political law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers

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  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers




  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    F ag State *%= F ag o# Con*enien"e 6 ;(2*a*3) -istin,uish: he fla, state an& the fla,of !on%enien!e' SU22ESTE! ANS4ER: F +$S + / eans a ship has the nationalit" of thefla, of the state it fliesH ut there ust e a,enuine linD etween the state an& the ship'

    (+rti!le 91 of the Con%ention on the aw of the Sea')

    F +$ AF CANE/N5/NC/ refers to a state with whi!h a%essel is re,istere& for %arious reasons

    su!h as low or non*e istent ta ation or lowoperatin, !osts althou,h the ship has no ,enuinelinD with that state' (@arrisH Cases an&

    aterials on 5nternational awH th e&'H 1998H p' #2 ')

    Territory B 2o*ern+ent 6199?No' 8: + law was passe& &i%i&in, the Philippinesinto three re,ions ( u=onH Eisa"asH an& in&anao)Hea!h !onstitutin, an in&epen&ent state e !ept on

    atters of forei,n relationsH national &efense an&national ta ationH whi!h are %este& in the Central,o%ern ent' 5s the law %ali&L / plain'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:he law &i%i&in, the Philippines into three

    re,ionsH ea!h !onstitutin, an in&epen&ent statean& %estin, in a !entral ,o%ern ent atters offorei,n relationsH national &efenseH an& nationalta ationH is un!onstitutional'

    FirstH it %iolates +rti!le 5H whi!h ,uarantees theinte,rit" of the national territor" of the Philippines

    e!ause it &i%i&e& the Philippines into threestates'

    Se!on&H it %iolates Se!tion 1H +rti!le 55 of theConstitutionH whi!h pro%i&es for the esta lish entof &e o!rati! an& repu li! States " repla!in, itwith three States or,ani=e& as a !onfe&eration'

    hir&H it %iolates Se!tion 22H +rti!le 55 of theConstitutionH whi!hH while re!o,ni=in, an&pro otin, the ri,hts of in&i,enous !ultural!o unitiesH pro%i&es for national unit" an&&e%elop ent'

    FourthH it %iolates Se!tion 1 H +rti!le M of theConstitutionH whi!hH pro%i&es for autono ousre,ions in usli in&anao an& in the Cor&illeraswithin the fra eworD of national so%erei,nt" aswell as territorial inte,rit" of the epu li! of thePhilippines'

    FifthH it %iolates the so%erei,nt" of the epu li!of the Philippines'

    Territoria Sea *%= Interna 4ater% 6 ;(2*a*1) -istin,uish: he territorial sea an& theinternal waters of the Philippines' SU22ESTE!ANS4ER: / 5 A 5+ S/+ is an a& a!ent

    elt of sea with a rea&th of 12 nauti!al ileseasure& fro the aselines of a state an& o%er

    whi!h the state has so%erei,nt"' (+rti!les 2 an& 3of the Con%ention on the aw of the Sea') Ship ofall states en o" the ri,ht of inno!ent passa,e

    throu,h the territorial sea' (+rti!le 1# of theCon%ention on the aw of the Sea')

    usti!eL 6h"L

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:No' he Constitution pro%i&es that if forei,n

    ilitar" asesH troops or fa!ilities are to eallowe& after the e piration of the presentPhilippine*+ eri!an ilitar" ases +,ree ent in1991H it ust e un&er a treat" &ul" !on!urre& in

    " the Senate an&H when the Con,ress sore?uiresH ratifie& " a a orit" of the %otes !ast "the people in a national referen&u ' (+rt' ME555Hse!' 2 ) + ere a,ree entH thereforeH not atreat"H without the !on!urren!e of at least 2I3 ofall the e ers of the Senate will not e %ali&(+rt' E55H se!' 21H +rt' ME555H se!' #)' 6ith respe!tto the pro%ision allowin, nu!lear weapons withinthe asesH the Constitution appears to an su!hweapons fro the Philippine territor"' 5t &e!laresas a state poli!" that the PhilippinesH !onsistentwith the national interestH a&opts an& pursues apoli!" of free&o fro nu!lear weapons in itsterritor"' (+rtH 55H se!' 8) @owe%erH the&eli erations of the Constitutional Co issionwoul& see to in&i!ate that this pro%ision of theConstitution is not so ethin, a solute nor 100per!ent without e !eption' 5t a" therefore e

    that !ir!u stan!es a" ustif" a pro%ision onnu!lear weapons'

    P'i i$$ine F ag 6>;< ?State whether or not the law is !onstitutional'/ plain riefl"'1' + law !han,in, the &esi,n of thePhilippine fla,' (2 )ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER:

    he law is in%ali& !onsi&erin, that un&er +rti!leME5H Se!tion 1 of the 1987 ConstitutionH the fla,of the Philippines shall e re&H whiteH an& lueH

    with a sun an& three starsH as !onse!rate& an&honore& " the people an& re!o,ni=e& " law'Sin!e the Constitution itself pres!ri es the&esi,nH it !an onl" e !han,e& " !onstitutionala en& ent'ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER:

    he law is %ali&H pro%i&e& that the new &esi,n&oes not !han,e the ele ents an& !olor s!he eof the fla, as state& in the ConstitutionH an& thefla, is !onse!rate& an& honore& " the people'Sin!e the Constitution itself states that

    the fla, ust e re!o,ni=e& " lawH it i pliesthat !ertain aspe!ts of the fla, are su e!t to!han,e throu,h le,islati%e a!tion'

    Prin"i$ e o# Ci*i ian S-$re+a"y 6>?< ?2' 6hat Constitutional pro%isions institutionali=ethe prin!iple of !i%ilian supre a!"L (2' )SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he followin, !onstitutional pro%isions

    institutionali=e the prin!iple of !i%ilian supre a!":

    1 Ci%ilian authorit" is at all ti es supre eo%er the ilitar"' +rti!le 55H Se!tion 3Q2 he installation of the Presi&entH thehi,hest !i%ilian authorit"H as the Co an&er*in*Chief of the ilitar"' +rti!le E55H Se!tion 18Q3 he re?uire ent that e ers of the +FPswear to uphol& an& &efen& the ConstitutionH whi!his the fun&a ental law of the !i%il ,o%ern ent'

    +rti!le ME5H Se!tion (1)Q# he re?uire ent that e ers of the +FPshall ha%e respe!t for peopleBs ri,hts in theperfor an!e of their &ut"' +rti!le ME5H Se!tion

    (2)QProfessionalis in the ar e& for!es'

    +rti!le ME5H Se!tion (3)Q5nsulation of the +FP fro partisan politi!s'

    +rti!le ME5H Se!tion (3)Q7 Prohi ition a,ainst the appoint ent of an

    +FP e er in the a!ti%e ser%i!e to a !i%ilianposition' +rti!le ME5H Se!tion (#)Q8 Co pulsor" retire ent of offi!ers withoute tension of ser%i!e' +rti!le ME5H Se!tion ( )Q9 e?uire ent of proportional re!ruit ent

    fro all pro%in!es an& !itiesH so as to a%oi& an"re,ional !li?ue fro for in, within the +FP' +rti!leME5H Se!tion (7)Q10 + 3*"ear li itation on the tour of &ut" of theChief of StaffH whi!h althou,h e ten&i le in !ase ofe er,en!" " the Presi&entH &epen&s onCon,ressional &e!laration of e er,en!"' +rti!leME5H Se!tion ( )Q

    he esta lish ent of a poli!e for!e that is not

    onl" !i%ilian in !hara!ter ut also un&er the lo!ale e!uti%es' +rti!le ME5H Se!tion (7)Q

    State I++-nity #ro+ S-it 61991No' 13; 5n Fe ruar" 1990H the inistr" of the

    +r "' epu li! of 5n&onesiaH in%ite& i&s for thesuppl" of 00H000 pairs of !o at oots for theuse of the 5n&onesian +r "' he ariDina ShoeCorporationH a Philippine !orporationH whi!h hasno ran!h offi!e an& no assets in 5n&onesiaHsu itte& a i& to suppl" 00H000 pairs of

    !o at oots at aDarta on or efore 30 A!to er 1990' he!ontra!t was awar&e& " the inistr" of the +r "to ariDina Shoe Corporation an& was si,ne& "the parties in >aDarta' ariDina Shoe Corporationwas a le to &eli%er onl" 200H000 pairs of !o at

    oots in >aDarta " 30 A!to er 1990 an& itre!ei%e& pa" ent for 100H000 pairs or a total ofune 1991H the epu li! of 5n&onesia file&an a!tion efore the e,ional rial Court of Pasi,'

    i=alH to !o pel ariDina Shoe Corporation toperfor the alan!e of its o li,ations un&er the!ontra!t an& for &a a,es' 5n its +nswerH ariDinaShoe Corporation sets up a !ounter!lai for arn%a,sst"relsenH #3 Fe& 70 H it was hel& the!onsent to e sue& &oes not ,i%e !onsent to theatta!h ent of the propert" of a so%erei,n,o%ern ent'

    State I++-nity #ro+ S-it 6199?No' ; he epu li! of the alau (for erl" Palau5slan&s) opene& an& operate& in anila an offi!een,a,e& in tra&in, alau pro&u!ts with Philippinepro&u!ts' 5n one transa!tionH the lo!al u"er!o plaine& that the alau ,oo&s &eli%ere& to hiwere su stan&ar& an& he sue& the epu li! of

    alauH efore the e,ional rial Court of Pasi,Hfor &a a,es' a) @ow !an the epu li! of alauin%oDe its so%erei,n i unit"L / plain' ) 6illsu!h &efense of so%erei,n i unit" prosperL/ plain'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER: +) he epu li! of alau !an in%oDe itsso%erei,n 5 unit" " filin, a otion to &is issin a!!or&an!e with Se!tion l(a)H ule 1 of the

    ules of Court on the ,roun& that the !ourt hasno uris&i!tion o%er its person'

    +!!or&in, to the @ol" See %s' osarioH 238 SC +2#H in Pu li! 5nternational awH when a State

    wishes to plea& so%erei,n i unit" in a forei,n!ourtH it re?uests the Forei,n Affi!e of the Statewhere it is ein, sue& to !on%e" to the !ourt that itis entitle& to i unit"' 5n the PhilippinesH thepra!ti!e is for the forei,n ,o%ern ent to firstse!ure an e e!uti%e en&orse ent of its !lai ofso%erei,n i unit"' 5n so e !asesH the &efenseof so%erei,n i unit" is su itte& &ire!tl" to thelo!al !ourt " the forei,n ,o%ern ent throu,h!ounsel " filin, a otion to &is iss on the,roun& that the !ourt has no >uris&i!tion o%er itsperson'

    ) NoH the &efense of so%erei,n 5 unit" will notprosper' he sale of alau pro&u!ts is a !ontra!t

    in%ol%in, a !o er!ial a!ti%it"' 5n

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    State I++-nity #ro+ S-it 6199;No' ; >ohnn" was e plo"e& as a &ri%er " the

    uni!ipalit" of Calu pitH ula!an' 6hile &ri%in,

    re!Dlessl" a uni!ipal &u p tru!D with its loa& ofsan& for the repair of uni!ipal streetsH >ohnn"hit a eepne"' wo passen,ers of the eepne"were Dille&'

    he San,,unian, a"an passe& an or&inan!eappropriatin, P300H000 as !o pensation for theheirs of the %i!ti s' 1) 5s the uni!ipalit" lia lefor the ne,li,en!eof >ohnn"L 2) 5s the uni!ipalor&inan!e %ali&L

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:1) OesH the uni!ipalit" of Calu pit is lia le forthe ne,li,en!e of its &ri%er >ohnn"' ohnn"H the pre%ailin, rule in the law ofuni!ipal !orporations is that a uni!ipalit" is notlia le for the torts !o itte& " its re,ulare plo"ees in the &is!har,e of ,o%ern entalfun!tions' he uni!ipalit" is answera le onl"when it is a!tin, in a proprietar" !apa!it"'

    5n the !ase at arH >ohnn" was a re,ulare plo"ee of the uni!ipalit" of Calu pit as&ri%er of its &u p tru!D; he !o itte& a tortiousa!t while &is!har,in, a ,o%ern ental fun!tion forthe uni!ipalit"H ie'H &ri%in, re!Dlessl" the sai&tru!D loa&e& with san& for the repair of uni!ipalstreets'

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    Tran%$aren"y5 0atter% o# P-b i" Intere%t6No E' State at least three !onstitutional pro%isionsrefle!tin, the State poli!" on transparen!" in

    atters of pu li! interest' 6hat is the purpose ofsai& poli!"L ( )SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he followin, are the !onstitutional pro%isionsrefle!tin, the State poli!" on transparen!" in

    atters of pu li! interest:1' Su e!t to reasona le !on&itions pres!ri e&

    " lawH the State a&opts an& 5 ple ents a poli!"of full pu li! &is!losure of all its transa!tionsin%ol%in, pu li! interest' (Se!tion 28H +rti!le 55)

    2' he ri,ht of the people to infor ation onatters of pu li! !on!ern shall e re!o,ni=e&'

    +!!ess to offi!ial re!or&sH an& to &o!u entsH an&papers pertainin, to offi!ial a!tsH transa!tionsH or&e!isionsH as well as to ,o%ern ent resear!h &atause& as asis for poli!" &e%elop entH shall eaffor&e& to !iti=enH su e!t to su!h li itations as

    a" e pro%i&e& " law' (Se!tion 7H +rti!le 555)

    3' he re!or&s an& ooDs of a!!ounts of theCon,ress shall e preser%e& an& e open to thepu li! in a!!or&an!e with lawH an& su!h ooDsshall e au&ite& " the Co ission on +u&it

    whi!h shall pu lish annuall" an ite i=e& list ofa ounts pai& to an& e penses in!urre& for ea!he er' (Se!tion 20' +rti!le E5)

    #' he Affi!e of the A u&s an shall ha%e thefollowin, powersH fun!tionsH an& &uties: MMMMMM

    ( ) Pu li!i=e atters !o%ere& " itsin%esti,ation when !ir!u stan!es sowarrant an& with &ue pru&en!eH (Se!tion12H +rti!le M5)

    ' + pu li! offi!er or e plo"ee shallH uponassu ption of offi!eH an& as often as thereafter

    a" e re?uire& " lawH su it a &e!laration un&eroath of his assetsH lia ilitiesH an& net worth' 5n the!ase of the Presi&entH the Ei!e Presi&entH the

    e ers of the Ca inetH the Con,ressH theSupre e CourtH the Constitutional Co issions

    an& other !onstitutional offi!esH an& offi!ers of thear e& for!es with ,eneral or fla, ranDH the&e!laration shall e &is!lose& to the pu li! in the

    anner pro%i&e& " law' (Se!tion 17H +rti!le M5)

    ' 5nfor ation on forei,n loans o taine& or,uarantee& " the $o%ern ent shall e a&ea%aila le to the pu li!' (Se!tion 21 +rti!le M55)

    +s e plaine& 5n Eal onte %' el onteH170 SC + 2 (1989)H the purpose of thepoli!" is to prote!t the people fro a useof ,o%ern ental power' 5f a!!ess toinfor ation of pu li! !on!ern is &enie&Hthe postulate pu li! offi!e is a pu li!trust woul& e ere e pt" wor&s' UNote:

    he e a inee shoul& e ,i%en full !re&it ifhe ,i%es an" three of the a o%e*

    entione& pro%isions'T

    ARTICLE III &i o# Rig't%

    &i o# Attainder 61987No' M5: Con,ress passe& a law relatin, tooffi!ials an& e plo"ees who ha& ser%e& in the

    $o%ern ent for the perio& fro Septe er 21H1972 up to Fe ruar" 2 H 198 '

    (a) Ane pro%ision of the law &e!lare& alloffi!ials fro the ranD of assistant hea& of a&epart entH ureauH offi!e or a,en!"

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    C-%todia In*e%tigation5 E,tra -di"ia Con#e%%ion6 1No 5M * afaelH Carlos an& >oseph were a!!use& of

    ur&er efore the e,ional rial Court of anila' +!!use& >oseph turne& state witness a,ainst his!o*a!!use& afael an& CarlosH an& wasa!!or&in,l" &is!har,e& fro the infor ation'

    + on, the e%i&en!e presente& " the prose!ution

    was an e tra u&i!ial !onfession a&e " >oseph&urin, the !usto&ial 5n%esti,ationH i pli!atin,afael an& Carlos whoH he sai&H to,ether with hi

    (>oseph)H !o itte& the !ri e' he e tra u&i!ial!onfession was e e!ute& without the assistan!e of!ounsel'

    +!!use& afael an& Carlos %ehe entl" o e!te&on the ,roun& that sai& e tra u&i!ial !onfessionwas ina& issi le in e%i&en!e a,ainst the '

    ule on whether the sai& e tra u&i!ial !onfessionis a& issi le in e%i&en!e or not' ( )

    FIRST ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER: +!!or&in, to People %s' alisterosH 237 SC +#99 (199#)H the !onfession is a& issi le' araH 1## SC +1 (198 )H the !onfession is ina& issi le' 5f it is

    ina& issi le a,ainst the one who !onfesse&H withore reason it shoul& e ina& issi le a,ainst


    C-%todia In*e%tigation5 E,tra -di"iaCon#e%%ion5 Po i"e Lineose 6alan,taDot repu&iate& his

    !onfession !onten&in, that it was a&e withoutthe assistan!e of !ounsel an& therefore5na& issi le in e%i&en!e' -e!i&e'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he !onfession of >ose 6alan,taDot isina& issi le in e%i&en!e' he warnin, ,i%en tohi is insuffi!ient in a!!or&an!e with the rulin, inPeople %' -ueroH 10# SC + 379H he shoul& ha%e

    een warne& also that he has the ri,ht to re ainsilent an& that an" state ent he aDes a" euse& as e%i&en!e a,ainst hi ' esi&esH un&er +rt'555H Se!' 12(1) of the ConstitutionH the !ounselassistin, a person ein, in%esti,ate& ust ein&epen&ent' +ssistant Fis!al +ni!eto alaputo!oul& not assist >ose 6alan,taDot' +s hel& inPeople %' Ei&u"aH 189 SC + #03H his fun!tion isto prose!ute !ri inal !ases' o allow hi to a!t as&efense !ounsel &urin, !usto&ial in%esti,ationswoul& ren&er nu,ator" the !onstitutional ri,hts ofthe a!!use& &urin, !usto&ial in%esti,ation' 6hatthe Constitution re?uires is a !ounsel who willeffe!ti%el" un&ertaDe the &efense of his !lientwithout an" !onfli!t of interest' he answer of>ose 6alan,taDot in&i!ates that he &i& not full"un&erstan& his ri,hts' @en!eH it !annot e sai&that he Dnowin,l" an& intelli,entl" wai%e& thoseri,hts'

    C-%todia In*e%tigation5 Rig't to Co-n%e6No M5' An A!to er 1H 198 H a os was arreste&

    " a se!urit" ,uar& e!ause he appeare& to esuspi!ious an& rou,ht to a poli!e pre!in!t

    where in the !ourse of the in%esti,ation hea& itte& he was the Diller in an unsol%e&ho i!i&e !o itte& a weeD earlier' hepro!ee&in,s of his in%esti,ation were put in

    writin, an& &ate& A!to er 1H 198 H an& the onl"parti!ipation of !ounsel assi,ne& to hi was hisere presen!e an& si,nature on the state ent'he a& issi ilit" of the state ent of a os was

    pla!e& in issue ut the prose!ution !lai s thatthe !onfession was taDen on A!to er 1H 198 an&the 1987 Constitution pro%i&in, for the ri,ht to!ounsel of !hoi!e an& opportunit" to retainH tooDeffe!t onl" on Fe ruar" 2H 1987 an& !annot e,i%en retroa!ti%e effe!t' ule on this' (3 )

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:he !onfession of a os is not a& issi leH sin!e

    the !ounsel assi,ne& to hi &i& not a&%ise hi ofhis ri,hts' he fa!t that his !onfession was taDen

    efore the effe!ti%it" of the 1987 Constitution is ofno o ent' /%en prior to the effe!ti%it" of the1987 ConstitutionH the Supre e Court alrea&"lai& &own stri!t rules on wai%er of the ri,hts&urin, in%esti,ation in the !ase of People %' $alitH

    13 SC + # (198 )'

    C-%todia In*e%tigation5 Rig't to Co-n%e 5Re"ei$t o# Pro$erty Sei)ed 6No E555' Ane &a" a passen,er us !on&u!tor foun&a anBs han& a, left in the us' 6hen the!on&u!tor opene& the a,H he foun& insi&e a!atlin, !ar& with the ownerBs na e (-ante $alan,)an& a&&ressH a few hun&re& peso illsH an& a s allplasti! a, !ontainin, a white pow&er" su stan!e'@e rou,ht the pow&er" su stan!e to the National

    ureau of 5n%esti,ation for la orator" e a inationan& it was &eter ine& to e etha pheta ineh"&ro!hlori&e or sha uH a prohi ite& &ru,' -ante$alan, was su se?uentl" tra!e& an& foun& an&

    rou,ht to the N 5 Affi!e where he a& itte&ownership of the han& a, an& its !ontents' 5n the!ourse of the interro,ation " N 5 a,entsH an&without the presen!e an& assistan!e of !ounselH$alan, was a&e to si,n a re!eipt for the plasti!

    a, an& its sha u !ontents' $alan, was !har,e&with ille,al possession of prohi ite& &ru,s an& was!on%i!te&' An appeal he !onten&s that *

    +' he plasti! a, an& its !ontents areina& issi le in e%i&en!e ein, the pro&u!t of anille,al sear!h an& sei=ure; (3 ) an&

    ' he re!eipt he si,ne& is alsoina& issi le as his ri,hts un&er !usto&ialin%esti,ation were not o ser%e&' (2 )-e!i&e the !ase with reasons'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    +' 5t is a& issi le'''' he re!eipt whi!h $alan, si,ne& without the

    assistan!e of !ounsel is not a& issi le in

    e%i&en!e' +s hel& in People %' CastroH 27# SC +11 U1997)H sin!e the re!eipt is a &o!u enta& ittin, the offense !har,e&H $alan, shoul&ha%e een assiste& " !ounsel as re?uire& "

    +rti!le 555H Se!tion 11 of the Constitution'

    C-%todia In*e%tigation5 Po i"e LineohannH alon, with si( ) other suspe!tsH were pla!e& in a poli!e lineupan& the ,irl pointe& to hi as the rapist' >ohannwas arreste& an& lo!De& up in a !ell' >ohann was!har,e& with rape in !ourt ut prior to

    arrai,n ent in%oDe& his ri,ht to preli inar"in%esti,ation' his was &enie& " the u&,eH an&thusH trial pro!ee&e&' +fter the prose!utionpresente& se%eral witnessesH >ohann throu,h!ounselH in%oDe& the ri,ht to ail an& file& a

    otion thereforH whi!h was &enie& outri,ht " the>u&,e' >ohann now files a petition for !ertiorari

    efore the Court of +ppeals ar,uin, that: 2) @eshoul& ha%e een infor e& of his ri,ht to erepresente& " !ounsel prior to his i&entifi!ation%ia the poli!e line up' -e!i&e'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:2T Pursuant to the &e!ision in People us'Cast illo' 213' SC + 777H >ohann nee& not einfor e& of his ri,ht to !ounsel prior to hisi&entifi!ation &urin, the poli!e line*up' he poli!eline*up is not part of !usto&ial in%esti,ationH sin!e>ohann was not ein, ?uestione& ut was erel"

    ein, asDe& to e hi it his o&" for i&entifi!ation "a witness'ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER5t a" e ar,ue& that in

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    !o-b e .eo$ardy 61988No' 21: he Filipino sea en &etaine& at GotaGina aluH alle,e&l" fishin, in ala"sian territorialwatersH ha& een a!?uitte&H after trialH " thesessions !ourt in the sa e !it"' he" !oul& not erelease& an& returne& to the PhilippinesH e!ausethe prose!ution ha& appeale& the u&, ent ofa!?uittal to the Supre e Court of ala"sia'

    +ssu e the situations ha& een re%erse& an& aala"sian ha& een apprehen&e& in ShasiH SuluH

    for an alle,e& offenseH !har,e& efore thee,ional rial Court an& after trial a!?uitte&'

    a" the Pro%in!ial Fis!al of Sulu appeal su!h u&, ent of a!?uittal to the Supre e CourtH liDewhat the ala"sians &i& in the !ase of theFilipino fisher en at Gota Gina aluL / plain "ouranswer'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:NoH e!ause it woul& pla!e the a!!use& in&ou le eopar&"H !ontrar" to +rt' 555H se!' 21 ofour Constitution' P- No' 1 99 prohi its an"person not a !iti=en to e plore or e ploit an" ofthe resour!es of the e !lusi%e e!ono i! =one

    an& aDes %iolation of the prohi ition a !ri epunisha le " a fine of P2H000'00 to P100H000'00an&Ior i prison ent of not less than onths nor

    ore than 10 "ears' 5f aliens are arreste& forfishin, within this =one ut for so e reason area!?uitte&H the &e!ision a,ainst the !annot eappeale& to the Court of +ppeals e!ause thatwoul& pla!e the in &ou le eopar&"' his is sowell esta lishe& that the Supre e Court turne&

    &own an" pleas for re*e a ination of the&o!trine first announ!e& in Gepner %' oeH to wit: (1)re!Dless i pru&en!e resultin, in &a a,e topropert" with ph"si!al in uries un&er +rt' 3 H

    PCH efore the C; an& (2) a an&on ent ofoneBs %i!ti un&er par' 2 +rt 27 H efore the C'

    >oe was arrai,ne&H trie& an& !on%i!te& for

    a an&on ent of oneBs %i!ti in the C' @eappeale& to the C' 5t was onl" a "ear later thathe was arrai,ne& in the re!Dless i pru&en!e!har,e efore the C' @e plea&e& not ,uilt"'

    Su se?uentl"H the C affir e& the &e!ision ofthe C relati%e to the a an&on ent of oneBs%i!ti !har,e' >oe file& a petition for re%iew eforethe Court of +ppealsH in%oDin, his ri,ht to &ou le>eopar&"H !onten&in, that the prose!ution fora an&on ent un&er +rt' 27 of the e%ise& PenalCo&e is a ar to the prose!ution for ne,li,en!eun&er +rti!le 3 of the sa e Co&e' -e!i&e'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:>oe !annot !lai that his !on%i!tion fora an&onin, his %i!ti in %iolation of +rti!le 27 ofthe e%ise& Penal Co&e is a ar to hisprose!ution for ne,li,en!e un&er +rti!le 3 ofthe e%ise& Penal Co&e' +s hel& in a era %'Court of +ppealsH 198 SC + 18 H there is no&ou le eopar&"H e!ause these two offenses arenot i&enti!al' e!Dless i pru&en!e is a

    !ri e fallin, un&er the !hapter on !ri inalne,li,en!eH while a an&on ent of oneBs %i!ti isa !ri e fallin, un&er the !hapter on !ri esa,ainst se!urit"' he for er is !o itte& "

    eans of !ulpaH while the latter is !o itte& "eans of &olo' Failure to help oneBs %i!ti is not

    an offense " itself nor an ele ent of re!Dlessi pru&en!e' 5t erel" 5n!reases the penalt" "one &e,ree'

    !o-b e .eo$ardy 61997No' 2: he San,,unian, Panlun,so& of anilaappro%e& an or&inan!e (No' 1000) prohi itin, theoperation in the streets within the !it" li its ofta i!a units o%er ei,ht "ears ol& (fro "ear of

    anufa!ture)' he i posa le penalt" for %iolationthereof is a fine of P#H000'00 or i prison ent forone "ear upon the errin, operator' hereafter an&while the !it" or&inan!e was alrea&" in effe!t'Con,ress ena!te& a law ( epu li! +!t No' 00)prohi itin, the operation in the streets of !itiesthrou,hout the !ountr" of ta i!a units e"on& ten"ears ol&' he i posa le penalt" for %iolationthereof is the sa e as in Ar&inan!e No' 1000' +Han ownerIoperator of a ta i!a unit operatin, inthe Cit" of anilaH was !har,e& with %iolation ofthe !it" or&inan!e' anuar" 3H 2000H Pre*trial was&ispense& with an& !ontinuous trial was set for

    ar!h 7H 8 an& 9H 2000' An the first settin,H theprose!ution o%e& for its postpone ent an&!an!ellation of the other settin,s e!ause itsprin!ipal an& pro a l" onl" witnessH the pri%ate!o plainant Fran!is!oH su&&enl" ha& to ,o

    a roa& to fulfill a professional !o it ent' he u&,e instea& &is isse& the !ase for failure toprose!ute' ) 6oul& the re%ersal of the trial!ourtBs assaile& &is issal of the !ase pla!e thea!!use& in &ou le eopar&"L (3 )

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:) Sin!e the postpone ent of the !ase woul& not

    %iolate the ri,ht of the a!!use& to spee&" trialHthe pre!ipitate &is issal of the !ase is %oi&' here%ersal of the &is issal will not pla!e thea!!use& in &ou le >eopar&"'ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER:

    ) Sin!e the &is issal of the !ase is %ali&H itsre%ersal will pla!e the a!!use& in &ou le eopar&"'

    !o-b e .eo$ardy 6 1No M * For the &eath of >oe"H /rnin, was!har,e& with the !ri e of ho i!i&e efore the

    e,ional rial Court of Ealen=uela' @e wasarrai,ne&' -ue to nu erous postpone ents ofthe s!he&ule& hearin,s at the instan!e of theprose!utionH parti!ularl" ase& on the ,roun& of

    una%aila ilit" of prose!ution witnesses who !oul&not e foun& or lo!ate&H the !ri inal !ase waspen&in, trial for a perio& of se%en "ears' ' Si pson trial' he a!!use& o e!te& to the

    E !o%era,e an& petitione& the Supre e Court

    to prohi it the sai& !o%era,e' +s the Supre eCourtH how woul& "ou rule on the petitionL/ plain'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he Supre e Court shoul& ,rant the petition' 5nits esolution &ate& A!to er 22H 1991H theSupre e Court prohi ite& li%e ra&io an& tele%ision!o%era,e of !ourt pro!ee&in,s to prote!t the ri,htof the parties to &ue pro!essH to pre%ent the&istra!tion of the parti!ipants in

    the pro!ee&in,sH an& in the last anal"sis to a%oi&a is!arria,e of usti!e'

    !-e Pro"e%%5 0eeting *%= Hearing 61999No E555 * C' An No%e er 7H 1990H nine law"ers ofthe e,al -epart ent of O anD who were allun&er Fre& orreH sent a !o plaint to

    ana,e ent a!!usin, orre of a usi%e !on&u!tan& is ana,e ent' Furnishe& with a !op" of

    the !o plaintH orre &enie& the !har,es' wo&a"s laterH the law"ers an& orre were !alle& to a!onferen!e in the offi!e of the oar& Chair an to,i%e their respe!ti%e si&es of the !ontro%ers"'@owe%erH no a,ree ent was rea!he& thereat'

    anD -ire!tor o ulo oret was tasDe& to looDfurther into the atter' @e et with the law"ersto,ether with orre se%eral ti es ut to no a%ail'

    oret then su itte& a report sustainin, the!har,es of the law"ers' he oar& Chair anwrote orre to infor hi that the anD ha&!hosen the !o passionate option of waitin, for

    orreBs resi,nation' orre was asDe&H withoutein, &is isse&H to turn o%er the &o!u ents of all

    !ases han&le& " hi to another offi!ial of theanD ut orre refuse& to resi,n an& re?ueste& for

    a full hearin, ' -a"s laterH he reiterate& hisre?uest for a full hearin, H !lai in, that he ha&

    een !onstru!ti%el" &is isse& ' oret assure&orre that he is free to re ain in the e plo" of

    the anD e%en if he has no parti!ular worDassi,n ent' +fter another re?uest for a fullhearin, was i,nore&H orre file& a !o plaint withthe ar itration ran!h of N C for ille,al&is issal' ea!tin, theretoH the anD ter inate&

    the ser%i!es of orre' uestions: (a) 6as orre!onstru!ti%el" &is isse& efore he file& his!o plaintL ( ) $i%en the ultiple eetin,s hel&a on, the anD offi!ialsH the law"ers an& orreH isit !orre!t for hi to sa" that he was not ,i%en anopportunit" to e hear&L / plain "our answers'(# )

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:a) orre was !onstru!ti%el" &is isse&H as hel& in/?uita le anDin, Corporation %' National a or

    elations Co issionH 273 SC + 3 2' +llowin,

    an e plo"ee to report for worD without ein,assi,ne& an" worD !onstitutes !onstru!ti%e&is issal'

    ) orre is !orre!t in sa"in, that he was not ,i%enthe !han!e to e hear&' he eetin,s in thenature of !onsultations an& !onferen!es !annot

    e !onsi&ere& as %ali& su stitutes for the propero ser%an!e of noti!e an& hearin,'

    !-e Pro"e%%5 Noti"e by P-b i"ation 61988

    No' 9: a!a e eH Pa pan,a has se%eral arriosalon, the Pa pan,a ri%er' o ser%i!e the nee&sof their resi&entst the uni!ipalit" has eenoperatin, a ferr" ser%i!e at the sa e ri%erH for anu er of "ears alrea&"'

    So eti e in 1987H the uni!ipalit" was ser%e& a!op" of an or&er fro the an& ansportationFran!hisin, an& e,ulator" oar& ( F )H

    ,rantin, a !ertifi!ate of pu li! !on%enien!e to r'i!ar&o a!apinla!H a resi&ent of a!a e eH tooperate ferr" ser%i!e a!ross the sa e ri%er an&

    etween the sa e arrios ein, ser%i!e&presentl" " the uni!ipalit"Bs ferr" oats' + !he!Dof the re!or&s of the appli!ation of a!apinla!shows that the appli!ation was file& so e onths

    eforeH set for hearin,H an& noti!es of su!hhearin, were pu lishe& in two newspapers of,eneral !ir!ulation in the town of a!a e eH an&in the pro%in!e of Pa pan,a' he uni!ipalit" ha&ne%er een &ire!tl" ser%e& a !op" of that noti!e ofhearin, nor ha& the San,,unian, a"an eenre?ueste& " a!apinla! for an" operate' he

    uni!ipalit" i e&iatel" file& a otion forre!onsi&eration with the F whi!h was &enie&'5t went to the Supre e Court on a petition for!ertiorari to nullif" the or&er ,rantin, a !ertifi!ateof pu li! !on%enien!e to a!apinla! on two,roun&s:1 -enial of &ue pro!ess to the uni!ipalit";2 For failure of a!apinla! to se!ure appro%al ofthe San,,unian, a"an for hi to operate a ferr"ser%i!e in a!a e eH

    esol%e the two points in the petition withreasons'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he petition for !ertiorari shoul& e ,rante&H1' +s a part" &ire!tl" affe!te& " the operation of theferr" ser%i!eH the uni!ipalit" of a!a e eHPa pan,a was entitle& to e &ire!tl" notifie& " the

    F of its pro!ee&in,s relati%e to a!apinla!Bsappli!ationH e%en if the uni!ipalit" ha& not notifie&the F of the e isten!e of the uni!ipal ferr"ser%i!e' Noti!e " pu li!ation was not enou,h'( uni!ipalit" of /!ha,ue %' + elleraH 1# SC + 180(198 ))'

    2' 6here a ferr" operation lies entirel" within theuni!ipalit"H the prior appro%al of the uni!ipal

    ,o%ern ent is ne!essar"' ''''

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    !-e Pro"e%%5 Per+it to Carry Firear+ O-t%ideRe%iden"e 6>?< ?3' -oes a Per it to Carr" Firear Autsi&e

    esi&en!e (P CFA ) !onstitute a propert" ri,htprote!te& " the ConstitutionL (2' )SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    NoH it is not a propert" ri,ht un&er the &uepro!ess !lause of the Constitution' >ust liDeor&inar" li!enses in other re,ulate& fiel&sH it a"

    e re%oDe& an" ti e' 5t &oes not !onfer ana solute ri,htH ut onl" a personal pri%ile,eHsu e!t to restri!tions' + li!ensee taDes hisli!ense su e!t to su!h !on&itions as the

    e,islature sees fit to i poseH an& a" ere%oDe& at its pleasure without &epri%in, the

    li!ensee of an" propert" (Cha%e= %' o uloH$' ' No' 1 703 H >une 9H 200#)'

    !-e Pro"e%%5 PPAuan e"es for use asa pu li! arDet' he uni!ipal Coun!ilappropriate& PlH000H000'00 for the pur!hase of thelot ut the e,ional rial CourtH on the asis of the

    e%i&en!eH fi e& the %alue at P2H000H000'00' 1)6hat le,al a!tion !an >uan e"es taDe to

    !olle!t the alan!eL 2) Can >uan e"es asD thee,ional rial

    Court to ,arnish the uni!ipalit"Bs a!!ountwith the an& anDL SU22ESTE! ANS4ER: 1)

    o !olle!t the alan!e of >u&, entH as state& inan o!o %s' uni!ipal Counsel of 5loiloH #9 Phil'2H >uan e"es a" le%" on patri onial

    properties of the uni!ipalit" of +ntipolo' 5f it hasno patri onial propertiesH in a!!or&an!e with the

    uni!ipalit" of aDati %s' Court of +ppealsH 190

    SC + 20 H the re e&" of >uan e"es is to file apetition for an&a us to !o pel the uni!ipalit"of +ntipolo to appropriate the ne!essar" fun&s tosatisf" the u&, ent'

    2) Pursuant to the rulin, in Pasa" Cit"$o%ern ent %s' Court of First 5nstan!e of anilaH132 SC + 1 H sin!e the uni!ipalit" of +ntipolohas appropriate& P1H000H000 to pa"

    for the lotH its anD a!!ount a" e ,arnishe&ut up to this a ount onl"'

    E+inent !o+ain5 2arni%'+ent 61998No E5 * 2H 5f the Cit" of Ce u has one" in anDH!an it e ,arnishe&L 2 QSU22ESTE! ANS4ER:2' NoH the one" of the Cit" of Ce u in the anD!annot e ,arnishe& if it !a e fro pu li! fun&s'

    +s hel& in uni!ipalit" of aDati %s' Court of +ppealsH 190 SC + 20 H 212H pu li! fun&s aree e pte& fro ,arnish ent'

    E+inent !o+ain5 i++-nity #ro+ %-it 6 1No 555 * he epu li! of the PhilippinesH throu,hthe -epart ent of Pu li! 6orDs an& @i,hwa"s(-P6@)H !onstru!te& a new hi,hwa" linDin,

    etro anila an& ue=on pro%in!eH an& whi!ha or thorou,hfare tra%erse& the lan& owne& "an, Pan&o"' he ,o%ern ent neither file& an"

    e propriation pro!ee&in,s nor pai& an"!o pensation to an, Pan&o" for the lan& thustaDen an& use& as a pu li! roa&'

    an, Pan&o" file& a suit a,ainst the ,o%ern entto !o pel pa" ent for the %alue of his lan&' he-P6@ file& a otion to &is iss the !ase on the,roun& that the State is i une fro suit' an,Pan&o" file& an opposition' esol%e the otion'( )

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:he otion to &is iss shoul& e &enie&' +s hel& in

    + i,a le %' Cuen!aH #3 SC + 300 (1972)H whenthe $o%ern ent e propriates pri%ate propert"without pa"in, !o pensationH it is &ee e& to ha%ewai%e& its i unit" fro suit' AtherwiseH the!onstitutional ,uarantee that pri%ate propert" shallnot e taDen for pu li! use without pa" ent of ust!o pensation will e ren&ere& nu,ator"'

    E+inent !o+ain5 Indire"t P-b i" &ene#it6199No' 2: he Cit" of Ce u passe& an or&inan!epro!lai in, the e propriation of a ten (10)he!tare propert" of C Co pan"H whi!h propert"

    is alrea&" a &e%elope& !o er!ial !enter' heCit" propose& to operate the !o er!ial !enterin or&er to finan!e a housin, pro e!t for !it"e plo"ees in the %a!ant portion of the sai&propert"' he or&inan!e fi e& the pri!e of thelan& an& the %alue of the i pro%e ents to epai& C Co pan" on the asis of the pre%ailin,lan& %alue an& !ost of !onstru!tion'(1) +s !ounsel for C Co pan"H ,i%e two!onstitutional o e!tions to the %ali&it" of theor&inan!e'

    (2) +s the u&,eH rule on the sai& o e!tions'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    (1) +s !ounsel for C Co pan"H 5 will ar,ue that thetaDin, of the propert" is not for a pu li! use an&that the or&inan!e !annot fi the !o pensation to

    e pai& C Co pan"H e!ause this is a u&i!ial?uestion that is for the !ourts to &e!i&e'

    (2) +s u&,eH 5 will sustain the !ontention that thetaDin, of the propert" of C Co pan" to operatethe !o er!ial !enter esta lishe& within it tofinan!e a housin, pro e!t for !it" e plo"ees is notfor a pu li! use ut for a pri%ate purpose' +s theCourt in&i!ate& in a &i!tu in anotoD' %' National@ousin, +uthorit"H 1 0 SC + 89H that thee propriation of a !o er!ial !enter so that theprofits &eri%e& fro its operation !an e use& forhousin, pro e!ts is a taDin, for a pri%ate purpose'

    5 will also sustain the !ontention that the or&inan!eHe%en thou,h it fi es the !o pensation for the lan&on the asis of the pre%ailin, lan& %alue !annotreall" &ispla!e u&i!ial &eter ination of the pri!e forthe si ple reason that an" fa!torsH so e of thesuper%enin,H !annot possi l" e !onsi&ere& " thele,islature at the ti e of ena!tin, the or&inan!e'

    here is ,reater reason for nullif"in, the use of the!ost of !onstru!tion in the or&inan!e as asis for!o pensation for the i pro%e ents' he fair

    arDet %alue of the i pro%e ents a" not ee?ual to the !ost of !onstru!tion' he ori,inal !ost

    of !onstru!tion a" e lower than the fair arDet%alueH sin!e the !ost of !onstru!tion at the ti e ofe propriation a" ha%e in!rease&'

    ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER:he taDin, of the !o er!ial !enter is ustifie&" the !on!ept of in&ire!t pu li! enefit sin!e its

    operation is inten&e& for the &e%elop ent of the%a!ant portion for so!iali=e& housin,H whi!h is!learl" a pu li! purpose'

    E+inent !o+ain5 .-%t Co+$en%ation 61988

    No' 8: r' olan& i%era is the owner of four lotssou,ht to e e propriate& " the / portPro!essin, .one +uthorit" for the e pansion of thee port pro!essin, =one at a,uio Cit"' he sa epar!els of lan& ha& een %alue& " the +ssessorat P120'00 per s?uare eterH while r' i%era ha&pre%iousl" fi e& the arDet %alue of the sa e atP100 per s?uare eter' he e,ional rial Court&e!i&e& for e propriation an& or&ere& the pa" entto r' i%era at the rate of P100 a s?uare eter

    pursuant to Presi&ential -e!ree No' 1 33Hpro%i&in, that in &eter inin, ust !o pensationfor pri%ate propert" a!?uire& throu,h e inent&o ain pro!ee&in,sH the !o pensation to e pai&shall not e !ee& the %alue &e!lare& " the owneror &eter ine& " the +ssessorH pursuant to the

    eal Propert" a Co&eH whi!he%er %alue islowerH prior to the re!o en&ation or &e!ision ofthe appropriate ,o%ern ent offi!e to a!?uire the


    r' i%era appeale&H insistin, that ust!o pensation for his propert" shoul& e&eter ine& " Co issioners who !oul& e%aluateall e%i&en!e on the real %alue of the propert"H atthe ti e of its taDin, " the ,o%ern ent' @e

    aintains that the lower !ourt erre& in rel"in, onPresi&ential -e!ree NoH 1 33H whi!h he !lai s isun!onstitutional'

    @ow woul& "ou &e!i&e the appealL / plain "ouranswer'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he &e!ision of the lower !ourt shoul& e re%erse&'5n /P.+ %H -ula"H 1#9 SC + 30 (1987) theSupre e Court &e!lare& P- No' 1 33 to e anun!onstitutional en!roa!h ent on the prero,ati%esof the u&i!iar"' 5t was e plaine& that althou,h a!ourt woul& te!hni!all" ha%e the power to&eter ine the ust !o pensation for propert" un&erthe -e!reeH the !ourtBs tasD woul& e rele,ate& tosi pl" statin, the lower %alue of the propert" as&e!lare& either " the owner or " the assessor'>ust !o pensation eans the %alue of the propert"

    at the ti e of the taDin,' 5t eans a fair an& fulle?ui%alent for the loss sustaine&' o &eter ine itre?uires !onsi&eration of the !on&ition of thepropert" an& its surroun&in,H its i pro%e ents an&!apa ilities'

    E+inent !o+ain5 .-%t Co+$en%ation 61989NoH : + law pro%i&es that in the e%ent ofe propriationH the a ount to e pai& to alan&owner as !o pensation shall e either thesworn %aluation a&e " the owner or the offi!ial

    assess ent thereofH whi!he%er is lower' Can thelan&owner su!!essfull" !hallen,e the law in!ourtL -is!uss riefl" "our answer'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:OesH the lan&owner !an su!!essfull" !hallen,ethe law in !ourt' +!!or&in, to the &e!ision in/ port Pro!essin, .one +uthorit" %s' -ula"H 1#9SC + 30 H su!h a law is un!onstitutional' First ofallH it %iolates &ue pro!essH e!ause it &enies tothe lan&owner the opportunit" to pro%e that the%aluation in the ta &e!laration is

    wron,' Se!on&l"H the &eter ination of ust!o pensation in e propriation !ases is a u&i!ialfun!tion' Sin!e un&er Se!tion 9H +rti!le 555 of the1987 Constitution pri%ate propert" shall not etaDen for pu li! use without ust !o pensationH nolaw !an an&ate that its &eter ination as to the

    ust !o pensation shall pre%ail o%er the fin&in,sof the !ourt'

    E+inent !o+ain5 .-%t Co+$en%ation 61998No E5' he Cit" of Ce u e propriate& the propert"of Carlos opi!o for use as a uni!ipal parDin,lot' he San,,unian, Panlun,so& appropriate&P10 illion for this purpose ut the e,ional rialCourt fi e& the !o pensation for the taDin, of thelan& at P1 illion'1' 6hat le,al re e&"H if an"H &oes Carlos

    opi!o ha%e to re!o%er the alan!e of P illionfor the taDin, of his lan&L 3 QSu&, ent' 5n uni!ipalit"aDati %s' Court of +ppealsH 190 SC + 20 H 213'

    the Supre e Court sai&:6here a uni!ipalit" falls or refusesH

    without ustifia le reasonH to effe!t pa" entof a final one" u&, ent ren&ere& a,ainstitH the !lai ant a" a%ail of the re e&" of

    an&a us in or&er to !o pel the ena!t entan& appro%al of the ne!essar" appropriationor&inan!eH an& the !orrespon&in,&is urse ent of uni!ipal fun&s therefor'

    ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER:1' @e !an file the one" !lai with theCo ission on +u&it'

    E+inent !o+ain5 Lega Intere%t 6199NoH : 5n e propriation pro!ee&in,s: 1) 6hatle,al interest shoul& e use& in the !o putationof interest on ust !o pensationLSU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    +s hel& in National Power Corporation %s' +n,as'208 SC + #2H in a!!or&an!e with +rti!le 2209of the Ci%il Co&eH the le,al interest

    shoul& e S5M per !ent ( ) a "ear' CentralanD Cir!ular No' #1 H whi!h in!rease& the le,al

    interest to twel%e per!ent (12 ) a "ear is notappli!a le to the e propriation of propert" an& isli ite& to loansH sin!e its issuan!e is ase& onPresi&ential -e!ree NoH 11 H whi!h a en&e& theul" 20H 1998)

    ) he San,,unian, Panlalawi,an of 5lo!osSur was without the authorit" to &isappro%e

    esolution No' 1 as the uni!ipalit" !learl" hasthe power to e er!ise the ri,ht of e inent &o ainan& its San,,unian, a"an the !apa!it" topro ul,ate sai& resolution' he onl" ,roun& uponwhi!h a pro%in!ial oar& a" &e!lare an"

    uni!ipal resolutionH or&inan!e or or&er in%ali& iswhen su!h resolutionH or&inan!e or or&er is

    e"on& the powers !onferre& upon the !oun!il orpresi&ent aDin, the sa e' Su!h is not thesituation in this !ase' ( o&a" %' Court of +ppealsH$' ' No' 10791 H Fe ruar" 20H 1997)

    !) he ?uestion of whether there is ,enuinene!essit" for the e propriation of ChristinaBs lot orwhether the uni!ipalit" has other an& etter lotsfor the purpose is a atter that will ha%e to eresol%e& " the Court upon presentation ofe%i&en!e " the parties to the !ase'

    E+inent !o+ain5 P-b i" U%e 61987No' ME5: 5n >anuar" 198#H Pasa" Cit" file&e propriation pro!ee&in,s a,ainst se%erallan&owners for the !onstru!tion of an a?ue&u!t forfloo& !ontrol in a aran,a"' Clearl"H onl" theresi&ents of that aran,a" woul& e enefite& "the pro e!t' +s !o pensationH the !it" offere& topa" onl" the a ount &e!lare& " the owners intheir ta

    &e!larationsH whi!h a ount was lower than theassesse& %alue as &eter ine& " the assessor'

    he lan&owners oppose the e propriation on the,roun&s that:(a) the sa e is not for pu li! use; an&( ) assu in, it is for pu li! useH the!o pensation ust e ase& on the e%i&en!epresente& in !ourt an& notH as pro%i&e& inpresi&ential &e!rees pres!ri in, pa" ent of the

    %alue state& in the ownerBs ta &e!larations or the%alue &eter ine& " the assessorH whi!he%er islower'

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    Rig't% o# t'e A""-%ed5 Se #8+ended +o ac+s co00i++edby PRI?AT: I

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    %u*%e uently )ound& * oug't to t'e NBIO))ice !'e e 'e ad"itted o!ne %'i+ o) t'eattac'e ca%e and t'e +ac(age%. ohann throu,h!ounselH in%oDe& the ri,ht to ail an& file& a

    otion thereforH whi!h was &enie& outri,ht " the>u&,e' >ohann now files a petition for !ertiorari

    efore the Court of +ppeals ar,uin, that: @isarrest was not in a!!or&an!e with law' -e!i&e'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:OesH the warrantless arrest of >ohann was not ina!!or&an!e with law' +s hel& in $o %' Court of

    +ppealsH 20 SC + 138H his !ase &oes not fallun&er the 5nstan!es in ule 113H se!' (a) of the198 ules of Cri inal Pro!e&ure authori=in,warrantless arrests' 5t !annot e !onsi&ere& a%ali& warrantless arrest e!ause >ohann &i& not!o it a !ri e in the presen!e of the poli!eoffi!ersH sin!e the" were not present when >ohannha& alle,e&l" rape& his nei,h or' Neither !an 5t e

    !onsi&ere& an arrest un&er ule 113 se!' ( )whi!h allows an arrest without a warrant to ea&e when a !ri e has in fa!t ust een

    !o itte& an& the person aDin, the arrest haspersonal Dnowle&,e offsets in&i!atin, that theperson to e arreste& !o itte& it' Sin!e >ohannwas arreste& a weeD after the alle,e& rapeH it!annot e &ee e& to e a !ri e whi!h has ust

    een !o itte& ' Nor &i& the poli!e offi!ers whoarreste& hi ha%e personal Dnowle&,e of fa!tsin&i!atin, that >ohann rape& his nei,h or'

    Sear"'e% and Sei)-re%5 4arrant% o# Arre%t61991No' 8: An the asis of a %erifie& report an&!onfi&ential infor ation that %arious ele!troni!e?uip entH whi!h were ille,all" i porte& into thePhilippinesH were foun& in the o&e,a of the

    iDasan Corporation lo!ate& at 1002 inaDa"anSt'H Ce u Cit"H the Colle!tor of Custo s of Ce uissue&H in the ornin, of 2 >anuar" 1988H a6arrant of Sei=ure an& -etention a,ainst the!orporation for the sei=ure of the ele!troni!

    e?uip ent' he warrant parti!ularl" &es!ri es theele!troni! e?uip ent an& spe!ifies the pro%isionsof the ariff an& Custo s Co&e whi!h were%iolate& " the i portation'

    he warrant was ser%e& an& i ple ente& in theafternoon of 2 >anuar" 1988 " Custo spoli!e en who then sei=e& the &es!ri e&e?uip ent' he in%entor" of the sei=e& arti!les

    was si,ne& " the Se!retar" of the iDasanCorporation' he followin, &a"H a hearin, offi!erin the Affi!e of the Colle!tor of Custo s!on&u!te& a hearin, on the !onfis!ation of thee?uip ent'

    wo &a"s thereafterH the !orporation file& with theSupre e Court a petition for !ertiorariH prohi itionan& an&a us to set asi&e the warrantH en ointhe Colle!tor an& his a,ents fro furtherpro!ee&in, with the forfeiture hearin, an& tose!ure the return of the !onfis!ate& e?uip entHalle,in, therein that the warrant issue& is null an&%oi& for the reason thatH pursuant to Se!tion 2 of

    +rti!le 555 of the 1987 ConstitutionH onl" a u&,ea" issue a sear!h warrant' 5n his !o ent to

    the petitionH the Colle!tor of Custo sH throu,h theAffi!e of the Soli!itor $eneralH !onten&s that he isauthori=e& un&er the ariff an& Custo Co&e toor&er the sei=ure of the e?uip ent whose &utiesan& ta es were not pai& an& that the !orporation&i& not e haust a& inistrati%e re e&ies' Shoul&the petition e ,rante&L -e!i&e'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:he petition shoul& not e ,rante&' une H 19 9' 5n 1970H the Soli!itor $eneral file&a petition to !an!el his !iti=enship on the ,roun&that in >ul" 19 9 the Court of a +ppeals foun&that /n=o ha& !heate& the

    ,o%ern ent of in!o e ta es for the "ears 19 to19 9' Sai& &e!ision of the a Court was affir e&

    " the Supre e Court in 19 9' etween 19 0an& 1970H /n=o ha& a!?uire& su stantial realpropert" 5n the PhilippinesH(1) @as the a!tion for !an!ellation of /n=oBs!iti=enship pres!ri e&L(2) Can /n=o asD for the &enial of the petition onthe ,roun& that he ha& a%aile& of the a

    + nest" for his ta lia ilitiesL(3) 6hat is the effe!t on the petition for!an!ellation of /n=oBs !iti=enship if /n=o &ie&&urin, the pen&en!" of the hearin, on sai&petitionLSU22ESTE! ANS4ER:1) NoH the a!tion has not pres!ri e&' +s hel& in

    epu li! %s' i OaoH 21# SC + 7#8H a !ertifi!ateof naturali=alion a" e !an!elle& at an" ti e if itwas frau&ulentl" o taine& " islea&in, the !ourtre,ar&in, the oral !hara!ter of the petitioner'

    2) NoH /n=o !annot asD for the &enial of thepetition for the !an!ellation of his !ertifi!ate ofnaturali=ation on the ,roun& that he ha& a%aile& ofthe ta a nest"' 5n a!!or&an!e with the rulin, in

    epu li! %s' i OaoH 22# SC + 7#8H the taa nest" erel" re o%e& all the !i%ilH !ri inal an&a& inistrati%e lia ilities of /n=o' 5t &i& not o literatehis la!D of ,oo& oral !hara!ter an&irreproa!ha le !on&u!t' 3) An the assu ption thathe left a fa il"H the &eath of /n=o &oes not ren&erthe petition for the !an!ellation of his !ertifi!ate ofnaturali=ation oot' +s hel& in epu li! %s' i OaoH

    22# SC + 7#8H the out!o e of the !ase will affe!this wife an& !hil&ren'

    Citi)en%'i$5 E e"ted O##i"ia 6199No' 7: Fer&ie i i,rate& to the anuar" 1993' Fer&ie !a e ho e an& file& his!ertifi!ate of !an&i&a!" for a"or of aDaho"' @ewon in the ele!tions' >oeH the &efeate& !an&i&ateHlearne& that Fer&ie is a ,reen!ar& hol&er whi!hon its fa!e i&entifies Fer&ie as a resi&ent alien

    an& on the a!D thereof is !learl" printe&:

    Person i&entifie& " this !ar& is entitle& toresi&e per anentl" an& worD in the

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    !-a Citi)en%'i$ 6199;No' 8: 5n 1989H .en" e"es arrie& en ulo,H anational of the State of Gon,o' ulio @ortal was orn of Filipinoparents' u&i!ial an& ar Coun!ilno inate& her as a !an&i&ate for the position of

    +sso!iate >usti!e of the Supre e Court' ut herno ination is ein, !onteste& " +tt"' >urisCastilloH also an aspirant to the position' She

    !lai s that +tt"' / il" $o is not a natural*orn !iti=enH hen!eH not ?ualifie& to e

    appointe& to the Supre e Court' 5s this!ontention !orre!tL ( )

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:he !ontention is not !orre!t' anuar" 17H 1973of Filipino othersH who ele!t Philippine

    Citi=enship upon rea!hin, the a,e of a orit" areFilipino !iti=ens' +tt"' / il" $o was orn of aFilipino other in 19# an& ele!te& !iti=enshipupon rea!hin, the a,e of 21' She is a natural ornFilipino !iti=en as pro%i&e& " +rti!le 5EH Se!tion 2of the Constitution R those who ele!tPhilippine !iti=enship in a!!or&an!e withpara,raph (3)H Se!tion 1 hereof shall e &ee e&natural* orn !iti=ens' @en!e she is ?ualifie& to eappointe& to the Supre e Court'

    E e"ting P'i i$$ine Citi)en%'i$5 4'en Pro$er6>8< ?2' +tt"' i!har& Chua was orn in 19 #' @e isa le,iti ate son of a Chinese father an& a Filipino

    other' @is father e!a e a naturali=e& Filipino!iti=en when +tt"' Chua was still a inor'/%entuall"H he stu&ie& law an& was allowe& " theSupre e Court to taDe the ar e a inationsHsu e!t to his su ission to the Supre e Courtproof of his Philippine !iti=enship' +lthou,h hene%er !o plie& with su!h re?uire entH +tt"' Chuapra!ti!e& law for an" "ears until one Noel/u,enio file& with the Supre e Court a !o plaint

    for &is ar ent a,ainst hi on the ,roun& that he isnot a Filipino !iti=en' @e then file& with the ureauof 5 i,ration an affi&a%it ele!tin, Philippine!iti=enship' Noel !onteste& it !lai in, it was file&

    an" "ears after +tt"' Chua rea!he& the a,e ofa orit"' 6ill +tt"' Chua e &is arre&L / plain'

    ( )

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:NoH +tt"' Chua will not e &is arre&' +tt"' Chua is

    alrea&" a Filipino !iti=en an& there was no nee&for hi to file the affi&a%it ele!tin, Filipino!iti=enship' +n ele!tion of Philippine !iti=enshippresupposes that the person ele!tin, is an alien'@is fatherH howe%erH alrea&" e!a e a Filipino!iti=en when +tt"' Chua was still a inor an&thusH he was alrea&" a Filipino efore the a,e of

    a orit" (Co %' @ / H $' ' Nos' 92191*92H >ul"30H1991)'

    Nat-ra &orn Fi i$ino 61989

    NoH 2: (2) + !hil& was orn to a >apanese fatheran& a Filipina other' 6oul& he e eli,i le to runfor the position of e er of the @ouse of

    epresentati%es upon rea!hin, twent"*fi%e "earsof a,eLSU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    he !hil& !an run for the @ouse of epresentati%espro%i&e& upon rea!hin, the a,e of a orit" heele!te& Philippine !iti=enship' anuar" 20H 1973H in 1988H his father wasnaturali=e& as a Filipino !iti=en' An a" 11H 1998H

    +n&res +n, was ele!te& epresentati%e of theFirst -istri!t of Sorso,on' >uan onto whore!ei%e& the se!on& hi,hest nu er of %otesHfile& a petition for uo 6arranto a,ainst +n,' hepetition was file& with the @ouse of

    epresentati%e /le!toral ri unal (@ / )' onto!onten&s that +n, is not a natural orn !iti=en ofthe Philippines an& therefore is &is?ualifie& to ea e er of the @ouse'

    he @ / rule& in fa%or of +n,' onto file& apetition for !ertiorari in the Supre e Court' hefollowin, issues are raise&:

    (1) 6hether the !ase is usti!ia le !onsi&erin, that +rti!le E5' Se!tion 17 of the Constitution &e!laresthe @ / to e the sole >u&,e of all !ontestsrelatin, to the ele!tion returns an&&is?ualifi!ations of e ers of the @ouse of

    epresentati%es' Q(2) 6hether +n, is a natural o !iti=en of the

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    Philippines' W Q @ow shoul& this !ase e&e!i&e&LSU22ESTE! ANS4ER:

    1' he !ase is usti!ia le' (,ra%e a use of&is!retion)'''2' +n&res +n, shoul& e !onsi&ere& a natural

    orn !iti=en of the Philippines' @e was orn of aFilipino other on >anuar" 20H 1973' his wasafter the effe!ti%it" of the 1973 Constitution on>anuar" 17H 1973' une30H 199 H i!D" file& on ar!h 20H 199 his!ertifi!ate of !an&i&a!" for the Affi!e of $o%ernorof a,una' @e wonH ut his ?ualifi!ations as anele!te& offi!ial was ?uestione&' 5t is a& itte& that

    he is a repatriate& Filipino !iti=en an& aresi&ent of the Pro%in!e of a,una' o e?ualifie& for the offi!e to whi!h a lo!aloffi!ial has een ele!te&H when at the latestshoul& he e: ( )

    1a4 A Fili+ino Citi en Ex+lain.


    he !iti=enship re?uire ent is to e possesse& "an ele!ti%e offi!ial at the latest as of the ti e he ispro!lai e& an& at the start of the ter of offi!e towhi!h he has een ele!te&' Se!tion 39 of the

    o!al $o%ern ent Co&eH whi!h enu erates the?ualifi!ations of ele!ti%e lo!al ,o%ern ent offi!ialsH&oes not spe!if" an" parti!ular &ate or ti e whenthe !an&i&ate ust possess !iti=enship' (Fri%al&o%' CA / /CH$' ' No' 12029 H >une 28H199 )

    ( ) + resi&ent of the lo!alit"L / plain'


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    Stat-%5 I egiti+ate C'i d5 !-a Citi)en%'i$6199?No' 8: 2) M was orn in the ??+ to run for S/N+ A ' +s aSenatorH he !an retain his in%est ents in his

    usinessH althou,h he ust aDe a full &is!losureof his usiness an& finan!ial interests an& notif"the Senate of a potential !onfli!t of interest if heauthors a ill' (Se!tion 12H +rti!le E5 of the 1987Constitution') @e !an !ontinue pra!ti!in, lawH uthe !annot personall" appear as !ounsel eforean" !ourt of usti!eH the /le!toral ri unalsH or?uasi* u&i!ial an& other a& inistrati%e o&ies'(Se!tion 1#H +rti!le E5 of the 1987 Constitution')

    +s a e er of the Ca inetH >+ !annot &ire!tl"or in&ire!tl" pra!ti!e law or parti!ipate in an"

    usiness' @e will ha%e to &i%est hi self of hisin%est ents in his usiness' (Se!tion 13H +rti!leE55 of the 1987 Constitution') 5n fa!tH theConstitutional prohi ition i pose& on e ers ofthe Ca inet !o%ers oth pu li! an& pri%ate offi!eor e plo" ent' (Ci%il i erties usti!eswith Dnowin,l" an& &eli eratel" ren&erin, anun ust &e!ision in utter %iolation of the penal lawsof the lan&' Can the A u&s an %ali&l" taDe!o,ni=an!e of the !aseL / plain'SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:NoH the A u&s an !annot entertain the!o plaint' +s state& in the !ase of 5n re: aureta'1#8 SC + 382 1987QH pursuant to the prin!iple ofseparation of powersH the

    !orre!tness of the &e!isions of the Supre eCourt as final ar iter of all usti!ia le &isputes is!on!lusi%e upon all other &epart ents of the,o%ern ent; the A u&s an has no power tore%iew the &e!isions of the Supre e Court "entertainin, a !o plaint a,ainst the >usti!es ofthe Supre e Court for Dnowin,l" ren&erin, anun ust &e!ision'SECON! ALTERNATI(E ANS4ER:

    +rti!le M5H Se!tion 1 of the 1987 Constitutionpro%i&es that pu li! offi!ers ust at all ti es ea!!ounta le to the people' Se!tion 22 of theA u&s an +!t pro%i&es that the Affi!e of theA u&s an has the power to in%esti,ate an"serious is!on&u!t alle,e&l" !o itte& "offi!ials re o%a le " i pea!h ent for thepurpose of filin, a %erifie& !o plaint fori pea!h ent if warrante&' he A u&s an !anentertain the !o plaint for this purpose'

    T'reeune 199 he was appointe&Se!retar" of National -efense' Can he run forele!tion to the Senate in the 1998 ele!tionsL/ plain'

    SU22ESTE! ANS4ER:OesH M !an run for the Senate in the 1988 ele!tion'

  • 8/14/2019 Political Law reviewer past bar questions and suggested answers


    (I+ is s*gges+ed +-a+ i +-e e>a0inee o''o ed +-ec'assi ica+ion in 7ar0ien+o /. ison 15% 7CRA 5,9and na0ed on'y o*r ca+egories beca*se -eco0bined +-e irs+ +-ree ca+egories in+o one -e begi/en *'' credi+.)

    2') +!!or&in, to Sar iento %' isonH 1 SC + #9H the onl"offi!ers whose appoint ents nee&

    !onfir ation " the Co ission on +ppoint ents are the hea& ofe e!uti%e &epart entsH

    a assa&orsH other pu li! inisters an&!onsulsH offi!ers of the ar e& for!es fro theranD of!olonel or na%al !aptainH an& other offi!ialswhose appoint ents are

    %este& in the Presi&ent " the Constitution'

    A$$ointing Po er5 ind% o# A$$oint+ent%6199;6hen is an appoint ent in the !i%il ser%i!eper anentL -istin,uish etween an

    appoint ent in ana!tin, !apa!it" e ten&e& " a -epart entSe!retar" fro an a& interi appoint ent

    e ten&e& " the Presi&ent' -istin,uish etween apro%isional an& ate porar" appoint ent' SU22ESTE!ANS4ER: 1) usti!e - a!tin,Co issioner of the CA / /CLSU22ESTE! ANS4ER:No' he Presi&ent was wron, in e ten&in, an a&interi appoint ent in fa%or of Co issioner C' 5nSu ers %s' A=aetaH 81 Phil' 7 #H it was hel& thatan a& interi appoint ent is a per anentappoint ent'
