population of pakistan


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Page 1: Population of pakistan
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1) Human Resources2) Qualitative Aspect and Quantitative Aspect3) Causes of population Explosion4) Population Growth & Economics

Development5) Different Approaches to take the population

problems6) Human Development

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A group of individuals or items that share one or more characteristics from which data can be gathered and analyzed.

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• The resource that resides in the knowledge, skills, and motivation of people.

• Human resource is the least mobile of the four factors of production, and (under right conditions)

• It improves with age and experience, which no other resource can do. It is therefore regarded as the most crucial productive resource that creates the largest and longest long-term advantage for an Economy.

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People are a nation’s ultimate resource

Its people who makes natural things into useful resources

Thus it can be summarized that when people use their intelligence, naturally

available things turn into useful resources.

So HUMAN BEINGS are also resources.

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Healthy, educated and motivated people develop resources as per their requirements.

Human resource is not distributed equally all over the world.

Humans vary in their age, educational levels and sex.

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The way in which people spread across the globe is known as the PATTERN OF


More than 90% of the world’s population lives in about 10% of the land surface.

The distribution of population is uneven on the globe.

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The crowded areas of the globe are,

South and Southeast Asia

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The crowded areas of the globe are,


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The crowded areas of the globe are,

Northeastern North America

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Population is less in,

High latitude(Freedom) areas


High mountains

Equatorial forests

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Almost ¾ of the world population lives in only 2 continents.


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World’s most populous countries are,

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Pakistan is world 6th most populous country. With an Estimated population of 178 million

at jun-2012. Natural growth rate 2.05%. With the same growth rate Pakistan will

become the 4th largest nation in 2050

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With the median age of around 20 years. Therefor, it is called a “young” country.

Currently approximately 104 million below the age of 30 years.

Total working age of population is 121.01 million.Labour force estimated 55 million as of 2010-11.

Proportion of population residing in urban centres has risen to 36%.

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Topography Climate

Soil Water Minerals

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Areas of better housing, education and health facilities are closely populated.


Places with religious and cultural significance attract people.

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Pattern measurements

•Qualitative Aspect–Representational inquiry–All-inclusive, system-wide perspective–Individuality and diversity–Inductive intellectual–Qualitative figures (words)–Qualitative methods − unstructured, open-ended

–Purposeful sampling–Growing, flexible design–Satisfied analysis

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Pattern measurements•Quantitative Aspect

–Scientific/experimental design–Independent, dependent variables–Standardized, uniform–Deductive reasoning–Quantitative data (numbers)–Quantitative methods − structured, standardized–Probabilistic, random sampling–Fixed, controlled design–Statistical analysis–Generalizations

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Quantitative methods – Quantitative methods – Qualitative methods Qualitative methods

Quantitative Qualitative



Focus groups

Tests Unstructured interviews

Existing databases Unstructured observations

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Common data collection Common data collection methods of Qualitative and methods of Qualitative and

Quantitative AspectQuantitative Aspect•Survey•Case study•Interview•Observation•Group assessment•Expert or peer reviews•Portfolio reviews

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•Confirmations•Tests•Photographs, videotapes, slides •Diaries, journals, logs•Document review and analysis

Common data collection Common data collection methods of Qualitative and methods of Qualitative and

Quantitative AspectQuantitative Aspect

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•There is no one right method of collecting data.

•Each has a purpose, advantages, and challenges.

•The goal is to obtain trustworthy, authentic, and credible evidence.

•Often, a mix of methods is preferable.

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Until the 1800s, the population of the world grew continuously but slowly.In 1820, the world’s population reached 1 Billion

After a 150 years later, in 1970s, it touched 3 Billion

Large no. of babies were born, but they died early because of poor health services

So, the population increase was very less.

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After less than 30 years, in 1999, it touched 6 Billion

This kind of sudden increase in population was a result of better food supplies and Medicine all over the world and reduce in infant mortality rates (IMR), IMR is also called CDR.

This sudden increase in population in a short span of time is called POPULAION EXPLOSION

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Causes of Population ExplosionIlliteracy

• High Birth Rate And Low Death Rate• Early Marriages• Polygamy• Unawareness About The Proper use Of Contraceptive• Desire For Male Child• Misinterpretation Of Religious Ulemas• Lack Of Recreational Activities• Failure Of Governmental Population planning Policies

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• High Birth Rate:• Polygamy: (Two-time)

Some people in Pakistan prefer to have more than one wife and such polygamy system give birth more children.

• Preference for a Male Child:

Every family in Pakistan prefers a male child. There are some religious rites which can be preferred by a male child. So the parents in spite of number of girl child they wait for a male child.

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• Widow Marriage:The widow marriage system in modern society helps in the growth of population.

• World Population China, India, United States,  Pakistan and Bangladesh are among nine countries which are projected to account for half of the world's population increase from 2010 to 2050.

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Crude Birth Rate (CBR)The number of live births per 1000 people is called BIRTH RATE

Crude Death Rate (CDR)The number of deaths occur in the first year of life for 1000 people is called DEATH RATE

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Three factors can affect population size:• Number of births• The number of deaths• The number of individuals that enter or

leave the population. * Simply put, a population will increase or

decrease in size depending on how many individuals are added to it or removed from it

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Immigration & Emigration• Immigration

– the movement of individuals into an area, is another factor that can cause a population to grow.

• Emigration – the movement of individuals out of an area,

can cause a population to decrease in size.

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All the indicators have improved form the last survey in 1998.

CBR CDR27.5% 7.3%

But now both has decreased with survey in 2011.

CBR CDR24.81% 6.9%

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Population change refers to the change in number of people during a specific time.

Population change takes place as a result of births and deaths.

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Natural causes of population change are BIRTHS and DEATHS.

The difference between birth Rate and death Rate is called NATURAL GROWTH OF POPULATION

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• According to the economic survey of Pakistan 2010-11,

• The total population of Pakistan is 177.1 million against the 173.5 million in last year.

• Population growth rate is 2.1 % and in the list of most populous countries.• Pakistan is at 6th number.

• Pakistan is also a “young” Country. Currently approximately 104 million Pakistanis below the age of 30 years. Total working age population is 121.01 millions

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If a population has abundant space and food, and is protected from predators and disease, then organisms in that population will multiply and the population size will increase.

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Exponential growth occurs when the individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate.

Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, a population will grow


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• Skill Development Council• Information Technology• Skilling Programs• Credit Facility• Increasing Water Resources• Employment Promotion Policies• Labour Market Information• New Techniques in Education • Increase Infrastructure System• Eliminate the short fall of Electricity, Gas, etc.

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• Farmer should be educated• Use the new technique for cultivation.• Improve the usage of Seeds• Eliminate the Capitalistic System• More Credit Facility for Farmers• Providing New Machinery for (Harvesting,

Fertilizing, Cutting, etc.)• Economic increase on the bases of BOP • Industry use the new Technology for

increasing the production of Products at lowest COST.

• Better Sanitary System

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The rapid increase of population in Pakistan which is already over-populated is adding sufferings to the people. There is build unemployment or underemployment in the agrarian economy for a greater part of the year. The country with increasing growth of populations caught in the low income equilibrium trap. The problem of population explosion cannot be solved in a day. 

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The Government of Pakistan shall have to chalk out and implement the four fold measure to fight the problem of overpopulation

(i) Economic measures (ii) Social measures(iii) Family planning measures and (iv) Administrative measures

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The following economic measures, if adopted seriously, offer a long term solution to the problem of overpopulation.

(a) Modernization of agriculture.(b) Expansion of the industrial sector.(c) Creation of employment opportunities in rural areas(d) Fair distribution of income.

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(a) Modernization of agriculture:

The Modernization of agriculture through farm mechanization, proper management of land and water resources, improved varieties of seeds, taking plant protection measures and use of fertilizers can increase the agricultural productivity manifold. The rise in the income of the farmers will raise their standard of living and help in reducing the birth rate indirectly

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(b) Expansion of the industrial sector:

The government should help and encourage the people living in rural and urban areas to set up small, medium and large scale industries. The setting up of industrial states, the provision of fiscal incentives etc. create conditions for rapid industrialization in the country The engagement of surplus labor force in industries and other gainful employments raises their standard of living and motivates the workers to restrict the size of the family

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(c) Creation of employment opportunities in rural areas:

More than 70% of the people are living in rural areas. The government should provide credit and know how to the dating up these and other industries will discourage the migration of farmers from countryside to cities, provide them employment at home, raise their income level and will help in the reduction of birth rate indirectly

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(d) Fair distribution of income:

 If the states guarantees a minimum living wage to workers and the fair system of land and income distribution is ensured to them the workers will be able to live a comfortable life. Fair distribution of income can thus help in slowing down the rate of growth of population.

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• Population explosion is as much a social problem as it is an economic problem. Many of the causes of population explosion are deep rooted in the social life of the country, For bringing down the birth rate, the following social measures should be undertaken.

• (i) Spread of education.• (ii) Improving the status of women.• (iii) Restricting early marriages

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• The family planning programmer all over the world is considered an effective measure in controlling population explosion. 

• The public information programmers arousing awareness and explaining the usefulness of family planning among people have helped in restricting the rate of growth of population. The establishment of family planning centers, the research ventures have played an effective role in limiting the size of family.

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• The Government of Pakistan being an Islamic state is very mindful and careful in the enforcement of birth control measures.

• It has introduced population welfare programmer under which a number of activities such as service delivery infrastructure, capacity building, information, education and communication etc. are carried out to control the size of families.

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Human development is the study of how people develop on physical, intellectual and social levels. It analyses the different stages of life to better understand how people work.

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Human Development• More Investment And Reduce Unemployment• Eliminate Poor Social Services• Increase more productivity• Less immigration in Rural to Urbanization• Eliminate Social Evils Like (lack of control, Crime And corruption)

• Use different method to control Pollution Problem

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Human development is much more important than the rise and fall in national income of a country.

They develop environment and opportunities in which people can use their full potential and freedom to contribute their best share in economic growth.

For example an organization as a unit of economic activity needs man, methods, material, machines, measurements and money to propel itself.

The most important among all is man as the man uses methods, materials, machines, measurements and moneys.

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Every citizen should be given full right to express himself, to explore new ways, and to show his abilities to his level best hence providing better facilities for health education; political and cultural freedom; and security against crime etc.

For Human Development there is a need to produce well aware, healthy and educated mothers because the first institution of a human being is mother.

In Pakistan the people having money just spend it on buying commodities that satisfy basic necessities to decorate their drawing rooms or buying latest mobile phone sets or they buy luxury cars, beds and flat screen TV’s to make their dumb and dull lives comfortable

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They spend money on walls and marbles but not on human development.

There is a very few amount of flying clubs, public parks; skating clubs, there is no concept to experience deep sea diving a handful of people go for hiking.

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Health Education Income Inequality Poverty Gender Sustainability Demography Composite indices (non-income) Innovation and technology Trade, economy and income 

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Year Pakistan Low human developme


South Asia World

2012 0.515  0.466  0.558  0.694  

2011 0.513  0.464  0.555  0.692  

Human Development Index

Pakistan in 146 Ranking

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