poetry. robert noember5, it merchandise, machine...

POETRY. THE ESCAPE OF L.VVALETTE. ar x. a. wmonT. It was night and tl e silence of death was aroond, Save the clanking of chains in thepnsoner's cell, Oi Hip groan tlmt in heai sound, Aslbe tieadot the sentinel heavily sell. Ah ! who i it leans on that tahle of stone, And tranquilly witches the lamp's Hiding beam' Film, firm iihis bosom , he utters no moa-n- No tears from the lountain of sy numthy sti earn. To morrow the sun wilf dispense his blight raj But the sun ol the held giows fcclilc and dim ; The shade of oppression has gloom M on his way , And the niglit bird is chanting his fuue ral I") mil. ita feels but thit feeling is ful and still j And he wastes not in 0 unless complaining his breath ; 3c bows him submissirer to Heaveu'v high will, And calmly aw nits the approach oflui death. Full oft for h'a counfri his bosom he"' barM, And scal'd the ro igh mountain, oi stemra'd Ui'e dark flood , Ahke in her gnef and her lorj lie shai M, And sought for her wcltilie 'mid peril and blood Ungratefiif! she dooms him the lot oTthevile ' She turns from the h,;ht of his 'soul beaming eje' And the demon of mnice, with hell in her smile, la perspective beholds hour a heio can die ' O, shame on ttio tyrant! thou steep'st on tH throne Upheld by the men ilets minions of pride i Thy lullaby song is the Victim's last gi oan Thy hands in the of viuue are dy'tl. But cheer thee, brave heart 1 tho' thy lamp fades " ' away And thou look'st onHhc morro.r, the last of thy hours ; Vei shortly for thee shall there dawn a new day, Enliven d with and Uloomirg with slow era. Mid Uiejcircle of friends who have liv'd in shy smile There is one, aJkright angel ofviitue, and, truth, AVhoe prayer 10 the Autho.-o- f gooduess eie while, Host, blest, lor her husbauj and laie of hei youth. O, who but the wise, on whose bosom so ileir, ' The lii.ro lull often had v"o'd Ins hea I, Would have rent (he sti on; slucMcs of peril and se ir, And the path from destruction to safety have led? , ' , She hid pass'd through the guard to the ltincrnost, sell . The joung pledge of her love his attended her The cliains of the ciptirealready hive sell, And hope in his dungeon has darted a i ay. 4 & The chieftain loots up ftom his tahle of stone, No longer he wjtljjhestho lamp's lading beam ; He presscs'tlieTheai t ollus w ife to h'sowti, And theJtearsSfioui' the fountain of sj mpathy sticain.F , The lips of his daughter inhale the warm kiss; The soul of the hem, undaunted and Uave, Is entrKii-.M,an- J expands with the tulluess of bliss For his lo'd one h is ofier'd ma sa&ty, to sive '0 haste thee ! (cries she ;) when the. portal thou'st gam'd, 'Thou wilt find there are fiicnds who watch o'er thyjatc ; ' Though thyhenijes onceret. their honor " " They'll protect thee, my husband I"ly ' sly, ere too late '." The tread of thepi isoner cautiously falls The w Sdo spreading mantle is overbim, thrown IJis child his suppoi tcr, he leaies the drear alls, And Iiuppines3, freedom and life, are his ow n ! Awa) from the cultures who thirst for his blood, By his gen'rous pieserveisaltendcd, ba flies t Tl.ey scale the tough u.onr.run: they ciois the dai k flood He is sale ! mid to Heaven his orisoas rise. Brave hero ! again shall thy bosom expand ; To thy he irt shall thy wise and thy daughter be presj'd ; ' And thine cv'ning of life, in some happier hnd Than Lb) suffering country, be tr.iuu.uil and blest In Paris, the gallery of the theatre is tailed Paradise. The Dutchess of Or- leans look a fancy to go to the plriy one night, with only a fille de chambre and to sit there. A young officer sat next her, who was very free in his addresses, and when the play was over, concluded by of- fering her a supper, which she seemed to accept. He accompanied her down stairs, but was confounded when he saw her attendants and equipage and heard her nr.mc. Recovering, however, his presence of mind he handed her into Ijcr carriage, bowed in silence, and was re- tiring when she called out, where is the supper you promised I He bowed and d, " in Paradise madam, tve are all equals; but 1 am not insensible of the respect I owe you on earth." The prompt and pioper reply obtained for him' a place in the Dutchess' caniage, andVt her table. CHINESE METH6D OF MENDINO CHINA. Take a piece of flint elass, beat it to sine powder, and gi ind it well with the grille of an egg, and it jojns china with-6- U rivetttng, s.o that no art can break it in the same place. You are to observe, that the composition is to be ground ex- tremely sine on a painter's stone. GEOROE SHANNON, Attorney at Law, KEEPS his office on Poplar How, in the same liouse eccupicd by the Lexington Branch Bank , 9ff February 25, 181fi. NOTICE, T0 all whom it may concern, That Iihall apply to the court to bo held for the county of Gallatin, on the second Monday in February next, for an or-d- to establish a town on my land, 1) ingin M'Cmills' Bottom, on the Ohio river, and about eight miles hboye the mouth Ot Kentucky 'river agteeablt to mj act ot assembly in sucu catu maoe ami provided Samuel Sanders. October Uth, 181G. W-- rn 3m , Eor Sale. mvn HtiNnrtr.n ami twv. nr r.r n . " LAND, about eicht acres cleared, on which 'la ii goon tvucneii, L.oom nouse, llarn and Hen liouse, n Oi. hiii.ilipd nml ...... Aii.iIm- - v..v j, 'i. ...- - U ees, chiell T choice grafted fruit, Cher, Oimson-ti'tes- , and excellent never-fullin- g water Teviostnay be knoom to the .siibsetibei, living bn the preinisJs, fio miles ijcxfngtou. about half Oulf east of tlie Leestowu V5ad ' A BArfUIUUGB. Robert A. Gatcwood, Has opened a very general and well selected assort ment of Merchandise, In his new brick housej opposite Mr. James Wier's Stoi e, which he offers lor sale at wholesale or retail on a vcrj small advance foi Cash. January I SIC, Silver Plating. Andukw M. Jamo-Id- anelJiiHN C. Nuttjux, Have commenced, the Silver Plutihg Business, Opposite the Kentucky Insurance Company's Office, Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky, un der the firm of ' JJINVAUY & NUTTMJ1X, Where they have on hand an elegant assort ment of PLATED WAKE.'consisting of Bridle Uiti, Stirniu, Spurs, SaMlcry, Coach Mount- ing, He. which they w ill dUpase ot at whole- sale or retail on moderate terms. Country Merchants and Saddlers will finj U their in- terest to give tliem a call before they puicliase Old work replited in the best manner, and cash given for old Silver and Pewter. N. 11. John C. Nuttman will cjntinue to execute ENGRAVING Of ajl all kinds, in the neatest manner, on ap- plication as above. Lexington, Sept. 25. 40-- tf JUNIUS GUIA'HJTD Watchmaker, HAS for sale an assortment of the most fashionable Watches and Jewellery of VEnr nKsonirnos. ALSO ' CIocli and Watqli Materials Or THE BEST WUHKUABSUir; , All of which wjll be sold low at reduced prices, lie' keeps hist rhop tnJoors below Capt. w..b...nMi0 mii.,11, iirimiiij' iii.euicu uy Hi Bosucll as a shop anel lesielence, where ul WAI'CHESiir the beot and neatest manrer, Lexington, Sept 2o. 39 WAN1EU IMMEDIATELY, 20 Caqiciitcrs ami Mill "Wub'UiS, ALSO SEVERAL ST0M2 I.TASONS, Aeqiuinted with crecung furnaces for all 1UON FOUXI)ltY,.uiil au'expciieiieeil man capable of erecting ltd l Woik. Also, wanted to contucL Hiih some person oi pel sons to eut 10,000 cords ol Wood, beloic November next. The ubme woik is WHiiteil near the iiniii toad leading from Loi Vineennes, about filty miles horn Louis-ill- e Eii(in.e of Mr. Williamson alFieneh Lick, or Maishalls, mar Liek Creek, oi ,1. and T. G Pieimss, or Jolm PlcW, Leinjtpn, Kuituekv. Also, vented to purcLiso several Mike of Oven, 33 August 7lh, 181 G. A STUM HORSE. STRAYED, (supposed to bs rode away by on Tuesday evening the 27tfi of August, a SOKUEL HOUSE, about IS U hands high and about 9 jcaispld ; one of the sore feet and both hind feet white , a tuft of white hair near the bottom of the mane, and what is very conspicuous and remarkable, lu shoulders are maikcdalliound with the collar, andhis breast with the bieast belt having been much galled by being worked in the horse walk of my factor) . Any person finding and bringing said horse to me, will be geneiously rewarded. JOHN JONES. Cotton Tactory, AWier-strec- t, Lexington, Sept. 2. J 36-t- f For Sale, THE HOUSE k LOT in Mai ket street, now occupied by Mi Desforges, fiist door below the nc I'lesbytenan Cluuch, and thud aboe the Episcopalian. '."or terms applj to Mi. John L. Maftiu, or to the suhscubci, one andone.fouith miles north of Lexington. JASEZ VMGUS. April 8, 1816. 16-- t'f FOR SALE, ON a long credit, by giving bond and becurity, an Elegant New Carriage. Annlv to TIIOMAST. TOniVl.PTr.nirtnn nr JOHN TQDU, near Walnut-Hill- . 40- - Jolni Norton, DKUGGI6T, Opposite the Iusqi ance Dank, Main st Lcxinetqn rj AS received an extensive assortment ofl LJ.i rcn AleJicines, I'amts. Per. fumes, Pocket and Key Instruments, Scat loca- tors, Spring and Crown Lancets, Scales and Weights, cc Physicians, Merchants and the pu.Mic, will be supplied on the lowest terms, wliniesaie or retail, lie has on hand SOOUlb Stone Ochre, whicli he will sell low for cash Au?ut 17, 1816. 34 Partnership Dissolved. THE PARTNERSHIP OP Jlshlon, Beach and Neille, IS this day dissolved by mutual consent All those havingdcmRiuls nn the liim, aie requested to applj to Ashtonand Ileach sop the same all in- - df.bflilta fht? fintl QTp tnmati.nQi'iDbntin 4 !... - - - - .. i- - .i.vii. iu taimin and Beaeh, who are aUthoiised to receive the same. it Aariiua, JOSEPH HBACH. HUGH NEILLE. Ixjxington, March 2ll,181G, ld- - Tte Coach Making Business, In all its vai ions branches, is still can icjl on at the old stand bj ASH'l ON sc BEACH, wieic Cam. ages, Gigs, he he. ril be m.le or repaired on the shortest notice, and neutest nlanner, and on the most reasonable terms. FOUNDRY. The subscriber having commenced a Brass, Iron and Bell Foundry. In the town ol Lexington, opposite Lewis S indei s's, Main street, w ishes to inform his friends, and the public in general, tliat lie now em tk-- s them on in all their DianUies an Uudsot brass and iron machine- ry will be east on the shortest nouec, ami in the hest maher also bells for taverns, court houses, see He will keep on hand an assortment of slat irons, hatter's irons, tailor's irons, dog irons, wafle irons, wheat fan irons, K.c. AH orders will be thankfully ieceiied,,md ptiucr tiially attended to, b tile subscriber JOSEHH BltUEX, rekruarSJ. 10 ISO B.iMlELS BUOVYiN SUGAB, For Sale by WILLIAM C. I1ELL, At his store on Cheaputli oppositcthe ' 47 - Nov. 18. " liartlet Sc Cox, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TIIANKPUL for past savours,-be- g leave to their Western friends, that they still contuiue iu iiansaet business on eouunission as lormerl) 4S- - 1815 NEW GOODS, CHEAP FOE CASH. E. WARFIELD Has just received from Philadelphia, and is no'v opening at his Store, Main-st- i eet, Lexing ton, an eiegant assortment ot Merchandise, wuicu lie is ueierminea eo sen low. wnoiesale or retail for Cash he has fresh Teas, and many I.idi goods that have been veiy scarce for some time past such as Senshaa's. Lute strings, Sursurkers, India Mulls, plain and figured China ware, tec, he. together with an elegant assoitment of fancy goods, suitable to the season. May 10, 1811. 20tf Wool Carding. Merino and Common Wool Carding in a ouneneroivie ana on tlie usual terms at San, ders, 2 2 Miles horn Lexington, by LEWIS SANDERS. Lexington,-Ma- 28, 1815. TO WOOL IX1) CGTTOA" JLUv'UFJlCTUREllS. The Rllbsclihtl-ln- s sun Won! CanVittr. Afa1.;.i. IU51 finished Ini- - salp. Also Iwn T ra' ins spindles eaeh, 3 Engines for Carding Cotton, a Uo- - niK name on- - ians, urwiiiguainu ol 3 hearts eaeh, a Heel, ice Ke. These. Machines will be w iu anted to peilorm as well as any ever made in this counti j , n 1 not intei 101 to those made in tie cstem thej will be sold altogether oi'scpa. raff! . tin Cev.ti ..,... iirfi 1 Ifi V O- .nA...l.D .... . J - 'I -- -I , - - IllWIIItt., .J UI younNiops, or Wlusk), Bacon, UcLS-axai- THOMAS STUDMAN Lexington, Apiil 28tb, IStB 18-- tf IMPORTANT JVOTlCJti TO THE LADIES. THE Lexmgtaii MauufaUarincCoiuiianvareile siious ol oht lining a quantity of sine bleached Lu.e" and Cotton HAGS, which aie necessiry to enable llioin to niauulacluie the inlpoitant artiLle of sine t'aper, ol v.lncli so much is annually im oiled, and luidit be aiuidt.il is the patiiotism oriEconomv ol the ladies of Kentucki , would induce them to adopt me cimoms oi me lauies in me e istern states, viz to Keep a Rag Hag, which is usuilh hung up in a place convenient lor the puiuose, and in w lueh Hie deposited the Rags that almost daily appe. in ev er) laigeiamni t tlie emi oi tlie year j oui lag bas thus atltuded, will pro-luc- e i ou a liberal sum for , ami greatly aid die important uianu- - lacioues ol jour state. Six Cents in money will be paid for sine bleached Linen or Cotton Katrs and a price m proroi tion for eoai ser epi ehtj , or for tow made fi om flax 01 hemp appij ai uic .iianuiaeioij or to J. k T. G. PRENTISS. Lexmqon, Nor. 22, 18J5. 48 tl .Dissolution oi' Partnership. THE FIRM OF Parker & Graves IS THIts DAY dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or from the late eoncei n, w ill be settled by William W. Giaies JAMES P PARKEIt, WILLIAM W GRAVES. Lexington, April 11, IS1C. 1- 7- IVilliam W. Graves, In addition to the I itestnett, is just reeeiiing a fiesli supply of MERCHANDISE, suitable for the present and approaching seasons, consisting of Diy Goods, Groceries, Hardware Hucens.i - Wiites YoiinRHison-- v . f.lpss&tJCAlsD Ii i . Chnia J Jj Brand) (. Lnperial J New Goods. josephTlemon. Has just recened a neat and general assortment of French, India and British GOODS, In addition to his former assortmr-n- t ohirh will render it complete. Prompt payments beilif made iur the same, hr-- ivill l pn.,l,l..rl to sell wholesale or retail tt l educed prices iur casn. "Wanted 8.000 yards Tow Linen. Half Cash and half Goods will be given. t Antrim 1816. SOJP isf CANDLE FACTORY. TMIE Subscriber has lately enlarged his es-- - tablishment by additional buildings, and will now be enabled to supply the public by wholesale and letail. with nrimpRflAP nr.v.. ry kind, equal in quality to any manufactured !. l.a TTlVlfdrl Cthtan n n ,1 .!. I. . a 111 nic vjiiiLtu wi,aici -- auu wain iue uesi DIPPED es MOULD CANDLES. Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchants who may purchase those articles either for the loreign ur iiomc luuuu, or utose who want them for domestic use, will find it to theki call on him. or tn him ihpn- - nr. ders, which will be promptly attended to, and taiiuiuuy eieeeueei. JOHN BUIDGES, Corner of Water and Main Cross Streets, next door to Mr. Bradford's Steam Mill and Cot- ton Factory, Lexington. The highest cash pricesgiven for TAIjLOIf, HOGS LARD, XiTCREA GREASE, Athet IS Pot Athet, at the above factory, 41 October 10. 1814 Wanted, TWO or THREE APPRENTICES to the Unsuiess. Youths of good character1, who can come well recommended will meet with encouragement on application to BlEliUWAN it HULL. Lexington, Nov- - 25. 48 To Rent, A SMALL convenient BRICK HOUSE, a i JL lew doors Irom Capt. Postletliwait s Ta- vern There is on the lot a pump of excellent water with a good Smoke-hous- e and Dairy. For terms apply to DAVID M.EG0WAN. V Lexington, Nov. 25. 48 JOSHUA HUMPHREYS, Has on hand and oilers for sale, at reduced prices, at ins COMMUSSION HOUSE, Lexington, Machine Cards- - HAVING formed a corresnondence with the Managers of the Neu -- York Manufactmy of UAiius, anil having been employed b) Mr. Daniel Ryder of this place, (the onlv pei son in the westeru eountiy ho makes ihem) to sell all those made by him, he flatters himself lie will have it m his power to supply the demand therefoic solicits or ders, promising to pay the strictest attention iq niving men. piompiiy and eiacuy lillea; anu should those from New-Yor- k be prcfeired, he will oiuer them on iiniuediiU.lv. Nov 9 40-- tt NEW $ CHEAP GOODS. V J. B. UORLAXI), fWb. 47, Main Street Lexington,) Has just received and opened an extensive assortment of FRKSII DRY GtfODS,, Among which "are the following articles: BROAD CLOTHS & CASSIMERS, A great variety of CALICOES, "1 ' CAMBRICS, Satin, Stripe, Cordsd and Figured do. Plain, Bopk and Leno MUSLIM, Figured do. do. do. Elegant Worked muslin ROBES, Variety Ginghams Do. HANDKERCHIEFS, Do. 4qrs. IRISH LINE VS. 5 qrs. do SHEETINGS, Plain and changeable SILKS, Good assortment RIBL50NS, VESTINGS, DIMITIES, Furniture DIMITIES, Silk and Cotton HOSIERY, Silk and Kidd GLOVES, SATINNETl'S, VIGONE1S, domestic Ging- hams and SHIRTINGS, a variety rf TANCY ARTICLES, &C. he. 1 he above goods were purshased in New Yotk at the lowest Cash prices, and will be sold low purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Lexington, May, 18 21tf. Just Imported, AND FOR SALE, AT W. MENTEELE'S COMMISSION STORE, Main Street, next door to Mr. Win Le.ivy, FJiESil GAltDEN SEEDS flV irt triNTIlVnvn nrntmr i ..- - Englni Walnuts, Sianuh EMerti and Ground Nuts. Also, A variety of Choice TOYS, FOR '1 HE APPROACHING CHRISTMAS, & NEW-FEA1V- H GIFTS, SUCH AS DOLLS, Wholesale and Retail, BOXES, Glass and Pa.i.led, Elegant Painted be Quecn'suareSNUrniOXES, MILLS, CUP cj BALL, TETOTUMS, and oih-ei- s too numeious for descriolJon. REFINED LIQUORICE, in boxes, for colds, and cougi.s, Ditto in sticks. DURABLE INK, R ISINS, b) the boy, or by tlie pound, An elegant and cheap set ot'dlJNA, An assoitment ot QUEENS' WARE. 1TDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, supenoi quality. ROSS COTTON, Ditto SPUN, ot all sizes, BOMBAZETTS, and other Drv Goods, COMMON WARE, Iv'Wholesale and Retail. RAPPEE SNUFF. - Orders from the countrj , attended to,punctunlly. 47 November 20 Dissolution of Partnership, The partnership, of JOSEPH H &L HAW- - KINS, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons having claims against the concern, will present them to JOSEPH II. HAWKINS for adjustment, and all persons indebted in any manner whatever will make payment to him. J. H. HAWKINS, L. HAWKINS. Lexington, March 26, 1816. 20tf Brass Foundry. Th Rllharrib.! iiiFn.m Ilia frit.nAv vnA ti. Public in general that he continues to carry on the Brass Founding business in all its various Blanches, at the old stand formerly nr.eiinipri nv I jr !;. vvnnnnitt. nn i.m k pet and will always keep on hand an assortment of iJT oil 1 . 1 ... .. .. . viiu iruus, suovei anu longs, uoor cuocuers, nannlptirka. .....,,., ftr!. filltQlipn1 in ... ill. nalcl man. nv. .....u.'..- - VUW ....Ml...... ...a..--I ner ; he will likewise cast Bells, and work for I Maciiinery on tna shortest notice ; lie lias also a Cupcta lor casting Iron, all orders in that line wU be punctually attended to. Grateful lor nast savors he hones to mpnt s r.nnttn. ance of the sain EZRA WOODRUFF. Lexington, July 9 th, 1815. 28 tf The Partnership of I. &E. Woodruff is this day dissolved by mutual consent, all persons uaving unsettled accounts with the late firm, are requested to call and settle them without delay, as the Subscribeis are anxious to have their accounts all settled up to this date. I. &. E. WOODRUFF. Lexington, July 9. 28 tf Fulling Business. rPHE public are informed that the subscribers have entered into pai tncrslnp in the FULLING BUSINESS, knd that thev have amiointcd M'Lair and John Ranch, at the Lexington Woolen 1 r acioiy, lo receive clotlis tor them to finish, w Jncli willbeieturnedon the second Saturday s' in every month, finished in a style at least eual to any other in the country. JOEL SCOTT, WM II. COX. K. B Also, WOOL CARDING to be done in the bestitjle. Machines in as good order as any in the United States. Nov 18. 47-3- m Partnership Dissolved. .'pHE partnership of FRY Sj CARSON is this - day dissolved by mutual consent. Those in- - aeouMi 10 ene nrra are requested to come forward ana pay ineir respective oaiances : and those hv- - inp lletnanrls flainvr them, tn tn.ir. rn....J !.; o D r ..5 .wi nuu. eueir accounts fen settlement. JOHN FRY, W.CARSON. August 1, 1816. 34- - irr The business ftflllfe ;ihnv nni.n .. Ill !...- - aster be carried on by the subscriber. . JOHN FRY. A Negro Boj, AGED SEVENTEEN YEARS, fsr Sale, by WihLlAM ROBINSQN, On Main-stree- 2 doors tl ora the Office of the Kentucky InsUraiHe Company, NOV. 10. 46 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Noember5, 1816 Notjce rs HEREBY oivEif, that funds haw been assigned for the piyment of such Tiieasc ry Nots, and the interest tlieieon, as are now-du- e at the Loan office in the city of New Youe in the state of New-Yoi- and which were not embraced by the liotificafidn'Trom this depart- ment on the 22d of August, 1 81 6 And the said Treasury Notes w ill accord- ingly be paid upon the application 'of tliehoH- - el-- s thereof respectively, at the said'Loan Office m tlie City of New ojrk, y tTme.piiorto the first day of January, 1817, afjei-jWhic-h day interest will cease to be payable? upon the said Treasury Notes. f ' The Commissioners in the several,st2tes are requested to make this notice generally known by all means in their power , and tlie Printers authorised to publish die laws orthe United States will bepleascd to insert it once a week in their.respective papers until the first day of January next. ' WM. H. CRAWFORD. Nov 26 50-- 4 - r-- JP THE KENTUCKY ALMANAC, FOR THE TEAR OF OUR LORD 1817. ' Is just published and for sale aftliispffice, by the gross, dozen, or single. f TT C3" Order from a distance will be strictly to. y The Third VolunTe '" Of Bradford's Edilioftnf the LAWS OF KENTUCKY. ' 'H IS v. ork is noiv in the pi es's, and the pi iutin g nearly finished., The publication will be delays ed n sew weeks, In to ndd toit die laws ns t(ie ensuing session ol the genelal lisscmbl). It mil then eomprehend all the Genu 1 Laws n hiclfhav r been passed since the publicatibiTof the scSanJfvol. nine, and the three volumes"eoutain tlitfwfiole sta- tute laws of Kentuekj . WehaveOn hand a sew copies of the first and second volumes Gentlemen wuluni; to pi ovule themselves with, a complete eopj of the laws vull , do well b) applying soon, as the) Mill lemam a ve-- rj limit time ou hand when the thud volume is published. Nov. 18. 47 'JLV the Public. MY Shop is nextdoor to the Kentucky Gazette piiuting-oflic- i.heicl carry ou mv business in its several biaiclies of SADDLING ft MILITARY ACCOU1 RE MENT MAKING. I tender my grautul acknotthdgments to my customers for th disunguished iiattoiuiKfil haieiecme'd fiom them. My fiienilsaud tlicpiUJlie prompt 1 feel confident that with the aid of some of the best m oi kinei. ami a coasfint uppl of. the most choice niatemls, 1 shall be ithle to render ample satiifaelion w ho may please to lavou me nidi their applications by ordei or otherwise, JOHN BRYAN. January 22. , ' ' (tJ Patent Elastic Saddles. J uord to those vho are fond of easy riding. 1 he coiuplaiut against hard and unel.y saddteSj. w liieh is. for the- - most pai t a just and general one, unit is icall) hgiektgnevaneetotho3e who havcreuen. tiding to do, has eaused me to turn my iiiind pwti-cular- ly to that subject, nidi a view it possible tnie-med- y the evil I ean nidi confidence assiue die public that I haie accomphshed it I have jiroject-t- a plan which is by raeaU9 ofstrotig4ndivell tem- pered steel springs, so oonsteuetd as to support, Ui saddleseat Sc give mucligi eater ease to both rider U horae, than saddles made jn the common wavoi-an- r other Uiat t hate city seen, can possibly do. The phn is entirely ihffcycut ficm the Engllsli elastic, saddles wilti spi mg b u s 6rsie"el7iTiSreboiic, ice. anil also from those widi vine springs, and I concevc mueh saperior to either, as the elasticiti is grcatct and the tree not being put out of iu original lorm! will not he subject to hurting horses on jouinevs, which is complained of In the saddles vuth spiing bars. A number oi gentlemen in tins tow n and ita vicinity, hai e those saddles now-i- use, and but one sentiment I believe cuists among them iiiTaiournf their sepenoiiti The invention is equally as appli- cable to ladies saddles as to gentlemeiis'. A ny per- son desirous of purchalmg those easv saddles, is at liberty first to niale Uial of one and judge of theit ease tor thcraseties. In point ofdnrability.liult warrant them erjual to nay otliei saddles, and supe. nor to most. (J I hive obtained a Patent from the United-State- s for this invention, and am ready to disposeof patent lights to Saddlers, for other counties Is icquired, I w ill furnish a tree with spiing ready fixed a ml attained, which may sen e as a mo- del tow oik by, "and wdl jive the necessai y insti uc tions. J. BRYAN To 7y Fn$ndiand the Public in general. JOHN MARSH has again commenced the BUSINESS. He has in his. employment workmen of the best kind. Cot- ton Yarn for sale of the best quality, and as cneajv as any in me western country. I alsa wish to inform the public that I have ready sop sale, one SPINNING TH ROSTLE of 108 spin -- dies, with all the neRMsnrv niviumnnn ma chinery; and tvill have finished by the fiist of January, 1807, too more machines of thevsamc amount. 1 hose persons wishing td purchase Machinery, can ako be accommodated with a first rate woitman to superintend their busU ness. 42-- October 14. JV 0T I Q E. ALL and ci ery persons are heiehy for'warned from trading for, or taking an asstgnment,pn a note given by me Myers, for S3o0,'payable the 15th October, 1SIG, as 1 am detei mined not to paythe same unless compelled by law, he, not hav- ing complied ivitli the contract for which said note nasgneii ROBERT CULBERTSON. Nov. 28 49-- 3 Stills for Sale: The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ- ent sizes and of the best quality.'which he will sell low for cash. He has lately received from Philadelphia a quantity of Copper, which him to furnish stills and Boilers Of any size, at the shortest notice. He also continues to carry on the i - TINNING BUSINESS, as usual. . ,, ' , - Two or three JOURNEYMEN TINNERS Would be employed, to whom the highest wages will be given. M.'FISHEL. JLexington, Qetob-- r lf 1815. ;tf IWe .1 h 1 ' W y a v 4 v i -

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Page 1: POETRY. Robert Noember5, It Merchandise, Machine Cards-nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hjc9d/data/1639.pdf · 2012. 6. 4. · POETRY. THE ESCAPE OF L.VVALETTE. ar x. a. wmonT. Itwas night


ar x. a. wmonT.

It was night and tl e silence of death was aroond,Save the clanking of chains in thepnsoner's cell,

Oi Hip groan tlmt in heai sound,Aslbe tieadot the sentinel heavily sell.

Ah ! who i it leans on that tahle of stone,And tranquilly witches the lamp's Hiding beam'

Film, firm iihis bosom , he utters no moa-n-No tears from the lountain of sy numthy sti earn.

To morrow the sun wilf dispense his blight rajBut the sun ol the held giows fcclilc and dim ;

The shade of oppression has gloom M on his way ,And the niglit bird is chanting his fuue ral I") mil.

ita feels but thit feeling is ful and still j

And he wastes not in 0 unless complaining hisbreath ;

3c bows him submissirer to Heaveu'v high will,And calmly aw nits the approach oflui death.

Full oft for h'a counfri his bosom he"' barM,And scal'd the ro igh mountain, oi stemra'd Ui'e

dark flood ,

Ahke in her gnef and her lorj lie shai M,And sought for her wcltilie 'mid peril and blood

Ungratefiif! she dooms him the lot oTthevile 'She turns from the h,;ht of his 'soul beaming

eje'And the demon of mnice, with hell in her smile,

la perspective beholds hour a heio can die '

O, shame on ttio tyrant! thou steep'st on tH throneUpheld by the men ilets minions of pride i

Thy lullaby song is the Victim's last gi oanThy hands in the of viuue are dy'tl.

But cheer thee, brave heart 1 tho' thy lamp fades" 'away

And thou look'st onHhc morro.r, the last of thyhours ;

Vei shortly for thee shall there dawn a new day,Enliven d with and Uloomirg with

slow era.

Mid Uiejcircle of friends who have liv'd in shy

smileThere is one, aJkright angel ofviitue, and, truth,

AVhoe prayer 10 the Autho.-o- f gooduess eie while,Host, blest, lor her husbauj and laie of hei


O, who but the wise, on whose bosom so ileir, '

The lii.ro lull often had v"o'd Ins hea I,

Would have rent (he sti on; slucMcs of peril andse ir,

And the path from destruction to safety haveled? , ' ,

She hid pass'd through the guard to the ltincrnost,sell .

The joung pledge of her love his attended her

The cliains of the ciptirealready hive sell,And hope in his dungeon has darted a i ay.

4 &The chieftain loots up ftom his tahle of stone,

No longer he wjtljjhestho lamp's lading beam ;He presscs'tlieTheai t ollus w ife to h'sowti,

And theJtearsSfioui' the fountain of sj mpathysticain.F ,

The lips of his daughter inhale the warm kiss;The soul of the hem, undaunted and Uave,

Is entrKii-.M,an- J expands with the tulluess of bliss

For his lo'd one h is ofier'd ma sa&ty, to sive

' 0 haste thee ! (cries she ;) when the. portalthou'st gam'd,

'Thou wilt find there are fiicnds who watcho'er thyjatc ; '

Though thyhenijes onceret. their honor"

" They'll protect thee, my husband I"ly ' sly,ere too late '."

The tread of thepi isoner cautiously fallsThe w Sdo spreading mantle is overbim, thrown

IJis child his suppoi tcr, he leaies the drear alls,And Iiuppines3, freedom and life, are his ow n !

Awa) from the cultures who thirst for his blood,By his gen'rous pieserveisaltendcd, ba flies t

Tl.ey scale the tough u.onr.run: they ciois thedai k flood

He is sale ! mid to Heaven his orisoas rise.

Brave hero ! again shall thy bosom expand ;

To thy he irt shall thy wise and thy daughter bepresj'd ; '

And thine cv'ning of life, in some happier hndThan Lb) suffering country, be tr.iuu.uil and blest

In Paris, the gallery of the theatre istailed Paradise. The Dutchess of Or-

leans look a fancy to go to the plriy onenight, with only a fille de chambre and tosit there. A young officer sat next her,who was very free in his addresses, andwhen the play was over, concluded by of-

fering her a supper, which she seemedto accept. He accompanied her downstairs, but was confounded when he sawher attendants and equipage and heardher nr.mc. Recovering, however, hispresence of mind he handed her into Ijcrcarriage, bowed in silence, and was re-

tiring when she called out, where is thesupper you promised I He bowed and d,

" in Paradise madam, tve are allequals; but 1 am not insensible of therespect I owe you on earth." Theprompt and pioper reply obtained forhim' a place in the Dutchess' caniage,andVt her table.

CHINESE METH6D OF MENDINO CHINA.Take a piece of flint elass, beat it to

sine powder, and gi ind it well with thegrille of an egg, and it jojns china with-6- U

rivetttng, s.o that no art can break itin the same place. You are to observe,that the composition is to be ground ex-

tremely sine on a painter's stone.

GEOROE SHANNON,Attorney at Law,

KEEPS his office on Poplar How, in the sameliouse eccupicd by the Lexington Branch Bank

, 9ff February 25, 181fi.

NOTICE,T0 all whom it may concern, That Iihall apply

to the court to bo held for the county of Gallatin,on the second Monday in February next, for an or-d-

to establish a town on my land, 1) ingin M'Cmills'Bottom, on the Ohio river, and about eight mileshboye the mouth Ot Kentucky 'river agteeablt tomj act ot assembly in sucu catu maoe ami provided

Samuel Sanders.October Uth, 181G. W-- rn 3m

, Eor Sale.mvn HtiNnrtr.n ami twv. nr r.r n .

" LAND, about eicht acres cleared, on which 'laii goon tvucneii, L.oom nouse,

llarn and Hen liouse,n Oi. hiii.ilipd nml ...... Aii.iIm- -v..v j, 'i. ...- -

U ees, chiell T choice grafted fruit, Cher,Oimson-ti'tes- , and excellent never-fullin- g

water Teviostnay be knoom to the.siibsetibei, living bn the preinisJs, fio milesijcxfngtou. about half Oulf east of tlie LeestowuV5ad ' A BArfUIUUGB.

Robert A. Gatcwood,Has opened a very general and well selected assort

ment of

Merchandise,In his new brick housej opposite Mr. James Wier'sStoi e, which he offers lor sale at wholesale or retailon a vcrj small advance foi Cash.

January I SIC,

Silver Plating.Andukw M. Jamo-Id- anelJiiHN C. Nuttjux,

Have commenced, theSilver Plutihg Business,

Opposite the Kentucky Insurance Company'sOffice, Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky, under the firm of '

JJINVAUY & NUTTMJ1X,Where they have on hand an elegant assortment of PLATED WAKE.'consisting of BridleUiti, Stirniu, Spurs, SaMlcry, Coach Mount-ing, He. which they w ill dUpase ot at whole-sale or retail on moderate terms. CountryMerchants and Saddlers will finj U their in-

terest to give tliem a call before they puicliaseOld work replited in the best manner, andcash given for old Silver and Pewter.

N. 11. John C. Nuttman will cjntinue toexecute

ENGRAVINGOf ajl all kinds, in the neatest manner, on ap-plication as above.

Lexington, Sept. 25. 40-- tf

JUNIUS GUIA'HJTD Watchmaker,HAS for sale an assortment of the most


Watches and Jewelleryof VEnr nKsonirnos.


CIocli and Watqli MaterialsOr THE BEST WUHKUABSUir;

, All of which wjll be sold low at reducedprices,

lie' keeps hist rhop tnJoors below Capt.w..b...nMi0 mii.,11, iirimiiij' iii.euicu uy Hi

Bosucll as a shop anel lesielence, whereul WAI'CHESiir

the beot and neatest manrer,Lexington, Sept 2o. 39

WAN1EU IMMEDIATELY,20 Caqiciitcrs ami Mill "Wub'UiS,


SEVERAL ST0M2 I.TASONS,Aeqiuinted with crecung furnaces for all 1UONFOUXI)ltY,.uiil au'expciieiieeil man capable oferecting ltd l Woik. Also, wanted to contucLHiih some person oi pel sons to eut 10,000 cords olWood, beloic November next. The ubme woikis WHiiteil near the iiniii toad leading from Loi

Vineennes, about filty miles horn Louis-ill- eEii(in.e of Mr. Williamson alFieneh Lick,

or Maishalls, mar Liek Creek, oi ,1. and T. GPieimss, or Jolm PlcW, Leinjtpn, Kuituekv.

Also, vented to purcLiso several Mike of Oven,33 August 7lh, 181 G.

A STUM HORSE.STRAYED, (supposed to bs rode away by

on Tuesday evening the 27tfiof August, a SOKUEL HOUSE, about IS Uhands high and about 9 jcaispld ; one of thesore feet and both hind feet white , a tuft ofwhite hair near the bottom of the mane, andwhat is very conspicuous and remarkable, lushoulders are maikcdalliound with the collar,andhis breast with the bieast belt having beenmuch galled by being worked in the horsewalk of my factor) . Any person finding andbringing said horse to me, will be geneiouslyrewarded. JOHN JONES.Cotton Tactory, AWier-strec- t,

Lexington, Sept. 2. J 36-t- f

For Sale,THE HOUSE k LOT in Mai ket street, now

occupied by Mi Desforges, fiist door below thenc I'lesbytenan Cluuch, and thud aboe theEpiscopalian. '."or terms applj to Mi. John L.Maftiu, or to the suhscubci, one andone.fouithmiles north of Lexington.

JASEZ VMGUS.April 8, 1816. 16-- t'f

FOR SALE,ON a long credit, by giving bond and

becurity, an

Elegant New Carriage.Annlv to TIIOMAST. TOniVl.PTr.nirtnn nrJOHN TQDU, near Walnut-Hill- . 40- -

Jolni Norton,DKUGGI6T,

Opposite the Iusqi ance Dank, Main st Lcxinetqn

rj AS received an extensive assortment oflLJ.i rcn AleJicines, I'amts. Per.

fumes, Pocket and Key Instruments, Scat loca-tors, Spring and Crown Lancets, Scales andWeights, cc Physicians, Merchants and thepu.Mic, will be supplied on the lowest terms,wliniesaie or retail, lie has on hand SOOUlbStone Ochre, whicli he will sell low for cash

Au?ut 17, 1816. 34

Partnership Dissolved.THE PARTNERSHIP OP

Jlshlon, Beach and Neille,IS this day dissolved by mutual consent All

those havingdcmRiuls nn the liim, aie requested toapplj to Ashtonand Ileach sop the same all in- -df.bflilta fht? fintl QTp tnmati.nQi'iDbntin 4 !...- - - - ..

i- - .i.vii. iu taiminand Beaeh, who are aUthoiised to receive the same.


Ixjxington, March 2ll,181G, ld--

Tte Coach Making Business,In all its vai ions branches, is still can icjl on at the

old stand bj ASH'l ON sc BEACH, wieic Cam.ages, Gigs, he he. ril be m.le or repaired on theshortest notice, and neutest nlanner, and on themost reasonable terms.

FOUNDRY.The subscriber having commenced a

Brass, Iron and Bell Foundry.In the town ol Lexington, opposite Lewis S indei s's,Main street, w ishes to inform his friends, and thepublic in general, tliat lie now em tk-- s them on in alltheir DianUies an Uudsot brass and iron machine-ry will be east on the shortest nouec, ami in the hestmaher also bells for taverns, court houses, seeHe will keep on hand an assortment of slat irons,hatter's irons, tailor's irons, dog irons, wafle irons,wheat fan irons, K.c.

AH orders will be thankfully ieceiied,,md ptiucrtiially attended to, b tile subscriber

JOSEHH BltUEX,rekruarSJ. 10


For Sale byWILLIAM C. I1ELL,

At his store on Cheaputli oppositcthe

'47 - Nov. 18.


TIIANKPUL for past savours,-be- g leave totheir Western friends, that they still contuiue

iu iiansaet business on eouunission as lormerl)4S-- 1815


E. WARFIELDHas just received from Philadelphia, and is

no'v opening at his Store, Main-st- i eet, Lexington, an eiegant assortment ot Merchandise,wuicu lie is ueierminea eo sen low. wnoiesaleor retail for Cash he has fresh Teas, andmany I.idi goods that have been veiy scarcefor some time past such as Senshaa's. Lutestrings, Sursurkers, India Mulls, plain andfigured China ware, tec, he. together with anelegant assoitment of fancy goods, suitable tothe season.

May 10, 1811. 20tf

Wool Carding.Merino and Common Wool Carding in a

ouneneroivie ana on tlie usual terms at San,ders, 2 2 Miles horn Lexington, by

LEWIS SANDERS.Lexington,-Ma- 28, 1815.


The Rllbsclihtl-ln- s sun Won! CanVittr. Afa1.;.i.IU51 finished Ini- - salp. Also Iwn T ra' insspindles eaeh, 3 Engines for Carding Cotton, a Uo- -

niK name on- - ians, urwiiiguainu ol 3 heartseaeh, a Heel, ice Ke. These. Machines will bew iu anted to peilorm as well as any ever made inthis counti j , n 1 not intei 101 to those made in tiecstem thej will be sold altogether oi'scpa.raff! . tin Cev.ti..,... iirfi 1 Ifi V O- .nA...l.D .... .

J - 'I -- -I , - - IllWIIItt., .J UI

younNiops, or Wlusk), Bacon, UcLS-axai-

THOMAS STUDMANLexington, Apiil 28tb, IStB 18-- tf


THE Lexmgtaii MauufaUarincCoiuiianvareilesiious ol oht lining a quantity of sine bleached Lu.e"and Cotton HAGS, which aie necessiry to enablellioin to niauulacluie the inlpoitant artiLle of sinet'aper, ol v.lncli so much is annually im oiled, andluidit be aiuidt.il is the patiiotism oriEconomv olthe ladies of Kentucki , would induce them to adoptme cimoms oi me lauies in me e istern states, vizto Keep a Rag Hag, which is usuilh hung up in aplace convenient lor the puiuose, and in w lueh Hiedeposited the Rags that almost daily appe. in ever) laigeiamni t tlie emi oi tlie year j oui lagbas thus atltuded, will pro-luc- e i ou a liberal sumfor , ami greatly aid die important uianu- -

lacioues ol jour state.Six Cents in money will be paid for sine bleached

Linen or Cotton Katrs and a price m proroi tion foreoai ser epi ehtj , or for tow made fi om flax 01 hemp

appij ai uic .iianuiaeioij or toJ. k T. G. PRENTISS.

Lexmqon, Nor. 22, 18J5. 48 tl

.Dissolution oi' Partnership.THE FIRM OF

Parker & GravesIS THIts DAY dissolved by mutual consent.

All debts due to or from the late eoncei n, w ill besettled by William W. Giaies


Lexington, April 11, IS1C. 1-7-

IVilliam W. Graves,In addition to the I itestnett, is just reeeiiing a fiesli

supply of MERCHANDISE, suitable for thepresent and approaching seasons, consisting of

Diy Goods, Groceries, HardwareHucens.i - Wiites YoiinRHison-- v .f.lpss&tJCAlsD Ii i .

Chnia J Jj Brand) (. Lnperial J

New Goods.josephTlemon.

Has just recened a neat and general assortment of

French, India and BritishGOODS,

In addition to his former assortmr-n- t ohirhwill render it complete. Prompt paymentsbeilif made iur the same, hr-- ivill l pn.,l,l..rlto sell wholesale or retail tt l educed pricesiur casn.

"Wanted 8.000 yards Tow Linen.Half Cash and half Goods will be given.

t Antrim 1816.

SOJP isf CANDLE FACTORY.TMIE Subscriber has lately enlarged his es-- -

tablishment by additional buildings, andwill now be enabled to supply the public bywholesale and letail. with nrimpRflAP nr.v..ry kind, equal in quality to any manufactured!. l.a TTlVlfdrl Cthtan n n ,1 .!. I. . a111 nic vjiiiLtu wi,aici -- auu wain iue uesiDIPPED es MOULD CANDLES.

Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchantswho may purchase those articles either for theloreign ur iiomc luuuu, or utose who wantthem for domestic use, will find it to theki

call on him. or tn him ihpn-- nr.ders, which will be promptly attended to, andtaiiuiuuy eieeeueei.

JOHN BUIDGES,Corner of Water and Main Cross Streets, next

door to Mr. Bradford's Steam Mill and Cot-ton Factory, Lexington.The highest cash pricesgiven for TAIjLOIf,

HOGS LARD, XiTCREA GREASE, AthetIS Pot Athet, at the above factory,

41 October 10. 1814


Unsuiess. Youths of goodcharacter1, who can come well recommendedwill meet with encouragement on applicationto BlEliUWAN it HULL.

Lexington, Nov- - 25. 48

To Rent,A SMALL convenient BRICK HOUSE, a

i JL lew doors Irom Capt. Postletliwait s Ta-vern There is on the lot a pump of excellentwater with a good Smoke-hous- e and Dairy.For terms apply to DAVID M.EG0WAN.

V Lexington, Nov. 25. 48

JOSHUA HUMPHREYS,Has on hand and oilers for sale, at reduced prices,

at insCOMMUSSION HOUSE, Lexington,

Machine Cards- -

HAVING formed a corresnondence with theManagers of the Neu --York Manufactmy of

UAiius, anil having been employed b) Mr. DanielRyder of this place, (the onlv pei son in the westerueountiy ho makes ihem) to sell all those made byhim, he flatters himself lie will have it m hispower to supply the demand therefoic solicits orders, promising to pay the strictest attention iqniving men. piompiiy and eiacuy lillea; anushould those from New-Yor- k be prcfeired, he willoiuer them on iiniuediiU.lv. Nov 9 40-- tt


V J. B. UORLAXI),fWb. 47, Main Street Lexington,)

Has just received and opened an extensiveassortment of

FRKSII DRY GtfODS,,Among which "are the following articles:


'CAMBRICS,Satin, Stripe, Cordsd and Figured do.Plain, Bopk and Leno MUSLIM,Figured do. do. do.Elegant Worked muslin ROBES,Variety Ginghams


5 qrs. do SHEETINGS,Plain and changeable SILKS,Good assortment RIBL50NS, VESTINGS,DIMITIES, Furniture DIMITIES, Silk andCotton HOSIERY, Silk and Kidd GLOVES,SATINNETl'S, VIGONE1S, domestic Ging-hams and SHIRTINGS, a variety rf TANCYARTICLES, &C. he.

1 he above goods were purshased in NewYotk at the lowest Cash prices, and will besold low purchasers are respectfully invitedto call and examine for themselves.

Lexington, May, 18 21tf.

Just Imported,AND FOR SALE,


Main Street, next door to Mr. Win Le.ivy,

FJiESil GAltDEN SEEDSflV irt triNTIlVnvn nrntmr i ..- -

Englni Walnuts, Sianuh EMerti andGround Nuts. Also,



DOLLS, Wholesale and Retail,BOXES, Glass and Pa.i.led,Elegant Painted be Quecn'suareSNUrniOXES,MILLS, CUP cj BALL, TETOTUMS, and oih-ei- s

too numeious for descriolJon.REFINED LIQUORICE, in boxes, for colds, and

cougi.s,Ditto in sticks.DURABLE INK,R ISINS, b) the boy, or by tlie pound,An elegant and cheap set ot'dlJNA,An assoitment ot QUEENS' WARE.1TDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, supenoi

quality.ROSS COTTON,Ditto SPUN, ot all sizes,BOMBAZETTS, and other Drv Goods,COMMON WARE, Iv'Wholesale and Retail.RAPPEE SNUFF. -

Orders from the countrj , attended to,punctunlly.47 November 20

Dissolution of Partnership,The partnership, of JOSEPH H &L HAW- -

KINS, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against theconcern, will present them to JOSEPH II.HAWKINS for adjustment, and all personsindebted in any manner whatever will makepayment to him.


Lexington, March 26, 1816. 20tf

Brass Foundry.Th Rllharrib.! iiiFn.m Ilia frit.nAv vnA ti.

Public in general that he continues to carryon the Brass Founding business in all itsvarious Blanches, at the old stand formerlynr.eiinipri nv I jr !;. vvnnnnitt. nn i.m k petand will always keep on hand an assortment ofiJT oil 1 . 1 ... .. .. .viiu iruus, suovei anu longs, uoor cuocuers,

nannlptirka......,,., ftr!. filltQlipn1 in... ill. nalcl man.nv. .....u.'..- - VUW ....Ml...... ...a..--Iner ; he will likewise cast Bells, and work for I

Maciiinery on tna shortest notice ; lie lias alsoa Cupcta lor casting Iron, all orders in thatline wU be punctually attended to. Gratefullor nast savors he hones to mpnt s r.nnttn.ance of the sain

EZRA WOODRUFF.Lexington, July 9 th, 1815. 28 tfThe Partnership of I. &E. Woodruff is this

day dissolved by mutual consent, all personsuaving unsettled accounts with the late firm,are requested to call and settle themwithout delay, as the Subscribeis are anxiousto have their accounts all settled up to thisdate. I. &. E. WOODRUFF.Lexington, July 9. 28 tf

Fulling Business.rPHE public are informed that the subscribers

have entered into pai tncrslnp in the FULLINGBUSINESS, knd that thev have amiointcdM'Lair and John Ranch, at the Lexington Woolen 1

r acioiy, lo receive clotlis tor them to finish, w Jncliwillbeieturnedon the second Saturday s' in everymonth, finished in a style at least eual to any otherin the country. JOEL SCOTT,

WM II. COX.K. B Also, WOOL CARDING to be done in

the bestitjle. Machines in as good order as anyin the United States.

Nov 18. 47-3- m

Partnership Dissolved..'pHE partnership of FRY Sj CARSON is this

- day dissolved by mutual consent. Those in- -aeouMi 10 ene nrra are requested to come forwardana pay ineir respective oaiances : and those hv--inp lletnanrls flainvr them, tn tn.ir. rn....J !.;o D r ..5 .wi nuu. eueiraccounts fen settlement.


August 1, 1816. 34- -irr The business ftflllfe ;ihnv nni.n .. Ill !...- -

aster be carried on by the subscriber.. JOHN FRY.


fsr Sale, by

WihLlAM ROBINSQN,On Main-stree- 2 doors tl ora the Office

of the Kentucky InsUraiHe Company,NOV. 10. 46


Notjce rs HEREBY oivEif, that funds hawbeen assigned for the piyment of such Tiieascry Nots, and the interest tlieieon, as are now-du- e

at the Loan office in the city of New Youein the state of New-Yoi- and which were notembraced by the liotificafidn'Trom this depart-ment on the 22d of August, 1 81 6

And the said Treasury Notes w ill accord-ingly be paid upon the application 'of tliehoH- -el-- s thereof respectively, at the said'Loan Officem tlie City of New ojrk, y tTme.piiortothe first day of January, 1817, afjei-jWhic-h dayinterest will cease to be payable? upon the saidTreasury Notes. f '

The Commissioners in the several,st2tes arerequested to make this notice generally knownby all means in their power , and tlie Printersauthorised to publish die laws orthe UnitedStates will bepleascd to insert it once a weekin their.respective papers until the first day ofJanuary next.' WM. H. CRAWFORD.

Nov 26 50-- 4 -r--JP



1817. '

Is just published and for sale aftliispffice,by the gross, dozen, or single. f TT

C3" Order from a distance will be strictlyto. y

The Third VolunTe '"Of Bradford's Edilioftnf the

LAWS OF KENTUCKY.' 'H IS v. ork is noiv in the pi es's, and the pi iuting

nearly finished., The publication will be delaysed n sew weeks, In to ndd toit die laws ns t(ieensuing session ol the genelal lisscmbl). It milthen eomprehend all the Genu 1 Laws n hiclfhav rbeen passed since the publicatibiTof the scSanJfvol.nine, and the three volumes"eoutain tlitfwfiole sta-tute laws of Kentuekj .

WehaveOn hand a sew copies of the first andsecond volumes Gentlemen wuluni; to pi ovulethemselves with, a complete eopj of the laws vull ,

do well b) applying soon, as the) Mill lemam a ve-- rj

limit time ou hand when the thud volume ispublished.

Nov. 18. 47

'JLVthe Public.MY Shop is nextdoor to the Kentucky Gazette

piiuting-oflic- i.heicl carry ou mv business in itsseveral biaiclies of SADDLING ft MILITARYACCOU1 RE MENT MAKING. I tender mygrautul acknotthdgments to my customers for thdisunguished iiattoiuiKfil haieiecme'd fiom them.My fiienilsaud tlicpiUJlie prompt

1 feel confident that with the aid ofsome of the best m oi kinei. ami a coasfint uppl of.the most choice niatemls, 1 shall be ithle to renderample satiifaelion w ho may please to lavoume nidi their applications by ordei or otherwise,

JOHN BRYAN.January 22. , ' '

(tJ Patent Elastic Saddles.J uord to those vho are fond of easy riding.1 he coiuplaiut against hard and unel.y saddteSj.

w liieh is. for the-- most pai t a just and general one, unitis icall) hgiektgnevaneetotho3e who havcreuen.tiding to do, has eaused me to turn my iiiind pwti-cular- ly

to that subject, nidi a view it possible tnie-med- ythe evil I ean nidi confidence assiue die

public that I haie accomphshed it I have jiroject-t-a plan which is by raeaU9 ofstrotig4ndivell tem-

pered steel springs, so oonsteuetd as to support, Uisaddleseat Sc give mucligi eater ease to both rider Uhorae, than saddles made jn the common wavoi-an- r

other Uiat t hate city seen, can possibly do. Thephn is entirely ihffcycut ficm the Engllsli elastic,saddles wilti spi mg b u s 6rsie"el7iTiSreboiic, ice. anilalso from those widi vine springs, and I concevcmueh saperior to either, as the elasticiti is grcatctand the tree not being put out of iu original lorm!will not he subject to hurting horses on jouinevs,which is complained of In the saddles vuth spiingbars. A number oi gentlemen in tins tow n and itavicinity, hai e those saddles now-i- use, and but onesentiment I believe cuists among them iiiTaiournftheir sepenoiiti The invention is equally as appli-cable to ladies saddles as to gentlemeiis'. A ny per-son desirous of purchalmg those easv saddles, is atliberty first to niale Uial of one and judge of theitease tor thcraseties. In point ofdnrability.liultwarrant them erjual to nay otliei saddles, and supe.nor to most.(J I hive obtained a Patent from the United-State- s

for this invention, and am ready to disposeofpatent lights to Saddlers, for other counties

Is icquired, I w ill furnish a tree with spiingready fixed a ml attained, which may sen e as a mo-del tow oik by, "and wdl jive the necessai y insti uctions. J. BRYAN

To 7y Fn$ndiand the Public in general.

JOHN MARSH has again commenced theBUSINESS. He has in his.

employment workmen of the best kind. Cot-ton Yarn for sale of the best quality, and ascneajv as any in me western country. I alsawish to inform the public that I have ready sopsale, one SPINNING TH ROSTLE of 108 spin --

dies, with all the neRMsnrv niviumnnn machinery; and tvill have finished by the fiist ofJanuary, 1807, too more machines of thevsamcamount. 1 hose persons wishing td purchaseMachinery, can ako be accommodated with afirst rate woitman to superintend their busUness. 42-- October 14.

JV 0 T I Q E.ALL and ci ery persons are heiehy for'warned

from trading for, or taking an asstgnment,pn a notegiven by me Myers, for S3o0,'payablethe 15th October, 1SIG, as 1 am detei mined not topaythe same unless compelled by law, he, not hav-ing complied ivitli the contract for which said notenasgneii ROBERT CULBERTSON.

Nov. 28 49-- 3

Stills for Sale:The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ-

ent sizes and of the best quality.'which he willsell low for cash. He has lately received fromPhiladelphia a quantity of Copper, which

him to furnish

stills and BoilersOf any size, at the shortest notice. He alsocontinues to carry on the i -

TINNING BUSINESS,as usual. . ,, ' , -

Two or three JOURNEYMEN TINNERSWould be employed, to whom the highestwages will be given. M.'FISHEL.JLexington, Qetob-- r lf 1815. ;tf


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