portfolio of ru huei,lin in 2013

心音 listen to your heart 林 洳卉 Ru Huei Lin PORTFOLIO

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Hello,everyone. I'm a senior in National Cheng Kung University , majoring in industrial design. This is my portfolio, I hope you will like it. If you want to know more about me, please e-mail me. (there is my address: [email protected] )


Page 1: Portfolio of Ru Huei,Lin in 2013

心音l i s ten to your hear t林 洳卉 Ru Hue i L i n


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Page 3: Portfolio of Ru Huei,Lin in 2013

發自內心的聲音,你聽見了嗎 ? 待我好好地向你訴說 ... 關於人,關於自然,關於歷史,關於我。Can you hear the sound from the heart? Let me share with you about the sound of people, nature, history, and myself.

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傾聽 /Listen to...


青花架 Blue and White Porcelain

美濃藍菸情 The Present for Mei-nung



the Sound of Tradition


寶貝呵護袋 Baby's Bag

鳥兒豆漿機 Sweet Bird

藥平安 Caring Drug Box

一帖中藥材 Package of Hearb





the Sound of People


戀戀花草 Love and Plants 42

the Sound of Nature


默默守護者 Secret Protector 60Intelligent Living Space

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設計 ,是個不斷傾聽的過程 , 不只用耳 , 更要用心。心 , 也就是同理心 , 站在對方的角度看世界 , 給予他所在乎的。擴大其廣度 , 我們開始愛護周遭的環境;增加其深度 , 我們學會珍惜舊有的傳統。當我們懂得傾聽 , 世界將因我們而更加美好。

Designis a process of listening, it needs not only our ears , but also our hearts. In other words, it's a kind of empathy, standing on the other side, giving what he really wants. When broadening it, we'll learn to love our environment.When deepening it, we'll learn to treasure our tradition.As soon as we understand listening, the world will be better.

2009- 迄今 2006-2009


興趣 . 專長在大學裡,我主修的是「工業設計」,特別擅長以女性、嬰兒、家庭為主題的設計,希望藉由我的設計,讓每個家庭更加溫馨、家人間的交流更加頻繁。此外,我也有修習商業編排與設計、包裝設計、造形設計等,對建築領域亦有所涉獵。課餘時候,我喜歡做手工藝、看書、跳舞與旅行。

獲獎 . 展覽經驗2010.01 獲得成功大學「獎勵優秀高中學生就讀本校獎學金」

2010.01 個人作品「律動」參加「98 上學期成大工設系設計課程聯合發表與展示會」

2010.03 獲得「98 學年度全國學生舞蹈比賽」現代舞團體組優等

2010.10 獲得「國立成功大學 98 學年度書卷獎」

2011.01 團隊作品「Shining Finger」參加「99 上學期成大工設系設計課程聯合發表與展示會」

2011.04 團隊作品「藺彩」進入「苗栗生活創意設計競賽」複賽

2011.12 團隊作品「博杯」獲得「2011 成功大學文創禮贈品設計大賽」第一名

2011.12 團隊作品「榕鳳成祥」獲得「2011 成功大學文創禮贈品設計大賽」第二名

2012.10 獲得「國立成功大學 100 學年度書卷獎」

幹部經驗「國立成功大學第十八屆系學會聯合會」規劃與設計學院院理事。「國立成功大學工業設計系 102 級系學會」會長。「國立成功大學工業設計系 102 級」班級代表、活動組組長。「國立成功大學工業設計系 102 級畢業設計」公關組組長。

軟體 . 技能Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator、Solidworks、Auto CAD、CyberLink PowerDirector 、Microsoft Word、Microsoft PowerPoint

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

寶 貝 呵 護 袋B a b y ' s B a g

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然而,現有的媽媽袋仍有美中不足之處 ...

1. 手風琴式的隔層,造成包包體積龐大,取物困難。2. 隔層與嬰兒用品尺寸不一致,物品會在隔層中亂成一團。3. 市面上媽媽袋花色過於女性化,爸爸較不願意幫忙背,造成媽媽的負擔。

此外,出門在外,另一件麻煩事就是換尿布。媽媽們常苦於找不到一處乾淨、舒適的換尿布平台。若有一件產品能解決上述問題 , 該有多好 ?

Every baby is parents' treature.When babies growing up,their parents' are earger to take them outside.At the moment,mother's bag brings parents lots of convenience.Mother's bag is a bag with more layers and space,it can help mothers bring lots of layette.However, current mother's bag still have some demerits. First, accordianlike layers will make the bag bigger, making it difficult to take anything inside. Second, the size of layers don't fit the size of layette, layette inside will be in mess. Third, the pattern of current mother's bag is so feminine that fathers won't be willing to carry it, so mothers will be very tired when bringing babies outside.Besides,there is another inconvenience,that is -when going outside,it's too hard to find a clean、comfortable place to change the baby.If there is a product which can solve the problem,how nice it will be?

緣 起 /Inspirat ion

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

拿起內袋。 拉下拉鍊。 寶貝袋瞬間變成換尿布的舒適平台。take out inner bag opening zippers baby's bag become a comfortable platform immediately

在袋子的兩側側邊縫上拉鏈 , 換尿布時 , 只要輕輕一拉 , 媽媽袋立刻變成乾淨﹑舒適的換尿布平台。就算出門在外 , 也能給予小寶貝良好的換尿布空間 , 讓寶貝更有安全感 , 父母也更放心。

寶貝呵護袋 ,運用拉鍊可輕易調整開口大小的特性 , 賦予媽媽袋新的功能。

Seaming zippers on two sides of bag. When changing the baby, just open zippers, baby's bag will become a clean、comfortable flat for changing. It can give babies the sense of security, it also makes parents feel relieved.

Baby's bag uses the characteristic of zipper, which is very easy to change the size of hole, giving mothers' bag a new function.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

更多的貼心考量 ...

1. 碎花內袋可收納泡牛奶相關的物品 , 如奶粉收納格、保溫瓶、奶瓶等。將1. 餵奶與換尿布等兩項常見需求分開管理 , 使媽媽操作更順暢。2. 選擇花色較中性的布 , 讓爸爸可以自在地幫忙媽媽背袋子。

重 新 定 義 空 間 隔 層 , 除 了 收 納 , 更 加 直 覺 順 手。

換尿布時 , 頭部的內袋放置衣服 , 可當做柔軟的枕頭。屁屁下的內袋則放置紙尿布 , 同時 ,T 字左右側分別配置濕紙巾、面紙與爽身粉 , 方便操作。此外 ,濕紙巾的袋子開了符合濕紙巾開口大小的洞 , 使用時 , 只須將手伸入袋中 , 就可輕鬆地打開開口 , 抽取濕紙巾。

Redefine the space in the bag, making it more convenient.

When changing the baby, just lay him on the bag, the outfit of changmg will be palced nereby, making it very easy to finish the inconvenient thing.

About more details,

1.inner bag provides a space for feeding goods such as feeding bottle and 1.vaccum flask, dividing feeding and changing into two parts, making it 1.easier for mothers to use.2.using neuter cloth, preventing fathers' from being embarrassed when 2.carrying it.

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延長產品週期 ,


T 字 型 為 76cm × 72cm, 孩 子 一 歲 時 ( 此 時 身 高 約74cm) 仍可在此袋子上換尿布。長大後 , 此袋子仍可繼續做為平日背袋 , 延長產品的使用周期。

Lengthen product life cycle,accompanying childs until they grow up.

the size of bag is well-designed, mothers can change their babies on it until they grow up. When they become children, this bag still can be used as a common bag.


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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

鳥 兒 豆 漿 機S w e e t B i r d

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

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Mrs. Lin 是一位典型的職業婦女。


緣 起

Mrs. Lin is a typical career woman.To her, morning is the busiest time in the whole day,because she not only needs to prepare for work, but also needs to prepare breakfast for her family, so that they can start their works with full energy. Although the preparation is so busy, Mrs. Lin still be willing to do it for her family.

/Inspirat ion

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

「豆漿的營養價值相當高,因此被稱為『植物奶』。」得知這個訊息後,注重家人健康的 Mrs. Lin 決定每天早上為家人準備一杯豆漿, 然而,親手煮豆漿費時又費工,這讓身為職業婦女的 Mrs. Lin 大感吃不消。於是,她決定為家裡添購一台豆漿機,如此一來,每天早上只要輕鬆地洗完豆子、加水、按下開關 , 不到一會兒 , 就有營養又可口的豆漿可以喝了 !

One day, someone told her that soymilk is called "the milk in plants " because of its abundant nutrition. After knowing this information, Mrs. Lin decided to prepare soymilk for her family in every morning. However, boiling soymilk requires much time and effort. It's so inconvenient. Therefore, she decided to buy a soymilk maker, so that she can prepare soymilk easily everyday.

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1. 體積龐大,看起來較工業﹑笨拙。2. 重心較高,磨豆﹑加熱時有潛在危險。3. 馬達置於上蓋,其內齒輪油恐影響衛生。4. 上蓋笨重,且上面為弧狀平面,導致倒豆漿時,上蓋無穩定的擺放方式。5. 把手過粗不好握持。

市面上的豆漿機如此多樣 , 卻仍有美中不足的地方。

1.it's too bulky, looks like a machine more than a product. 2.the barycenter is too high. it will have potential danger when the product operating.3.the motor is laid on top, lubricant used for the motor may drops, polluting soybeen milk.4.the top isn't flat, it's hard to place it stably.5.the handle is too big to hold.

There are many kinds of soymilk makers on the market, but all of them still have some drawbacks.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

1. 一次可製作 1000c.c ─ 1300c.c, 豆漿 , 恰可滿足小家庭早餐飲用的豆漿量。2. 圓胖的造型 , 降低產品的重心 , 當豆漿機攪拌、加熱時 , 可以更加穩固、安全。3. 融入感性元素 , 豆漿機不再是機器 , 反而像是家中的甜美新成員─胖胖鳥。

鳥兒豆漿機 ,改變您對豆漿機的固有印象。

Sweet bird will change your stereotype.

1.it can once output 1000c.c -1300c.c, providing soybeen milk for whole family.2.plump shape can lower barycenter, making it stabler and safer.3.combine perceptual element, letting the product lovelier, just like your pet, 3 .rather than a machine.

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Sweet bird will change your stereotype.

1. 將電源插座改設於底部 , 並以磁力的方式做連結。不慎絆倒時 , 電線將與機器分離 , 確保豆漿機的穩定 , 避免豆漿溢出燙傷使用者。2. 增加安全裝置 , 使用者必須正確蓋上蓋子後 , 機器才可運轉。2.

注重細節 , 讓使用過程更加安全。Caring about more detail,making it safer when using soybeen milk maker.

1.placing the socket on the buttom,then using magnetic force to connect with plug. once people stumble accidentally, the plug will 1.leave the socket, rather than letting the soybeen milk maker overturn. 2.adding the structure of security. This machine will operate only when you put the top on the pot accurately .

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

豆漿機的上蓋零件繁多 , 使其成為整個產品中最笨重的部分。以往豆漿機上蓋為弧形或設有提把 , 拿起上蓋時 , 往往不知如何放置。因此 , 貼心的鳥兒豆漿機將提把設置在兩側 , 拿起上蓋時 , 可將重量平均至兩手 , 減少使用者手部的負擔。此外 , 平坦的上蓋只要輕輕倒置在桌上 , 便不會到處滾動 , 造成危險。

In fact, top is the most heavy part in this product. However, there is curved surface or handle on the top, it will be very hard to put the top on the table stably. As a resault, we place the handles on two sides rather than on the top. By doing so, it can separate the weight, reducing burden on each hand. Besides, just put the top on the table, it will be stable, rather than rolling everywhere.

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1. 提供多種豆類的烹煮功能 , 如十穀豆漿、米漿、五穀粥、米糊等。天天都能變換口味 , 早餐不僅健康 , 選擇也更加豐富。2. 操作簡單直覺 , 介面清晰可愛。

輕巧的介面 , 滿足使用者各種健康需求。Concise user interface, satisfying users' various need.

1.providing many boilling ways of beans, such as soymilk, rice milk, porridge of grain. giving lots of healthy choices for breakfast.2.the using way is intuitional, and the interface is so lovely.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

考慮外觀之餘 ,更重視內部配置 , 同時思索生產的可能性。

Besides appearance, we care more about the inner arrangement, and considering the possibility of manufacture at the same time.

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上蓋 磨豆刀 壺身 加熱器top blender blade pot heater

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

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1. 放入定量豆子,並將水加到指示線。2. 裝上磨豆刀並蓋上蓋子,插上插頭。3. 選定豆子與模式。4. 磨刀開始磨豆﹑加熱。5. 豆漿煮熟後,指示燈亮起並響鈴。6. 好豆漿完成。

從此 ,只要完成幾個簡單步驟 , 就能每天享用好豆漿。From now on, just doing some simple steps, we can enjoy nutritious soymilk easily.

1.adding beans and water into the pot.2.setting blade, putting on the top, and putting the plug.3.choosing the function.4.the machine start working.5.when soymilk is finished,the indicator light and have ring.6.enjoy nutritious and delicious soymilk.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

藥 平 安C a r i n g D r u g B o x

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而台灣也不例外,根據統計,2011 年的人口結構中,每十個人中就有一位老人。

到了 2025 年,每十個人中將有兩位老人。




緣 起

Recently, the aging of population has become a common characteristic in most countries.Nowadays, Taiwan also faces this problem.In 2011, if there are ten people here, there will be an elder. However,the government has predicted that in 2025, the rate of elder will increase to 20%. That means elder have became an important group. Besides, family structures in Taiwan changes gradually, more and more people choose to live separating from elders. In this situation, how to care for elders in a long distance has become an important issue for us.

/Inspirat ion

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

為此 ,我們實際參訪了長青公寓 , 了解長輩們真正的需求。For solving this problem, we visited elders, observing what they really want.

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

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長輩其實要求不多 , 只希望能有子女的陪伴。

談話中我們發現長輩們生理上的需求並不多。關於老化產生的生活困擾 , 目前市面上已有許多產品可以協助克服。然而 , 長輩心靈上的孤單是一直未被重視的 ,我們發現長輩們相當關心子女 , 希望與晚輩互動 , 卻又因為擔心打擾晚輩的生活 , 而選擇沉默 , 隱藏自己的孤獨感。

In fact, they just want their cildren accompany them..

In the conversation, we found that elders' requirements aren't very large. There are lots of products helping elders to solve the inconvenience in their daily life. However, we focused less on elders emotion, the feeling in their heart. Within the talking, we found that elders care about thier children very much, but they are worried about disturbing children's life, so they choose to stay silent, caring about them in a secret way.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

子 女 不 在 身 邊 , 服 藥 成 為 了 一 件 複 雜 的 事。

根據長青公寓長輩們的經驗分享 , 我們發現大多數的長輩同時具有兩種以上的慢性疾病。多元的藥物類別及服用時間加深了服藥的複雜性 , 尤其是在長輩記憶力退化 , 子女又無法在身邊協助時 , 如何正確用藥成為長輩們極大的負擔。

Taking medicine is a complex process, especially without family's help.

According to elders' experience, we found that most of elders have more than two kinds of chronic disease. Many kinds of drugs and taking time make it very complex to take medicine accurately especially when children do not accompany with them.

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"Caring Window" and "Caring Drug Box" build the connection between elders and their family.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

1. 搭配子女習慣已久的社群網站 , 讓子女便於分享近況消息、照片給長輩。

2. 簡化產品的功能 , 設計直覺性按鍵 , 降低長輩對科技產品的陌生與畏懼。

關心窗 ,在不影響彼此生活作息的情況下 ,讓長輩輕易了解子女的生活點滴。Caring window, giving elders an access to children's world, which won't disturb children.

1.combining with social network, making it very easy for children to share 1.photos and messages with elders.2.simplifying product's function, making operation be more intuitional.lowering elders' fear of high-tech products.

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1. 子女協助於官網為產品註冊 , 並設定每日用藥時段。2. 子女事先錄製貼心叮嚀語 , 服藥時間一到 , 產品將自動播放叮嚀 , 讓長輩2. 感受到子女的關心 , 服藥不再成為一件令人厭惡的事。

藥平安 ,讓長輩輕鬆、愉快的服藥。也協助遠方的子女 , 每日關心長輩的身體狀況。Caring drug box, letting elders take medicine easily and happily.It also can help children care about their elders everyday.

1.registering on the website, setting reminding time.2.record reminding words beforehand, when it's time to taking medicine, 2."caring drug box" will broadcast children's reminding words, letting 2.elders feel the consideration of their family, giving them a good mood.

採納醫生的建議 , 確保用藥安全。Accepting doctors' suggestion, enhancing drug safety.

1. 兩次用藥間隔至少須達 4 小時 , 藥效才不會互相影響。2. 若超過正確服藥時間 , 寧可不服藥 , 也不要補吃藥。

1.the interval between taking time aren't less than 4 hours.2.when missing the accurate time for taking medicine, do not take.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

服藥時間一到 , 藥平安將播放家人預錄好的叮嚀 , 提醒長輩該吃藥了。

長輩得到提醒 , 安心地打開藥盒 , 服用藥物。服藥完畢 , 蓋上藥盒 , 藥平安將主動發送訊息至子女手機、Facebook。

蓋上藥盒四小時後 , 上蓋缺口主動轉至下一格 ,並於正確時間播放提醒。

定時功能 , 提醒長輩正確服藥。Stated function, reminding elders in accurate time.

1. 上蓋缺口根據子女的設定 , 自動於正確時間轉至相對應的格子 , 同時限制另外三格的開啟 , 避免長輩吃錯藥。

the top will rotate automatically, when it's time to taking medicine, the gap of top will rotate to accurate place, making that cover can be open. at the same time, limiting other threee cover, avoid elders from taking wrong medicine.

when it's time to taking medicine, 2."caring drug box" wi l l broadcast chi ldren 's reminding words.

hearing the reminding words, elder opens the box, taking medicine and feeling relieved. when closing the box, "caring drug box" will send message to children, telling them that the elder have taked.

after four hours, the gap of top will rotate to next space, and broadcast children's reminding words as before.

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2. 待一天的用藥結束後 , 藥盒上蓋將主動彈起 , 方便長輩補充明2. 日將食用的藥品。3. 每日補充新藥品 , 避免藥品因置於藥盒太久而受潮、變質。

2.when the top finished rotating, it will spring automatically, 2.letting elders adding drugs for next day.3.adding new drugs everyday, avoiding drugs from being wet 2.and degenerative.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

距離可服藥時間結束前半小時 , 藥平安將再次播放家人的叮嚀以提醒長輩 , 同時傳送訊息至子女端 , 告知子女長輩尚未服藥 , 鼓勵子女主動致電提醒。when there are only thirty minutes to deadline, "caring drug box" will remind elders again, it also will send message to children at the same time, encouraging children to remind elders by calling them.

超過預設時間 , 上蓋缺口將自動轉至下一格 , 避免長輩於錯誤時間服藥。

協助子女即早發現緊急意外。Helping children found the accident early.

若長輩當天遲遲未吃藥 , 子女將有所警覺─長輩可能今天身體不舒服 , 或者出意外了 ( 如暈倒、中風 ...... 等 )。子女可打電話詢問或直接前往確認長輩身體狀況。

when time's up, the gap of top will rotate to next space, avoiding elders from taking medicine in a wrong time.

if elders have accident or feel uncomfortable, they will be unable to take medicine, then children will find and calling elders or visiting them to see if they are ok.

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有了藥平安 , 長輩開心 , 子女也安心。"Caring Drug Box" lets elders be happy, lets children be relieved.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

一 帖 中 藥 材P a c k a g e o f H e a r b

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緣 起這是前年夏天的故事。新的學期開始,班上來了兩位交換生 :來自北京清華大學的王婧,是個甜美的女孩,而來自山東大學的蓉蓉,則擁有山東人特有的豪邁氣息。雖然隔著台灣海峽,相處起來卻異常地融洽。

有一回,我邀請他們來家裡吃晚餐。當晚,我準備了四物湯,和幾樣簡單的菜。沒想到,當我掀起鍋蓋的那一刻,他們倆直呼「哇 ~ !洳卉還會煲湯呢!」於是,那鍋四物湯成了當天的主角,我們從煲湯聊到了有趣的飲食文化,又從飲食文化聊到大小節慶… …, 散會前,我們相約下回一定要再來品嚐一次四物湯。


/Inspirat ion

This is a story happening in last summer.When the new semester began,two exchangestudents,comeing from China, joined our class.One of them called Wang Jing, she is a cute girl coming from Beijing, and another one called Rong Rong, who is from Shandong, is a giirl caring little about details. Although we came from different country, we still got along with each other.One day, I prepared some dishies, inviting them to have dinner together.When they saw the soup with four hearbs, they became so surprised, they couldn't believe that I'm able to boil four hearbs soup. Then we talked from soup to our special cuisine, from special cuisine to interesting festivals.That night, we had a very good time. By the end of that semester, I packaged four hearbs as their present, sending them to Chia, hoping they can have an unfadable memory.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

一帖中藥材 ,縱使記憶隨著時光的消逝而漸漸淡去。這只盒子仍舊保留著淺淺的香氣,喚起當時短暫相識的感動。

運 用 / 麻繩 . 木板 . 貼紙 . 牛皮紙 . 保麗龍膠 . 薄紙 . 中藥材 . 密封袋 層層的包裹。經 歷 / 挑選藥材 . 包裝藥材 . 製作木盒 . 完成包裝 . 海外郵寄 種種的過程。

Although the memory will fade when time goes, the package of hearb will keep its smell, reminding us of the touching moment we ever had.

using flaxen rope, board, label. kraft paper, polyfoam tape, white paper, ziplock to package hearbs.passing processes of choosing hearbs, packaging hearbs, making box, packaging box, sending gifts.

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1. 以牛皮紙繫上麻繩 , 營造包裹般的外型 : 強化出特別的送禮方式‐跨海郵寄


2. 印有藥材名稱的木製盒子 , 搭配傳統的藥材包裝 : 拆開外包裝的瞬間 , 彷彿置身中藥房‐體驗買中藥的過程

3. 將藥材裝在透明密封袋 , 確保藥材衛生。外層再覆上搓揉過的紙作為包材 , 保留手作的溫度。

the process of opening is full of amazement , and you'll be touched deeply at the same time.

1.using kraft paper and flaxen rope to build a sense of package. enhence the special sending way-mail to China.2.adding hearbs name on box and using traditional package way of hearb. it seems to be in Chinese herbal medicine pharmacy when opening the package.3.putting hearbs in ziplock, preventing them from been polluted. then covering kneaded paper, containing the temperature by hand.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People


I always believe that we do have some short but sincere friendship in our life.Whether we can meet again has been unimportant, I just hope that they can recall the wonderful night when opening gifts.

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傾聽 , 一句自然的呢喃the Sound of Nature

傾聽 , 一句自然的呢喃the Sound of Nature

戀 戀 花 草L o v e a n d P l a n t

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緣 起戀戀花草這件作品 , 源自於自己本身對花草那份特別的情感。走在路上 , 偶爾瞥見路旁的小花 , 我總會駐足片刻 , 細細地看著它 , 露出淺淺的微笑。對我而言 , 每一次與花草的相遇 , 都是人生中的小確幸。

其實 , 在人生的旅途 , 若能遇到一位自己心儀的人 , 也是一件幸福的事。不管最後結果如何 , 都是很美好、特別的回憶。

在這件作品中 , 我將人生中兩件幸福的事結合在一起。訴說著對花草的愛戀、也乘載著一次的暗戀記憶。

This work is born from my great affection for plants, especially flowers, Whenever I meet flowers, I'm used to stand for a while, looking its cute shape. To me, each time of bumping into flowers will be small happiness in life.In fact, in the path of life,if we can meet a person we admire for, it will also be a happy thing. No matter the outcome is good or bad, it will be a wonderful and unforgettable memory. In this work, I combine these two happy thing, showing the love for flowers, saying a story of secret lover.

/Inspirat ion


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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

傾聽 , 一句自然的呢喃the Sound of Nature

愛戀 ,從觀察的那一刻起 , 悄悄地萌芽。Love grows from the begining of observing.

首先 , 我們細細體會花草的姿態、色彩與排列 ,在此 , 我們觀察到花辦的交疊、葉的脈絡 , 以及花間的規律。紫的高雅、黃的活潑、紅的濃烈與白的純粹。以及 , 更多更多的美麗蹤跡。

At the begining, we observed flowers' shapes, colors and arrangment carefully.In the obervation, we found the overlap in petals, the vein of leaves and the law between flowers, we also found spirituel purple, energy yellow, strong red, pure white and countless beautiful traces.

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傾聽 , 一個人的在乎the Sound of People

精煉 , 與轉化。觀察過後 , 再以工藝的手法 ,

融入作者的情感 , 將自然之美展現出來。

Refine and transform.Using craft and adding love to exhibit the beautiful nature.

傾聽 , 一句自然的呢喃the Sound of Nature

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由波斯菊、藤蔓、葉脈做發想。以橄欖綠與酒紅色水晶為主 , 用較深的顏色搭配透明澄澈材質 , 呈現低調奢華的風格。以柔和細緻的線條貫穿整體 , 予人典雅、雋永之感。也象徵著女孩對愛情的殷殷期盼與小心翼翼。

design from coreopsis, vine and leaf.using olive-green and burgundy red crystal, making Low-Key Luxurious style.using thin and smooth line to give a elegant sense.symbolizing girl's expectation and caution toward love.

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傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

青 花 架B l u e a n d W h i t e S h e l f

傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

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自古以來 , 青花瓷一直是中國最具民族特色的瓷器裝飾,它同時具有莊重﹑典雅的東方文化藝術風格,與強烈客民族色彩與裝飾風貌。

每一只青花瓷,均須經歷彩繪裝飾、罩以透明釉、高溫燒製等多達七十二個繁複的程序。經由一步步仔細的工法 , 才可造就典雅素靜的 “ 人間瑰寶 ”。

相傳 15 世紀的薩克森國王曾經犧牲了 4 隊近衛軍,只為了向鄰國君主換取 12 個青花瓷瓶。而元代的景德鎮民也是拜其所賜 , 聞名於世。

然而 , 如今處在大量生產、消費迅速的我們 , 已經很難體會前人對一件產品所投注的大量心力與堅持。

我想透過這項產品 , 讓人們重新對青花瓷文化產生興趣 , 鼓勵人們追根究柢 , 了解前人的智慧與成就。

身為中華民族的一份子 , 我們以青花瓷為榮。

緣 起


"Blue and white porcelain" has been the most special decoration in acient china. It looks solemn, elegant, and full of folk style. In fact, making "Blue and whiye porcelain" is a difficult task, it needs seventy two complex steps such as drawing, glazing, encaustic and so on. After finishing these steps ,we will have our treature-blue and white porcelain. It is said that the king of Saxe in 15th exchanged four groups of troops just for twelve porcelains.We also know that "Jing De town" was famous all over the world in Yuan Dynasty. From these examples, we can find that how great the art is. However, owing to large manufature and fast consumption, it becomes very hard to understand how much effortour predecessor put on products now. As a result, I want to let people be interesting in this culture again, encouraging them to understand history, listening acient stories and praise our predecessors for their wisdom and achievement. As one of the Chinese people, we are proud proud of "blue and white porcelain".

/Inspirat ion

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傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

青花架 ,更貼近現代生活的青花產品。

以新的方式 , 詮釋舊有傳統。

將前人於碗盤、花瓶上展現的青花藝術 , 運用於現代常見的文件收納架。讓青花風味的產品更貼近生活。

Blue and white shelf, closer to our daily life.

Transforming ancient art which was using in tableware and vase, putting them on a new place-shelf , letting this art closer to our daily life.

1. 藉由銅版印刷加上防水護膜,重現瓷器光滑﹑溫潤之感。2. 大小扇形的層層疊疊 , 營造青花瓷盤互相交錯之感 , 此外 , 更具有擺放各種尺寸文件、文宣2. 品的功能。3. 以幾何圖騰取代花草鳥獸 , 展現古典與現代的交融。

Performing tradition in a new way.

1.using Copper Plate Paper with waterproof coating to make glossy feeling.2.using interlaced fan-shape to symbolize interlaced plates. it's not only for 2.appearance, but 2.also for function---placing different sizes of DM, documents.3.replacing ancient totem by geometrical pattern, showing the combination 3.between 3.ancient period and modern time.

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傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

美 濃 藍 菸 情The Present for Mei -nung

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緣 起位於高雄縣的美濃,是個純樸的客家聚落,因其地形的封閉性,保存了許多傳統文化,也保留了好山與好水。


/Inspirat ion

Mei-nung, which is located in Kaohsiun County, is a pristine Hakka village. Owing to closed landform, Mei-nung keeps their tradition and environment very well. Therefore, we dicided to visit Mei-nung, experiencing and searching the culture element of Mei-nung, then design special product for them.


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傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

關於美濃的文化基因 , 不勝枚舉。When it comes to Mei-nung 's culture element , there are lots of stories can tell.

刻苦耐勞,勤儉持家 / i n d u s t r i o u s a n d t h r i f t y 重視升學教育 / c a r e a b o u t e d u c a t i o n

1. 文化物件 / 符號a. 美濃有「博士之鄉」之稱。﹝古代農家辛苦,父母希望孩子能透過教育翻身﹞﹝拜菸業發達之賜,讓許多美濃子弟得以順利完成學業﹞

1. 行為:a. 女性除了打理家務事,還得下田耕作。男性則要從事更粗重的工作。

2. 文化物件 / 符號a. 藍衫﹝深藍色不易髒﹑服裝寬大適合全家穿著﹞b. 菸葉飯內的菜色多為醃製品,反映美濃人惜物愛物的精神。

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追本溯源 / r e s p e c t a n c e s t o r 互助合作 / c o o p e r a t i o n

1. 行為:a. 菸葉的交工模式。b. 擂茶的過程講求互助合作。

2. 文化物件 / 符號a. 菸葉飯﹝菸葉交工時主人家為前來幫忙的人準備的飯菜﹞

1. 社會習俗:a. 美濃人對自己的族譜很清楚﹝了解自己是第幾代﹑祖先從哪裡來﹞b. 祠堂裡只放祖先牌位﹝拜神前,先祭祖﹞c. 至外地發展的美濃人逢年過節一定會回到美濃祭祖。

2. 行為:a. 出生後將臍帶埋於自家門口地窖,以象徵其出生地。b. 提供獎助學金予美濃子弟,回饋鄉里。c. 退休後回鄉生活,頤養天年。

3. 文化物件 / 符號a. 美濃的油紙傘技術來自於廣東,因此油紙傘店名皆有一個廣字。


1. 文化物件 / 符號a. 伙房﹝類似閩南人之三合院,輩分愈高者,住的愈靠近祠堂﹞b. 藍衫布邊的樣式﹝年輕少女用花邊,年長者用白﹑黑色布邊﹞

/ p r e c i s e f a m i l y t r e e

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傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition

擷取基因 , 設計屬於美濃人的文化產品。Using culture elements to design the product for Mei-nung.

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傾聽 , 一段歷史的基因the Sound of Tradition



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傾聽 , 智慧化的生活空間Intelligent Living Space

默 默 守 護 者S e c r e t P r o t e c t o r

傾聽 , 智慧化的生活空間Intelligent Living Space

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2011 年是台灣的一百歲生日,亦是「台灣設計年」。




2011 is Taiwanese centennial. At the same time, it's also the year of design.There are lots of design activities held in that year, such as young designers workshop , which is held by lots of universities in Taiwan. I was so lucky to join " International Workshop of Intelligent Living Space " , held by Cheng Kung University. It was the first chance for me to use my specialty-industrial design, giving "space" new possibility.

緣 起 /Inspirat ion

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傾聽 , 智慧化的生活空間Intelligent Living Space

隨 著 人 口 老 化 ,

長 輩 們 的 需 求 已 不 容 忽 視 。

近年來,人口老年化已成為多數國家的特徵。而台灣也不例外,根據統計,2011 年的人口結構中,每十個人中就有一位老人。到了 2025 年,每十個人中將有兩位老人。由此可知,我們更需要深入了解長輩們的需求。

As the aging of population, elder have became an important group.

Recently, the aging of population has become a common characteristic in most countries. Nowadays, Taiwan also faces this problem. In 2011, if there are ten people here, there will be an elder. However,the government has predicted that in 2025, the rate of elder will increase to 20%. That means elder have became an important group.

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跌倒 , 其實是長輩們的最大殺手。

根據統計,長輩們最容易發生的意外是跌倒,此外,我們也發現到室內是長輩們最容易跌倒的地方,特別是樓梯的部分。一旦長輩跌倒了,他們必須待在床上休息數週,讓身體逐漸恢復。然而,臥病在床將導致更多的併發症,如 : 骨質疏鬆、肺炎等,有時甚至會導致死亡。因此,如果我們能降低長輩跌倒的危險,我們就能同時減少長輩產生併發症的機會。

Actually, falling down is the most dangerous accident to elder .

According to statistics, we observed some information. First, the most common accident on elder is falling down, and it mostly occurs in our house . Therefore, we focus on our living space, we can find out that stairway is the most dangerous area. Once elder fell down, they would spend several weeks for bed rest. However, bedridden will cause lots of complications such as osteoporosis and pneumonia . So , if we can protect elder from falling down, we can prevent complications at the same time.

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傾聽 , 智慧化的生活空間Intelligent Living Space



This skidproof strip use button’s structure, its convex will remind you of stair’s limit. Moreover, when you stepping on the convex, its plane will descend to the same plane of surrounding’s horizontal. So,besides vision , it add tactile prompting on skidproof strip. However, it won’t become a barrier.

So, secret protector appears.

默默守護者 ,避免長輩跌倒的好幫手。

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Let’s look at these strips, all of the strips have sensors inside. When you step on it , it will have a record. Once you fall down , the frequency of sensor’s record will be different from common situation. As soon as the system notice the message , it will announce to nearby hospital. Then the doctor will call you to check whether you are OK or not, if not ,they will take first aid.

The integration of Emergency Announce System and sensors.



們跌倒時,感應器所偵測到的受壓頻率、壓力大小將異於往常,此時系統將主動通知鄰近的醫院,接獲異常訊息時,醫生會主動致電詢問是否發生意外了 ,若真的發生意外 , 院方將立刻前往急救。

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傾聽 , 智慧化的生活空間Intelligent Living Space

We apply phosphor on the strip. It will shine in the evening, providing light for elder when they go to toilet. This function also can help emergent evacuation.

Lighting at night, ensuring elder's safety.

夜間照明 , 確保長輩深夜的安全。


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1.Protecting elder from falling down.2.Combine Emergency Announce System and sensors, decreasing the time for rescue.3.Using simple structure and shape, making elder feel easy to use,.4.Providing light at night, not only protects elder, but also helps emergent evacuation.

To sum up , this prodct will bring us following benefits and contributions.



1. 保護長者,避免長者於爬樓梯時不慎跌倒。

2. 將感應器與即時通報系統結合,縮減發現意外、即時搶救的時間。

3. 簡約俐落的設計,顛覆老人產品產品笨重、具機械感的形象,讓長輩 使用時,身、心均感到舒適自在,而不覺得自己是因為年紀過大而必 須使用此一輔具。

4. 夜間自動照明,除了保護長者外,亦是災害發生時,協助逃生的好 工具。

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林 洳卉 /Ru Huei Lin0 9 7 5 5 8 2 5 8 3 / i q e q l i 3 @ y a h o o . c o m . t w國立成功大學工業設計系 /National Cheng Kung University