play value forum magazine ep1


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The first in the PLay value forum mag


Page 1: Play Value Forum Magazine ep1

Issue 1


Page 2: Play Value Forum Magazine ep1

Table of Contents

The Nostalgia Factor PG.2

Eyepet Preview PG.3

Move. PG.4

Duke Nukem FOREVER pg.6

Kenny interview Pgs 7-9 FEATURED ARTICLE


Reviews PGS 11-15

The demos right Mafia 2 pg 16


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The Nostalgia Factor By:AerochederI recently returned to one of my favorite games that I used to play when i was seven or eight years old Harvest Moon Magical Melody. I returned to it and I thought it would be amazing and it was but not nearly as good as it was. Under normal circumstances most people would review this game and be blinded by nostalgia but I decieded that i wanted to talk about it without the Nostalgia hiding my true opinion about the game. For one i was no longer playing the game cube version but instead the Wii version which had the ability to play as a girl removed which was the most impressive featurre of the game and should have been included as all previous installments allowed you to play as a male and nothing else and in this game you could play as a female. To have this feature removed made no sense at all. Additionally the targeting system was way off in the wii version. But my biggest problem MOTION. I had to play dead still or risk accidentally swinging my sickle or watering can this was very problematic when I had very little energy. However i still found myself enjoying the game and actually found myself addicted once more. Is it just my nostalgia or is it that I genuinely think the game is good. Well thats the thing i donʼt know and can only justify why i think the game is good. So maybe all im asking is that reviewers refrain from using good or bad nostalgia on a game to make the games score better or higher

Building a farm was the best part of this game it starts you with a plot of land says develop it

Hey something is missing in this box art

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Eyepet is adorable a year after its European launch it is coming state side and boy I canʼt wait. This game Is a pet simulator like Nintendogs but actually shows the creature on screen. Now to many it may seem like a cheap gimmick but I have seen people playing it and looks like if you are interested in the genre it will be up there with nintendogs in quality. This game seems to progress starting with an egg and a

doctor explaining everything and then works its way till you are the only one with your eyepet who luckily is customizable. Now that i have my own opinions out lets discuss

the fanboy reaction I will get for saying a casual game has a chance to be good. For all those people who will shove it down my throat SHUT UP AND GET OFF THE KEYBOARD this is a game i am genuinely interested in and if any mention of a casual game gets gamers pissed than think that many people think playing the new Halo game or Cod is dumb.After some play time

The game is good it has a couple problems but now with the move the game is vastly improved check next month for the review

Preview-O-MeterEyepet is adorable Cute and looks loads of funIt is an augmented reality game meaning that a simulated image appears on screen with video of you. The concept looks fun and i doubt it will disappoint.ABOVE Eyepet preps for an expedition

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It’s Time to Move it Move itSony’s Motion controller is more than what it seems


The Sony Move seems like it is wiiHD. The sony magic wand is actually set to do something different it uses the camera as its sensor bar and the lights are the tracking device. AFTER PLAYING ITSO i will do a review of the Move next issue because I need some more time to play it but for now im going to preview it. So

the Move provided you buy the sports champion bundle comes with all you will need plus a demo disc. The games are slightly small on the launch side but are all good with an exception. Start the party is a great mini game collection to start with augmented reality works great and the controls spot on. Eyepet will entertain Just see the last page. Sport champions will make you get into it with Gladiator duels which got me pumped for The fight Lights out and Sorcery as i think they may be similar. Then there is the back catalogue games. These include games like Toy story 3 which i have yet to test even though i own it. Resident Evil 5 gold which i donʼt own yet but plan to test and Heavy Rain which i have no plans on buying for other reasons than i donʼt want to. then we

finally get to the future games. One is Tv superstars which seem like the perfect party accompaniment to Buzz but has the same problem possibly of making the set up way to long. there seems like no guest mode and the making of a character take 10 minutes and while cool it is very annoying. Of course the

one game that stinks is Kung fu rider. Which i wish was good cause it seems just like a game i would buy it was lacking and not worth 40 bucks overall I will review this

and actually say all the positives and negatives

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No title needed the above does it perfect Duke is finally going to finish the un-finished DNF is now being headed by Borderlands Dev Gearbox. This game is laying it heavy on the humor and heavy on the action and is probably already booking itself on every news channel as a controversial game. SO Why did Gear box take the project. Because Randy Pitchford worked on Duke back in the early days well now he will finish the game. After opinions from many un biased people they said the game was just another damn fun and good duke game nothing ground breaking not worth 13 years but fun. I think im actually happy hearing that. This means the game will be focused and humorous. This game is likely to get slammed when it comes out as people will say it should be better with the amount of work. However this game seems like it was only worked on recently so forget what you saw and get ready for duke

Oh yeah and vehicles equal fun

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INterview With Space COwboy KennyOwner and creator of the PV forums

1. When did you come up with the idea for the forum

After hearing about the shows cancellation i was pretty bummed about it and after seeing

everyones reactions to that "College Dreams" video in the comment section i noticed that a

lot of people have an opinion about the show and especially the network hosting the show

"OnNetworks" so i initially made it so we could talk about "OnNetworks" without them

deleting posts or comments.

2.What is your favorite Play Value episode

as im PV's local SEGA fanboy it Has probably got to be the Dreamcast or the SEGA VS

Nintendo episodes, i originally found that Dreamcast episode on a Youtube search.. and you

can probably guess what happened after that. To be honest i think the Gaming world would

have been better if the Dreamcast lived its kinda sad SEGA had to go.

3. What was it like hearing play value was canceled

It was really sucky, i mean really! At first i was confused as how OnNetworks best show

could have been canned! but then i thought to myself.. well.... it was due to a sponsership

problem as i think the show was being funded by "XBOX LIVE" I think one thing i regret not

doing is kicking down the door of Microsoft and force the old Billy Gates to have a rethink

and make him sponsor the show again, plus it annoyed me because Jeremiah is not only an

awesome director and actor. But he is a genuinely awesome guy i was hoping he could have

got more of the funding to carry on his awesome show.

4. what is your favorite part of the forums

Probably the General Discussion forum as it is the most active part of the entire site, plus

anyone can talk about anything there, but i also like the SEGA forum because when ever

theres SEGA related news or chit-chat in there i cant resist but to post.

5.If you could change something about the forums or what you have done on the forums

what would it be.

Well i don't know if anyone has heard about it, but originally when Ghost was here me and

him were planning on expanding the site beyond just a BBS board... we wanted it to be a

site with content and news and so forth, but like a Ghost... Ghosty just disappeared and

vanished, we haven't heard from him since.

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6.What was your opinion on the short lived

Well back to the topic of Ghosty, me and him were planning on making the site much bigger

and more professional, first it was going to be a new forum with nice shiny buttons and

gizmos on it, it was originally going to be or but all the

domains were taken and we couldn't afford to buy them off the original hosts.. so yeah..

there were many problems with the site.. and well.. look at it yourself its still there with the

"index.htm" there no clue whats going on to it now.

General game questions and other topics

1. What is your favorite Game and why

Surprisingly its not a SEGA game but a Nintendo one and that would be The Legend Of

Zelda : Ocarina of Time for the N64, still to this day i enjoy playing it I remember when i

was Eight years old, me and my mum and brothers were in town and went to have a look in

the local Blockbuster store and they were selling Zelda 64 there for a special price of just

£25 and since i had my birthday coming up, my mum got it for me. As soon as i plugged

that sucka into my Nintendo 64 i couldn't stop playing it.. of course being 8 years old.. your

puzzle or logical skills aren't really up to scratch but still, i managed to beat the game and

defeat Ganon, and it still remains the most epic adventure i have been on, in a video game..

oh yeah... Majoras Mask was good too. and i like Streets of Rage 2...... and Sonic 2... and

ToeJam and Earl : Panic on planet Funkotron, cant beat the multiplayer in those games.

2. What did you think of Sonic 4 and if you played it Sonic colors

Well as some of you know i went to Summer of Sonic 2010 in London and i got to say.... it

was boiling as hell in that room! People were passing out in the line.. and i cant really blame

them as the heat was pretty intense. i played on Sonic 4 (the e3 build) and i was... well

sorta disappointed but... at the same time enjoyed it non the less it is probably the best

Sonic Game since sonic & knuckles but it isn't that great.. recently i show a video of a

fanmade 3d remake game of s&k and it was spectacular go check it out on youtube i only

wish SEGA could have made it like that, and Sonic Colours well... it was meh ok i guess, it

was probably one of the better 3d sonic games and there weren't any gimmicky rubbish

with talking swords or any bestiality scenes with Hedgehog on Woman action in them.. but

to be honest i think its good SEGA have realized that only Fat 12 year old kids the new

games and have finally done right by making 2 series "the classic series" and the "3d


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3.Besides games what do you like

I enjoy Music, listen to a lot of Blur and other rock music, im also a fan of funk and Jazz and

like Jamiroquai and an Israeli band called Funk'n'stein. But im also a bit of a actor i guess

you could say.. i like to create things but alas i don't have any of the tools at my disposal, i

am hopefully guna get a nice camera and mic but since im going to University in probably

not guna have the dosh to fork out money on stuff.

4.What is your favorite game console

SEGA Dreamcast or Sega Mega Drive (Genesis for you Yanks)

SEGA was always the more popular console here in UK most people had a Master System

over a Nintendo, funny eh?

anyways, hope that answered your questions, sorry for the spelling and grammar errors

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The Care-MeterWhere I discuss things people should or should not care about.

Casual vs. HardcorePeople shouldnʼt care i hate that even the smallest mention of a casual game being good will get backlash from “Hardcore gamers” who only play rated M shooters and Sports games a good exampleLBP f***ing sucks! It's a baby game, which is what makes it so f***ing s***ty. How in the world could you f***ing love this game, if there's no violence, no blood or not even a single thing that could make the game cool? THIS GAME


This is an actual comment on a video about LBP 2 i did and the guy just went berserk on telling me this game sucks cause it could be slightly casual if this is what he thinks of a game that most would call a genuine gamers game just imagine what he thinks of casual games and my problem there are people who

agree with him which is why on the care-o-meter this gets a

-5 the lowest meaning no one should care about casual vs hardcore

The inclusion of multiplayer in sequals of single player games

Recently game devs to make people keep a game have added half-a**ed multiplayer modes in formerly single player only games this

happened in bioshock uncharted and more and while the addition has helped games like uncharted it hurt bioshock because they had to put time into a multiplayer. Maybe the reason devs do this is because of the over success of COD where people just play the multiplayer a quite from 2k helps explain this much better "Well, 2K sought the opinions of players from all walks of life, who game for different reasons. And we found that a lot of people craved an extension of the experience, that to them, multiplayer was a way to keep their favorite games alive," Well there you have it the care-o-meter

neutral i would say people should care so that developers push the medium forward but players return games that don’t keep them for more time than single player so it is up to

you guys if you care that devs water down single player experiences for multiplayer

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The Expendables everything you want in an 80ʻs action movie

Starcraft 2 Takes game of the Month

Buzz Quiz World (ps3)is the best quiz game and tons of fun with 8 PEOPLE

These and more on the following Pages

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Starcraft 2 reviewGAME of the month

I hate p.c. gaming so to give this game of the month award is amazing this is the BEST strategy game EVER it takes everything good and makes everything better plus a great story well read on for the full scoop on why this game is a must buy. The story on this is spectacular. This is the star wars of video games. Basically the story is simple but outstandingly done. The ending has a plot twist that i didnʼt expect in the slightest and i refuse to spoil it. The story is also a must play because unlike other RTS games the story is good and lets you play with stuff multiplayer never gets like THE ODIN. also in the cantina you can purchase Mercs and in the armory upgrades. In the lab you get research. During the story you get the choice on missions like save this

person or some one else they are hard choices as there is no right choice but only two options. Then the multiplayer offers very balanced and tight gameplay that will get you addicted. I prefer the Co-op where it is you and humans versus the computers but the multiplayer is still excellent either way you look at it overall if your computer can play it you should play itthe negatives are small for one

there are no Zerg missions so the amount of Zerg players will be small online unfortunately. Additionally the game is lacking lan which i wish they had but activision would not allow it overall if you own it enjoy it and if not buy it now

9.75 A platinum game a must buy canʼt be missed

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Buzz Quiz World Fun and ADDICTINGTrivia trivia Trivia

Back when buzz came out i thought it was a great idea and now i finally get the chance to play it and I have no regrets at $50 USD the game comes with 4 buzzers and the game. The game is a quiz show variety game where you can choose different rounds and answer questions on a variety of questions. The game has over 10 game types and they are all different and playing all of them with friends is when you really get to enjoy the game. Additionally you can play it Couch Vs. Couch head to head to see who can win. Now for the bad stuff. For one you choose your name for buzz to announce but even if your name is there he some times says your name wrong cause they didnʼt record your name directly. (i.e. Anna being pronounced Ann). Also while creating quizzes online is fun how about on the console itself. Other than that it is a great game and if you enjoy the genre i recommend you pick it up. This game will be whirring in your console for months when you play with friends.

9.25/10 A buy GOLD

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THE EXPENDABLES ReviewSly Schwarzennger SOLDI love this movie it is a spoof without being aware of it and the acting and the explosions and the sly and the awesome and the F the review GO SEE IT if you love fun (8/10 for a score)

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Patapon 2 PSP

I got this game for free on subways contest and believe me it is worth the price it is fun addicting and one of the best rhythm games mainly because it is more about keeping a beat the games only problem and this is coming from a drummer getting back on beat can be very hard 8.5/10BUY

Aeroracer Ps3/psp mini

I got this game for free on PSN+ it is an alright game the controls are awkward but with multiplayer it is fun. But I canʼt recommend it over cheap racing games on the ipod touch or iphone.

6/10Try it firstif a friend has it play it than buy


The only reason this game hasnʼt got GOTM is because i wonʼt give the best game of all time an unfair award this game is a PERFECT11/10A BUY10/10 is legendary with a few flaws 11/10 is perfect

Small games lesser games old games all here

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The Demos RightMAFIA 2So what is the demos right well its when the demo makes you want to buy the full game.On todays segment Mafia 2. Mafia 2 is a crime epic like the godfather and the demo is awesome. I love how it is gta in the 50ʼs the game is a lot of fun and with no load times in the

demo it is fun and fast passed. It is a demo that lets you do whatever you want. say you want to go around shooting fine want to play the mission fine this demo provides a lot of fun and will make you want to get the full version.

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Eyepet Playstation moveand more Reviewed

Naughty Bear Game And Dlc episode 8 reviewed

The art of disappointment

We attempt to get a new writer

Kirby Epic Yarn

Dead rising 2


Will the Kinect live

The Christmas List begins we say what games are needed to endure the harsh winter

We actually Review a Movie