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Post on 03-Sep-2015




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PLENARY DISCUSSION20 CMembers of 20 CRizki Meizikri (1010311010)Arzia Rahmi (1010311021)Dhania Pratiwi (1010312066)Nelvita Sari Ramadhan (1010312077) M. Nadirsyah (1010313007)Ivan Maulana Fakh (1010313019)Nidya Khaireza (1010313037)Ari Rahmawati (1010313045)Raudhatul Husnia Agus (1010313061)Mulfa Satria Asnel (1010313109)

scenariounfortunately mrs. YULIDAR

mrs Yulidar (52 years) came to the health center with a lump in Padang Overseasher right breast, the lump has been felt since 12 months ago. Since 3 monthsthen the lump continues to expand rapidly. The doctor then checksphysical found a lump on the right breast and palpable size of 5x5 cm hard, and there is a bumpAt the age of 20 years mrs Yulidar ovarian tumors had undergone surgery and is doneanatomical pathology examination, the results of dermoid cysts (mature teratoma), according to this doctoris a benign tumor. Mrs Yulidar currently have 4 children. sister Yulidarsuffering from cervical cancer, and had died five years ago.On gynecological examination: no palpable abdominal mass. Inspekulo: slippery vaginal wall,no tumor and fluid, lower portion: multiparous, slippery and there is no fluid out of the canalcervical. VT / BM: Uterine for chicken eggs, chewy consistency, adnexapalpable parametrial limp, tumor (-). Laboratory examination of Hb 9.3 g%, leukocytes 12,000 /mm3. Then because of suspicion of malignancy in breast health center doctors refer mrsYulidar to the hospital. Dr. M. Djamil Padang. How do you explain what had happened to mrsYulidar and family? Problem

1. How does age mrs Yulidar to now?2. Why there are lumps in the breast mrs yulidar since 12 months ago and have not disappeared?3. Why lump continues to expand since 3 months ago?4. How the interpretation of the physical examination the doctor?5. Why did mrs yulidar having ovarian tumors?6. What indications of ovarian tumor surgery, when the tumor was benign?7. How interpretation of anatomic pathology examination?8. Why at age 20 years could have dermoid cyst?9. Why did mrs yulidar who have had ovarian tumors may have a child?10. whether the effect on their children?11. Is there an association of cervical cancer suffered by his brother with mrs yulidar?12. How the interpretation of laboratory tests and gynecological examination?13. Why labor to do the examination?14. What are the gynecological examination?15. Why did mrs yulidar suspected of having malignancy in her breast?

Analysis of problems

Risk factors: Age> 35 years Family history Early menarche long Menaopause Lumps may neoplasm or not.If a benign tumor: invasive longIf a malignant tumor: invasive rapidSo it could be concluded this includes benign tumorsProliferation and hyperplasia occur quickly, you could say maybe this is one malignancy.The size of 5x5 cm, Immobile, there is a lump and had invasiveSince the proliferation of germ cell tumors: 95% will be mature teratomas, while 5% will be immature teratoma.There is no indication, depending on the severity.

7. If found atypical it is no longer resemble the host cell, showing the level of severity.Characteristic features of dermoid cyst: a thick white walls Contains a fluid viscous and oily because sebaceous glands8. Maybe mrs yulidar have a family history of cancer who experience9. Benign ovarian tumors there is no lift efek.di only cyst, if it occurs during pregnancy performed Caesarean section10. No effect due to its benign tumor11. Is a risk factor because there is a family history

12. Gynecological examinations were normal allAt low hb labor inspection, normally 10-12%and had leukocytosis due to more than 10,00013. Laboratory examination to assess bloodCan be used for diagnosisAnd can be for further action14. Anamnesis, life circumstancesGynecological examination: Examination of lithotomy Examination of genitalia Examination inspekulo Bimanual Examination Special Inspection (if needed)15. Because of the results of laboratory examinations: blood testsAnd anatomic pathology: a malignancy of the breast showing.



Reproductive System breast



Learning ObjectiveStudent are able to explain Classification of tumors in reproductive system and breast,benign and malignantRisk FactorsPhysical examination and other examinationDiagnosis and differential diagnosisManagement and Prognosis