platypus made by isaac schuler :d. classification kingdom-animalia phylum-chordata class-mammalia...

Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


Made by Isaac Schuler :D

Page 2: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


• Kingdom-Animalia• Phylum-Chordata• Class-Mammalia• Order-monotremata• Family-ornithorhynchidae• Genus-ornithorhynchidae• Species-ornithorhynchidae anatinus

Page 3: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


• Length: 24 inches• Height: 12 inches• Weight: 1.54-5.3 pounds.• Color: Usually brown.

Page 4: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


• Part of the world: Most commonly found in southern Australia.

• Environment: Australian fresh water lakes and streams. When it is out of the water it spends most of it’s time burrowed into the ground.

Page 5: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


• Meat: fresh water shrimp, worms, and some fish.

• Plant: none.• Fun fact!: the platypus can consume

it’s full body weight in just a 24 hour time period!

Page 6: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae

family life

• Number born: The platypus can lay 1-3 eggs at once.

• Gestation: platypuses eggs hatch about 28 days after mating!

• When born: usually in the warm months. (summer)

• Care of: the platypuses mom takes care of it for about four months.

Page 7: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae

Family life

• Shelter: a platypuses shelter is usually burrowed in the ground.

Page 8: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae

Social Behavior

• The platypus usually spends it’s time either swimming or underground during the day and it usually wallows around above ground during dusk.

Page 9: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


• Temperament: Platypuses are shy and wary.

• Habits and unique behavior: the platypus sweeps its head from side to side to locate prey. Underwater the platypus closes its eyes, ears, and nostrils.

Page 10: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


• Defenses: The male platypus has a poisonous spur on each of it’s hind legs which comes in handy against smaller animals, the poison is not lethal against humans but is still very painful. The female also has these spurs but they do not produce venom.

• Acquiring food: The platypus searches for food from dawn to nearly sunset.

• Life span:4-5 years for male and 6-8 years for female.

Page 11: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae


When first seen in 1797 by early white settlers near the Hawkesbury River, outside Sydney, it triggered a search and controversy that lasted almost a century. Nicknamed the ‘watermole’, it was said to be a combination reptile, bird, fish and furred animal. The perplexed local governor sent specimens back to England for study.

Page 12: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae

Present status

The platypus is officially classified as "Common but Vulnerable" in Australia. As a species, it is not currently considered to be endangered.

However, platypus populations are believed to have declined or disappeared in many catchments, particularly in urban and agricultural landscapes. In most cases, the specific underlying reasons for the reduction in numbers remain unknown.

Page 13: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae

Relationship to humans

Some Australians eat platypus, which is one reason of possible decrease in population. But it is still illegal to hunt the platypuses.

Page 14: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae
Page 15: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae

Fun facts!!!

• The platypus bill is rubbery and flexible.• Platypuses sweat milk! OMG!• In the 1900’s platypuses were hunted for

their fur. • They are the one of two mammals that lay

eggs. (also the echidna) • There is no certain plural word for

platypus. Platypuses, Platypoda and Platypi are some used examples.

Page 16: Platypus Made by Isaac Schuler :D. Classification Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae





The End :D