play framework: async i/o with java and scala

Asynchronous I/O with Java and Scala

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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This talk is a brief introduction to writing asynchronous code with the Play Framework.


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Asynchronous I/Owith Java and Scala

Page 2: Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala

LinkedIn uses a service oriented architecture (SOA)

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Hundreds of different types of services, thousands of instances in multiple data centers.

Internet Load Balancer

Profile frontend

Company frontend

Recruiter frontend

Profile backend

Search backend

Company backend

Recruiter backend

Ads backend

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

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Services communicate with each other via remote calls

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Profile frontend Profile backend/profile/123

HTTP request

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Profile frontend Profile backend

JSON response

{ "id": 123, "first": "Yevgeniy", "last": "Brikman"}

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Most people are used to synchronous I/O when making requests between servers

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The most popular frameworks typically use one-thread-per-request and blocking I/O

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executeMethod blocks the thread until the response comes back

void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Apache HttpClient HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); GetMethod method = new GetMethod(""); // executeMethod is a blocking, synchronous call int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); System.out.println("Response " + statusCode);}

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Evented servers have one thread/process per CPU core and use non-blocking I/O

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http.request is a non-blocking call: the next line executes before the response comes back


var callback = function(data) { console.log("Response: " + data);};

var options = { hostname: '', path: '/upload'}; // Non-blocking HTTP callhttp.request(options, callback); console.log('This line may execute before the callback!');

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Why threaded vs. evented matters for LinkedIn

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void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Call a number of backend services to get data Profile profile = profileSvc.getProfile(); Company company = companySvc.getCompany(); Skills skills = skillsSvc.getSkills();}

Our services spend most of their time waiting for data from other services and data stores

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I/O is very expensive

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In a threaded server, threads spend most of the time idle, waiting on I/O

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Threading dilemma

1. Creating new threads on the fly is expensive: a. Use a thread pool

2. Too many threads in the thread pool: a. Memory overheadb. Context switching overhead

3. Too few threads in the thread pool: a. Run out of threads, latency goes upb. Sensitive to downstream latency!

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Let's say latency goes up a little here

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Causes threads to get backed up here

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Latency goes up

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Now threads get backed up here

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

And here

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Here too

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

And there

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Internet Load Balancer

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Frontend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Backend Server

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

And... the site is down.

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This is thread pool hell

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Play is built on top of Netty, so it supports non-blocking I/O

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NIO benefits

1. No sensitivity to downstream slowness

2. Easy to parallelize I/O

3. Supports many concurrent and long-running connections, enabling:a. WebSocketsb. Cometc. Server-Sent Events

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This talk is a brief introduction to writing asynchronous code with the Play Framework.

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For each section, I will include simplified examples: first in Java and then Scala.

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The world’s largest professional network

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We've been using Play in production for more than 6 months

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A few apps built on Play

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Channels (frontend)

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Premium Subscriptions (frontend)

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Polls (frontend + backend)

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REST search (internal tool)

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About me

Leading the Play project as part of LinkedIn's Service Infrastructure Team. Also: hackdays, engineering blog, incubator, open source.

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Outline1. A quick intro to Play

2. Basic async code

3. map and flatMap

4. Parallel and sequential

5. Errors and timeouts

6. Coming soon

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Outline1. A quick intro to Play2. Basic async code

3. map and flatMap

4. Parallel and sequential

5. Errors and timeouts

6. Coming soon

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Download and install Play from

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> play new my-app

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> play idea> play eclipse

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> play run

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Application layout

app → Application sources └ assets → Compiled asset sources └ controllers → Application controllers └ models → Application business layer └ views → Templatesconf → Configurations files └ application.conf → Main configuration file └ routes → Routes definitionpublic → Public assets └ stylesheets → CSS files └ javascripts → Javascript files └ images → Image filesproject → sbt configuration files └ Build.scala → Application build script └ plugins.sbt → sbt pluginslib → Unmanaged libraries dependencieslogs → Standard logs foldertarget → Generated stufftest → Unit or functional tests

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Let's get a feel for Play by creating a Java Controller

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public class HelloWorld extends Controller {

public static Result index() { return ok("Hello World"); } }

Controllers are Java classes with methods that return a Result, such as a 200 OK


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Don't worry about the use of static. Yes, Play supports IOC. Using static (and other shortcuts) lets me keep the examples simple.

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GET /hello controllers.HelloWorld.index()

Expose the controller/action at a URL


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Woohoo, hot reload!

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public class HelloWorld extends Controller {

public static Result index(String name) { return ok("Hello " + name); } }

Add a parameter


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GET /hello controllers.HelloWorld.index( name)

Read the parameter from the query string


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GET /hello/:name controllers.HelloWorld.index(name)

Read the parameter from the URL instead


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public class HelloWorld extends Controller {

public static Result index(String name, int age) { return ok("Hello " + name + " you are " + age + " years old"); } }

Add another parameter, this time an int


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GET /hello/:name/:age controllers.HelloWorld.index(name: String, age: Int)

Add the parameter. Note the type checking!


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@(name: String, age: Int)

<html> <head></head> <body> <img src="/assets/images/play-logo.png"/> <p> Hello <b>@name</b>, you are <b>@age</b> years old </p> </body></html>

Add a view


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public class HelloWorld extends Controller {

public static Result index(String name, int age) { return ok(views.html.hello.render(name, age)); } }

Render the view from the controller


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Play also natively supports Scala

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Just add a .scala file under /app and Play will compile it

object HelloWorldScala extends Controller {

def index = Action { Ok("Hello World Scala") }}

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GET /scala controllers.HelloWorldScala.index()

Add it to the routes file as usual


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Outline1. A quick intro to Play

2. Basic async code3. map and flatMap

4. Parallel and sequential

5. Errors and timeouts

6. Coming soon

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Let's use Play's Web Services library (WS) to make some non-blocking HTTP calls

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public class Proxy extends Controller {

public static Result index(String url) { // Non blocking HTTP call Promise<Response> responsePromise = WS.url(url).get(); // How do we turn a Promise into a Play Result? }}


Create a new controller and use WS to make an HTTP GET

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A Promise<T> will eventually contain the value T (or an error)

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(Play Framework source code)

Play has a built-in subclass of Result called AsyncResult that takes a Promise<Result>

public static class AsyncResult implements Result { private final Promise<Result> promise; public AsyncResult(Promise<Result> promise) { this.promise = promise; }}

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public class Proxy extends Controller { public static Result index(String url) { Promise<Response> response = WS.url(url).get();

// Transform asynchronously into a Play Result Promise<Result> result =;

return async(result); }

// A function that can transform a Response into a Result private static Function<Response, Result> toResult = new Function<Response, Result>() { public Result apply(Response response) { return ok(response.getBody()).as(("text/html"); } };}


We can use the map method to turn a Promise<Response> into a Promise<Result>

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GET /proxy controllers.Proxy.index(url)

Add this endpoint to the routes file


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We just built a completely non-blocking proxy!

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public class Proxy extends Controller { public static Result index(String url) {"Before the HTTP call"); Promise<Response> response = WS.url(url).get(); Promise<Result> result =;"After the HTTP call");

return async(result); }

private static Function<Response, Result> toResult = new Function<Response, Result>() { public Result apply(Response response) {"Inside the toResult function"); return ok(response.getBody()).as("text/html"); } };}


To see that it's non-blocking, add logging

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Refresh the page and the logs show the HTTP call really is non-blocking

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Let's create the same Proxy in Scala

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object ProxyScala extends Controller {

def index(url: String) = Action {

val future: Future[Response] = WS.url(url).get()

// How do we turn a Future into a Play Result?




Create a new controller and use WS to make an HTTP GET

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A Future[T] will eventually contain the value T (or an error)

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(Play Framework source code)

Play has a built-in subclass of Result called AsyncResult that takes a Future<Result>

case class AsyncResult(result: Future[Result]) extends


// Convenience function to create an AsyncResult

def Async(promise: Promise[Result]) = AsyncResult(promise)

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object ProxyScala extends Controller {

def index(url: String) = Action {

val future: Future[Response] = WS.url(url).get()

Async { { response =>







We can use the map method to turn a Future[Response] into a Future[Result]

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GET /scala/proxy controllers.ProxyScala.index(url)

Add this endpoint to the routes file


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Outline1. A quick intro to Play

2. Basic async code

3. map and flatMap4. Parallel and sequential

5. Errors and timeouts

6. Coming soon

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What is this "map" thing all about?

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It's easiest to think about map with Lists.

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

Let's start with a List of Strings

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def lower(str: String): String = str.toLowerCase

And a simple function that converts a String to lowercase

Page 90: Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala will return a new List where each element in the new List is the result of

calling f on each element of the original List

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def lower(str: String): String = str.toLowerCase

// Output: List("jim", "dean", "kunal")

Mapping the lower function over names gives us a new List where each name is lowercase

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We saw map transform a List[String] into a new List[String]. Can we transform a List[X] into some other type List[Y]?

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def strlen(str: String): Int = str.length

Start with the same List, but now a new function strlen that returns the length of a String

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def strlen(str: String): Int = str.length

// Output: List(3, 4, 5)

Mapping strlen over names returns a new List with the length of each String in names

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Now we see that map can transform a List[String] into a new List[Int].

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class List[A] {

def map[B](f: A => B): List[B]


More generally, this is map's signature

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Let's look at one more example

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def explode(str: String): List[Char] = str.toCharArray.


Same List, but now a new function explode that returns a List of Characters in a String

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def explode(str: String): List[Char] = str.toCharArray.


// Output:

// List(List(J, i, m), List(D, e, a, n), List(K, u, n, a,


If we map explode over names, we get nested Lists. But what if we want just one, flat List?

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class List[A] {

def flatMap[B](f: A => List[B]): List[B]


We can use flatMap , which will combine (flatten) any nested Lists

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val names = List("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def explode(str: String): List[Char] = str.toCharArray.



// Output: List(J, i, m, D, e, a, n, K, u, n, a, l)

Using flatMap gives us a single List with each individual character

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map and flatMap are defined on any "collection" or "container": List, Set, Map, etc

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val namesSet = Set("Jim", "Dean", "Kunal")

def explode(str: String): List[Char] = str.toCharArray.



// Output: Set(e, n, J, u, a, m, i, l, K, D)

Using flatMap on a Set

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Futures and Promises are also "containers": they just happen to contain 1 item.

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val future: Future[Response] = WS.url(url).get()

val future: Future[Result] = { response =>



This is why it makes sense to use map to turn a Future[Response] into a Future[Result]

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The "container" class controls when the function passed to map or flatMap actually gets


Page 107: Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala

Outline1. A quick intro to Play

2. Basic async code

3. map and flatMap

4. Parallel and sequential5. Errors and timeouts

6. Coming soon

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Making I/O requests in parallel is essential for performance in a Service Oriented Architecture

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With non-blocking I/O, parallel is the default

// These 3 HTTP requests will execute in parallel

Promise<Response> yahoo = WS.url("").get();

Promise<Response> google = WS.url("").get();

Promise<Response> bing = WS.url("").get();

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Let's fetch 3 websites in parallel and time them

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First, define a function that makes makes an HTTP GET and returns a Promise with timing info

public Promise<Timing> timed(final String url) {

final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

return WS.url(url).get().map(new Function<Response, Timing>() {

public Timing apply(Response response) throws Throwable {

return new Timing(url, System.currentTimeMillis() - start);




public class Timing {

public String url;

public long latency;


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Next, make a controller that fires 3 requests in parallel using the timed function we just created

public class Parallel extends Controller {

public static Result index() {

final Promise<Timing> yahoo = timed("");

final Promise<Timing> google = timed("");

final Promise<Timing> bing = timed("");



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Compose the 3 Promises into a single Promise that will redeem when all 3 are done

public class Parallel extends Controller {

public static Result index() {

final Promise<Long> yahoo = timed("");

final Promise<Long> google = timed("");

final Promise<Long> bing = timed("");

Promise<List<Timing>> all = Promise.waitAll(yahoo, google, bing);



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Render the results as JSON

public class Parallel extends Controller {

public static Result index() {

final Promise<Timing> yahoo = timed("");

final Promise<Timing> google = timed("");

final Promise<Timing> bing = timed("");

Promise<List<Timing>> all = Promise.waitAll(yahoo, google, bing);

return async( Function<List<Timing>, Result>() {

public Result apply(List<Timing> timings) throws Throwable {

return ok(Json.toJson(timings));





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GET /parallel controllers.Parallel.index()

Add it to the routes file


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How about parallel requests in Scala?

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Once again, define a function that makes an HTTP GET and returns a Future with timing info

def timed(url: String): Future[Timing] = {

val start = System.currentTimeMillis()

WS.url(url).get().map(_ =>

Timing(url, System.currentTimeMillis() - start)



case class Timing(url: String, latency: Long)

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Next, make a controller that fires 3 requests in parallel using the timed function we just created

object ParallelScala extends Controller {

def index = Action {

val yahoo = timed("")

val google = timed("")

val bing = timed("")



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Compose the 3 Futures into a single Future that will redeem when all 3 are done

object ParallelScala extends Controller {

def index = Action {

val yahoo = timed("")

val google = timed("")

val bing = timed("")

val all = Future.sequence(Seq(yahoo, google, bing))



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Render the results as JSON

object ParallelScala extends Controller {

def index = Action {

val yahoo = timed("")

val google = timed("")

val bing = timed("")

val all = Future.sequence(Seq(yahoo, google, bing))

Async { => Ok(Json.toJson(timings)))




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GET /scala/parallel controllers.ParallelScala.index()

Add it to the routes file


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If parallel is the default, how do you do sequential steps that depend on each other?

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Example: make a request to duckduckgo's instant answer API (step 1) and proxy an image

from the response (step 2)

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First, call make a non-blocking call to duckduckgo

public class LuckyImage extends Controller {

public static Result index(String query) {

Promise<Response> duck = WS.url("")

.setQueryParameter("q", query)

.setQueryParameter("format", "json")




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As a first step, we'll just proxy the response

public class LuckyImage extends Controller {

public static Result index(String query) {

Promise<Response> duck = WS.url("")

.setQueryParameter("q", query)

.setQueryParameter("format", "json")


return async( Function<Response, Result>() {

public Result apply(Response response) throws Throwable {

return ok(response.getBodyAsStream())






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GET /lucky controllers.LuckyImage.index(url)

Add it to the routes file


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As the second step, get the image URL from the response and proxy just that.

Promise<Response> duck = // ... (same request as before)

return async(duck.flatMap(new Function<Response, Promise<Result>>() {

public Promise<Result> apply(Response response) {

String url = getImageUrlFromResponse(response);

return WS.url(url).get().map(new Function<Response, Result>() {

public Result apply(Response response) {

return ok(response.getBodyAsStream())






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Ok, let's try the same example in Scala

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First, make the request

object LuckyImageScala extends Controller {

def index(query: String) = Action {

val duck = WS.url("")

.withQueryString("q" -> query, "format" -> "json").get()



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Then extract the image URL and proxy it

object LuckyImageScala extends Controller {

def index(query: String) = Action {

val duck = WS.url("")

.withQueryString("q" -> query, "format" -> "json").get()

Async {

duck.flatMap { response =>

val url = getImageUrlFromResponse(response)

WS.url(url).get().map { r =>








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GET /scala/lucky controllers.LuckyImageScala.index(url)

Add it to the routes file


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In both Java and Scala, you order async actions sequentially by nesting map and flatMap calls.

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Many sequential steps will lead to lots of nesting.

step1.flatMap(new Function<Response, Promise<Result>>() {

public Promise<Result> apply(Response response1) {

step2.flatMap(new Function<Response, Promise<Result>>() {

public Promise<Result> apply(Response response2) {

step3.flatMap(new Function<Response, Promise<Result>>() {

public Promise<Result> apply(Response response3) {

// etc







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This is "callback hell"

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ParSeq is a framework that makes it easier to write asynchronous code in Java

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Wrap asynchronous work in ParSeq Task objects,which are similar to Promises and Futures

Task<Response> yahoo = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

Task<Response> google = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

Task<Response> bing = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

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Use Tasks.par to compose tasks in parallel

Task<Response> yahoo = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

Task<Response> google = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

Task<Response> bing = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

// Create a new Task that will run all 3 tasks above at the same time

// and redeem when they are all done

Task<?> parallel = Tasks.par(yahoo, google, bing)

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Use Tasks.seq to compose tasks sequentially

Task<Response> step1 = new Task() { ... }

Task<Response> step2 = new Task() { ... }

Task<Response> step3 = new Task() { ... }

// Create a new Task that will run the tasks above one at a time,

// in the order specified, and complete with the return value of the

// last one

Task<Response> sequential = Tasks.seq(task1, task2, task3)

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ParSeq makes async code declarative and easier to reason about: you can read it top to bottom!

Task<Result> complex = Tasks.seq(

Tasks.par(profileTask, companyTask, skillsTask),

Tasks.par(recommendedJobsTask, wvmxTask),

Tasks.par(hydrateImagesTask, hydrateJobsTask, hydrateSkillsTask)

Tasks.seq(assemblePageTask, fireTrackingTask)


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We'll soon be open sourcing a plugin soon to make it easy to use ParSeq in Play.

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Sequence Comprehensions

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Syntactic sugar built into Scala. Translates into map and flatMap calls without the nesting.

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Instead of this...

aFuture.flatMap { a =>

bFuture.flatMap { b =>

cFuture.flatMap { c => { d =>

// Build a result using a, b, c, d





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Use this. Note that this syntax works for any object with map and flatMap methods.

for {

a <- aFuture

b <- bFuture

c <- cFuture

d <- dFuture

} yield {

// Build a result using a, b, c, d


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Sequential async I/O example. Note that each step can refer to previous ones.

for {

a <- WS.url(...).get()

b <- WS.url(a).get()

c <- WS.url(a + b).get()

d <- WS.url(a + b + c).get()

} yield {

// Build a result using a, b, c, d


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Parallel async I/O example. Only difference is that the async calls are outside the for statement.

val futureA = WS.url(...)

val futureB = WS.url(...)

val futureC = WS.url(...)

val futureD = WS.url(...)

for {

a <- futureA

b <- futureB

c <- futureC

d <- futureD

} yield {

// Build a result using a, b, c, d


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Sequence comprehensions provide a clean and consistent API for async code: you can read it

top to bottom!

Page 154: Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala

Outline1. A quick intro to Play

2. Basic async code

3. map and flatMap

4. Parallel and sequential

5. Errors and timeouts6. Coming soon

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With a single server, the odds of hitting an error are relatively low

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In a distributed system with thousands of servers, the odds that you hit an error are very high

Internet Load Balancer

Profile frontend

Company frontend

Recruiter frontend

Profile backend

Search backend

Company backend

Recruiter backend

Ads backend

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

Data Store

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Even if a single server is up 99.999% of the time, with 1000 servers, the odds that one is

down are 1 - 0.999991000 = ~1%

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Here is how to make your async code more resilient to errors and slow performance

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We can use the recover method on a Promise to specify how to handle errors

public class Errors extends Controller {

public static Result index(String url) {

F.Promise<WS.Response> promise = WS.url(url).get();

return async( F.Function<WS.Response, Result>() {

public Result apply(WS.Response response) throws Throwable {

return ok("Got a response!");


}).recover(new F.Function<Throwable, Result>() {

public Result apply(Throwable throwable) throws Throwable {

return internalServerError("Got an exception: " + throwable);





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There is an analogous recover method on Scala Futures as well

object ErrorsScala extends Controller {

def index(url: String) = Action {

Async {

WS.url(url).get().map { response =>

Ok("Got a response: " + response.status)

}.recover { case t: Throwable =>

InternalServerError("Got an exception: " + t)





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GET /errors controllers.Errors.index(url)GET /scala/errors controllers.ErrorsScala.index(url)

Add to the routes file


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If some of the data you fetch isn't required to render the page, you can use an Option


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Create a helper method: on success, return Some<T>. On failure, log the error, return None.

public static <T> Promise<Option<T>> optional(Promise<T> promise) {

return Function<T, Option<T>>() {

public Option<T> apply(T value) throws Throwable {

if (value == null) {

return Option.None();


return Option.Some(value);


}).recover(new Function<Throwable, Option<T>>() {

public Option<T> apply(Throwable t) throws Throwable {

Logger.error("Hit an error", t);

return Option.None();




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Wrap Promises with optional and inside of map, use isDefined to see if you have a value

public static Result index(String url) {

Promise<Option<Response>> promise = optional(WS.url(url).get());

return async( Function<Option<Response>, Result>() {

public Result apply(Option<Response> responseOpt){

if (responseOpt.isDefined()) {

Response response = responseOpt.get();

// Use the response to build the page

} else {

// Build the page without the response





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The same pattern is even prettier in Scala, as Option is a first-class citizen of the language

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Reusable helper method to convert Future[T] to Future[Option[T]]

def optional[T](future: Future[T]): Future[Option[T]] = { { case t: Throwable =>

Logger.error("Hit an error", t)




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Wrap Futures with optional and use pattern matching, comprehensions, etc within map

object OptionExampleScala extends Controller {

def index(url: String) = Action {

Async {

optional(WS.url(url).get()).map {

case Some(response) => // Use the response to build the page

case _ => // Build the page without the response





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Sometimes, waiting too long for data is worse than not showing that data at all

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You can create a Promise that will be redeemed with someValue after the specified timeout

Promise.timeout(someValue, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

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Compose two Promises using or: the result takes on the value of the first one to complete

Promise<Response> response = WS.url(url).get();

Promise<Either<Object, Response>> withTimeout =

Promise.timeout(null, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).or(response);

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If right is defined, you got a value in time; otherwise, it must have timed out first.

Promise<Response> response = WS.url(url).get();

Promise<Either<Object, Response>> withTimeout =

Promise.timeout(null, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).or(response); Function<Either<Object, Response>, Result>() {

public Result apply(Either<Object, Response> either) {

if (either.right.isDefined()) {

Response response = either.right.get();

// Use the response to build the page

} else {

// Hit a timeout, build the page without the response




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The Scala version

import play.api.libs.concurrent._

object TimeoutExampleScala extends Controller {

def index(url: String, timeout: Long) = Action {

val timeout = Promise.timeout(null, timeout, MILLISECONDS)

val future = timeout.either(WS.url(url).get()) {

case Right(response) => // Use the response to build the page

case _ => // Hit a timeout, build the page without the response




Page 175: Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala

Outline1. A quick intro to Play

2. Basic async code

3. map and flatMap

4. Parallel and sequential

5. Errors and timeouts

6. Coming soon

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We'll be open sourcing this plugin soon

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It is a collection of async utilities, including...

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ParSeq integration for Play to make asynchronous Java code easier

Task<Response> yahoo = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

Task<Response> google = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

Task<Response> bing = Tasks.wrap(WS.url(""))

// Create a new Task that will run the tasks above one at a time,

// in the order specified, and complete with the return value of the

// last one

Task<Response> sequential = Tasks.seq(yahoo, google, bing)

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Config-driven SLAs (timeouts) for any async I/O

sla.plugin.slas = [


resources: ["/profile", "/companies"]

timeout: "2s"



resources: ["/pymk", "/skills/*"],

timeout: "500ms"



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In-browser visualization of all async requests for a page, including timing, responses, and errors

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We're just getting started with Play! We'll be sharing more as we go.

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Thank you!