pope leo x excommunicated luther in 1520 after luther refused to recant his statements – realized...


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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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• Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther in 1520 after Luther refused to recant his statements– Realized that Luther had

become a threat• Holy Roman Emperor

declared him an outlaw

• Luther’s ideas led to a split in the Church – Protestants

• People who supported Luther’s protests

• Supported Martin Luther’s reform

• Believed in Predestination – God has already

determined who will go to heaven before birth• Nothing people can do

can change this

– Chosen people were the “elected”

• Ideas spread through Europe– Germany, Holland,

France, England, and Scotland

• Calvin setup a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland – A government based

on religious teachings

• People who followed Calvin's teachings

• Believed people were sinners and need strict rules to regulate behavior– Church attendance

was mandatory – Dancing, singing,

feasting, wearing jewelry were forbidden

• Became King of England in 1509

• Was a Catholic who spoke out against Luther – Pope gave him title

“Defender of the Faith”• Married Catherine of

Aragon – Had a daughter Mary • Wanted a male heir

• Henry asks the pope to annul his marriage– Declare it invalid and

allow him to remarry

• Pope refuses to grant Henry’s request

• Henry VIII asks Parliament to end the Pope’s authority in England

• Parliament made Henry the head of the Church of England and granted his divorce –Married Anne Boleyn – 2nd of six marriages

• Act of Supremacy required subjects to swear oath that Henry VIII was the Supreme head of the Church– Anglican church

(Church of England)

• England became a Protestant country

• One way in which Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses and Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy are similar is that both

(1) emphasize the importance of the Bible(2) caused the Thirty Years War(3) challenge the authority of the Catholic

Church (4) helped to unify Christendom

• Which situation was a direct challenge to the political and religious authority of the Catholic Church? (1) passage of the Act of Supremacy under Henry VIII (2) death sentence given to Joan of Arc (3) Reconquista of Spain conducted by Ferdinand and Isabella (4) establishment of the Jesuit order under Ignatius Loyola

• What is predestination? • What event led to the Protestant

Reformation in England? • Who was the head of the Church of


European Religions European Religions TodayToday

• Sometimes known as the Catholic Reformation

• Developed as an attempt to keep Catholics from becoming Protestants

• Instituted reforms to the Church

• Meeting of Church officials to guide Church reforms –Met on and off for

twenty years

• Reforms– Church interpretation of the

Bible was final• Any Christian who substituted

their own view was a heretic

– Faith and good works only way to get to heaven

– Stopped sale of indulgences – Created the Index of

Forbidden Books • Banned and burned books

that were offensive• included Protestant Bibles

• Formed the Jesuit order – Emphasis on spiritual

and moral discipline – Strict obedience to

Church authority• Focused on

education and missionaries as way to stop spread of Protestant faith – Established schools – Sent missionaries to

Africa, Asia, AmericasSpanish soldier who dedicated his life to Jesus after being wounded in battle

• The Church established a court to fight Protestantism and find religious heretics– Beliefs that

differed from official church teachings

• Tried people accused of being Protestants, witches, & breaking Church laws– Used torture and


• Spanish Inquisition 1478– Spanish monarchs

wanted Spain to be a Catholic country only• Tried Jews,

Muslims, and Protestants as heretics

• What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?

• What was the purpose of the inquisition?