pokemon walk thru

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  • 7/30/2019 Pokemon Walk Thru



    Enter the radio tower and make your way up. It will take a long time due to

    the sheer number of Rockets you face, but the path is incredibly simple.

    When you get to the top, you?ll find who appears to be the director, who was

    kidnapped, but is in fact, an impostor. He?ll battle you. Defeat him, and

    he?ll tell you that the real impostor is in the Goldenrod City Tunnel. He?ll

    also give you an Underground Key, needed to reach the director.

    Head to the Goldenrod City Tunnel, and use the Underground Key to open the

    door to the east. You?ll fight your rival again in the next room, but he

    doesn?t put up much of a fight. He has five Pokemon from level 28-32. After

    beating him, beat the Rockets closeby, and flip the switches in this order:

    left, center, then right. Work your way down to the door in the south-east and

    battle another Rocket. Enter the doors. Fight more Rockets in the next room as

    you work your way towards the center of the room. When you get there, you?ll

    find the real director. He?ll give you a key needed to access other areas in

    the Goldenrod Radio Tower.

    Go back to the Radio Tower, and head to the third floor. Open the door on the

    right of the room, and head upwards once again. Battle all the Rockets, and

    you?ll find the two Rocket Executives you and Lance beat earlier, on the top

    floor. Beat them both, and Team Rocket will disappear. The director will

    return and then give you either the Rainbow Wing (if you?re playing Gold), the

    Silver Wing (if you?re playing Silver), or the Clear Bell (if you?re playing


    Depending on what item you receive, you can now catch either Ho-oh, Lugia, or

  • 7/30/2019 Pokemon Walk Thru


    Suicune respectively. They?ll be at level 40 though, so you may need to wait

    until your Pokemon are stronger. When they are, go to Tin Tower if you?re

    after Ho-oh/Suicune, or Whirl Islands (between Olivine and Cianwood) if you?re

    after Lugia. Remember that these Pokemon only appear once, so save before

    battling them. This way, if you accidentally KO them, you can try again.

    When you want to continue on your main adventure, Fly back to Mahogany Town.


    First, make sure you have a Pokemon that knows Strength, in your party. Then

    head east out of town.

    ROUTE 44

    If you?re playing G/S, be sure to swap numbers with Wilton on this route.

    He?ll alert you to swarms of Remoraid. In Crystal, he instead calls you when

    he fishes up items, but these are usually cheap items like Poke Balls and

    such, so it?s not worth filling up a phone number slot.

    Head west and enter the cave.


    A few interesting wild Pokemon can be found in here, such as Jynx, Swinub,

  • 7/30/2019 Pokemon Walk Thru


    and, if you?re playing Crystal, Sneasel as well. The next gym specializes in

    Dragon type Pokemon, and Ice is one of their few weaknesses, so consider

    catching one (preferably Jynx or Swinub) and leveling it up. Make your way

    through the cave until you see a large patch of ice. The route you have to

    skate is different depending on whether you?re playing G/S or Crystal.

    If you?re playing G/S, skate up, left, up, right, up, right, down, left, up,

    left, down, right, down, right, up, and then right.

    If you?re playing Crystal, skate up, left, up, left, down, left, up, left,

    down, right, down, and right.

    Before you climb the steps, skate across the small patch of ice in front of

    you for HM07 (Waterfall). Once again, the route is different depending on

    whether you?re playing G/S or Crystal, but it?s far easier to figure out than

    the large patch.

    With HM07 in hand, continue around until you find a ladder. Climb down it, and

    in the next floor, and use Strength to push the boulders down the holes. When

    you?ve pushed all four boulders down all four holes (fairly simple), you can

    drop to the next floor down yourself, and use the boulders to skate to the

    center of the ice patch. Climb the ladder, and in the next area, skate to the

    item to find TM44 (Rest). Rest is great when taught to a Pokemon with good

    staying power and few weaknesses.

    Climb the ladder nearby, and make your way through a couple more floors (the

    route is simple) until you are outside. Walk south a short distance and you?ll

    come to Blackthorn City.

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    A highlight of this city is that inside the south-west building, you can find

    a guy who?ll make your Pokemon forget a move, even HM?s, so if you taught a

    good Pokemon a HM you don?t want anymore, or you need to delete a G/S/C

    specific move so you can trade with R/B/Y, you can delete those moves.

    Head into the Pokemart, and you?ll find that you can now buy Ultra Balls. From

    now on, make these your standard Balls, as they?re much stronger, as are the

    Pokemon you encounter from now on.

    Now head for the gym. The leader is Clair, and she specializes in Dragon type

    Pokemon. Dragon Pokemon are weak only to Ice and other Dragon type attacks.

    It?s incredibly unlikely you don?t have any Dragon type attacks, so try to use

    Ice. The Icy Wind TM you received from Pryce can be useful here. The

    underlings are very hard indeed, but they?re not as hard as Clair, so make

    sure your Pokemon are capable of taking them out if you want a chance against

    Clair. Clair has a L37 Dragonair, another L37 Dragonair, another L37

    Dragonair, and a L40 Kingdra. Use Icy Wind, or simply a strong attack against

    the Dragonair, and use any strong moves against Kingdra. Kingdra?s type mix is

    one of the best in the game (Water/Dragon), as it gives it weakness only to

    Dragon type attacks. The best you can do is simply hammer away with everything

    you have and hope for the best.

    When you win, Clair will demand that you get her a Dragon Fang from Dragon?s

    Den before she gives you a badge. Leave the gym and make sure you have a

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    Pokemon with Whirlpool. Then head north and enter the cave. Make your way

    around the cave (it?s fairly simple), and grab the Dragon Fang. Clair will

    then appear and give you the Raging Badge, which makes all Pokemon obey you,

    regardless of level, and also allows you to use HM07 (Waterfall) outside of

    battle. She also gives you TM24 (Dragonbreath). Dragonbreath is only really

    any good on Kingdra, so don?t use it on any other Pokemon.

    When you leave the gym, Elm will call you and summon you back to New Bark

    Town. You can walk there by traveling south, or you can simply Fly there.


    Enter Elm?s lab, and he?ll give you a Master Ball. This ball will catch any

    Pokemon without fail. You only get one in the entire game however (unless you

    win on the Lucky Number show on the radio, but that?s very unlikely), so don?t

    waste it. It?s best to use it on one of the legendary beasts that are found in

    random patches of grass.

    Now make sure you have Pokemon that know Surf and Waterfall. Surf to the east

    of New Bark Town.

    ROUTES 26 AND 27

    Enter the cave you come to, and you?ll see a waterfall in front of you. Before

    you climb it though, grab the Moon Stone on the left. Climb the waterfall,

    make your way around the bend, and then exit. Head east, battling trainers as

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    you go (be sure to battle every single one; you need your Pokemon to be as

    strong as possible), and then head north. When you reach a small house, enter

    it, and speak to the woman inside to have your Pokemon fully healed. Return

    here if your party needs healing again before you reach the next Pokecenter.

    Continue north, being sure to battle every trainer, and enter the gatehouse at

    the end of the path. Show the guard your eight badges and he?ll let you pass.


    This is the last area before the Elite Four. Luckily, it?s not as tedious as

    the Victory Road in R/B/Y. In fact it?s easy to find your way around. The only

    real obstacle is your rival at the exit. He has five Pokemon from level 34-38,

    but he?s still fairly easy. If you have trouble, then you?re definitely not

    ready for the Elite Four. Before you step out of the opening, head west and

    drop down the pit. You?ll find TM26 (Earthquake) down here. Earthquake is the

    best Ground attack in the game, and one of the best overall attacks in the

    game also. Be sure to grab it. Now leave Victory Road via the exit close to

    your rival encounter.


    Just like last time, you must battle five opponents (there?s the champion to

    beat as well as the Elite Four) in a row without visiting a Pokecenter in

    between. Heal your Pokemon fully before you enter, and buy loads of Hyper

    Potions, Revives, and Full Heals. Save before entering, so that if you find it

    to be too hard, you can reset the game and level up your Pokemon some more.

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    Losing means you lose half your money. Your Pokemon should be at around level

    45 to stand much of a chance.


    Will specializes in Psychic type Pokemon. He has a L40 Xatu, a L41 Exeggutor,

    a L41 Slowbro, a L41 Jynx, and a L42 Xatu. Electric and Fire are the types of

    choice here; Electric will sort out his Slowbro and two Xatu, while Fire will

    take down his Jynx and Exeggutor. Just be wary of Xatu?s Psychic.

    Koga, the old Fuschia gym leader of R/B/Y is now a member of the Elite Four,

    but he still specializes in Poison type Pokemon. He has a L40 Ariados, a L43

    Forretress, a L42 Muk, a L41 Venomoth, and a L44 Crobat. He?s quite easy to

    beat though; Poison types just aren?t very good. Use Psychic, Rock, and Fire

    in this battle.

    Bruno is still a member of the Elite Four, and he still specializes in

    Fighting type Pokemon. He has a L42 Hitmontop, a L42 Hitmonlee, a L42

    Hitmonchan, a L43 Onix, and a L46 Machamp. Use Psychic type Pokemon here, and

    also Flying types. Watch out for his Onix though.

    Karen specializes in Dark type Pokemon. She has a L42 Umbreon, a L42

    Vileplume, a L45 Gengar, a L44 Murkrow, and a L47 Houndoom. You have to use

    many different types, as there?s no real pattern to her Pokemon. Ground, Ice,

    Rock and Fighting can be useful though.

    Lance is the new Pokemon Champion, and he?s very strong. In theory, he?s

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    supposed to specialize in Dragon types, but only three of his Pokemon are

    Dragon types, while all six are part Flying. He has a L44 Gyarados, a L47

    Dragonite, a L46 Charizard, another L47 Dragonite, a L46 Aerodactyl, and a L50

    Dragonite. The best types to use here are Ice, Rock, Electric and Water.

    Well done! You?re now the Pokemon Champion. But unlike R/B/Y, there?s a lot

    more to do now. You now have to visit Kanto, the R/B/Y map, and earn eight

    more badges. When you restart your game, you?ll be in New Bark Town.


    You?ll receive a call from Elm, asking you to drop by his lab. Walk on in, and

    speak to him. He?ll give you an SS. Ticket. Fly to Olivine City.


    Head south and enter the tunnel. When you emerge at the other side, show your

    ticket to the sailor , and he?ll let you on the SS. Aqua.

    SS. AQUA

    As soon as you enter, you?ll be bumped into by a man looking for his missing

    daughter. Ignore him for now though. First, find your room. It?s the one with

    a sailor stood in front of it. You can heal your Pokemon here, and use a PC.

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    Explore this floor, battling trainers (they?re much easier than the opponents

    you faced at Indigo Plateau). Then head down the stairs in the south-east, and

    speak to the sailor blocking your way. He?ll ask you to look for his missing

    colleague. Enter The room next to yours, and you?ll find him. Battle him, and

    when you win, he?ll return to work. Head back to the sailor who was blocking

    your way, and he?ll let you past. Battle the two trainers on this floor if you

    like, otherwise head through the doors at the end to find the captain and the

    missing girl. Speak to the girl and she?ll return to her father. Speak to the

    father, and he?ll reward you with Metal Coat, an item that powers up Steel

    type attacks, and is required to evolve Scyther and Onix. When this is done,

    the ship will arrive in Kanto.


    There?s not much to do here right now besides head for the gym. Cut down the

    shrub, and enter.

    Lt. Surge is the leader of this gym, and he specializes in Electric type

    Pokemon. Use a strong Ground type to defeat Electric types easily.

    The underlings here are amazingly easy to beat. A single Ground type will beat

    them all. Lt. Surge isn?t much harder. He has a L44 Raichu, a L40 Electrode, a

    L46 Electabuzz, another L40 Electrode, and a L40 Magnemite. Once again, a

    single Ground type will beat them all.

    When you win, you?ll receive the Thunder Badge.

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    Get used to the ease of defeating gym leaders, as the rest aren?t much harder.

    So battling all trainers on the map to level up your Pokemon isn?t as

    necessary now (though it?s still recommended).

    Head north out of Vermilion.

    ROUTE 6

    The underground tunnel leading to Cerulean is closed, so continue north to

    Saffron City.


    Head to the house in the south-east, and just like in the last games, a guy

    inside will give you TM29 (Psychic). Enter Silph Co., in the center of the

    city, and a guy guarding the stairs will give you an Up-grade, needed to

    evolve Porygon. Now head for the Fighting Dojo in the north-east (it?s the

    left gym; not the right one), and take the Focus Band you see at the top of

    the room. The Focus Band sometimes protects the Pokemon holding it from

    fainting. Now head into the gym next door.

    Sabrina is the leader of this gym, and she specializes in Psychic type

    Pokemon. It?s unlikely you have anything that works particularly well against

    Psychics (you might have a Pokemon with Bite, but it won?t do much damage,

    even if it is super-effective). Just use Pokemon that have good Attack power,

    as Psychics tend to have low Defense stats.

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    The underlings here aren?t too hard, but they may wear you down enough to

    warrant a trip to the Pokecenter before you battle Sabrina. To reach Sabrina,

    first, step on the pad in the first room. Then step on the pad above you. Then

    the one below you. Then the one below you. And then the pad to the left of

    you. You?ll find yourself next to Sabrina. She has a L46 Espeon, a L46 Mr.

    Mime, and a L48 Alakazam. Although it?s tricky to exploit their weaknesses,

    she still isn?t too tough to beat (much unlike in R/B/Y).

    When you win, you?ll receive the Marsh Badge.

    Leave the gym, and head for the house just above and to the left of Silph Co.

    This is Copycat?s house. Go upstairs and speak to her to learn that she?s lost

    her Clefairy Doll. Leave the house and Fly to Vermilion.


    Enter the building just above the gym. Speak to the person with the Clefairy

    Doll, and they?ll return it to you. Fly back to Saffron.


    Give the Clefairy Doll to Copycat, and she?ll give you a Rail Pass, which

    allows you to catch the train that travels to and from Kanto and Johto.

    However, the Power Plant that powers the train (as well as other things in

    Kanto) is down, and must be restored first.

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    Head east out of Saffron.

    ROUTE 8

    The underground tunnel here is also closed, so continue east until you reach

    Lavender Town.


    The Pokemon Tower has been downsized and moved across the town slightly to

    make way for the new Kanto Radio Tower. Hardly respectful, but anyway, pass

    straight through Lavender and head north.

    ROUTE 10

    Rock Tunnel is far simpler this time round. You should have no problems making

    your way through. While you?re here though, you might want to look for a wild

    Cubone or Kangaskhan. If you do decide to catch a Cubone, be sure to get a

    Thick Club as well. Either catch Cubone until you find one with a Thick Club

    attached, or simply use the attack Thief to steal one (this method is much

    quicker and easier).

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    ROUTES 9 AND 10

    When you exit Rock Tunnel, head north until you see some water. Surf around

    the corner until you see a building. Enter it, and you?ll find that it?s the

    Power Plant. It has been revived since the R/B/Y days, but it is currently

    down due to somebody having stole a Machine Part. Speak to the manager next to

    the machine, and then leave the Power Plant. As you do, you?ll be told that a

    shady character has been seen in Cerulean. Head back outside, surf back

    around, and head west. Battle the trainers as you go.


    Enter the gym. Misty isn?t there, nor are the underlings, but the thief who

    stole the Machine Part is. He?ll run outside. Exit, and head for Nugget Bridge

    in the north. You?ll find the thief here, and it turns out to be a Team Rocket

    member. Battle him, and when you win, he?ll tell you he hid it in the gym. Go

    to the gym and search in the central pool of water to find it.

    Before you head back to the Power Plant however, head north of Nugget Bridge,

    and then head east.

    ROUTES 24 AND 25

    Battle the trainers on this route and then receive a Nugget from the final

    one. Continue east, and you?ll see Misty with a date. Her date will run away,

    and Misty will then head back to the gym.

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    Enter the gym. This gym specializes in Water type Pokemon, and Misty is the

    leader. Use Grass and Electric type Pokemon here.

    The underlings are easy enough, and Misty is fairly simple herself. She has a

    L42 Golduck, a L42 Quagsire, a L44 Lapras, and a L47 Starmie. Grass types work

    well against all of them, but Electric won?t work against Quagsire, so be


    When you win, Misty will give you the Cascade Badge.

    When you leave the gym, head west to the Power Plant.

    ROUTES 9 AND 10

    Surf around to the Power Plant, and give the Machine Part back. You?ll receive

    TM07 (Zap Cannon) as thanks. Zap Cannon does a lot of damage and always

    paralyzes the opponent, but it is very inaccurate.

    Fly to Lavender.


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    Enter the Radio Tower, and speak to the owner. He?ll give you a Radio Card to

    tune into Kanto?s Radio stations.

    With that, Fly to Saffron.


    You can now use the train, but don?t bother for now. Instead, head west out of


    ROUTE 7

    There?s nothing on this route of interest, unless you want to do some Pokemon

    catching. Houndour and Murkrow both appear here at night, and are the game?s

    first wild Dark Pokemon.

    Head west to Celadon.


    First head for the building in the south-east. You?ll find it?s a restaurant.

    Search the trash can at the back of the room to find Leftovers.

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    Next, if it?s night, head to the back of the large building in the north. A

    guy on the top floor will give you TM03 (Curse) if you listen to his story.

    Curse is good on Pokemon that would benefit from a boost in Attack and

    Defense, but wouldn?t suffer too much from a loss of Speed.

    Now head for the gym in the south-west.

    Erika is the gym leader, and she specializes in Grass type Pokemon. Just bring

    a Fire type, and you?ll have no problems. Good second choices include Ice and

    Psychic (a lot of the Pokemon here are part Poison).

    The underlings are incredibly easy; easier than underlings in previous Kanto

    gyms. And Erika is also a bit of a pushover. She has a L42 Tangela, a L46

    Bellossom, a L41 Jumpluff, and a L46 Victreebel. A single Fire type is enough

    to send them all packing.

    When you win, Erika will give you the Rainbow Badge, and TM19 (Giga Drain).

    Giga Drain is one of the best Grass type attacks in the game.

    With the gym beat, head west out of Celadon.

    ROUTES 16, 17, AND 18

    You need to use your bike on this road. Head south, and then head east to

    reach Fuchsia City.

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    The Safari Zone no longer exists, so there?s not much to do in Fuchsia. Head

    for the gym.

    With Koga promoted to the Elite Four, his daughter, Janine is now the leader

    of this gym. And she also specializes in Poison type Pokemon. Use a single

    Psychic to destroy everyone in this gym.

    The transparent walls are still here, but they?re just as easy to navigate as

    last time. The underlings here are the easiest yet, and Janine herself is

    laughable, with her Pokemon at terribly low levels. She has a L36 Crobat, a

    L36 Weezing, another L36 Weezing, a L33 Ariados, and a L39 Venomoth. A Psychic

    type will have no problems, but then again, nor will any other strong Pokemon.

    When you win, Janine will hand over the Soul Badge, and TM06 (Toxic).

    When you exit the gym, Fly to Vermilion.


    Head to the south-east and save your game next to the Snorlax (you only get

    one chance to catch it). Play the Poke Flute using your Radio, and it will

    wake up and attack. It?s at level 50, so it will probably be tricky to wear

    down, especially considering it also has the move Rest, and is holding some

    Leftovers (which means it can restore a bit of HP after every turn). Try to

    put it to sleep or paralyze it when you?re ready to start throwing Ultra

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    When you do catch it, enter the cave in front of you.


    Head through this cave, and exit through the other side.

    ROUTE 2

    Use Cut to get past the shrub on the left. Then head north.


    First, speak to the man standing to the right of the Pokemart, and he?ll give

    you the Silver Wing (if you?re playing Gold or Crystal), which allows you to

    catch Lugia in Whirl Islands, or a Rainbow Wing (if you?re playing Silver),

    which allows you to catch Ho-oh in Tin Tower.

    Next, head for the gym.

    Brock is the leader of the Pewter City gym, and he specializes in Rock type

    Pokemon. Take a Water, and better yet, a Grass type Pokemon with you, and

    you?ll have no trouble.

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    The only underling here is incredibly easy; he only has one Pokemon, and it?s

    at a very low level. Brock is just as easy. He has a L41 Graveler, a L42

    Omastar, a L41 Rhyhorn, a L44 Onix, and a L42 Kabutops. A Grass type is 4x

    super-effective against all of them, and most likely faster too, so it?s

    possible to take them all down without taking any damage whatsoever.

    When you win, you?ll receive the Boulder Badge.

    If you want to battle your rival again, head east out of Pewter, until you

    reach Mt. Moon. Enter, and you?ll find him inside.

    Otherwise, head south from Pewter.

    ROUTE 2

    Head all the way south, until you reach Viridian City.


    The gym leader isn?t here right now, so continue south.

    ROUTE 1

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    This route has nothing to offer, so proceed to Pallet Town.


    Players of R/B/Y will remember this town fondly, as it?s where it all started.

    There?s nothing too special here though. You can drop in to Oak?s lab and

    speak to him, but other than that, all there is to do is to Surf south to


    ROUTES 19, 20, AND 21

    Surf south until you reach what used to be Cinnabar Island. A volcano erupted

    some time ago, and now all that remains is a Pokecenter and lots of rocks.

    You?ll find Blue here however (Gary). Speak to him, and you?ll find out he?s

    now the leader of the Viridian gym. He?ll then return there so you can battle

    him, but first head east to Seafoam Islands. Blaine, the old Cinnabar gym

    leader, moved here after the volcano at Cinnabar erupted. Enter the cave, and

    you?ll find him. He has no underlings, so it?s just him. He once again

    specializes in Fire types. He has a L45 Magcargo, a L50 Rapidash, and a L45

    Magmar. Use a single strong Water type to beat them all.

    When you win, you?ll receive the Volcano Badge.

    You can Surf east from here to get to Fuchsia, but instead, Fly back to


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    Enter the gym. Blue is the only person inside. Blue doesn?t specialize in any

    particular type, so you need a varied party to beat him. Unlike the other

    Kanto gym leaders, Blue is no pushover. He has a L56 Pidgeot, a L56 Rhydon, a

    L54 Alakazam, L58 Gyarados, a L58 Arcanine, and a L58 Exeggutor. Ice works

    well against three of his six Pokemon, so try to use a Pokemon with an Ice

    type move.

    When you win, you?ll receive the Earth Badge.

    Now that you have all eight badges, Fly to Pallet Town.


    Enter Oak?s lab, and speak to him. He?ll give you permission to get to Mt.

    Silver, a mountain full of strong wild Pokemon, and more importantly, the

    trainer Red (Ash).

    Fly to Viridian.


    Head east to Route 22.

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    ROUTE 22

    Continue east and enter the building at the end. You?ll recognize it as the

    gatehouse before Indigo Plateau. Head through the east exit.

    ROUTE 28

    Mt. Silver is to the north-west, but you might want to do some exploring here

    too. Wild Pokemon such as Misdreavus, Magmar, and Larvitar can be found here,

    depending on which version you?re playing.

    There?s also a Pokecenter on this route, so remember to use it if your Pokemon

    are hurt here or in Mt. Silver.

    Enter Mt. Silver when you?re finished on this route.


    Head to the far north of the first room, and head through the opening. Head up

    the three sets of steps in the next room, and follow the path until you see

    another opening. Enter it. Then head to the far north of this room to find

    Red. Red is incredibly strong. He has a L81 Pikachu, a L77 Blastoise, a L73

    Espeon, a L75 Snorlax, a L77 Charizard, and a L77 Venusaur. You need a very

    high-level, and varied party to beat him.

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    Beating him earns you nothing but the ability to watch the credits again, and

    the satisfaction that you beat the ultimate Pokemon trainer.

    But you?re not quite done; there?s still the matter of catching the legendary

    birds, and, if you?re playing Crystal, Suicune.


    Tin Tower is the tower in the north-east of Ecruteak City.

    If you?re playing Crystal, you?ll find Suicune on the first floor. Save your

    game before battling him, and use the same tactics to catch him as you did

    with Sudowoodo and Snorlax.

    If you?re playing Crystal, you must catch Raikou, Entei, and Suicune before

    you get the Rainbow Wing, which allows you to battle Ho-oh, at the top of Tin

    Tower. In Gold/Silver, you can battle it as soon as you get the Rainbow Wing

    from either the Goldenrod Radio Director, or the man in Pewter City. It?s on

    the very top floor (which isn?t too hard to reach). Once again, save your game

    before battling, and catch it as you caught Snorlax and Sudowoodo (and, if

    you?re playing Crystal, Suicune).


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    Whirl Islands are the four islands in Route 41. Lugia makes it?s home there.

    Enter the north-east island, and head for the ladder in the north-east of the

    first room. In the next area, make your way to the next ladder, and climb down

    it. In the next room, Surf down the waterfall you see, and enter the opening

    in the wall. You?ll then see Lugia. Save your game before battling, and then

    catch it in the same way as all the other ?one-chance? Pokemon.