plasma waves and instabilities : from drift waves to ... waves and instabilities : from drift waves...

Plasma waves and instabilities : from drift waves to kinetic MHD modes Xavier Garbet CEA/IRFM Cadarache X. Garbet, Les Houches March, 27 2015 | PAGE 1

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Plasma waves and instabilities : from drift waves to kinetic MHD


Xavier GarbetCEA/IRFMCadarache

X. Garbet, Les Houches March, 27 2015 | PAGE 1


• Introduction to waves and instabilities – reactiveand kinetic instabilities

• MHD instabilities – kinetic MHD

• Drift waves

• Non linear saturation processes (sketchy)

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• Small sinusoidal perturbation of the electromagnetic field

• Linear response of current of charge and current densities

• Self-consistent problem

Plasma waves: basics

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Plasma response: kinetic or fluid equations

Maxwell equations

e.m. fieldE,B

charge andcurrent

densities ρ, jφ


Leads to a dispersion relation

• Maxwell + plasma response leads to a dispersion relation

• Solution usually complex

ω(k)= ωr(k) + iγ(k)

• Real solution ωr(k) → wave

• Complex solution γ(k) >0 → instability

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• Convenient to calculate the Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field

• Electric field

• Magnetic field

A bit more on the dispersion relation

| PAGE 5

Current density Charge density

Electromagnetic field Wave-particle interaction

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A bit more on the dispersion relation

• Maxwell equations

• Small perturbations: ρkω and Jkω are linear functions of φkω and Akω .

• Dispersion relation

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• Two types of instabilities

→ “reactive”

→ “kinetic”

• Marginal stability

Energetics of an instability

• Energy exchanged between e.m. field and particles (real ωωωω)

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Reactive mode R=0Damping R>0“Kinetic” instability R<0

Kinetic instability

• Situation close marginal stability γ(k)<<ωr(k)

• Taylor development of ε(k,ω)=0

- Lowest order → pulsation ωr(k)

- Next order → growth rate γ(k)

• Energy density

• Instability γ(k)>0 if Pk<0 : energy transferred from particles to wave

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Reactive instability

• Since P(k,ω)=0, if ωk is solution, ωk* is solution too

• At threshold


→ energy Wk=0

• Reactive instability sometimes called “negative energy” wave

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Analogy with particle motion in a potential

• Vlasov equation, 1D and electrostatic

• Response function

A simple illustration of the reactive vs kinetic character of an instability

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Plasma frequency

Unperturbed dist. function

Hydrodynamic limit: Buneman instability

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• Hydrodynamic limit ω>>kv for ions and electron beam f0=neδ(v-v0)

• Dispersion relation

• Negative energy wave is

unstable if

Baumjohann & Treumann 2012

Kinetic limit : bump on tail

| PAGE 12

• Hydrodynamic limit for all thermal species ω>>kv+ hot beam

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• Dielectric

• Kinetic instability




Single fluid ideal MHD

| PAGE 13

• MHD equations

• Lagrangian derivative

• MHD displacement



Adiabatic index x






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Magnetic field

Alfvén waves in incompressible medium ρρρρ=cte

| PAGE 14

• 3 solutions: shear Alfvénwave, fast and slow magneto-acoustic waves

• Shear Alfvén wave

• Alfvén velocity


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MHD instabilities

| PAGE 15

• In single fluid MHD, two main destabilizing terms:

1) Pressure gradient → interchange instability

2) Current density gradient → kink mode

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MHD instabilities : interchange

| PAGE 16


Field linelength dl

Flux tube 1P1, V1

Flux tube 2P2, V2

Flux tube 2P’2, V1

Flux tube 1P’1, V2

InterchangeB dσ

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MHD instabilities : interchange (cont.)

| PAGE 17

• Exchange of two flux tubes

• Released energy

• Interchange instability ∼∇P aligned with ∇B

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Energy principle

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• Force balance equation

• MHD energy δW combines wave character and instability sources

• MHD instabilities are reactive

real for real ω

The MHD description usually fails at low frequency

• Two reasons for breakdown of the MHD description:

1) Landau resonances ω = k....v

2) Effects of finite orbit width δ

• Ideal MHD approach valid when

ω >> k....v and k⊥δ<<1

• Difficulties occur at lowfrequencies

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Fieldline B

Low frequency limit

• Momentum equation for each species

• Strong guide field B

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Diamagnetic velocityEXB velocity

Parallel flow

Polarization drift

Field line

Potential δφ+++ +++

- - -

Charge -δnee


ne≈n0 exp(eφ/Te)

Drift wave

• Simple slab geometry, electrostatic, fluid ions

• fast motion along field lines → adiabatic electrons

• electro-neutrality (kλD<<1)

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Drift wave (cont.)

• Density gradient in the x direction, uniform B, y,z periodic

• Phase velocity = electron diamagnetic velocity

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Drift wave (cont.) – schematic picture

• Start with a density ni=ne corrugation

• Fast electron response along field lines → potential adjusts → electric field E

• ExB drifts shifts the perturbation along V*e

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Grulke&Klinger 02





X. Garbet, Les Houches March, 27 201524

The ion inertia plays a crucial for non linear saturation

• Drawbacks of the previous model: no instability, infinity of non linear solutions

• Add the polarization drift (ion inertia)


Divergence of polarization current

• Same assumptions+ polarization drift

• Charney-Hasegawa-Mima (CHM) equation

• Dispersion relation

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A paradigm : the CHM equation

Ion gyroradius









Example of a tokamak:electrostatic modes

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-Rd rL




Ion Mode (ITG) Electron

Mode (TEM)

Ion + Electron Mode (ITG+TEM)


• Dominant instabilities at low frequency : drift waves mainly driven by interchange

• Kinetic type: driven via resonances by electrons or ions.

•Threshold in temperature and density gradients


Growth rates

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• Several branches may co-exist.

• Electron branch at k⊥ρs<1

Jenko 13

Example of a tokamak: electromagnetic modes

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• Ballooning mode: shear Alfvén wave coupled to interchange instability

• Low frequency limit: diamagnetic drifts matter

Huysmans 2009

Connection with MHD

• Drift waves dominate at low beta

• At high beta, kinetic ballooning modesbecome unstable

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Pueschel 2010


Kinetic ballooning mode

Two options:

1) Solve the full kinetic problem (high k)

2) Hybrid formulation (low k)

Hybrid formulation for kinetic MHD modes

Non thermal particle stress tensor

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→ imaginary part of δW

→ kinetic instabilities

Alfvén waves driven by fast particles

• Driving mechanism similar to bump on tail

• Quasi-coherent modes

• In some cases, frequency chirping

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Turnbull 1993

Non linear saturation

| PAGE 32

• Variety of non linear dynamics:

1) Few modes : steady saturated state, relaxation oscillations, explosive behavior, …

2) Many coupled modes : usually evolve towardsturbulence. Turbulent state is different if waves are involved.

• Bump on tail instability is the testbed here

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One mode only: particle trapping

| PAGE 33

• Particle energy in the wave frame of reference

• Similar to a pendulum – trapping time



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Plateau effect

| PAGE 34

• F(E) is solution of the Vlasov equation

• Flattening of the distribution in the unstable region → stabilisation Berk & Breizman 97

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X. Garbet, Les Houches March, 27 201535

Analogy with vortex mixing :mixing-length estimate

Mixing of the pressureprofile by vortex of size ℓ→ “mixing length

estimate” of the fluctuation level

pLpp l≈δ


p Vortex of size ℓ


Plateau can generate a secondary instability

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• Edges of plateau can be unstable Lilley 15

• Plateau splits in holes and clumps

• Motion of holes/clumps in phase space → chirping Berk&Breizman 97

Lilley 15

Lilley 15

Frequency chirping observed both in experiments and simulations

| PAGE 37

Lesur 12

Time (ms)



cy (


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Several pathways towards relaxation

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Electric field damping




n fu






Vann 03, Lesur 09

• Bump on tail: variety of dynamics depending on dissipation and drive

• Limit of strong drive still to be explored Zonca 15


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• Multiple modes: islands localized around v=ωp/k

• Trajectory becomes stochastic → ergodization → flattening Chirikov 59, see Lichtenberg &Liberman,1983

Quasi-Linear Theory

| PAGE 40

• Linear solution Vlasov

• Evolution equation of f0 in velocity space

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Average distribution function Flux in phase space

Quasi-Linear Theory (cont.)

| PAGE 41

Besse 2011

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• Linear solution of Vlasovequation → flux

• Quasi-linear diffusion coefficient

• Often effective beyond validity conditions cf lecture Gürcan

Mode coupling is needed to compute the turbulence intensity

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• Generic form of a non linear equation in Fourier space

• Triad

• Coupling leads to energy transfer between waves – if coupling is ‘’local’’ → cascade




Case of drift waves

| PAGE 43

• Coupling term for CHM equation

• Conserves energy and enstrophy

X. Garbet, Les Houches March, 27 2015

• Decay of a « pump » mode (k0,ω0) into two« daughter » waves (k1,ω1), (k2,ω2)

• Constraint k0= k1+k2 ; ω0= ω1+ ω2

• Drift waves: decay possible if

3 modes only : decay instability

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Baumjohann & Treumann 2012

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Decay instability (cont.)

| PAGE 45

• If energy is strictly conserved : pump recovers

→ dissipative processes make it irreversible


Daughter waves

Baumjohann & Treumann 2012

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Example of a parametric decay of an acoustic wave into two drift waves

| PAGE 46

• Geodesic acoustic mode driven by energetic ions

• Parametric decay into drift (ITG) waves

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drift waves

Geodesic acoustic mode

Zarzoso 13

• If many modes are unstable : the system evolves towards a turbulent state Waltz 83,Horton 86

• Can be seen as a strange attractor in the phase space {φk}

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Many unstable modes: turbulence

Horton 86

Frequency spectra

| PAGE 48

• Frequency spectra are broad

• Predictive model of the frequency spectrum shape still an open question

Horton 86

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A few remarks on spectra and transport

| PAGE 49

• A dual cascade is expected CHM

• Does not fit observation in tokamaks (see lecture

Vermare) – many reasons:- no inertial range- coupling to large scale

flows- kinetic effects kinj

X. Garbet, Les Houches March, 27 2015

• Quasi-linear theory works well for drift waves

A few words on wave turbulence

| PAGE 50

• Waves change the nature of turbulence see lecture Nazarenko

• Drift or Rossby waves:

- not isotropic

- generation of large scale shear flows → self-regulation

Dif-Pradalier 15

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• Linear stability is well documented – not that simple though …

• Non linear dynamics much more complex – No simple recipe !

• For turbulent states and wave/particle interaction via Landau resonances: quasi-linear theory often works well

• Predicting a level of fluctuations is trickier

• For quasi-coherent modes: variety of non linear dynamics – parameter dependent.

Some useful textbooks

• D. B. Melrose “Instabilities in Space and Laboratory Plasmas” Cambridge UP 1986

• W. Baumjohann and R.A. Treumann “Basic Space Plasma Physics” Imperial UP 2012 vol I and II

• P. H. Diamond , S.-I. Itoh, K. Itoh, “Physical Kinetics of Turbulent Plasmas” Cambridge UP 2010

• D. Biskamp “Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics », 1997 Cambridge UP

• A.J. Lichtenberg and M.A. Liberman, “Regular and stochastic motion” Springer 1983

• Y. Elskens and D. Escande “Microscopic dynamics of plasmas and chaos”, IOP 2003

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