plink and tango card prove rewards thrive in the...

® Plink and Tango Card Prove Rewards Thrive in the Cloud. Case Study – December 2012 Digital is less expensive, more effective Beyond the incentive Raas – Rewards as a Service Rediculously effecient integration Seismic changes In the era of smartphones, web-prominence, and a tech savvy population, the old physical employee rewards and perks just don’t cut it anymore. Tango Card is spear- heading the effort to integrate rewards into the cloud, driving the shift from outdated, slow, and expensive physical gifts to cheap, instant and accurate digital rewards Those who want to pay shipping and handling on a beer cozy need not apply. Peter Vogel, co-founder and CEO of Plink, understands the value of digital rewards. “For Plink, digital rewards are no longer just a nice option to provide our members. It’s a must-have. Plink members now rely on and expect the speed and convenience of digital rewards.” Bridge the gap Much like Hardware as a Service (eg cloud computing) and Software as a Service (SaaS), Tango Card offers RaaSTM – Re- wards as a Service. When we upgrade, like adding a new redemption option or the ability to distribute digital goods in an innovative way, you’ll automatically benefit without any further investment. Unlike large entrenched companies, Tango Card is nimble and can quickly respond to the voice of the customer in our products, features, and roadmap. To learn more about Tango Card business solutions, go to

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Page 1: Plink and Tango Card Prove Rewards Thrive in the… · and perks just don’t cut it anymore. Tango Card is spear-heading


Plink and Tango Card Prove Rewards Thrive in the Cloud.

Case Study – December 2012

Digital is less expensive, more eff ective

Beyond the incentive

Raas – Rewards as a Service

Rediculously eff ecient integration

Seismic changes

In the era of smartphones, web-prominence, and a tech

savvy population, the old physical employee rewards

and perks just don’t cut it anymore. Tango Card is spear-

heading the eff ort to integrate rewards into the cloud, driving the shift from outdated, slow, and expensive physical gifts to

cheap, instant and accurate digital rewards Those who want to pay shipping and handling on a beer cozy need not apply.

Peter Vogel, co-founder and CEO of Plink, understands the value of digital rewards. “For Plink, digital rewards are no

longer just a nice option to provide our members. It’s a must-have. Plink members now rely on and expect the speed

and convenience of digital rewards.”

Bridge the gap

Much like Hardware as a Service (eg cloud computing) and Software as a Service (SaaS), Tango Card off ers RaaSTM – Re-

wards as a Service. When we upgrade, like adding a new redemption option or the ability to distribute digital goods in an

innovative way, you’ll automatically benefi t without any further investment. Unlike large entrenched companies, Tango

Card is nimble and can quickly respond to the voice of the customer in our products, features, and roadmap.

To learn more about Tango Card business solutions, go to

Page 2: Plink and Tango Card Prove Rewards Thrive in the… · and perks just don’t cut it anymore. Tango Card is spear-heading

To learn more about Tango Card business solutions, go to

Plink is an online-to-offl ine loyalty program that rewards members for

dining and shopping at their favorite national restaurants an offl ine

stores. Plink members create an account at, then safely and

securely link the credit or debit card of their choice, and begin earning

rewards. “Our members have asked for more choices and Tango Card

allows us to expand the innovative ways they can earn rewards for

eating and shopping offl ine,” said Plink’s Vogel. By partnering with

Tango Card and leveraging rewards through the cloud, Plink members

are able to earn rewards that can be redeemed for cash, donated to

charity or exchanged for merchandise from top brands like compa-

nies such as Amazon, Starbucks, and iTunes.

“By partnering with Tango Card, we’ve added a comprehensive array

of digital rewards to our product, with very little eff ort on our end” –

making Plink the simplest, easiest and most engaging way to reward

offl ine purchases,” added Vogel. Off ering rewards through the cloud

off ers a variety of benefi ts:

• Real-time access and budgeting. Applications integrated with cloud leverage the most recent data. It also

enables on-demand purchasing, removing the need to budget.

• Improved operations: With all the manual processes of rewards transitioned to automated ones, the level of

accuracy improves automatically.

• Security. Physical rewards are subject to theft and fraud in a way that the security protocols of rewards in the

cloud cannot be altered.

• Scalability and fl exibility. Rewards via the cloud allows Plink to choose from Tango Card’s complete curated

menu of rewards, accessing the ones most suited to their business needs. If requirements change, they can

upgrade or downgrade their requirements whenever necessary which helps them maintain rewards cost.

Page 3: Plink and Tango Card Prove Rewards Thrive in the… · and perks just don’t cut it anymore. Tango Card is spear-heading

To learn more about Tango Card business solutions, go to

Making integration easy

As rewards migrate to the cloud, it becomes imperative for them to be easily integrated. “Plink used Tango Card’s

simple SDK,” said Bryan Tyler, CTO of Plink.

The Tango Card SDK is designed specifi cally to make gift cards and digital goods easier for developers,

allow integration with minimal friction, and provide with complete budget control. By reducing

the time required to source and fulfi ll rewards to minutes, Tango Card enables scale easily.

Tango Card also changes the economics of rewards by allowing you to pay only for what you

actually use – there are no fees outside of the cost of the rewards themselves. Tango Card SDKs

provide developers the tools to build resilient applications and avoid costly and ineffi cient overhead.

“We are deeply committed to customer loyalty and customer service, and we’ve been impressed with Tango Card in

that regard,” said Vogel. “The Tango Card team quickly acknowledged our opportunity and had a solution live within

weeks. Plink is a startup and we were impressed by the attention we got. It’s another reason why rewards in the cloud

make sense – you can iterate and improve quickly.”

Want to learn more?

• How does Plink work?

• Tango Card developer tools and SDKs

• About Tango Card

The Tango Card SDK is designed specifi cally to make gift cards and digital goods easier for developers,

allow integration with minimal friction, and provide with complete budget control. By reducing

the time required to source and fulfi ll rewards to minutes, Tango Card enables scale easily.

Tango Card also changes the economics of rewards by allowing you to pay only for what you

actually use – there are no fees outside of the cost of the rewards themselves. Tango Card SDKs

provide developers the tools to build resilient applications and avoid costly and ineffi cient overhead.

“Their approach to integration is extremely turn-key; the set-up and launch required very little engineering and overhead investment from Plink.”