pl2: towards predictable low latency in rack-scale networks

PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks Yanfang Le † , Radhika Niranjan Mysore †† , Lalith Suresh †† , Gerd Zellweger †† , Sujata Banerjee †† , Aditya Akella † , Michael Swift † University of Wisconsin-Madison † , VMware Research †† Abstract High performance rack-scale offerings package disaggre- gated pools of compute, memory and storage hardware in a single rack to run diverse workloads with varying require- ments, including applications that need low and predictable latency. The intra-rack network is typically high speed Ether- net, which can suffer from congestion leading to packet drops and may not satisfy the stringent tail latency requirements for some workloads (including remote memory/storage ac- cesses). In this paper, we design a Predictable Low Latency (PL2) network architecture for rack-scale systems with Eth- ernet as interconnecting fabric. PL2 leverages programmable Ethernet switches to carefully schedule packets such that they incur no loss with NIC and switch queues maintained at small, near-zero levels. In our 100 Gbps rack-prototype, PL2 keeps 99th-percentile memcached RPC latencies under 60 Β΅s even when the RPCs compete with extreme offered-loads of 400%, without losing traffic. Network transfers for a machine learning training task complete 30% faster than a receiver- driven scheme implementation modelled after Homa (222ms vs 321ms 99%ile latency per iteration). 1 Introduction Rack-scale data center solutions like Dell-EMC VxRail [57] and Intel RSD [52] have emerged as a new building block for modern enterprise, cloud, and edge infrastructure. These rack-units have three key characteristics; First is the increas- ing use of resource disaggregation and hardware accelerators within these rack-units like GPUs and FPGAs [52], in ad- dition to high-density compute and storage units. Second, Ethernet is by far the dominant interconnect of choice within such racks, even for communication between compute units, storage units and accelerators (e.g., Ethernet-pooled FPGA and NVMe in Intel RDS [33]). Third, these racks are deployed in a wide range of enterprise and cloud customer environ- ments, running a heterogeneous mix of modern (e.g., ma- chine learning, graph processing) and legacy applications (e.g., monolithic web applications), making it impractical to anticipate traffic and workload patterns. Rack-scale networks 1 need to satisfy the key requirements of uniform low latency and high utilization, irrespec- tive of where applications reside, and which accelerators they access (e.g., FPGA vs. CPU vs. GPU). However, three key obstacles stand in the way of achieving these goals because of the above-mentioned characteristics. First, the rack-scale network must be transport-agnostic, a neces- sity in environments with (a) heterogeneous accelerator de- vices that have different characteristics 2 than CPU network stacks [25, 38, 39], and (b) increasing use of CPU-bypass net- working [32, 35, 37]. Second, Ethernet is not a lossless fabric, and yet, our experiments (Β§2) on a 100G testbed confirm that drops, not queueing, are the largest contributor to tail latency pathologies. Third, the design must be workload- oblivious – given that we cannot anticipate traffic and work- load patterns across a broad range of customer environments, it is impractical to rely on state-of-the-art proposals (Β§3) that hinge on configuring rate limits or priorities using a-priori knowledge of the workload. In this paper, we present Predictable Low Latency or PL2, a rack-scale lossless network architecture that achieves low latency and high throughput in a transport-agnostic and workload-oblivious manner. PL2 reduces NIC-to-NIC laten- cies by proactively avoiding losses. PL2 supports a variety of message transport protocols and gracefully accommodates increasing numbers of flows, even at 100G line rates. It nei- ther requires a-priori knowledge of workload characteristics nor depends on rate-limits or traffic priorities to be set based on workload characteristics. To achieve these goals, senders in PL2 explicitly request a switch buffer reservation for a given number of packets, a packet burst, and receive notification as to when that burst can be transmitted without facing any cross traffic from other senders. PL2 achieves this form of centralized scheduling even at 100G line rates by overcoming the key challenge of carefully partitioning the scheduling responsibility be- tween hosts in the rack and the Top-of-Rack (ToR) switch. In particular, the end-host protocol is kept simple enough 1 The network extending between NICs of such rack-units across the top-of- rack (ToR) switch. 2 For example, FPGA stacks will not be connection-oriented due to scaling issues [54] and GPUs will not have a single receiver stack [39]). 1 arXiv:2101.06537v2 [cs.NI] 22 Jan 2021

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Page 1: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-ScaleNetworks

Yanfang Le †, Radhika Niranjan Mysore ††, Lalith Suresh ††, Gerd Zellweger††,Sujata Banerjee††, Aditya Akella†, Michael Swift†

University of Wisconsin-Madison†, VMware Research††

AbstractHigh performance rack-scale offerings package disaggre-gated pools of compute, memory and storage hardware in asingle rack to run diverse workloads with varying require-ments, including applications that need low and predictablelatency. The intra-rack network is typically high speed Ether-net, which can suffer from congestion leading to packet dropsand may not satisfy the stringent tail latency requirementsfor some workloads (including remote memory/storage ac-cesses). In this paper, we design a Predictable Low Latency(PL2) network architecture for rack-scale systems with Eth-ernet as interconnecting fabric. PL2 leverages programmableEthernet switches to carefully schedule packets such thatthey incur no loss with NIC and switch queues maintained atsmall, near-zero levels. In our 100Gbps rack-prototype, PL2keeps 99th-percentile memcached RPC latencies under 60 Β΅seven when the RPCs compete with extreme offered-loads of400%, without losing traffic. Network transfers for a machinelearning training task complete 30% faster than a receiver-driven scheme implementation modelled after Homa (222msvs 321ms 99%ile latency per iteration).

1 IntroductionRack-scale data center solutions like Dell-EMC VxRail [57]and Intel RSD [52] have emerged as a new building blockfor modern enterprise, cloud, and edge infrastructure. Theserack-units have three key characteristics; First is the increas-ing use of resource disaggregation and hardware acceleratorswithin these rack-units like GPUs and FPGAs [52], in ad-dition to high-density compute and storage units. Second,Ethernet is by far the dominant interconnect of choice withinsuch racks, even for communication between compute units,storage units and accelerators (e.g., Ethernet-pooled FPGAand NVMe in Intel RDS [33]). Third, these racks are deployedin a wide range of enterprise and cloud customer environ-ments, running a heterogeneous mix of modern (e.g., ma-chine learning, graph processing) and legacy applications(e.g., monolithic web applications), making it impractical toanticipate traffic and workload patterns.

Rack-scale networks1 need to satisfy the key requirementsof uniform low latency and high utilization, irrespec-tive of where applications reside, and which acceleratorsthey access (e.g., FPGA vs. CPU vs. GPU). However, threekey obstacles stand in the way of achieving these goalsbecause of the above-mentioned characteristics. First, therack-scale network must be transport-agnostic, a neces-sity in environments with (a) heterogeneous accelerator de-vices that have different characteristics2 than CPU networkstacks [25, 38, 39], and (b) increasing use of CPU-bypass net-working [32, 35, 37]. Second, Ethernet is not a lossless fabric,and yet, our experiments (Β§2) on a 100G testbed confirmthat drops, not queueing, are the largest contributor to taillatency pathologies. Third, the design must be workload-oblivious – given that we cannot anticipate traffic and work-load patterns across a broad range of customer environments,it is impractical to rely on state-of-the-art proposals (Β§3) thathinge on configuring rate limits or priorities using a-prioriknowledge of the workload.In this paper, we present Predictable Low Latency or PL2,

a rack-scale lossless network architecture that achieves lowlatency and high throughput in a transport-agnostic andworkload-oblivious manner. PL2 reduces NIC-to-NIC laten-cies by proactively avoiding losses. PL2 supports a variety ofmessage transport protocols and gracefully accommodatesincreasing numbers of flows, even at 100G line rates. It nei-ther requires a-priori knowledge of workload characteristicsnor depends on rate-limits or traffic priorities to be set basedon workload characteristics.

To achieve these goals, senders in PL2 explicitly request aswitch buffer reservation for a given number of packets, apacket burst, and receive notification as to when that burstcan be transmitted without facing any cross traffic from othersenders. PL2 achieves this form of centralized schedulingeven at 100G line rates by overcoming the key challengeof carefully partitioning the scheduling responsibility be-tween hosts in the rack and the Top-of-Rack (ToR) switch.In particular, the end-host protocol is kept simple enough1The network extending between NICs of such rack-units across the top-of-rack (ToR) switch.2For example, FPGA stacks will not be connection-oriented due to scalingissues [54] and GPUs will not have a single receiver stack [39]).












Page 2: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

to accommodate accelerator devices and implementationswithin NICs (Β§4.4), whereas the timeslot allocation itself isperformed in the ToR switch at line rate (as opposed to doingso on a host, which is prone to software overheads).

In summary, our contributions are:β€’ The PL2 design that embodies novel yet simple algo-rithms for lossless transmissions and near-zero queu-ing within a rackβ€’ APL2 implementation using a P4 programmable switchand an end-host stack that leverages Mellanox’s state-of-the-art VMA message acceleration library [7]β€’ A comprehensive PL2 evaluation on a 100Gbps pro-totype, supporting three different transports (TCP,UDP and Raw Ethernet), all benefiting from near-zeroqueueing in the network. Compared to VMA,we demon-strate up to 2.2x improvement in the 99th percentilelatency for the Memcached application; a 20% improve-ment to run a VGG16 machine learning workload; andnear-optimal latency and throughput in experimentsusing trace-based workload generators.

2 MotivationThe primary goal of PL2 is to provide uniformly low-latencyacross Ethernet rack-fabrics, while achieving high-utilization.We take inspiration from prior work around low and pre-dictable latency within data center networks [13, 15, 16, 18,20, 22, 26, 27, 29–31, 34, 36, 41–44, 47, 48, 56, 58, 60], but findthat rack-scale networks provide a rich set of new challenges.Rack-scale characteristics and implications1. Even as line-rates increase, intra-rack RTTs are

not getting smaller. [44] measured 5 Β΅s end-to-end RTTon a 10Gbps testbed with a single ToR switch, inclusiveof software delays on the servers. A 64B packet still hasan RTT of 5 Β΅s in our 100Gbps rack-scale PL2 prototype.Even though the network transmission times reduce propor-tionally with increasing line-rates, switching-delays, NIChardware delays, and DMA transfer delays at end-hosts haveremained about the same, and these delays together domi-nate transmission delays in a rack. Forward-error-correctiondelays increase as line-rates increase, and can add variabilityof up to 1-2 Β΅s in a 100Gbps network. This implies that rack-scale networks are able to transfer more data in the same RTTas interconnect speeds increase. Flows up to 61 kB can com-plete within 1 RTT with a 100Gbps backplane as opposed to6 kB for a 10Gbps backplane. For congestion control proto-cols and predictable latency schemes to be effective for flowsbelow these sizes, they will need to converge in sub-RTTtimeframes.

2. Even as rack-densities go up, network buffering inToR switches is not getting bigger. Shallow buffers areeven more critical to a disaggregated rack, because buffering

adds latencies to network transfers. However, the implicationof this trend is that microbursts can over-run shared outputswitch-buffers and cause drops. For instance, a 2MB bufferin a ToR switch with 100Gbps ports provides buffering forjust 160 Β΅s which means only 8 simultaneous transfers of2Mbits can be sustained before the switch starts droppingpackets. Today’s rack-scale networks support up to 64 rack-units [4], where each end-system can have tens of thousandsof ongoing transfers. At that scale a 2 MB can be overrunwith only 6 simultaneous 5 Β΅s (1 RTT) network transfers perrack-scale unit. In short, as rack-densities go up, drops due tomicrobursts can be frequent. Therefore, assumptions madeby congestion protocols like [30, 44] that the network-core(ToR switch in the case of racks) is lossless, no longer holds.

3. Rack-scale traffic is ON/OFF traffic [19] We believethis trend will continue with network traffic generated by ac-celerators. Measuring traffic-demands in such environmentsis hard, let alone learning about workload-characteristics;traffic demands at ns-timescales will be different comparedto `s timescales and ms-timescales [59]. Workload churn anddifferent application mixes adds to the unpredictability.Coming up with effective rate-limits [18, 27, 34, 36, 41],

and readjusting these rate-limits with changing traffic-conditionsin time (i.e., less than an RTT) is impossible; so is settingrelative packet priorities [44] effectively [40] so that impor-tant traffic is never lost or delayed. In our experience nei-ther rate-limits nor priority prescription is an answer tocongestion-control within a rack.Drops cause the most noticeable tailsBased on the above three observations, we believe that newtechniques are required to ensure low-latency and high-utilization within a rack-scale network. We hinge the PL2design on the observation that drops, not queuing cause themost noticeable tails.

We illustrate this point with an experiment that introducesmicrobursts in our 100Gbps testbed even when the networkis partially loaded, by using 5-way incast of roughly 18Gbpstraffic per sender. All messages transmitted in our exper-iment can be transmitted within a single RTT. As shownin Figure 1a, the 99%ile latencies experienced by a receiver-driven scheme (RDS-baseline) based on Homa (describedin detail in Section 6) correspond to the maximum output-buffering available in the ToR switch (around 120 Β΅s in Fig-ure 1b), while the 99.9%ile latencies correspond to delays dueto drops, and are two orders of magnitude higher. Reduc-ing the drop-timeout in our implementation only increasesdrops, while only slightly reducing the 99.9%ile latencies.

In contrast, PL2’s 99%ile and 99.9%ile latencies are similarto its median latencies, and it does not experience drops. PL2is not impacted bymicrobursts; it keeps buffer occupancy low


Page 3: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000Message Size (B)












PL2 99%PL2 99.9%

PL2 MedianRDS-baseline 99%

RDS-baseline 99.9%RDS-baseline Median

(a) Message latency

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550time(10ms)









ue L


h (u



(b) Switch queuing delay

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550time(10ms)









of P


t Dro



(c) Packets drop per 10ms

Figure 1: Messages latency, switch queuing delay and packets drop during microburst.

(maximum of 200 KiB). Figure 1c shows the drops (around0.1%) experienced by RDS-baseline over time.

3 Related WorkPriority Flow Control (PFC) [49] PFC is a closely re-

lated L2 mechanism that can also counter loss in a rack-scalenetwork. Configuring PFC for correct operation is notori-ously hard, even at rack-scale (see PXE booting issues in [28]),and turning on PFC in a rack that is part of a larger datacenter can be disruptive. Even within a single rack, PFC’scoarse-grained mechanisms of providing losslessness acrossless than 8 traffic classes requires operators to choose be-tween high utilization and lossless behavior because conges-tion in one downstream class can result in multiple unrelatedsenders receiving PAUSE frames due to HOL blocking [45].

Rack-scale interconnects Several custom designs forrack scale interconnects have been proposed; [23] proposedirect-connect topologies, and [53] proposes circuit switchedconnectivity within a rack. [5, 6, 9] propose cache-coherentinterconnects at rack scale to enable new computation mod-els at rack-scale. PL2 differs fundamentally from all of thesein vision. Even though other designs might perform better,PL2’s goal is to allow traditional and commercially availablerack-scale architectures to continue to avail the cost andoperational ease benefits of Ethernet interconnects, but alsoto get predictable latency benefits;

Predictable latency [18, 27, 34, 36, 41] provide predictablelatency by resource isolation among tenants or applicationsof a data center. All of these use rate-limit based networkadmission control to ensure isolation, and require a-prioriknowledge of traffic characteristics (application mixes, de-mands). They typically dynamically readjust rate-limits basedon new demand, but require considerable time to do so. Forexample, [41] requires a few RTTs for convergence. Oftenthese systems can rely on inputs from applications, tenantrequirements or systems like Bwe [40] to determine rate-limits. As described in Section 2, PL2 cannot leverage theseideas in the rack-scale context.

Congestion-control Our work follows the long historyof low-latency, high-throughput congestion-control mecha-nisms. [22, 26, 30, 44] propose software-based receiver-sidescheduling targeted towards 10Gbps data center networks.Some of these schemes [30, 44] rely on the assumption thatthe network core does not experience loss; an assumptionthat is invalid in the rack-scale context (Section 2).Recent proposals suggest that starting new flows at line-

rates [30, 44], or over-committing downlinks [44] could speedup network transfers; the experiment described in Figure 1verifies that this idea trades off tail-latency for improvedminimum and median latencies, which may not be benefi-cial [24].Homa, pFabric, and others [15, 16, 27, 44, 56, 58] depend

on prior knowledge of application traffic characteristics forproviding benefits over other schemes; something that maybe difficult due to shifting or short-lived workloads [50].

Most congestion control schemes proposed [13, 20, 29, 31,42, 43, 60] rely on layer 3 and above to remedy congestionafter it is observed either by way of delay, ECN marks, bufferoccupancy or packet loss [21]. They require at least an RTTto respond to congestion and are too slow to prevent dropsin a rack-scale network.Fastpass [48] and Flowtune [47] proactively request per-

mission to send packets and are the closest prior schemes toPL2. Fastpass decides when to send a burst of packets whileFlowtune decides the rate to send a burst of packets. Theircentralized arbiters, however, are host-based and cannot keepup with 100Gbps line rates because they are bottleneckedboth by scheduling software latencies and the downlink tothe arbiter. Control packets to the centralized arbiter canalso be dropped arbitrarily depending on NIC polling rates;these issues make centralized scheduling at an end host toofallible to be efficient and effective at 100Gbps.

Most of these schemes (except for Fastpass and Flowtune)do not tackle the problem of being transport-agnostic; theyrely on all traffic using the same end-host-based congestioncontrol3. These schemes do not interact well with trafficthat does not have congestion control. In PL2, the rack-scale3This is true of Homa also, which reorders traffic based on message sizeand would not interact well with TCP.


Page 4: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks


















1) RSV (H1 H2, K) 3) GRT (T=4, T=5)

2) Switch reserves earliest available timeslots forH1’s input (T=4) and H2’s output ports (T=5)

Reserved timeslot Available timeslot

4) Send packet burst at T=5



3 4

Figure 2: Scheduling example in PL2, with host H1 sendinga packet burst to H2. 1 H1 sends an RSV to the switch to

make a reservation. 2 The switchmaintains timeslot reser-vations for the input and output ports connected to everyhosts. It reserves the earliest available timeslots on H1’s in-put port (𝑇 = 4) and H2’s output port (𝑇 = 5). 3 The switch

notifies H1 of these timeslots through a GRT message. 4To avoid queuing, H1 then transmits at themaximum of thetwo timeslots indicated in the GRT, which is 𝑇 = 5.

interconnect intercepts traffic from all higher layers, and istherefore well suited to offer the properties we seek.

4 PL2 DesignPL2 transforms the rack-scale network into a high-performancelossless low-latency interconnect. At the heart of PL2 is analgorithm for scheduling packet bursts at line rate using theswitch dataplane, where a packet burst is simply a boundednumber of Ethernet frames.PL2 is designed to be losslessness via proactive conges-

tion control, while at the same time, being both transport-agnostic and, workload-oblivious.We achieve losslessness via the scheduling algorithm,

which implements a timeslot reservation scheme where eachsender transmits only at its assigned timeslot, reducing cross-traffic. Since the scheduling function is placed in the switchdataplane in the network layer, it can schedule for packetbursts corresponding to all transports. The switch is one hopaway from all hosts; therefore hosts can access the schedulingfunction at less than end-to-end RTT; we further eliminatescheduling overheads where possible. PL2 does not assumea-priori knowledge of traffic patterns or workloads.

In the following sections, we explain our scheduling algo-rithm first, followed by practical hardware constraints thatinform its design. It is worth mentioning, for readers familiarwith Fastpass, that we are unable to borrow the timeslotallocation scheme in Fastpass due to these hardware con-straints; PL2 switch scheduling algorithm trades off optimalscheduling for speed. We elaborate on this towards the endof the next subsection.4.1 PL2 scheduling algorithm

Timeslot reservation overview Conceptually, our schememaintains a list of timeslots per input and output buffer foreach port. In our current implementation, we define a times-lot to be the time it takes to transmit an MTU sized packetout of a buffer4. To transmit a packet burst from host β„Ž toβ„Žβ€², we seek to reserve a timeslot 𝑑 on the switch input portcorresponding to β„Ž, and a timeslot 𝑑 β€² on the output port cor-responding to β„Žβ€². Host β„Ž then transmits at a β€˜chosen timeslot’which is the greater of timeslots 𝑑 and 𝑑 β€² to avoid a collision5.The astute reader will observe that we could instead let theswitch choose the transmission time in a centralized mannerrather than pairwise, but hardware constraints prevent usfrom doing so (Β§4.2).Note, with the hosts choosing the transmission times,

there is a risk of collision. With perfect scheduling, we wouldhave no collisions, and need near zero buffering at the switch.However, PL2 uses a small amount of buffer space (less than200KB in our 100Gbps testbed) to accommodate occasionalcollisions.

To run the above-mentioned scheme at line rate andwithinthe constraints of switching hardware (outlined in Β§4.1.1),we designed an algorithm with the following division oflogic between the switch and the hosts: (i) to transmit apacket burst of size K6, hosts send reserve or RSV packetsto the switch to reserve timeslots, (ii) the switch grants areservation of size K and responds to the host with a grantor GRT packet, which specifies the earliest available timeslotfor the corresponding input port and output port, (iii) thehost then picks the maximum of the two timeslots to avoida collision, (iv) finally, the host converts the timeslot intoa waiting time after which it transmits the packet burst. Indoing so, the timeslot reservation logic is divided betweenthe switch and the host. Importantly, both the switch andhost logic stays simple and in line with switching hardwareconstraints, which we describe below.4.1.1 Switch logicAlgorithm 1 shows the scheduling logicat the switch. To stay ahead of packet transmissions, despitethe delay of each RSV-GRT exchange, the switch creates aschedule of input and output reservations for every port,in terms of timeslots. Each highlighted gray box representslogic that can be implemented with a single P4 operation.

4The ideal duration for a timeslot is system and workload dependent. Itshould be chosen as a function of common (or minimum) message sizesand link speeds to ensure high utilization; transmitting small messages inlarge timeslots is wasteful. It’s choice is also determined by the transmissiongranularity in a system; for e.g, a timeslot that is in picoseconds is uselessbecause current hardware cannot transmit at such a fine granularity.5Our design choice to always choose the greater of timeslots 𝑑 and 𝑑 β€² cancreate gaps in time when no packet is scheduled.6𝐾 is technically the number of timeslots a sender is allowed to reserve at atime.


Page 5: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

Algorithm 1 Switch Scheduling Algorithm. Each high-lighted block is a single P4 operation.1: INIT:2: π‘–π‘›π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘£π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›[π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘‘ 1..π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘‘ 𝑛] ← {0}3: π‘œπ‘’π‘‘π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘£π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›[π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘‘ 1..π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘‘ 𝑛] ← {0}

4: INPUT: packet5: π‘ π‘Ÿπ‘ ←source port of RSV6: 𝑑𝑠𝑑 ←destination port requested7: if packet is a RSV then8: packet.sendTimeslot← inReservation[src]9: inReservation[src] += packet.demand

10: packet.recvTimeslot← outReservation[dst]11: outReservation[dst] += packet.demand

12: send GRT13: else14: π‘œπ‘’π‘‘π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘£π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›[𝑑𝑠𝑑] -= 115: π‘–π‘›π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘£π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›[π‘ π‘Ÿπ‘] -= 116: end if

At switch start up, the input and output reservations areinitialized to zero (lines 2-3). In response to RSV packets, theswitch sends back the next available input and output times-lots for the requested transmissions (lines 8,10,12). It alsoreserves enough timeslots for each RSV request (lines 9,11).In Figure 2, the switch has reserved timeslot 4 at the sourceport (connected to Host 1) and timeslot 5 at the destinationport (connected to Host 2) for transmission. Note that thereservation timeslots have not lined up exactly at the twoports. We describe how the sending host uses these timeslotsnext. Lines 13-15 describe switch logic for regular packets, inwhich the timeslot reservations for the packet are removed.4.2 Hardware constraintsThere are two key hardware constraints that Algorithm 1satisfies. First, currently available programmable switchinghardware cannot access more than one stateful memory ob-ject (SMO) at a time in an operation, per packet, at line-rates.This is why inReservation and outReservation timeslotcounters in Algorithm 1 are accessed and updated in twoseparate operations. Second, all pipelined network hardwarecan only read/modify/write SMOs once during the process-ing of packets. If a SMO is updated or accessed twice duringthe same pipeline, it results in race-conditions across packets.This is why inReservation and outReservation have tobe read and modified in a single atomic operation in Algo-rithm 1.

In the absence of the first limitation, the switch could up-date both inReservation and outReservation to max(in-Reservation, outReservation). If it could also cache thecomputed timeslot in packet metadata, it could send this

timeslot information in response to a RSV message. Sincethe chosen timeslot increases monotonically, this scheme re-moves any possibility of collisions. In the current implemen-tation, the switch relays inReservation and outReservationto the host, which computes the chosen timeslot to send at.

Why not implement Fastpass in a switch instead?Fastpass [48] is able to perform timeslot allocation with max-imal matching because the scheduler processes a list of all de-mands in the network at once; implementing such a schemeis impossible in the switch dataplane at line-rate, becauseswitch pipelines cannot compare multiple RSV packets inflight.In addition, Fastpass performs timeslot allocation using

a bitmap table, that has a sender and receiver bitmap totrack multiple timeslots. Allocation requires a bitwise ANDof the sender and receiver bitmap, followed by a β€˜set’ on thefirst available timeslot. Supporting such an algorithm wouldrequire hardware to be able to access and set at least twostateful memory objects in a single operation. Maintaininga sliding window of timeslots is similarly hard to achievewith dataplanes today because they expose minimal timingAPI that are restricted to timestamping β€” converting thesetimestamps to sliding windows requires accessing multiplestateful memory objects, one that maintains timestamp in-formation, and another that maintains timeslot information,and updating them at line-rates for every RSV packet.4.2.1 Host logicOn the host side, for lossless transmis-sion, senders must ensure that their packet bursts do notcollide with other transmissions at both the correspondinginput and output ports on the switch. In fact, input and out-put ports at a switch might be shared by multiple hosts (likewhen a 100G link is divided into four 25G links and connectedto four different hosts). End hosts in PL2 therefore conserva-tively choose a timeslot to transmit that is available on boththe relevant switch input and output ports using the equationπ‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ β†π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ (π‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘, π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘π‘£π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘).

The sender then transmits packets at the chosenTimeslotby waiting for a period waitingTime calculated using theequation

π‘€π‘Žπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘›π‘”π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’ = π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘π‘Šπ‘Žπ‘–π‘‘ βˆ’ π‘Ÿπ‘ π‘£πΊπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π·π‘’π‘™π‘Žπ‘¦βˆ’ π‘π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘›π‘”π·π‘Žπ‘‘π‘Žπ·π‘’π‘™π‘Žπ‘¦, (1)

where π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘π‘Šπ‘Žπ‘–π‘‘ = π‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ βˆ—π‘€π‘‡π‘ˆ /π‘™π‘–π‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’ andpendingDataDelay = bytes/linerate.The explanation for this calculation is as follows: The

timeslot chosen for transmission is timeslotWait secondsinto the future from when the reservation is made at theswitch. This reservation is conveyed back to the sender af-ter rsvGrtDelay/2 seconds. The first packet of the trans-mission would again take approximately rsvGrtDelay/2


Page 6: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

seconds to reach the switch, after transmitting all the previ-ously scheduled packets at the sender NIC (which would takependingDataDelay seconds)7. The sender therefore waitsonly for the remaining fraction of time to ensure that thefirst packet of the burst arrives in time at the switch.The aforementioned logic has some leeway with regards

to where on the host it runs. In our current userspace stackimplementation, one instance of the PL2 host logic runs perapplication thread and each thread maintains at most oneoutstanding RSV-GRT exchange. We believe a better imple-mentation would be one where the host logic runs inside aNIC. In that case, the NIC can allow sending threads to haveone outstanding RSV-GRT exchange per destination mac ad-dress, so that a thread sending messages simultaneously tomultiple destinations can do so without encountering head-of-line blocking for messages to unrelated destinations.4.3 Setting the packet-burst size, 𝐾A key parameter in PL2 is the packet-burst size, 𝐾 . PL2 en-sures stable queuing by proactively scheduling transmis-sions such that when these packet bursts are transmitted,they encounter almost no queuing. However, the timeslotreservations for the relevant input and output ports for atransmission determine when packet bursts are transmitted.The switch reserves as many timeslots as needed for a trans-mission based on the demand from the host, which is cappedby 𝐾 .

A small value of𝐾 limits the amount of head-of-line block-ing a burst introduces at its input and output ports and en-sures that PL2 supports a large number of concurrent trans-missions at any point in time. However, when 𝐾 is too small,the overhead of the RSV-GRT exchange dominates, loweringthroughput and effective utilization. Similarly, large valuesof 𝐾 help amortize the cost of the RSV-GRT exchange de-lay, but increase head-of-line blocking because that causesthe switch to reserve a burst of timeslots for the same host,potentially starving other hosts.

We find that 𝐾 = 4 works best for our 100G testbed proto-type and in our simulation for all the workloads we tested,based on a parameter sweep. §5 details the configurations inour testbed and simulations.4.4 Reducing scheduling overheadsEach RSV-GRT exchange enables senders to determine thewaiting time before transmitting on a given input/outputport pair. Under light loads, the waiting times for a senderwill mostly be 0ns (or nominal at best), providing an oppor-tunity to reduce the number of exchanges required to sendmessages. Such a reduction has the potential to reduce the

7We ensure that RSV-GRT packets do not wait behind data packets (if any)by prioritizing them using 801.1q

Algorithm 2 Scheduling at sender1: PARAMETERS: 𝑑 , 𝐾2: INIT:3: π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘πΆβ„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ ← {βˆ’1}4: π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘’π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’ ← {0}

5: Function scheduleBurst6: INPUT: packet burst with 𝐾 or fewer packets7: Send RSV for burst8: if π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘πΆβ„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ < 𝑑 and π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘’π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’ is current

then9: Send unsolicited packet burst10: else11: Call receiveGRT12: Send packet burst afterπ‘€π‘Žπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘›π‘”π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’13: end if

14: Function receiveGRT15: INPUT: GRT16: if π‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ > 𝑑 then17: if π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘πΆβ„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ < 𝑑 then18: Resend packet burst corresponding to GRT19: end if20: end if21: π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘πΆβ„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘ ← π‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘ π‘’π‘›π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘‘

22: π‘™π‘Žπ‘ π‘‘π‘…π‘’π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘’π‘‡π‘–π‘šπ‘’ ← π‘›π‘œπ‘€ ()

minimum end-to-end message latencies in PL2, which areotherwise impacted by RSV-GRT exchange overheads.

We therefore design an optimization that enables sendersto send unsolicited packet bursts immediately after sendinga RSV packet to the switch, without waiting for the GRT.Unsolicited bursts are allowed only when the following twoconditions are satisfied: (i) the timeslots at the input andoutput port known from a previous GRT are both below athreshold 𝑑 and (ii), the information about the reservation isdeemed to be recent, i.e., obtained within a certain interval oftime (e.g., comparable to the time for a RSV-GRT exchange).Condition (ii) is met when senders send consecutive burststo the same destination. Packets that are sent unsolicited aremarked by using a spare packet header field.Algorithm 2 shows the sender side scheduling logic. As

usual before sending a burst, RSV packets are sent (line 7).However, if the lastChosenTimeslot was within t and theprevious GRT was recent, an unsolicited packet burst is senteven before the next GRT arrives (line 8-9). The switch sched-ule is modified to pass through unsolicited bursts, unless thereservation queues are larger than a threshold 𝑇 >> 𝑑 , inwhich case unsolicited bursts are dropped (not shown inalgorithm 1). When the sender receives a GRT back, it de-termines whether the new chosenTimeslot > t (wherechosenTimeslot is calculated using the equation from Sec-tion 4.2.1) and if so, resends the packet burst corresponding


Page 7: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

to the GRT (lines 16-20) at the right timeslot. This ensuresthat the packet burst arrives at the time it is expected at theswitch, even if the unsolicited burst was dropped. Howeversince T >> t, it is also possible that both the unsolicited andscheduled packets arrive at the receiver, and the receiver hasto deal with a small number of duplicate packets.

In general, the threshold t is set to a sufficiently low value,so that the optimization only applies at very low loads. Inour testbed implementation, we found t to be robust across abroad range of values and workloads. All our testbed experi-ments are run on a setting of t=15. Sweeping through t=10up to t=25 does not show statistically significant changes toloss rates or latency (of course, setting t to large values like35 does lead to loss).This optimization results in some transmissions arriving

at the switch at the same time under low load. We find thatwhen there are only a few senders to a port, and there arecontinuous transmissions at a low rate, the optimizationhelps reduce the minimum message latencies; this is becausethe queuing caused by such simultaneous transmissions issmaller than the RSV-GRT message exchange delay underlow loads.Tonic [12] and Sidler et. al. [54] have demonstrated that

it is possible to place complex congestion control logic intoNIC hardware. Since algorithm 2 requires only a minimalsubset of the supported logic (timed transmit), we believe itwill be easier to implement in NIC hardware. Such an imple-mentation will allow GPU and FPGAs (apart from CPUs) toaccess PL2 logic directly.4.5 Other design considerationsImplications for intra-rack transports. We find that

PL2 is able to provide congestion control to all traffic withinthe rack. One key advantage with TCP over PL2 is that trans-missions with PL2 rely on current knowledge of networkdemand (using RSV-GRT), rather than TCP’s window esti-mate, which might become stale depending on the time ofthe last transmission within a flow.We are able to completelyturn off TCP congestion control when using PL2 underneathin our 100G rack prototype(Β§5).

Handling failures. When a PL2 ToR fails, the entire rackfails, as is the case with non-PL2 rack. When a PL2 senderfails, its reservations on the ToR switch (up to 𝐾 outstandingfor each connection) will need to be removed using externaldetection and recovery logic.

Oneway to detect a failed sender is to have GRT packets beadditionally sent to receivers, and have receivers track pend-ing transmissions. This adds a small overhead comparable toan ACK packet for every 𝐾 packets, and therefore trades-offa small amount of receiver bandwidth for better failure tol-erance. When a sender crashes, or misbehaves, the receivercan detect the failure and reset the pending reservations

at the switch. This scheme has an additional advantage ofinforming the receiver of upcoming transmissions; receiverscan use this information to schedule the receiving process intime to receive the transmission to further drive down theend-to-end message delay with systems like [46]. We aim tolook at this issue in the future and study its overheads.

5 ImplementationWe have built a 100Gbps solution that uses PL2 in a rack.The switch scheduling algorithm (Alg 1) is implemented us-ing a P4 program and runs on a ToR switch’ programmabledataplane ASIC [3]. The switching delay with PL2 enabledis measured to be between 346 ns (min) to 508 ns (99.99%ile),with a median delay of 347 ns and standard deviation 3 ns.inReservation and outReservation are 32-bit register ar-rays updated in one switch pipeline stage; Since the switchhas 64 ports, each array consists of 64 registers.We use the Mellanox Messaging Accelerator (VMA) [7]

to prototype the sender side scheduling support; we chooseVMA instead of DPDK [2] and the Linux network stack be-cause VMA provides lower latencies on Mellanox NICs. TheTCP/IP library integrated in VMA allows us to compare TCPand UDP performance with and without PL2. We are ableto turn off congestion control support in TCP when usingPL2 underneath. We also augment RDMA raw Ethernet withPL2 scheduling to mimic PL2 support for traffic generatedby accelerators that might lack congestion control.

PL2 prototype topology and configuration PL2 hard-ware prototype is a rack with 6 servers, each equipped witha Mellanox ConnectX-5 100Gbps NIC. Each server has two28-core Intel Xeon Gold 5120 2.20GHz CPUs, 196GiB ofmemory, and runs Ubuntu 18.04 with Linux Kernel version4.15 and Mellanox OFED version 4.4. The servers connect toa 6.5 Tbps programmable dataplane switch [3], with 64 physi-cal 100Gbps ports. The switch runs OpenNetworkLinux [10]with Kernel version 3.16. The network MTU is 1500 bytes.

Our servers also connect to a Mellanox SN2700 switchusing a second port on the Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC. Theservers synchronize over this out-of-band network usingIEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) [1] using hardwareNIC timestamps and boundary clock function at theMellanoxswitch. Note, the time synchronization setup is only used forour experiment infrastructure and not required to run PL2.

RSV-GRT exchange delay We implement RSV and GRTpackets as 64-byte Ethernet control packets. PL2 continu-ously measures RSV-GRT delays using hardware and soft-ware timestamping and uses these measures to correctlyestimate packet transmission times (equation 1). We findthat RSV-GRT exchanges can have variable delay even in anunloaded network; the exchanges take between 1 Β΅s (min),1.06 Β΅s (median) to 14us (max) NIC-to-NIC, using hardware


Page 8: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

timestamping and 1.98 Β΅s (min), 2.05 (median) and 22.25 Β΅s(max) using software timestamping in a network in an idlenetwork. Interestingly we see similar variance and tails whenwe transmit data close to line rate using PL2. We anticipatethat the performance that PL2 offers will get better if thisvariability is remedied.

Interfacing with application send PL2 is prototypedon a user-space stack, where application send and receiveis implemented in the same thread (as opposed to send andreceive being handled in separate threads). We interceptfunction calls within the VMA library [7] that executes the ac-tual send (send_lwip_buffer and send_ring_buffer) andsend RSV packets for every 𝐾 or fewer packets. Because thereceive executes in the same thread, we also wait for the GRTbefore sending each packet burst; i.e., the application sendcall blocks until transmission completes. When employingthe low-load optimization discussed in §4.4, even though wesend packet bursts together with the RSV, we wait to receivethe GRT before transmitting the next burst. As such, we havenot been able to eliminate the overheads due to RSV-GRTexchange to the degree that the optimization design permitsin our current implementation. A more favorable implemen-tation of PL2 would execute RSV-GRT receives in a separatethread or offload RSV-GRT exchanges into the NIC.

6 EvaluationWe evaluate PL2 100Gbps prototype for the desired proper-ties of losslessness, low latency and high utilization acrossvarious transports.6.1 Experiment setup and methodologyWe use burst size 𝐾 = 4 and threshold 𝑑 = 15 in all exper-iments, configured as described in Β§4.3 and Β§4.4. We nextdescribe the applications, transports, loads and traffic pat-terns we have evaluated.

memcached [8] We evaluate the impact of worst-case back-ground loads on latencies and throughput of single memcachedclient-server instances that reside on separate hosts. The keyare 64B with 1 KiB and 4 KiB values. memcached uses TCPcommunication. The client executes reads (GET) continu-ously and the responses compete with background traffic.We use reads rather than a mix of reads and writes becausereads stress both the forward and reverse paths. Withoutbackground traffic,memcached introduces 2-3Gbps networkload.

Machine learning with vgg16 [11] VGG16 is a popu-lar convolutional neural network model used for large-scaleimage recognition. We emulate the network communicationfor VGG16 training, where gradients from each neural net-work layer are transferred over the network. Each parameter

server in our set up receives messages from 4 workers at atotal load of 70-89Gbps.Workload traces We evaluate PL2 with traces generated

from message-size distributions collected from various real-world modern application environments (W1-W5) [14, 17, 51,55] also used in Homa [44]. W1 is generated from a collectionof memcached servers at Facebook, W2 from a search appli-cation at Google, W3 from aggregated RPC-workloads froma Google datacenter, W4 is from a Hadoop cluster at Face-book and W5 is a web search workload used for DCTCP. Thetraces are generated in an open-loop with Poisson arrivals.These workloads represent modern database and analyticsworkloads that we expect rack-scale networks to run. Theworkload generator that replays these traces does not priori-tize messages from one thread over the other. We believe thisaccurately mimics several user-space applications competingfor the network independently across several cores.

Transport protocols We evaluate the performance ofraw Ethernet, UDP and VMA TCP over PL2. raw Ethernetand UDP represent accelerator transports that do not haveend-host-based congestion control support. When we usePL2 underneath VMA TCP we turn off VMA’s congestioncontrol support8. We compare PL2 congestion control withVMA TCP Cubic and a receiver-driven congestion controlscheme (RDS) based on Homa.

Our RDS implementation achieves close to 100Gbps line-rates by separating receiver-driven scheduling from data-processing; we schedule up to 4 packets when possible anduse a lock-free mechanism for communication between thescheduling and data-processing threads. When packets arelost, the receiver can detect these losses bymonitoring out-of-order packet arrivals. In these cases, the receiver notifies thesender of the lost packets immediately (rather than waitingfor a timeout [44]). This helps reduce delays due to a majorityof lost packets. Sometimes an entire burst of packets is lost,and in these cases, the receiver cannot effectively determineif the packets are lost or delayed. Instead they timeout after1ms and send a lost-packet notification to the sender. Senderssend up to 61 KiB, the bandwidth-delay product in our systemblindly as fast as they can (similar to RTTbytes in [44]). Ifthese initial packets are lost, the sender times out after 1ms,and resends the packets again.Server-server raw Ethernet provides an optimal baseline

for comparison with PL2. raw Ethernet is unhindered bycongestion control, and transmits messages as fast as theyarrive. No congestion control scheme can achieve smallerdelays than raw Ethernet. Recently [30, 44] showed that RDS-like mechanisms can provide significantly smaller latenciesthan available congestion control schemes. Therefore we8VMA only provides Cubic and Reno congestion control options, of whichwe have chosen Cubic


Page 9: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

choose to implement and compare PL2 with RDS on thetestbed. We also compare PL2 with VMA TCP Cubic, becauseVMA touts impressive latency improvements.

We are unable tomake a fair-comparisonwith DCTCP [13]and other available congestion control schemes in the linuxkernel because PL2 is only implemented at user-space (usingVMA), and does not experience the overheads of the linuxkernel.

Traffic patterns, link loads and latency evaluationWe evaluate PL2 under incast, outcast, and shuffle trafficpatterns. Incast helps demonstrate the lossless behavior ofPL2. Outcast is PL2’s worst-case traffic pattern, because itstresses senders that not only transfer data but also have todo RSV-GRT signalling.We control the network load at each server by injecting

traffic using multiple threads pinned to different cores. Weexperiment with both persistent congestion caused by mul-tiple long running background flows, and with microburstscaused by replaying W1-W5 traces from multiple threads.We present results of 99%ile and median latencies mea-

sured in user-space; for memcached, we measure two-wayrequest-response delays; for other workloads, we measureone-way latencies, i.e., the time from message arrival at thesending thread to the time when the message is delivered atthe receiving thread.

The rest of the evaluation section summarizes our findings.6.2 End-to-end application performanceWe experiment with two real-world applications, memcachedand vgg16 training. When memcached competes with heavy(incast) background traffic with congestion control support,PL2 can ensure up to 2.3x lower rpc-latencies, and 1.8x corre-sponding improvement in application throughput comparedto VMA TCP Cubic. When it competes with traffic with-out congestion control(the kind of traffic we expect fromaccelerators), memcached over PL2 still sees similar latenciesand throughput; whereas without PL2, memcached rpcs failto complete due to severe losses. This demonstrates thatPL2 is able to provide fabric-level congestion control for alltransports that use it.Experiments with VGG-16 training show that PL2 can

reduce network transfer times per iteration by 30% comparedto RDS (222ms vs 321ms 99%ile latency per iteration); weachieve a 20% speed up for 100 iterations (9.5s versus 12s).6.2.1 PL2 keeps memcached 99%ile latencies below60 Β΅s evenwith 400%offered load Figures 3-4 show memcachedtransaction throughput and response latencies with TCPbackground traffic. The graphs shown are with 4 KiB values;the results for the same experiment with 1 KiB values showthe same trend. Figure 3 shows how memcached throughput(in transactions per second) reduces with increasing TCP

0 1 2 3 4Number of hosts sending background traffic













Figure 3:Memcached throughputwith competingTCP traffic.

0 1 2 3 4Number of hosts sending background traffic










C la


y (u


TCP VMA Cubic 99%TCP VMA Cubic MedianTCP VMA PL2 99%TCP VMA PL2 Median

Figure 4: Memcached latencies with competingTCP traffic.

1 2 3 4Number of hosts sending background traffic








Figure 5:Memcached throughputwith competingUDP traffic.

1 2 3 4Number of hosts sending background traffic



C la


y (u


TCP VMA Cubic 99%TCP VMA Cubic MedianTCP VMA PL2 99%TCP VMA PL2 Median

Figure 6: Memcached latencies with competingUDP traffic.

background traffic. The red bar shows throughputs withmemcached over TCP over PL2 (TCP VMA PL2), and thegreen bar shows throughputs with memcached over TCPwith Cubic congestion control (TCP VMA Cubic).

When there is no background traffic (bars for 0 hosts send-ing background traffic), PL2 slows down memcached by a


Page 10: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

50 100 150 200 250 300 350Finishing time(ms)










Figure 7: CDF of latency for all iterations in VGG16model training using PL2 and RDS.

small amount(8%), even though the RPC latencies are similarto TCP VMA Cubic (Figure 4). PL2 RSV-GRT exchange over-heads contribute to reduced throughput seen with TCP VMAPL2. The same effect is seen in the case where the memcachedhost also sends background traffic that utilizes around 50%of the downlink to the memcached client (50Gbps). Once weadd background traffic load from additional servers, the loadon the receiving link increases to 80-90% and the memcachedlatencies go up much faster for TCP VMA Cubic than TCPVMA PL2 as seen in Figure 4; consequently memcached has0.5x lower throughput with TCP VMA Cubic. This is despitethe fact that the competing background traffic that runs usingTCP VMA PL2 has 1-5Gbps more load than the backgroundtraffic that runs on VMA TCP Cubic. The 99th-percentileRPC latency with VMA TCP Cubic is 127 Β΅s as opposed to56 Β΅s with PL2 with 4-way TCP incast background traffic.6.2.2 PL2keepsmemcached latencies low (25 Β΅s) evenwhen competing with traffic with no end-host-basedcongestion control Figures 5-6 show memcached transac-tion throughput and response latencieswith UDP backgroundtraffic (memcached traffic still uses TCP). Since UDP has nocongestion control, it presents particularly severe competi-tion to memcached traffic. Our goal with this experiment isto show how PL2 enables multiple transports with or withoutcongestion control to co-exist within a rack.Figure 5 shows the throughput of memcached as we in-

crease UDP background load. Without PL2, the memcachedbenchmark does not complete due to severe losses. Figure 6shows the 99%ile and median memcached RPC latencies withVMATCPCubic and PL2. Memcached sees 5s 99th-percentilelatency without PL2 (due to drops) as opposed to 25 Β΅s withPL2 with 4-way UDP incast background traffic.Once we introduce background traffic from 2 or more

hosts, we find that memcached incurs severe losses withoutPL2, and its throughput drops to 3-7 transactions per second,while the tail latency shoots up to several seconds (Figure 6).However, with PL2, the memcached RPC latencies do notdegrade with such severity (even the tail latencies remain

steady, with some increase in the median), and memcachedcontinues to have throughputs similar to our experimentwith TCP background traffic. This is because PL2 keeps theUDP background traffic from 2-4 hosts within 75-90Gbps.6.2.3 PL2 improves training latencies for vgg16 by30%The communication pattern for exchanging gradientupdates in VGG16 is inherently a shuffle process. We have4 hosts sending data as workers and 2 hosts as parameterservers, which receives gradients from all the workers. Thegradient data (500MiB) is partitioned according to VGG16architecture. The aggregate incoming rate to each parameterserver is less than the line rate to ensure the network is nota bottleneck. We repeat this process 100π‘₯ and measure thefinishing time of transferring the entire gradient set at eachiteration.

Figure 7 shows the CDF of iteration times using the receiver-driven scheme and PL2. We did not prioritize small messageswith the receiver-driven scheme like Homa [44] because itinterferes with the ordering of messages that the trainingset expects. As such, we find that the 99th percentile fin-ishing time of each iteration in the receiver-driven schemeis 1.45π‘₯ than that of PL2. To finish 100 gradients sets fromeach worker, PL2 takes 9.5s in total while the receiver-drivenscheme takes 12s. The receiver-driven approach is slowerbecause the receiver is unaware of traffic from the senderto other hosts: it frequently allocates time slots when thesender is already sending to another receiver. This leads tolower link utilization. PL2 does not have this issue becausePL2 counts the queuing both at the sender and receiver.6.3 W1-W5: Near-optimal p99 latenciesWe compare how close message latencies for W1-W5 areto optimal with 3-way incast using raw Ethernet over PL2.We do this by using a baseline where W1-W5 are run usingjust raw Ethernet between two servers. Since the baselineencounters no contention, and raw Ethernet transmits mes-sages as soon as they arrive (with no congestion control), themessage latencies it encounters are close to optimal. We callthis scheme raw Ethernet (optimal). When comparing 3-wayincast results with raw Ethernet over PL2 to raw Ethernet(optimal), we try to keep the network load equivalent. Wedo so by using the same number of threads in total to runthe workload across the two schemes (11 threads per server,33 threads in total).Figs. 8a-8c present the message latencies for workload

traces W3-W5 over raw Ethernet. For these workloads, 3-way incast achieves 40-90Gbps throughput. PL2 over Ether-net has 99%ile latencies close to raw Ethernet (optimal), andthe throughputs obtained with and without PL2 are similar(except in the case of Figure 8b where PL2 over Ethernetgets slightly lower throughput compared to raw Ethernet


Page 11: PL2: Towards Predictable Low Latency in Rack-Scale Networks

102 103 104 105 106 107 108

Message Size (B)












RAW-ETHERNET-Optimal-33 flows 99%RAW-ETHERNET-Optimal-33 flows MedianRAW-ETHERNET-PL2-3 hosts 99%RAW-ETHERNET-PL2-3 hosts Median

(a) W3 All RPC (raw Ethernet)

102 103 104 105 106 107

Message Size (B)












RAW-ETHERNET-Optimal-33 flows 99%RAW-ETHERNET-Optimal-33 flows MedianRAW-ETHERNET-PL2-3 hosts 99%RAW-ETHERNET-PL2-3 hosts Median

(b) W4 Hadoop (raw Ethernet)

103 104 105 106 107 108

Message Size (B)












RAW-ETHERNET-Optimal-33 flows 99%RAW-ETHERNET-Optimal-33 flows MedianRAW-ETHERNET-PL2-3 hosts 99%RAW-ETHERNET-PL2-3 hosts Median

(c) W5 Search (raw Ethernet)

102 103 104 105 106 107 108

Message Size (B)













TCP-Cubic-3 hosts 99%TCP-Cubic-3 hosts MedianTCP-PL2-3 hosts 99%TCP-PL2-3 hosts Median

(d) W3 All RPC (TCP)

102 103 104 105 106 107

Message Size (B)







ge la


y (u


TCP-Cubic-3 hosts 99%TCP-Cubic-3 hosts MedianTCP-PL2-3 hosts 99%TCP-PL2-3 hosts Median

(e) W4 Hadoop (TCP)

103 104 105 106 107 108

Message Size (B)













TCP-Cubic-3 hosts 99%TCP-Cubic-3 hosts MedianTCP-PL2-3 hosts 99%TCP-PL2-3 hosts Median

(f) W5 Search (TCP)

Figure 8: Message latencies of workloads W3-W5 for raw Ethernet and TCP

1 2 3 4# of Incast Servers











RAW Ethernet BaselineRAW Ethernet PL2

(a) Throughput over Ethernet

1 2 3 4# of Incast Servers











ay (

ns) Baseline 99%

Baseline 99.99%Baseline MedianPL2 99%

PL2 99.99%PL2 Median

(b) Switch queuing delays for raw Ethernetand PL2

1 2 3 4# of Incast Servers












(c) Throughput over TCP

Figure 9: Incast evaluation comparing against raw Ethernet and TCP.

(optimal) for W4 (86Gbps vs. 89Gbps) due to RSV-GRT ex-change overhead). The impact of RSV-GRT exchanges aremore prominent in the median latencies in Figs. 8b and 8c.

1 2 3 4# of Outcast Servers











RAW Ethernet BaselineRAW Ethernet PL2

Figure 10: Outcast throughput comparison raw Ether-net vs. PL2 over Ethernet

We see latency spikes in Figures 8a and 8c; these are out-liers, when the message arrivals exceeded the capacity ofour workload generator when it ran out of available workerthreads to transmit the next message.6.3.1 W1-W5overTCP: 10x lower 99%ile latenciesWealso compare 3-way incast of W1-W5 with TCP-over-PL2to 3-way incast with TCP Cubic. Figures 8d, 8e, 8f showthat TCP-Cubic has worse median and 99%ile latencies thanTCP over PL2, except in the case of Figure 8d. VMA TCPCubic has better latencies with W3, because it undergoes acongestion collapse and achieves only 43Gbps, as comparedto 81Gbpswith TCP over PL2. In all other cases, we find thatVMA TCP Cubic achieves throughputs close to TCP withPL2 while having retransmissions due to message loss (TCP


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with PL2 has no losses). We believe these graphs show thestable-queuing effect of proactive congestion control.

Our workload generator is unable to generate greater than5Gbps traffic for W1 and W2 even in an incast scenariobecause the master thread cannot keep up with assigningmessages to connections within the inter-arrival times. Wefind that when workloads impose such light loads, PL2 doesnot give significant benefits over VMA TCP Cubic, nor doesit cause significant degradation; we omit these results forspace and refer the reader to our results with memcachedwith no background traffic in Figure 3.6.4 Throughput implicationsFigure 9a shows the aggregate throughput achieved by PL2over Ethernet in comparison to raw Ethernet, with incast,while not having loss. The x-axis shows the number of hoststhat are sending out persistent traffic to the same receiverand the y-axis shows the throughput in Gbps. Each hoststarts 12 flows (pinned to separate cores on the sender), andsends 24 million 6 KiB messages (4 MTU sized packets). rawEthernet achieves line rate for the case of one host sendingtraffic to another host without any packets drop. However,as the number of sending hosts 𝑛 increases, we find that onlyonly 1/𝑛 packets are delivered to the receiver (all senders areable to send at line-rate). PL2 over Ethernet has no losses butcaps server-to-server throughput to 80Gbps. The throughputdepends on the number of flows in PL2 (12), because eachflow has at most one outstanding RSV when the network isloaded.Figure 9b shows the switch queuing delays for the same

experiment. As can be seen raw Ethernet has uncontrolledqueue lengths, whereas PL2 over Ethernet achieves stablequeueing with low variance.Figure 9c shows PL2’s aggregate throughput in compari-

son to TCP cubic, with incast traffic. The experiment settingsmimic the raw Ethernet experiment. TCP cubic experiences233, 313, 404 retransmissions for 2, 3, and 4 host incasts. Inthe case of congestion controlled TCP traffic, traffic over PL2sees the same (or higher) throughput as the baseline, i.e.,PL2’s proactive scheduling is comparable to TCP’s reactivescheduling, while preventing losses.Outcast traffic pattern stresses PL2 senders to the maxi-

mum extent. With raw Ethernet outcast, as shown in Fig-ure 10 (with the same settings as above), the maximumthroughput PL2 can achieve is capped at 90Gbps (as op-posed to 97Gbps in the case of incast). This drop (10%) isdue to the overhead of RSV-GRT exchanges at the sender; itis the price PL2 pays for it’s proactive scheduling design.

7 LimitationsUtilization PL2 cannot fully utilize the Ethernet capac-

ity available, although gets close (up to 96Gbps utilization

with incast, and up to 90Gbps with outcast). RSV and GRTsignalling overheads take up some spare capacity; in ourimplementation PL2 adds a minimum of 2% bandwidth over-head (128B of overhead for 𝐾 = 4 MTU (1500B) packets).In the worst case when all network packets are at 64B, theoverheads are comparable to the demand in the network.However, this is not the common-case for which PL2 is de-signed. Variation in hardware delays due to DMA transferlatencies can introduce scheduling inefficiencies. PL2 alsoleans towards preventing losses in selecting the time dura-tion to wait before sending packets, and thus can leave somecapacity unused.

Fairness Like Homa [44], PL2 is unfair but not to largemessages. PL2 is unfair because the switch scheduler sched-ules bursts in FIFO order of receiving RSV packets. The sched-uling size 𝐾 limits this unfairness; under loaded conditions,until the scheduled 𝐾 packets are sent, the next RSV packetis not sent. We believe that PL2 scheduler design shouldchange to eliminate this unfairness once switch-hardware isable to handle richer reservation logic.

In-networkpriorities PL2 does not implement in-networkpriorities; this design also stems from the limitations ofswitch-hardware processing RSV packets in FIFO order. How-ever, given that PL2 does not drop packets, and ensures thatat any point only a few (𝐾 ) packets from different senders arein flight to a receiver, we anticipate that in-network prioritieswill not have a big role to play in further reducing latencieswith PL2. Rather the order in which RSV packets are ad-mitted into the network would play a bigger role, which inturn is determined by (i) external policies that govern rateat which RSV packets can be sent by an application; (ii) pro-cess scheduling prioritization within the rack; for e.g., howmany cores the communicating processes are given, howoften applications are scheduled in comparison to others;and (iii) application’s internal logic. We aim to study theseimplications in our future work.

Handling inter-rack traffic To the PL2 scheduler, traf-fic leaving the rack using a port on the ToR is no differentfrom intra-rack traffic; the traffic exiting will also be sched-uled using the timeslot reservation scheme. However thistraffic will not be co-ordinated with other inter-rack traf-fic destined to an external rack. With PL2’s current design,static bandwidth reservations will be required to ensure thattraffic entering a PL2 rack will not disrupt PL2 guaranteesfor intra-rack traffic, or be dropped altogether; e.g., 10% ofrack bandwidth is reserved for ingress traffic. PL2 can re-flect such reservations either in the length of timeslot or thereservation increments.


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8 ConclusionIn this paper, we present the PL2 rack-scale network architec-ture designed to convert Ethernet into a reliable, predictablelatency, high-speed interconnect for high density racks withaccelerators by leveraging new capabilities in programmableswitches. Our hardware prototype demonstrates that PL2does so by providing practical and tightly coordinated con-gestion control. Further, we achieve our goals without anyknowledge of workload characteristics or any assumptionsabout future hardware stacks. We believe that the designpresented in this paper will spur new ideas around switchand NIC hardware, how they interface with and simplify thenetwork and applications stack.

This work does not raise any ethical issues.

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