planning in wre management

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  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


    There are some 30 government agencies and offices in

    the Philippines which are concerned with waterresources development and management responsible

    with their own sectoral concerns.

    These agencies deal with the water supply, irrigation,

    hydropower, flood control, water management, etc. For administrative supervision, these agencies are

    distributed among executive departments of the National


    In the government-controlled corporations, councils,

    boards and development authorities, supervision is only

    exercised at the policy level.

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    Its main objective is to achieve scientific and orderly

    development and management of all the water resources

    of the Philippines consistent with the principles of optimum

    usage, conservation and protection to meet present and

    future needs. The mantle of authority of NWRB is derived

    from Presidential Decree (PD) 424 (NWRC Charter), PD1067 (Water Code of the Philippines) and PD 1206 (Water


    National Water Resources Board (NWRB) was created

    in 1974 in our country as the authoritative national

    organization to coordinate and integrate all activities inwater resources development and management.

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    Fragmentation among water-related agencies is evident

    in three areas of concern: water supply and distribution,

    economic and resource regulation, and planning and

    policy formulation. Agencies that are involved in WATER SUPPLY AND


    1. the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage Services (MWSS)

    and its two concessionaires (after it was privatized in 1997) forMetro Manila, servicing 62.68% of its total population;

    2. the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) and its water

    district offices for other cities and municipalities, servicing 58%

    of the total urban population within its area of responsibility; and

    3. the Departments of Interior and Local Government (DILG)andPublic Works and Highway (DPWH) and local governments

    which manage community water systems (usually involving

    point sources and piped systems with communal faucets),

    servicing 86.85% of the countrysrural population.

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    The following agencies have the same function as

    RESOURCE REGULATORS:1. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources

    (DENR)formulates policies for the enforcement of

    environmental protection and pollution control

    regulations. It is primarily responsible for the

    preservation of watershed areas and ensures water

    quality with respect to rivers, streams and other sources

    of water.

    2. The Department of Health (DOH)is responsible for

    drinking water quality regulation and supervision ofgeneral sanitation activities.

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    1. The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA),serves as the highest socio-economic planning and

    policymaking agency of government. It ensures that

    programmes of government agencies are consistent

    with the government programmes as laid out in theMedium-term Development Plan, the Long-term

    Development Plan (also known as Plan 21) and the

    Medium-term Public Investment Programme.

    2. The National Irrigation Administration (NIA)

    3. The Department of Energy

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  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


    The first important consideration is compiling a

    list of alternatives that is comprehensive. The

    planning process should be an evaluation of allpossible alternatives with respect to project

    features and water use.

    Planning should consider alternative and

    competing for water as well as the various

    possibilities for control and delivery of the


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    Engineering alternatives

    Nonstructural or Management alternatives

    Alternative objectives Institutional alternatives

    Alternatives of Timing

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    1. One or more aspects of water development can be

    eliminated on the basis of physical limitations.

    2. Certain problems may be fixed in location.

    3. The available water may be limited or subject only for

    minor changes.

    4. Maximum land areas usable for various purposes maybe definable.

    5. A policy decision may reserve lands for specific


    6. Legal constraints may reserve certain lands or prohibitcertain activities or actions.

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    Engineering Alternative

    Pursuing proper maintenance and upkeep of existing

    drainage systems through the concerted efforts of Daet


    Management or Non-structural Alternative

    Putting up and maintaining viable and effective garbage

    collection and disposal systems for areas near rivers and

    waterways for drainage.

    Institutional Alternative

    Coordinating the development of flood control project

    with the implementation of irrigation project institutional


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    The role of planners and policy-makers (more importantly

    to NWRB) is to present alternatives for consideration of

    the public or their elected decision makers.

    They must be careful not to advocate or eliminate an

    alternative because of their own views or prejudices.

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  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


    Planning agencies are required to seek participation of

    interested members of the public in the planning

    process. Input from the public can be achieved through:

    1. Public hearings in which proposed plans are

    discussed and in which opportunity is provided for

    the public to ask questions and voice opinions are

    legally required in many instances.

    2. Workshops in which various public and governmentrepresentatives discuss issues are sometimes held.

    3. Gaming simulation, the technique of role playing

    where real-world problems are simulated by

    individuals who play the part of decision-makers orcitizens, provides an opportunity for citizens to

    experience decision-making problems and become

    sensitive to the complexities of the economic, social

    and environmental factors involved in decision


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  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


    When alternatives have been defined, the plannerstask is to

    provide data which aids in the choice among alternatives.

    In response to the economic objective, data on benefits and

    costs are required. Each alternative must be specified insufficient detail so that costs can be reliably estimated.

    All costs, including those induced by the project, should also

    be included.

    In addition to estimating water availability the study must

    determine energy production, irrigation use, etc. so that the

    benefits in pesos may be computed.

    Not all benefits or costs of water projects can be measured in

    money terms. Some can be presented in descriptive terms

    only. When dealing with social and environmental factors, a

    subjective approach is deemed best.

    Even after a rank ordering of the alternatives is made,

    political considerations may govern the choice among themost favorable alternatives.

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    An important element in planning of a water project is

    consideration of the means by which the project will be

    financed. And in order to implement a proposed project,

    finding the money to build and operate it is essential.

    The institutional setting is such that water projects are

    sponsored in a variety of ways. Some projects are

    sponsored by the government; some by irrigation(NIA),water conservation, and flood control sectors. And there

    are also projects that are jointly sponsored by a

    combination of these entities.

    Local governmental bodies finance projects in a variety ofways; through taxes, special assessments, revenues

    collected for services received, and bond issues.

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    In the Philippines, inadequate financial support

    to water, sanitation and sewerage programmesis one of the main sectoral concerns identified.

    Major investments in water supply and

    sanitation programmes are not a priority of

    local government units. Capital financing for

    major sanitation and sewerage programmes

    remains a problem. High capital costs make

    the construction of conventional sewers inmany urban areas unaffordable without


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  • 8/12/2019 Planning in WRE Management


    The integration of the concepts of environment and

    ecosystem into the national vision for water must take

    into account the fact that an integrated approach towater resources development and management is

    needed with a multi-sectoral involvement, based on the

    principle of sustainability. Therefore, it must be

    everybodys concern, and the collective objective is a

    must to make certain that an adequate supply of quality

    water is maintained for the entire population without

    harming the ecosystem.

    National development and productivity must beachieved and sustained through the development and

    management of environmentally sound water


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    There are three main areas of concern to consider in Planning:

    a. Watershed degradatio n

    The chronic shortage of water supply in and around Metro Manila in the past

    years has brought to the forefront recognition of the adverse effects of mansactivities in the watersheds. Due to illegal logging, shifting cultivation, forest

    fires, natural calamities, conversion to agricultural land and allocation of land

    to human settlements due to population growth, the forests have been

    shrinking steadily. Rapid deforestation, coupled with inappropriate land use

    practices, has led to soil erosion, siltation and sedimentation problems in the

    countrys rivers, lakes and reservoirs, resulting in more frequent and moresevere flooding and a reduced water supply in the dry season. This state of

    affairs has also resulted in a decrease in the recharging ability of the

    aquifers. The government has launched several programmes and projects

    for the rehabilitation of degraded watersheds and protection of those that

    are still in good condition. However, so far, these initiatives have been

    inadequate to address the alarming rate of watershed degradation, becauseof the lack of a clear strategy, limited financial resources, fragmented

    implementation responsibility, shortage of properly trained manpower and

    increasing socioeconomic pressure resulting from the rapid increase of

    population in the forested uplands where the vital watersheds are located.

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    b. Groun dwater deplet ion and saline intrusion

    The uncontrolled withdrawal from groundwater aquifers in

    recent years has resulted in the continuous decline of groundwater

    levels and in saltwater intrusion in areas near the coast such as Metro

    Manila (WRR IV), Cavite (WRR IV), Iloilo (WRR VI) and Cebu (WRR

    VII). The indiscriminate use of groundwater wells for residential or

    industrial use was due to the failure of water utility providers to service

    these areas. Aside from the excessive abstraction of groundwater,there is no national groundwater data network to speak of, in the sense

    that there are very few observation wells for time series data on

    piezometric levels and pumping rates from production wells. The

    groundwater data being collected by many agencies are spatial and

    static information on the wells drilled such as location, lithology, wellcasings and the results of pumping tests during the

    development of these wells.

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    c. Water quali ty

    Water is becoming a critical resource in the Philippines. This is

    due to the increased pressure on freshwater resources by the rapid

    growth of population, improvement of living standards and increasingeconomic development. Although the country is endowed with

    abundant water resources, usable water is becoming limited due to

    contamination and pollution. Forty of the more than 400 main rivers in

    the country are reportedly polluted in varying degrees. All rivers in

    Metro Manila are considered biologically dead. Water pollutioncompounded by poor sanitation and hygiene practices has led to an

    upsurge of waterborne and water-related diseases. Pollution of water

    sources is due to uncontrolled industrial and agricultural development

    and to the rapid growth of the population without the development of

    waste disposal facilities. The runoff during floods flushes out

    contaminants and wastes such as industrial effluents, agricultural

    pesticides, traffic emissions, street refuse and uncollected garbage,

    which eventually find their ways into the rivers and the groundwater


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    Where project seems to be essential, the planner will

    find it necessary to consider carefully the ecological

    impact on the stream and adjacent areas and try to

    develop a plan that will have a minimum of detrimental


    In the architectural design of structures special thought

    must be given to appearance. Special treatment of

    surfaces to avoid large expenses of concrete, colouring

    to blend with the surroundings, planting of grass,shrubs, or trees to enhance visual feeling, and other

    similar measures should be considered.

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    A partial list of environmental consequences of water-resources projects might

    include the following:

    Degradation of downstream channel or coastal beaches by loss of sediment

    trapped in a reservoir.

    Loss of unique geological, historical, archaeological, or scenic sites flooded by

    a reservoir.

    Flooding of spawning beds for migratory fish preventing their reproduction or

    destruction of spawning gravel by a channel dredging or lining.

    Change in stream water temperature as a result of a reservoir leading to

    changes in aquatic species in the stream.

    Release of reservoir bottom water that may be high in dissolved salts or low inoxygen resulting in a change in aquatic species.

    Drainage of swamps, potholes, etc decreasing the opportunity for survival of

    aquatic or amphibious animals or waterfowl.

    Change in water quality as a result of drainage from irrigation project which

    may encourage growth of algae in the receiving water or lead to a change in

    aquatic species as salinity of the receiving body increases. Creation of barrier to normal migration routes of land animals by a reservoir.

    Altering aquatic species by increased turbidity from man-induced erosion or

    from dredging operations.

    Damage to fish by passage through pumps or turbines or over spillways of

    high dams.

    Damage to stream-bank vegetation by alteration of flow patterns in a stream.

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    These are just a few consequences of water-resource projects. Thus

    a clear distinction should be made between damage that is

    temporary and effects that are long term and irreversible.

    The NEPA of 1969 requires that an environmental mpact statement

    (IES) be prepared for all projects proposed by different agencies.

    The IES should include a full and fair discussion of the probable

    impact of the proposed project alternatives, pointing out in detail any

    adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided. If, after

    preliminary study, the agency finds that no significant environmentalimpacts are likely to occur , an IES is not necessary unless

    challenged by citizens or other entities.

    A multi-disciplinary team of specialists including biologists,

    hydrologists, social scientists, and others is required to conduct anenvironmental impact study.

    The task is to forecast the environmental impacts of alternate

    actions. During preparations of the IES, comments must be received

    from all agencies that have jurisdiction over the various aspects ofthe potential impacts.

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