political parties of the unites states by anasha roberts

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  • 8/12/2019 Political Parties of the Unites States by Anasha Roberts



    Parties of

    the United

    StatesAnasha Roberts

    AP Govrenment- Block 3

    27 Febuaury 2014

  • 8/12/2019 Political Parties of the Unites States by Anasha Roberts


    Roberts 1

    Anasha Roberts

    AP Government

    27 February 2014

    Political Parties of the United States

    Abortion is a controversial topic that many argue over. Some say it should be illegal while

    others say its a choice only the mother can make. I am Pro Choice in the debate about abortion. I

    believe it is my decision to make. I completely oppose the government interfering with that decision

    and taking away my freedom to choose should I or should I not have a baby. There are many

    females who get raped every day and get pregnant by their rapists. Those said females should be

    able to have the choice to say they dontwant to carry the child of a rapist.

    I fully support the stances of the Democratic Party and the Green Party in the discussion

    about abortion. The two parties both believe that it is the womans choice on whether she wants to

    have an abortion or not. In their most recent platform, the Democratic Party stated, The

    Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe vs. Wade and a womans right to make

    decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay.

    We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. Very similar to that statement,

    in the Green Partys platform it states, Womens right to control her body is nonnegotiable. It is

    essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available. These two parties understand

    that life happens and sometimes a person isnt ready or are not stable enough to have a child.

    I strongly oppose the stand points of the Constitution Party and the Republican Party in

    their discussion about abortion. These two groups believe that abortion is not right and should be

  • 8/12/2019 Political Parties of the Unites States by Anasha Roberts


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    illegal. In their most recent platform, the Constitution Party states, Legalizing the termination of

    innocent life of the born or unborn, whether by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, or suicide is a

    direct violation of their unalienable right to life. Similar to this proclamation, the Republican Party

    stated, in their most recent platform, Faithful to the self-evident truths enshrined in the

    Declaration of Independence, we assert sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has

    a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life

    amendment to the constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the 14thamendments

    protection to unborn children. Although the parties opposing my views have very convincing points,

    it is still wrong for the government to make that decision for a woman. The decision doesnt affect

    the people of the parties for the rest of their lives. It affects the mother because that woman has

    to take care of her child until the child turns 18 or until the mom dies. It is wrong for the

    government to try to make a life altering decision for a person they dont even know. The choice

    should be the mothers to make with whoever she wants to consult such as the father of the baby

    or her family not a group of people whose lives do not change because of the birth of a baby.

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    Reference Page

    http://www.constitutionparty.com/our-principles/2012-2016-platform-and-resolutions/ http://www.gp.org/index.php/what-we-believe/our-platform.html http://www.gop.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/2012GOPPlatform.pdf http://assets.dstatic.org/dnc-platform/2012-National-Platform.pdf
