poor laws

The Poor Laws and the Origins of the Welfare State Page contents > 18th Century Pamphlets | Cost of the Poor Laws | Poor Law Reform | Poor Relief in the 20th Century | Poor Relief for Women and Children | Family Allowances | The Welfare State Many of the pamphlets on the Poor Laws held in the Library were published in the 19th century and a few were published in the 18th century. The value of this primary source material is to give researchers an insight into the thinking of contemporary politicians and reformers and to see how social policy worked in Britain before the advent of the welfare state. Social policy before the 1940s was the "Poor Law". There are hundreds of pamphlets on this subject in the Library's collection. 18th Century Pamphlets Some of the oldest pamphlets were published in the 18th century. These are a few examples - "A new scheme for reducing the laws relating to the poor into one Act of Parliament, and to the better providing the impotent poor with necessaries, the industrious with work, and for the correction of the idle poor" published in 1737 (BP165951), "Observations on the number and misery of the poor, on the heavy rates levied for their maintenance and on the general causes of poverty" published in 1765 (HV/228) , "A scheme for the better relief and employment of the poor; humbly submitted to the consideration of the Members of both Houses of Parliament" by G. Thomas published in 1765 (HV/321) , "Proposals for imploying the poor in and about the city of London without any charge to the publick" by Daniel Defoe published in 1713 (HV/644) , and "Reasons humbly submitted to the honourable members of both Houses of Parliament for introducing a law to prevent unnecessary and vexatious removals of the poor thereby to reduce Parish expenses by letting the poor live where they can best earn their bread"

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The Poor Laws and the Origins of the Welfare State

Page contents > 18th Century Pamphlets | Cost of the Poor Laws | Poor Law Reform | Poor Relief in the 20th Century | Poor Relief for Women and Children | Family Allowances | The Welfare State

Many of the pamphlets on the Poor Laws held in the Library were published in the 19th century and a few were published in the 18th century. The value of this primary source material is to give researchers an insight into the thinking of contemporary politicians and reformers and to see how social policy worked in Britain before the advent of the welfare state. Social policy before the 1940s was the "Poor Law". There are hundreds of pamphlets on this subject in the Library's collection.

18th Century Pamphlets

Some of the oldest pamphlets were published in the 18th century. These are a few examples - "A new scheme for reducing the laws relating to the poor into one Act of Parliament, and to the better providing the impotent poor with necessaries, the industrious with work, and for the correction of the idle poor" published in 1737 (BP165951), "Observations on the number and misery of the poor, on the heavy rates levied for their maintenance and on the general causes of poverty" published in 1765 (HV/228), "A scheme for the better relief and employment of the poor; humbly submitted to the consideration of the Members of both Houses of Parliament" by G. Thomas published in 1765 (HV/321), "Proposals for imploying the poor in and about the city of London without any charge to the publick" by Daniel Defoe published in 1713 (HV/644), and "Reasons humbly submitted to the honourable members of both Houses of Parliament for introducing a law to prevent unnecessary and vexatious removals of the poor thereby to reduce Parish expenses by letting the poor live where they can best earn their bread" published in 1724 (HV/320).

Cost of the Poor Laws

Most of the pamphlets on the Poor Law were published in the 19th Century. Some of the literature reflected the concern about the cost of the poor law. For example: "Proposals to abolish all poor-laws except for the old and infirm: and to establish asylum farms on which to locate the destitute able-bodied poor; who might thereon maintain themselves and benefit the country £18,600,000 annually." (HV/676) This was written by R.J. Morrison Esq. in 1842. Pamphlets like these were written in defense of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act by which poor relief to the able-bodied was given only in the workhouse.

Poor Law Reform

On the other hand there were many pamphlets on the condition of the poor and the need

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for reform. For example - "Distress in East London" (a letter to the Times by R.D. Baxter in 1867) (BP169370), "The poor man's friend or a few plain words from a plain man who desires to see the poor happy and contented in that situation of life in which it has pleased God to place them" by J. Godfrey (1835) (HV/439) and "Tyranny of poor laws exemplified - Englishmen! tis your little all" published in Bath in 1815. There are pamphlets issued by the State Children's Association, Society for Promoting the Comforts of the Poor, National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, Association of Poor Law Unions, Poor Law Reform Association, National Council of Social Service, Workhouse Visiting Society as well as Poor Law Commissioners themselves. Many of the early Fabian Tracts also cover poverty and poor relief. The first Fabian tract was entitled "Why are there many poor?".

The pamphlet collection contains material connected with the Poor Law Commission of 1910 both supporting the Minority and Majority reports. Some of these pamphlets were written by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, founders of LSE and the Library. Pamphlets were issued by the Association of Poor Law Unions in England and Wales, National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution and the National Poor Law Reform Association.

There is a tiny pamphlet entitled "A plea for the vagrant" dated 1904. (HV/B24). "War against poverty" written collectively by W.C. Anderson, Ramsay MacDonald, George Bernard Shaw, and the Webbs in 1912 includes a leaflet for a meeting at the Royal Albert Hall (HV/215).

Poor Relief in the 20th Century

The debate continued into the 20th century with a number of interesting and controversial pamphlets: "The reform (!) of the Poor Law" by J. Scur (HV/328) published by the Labour Research Department, "Guilty and proud of it" by the Poplar Board of Guardians 1922 (HV/384), "The development of the humane administration of the poor law under the Poplar Board of Guardians" by George Lansbury, "The Poplar case examined" from the Poor Law Officers Journal 1926 (HV/546), "The truth about the means test: the Poor Law is buried" by Ernest Bevin 1941 (HV565) and "Stop this starvation of mother and child" by M. Brown of the National Unemployed Workers Movement 1935 (HV/C275). There are pamphlets from the London Municipal Society and the National Union of Ratepayers particularly - "Socialism in local government: the abuse of poor law relief-Bermondsey, Southwark, Greenwich, Deptford, Shoreditch, Woolwich" (HV/582). There is also a typed report on the administration of poor relief during the coal strike of 1926 (fHV/108).

Poor Relief for Women and Children

There are a number of pamphlets on the specific areas of welfare for women and children, including the case for nurseries - for example, "You can get a war-time nursery in your

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district"- by the London Womens Parliament (HV/B51) and "Company day nurseries" issued by the Institute of Personnel Management in the 1970s. There are some pamphlets issued by the Womens Industrial Council and one entitled "Reading Communal kitchen" by D. Marsh published in 1917 (HV/D380). Examples of pamphlets on child emigration include "Emigration to Canada of Poor Law children" by F. Philip (HV/D372) and "What shall we do with our pauper children: a paper read at the Social Science Association, Dublin" by M. Carpenter 1861 (HV/C190).

Family Allowances

There are a number of pamphlets from organisations which campaigned on the issue of family allowances. One of them, published by the Family Endowment Society, contains addresses made at the the First Public Conference on Family Allowances held at LSE in 1927 by Beveridge and other speakers (HD4/135). "Family allowances: an Aylesbury broadside" is a reprint from the Lancet in 1940 (HD4/205). There are pamphlets published by the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship in 1920 (HD4/17) and the National Industrial Alliance- "The case for and against family allowances" in 1939 (HD4/400). Pamphlets published by political parties include "Families and incomes: the case for childrens' allowances" written by H. Brailsford and published by the Independent Labour Party in 1926 (HD4/209), "Note for the study of family allowances" published by the Cooperative Women's Guild in 1925 (HD4/376) and "Family allowances: a socialist analysis" published by the Socialist Party of Great Britain in 1943 (HD4/350).

The Welfare State

After 1945 the Poor Laws were replaced by the Welfare State. In the 1950s and 1960s pamphlets on social policy have been published by the main political parties and research institutions and pressure groups such as the National Council for One Parent Families, Royal Institute of Public Administration, National Corporation for the Care of Old People, Child Poverty Action Group, Association for Multi-racial Playgroups, National Council for the Single Woman and her Dependents, Age Concern and the National Association of Children's Nurseries as well as the Trades Union Congress and the Fabian Society. Poverty is treated as a minority problem faced by groups such as the aged and single parents. Pamphlets issued by organisations such as the Adam Smith Institute and the Policy Studies Institute have called into question the basis of the Welfare State as the foundation of post 1945 social policy.

The majority of the pamphlets contain material about the history of social policy and the Poor Laws in Britain, but there are pamphlets from other countries including the USA, France, Scandinavia, Germany and Japan. There is a collection from the Childrens Aid Society in the USA, dating from the 19th century. One example is entitled "Best methods of disposing of our pauper and vagrant children" by C.L. Brace (HV/120).

Search for pamphlets on the poor laws and origins of the welfare state under the following

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subject headings: Poor Laws; Poor; Poverty; United Kingdom-Social Policy (or Great Britain-Social Policy); Workhouses; Children-Social Conditions; Women-Social Conditions; Family Allowances; Welfare State; Public Welfare.

Poor Law

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article deals chiefly with the English Poor Laws covering England and Wales. For the laws regarding the other areas of the British Isles see Irish Poor Laws and Scottish Poor Law

Former workhouse at Nantwich, dating from 1780Acts of Parliament of predecessor

states to the United Kingdom

Acts of English Parliament to 1601Acts of English Parliament to 1641

Acts and Ordinances (Interregnum) to 1660Acts of English Parliament to 1699Acts of English Parliament to 1706

Acts of Parliament of ScotlandActs of Irish Parliament to 1700Acts of Irish Parliament to 1800

Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom

1707–1719 | 1720–1739 | 1740–17591760–1779 | 1780–1800 | 1801–18191820–1839 | 1840–1859 | 1860–18791880–1899 | 1900–1919 | 1920–19391940–1959 | 1960–1979 | 1980–1999

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Acts of the Scottish ParliamentActs of the Northern Ireland ParliamentActs of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Measures of the National Assembly for WalesOrders in Council for Northern Ireland

United Kingdom Statutory Instruments

The Poor Law was the system for the provision of social security in operation in England and Wales from the 16th century until the establishment of the Welfare State in the 20th century. It was made up of several Acts of Parliament and subsequent Amendments. The extreme longevity of the Poor Law meant that some of the generalisations made about it (for example, the use of workhouses) refer to only a part of its history.


[hide] 1 The classification of the poor 2 Origins of the Poor Law system 3 The Act of 1601

o 3.1 Amendments to the 1601 Act 4 The 18th century 5 The reform of the Poor Law 6 The Royal Commission on the Poor Law

o 6.1 Findings of the Commission 7 The 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act

o 7.1 Amendments to the Amendment Act 8 The Poor Laws in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 9 Poor Law Policy 1847-1900

o 9.1 Commission replaced with a Board o 9.2 Union Chargeability Act o 9.3 Increasing powers for local government

10 The end of the Poor Law 11 See also 12 References

13 External links

[edit] The classification of the poor

For much of the period of the Poor Law, the dependent poor were classified in terms of three groups:

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The impotent poor could not look after themselves or go to work. They included the ill, the infirm, the elderly, and children with no-one to properly care for them. It was generally held that they should be looked after.

The able-bodied poor normally referred to those who were unable to find work - either due to cyclical or long term unemployment in the area, or a lack of skills. Attempts to assist these people, and move them out of this category, varied over the centuries, but usually consisted of relief either in the form of work or money.

The 'vagrants' or 'beggars', sometimes termed 'sturdy rogues', were deemed those who could work but had refused to. Such people were seen in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as potential criminals, apt to do mischief when hired for the purpose. They were normally seen as people needing punishment, and as such were often whipped in the market place as an example to others, or sometimes sent to houses of correction. This group was also termed the idle poor.

[edit] Origins of the Poor Law system

Main article: Origins of the Poor Law system

Tudor Poor Laws aimed to deal with vagrancy were harsh towards the able bodied poor who were not trying or looking for work - whippings and beatings were acceptable punishments.

1552 - Parishes began to register those considered 'poor'. 1563 - Justices of the Peace began to collect money for poor relief. The poor were

grouped for the first time into the impotent poor, idle poor and able-bodied poor (unemployed).

1572 - First local poor tax to fund poor relief. 1576 - Idea of a workhouse first suggested. It is first suggested that JPs could

provide materials for which the able-bodied could work in return for relief. 1579 - Justices of the Peace authorised to collect funds for poor relief. The post of

Overseer of the Poor was created.[1]

1595 'Buttock Mail', a Scottish Poor Rate is levied.[2]

[edit] The Act of 1601

Main article: Elizabethan Poor Law 1601

The Poor Law Act 1601 also known as the Elizabethan Poor Law and Old Poor Law (after the passing of the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834) formalised earlier practices of poor relief. It created a collectivist national system, paid for by levying local rates (or property taxes). It made provision:

To board out (making a payment to families willing to accept them) those young children who were orphaned or whose parents could not maintain them,

to provide materials to "set the poor on work"

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To offer relief to people who were unable to work -- mainly those who were "lame, impotent, old, blind", and

"The putting out of children to be apprentices".

Relief for those too ill or old to work, the so called deserving poor, was in the form of a payment or items of food ('the parish loaf') or clothing. Some aged people might be accommodated in parish alms houses, though these were usually private charitable institutions. Meanwhile able-bodied beggars who had refused work were often placed in houses of correction. However, provision for the many able-bodied poor in the workhouse, which provided accommodation at the same time as work, was relatively unusual, and most workhouses developed later. Assistance given to the deserving poor that did not involve an institution like the workhouse, was known as 'outdoor relief'.

There was much variation in the application of the law and there was a tendency for the destitute to migrate towards the more generous parishes, usually situated in the towns. This led to the Settlement Act 1662 also known as the Poor Relief Act 1662 - this allowed relief only to established residents of a parish - mainly through birth, marriage and apprenticeship. A pauper applicant had to prove a 'settlement'.If they could not, they were removed to the next parish that was nearest to the place of their birth, or where they might prove some connection. Some paupers were moved hundreds of miles. Although each parish that they passed through was not responsible for them, they were supposed to supply food and drink and shelter for at least one night. The Act was criticised in later years for its effect in distorting the labour market, through the power given to parishes to let them remove 'undeserving' poor.

Some of the legislation was punitive. In 1697 an act was passed requiring the poor to wear a "badge" of red or blue cloth on the right shoulder with an embroidered letter "P" and the initial of their parish. However, this was often disregarded.

[edit] Amendments to the 1601 Act

1662 -Poor Relief Act 1662 (Settlement Acts) 1723 -Workhouse Test Act 1782 -Gilbert's Act 1795 -Speenhamland

[edit] The 18th century

The 18th century workhouse movement began at the end of the 17th century with the establishment of the Bristol Corporation of the Poor, founded by Act of Parliament in 1696. The corporation established a workhouse which combined housing and care of the poor with a house of correction for petty offenders. Following the example of Bristol some twelve further towns and cities established similar corporations in the next two decades. Because these corporations required a private Act, they were not suitable for smaller towns and individual parishes.

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Starting with the parish of Olney, Buckinghamshire in 1714 several dozen small towns and individual parishes established their own institutions without any specific legal authorization. These were concentrated in the South Midlands and in the county of Essex. From the late 1710s the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge began to promote the idea of parochial workhouses. The Society published several pamphlets on the subject, and supported Sir Edward Knatchbull in his successful efforts to steer the Workhouse Test Act through parliament in 1723. The act gave legislative authority for the establishment of parochial workhouses, by both single parishes and as joint ventures between two or more parishes. More importantly, the Act helped to publicise the idea of establishing workhouses to a national audience. By 1776 some 1912 parish and corporation workhouses had been established in England and Wales, housing almost 100,000 paupers. Although many parishes and pamphlet writers expected to earn money from the labour of the poor in workhouses, the vast majority of people obliged to take up residence in workhouses were ill, elderly, or children whose labour proved largely unprofitable. The demands, needs and expectations of the poor also ensured that workhouses came to take on the character of general social policy institutions, combining the functions of creche, and night shelter, geriatric ward and orphanage.

In 1782, Thomas Gilbert finally succeeded in passing an act that established poor houses solely for the aged and infirm and introduced a system of outdoor relief for the able-bodied. This was the basis for the development of the Speenhamland system, which made financial provision for low-paid workers.

[edit] The reform of the Poor Law

Main article: Opposition to the Poor Law

Dissatisfaction with the system grew at the beginning of the 19th century. The 1601 system was felt to be too costly and was widely perceived as encouraging the underlying problems - pushing more people into poverty even while it helped those who were already in poverty. Jeremy Bentham argued for a disciplinary, punitive approach to social problems, whilst the writings of Thomas Malthus focused attention on the problem of overpopulation, and the growth of illegitimacy. David Ricardo argued that there was an "iron law of wages". The effect of poor relief, in the view of the reformers, was to undermine the position of the "independent labourer".

In the period following the Napoleonic Wars, several reformers altered the function of the "poorhouse" into the model for a deterrent workhouse. The first of the deterrent workhouses in this period was at Bingham, Notts. The second was Becher's workhouse in Southwell, now maintained by the National Trust. George Nicholls, the overseer at Southwell, was to become a Poor Law Commissioner in the reformed system. The 1817 Report of the Select Committee on the Poor Laws condemned the Poor Law as causing poverty itself.

[edit] The Royal Commission on the Poor Law

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Main article: 1832 Royal Commission into the Operation of the Poor Laws

The 1832 Royal Commission into the Operation of the Poor Laws was set up following the widespread destruction and machine breaking of the Swing Riots. The report was prepared by a commission of nine, including Nassau William Senior, and served by Edwin Chadwick as Secretary. The Royal Commission's primary concerns were with illegitimacy (or "bastardy"), reflecting the influence of Malthusians, and the fear that the practices of the Old Poor Law were undermining the position of the independent labourer. Two practices were of particular concern: the "roundsman" system, where overseers hired out paupers as cheap labour, and the Speenhamland system, which subsidised low wages with out relief.

[edit] Findings of the Commission

The 13 volume report pointed to the conclusion that the poor law itself was the cause of poverty. The report differentiated between poverty, which was seen as necessary, as it was fear of poverty which made people work, and indigence - the inability to earn enough to live on.

"less eligibility": that the position of the pauper should have to enter a workhouse with conditions worse than that of the poorest 'free' labourer outside of the workhouse.

the "workhouse test", that relief should only be available in the workhouse. The reformed workhouses were to be uninviting, so that anyone capable of coping outside them would choose not to be in one.

When the act was introduced however it had been partly watered down. The workhouse test and the idea of "less eligibility" were never mentioned themselves and the recommendation of the Royal Commission - that 'outdoor relief' (relief given outside of a workhouse) should be abolished - was never implemented.

The report recommended separate workhouses for the aged, infirm, children, able-bodied females and able-bodied males. The report also stated that parishes should be grouped into unions in order to spread the cost of workhouses and a central authority should be established in order to enforce these measures.

The Poor Law Commission took two years to write its report, the recommendations passed easily through Parliament support by both main parties the Whigs and the Tories. The bill gained Royal Assent in 1834. Of those who opposed the Bill - of whom there were few - were more concerned about the centralisation which the bill would bring rather than the underpinning philosophy of utilitarianism.

[edit] The 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act

Main article: Poor Law Amendment Act 1834

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The Bill established a Poor Law Commission to oversee the national operation of the system. This included the forming together of small parishes into Poor Law Unions and the building of workhouses in each union for the giving of poor relief.

The act stated that:[3]

(a) no able-bodied person was to receive money or other help from the Poor Law authorities except in a workhouse;(b) conditions in workhouses were to be made very harsh to discourage people from wanting to receive help;(c) workhouses were to be built in every parish or, if parishes were too small, in unions of parishes;(d) ratepayers in each parish or union had to elect a Board of Guardians to supervise the workhouse, to collect the Poor Rate and to send reports to the Central Poor Law Commission;(e) the three man Central Poor Law Commission would be appointed by the government and would be responsible for supervising the Amendment Act throughout the country.

The Amendment Act did not ban all forms of outdoor relief. Not until the 1840s would the only method of relief be for the poor to enter a Workhouse. The Workhouses were to be made little more than prisons and families were normally separated upon entering a Workhouse.

When the new Amendment was applied to the industrial North of England (an area the law had never considered during reviews), the system failed catastrophically as many found themselves temporarily unemployed, due to recessions or a fall in stock demands, so called 'cyclical unemployment' and were reluctant to enter a Workhouse, despite it being the only method of gaining aid.

The abuses and shortcomings of the system are documented in the novels of Charles Dickens and Frances Trollope. Despite the aspirations of the reformers, the New Poor Law was unable to make the Workhouse as bad as life outside. The primary problem was that in order to make the diet of the Workhouse inmates "less eligible" than what they could expect outside, it would be necessary to starve the inmates beyond an acceptable level. It was for this reason that other ways were found to deter entrance to the Workhouses. These measures ranged from the introduction of prison style uniforms to the segregation of 'inmates' into yards - there were normally male, female, boy and girls yards.

Fierce hostility and organised opposition from workers, politicians and religious leaders eventually lead to the Amendment Act being amended, removing the very harsh measures of the Workhouses to a certain degree. The Andover workhouse scandal, where conditions in the Andover Union Workhouse were found to be inhumane and dangerous, prompted a government review and the abolishment of the Poor Law Commission which

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was replaced with a Poor Law Board. From now on a Committee of Parliament was to administer the Poor Law, with a cabinet minister as head.

There were a number of provisions that aimed at stopping previous discrimination against non-conformists and Roman Catholics.[4]

[edit] Amendments to the Amendment Act

Outdoor Labour Test Order Outdoor Relief Prohibitory Order

[edit] The Poor Laws in Ireland, Scotland and Wales

In 1838 the Poor Laws were extended into Ireland, although a few poorhouses had been built before that time. The workhouses were supervised by a Poor Law Commissioner in Dublin. The Irish Poor Laws were even harsher on the poor than the English Poor Laws; furthermore, the Irish unions were underfunded, and there were too few workhouses in Ireland. As a result, the Irish Potato Famine became a humanitarian catastrophe.

Scotland launched its own Poor Law system in 1579. As the Act of Union which united England and Scotland did not alter Scotland's legal system, the Scottish Poor Law system did not disappear after 1707. Reforms similar in intent to the English reforms of 1834 were made in 1845. The English Poor Laws applied in Wales.

[edit] Poor Law Policy 1847-1900

[edit] Commission replaced with a Board

After 1847 the Poor Law Commission was replaced with a Poor Law Board. This was because of the Andover workhouse scandal and the criticism of Henry Parker who was responsible for the Andover union as well as the tensions in Somerset House caused by Chadwicks failure to become a Poor Law Commissioner.

[edit] Union Chargeability Act

The Poor Law had been altered in 1834 because of increasing costs. The Union Chargeability Act was passed in 1865 in order to make the financial burden of pauperism be placed upon the whole unions rather than individual parishes. Most Boards of Guardians were middle class and committed to keeping Poor Rates as low as possible

[edit] Increasing powers for local government

After the Reform Act 1867 there was increasing welfare legislation. As this legislation required local authorities' support the Poor Law Board was replaced with a Local Government Board in 1871. County Councils were formed in 1888, District Councils in

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1894. This meant that public housing, unlike health and income maintenance, developed outside the scope of the Poor Law. The infirmaries and the workhouses remained the responsibility of the Guardians until 1930. This change was in part due to changing attitudes on the nature and causes of poverty - there was for the first time an attitude that society had a responsibility to protect its more vulnerable members.

[edit] The end of the Poor Law

The reforms of the Liberal Government 1906-14 (see Liberal reforms) made several provisions to provide social services without the stigma of the Poor Law, including Old age pensions and National Insurance, and from that period fewer people were covered by the system. Means tests were developed during the inter-war period, not as part of the Poor Law, but as part of the attempt to offer relief that was not affected by the stigma of pauperism.

One aspect of the Poor Law that continued to cause resentment was that the burden of poor relief was not shared equally by rich and poor areas but, rather, fell most heavily on those areas in which poverty was at its worst. This was a central issue in the Poplar Rates Rebellion led by George Lansbury and others in 1921.

Workhouses were officially abolished by the Local Government Act 1929, which from 1 April 1930 abolished the Unions and transferred their responsibilities to the county councils and county boroughs. Some however persisted into the 1940s. The remaining responsibility for the Poor Law was given to local authorities before final abolition in 1948.

[edit] See also


[edit] References

1. ̂ The 1601 Elizabethan Poor Law2. ̂ British social policy, 1601-19483. ̂ 1834 Poor Law4. ̂   "Poor Laws". Catholic Encyclopedia. (1913). New York: Robert Appleton



v • d • e

The evolution of the Poor Law and poor relief in BritainThe Tudor Poor Law Origins of the Poor Law system

The Old Poor Law The Old Poor Law • Settlements

Page 13: Poor laws

Acts• Knatchbull's Act • Gilbert's Act • House of Correction • Overseer of the Poor • Poor rate

Relief SystemsIndoor relief • Workhouse • Outdoor relief • Speenhamland • Labour Rate • Roundsman

Classifications of PoorAble bodied poor • Idle poor • Impotent poor

Poor Law Amendment Act

1832 Commission • PLAA • Less eligibility • Workhouse • Workhouse test • Board of Guardians • Outdoor Labour Test Order • Outdoor Relief Prohibitory Order

OppositionAnti-Poor Law League • Book of Murder • Opposition

After the Poor Law Amendment Act

Poor Law Commission • Poor Law Board • Local Government Board • Andover workhouse scandal • Union Chargeability Act

Liberal reformsRoyal Commission • Majority Report • Minority Report • Liberal reforms