portal & interoperability -share esg portlets to support eie through jsr 1/268 & wsrp...

Portal & Interoperabilit Portal & Interoperabilit y y -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/ -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/ 268 & WSRP 268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Li Joint Center for Intelligent Joint Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing Spatial Computing NASA GIO & College of Science, NASA GIO & College of Science, GMU GMU

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Page 1: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

Portal & InteroperabilityPortal & Interoperability-share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP-share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP

Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen LiChaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li

Joint Center for Intelligent Spatial ComputingJoint Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing

NASA GIO & College of Science, GMUNASA GIO & College of Science, GMU

Page 2: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

Table of ContentsTable of Contents

• NASA GIO & ESIP Partnership• An EIE demo with questions• Introduction to JSR 168/268• Liferay Portal Architecture• EIE/ESG Portal Architecture• Sharing ESG functions inside EIE• Conclusion & Discussion

Page 3: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

NASA GIO and ESIP partnershipNASA GIO and ESIP partnership

• Facilitate access to Earth Science Information through Science Information through interoperable approaches.

• Support NASA’s Earth Science Applications Areas and GEOSS societal benefit areas.

• Through Partnership of NASA GIO, NOAA, EPA, ESIP, GMU, UAH, and other organizations, such as IGES.

– Air Quality: DataFed, EPA, NASA ASP AQ, NOAA, etc.– Water Cycle: CREW, NOAA, etc. – Public Health: NASA ASP PH, EPA, EDAC, etc. – …

• Leverage the interoperability prototype of NASA ESG as the backbone to support the ESIP EIE.

Page 4: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

An EIE Demo with QuestionsAn EIE Demo with Questions

• How the interface is organized?

• Where does the information come from?

• How was the system organized?

• What was shared among portals?

• How did the portlets shared between ESG & EIE?

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JSR168 & 268

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JSR 168/268 IntroductionJSR 168/268 Introduction

– A set of APIs for Portal computing addressing the areas of aggregation, personalization, presentation and security to enable interoperability between Portlets and Portals.

– Any portlet that’s developed in compliance to this specification can be easily integrated to other JSR168-compliant portal server.

JSR168 documentation: http://developers.sun.com/portalserver/reference/techart/jsr168/pb_whitepaper.pdf

Page 7: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

Role of JSR168 in Portal and Role of JSR168 in Portal and Portlet communicationPortlet communication

Client Portal Web Service Portlet Container Portlet 1 Portlet 2 Portlet 3 Portlet 4

Client Request

Action RequestAction()













Portal Page

Render Request

Render Request

Render Request


Access w

rapped Services

JSR 168/268

(Yang et al 2007)

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Client Request Handling Sequence DiagramClient Request Handling Sequence Diagram Web Portal Service Container Portlets

1: Discover

2: Establish Relationship

3: Learn Cap & Services4: Establish Relationship

Page request

6: Interactions

7: Destruct of relations


6: Interactions 6: Interactions


WSRP JSR 168/268 Fragment Logic (Yang et al 2007)

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– Portability

Code written according to the specification will be easier to move to among portal servers.

– Easier Federation

Exposing JSR-168 Portlets via Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) producers is easier when portlets adhere to the JSR-168 specification. WSRP provides a standard to federate portlet content via Web services. JSR-168 and WSRP 1.0 portlet capabilities are tightly coupled. JSR-168 to WSRP portlet bridges utilize JSR-168's URL rewriting APIs.

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Liferay Portal Architecture

Page 11: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

What is a Portal?What is a Portal?

• A Portal is a site that functions as a point of access to information on the WWW.

• Portals present information from diverse sources in a unified way.

e.g. MSN,Yahoo,EIE,ESG


Page 12: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

What is a Portlet?What is a Portlet?

• A Portlet is a pluggable user interface component that is managed and displayed in a portal.

• Portlets produce fragments of markup code that are aggregated into a Portal page.


Page 13: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

What is LiferayPortal ?What is LiferayPortal ?

• LiferayPortal is an open source enterprise portal solution.

• It uses the latest in Java, J2EE, and Web 2 technologies .

• It delivers solutions for enterprises across both public and private sectors.


Page 14: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

Liferay 4.x.x Portal ArchitectureLiferay 4.x.x Portal Architecture( ( High Level Overview High Level Overview ))

Users can access the portal from traditional and wireless devices.

Developers can access the portal from the exposed APIs via SOAP, RMI, and custom tunneling classes.


POJO: Plain Old Java Object, which only contains some private parameters and defines "get" and "set" methods for each parameter.

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Why use Liferay Portal?Why use Liferay Portal?

• Liferay Portal provides a lot of flexibility and control to customize the user experience of the portal.

• The availability of different ways to manage, use and display CMS content and portlets give limitless possibilities for innovation using Liferay Portal.


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EIE & ESG Arch.

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Spatial Web Portal ArchitectureSpatial Web Portal Architecture

• Web Portal Spatial Web Portal (SWP)– Web Portal Architecture

• SWPs– EIE: Earth Information Exchange– ESG: Earth Science Gateway

• Cross-SWPs Sharing

• Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Page 18: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

Web Portal Arch.Web Portal Arch.Client GUI

Web Portal Page

Web Page Fragment 1

Web Page Fragment 4

Web Page Fragment 3Web Page Fragment 2

Web Portal Service

Portlet Container

Portlet 2 Portlet n….. Portlet 4 Portlet 3Portlet 1


Local Access or Remote Access through WSRP

Security and Privacy

Information Dissemination Channels

(Yang et al 2007)

Page 19: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

ESG ArchitectureESG ArchitectureDiscovery/Access to NASA components within International


NASA components viewable in 3D/4D


NASA components used in Partner Agency Decision Support


KnowledgeBase, EOS Catalogs:


Models, Sensors, Projects:

EO-1, MAP, PHAirs

Grant RecipientsUCAR, WU,GMU

NASA Components

Mission Data ProductsDAACS: GES, LP, SEDAC

Portal to data, Portal to data, information,knowledge information,knowledge about the Earth Systemsabout the Earth Systems




Extensible, open portal architecture







Earth Science Gateway OG

C In



s, W


, WC

S, C


l og

, etc


Page 20: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

EIE ArchitectureEIE Architecture

EIE leverages ESG as a backbone to support the Earth science communities, such as Earth Science Application Areas and GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas.

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Cross-SWPs SharingCross-SWPs Sharing

NASA Services


NGA Portal

NGO Portal

Other Agencies


Other Portals

NGO Services

NGA Services

Services from other Agencies

States’ Services

Other Services


GOS Services








Interoperable Environment

(Yang et al 2007)

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Sharing of ESG to Support EIE

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““IFrame” TAGIFrame” TAG

• “IFrame” TAG is an easy and efficient way to share contents and functions between different Portals.

• It makes it possible to embed another HTML page inside the current page by creating a simple JSP portlet.

Page 26: Portal & Interoperability -share ESG Portlets to support EIE through JSR 1/268 & WSRP Chaowei Yang, Zhenlong Li, Wenwen Li Joint Center for Intelligent

Create a JSP portlet in LiferayPortal Create a JSP portlet in LiferayPortal development environmentdevelopment environment

Fragment from portlet.xml• <portlet-name>wesclient</portlet-name> • <display-name>WES Client</display-name> • <portlet-class>com.liferay.portlet.JSPPortlet</portlet-


Fragment from view.jsp• <iframe scrolling=no hspace="0" name="wesclient"

src=" width="100%" ></iframe>

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Deploy the “WES Client” portlet into EIEDeploy the “WES Client” portlet into EIE

Select the wesclient.war and then click Deploy.

Select wesclient.war and then click “Deploy”

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Add “WESAdd “WES Client” portlet into EIEClient” portlet into EIE

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Interoperable Web Service’s ClientInteroperable Web Service’s Client

IE7+ & Firefox

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Conclusion & DiscussionConclusion & Discussion1. JSR 168/268 facilitate the sharing of portlets cross portals2. Interoperable Geospatial Web Services are shared from other

resources, such as JPL WMS3. ESG functions are easily integrated to support EIE4. More Interoperability research & developments need to be done,

e.g.• Ontology-based Semantic Search• Quality of Services of different Geospatial Web Services

should be maintained up-to-date• Integration/Federation of different catalogs need to be tested• Performance need to be improved through contemporary IT

advancements5. More EIE portlets need to be populated6. Need help from everyone to participate

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• JSR 168/268 docs http://developers.sun.com/portalserver/reference/techart/jsr168/pb_whitepaper.pdf

• Spatial Web Portal paper Yang C., Evans J., Cole M., Alameh N., Marley S., and Bambacus

M., 2007. The Emerging Concepts and Applications of the Spatial Web Portal , PE&RS , 73(6):691-698.


• Earth Information Exchangehttp://eie.esipfed.org/

• Earth Science Gatewayhttp://esg.gsfc.nasa.gov/

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Links & Technical ContactLinks & Technical Contact

EIE: eie.esipfed.orgESG: esg.gsfc.nasa.gov

PhilChaowei Yang

[email protected] or 301-286-5329