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How To Keep Your © 2011

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How To Keep Your © 2011 When it comes to social poker (in contradistinction to video poker), there are few more important strategies than knowing to keep an unreadable expression when playing at a table of poker professionals. Some professionals are so attentive to your body language and body movements that they’ll be on the watch for even the most subtle clues that your hand has changed either positively or negatively. And by subtle we mean really subtle.


How To Keep Your

© 2011

When it comes to social poker (in contradistinction to video poker), there are few more important strategies than knowing to keep an unreadable expression when playing at a table of poker professionals. Some professionals are so attentive to your body language and body movements that they’ll be on the watch for even the most subtle clues that your hand has changed either positively or negatively. And by subtle we mean really subtle.

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It could be the speed at which you put your next round of chips into the pot. A player who has just found a powerful combination will be more ready to keep the pot going (and high) and this could be reflected in an eager, fast-paced bet. It could be the dilation of the pupils at the excitement (or fear) of a strong three-of-kind. It could be a pulsing throb in the neck, an uncomfortable shifting in the chair, an oblique toward the corners of room, a noticeably long gaze at your card playing compatriots.

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These can all be powerful and potentially expensive clues about where your own hand is going. Of course, many of these gestures are by nature neutral and therefore open to a range of interpretations, but a wise and experienced poker player will actually learn how you act under different kinds of stimulation and situations. He’ll know, for instance, that you run your fingers through your side parting when you’re excited at a particular combination.

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He’ll deduce how your face becomes flushed and moist when you realise that you can’t even make a single pair. He’ll learn to read the subtleties and intricacies of your body language and what it says about your hand at any point in the game. This can mean a serious disadvantage to you.

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To counter this, it should be said that maintaining a blank, hard-to-read expression requires practice. If you feel you can reasonably control all of your body movements except your eyes then there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t wear sunglasses, which are completely acceptable even at the highest tiers of play. You can also teach yourself to keep your body movement calm, dispassionate and deliberate, where you are conscious and attentive to keeping a consistent posture and line of vision regardless of the hand.

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The key, always, is to act as naturally as possible. It’s a skill that can be mastered if it’s continually practiced. If you look up and your opponent is staring at you, never avert their gaze as though you have something to hide. You can meet their eyes directly for a few seconds before looking back at your cards. This sends a subconscious message that you’re not some readable slate that others can use to their advantage, but rather that others should be just as attentive to your gaze

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As they say in war, the best defense is a good offense so if you find you’re being “read” by other players go on the offensive: look at them powerfully as though they’re sitting there naked with their cards out for all to see. If you make them slightly uncomfortable then they’ll likely move to a more defensive position and back down.

Please feel free to distribute and republish this document providing that all links contained herein remain intact © 2011