plantune advanced production planning and scheduling tool · liver advanced production planning and...

Plantune APS, in combinaon with your current ERP sys- tem, delivers a fast and sophiscated soluon that will de- liver advanced producon planning and scheduling func- onality to producon facilies of up to 500 work centers. Developed through intensive consultaon with best-in-class manufacturing companies in a variety of industries, it is a targeted soluon that creates an opmal producon plan for your factory even if you have tremendously complex produc- on scenarios. The strength in the design of the Plantune system is its easy integraon, combined with its scalability. Integrate Plantune with your ERP easily for work center scheduling, idenficaon of material shortages and due date forecasng. Bringing cloud technology to manufacturing Plantune is part of the next generaon of enterprise soſt- ware that has not been possible unl advances in the inter- net within the past decade. In this me, markeng, admin- istraon and sales departments of companies have benefit- ed greatly from the adopon of cloud soſtware. What this means is that companies can try new applicaons easily, see if these applicaons match their needs, and then adjust their usage quickly and responsively. This results in less waste in the company during lengthy implementaon programs, with immediate feedback. In short, cloud technology has enabled the use of lean principles in the acquision of enterprise soſtware. How Lean Soſtware can enable your producon Setup a producon planning tool almost instantly – no waing for lengthy consultaons and implementaon processes Pivot your producon in weeks, not months or years – plan new producon methods instantly as your custom- ersdemands change Start small, build on what works – no year-long imple- mentaon of a planning tool only to find out it does not deliver In the past, when a company made a purchase of enterprise soſtware, the enre process had to be done with cauon, and with a lot of internal polics. Of course, you were pick- ing one tool that would infiltrate the life of the company, and would not be changed for many years. But cloud tech- nologies have enabled lean soſtware. Just like on the Toyota producon line, you can stop and pull the cord, adapt the soſtware to your specific needs, and move on. A wide-reaching system that plans producon and per- forms these funcons: Material requirements planning (MRP) Idenficaon of excess inventory purchases Idenficaon of missing inventory purchases Targeted capacity Accurate customer due dates Scheduling work centers Shop floor inventory instrucons Stock level maintenance Buffer stock visibility and management Dispatch of producon orders Accurate customer due date forecasts Opmal daily work queues Visibility of material shortage impacts Plantune Advanced Producon Planning and Scheduling Tool A lean soſtware soluon for your lean factory

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Post on 25-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Plantune Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Tool · liver advanced production planning and scheduling func-tionality to production facilities of up to 500 work centers. Developed

Plantune APS, in combination with your current ERP sys-

tem, delivers a fast and sophisticated solution that will de-

liver advanced production planning and scheduling func-

tionality to production facilities of up to 500 work centers.

Developed through intensive consultation with best-in-class

manufacturing companies in a variety of industries, it is a

targeted solution that creates an optimal production plan for

your factory even if you have tremendously complex produc-

tion scenarios. The strength in the design of the Plantune

system is its easy integration, combined with its scalability.

Integrate Plantune with your ERP easily for work center

scheduling, identification of material shortages and due date


Bringing cloud technology to manufacturing

Plantune is part of the next generation of enterprise soft-

ware that has not been possible until advances in the inter-

net within the past decade. In this time, marketing, admin-

istration and sales departments of companies have benefit-

ed greatly from the adoption of cloud software. What this

means is that companies can try new applications easily, see

if these applications match their needs, and then adjust their

usage quickly and responsively. This results in less waste in

the company during lengthy implementation programs, with

immediate feedback. In short, cloud technology has enabled

the use of lean principles in the acquisition of enterprise


How Lean Software can enable your production

Setup a production planning tool almost instantly – no

waiting for lengthy consultations and implementation


Pivot your production in weeks, not months or years –

plan new production methods instantly as your custom-

ers’ demands change

Start small, build on what works – no year-long imple-

mentation of a planning tool only to find out it does not


In the past, when a company made a purchase of enterprise

software, the entire process had to be done with caution,

and with a lot of internal politics. Of course, you were pick-

ing one tool that would infiltrate the life of the company,

and would not be changed for many years. But cloud tech-

nologies have enabled lean software. Just like on the Toyota

production line, you can stop and pull the cord, adapt the

software to your specific needs, and move on.

A wide-reaching system that plans production and per-

forms these functions:

Material requirements planning (MRP)

Identification of excess inventory purchases

Identification of missing inventory purchases

Targeted capacity

Accurate customer due dates

Scheduling work centers

Shop floor inventory instructions

Stock level maintenance

Buffer stock visibility and management

Dispatch of production orders

Accurate customer due date forecasts

Optimal daily work queues

Visibility of material shortage impacts

Plantune Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Tool

“A lean software solution for your lean factory”

Page 2: Plantune Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Tool · liver advanced production planning and scheduling func-tionality to production facilities of up to 500 work centers. Developed

Plantune APS/MRP system

Plantune is an integrated system that incorporates the plan-

ning capabilities of an MRP with the crucial functionality of

production planning with finite capacities. The system can

plan all aspects of your production, by understanding the

customer demands that are in place.

If your company has an MRP module implemented, Plantune

will take production orders from this system and incorporate

them into the production plan. Orders missing from the plan

will be automatically generated and added into the ERP sys-

tem. If there is no MRP module implemented in the ERP sys-

tem all production orders will be generated by Plantune, and

an optimal production plan will be created.


The Plantune system interacts with your existing company

enterprise software first by extracting data from the ERP

system as requested. Automatically, or manually, data is

extracted that describes the production environment in de-


Data Requirements:

Plantune requires a complete view of the operations on your

shop floor, and also information about customer requests

and purchases. In this way, there is a complete view of how

to plan in accordance with lean principles as production and

purchasing targeted towards customer requests are given

priority. The data that is required is summarized in the fol-

lowing tables:

Technical Data

Work centers

Routing / Technological Processes

Bills of Material

Catalogue of Materials

Operational Data

Customer Requests

Supply Requests

Manufacturing Orders

Work Completed Previous Day


Plantune Server

This information is sent from your ERP to

the Plantune server, and the optimization

calculation is generated. The production

plan created reflects the most optimal

allocation of resources in your factory;

and is the same process as production

planners typically go through when allo-

cating resources in Excel, but with much

more efficient results and completion

within minutes.

Plantune Online

Information about the production plan

created is made available through several


Information about production scheduling is returned to

your ERP system

The production plan is made available through the web

portal and can be viewed by multiple users

Details can be seen and manipulated through the Plan-

tune Studio application

With these three methods, all individuals who need to have

access to the production plan can do so easily, at the appro-

priate level of detail.

Accurate customer due date forecasts

Optimal daily work queues

Visibility of material shortage impacts

Page 3: Plantune Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Tool · liver advanced production planning and scheduling func-tionality to production facilities of up to 500 work centers. Developed

Decision Makers and Users

The daily production plan, after it has been generated by

Plantune, can be used by a variety of people in production.

Two general groups of users are general users and the deci-

sion makers responsible for various departments in the com-

pany. General users in the factory, especially work center

operators, can also have access to the system directly at

their stations to operationalize the production plan. Deci-

sion makers will use both the Plantune web portal, as well as

Plantune Studio. Some examples of how decision makers

use the system:

Head of the Shop Floor

Will ensure that all operators are working on the most

important orders while achieving high efficiency

Head of Purchasing

All manufacturing orders will have the materials they need, while minimizing inventory and WIP

Head of Customer Care

All orders filled with available capacities

Visibility of delays before they happen

Entire production team

Will balance capacities, supplier lead times, and customer

demands to create the best overall outcomes

Day to Day with Plantune

Plantune works for many types of manufacturing companies,

and they often share certain characteristics. The optimiza-

tion process works to simplify production in environments


Produce a large number of different final products

Have complicated routings

Are under pressure to reduce batch sizes

Some production environments that the Plantune APS assists

in are:

Make-to-order environments

Mixed make-to-order/make-to-stock environments

Make-to-engineer environments

Accurate customer due date forecasts

Optimal daily work queues

Visibility of material shortage impacts

“The multi-functionality of this product makes Plantune a vital part of the operations of a

factory. It is a system that can be relied on to generate real benefits in the form of opti-

mized work processes, efficient resource allocation, and visible completion dates.”

Page 4: Plantune Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Tool · liver advanced production planning and scheduling func-tionality to production facilities of up to 500 work centers. Developed

Customizable results for your factory

Every factory has a different set of production planning chal-

lenges. That is why Plantune settings are adjustable to re-

flect the differing nature of each factory. Among the settings

that can be changed are the following:

For materials or products

Adjust the safety stock that is desired at each point of the

manufacturing process. In this way, you can manage to

mix your make-to-stock orders into the production plan

of your make-to-order customer requests.

Add information about the length of time needed for

materials to arrive from suppliers. This is included so that

the Plantune system can warn purchasers about the need

to supply a particular material before a shortage is felt on

the shop floor.

For production processes

Set the minimum batch size that is desired. Adjust the

Plantune system to the requirements of your production


Add more than one routing for a manufacturing order. In

this way, alternate methods of producing the same mate-

rials can be specified and reflect the realities of the shop


Specify the maximum amount of time that you would like

orders to wait in queue on the shop floor. This is a

means of controlling the amount of WIP that exists, and

is analogous to waiting for a Kanban card.

For customer requests and manufacturing orders

Add a priority from 1 – 10 on customer requests or man-

ufacturing orders. The importance of one customer re-

quest / manufacturing order over others creates priority

in scheduling. The primary means of prioritizing orders is

through customer due dates.

Accurate customer due date forecasts

Optimal daily work queues

Visibility of material shortage impacts T: +420 277 775 849 | E: [email protected] | W:

Lisabonska 4, 190 00 – Prague 9, Czech Republic, Europe


“At AERO Vodochody, after implementing the Plantune system we were able to increase our initial production by 91%. At the

same time, the average time required for all manufacturing stayed constant and we were able to reduce late deliveries to the

assembly area by 2%.”

Milan Vokaty

Manufacturing Planning Leader

Aero Vodochody a.s

“With Plantune we react today to tomorrow’s problems. Plantune is able to, in real time, offer a multitude of production plans

that an individual would simply not be capable of creating. But on top of everything: we have been able to plan and manufac-

ture at a greater throughput.”

Jiri Skoda,

Process Improvement Driver

DDL Lukavec