play with your food: dissecting the fast food burger julynn benedetti

Play With Your Food: Dissecting the Fast Food Burger Julynn Benedetti

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Play With Your Food: Dissecting the Fast Food Burger

Julynn Benedetti

Thesis Question

What are you really eating? How can one inform and engage the public in a playful, interactive way about the sometimes complex ingredients that make up popular foods?

Precedents: Documentaries & Film

Precedents: Tacoshed

Tacoshed: Do you know where you taco comes from?

Students from the California College of the Arts and Architecture, landscape architect David Fletcher and Rebar art and design studio explore the lifecycle and systems and ecologies of food through the prism of a single taco by tracing the origin of each ingredient.


Create an interactive website that features modules and games which explain and contextualize each ingredient of a fast food burger.

Why dissect?

Reading and trying to understand food labels and ingredient contents can be an arduous, confusing task.

From Burger King

α-Amylase is an enzyme that hydrolyses alpha-bonds of large alpha-linked polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen, yielding glucose and maltose.[1] It is the major form of amylase found in humans and other mammals.[2] It is also present in seeds containing starch as a food reserve, and is secreted by many fungi.From Wikipedia

The interface

Interactive flash-based (coded using Action Script) website and WordPress/blog powered forum

The interface

Experiment/play interactive games section

