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EMPLOYEESEMPLOYEESRecognize individual differencesRecognize individual differences-- Attitude, Personalities«Attitude, Personalities«

M atch people to jobsM atch people to jobs -- people withpeople withhigh growth needs perform better onhigh growth needs perform better onchallenging jobs. Achievers will dochallenging jobs. Achievers will dobest when the job providesbest when the job provides

opportunities to participatively setopportunities to participatively setgoals and when there is autonomygoals and when there is autonomyand feedback.and feedback.

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U  se GoalsU  se Goals ±± provide specific goals, so that theprovide specific goals, so that theemployee knows what he is doing.employee knows what he is doing.

I ndividualise rewards I ndividualise rewards ±± use rewardsuse rewardsselectively, keeping the individual requirementsselectively, keeping the individual requirements

in mind.in mind. Link Rewards to PerformanceLink Rewards to Performance ±± employeeemployee

should be rewarded immediately after attainingshould be rewarded immediately after attainingthe goals.the goals.

C heck the system for equity C heck the system for equity ±± the inputs forthe inputs for

each job in the form of experience, abilities,each job in the form of experience, abilities,effort, special skills, must be weighted carefullyeffort, special skills, must be weighted carefullybefore arriving at the compensation package forbefore arriving at the compensation package foremployees.employees.

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Don¶t Ignore MoneyDon¶t Ignore Money ±± money ismoney isnot only a means of satisfying thenot only a means of satisfying the

economic needs, but also a measureeconomic needs, but also a measureof one¶s power, prestige,of one¶s power, prestige,independence, happiness so on«independence, happiness so on«

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NonNon ± ±Financial IncentivesFinancial Incentives

Incentives which cannot be offered inIncentives which cannot be offered interms of money .terms of money .

People working at higher levels doPeople working at higher levels donot always work for money. Theynot always work for money. Theyexpect a challenging job, interestingexpect a challenging job, interestingwork that grants them enough powerwork that grants them enough power

to control environments, work thatto control environments, work thatallows them to use their talents fully.allows them to use their talents fully.

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Types of NonTypes of Non--FinancialFinancial

IncentivesIncentives Individual IncentivesIndividual Incentives

Group IncentivesGroup Incentives

Organisational IncentivesOrganisational Incentives

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1.Individual Incentives1.Individual Incentives

StatusStatus ±± it is the ranking of positions,it is the ranking of positions,rights and duties in the organisation.rights and duties in the organisation.

PromotionPromotion ±± vertical movement of avertical movement of aperson in the organisation.person in the organisation.

R esponsibilityR esponsibility ±± more responsible andmore responsible andchallenging jobs.challenging jobs.

R ecognition of workR ecognition of work ±± 1. show1. showappreciation when an individual does anappreciation when an individual does an

outstanding job. 2. compliment individualsoutstanding job. 2. compliment individualsin front of others. 3. complimentin front of others. 3. complimentindividuals when the incidents is still freshindividuals when the incidents is still freshin their mind.in their mind.

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Interesting workInteresting work ±± jobs that are jobs that arevaried, pleasant and enjoyablevaried, pleasant and enjoyable

motivate people thoroughly.motivate people thoroughly.Job SecurityJob Security ±± secure about theirsecure about their

future income and job continuity.future income and job continuity.

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2. Gr oup Incentives2. Gr oup IncentivesSocial importance of workSocial importance of work-- highhigh

status jobs enhance the social statusstatus jobs enhance the social statusof an individual in the society.of an individual in the society.

Team spiritTeam spirit ±± those organizationsthose organizationsthat encourage their employees tothat encourage their employees todo the jobs in a cooperative manner,do the jobs in a cooperative manner,attract people automatically.attract people automatically.

Healthy CompensationHealthy Compensation ±±promoting healthy compensationpromoting healthy compensationamong employees through carefullyamong employees through carefullychosen reward schemes .chosen reward schemes .

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3. Organisational Incentives3. Organisational Incentives ParticipationParticipation ±± offer employees goodoffer employees good

opportunities to participate in the decisionopportunities to participate in the decisionmaking process.making process.

Sound Human R elationsSound Human R elations ±± a positivea positive

work climate where people are treated aswork climate where people are treated ashuman beings is an important reward.human beings is an important reward.

MoraleMorale ±± the atmosphere created by thethe atmosphere created by theattitudes of the members of anattitudes of the members of an

organization.organization. Communication and DisciplineCommunication and Discipline ±± properproper

communication and good disciplinarycommunication and good disciplinaryprocedures enable people to work withprocedures enable people to work withconfident and along the prescribed routes.confident and along the prescribed routes.

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MayoMayo ±± ³ the maintenance of  ³ the maintenance of cooperative living´.cooperative living´.

Dr.LeightonDr.Leighton ±± ³Morale is the capacity ³Morale is the capacityof the group of people to pullof the group of people to pulltogether persistently andtogether persistently andconsistently in pursuit of a commonconsistently in pursuit of a common


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Individual MoraleIndividual Morale

Involves knowing one¶s ownInvolves knowing one¶s ownexpectations and living up to them.expectations and living up to them.

Morale refers to the feelings of anMorale refers to the feelings of anemployee toward his work.employee toward his work.

It is a matter of work satisfaction.It is a matter of work satisfaction.

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Gr oup MoraleGr oup Morale

Reflects the general tone of a group Reflects the general tone of a group of people.of people.

Emphasises social reactions andEmphasises social reactions andconcentrates on attitudes towardsconcentrates on attitudes towardsgroup values.group values.

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MORALEMORALE Intrinsic Job SatisfactionIntrinsic Job Satisfaction

Satisfaction with CompanySatisfaction with Company

Satisfaction with SupervisionSatisfaction with SupervisionSatisfaction with RewardsSatisfaction with Rewards

Satisfaction with CoSatisfaction with Co--workers.workers.

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Factors Affecting MoraleFactors Affecting Morale

The OrganisationThe Organisation


CoCo--WorkersWorkersThe Nature of WorkThe Nature of Work

Work EnvironmentWork Environment

The EmployeeThe Employee

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Factors Affecting MoraleFactors Affecting Morale

1.The organisation1.The organisation ::-- the goals of the goals of the organisation influence thethe organisation influence theattitudes of employees greatly.attitudes of employees greatly.

A clear structure with wellA clear structure with well--defineddefinedduties and responsibilitiesduties and responsibilitiesencourages people to work withencourages people to work with


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2.2. LeadershipLeadership ::-- The actions of The actions of managers exert a strong influencemanagers exert a strong influenceover the morale of the work force.over the morale of the work force.

Fair treatment, equitable rewardsFair treatment, equitable rewardsand recognition for good work affectand recognition for good work affectmorale greatly.morale greatly.

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3.3. CoCo--WorkersWorkers ::-- Poor attitudes of Poor attitudes of coco--workers influence others.workers influence others.

4.4. The Nature of WorkThe Nature of Work ::-- Dull,Dull,Monotonous, Repetitive work affectsMonotonous, Repetitive work affectsemployee morale adversely.employee morale adversely.

If an employee is asked to doIf an employee is asked to dosomething interesting andsomething interesting andchallenging, his morale may be high.challenging, his morale may be high.

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5.Work Environment5.Work Environment ::-- Morale is aMorale is adirect function of the conditions indirect function of the conditions inthe work place.the work place.

Clean, safe, comfortable and pleasantClean, safe, comfortable and pleasantwork conditions are morale boosters.work conditions are morale boosters.

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6.6. The Employee :The Employee :-- the employeesthe employeesself concept also influence morale.self concept also influence morale.

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High Morale will lead to HighHigh Morale will lead to HighProductivity.Productivity.

A Manager can push for highA Manager can push for highproductivity by using scientificproductivity by using scientificmanagement, time studies and closemanagement, time studies and closesupervision.supervision.

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Morale and Pr oductivityMorale and Pr oductivity


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High MoraleHigh Morale

Low ProductivityLow Productivity

High MoraleHigh Morale

High ProductivityHigh Productivity

Low MoraleLow Morale

Low ProductivityLow Productivity

Low MoraleLow Morale

High ProductivityHigh Productivity

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Final AnalysisFinal Analysis-- a manager has to work fora manager has to work forimproving the morale of his employees.improving the morale of his employees.

High morale makes the work moreHigh morale makes the work more

pleasant and will go a long way inpleasant and will go a long way inimproving the work climate.improving the work climate.

It helps the work group to attain goalsIt helps the work group to attain goalseasily, smoothly and more importantly, ineasily, smoothly and more importantly, ina highly cooperative manner.a highly cooperative manner.

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Maintaining a reasonable level of aMaintaining a reasonable level of amorale is not an easy job.morale is not an easy job.

Some of the important steps thatSome of the important steps thatneed to taken up by management,need to taken up by management,that too on a continuous scale are :that too on a continuous scale are :--

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Steps f or Morale BuildingSteps f or Morale Building


Job securityJob security

ParticipationParticipation Job EnrichmentJob Enrichment

Organisation StructureOrganisation Structure

Grievance RedressalGrievance Redressal

Employee CounselorsEmployee Counselors

Sound LeadershipSound Leadership

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R emunerationR emuneration ::-- must be fair andmust be fair andequitable. It should be fair in relationequitable. It should be fair in relationto employees skills and abilities andto employees skills and abilities and

equitable in relation to the wagesequitable in relation to the wagesprevailing in the industry.prevailing in the industry.

Job SecurityJob Security ::-- the employee mustthe employee mustbe sure of his job and its continuity.be sure of his job and its continuity.

ParticipationParticipation ::-- employee must beemployee must betreated as µresources¶; not as tools.treated as µresources¶; not as tools.

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Job EnrichmentJob Enrichment ::-- Enrichment is aEnrichment is aprocess of making jobs moreprocess of making jobs moreresponsible, challenging andresponsible, challenging and

interesting .interesting . Organisation StructureOrganisation Structure ::-- flatflat

structures permits the employees tostructures permits the employees tomove closer to the manager andmove closer to the manager anddiscuss the implications of discuss the implications of commands on a face to face basis.commands on a face to face basis.

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Grievance R edressalGrievance R edressal ::-- grievancegrievanceare the cause of low employeeare the cause of low employeemorale. The use of a wellmorale. The use of a well--establishedestablished

procedure helps in redressingprocedure helps in redressingemployee grievances promptly.employee grievances promptly.

Employee CounselorsEmployee Counselors ::--basicbasicfunction is to assist employees withfunction is to assist employees withtheir problems and complaints, andtheir problems and complaints, andput them on the right track.put them on the right track.

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Sound LeadershipSound Leadership ::-- top managementtop managementmust be genuinely interested in themust be genuinely interested in theemployees at all levels.employees at all levels.

They must undertake sound humanThey must undertake sound humanresource practices for building goodresource practices for building goodemployee relations.employee relations.

They must listen to the problems of theThey must listen to the problems of the

employees patiently and sympathetically.employees patiently and sympathetically.They must inspire their subordinatesThey must inspire their subordinates

through their actions.through their actions.

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Techniques for Designing JobsTechniques for Designing Jobs

Job SimplificationJob Simplification

Job EnlargementJob Enlargement

Job RotationJob Rotation Job EnrichmentJob Enrichment

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Job Simplification :Job Simplification :-- it is a job designit is a job designthe purpose of which is, to improvethe purpose of which is, to improvetask efficiency by reducing thetask efficiency by reducing the

number of tasks (simple, repetitivenumber of tasks (simple, repetitiveand standardized) that a singleand standardized) that a singleperson must perform.person must perform.

Job Enlargement :Job Enlargement :-- it increase taskit increase taskvariety by adding new tasks of variety by adding new tasks of similar difficulty to a job.similar difficulty to a job.

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Job Rotation :Job Rotation :-- it involvesit involvessystematically shifting employeessystematically shifting employeesamong jobs involving tasks of similaramong jobs involving tasks of similardifficulty.difficulty.

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In order to motivate personnel, theIn order to motivate personnel, the  job itself must provide opportunities  job itself must provide opportunitiesfor achievement, recognition,for achievement, recognition,responsibility, advancement andresponsibility, advancement andgrowth.growth.

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Unique aspects of Job EnrichmentUnique aspects of Job Enrichment

It changes the basic relationship betweenIt changes the basic relationship betweenemployees and their work. Interesting andemployees and their work. Interesting andchallenging work, can be a source of challenging work, can be a source of 

employee satisfaction.employee satisfaction. It changes employee behaviors in waysIt changes employee behaviors in ways

that gradually lead to more positivethat gradually lead to more positiveattitudes about the organisation and aattitudes about the organisation and a

better self image. Feelings of autonomybetter self image. Feelings of autonomyand personal freedom help employeesand personal freedom help employeesview their jobs in a favourable way.view their jobs in a favourable way.

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It helps the employer bring aboutIt helps the employer bring aboutorganizational changes easily, securingorganizational changes easily, securingemployee cooperation and commitment.employee cooperation and commitment.

Job enrichment can humanise anJob enrichment can humanise anorganisation. µindividuals can experienceorganisation. µindividuals can experiencethe psychological lift that comes fromthe psychological lift that comes fromdeveloping new competencies and doing adeveloping new competencies and doing a

 job well. Individuals are encouraged to job well. Individuals are encouraged togrow and push themselves¶.grow and push themselves¶.

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Job enrichment is not a social cureJob enrichment is not a social curefor workers discontent.for workers discontent.

Some jobs cannot be enrichedSome jobs cannot be enriched

beyond a certain point.  ³thebeyond a certain point.  ³theprospects for humanizing work areprospects for humanizing work areconstrained by the realities of theconstrained by the realities of thework to be donework to be done--realities which arerealities which arebeyond the power of planners tobeyond the power of planners tocontrol.control.

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Many workers do not feel alienated fromMany workers do not feel alienated fromtheir jobs and do not desire moretheir jobs and do not desire moreresponsibility or involvement at theirresponsibility or involvement at their

workplace.workplace. Labour union thrive on conflict withLabour union thrive on conflict with


Increasing job scope does notIncreasing job scope does not

automatically motivate workers and inautomatically motivate workers and inmany jobs it is impractical because theymany jobs it is impractical because theyare not structured so that elements can beare not structured so that elements can beadded.added.

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How to make job enrichmentHow to make job enrichment


Use job enrichment selectively after takingUse job enrichment selectively after takingin to account situational variablesin to account situational variables-- job jobcharacteristics, personal characteristics of characteristics, personal characteristics of 

employees, organisation level etc.employees, organisation level etc. Provide a supportive climate for innovationProvide a supportive climate for innovation

and change.and change.

Job Enrichment demands a developmentJob Enrichment demands a developmenteffort. Managers must have a bettereffort. Managers must have a betterunderstanding of what people want.understanding of what people want.

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Develop the skills of the participants first,Develop the skills of the participants first,in a job enrichment programme.in a job enrichment programme.

The basic purpose of job enrichment is toThe basic purpose of job enrichment is to

create jobs that employees will enjoycreate jobs that employees will enjoydoing.doing.

People who really enjoy the tasks theyPeople who really enjoy the tasks theyperform may not need the extraperform may not need the extramotivation of high pay and impressivemotivation of high pay and impressivedesignations.designations.