUINE MEDICINES,





KEROSENE OIL, Lian OIL B,,,,Ujr k,p* '■ *Dr** »«



«mi n « a _

x ikimf x uwucra auu yuac* preparation*.



Lyon's Periodical Drops! TBS GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.

Lyon’s Periodical Drops! AMB BETTMB THAM ALL

Pill*, Powder* 4k Qiack Preparation*.

Lyon’s Periodical Drops! Sure to do Good and cannot do Kara.

LYON’S PERIODICAL DR0P8! The Oku Female Remedy!





Lyon’a Periodical Drops THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.



Lyon’s Periodical Drops Are Sure to do Good and cannot

do’ Harm.

Lyon’s Periodical Drops THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY

Lyon’s Periodical Drops Ar* better than all Fill*, Powder*,

And Quack Preparation*.

Lyon’s Periodical Drops, -Ana-

Sure to do Good and cannot do Harm. L

Price, *1 per Bottle. For nle br all Druggist*. At wboleMl. bjr W. F-

Phillip*. H. H. Hay ft Co Portland. aug23 rodly

A NEW DISCOVERY 1 A Patent Compound far the Care

* or the PILES!

ByWM. CARR. Both, Mo. A FTER suffering sixteen years, and trying every-

thing that could be found In tbe market recom- mended for that complaint, without findiug any re- lief, the inventor of this compound thought he would try an experiment, and Anally succeeded in Hading a remedy that has effected a permanent cure. A tier waiting four years for the purpose ot ascertaining whether the cure was perfect, and not having had the slightest touch of it during that time, he then advertised It in the Bath Times fbr one year. Biuec its introduction it has proved itself to be tbe best rem-

edy ever brought before the public for this complaint. It ia made of different things that grow in the fields and pas turns, that are good for any one to take. It has be* n taken by children but three years old, and IVom that up to people of seventy years, and has effected a eure in almost every case. Some people are troubled with other complaints in connection with thin, and he does not claim that this medicine will cure every disease that people are subject to, bat those troubled with the Piles need not despair. Many who have been troubled with the Piles but a fbw years, have been cured by the use of a single bottle: but for those who have had the disease In tbeir blood twenty or thirty years, it will require more.

This medicine has been taken by hundreds ia tbe eiftv of Rath and its vicinity, and has proved te be the HEST REMEDY ever discovered fcr the above complaint. It is got up expressly fbr the Pilee, bat for Inflammation of the Bowels it is second to none.

The iuvenfor, wishing to send it to other cities and towns to let the people satisfv themselves of its heal- ing and cleansing virtues, has been at tbe expense of securing a patent.

Aomts for PonTi.AXD—k. 8 Whittier. H. H. Hay, and E. L Stanwood. jy31 dBm

Book Card & Famv Printing NEATLY EXECUTE!'