portfolio lenka juchelková

Lenka Juchelková portfolio

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Lenka Juchelková


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Curriculum vitae


Technical University in Liberci

Faculty of art and architecture

study since 2011

Grammar School Ostrava- Zábřeh

2003 - 2011


Rhinome + VRay

Graphisoft ArchiCAD a Artlantis Studio

Autodesk AutoCAD

Adobe Creative Suite

Microsoft Suite

driving license

Experiences, workshops

SS 2012 workshop ARCHI/LTM

WS 2012 Summer school of Architecture in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

SS 2012 project Week in reality - work in IUCH architecure studio


english B1

french A2


phone +420 605 004 629

e-mail [email protected]

online porfolio www.issu.com/lenkajuchelkova



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School projects

page 7 Buňka Gallery

page13 Reconstruction of the Tower of Babel

page17 Lapidary in Liberec

page 21 Dislocation in Plaza

page 25 In the Backyard - apartment building in Litomyšl

page 35 Czech Pavilion on Biennale di Venezia 2014

page 31 Democracy in an Urban Environment

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Buňka GalleryCollaboration on a pro ject

Obchodní akademie


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atelier leaded by ing. arch. Davida Maštálka and

ing. arch. Lenka Křemenova

summer semester 2013

team: B. Drahotová, M. Hudáč, K. Holan, L.

Juchelková, V. Malina, Z. Sagitariová


During the summer term 2013, students of

architecture at Technical University of Liberec,

under the leadership of a1architects, initiated and

carried out small architecture on the village

square and in the park. By their own action,

students have improved public areas chosen

deliberately for the bad condition after the

discussion with local residents.

Architecture can create unique places that are the

background of our lives, can off er new

possibilities and spark communication, architecture

has an amazing ability to infl uence the quality

of the environment. On the other hand the eff ects

are often opposite - creating unwanted

barriers, closing or dividing society or causing



Buňka Gallery Collaboration on a project

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Buňka Gallery Collaboration on a project

In collaboration with active local civil associations

and citizens, the project “window gallery” was

established. This project relates to existing

operation of the Buňka Gallery in old building of “unimobuňka” (buildings for workers) after which was Buňka named. The aim of the window gallery in Ústí n. Labem is to link exhibitions and artists with public area in the centre of the town park in front of the County Court in Střekov.

Thanks to its position Buňka have been captured on photographs in media during the recent fl oods in Střekov. The Art Opening of the fi rst exhibition was planned on the 3.6. 2013, at the time of biggest concerns and evacuation of Střekov residents. Authors in collaboration with artist Richard Loskot responded promptly and the fi rst installation in the gallery are sandbags protecting Buňka from fl ooding Elbe River. Fortunately, new gallery was saved when the river stopped just a few inches from it.

Students built the wooden object of gallery in 14 days. Black prism covered with beautiful black gloss pine boards protecting building from the weather, opens with large format glazing into pure white gallery. Daily light permeates through the skylight so the gallery operates even without the electricity. The window to the gallery is oriented to the park road that leads from the trolley bus stop (Drama Studio direction). The gallery begins with the “sitting corner”, functioning as a bench, the roof and a small podium. At the same time the side walls function as sun protection from refl ecting glass, which could deteriorate the transparency. You can sit comfortably next to the art pieces during the Art Openings or while waiting for the bus.

Residents of Ústí n. Labem and local art scene can now enjoy new (freshwater) Black Pearl in public.


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Buňka Gallery Collaboration on a project

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0 500 mm 2000 mm

Sectional view A-A´

A A'




Buňka Gallery Collaboration on a project

Sectional view B-B´

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E-temen-an-kiRekonstruction of the Tower of Babel


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atelier leaded by ing. arch. Petr Šmídek and ing.arch. Petr Janošwinter semestr 2011

TaskTask is to complete the Tower of Babel - this task relates to the themes generally associated with this legend: multiplicity of languages - misunderstanding and confusion (a possible reflection in architecture) - concept and unfinished. An open system that can potentially absorb anything. An unfinished building as a source of inspiration - state of permanent design.

E-temen-an-ki Rekonstruction of the Tower of Babel

DraftI decided to place my intervention to the original Babylon, because I believe that it would be a shame not to use a genius loci of authentic place. From historic buildings in Babylon remained only reconstructed center with Nabuchadnesar palace and the Ishtar Gate. I created a sort of pilgrimage route connecting the preserved part of Babylon and the place where once stood E-temen-an-ki, representative of the biblical Tower of Babel. E-temen-an-ki is demolished now, but my route follows the path of its original shape and ends in the middle of the desert. That fact, that tower is not there anymore it is not really an obstacle. Visitors can realize that it does not really matter how exactly the original tower looked like. More important is message of her story, which is valid even today.


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Rekonstruction of the Tower of Babel

And the whole earth was of one language, and of

one speech.

And it came to pass, as they journeyed from

the east, that they found a plain in the land of

Shinar; and they dwelt there.

And they said one to another, Go to, let us make

brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had

brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a

tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let

us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad

upon the face of the whole earth.

And the LORD came down to see the city and

the tower, which the children of men builded.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one,


E-temen-an-ki Rekonstruction of the Tower of Babel

and they have all one language; and this they

begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained

from them, which they have imagined to do.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their

language, that they may not understand one

another’s speech.

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence

upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to

build the city.

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because

the LORD did there confound the language of all

the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter

them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 11, 1-9

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LapidaryUrban intervention in Liberec


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atelier leaded by ing. arch. Petr Šmídek and ing.arch. Petr Janošsummer semester 2012

TaskIntervention into the urban structure, which is trying to improve the place. Search for non-use d sites with hidden potential and seek deeper into them. Small objects should fulfill the function that helps to the location. External dimensions, or use with no limits. Only limit is to act appropriately and not to suck out the surroundings. On the contrary, intervention should be clear and be a full answer to the selected environment, where it adequately sets.

Lapidary Urban intervention in Liberec

DraftThe task was to find a place in Liberec, which is not working and try to improve it by a small-scale intervention. Cemetery in Budyšínská Street was found in 1832. Burials were held here until 1956, when a housig estate was built near the cemetery and cemetery was replaced by a park. Tombstones and statues were moved to a smaller fenced area where derelict until today. In my project, I tried to create a clearly defined and dignified space for lapidary of tombstones and statues of great historical value. Lapidary is clearly separated from the rest of the park, but is easily accessible. It creates a relaxing part of the park, which is currently very popular and actively used. The draft also envisages a public toilet, that is very needed by customers of a park.


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Lapidary Urban intervention in Liberec

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Dislocation in PlazaArt pro ject


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atelier leaded by doc. mgA. Jana Stolínawinter semester 2012

TaskÚkolem jsou výtvarné zásahy v obchodním domě Plaza v Liberci. Aktivní práce s prostorem a se samotnou hmotou domu. Řezání, bourání, posouvání, zaplnění, záměna, nové prostorové kontexty atd. Nebojte se viditelných zásahu uvnitř i vně domu. Nebojte se velkých gest. The task is an art intervention in a shopping center Plaza in Liberec. Active work with the space and with an actual mass of the house. Cutting, reshaping, sliding, fullfi lling, confusion, new contexts etc. Do´t be worried of visible intervention both inside and outside of the house. Do not be afraid of big gestures.

DraftIn my project, I try to react to the current use of the shopping center. Most of the stores in Plaza are desperately lonely. In the second and third fl oors are empty business spaces. At the fi rst fl oor are a few stores trying to survive. The only frequented space is grocery shop Billa in the basement. Two fl oors of parking spaces are also oversized, parking fees are too high. The average person use Plaza only as a shortcut from the bus stop to the main square.Due to the unpopularity of the shopping center Plaza I decided to create in its place something completely opposite. Forest instead of a shops. People going through Plaza will be able to enjoy a walk among the treetops.


Dislocation in Plaza Art project

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Dislocation in Plaza Art project Art project

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In the BackyardAppartment house in Litomyšl


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atelier leaded by ing. arch. Antonín Novák a ndIng. arch. Vladimír Baldawinter semester 2012

TaskHousing for young and socially disadvantaged families is the current problem in many Czech cities. This is related to slelestion of a site and the relationship of the selected site with the center of the village. The proposal should stimulate social contacts, communication, community life. Diff erent forms of co-operative housing are possible. An important aspect is low cost of of the construction, including possibility of the less usual structures, mud, straw, or wood and its relation to the sustainability of the building itself and its surroundings.

View from the backyard

DraftI tried to create a housing for those who can not or do not want the luxury of a large apartment. At the expense of the size of each apartment I designed a generous common areas, which are able to fulfi t all needs of its people and let them have more social interactions and life in the community.


In the Backyard Appartment house in Litomyšl

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Appartment house in Litomyšl


Dům v sobě spojuje startovací bydlení pro mladé a bydlení pro seniory. Setkávají se zde ti, kteří jsou na startu svého dospělého života a ti, kteří se blíží k cíli. Jak přesně vypadají, o koho jde?

Šárka s Martinem loni dokončili střední. MARTIN pracuje ve Vertexu, fabrice kousek za městem. ŠÁRKA zpočátku nic nemohla najít, teď dělá servírku v Malém světě. Zatím bydlí u rodičů, ale rádi by byli spolu. Nemůžou si dovolit nic velkého, ale taky vlastně velký byt nepotřebují.

Hlavně aby měli kde uvařit večeři, přespat kde si

o víkendu odpočinout. Taky nechtějí nic na trvalo,

až bude mít Martin větší plat, rádi by založili

rodinu a třeba si zkusili vzít hypotéku a postavit

vlastní dům.EVA bydlí v Líbánkách. Přestěhovali se tam

s manželem hned po svatbě a vychovali tam obě děti. Blíží se jí šedesátka, děti mají vlastní rodiny a

View from the street

ona zůstala v celém domě sama. Osamělá rozhodně není, má práci která ji baví a má dost známých, se

kterými chodí plavat nebo do divadla. Nemá chuť

udržovat celý dům, radši by ho nechala dětem a přestěhovala se do něčeho menšího a levnějšího. A ráda by to měla blíž do centra.

Jak tedy vypadá dům, který naplní jejich potřeby a očekávání?

DŮM má byty menší, tak akorát pro jednoho nebo dva lidi a také několik bytů větších. Část bytů je bezbariérová. Díky tomu že jsou malé je nájem opravdu nízký a navíc, jejich obyvatelé je vlastně větší nepotřebují. Když je jim jejich soukromý prostor malý, můžou si jít sednout ven. Nebo si se sousedkou dát kafe v zimní zahradě. Šárka si zatím nemusí pořizovat pračku ani si ubírat místo v bytě sušákem, protože mají společnou prádelnu, úplně jako v amerických fi lmech. A když se Evě nechce vařit oběd, zajde si na něj dolů do kavárny.


In the Backyard Appartment house in Litomyšl

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A odpoledne tam chodí s Martou na kafe, koláče tady jsou dokonce lepší než na náměstí. Peče je totiž Helenka, důchod má malý a pečením si přivydělává.

Nový dům se do města rychle začlenil, není to sem daleko a obyvatelé si ho pochvalují. Čím dál víc lidí by se zde rádo přistěhovalo, dokonce i ti, kteří by si mohli dovolit mnohem dražší. Prostě se jim tady líbí.

MístoMísto budoucího domu je to rohová parcela,

na první pohled jí chybí dům. V současné době tam parkují auta. Nachází se pár kroků od náměstí, na dohled od hradu. Je na styku několika světů. Z východu se k němu přibližuje historické centrum se svými úzkými uličkami, plné podloubí

Pohled z ulicePoPoPoPoPoPoPoPoPoPoPohlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhledededededededededed z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z u u u u u u u u u ulililililililililicecececececececececececececececececececececece

a tajemných zákoutí. Na sever a západ pokračují rodinné domky. Ty už tady také nějakou dobu stojí. Některé jsou staré, některé opravené, všechny mají své zahrady, své ploty, své soukromí. A na jihu, tam je svět sám pro sebe. Bývala tam židovská osada a synagoga, ale ta, jako v kterémkoliv jiném městě, v jisté době ztratila na zajímavosti a místo ní bylo vybudováno socialistické sídliště. Není velké, je to vlastně jenom pár paneláků a jeden obchodní komplex, ale přesto je výrazné, snad svou monolitickou strukturou a jakousi neutěšeností, která se skrývá v každém koutu.

Můj návrh se snaží začlenit do obou prostředí, které ho obklopují. Směrem do ulice navazuje na uliční čáru, tvoří nároží a svou výškou odpovídá okolním domům.


In the Backyard Appartment house in Litomyšl

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South view (from the street)

North view (from the backyard)

East view (from the backyard)

West view (from the street)


Appartment house in Litomyšl In the Backyard Appartment house in Litomyšl

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Czech Pavilion on La Biennale di Venezia 2014Collaboration on a pro ject

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Czech Pavilion on La Biennale di Venezia 2014 Collaboration on a project


atelier leaded by ing. arch. Martin Hejl and ing. arch.

Lenka Hejlováwinter semester 2013

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Czech Pavilion on La Biennale di Venezia 2014 Collaboration on a project


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january 2014