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Humanities 110: PowerPoint # 5

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Globalization, Population, and

Environmental Pressures During the past 50 years these factors have

become increasingly important to understandingthe future role of technology in our society: 

Globalization: Global economy has increasedfivefold

Population: World population has doubled

Energy Use: World energy use has tripled

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How are population trends important in a technology and society


Improved technology leads to increased growth of population

Increased population leads to increased pressure ontechnology to feed, clothe, and house more and morepeople

More reliance on technology and increase in populationlead to a global need for more resources (including

energy, minerals, water, etc.) Increased need for resources leads to environmental


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How Population Grows Thomas Malthus: “Population, when unchecked,

increases in a geometrical ratio.

Subsistence only increases in an arithmetical ratio.”(1798)

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What does this mean? Here is how Darwin puts it:

“Man tends to increase at a greater rate than his means of subsistence; consequently he is occasionally subjected toa severe struggle for existence.” 

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How much and how fast has

population increased? Source:


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 The History of Human Population Growth

 Years Estimated Human Population 3,000,000 -10,000 B.C.E. 5-10 Million

(Agricultural Revolution) 1 A.D. 170 Million 1800 (Industrial Revolution) 1 Billion 1930 2 Billion 1960 3 Billion 1975 4 Billion 1987 5 Billion 1999 6 Billion

2012* 7 Billion 2025* 8 Billion


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How many people live on the earth


U.S. 312,908,713

 World 6,990,126,54518:34 UTC (EST+5) Jan 25, 2012 fromhttp://www.census.gov/ 

 According to UN analysts the 7 billionth person was

born on October 31, 2011. Why the difference in figures? Impossible to provide

an exact count at any given moment.

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Other milestones It only took 12 years for the population of the earth to

grow from 6 to 7 billion.

It is projected that it will take about 14 years for thenext milestone of 8 billion to be reached.

Put another way, the population of the earth in 2026 will be 8 billion!

695 billion people projected by 2150 if current ratescontinue

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How many people can the earth hold?

Only about 2 billion can be supported at the currentstandard of living now experienced by the industrializednations of the world (such as the USA)

This is known as “Carrying capacity”

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What are some natural limiting factors on

population growth? Access to food


Clean potable water

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Key questions about population The following slides explore some important questions

and answers about population and itsinterconnections with technology and resources

Source for the entire quiz:


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Question # 1: What is the current

estimate of the world population? a) 900 million b) 2.5 billion c) 6.9 billion d) 7.5 billion

e) 12 billion

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Answer # 1: c) 6.9 billion Note that world population figures are the best

estimates demographers can make, but are not precisecounts

 U.S. U.S. 312,163,675 World: 6,960,629,516

01:50 UTC (EST+5) Sep 08, 2011 Accessed 08 Sep. 2011 from


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Question # 2: By how many people

does the world grow each year?a) 11 million b) 24 million c) 45 million d) 78 million e)

160 million

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 Answer # 2: d) 78 million.

This produces a growth rate of 1.2%, a slight decreasefrom the 2 percent rate of a decade ago. To calculatethe world's growth rate, subtract the death rate(currently 8 per 1000) from the birth rate (20 per 1000)and divide the result by 10.

To calculate how many people are added to the worldpopulation each year, multiply the total worldpopulation by the growth rate, also called the naturalrate of increase.

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Question # 3: If the world's population continues at its current

rate of growth, approximately how long will it take to double?

a) 9 years b) 22 years c) 58 years d) 95 years e) 148 years

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 Answer # 3: c) 58 years.

The doubling time of any population can be calculated by dividing the "magic number" 70 by the annual percent of growth. The natural rate of increase is the growth rateexcluding immigration or emigration. For the world, 70

divided by 1.2 equals approximately 58.  What this means: If the population today is 6.8 billion and

present trends continue, there will be almost 14 billionpeople on the planet in 58 years (2068). If you are 20 yearsold this is within your expected lifetime!

Think about it: How many people can the earth support if everyone on the planet lived as people in the US and otherdeveloping countries do? That’s right—2 billion. (See slide9 above.)

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.Question #4: Which has NOT been a major

cause of the population explosion?

a) an increase in birth rates

b) modern preventive medicine c) improved sanitation

d) lower infant mortality 

e) longer life expectancy 

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Answer # 4: a) An increase in birth rates.

 A decrease in death rates, rather than an increase inbirth rates, has been the main cause of rapidpopulation growth.

Improved nutrition and sanitation, and advances in the

areas of medicine and agriculture all contributed to this


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Drop of death rates over time in

differ areas of the world In Western Europe, death rates dropped during the

Industrial Revolution (beginning in about the 1700s.)

Later, North America experienced a decline in death rates  when industrialization and urbanization brought about

better living conditions.

In the 20th century, a dramatic drop in mortality took placein Latin America, Africa and Asia. Since fertility remainedat its previous high level for some time after death ratesdropped in each of these areas, rapid growth resulted.

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Question # 5: What is the current

population of the United States? a) 60 million b) 81 million c) 127 million d) 312 million

e) 500 million

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Answer # 5: About 312 million. Worldwide, only two countries, China and India, havea higher population than the United States. Next onthe list is Indonesia, with a population of roughly 243.3


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Question # 6: Which of the following countries

has the highest teen pregnancy rate?

a) Australia b) United States c) Japan d) Italy e)Morocco

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Answer 6: b) United States At 4.3% per year, the United States has the highest rate

of teen pregnancy among industrialized countries. This

rate is equal to or surpasses some of the developing

countries such as El Salvador or the Philippines.

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#7 Where does the population of the USA fit

into the top 5 populous countries? A) First

B) Second

C) Third D) Fourth

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Answer: C) ThirdTop 5 Most Populous Countries as of March, 31, 2011 Rankings

1 China 1,336,718,015

2 India 1,189,172,906 3 United States 311,050,977

4 Indonesia 245,613,043

5 Brazil 203,429,773

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base

http://www.census.gov/population/international/data/idb/rank.php September 8, 2011.

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Newest figures: Same rankingsCountries and Areas Ranked by Population:2012 1 China 1,343,239,923

2 India 1,205,073,612

3 United States 313,847,465 4 Indonesia 248,216,193

5 Brazil 205,716,890

Source: Retrieved January 25, 2012 fromhttp://www.census.gov/population/international/data/idb/rank.php .

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Question # 8: The United States, which makes up less than 5

percent of world's population, consumes

approximately how much of the world's energy?

a) 5 percent b) 11 percent c) 22 percent d) 34 percent

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Answer # 8: c) 22 percent Although 98.6 percent of global population growth is

currently occurring in the less developed countries,

 Americans place disproportionately greater demands on

 world resources. On average, one American consumes asmuch energy as 2 Germans, 9 Syrians, 11 Columbians, 22

Indians, 108 Haitians, or 325 Ethiopians. It could be

argued that a resident of the United States has a much

greater impact on the quality of the global environmentthan a person living in any other part of the world.

Connection: And guess whose lifestyle the rest of thedeveloping world wants to imitate?

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What are the important trends inpopulation growth?

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Population Trend # 1

Decline in population in mature societies, particularly

European Union

This affects prosperity (fewer people to consume goods and


Fewer young people working to pay for increased health

care costs for aging population

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Population Trend 2: Aging work force will lead to massively rising social


Overburdened social institutions — social security, health

care — 

demand for more services with fewer young people to

 pay for it (support ratio) In the USA, for example, costs for 

entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security

are unsustainable at current rates.

How does technology affect this trend? Technology improvements in health care increase life expectancy

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Population Trend # 3 Highest birth rates (and death rates) continue in the

countries least able to support a larger population,particularly third world and developing nations

Question: How could technology impact this trend?

Better food production

 Access to contraception

Education of females

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Population Trend # 4 Growth in population will lead to increased pressure

on resources, including energy, water, food, and othernatural resources

How will technology possibly impact this trend?

Improved access to clean water

Better methods for growing a stable food supply 

Development of renewable, sustainable energy sources