pl outline chi 03 -...

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱 Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA. This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 1 頁 共 18 頁 第三課 加拉太書「新觀點」的保羅 I. I. I. I. 加拉太書 加拉太書 加拉太書 加拉太書:概覽與背景 概覽與背景 概覽與背景 概覽與背景 A. A. A. A. 封書信中的主要題 封書信中的主要題 封書信中的主要題 封書信中的主要題 1. 你究竟是圈內人還是圈外人? 2. 你怎麼知你是上帝的兒女? 3. 你怎麼認出上帝家庭中的其他成?有「幾乎是基督徒」種人嗎? 4. 我們要怎麼活出個家庭的生活? B. B. B. B. 作者 作者 作者 作者:保羅 保羅 保羅 保羅 1. 注意作者如何在特定的個案裏現自己是很重要的。有時候作者會強調他的身份、他與讀 者的關係--些方面特別與瞭解他所寫的內容有關 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心害基督徒的人(一 13、14、23) b. 蒙召作外邦人的使徒(一 1~二 21) c. 是加拉太書四章 14-15 節所提到那些教會的創始人 d. 他所傳講的信息到更改,並且他的權柄到質疑(一 6-7,11-12) e. 他相當擔心他屬靈兒女的健康狀態(四 19-20) C. C. C. C. 收信者 收信者 收信者 收信者:加拉太人 加拉太人 加拉太人 加拉太人 1. 外邦的信徒(四 8-9) 2. 加拉太人不在意保羅身上有病,歡接受了他他所傳的信息(四 13-15) 3. 書信的收信者在新教師們的影響下,正在考慮接受割禮摩西律法的可能性(三 2-5,四 21,五 2-4) D. D. D. D. 目的地日期 目的地日期 目的地日期 目的地日期 1. 加一2:「……給加拉太的各教會」 2. 加三1:「無知的加拉太人!」 3. 加一6:「我希奇你們麼快離開那藉著基督之恩召你們的……。」 4. 保羅是寫給加拉太的什麼教會?誰會被定義為加拉太人?

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Page 1: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 1 頁 共 18 頁

第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅

I.I.I.I. 加拉太書加拉太書加拉太書加拉太書::::概覽與背景概覽與背景概覽與背景概覽與背景

A.A.A.A. 這封書信中的主要問題這封書信中的主要問題這封書信中的主要問題這封書信中的主要問題

1. 你究竟是圈內人還是圈外人?

2. 你怎麼知道你是上帝的兒女?

3. 你怎麼認出上帝家庭中的其他成員?有「幾乎是基督徒」這種人嗎?

4. 我們要怎麼活出這個家庭的生活?

B.B.B.B. 作者作者作者作者::::保羅保羅保羅保羅

1. 注意作者如何在特定的個案裏呈現自己是很重要的。有時候作者會強調他的身份、他與讀


2. 在加拉太書中的保羅

a. 從前是個熱心迫害基督徒的人(一 13、14、23)

b. 蒙召作外邦人的使徒(一 1~二 21)

c. 是加拉太書四章 14-15 節所提到那些教會的創始人

d. 他所傳講的信息遭到更改,並且他的權柄遭到質疑(一 6-7,11-12)

e. 他相當擔心他屬靈兒女的健康狀態(四 19-20)

C.C.C.C. 收信者收信者收信者收信者::::加拉太人加拉太人加拉太人加拉太人

1. 外邦的信徒(四 8-9)

2. 加拉太人不在意保羅身上有病,歡喜接受了他和他所傳的信息(四 13-15)

3. 書信的收信者在新教師們的影響下,正在考慮接受割禮和摩西律法的可能性(三 2-5,四

21,五 2-4)

D.D.D.D. 目的地和日期目的地和日期目的地和日期目的地和日期

1. 加一 2:「……給加拉太的各教會」

2. 加三 1:「無知的加拉太人哪!」

3. 加一 6:「我希奇你們這麼快離開那藉著基督之恩召你們的……。」

4. 保羅是寫給加拉太的什麼教會?誰會被定義為加拉太人?

Page 2: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 2 頁 共 18 頁

a. 今天的土耳其中北部,有一個區域叫做加拉太,是高盧人或塞爾特人居住的區域

b. 早在保羅的時代之前,土耳其的中南部,包括保羅第一次宣教旅程所拜訪的城市在內,


c. 保羅這封信是寫給北加拉太地區(種族上加拉太人居住地)的教會?還是寫給他第一



d. 這是新約學者當中辯論的議題

e. 有些人辯論說,除非他們真是種族上道地的加拉太人,否則保羅不會稱他們為「無知



f. 這封信可能是在第一次宣教旅程之後、但在耶路撒冷會議之前(徒十五;公元四十八~


E.E.E.E. 場合和目的場合和目的場合和目的場合和目的

1. 最初的讀者正處在從新教師來的壓力之下,他們被遊說要藉著割禮來接受盟約和摩西的律


2. 使徒保羅寫這封信,是為了叫加拉太人既不要接受割禮(也不要接受盟約和摩西律法),更


3. 這封書信從頭到尾,論及的人與他們的信息,是非常確定的

a. 保羅不只辯駁反對他們的信息,同時也辯駁反對那些傳講這信息的人

b. 加拉太人要不就忠於新教師和他們的信息,要不就要忠於保羅和他的信息

c. 這封書信試圖建立保羅和他讀者之間的聯結

d. 保羅瞭解,加拉太人屬靈的健康狀況,取決於他們做出正確的決定,看他們是要聽哪


F. 大綱大綱大綱大綱

· 問安(一 1-5)

· 引言(一 6-10)

1. 自傳式申論:保羅的福音是源自上帝,不是來自人;保羅不是依賴耶路撒冷的使徒(一 11~

二 21)

Page 3: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 3 頁 共 18 頁

a. 立論:他的信息是源自上帝而不是來自於人(一 11-12)

b. 早期跟耶路撒冷沒有接觸(一 13-24)

c. 與耶路撒冷的第一次接觸(二 1-10):他們肯定了他的使命與信息

d. 保羅對彼得的責備(二 11-21)

1) 彼得在回應外邦信徒時,否定了福音信息的元素,保羅必須責備他

2) 看到這裏,保羅並非屈從於耶路撒冷的使徒,他甚至在那場合斥責耶路撒冷教會


2. 根據經驗和舊約聖經所做的辯論(三 1~四 31):經驗和舊約聖經兩者都顯示,稱義是因著


a. 依據加拉太人經驗的辯論(三 1-5)

1) 他們是因信受了聖靈,不是因行律法

2) 他們如果已經受了聖靈,那麼他們已經被上帝接納

b. 依據舊約聖經的辯論(三 6~四 31)

1) 舊約聖經應許,上帝是憑人的信心來稱他為義(特別看創世記中亞伯拉罕的故事)

2) 舊約聖經也指出,無法遵行律法的將受到咒詛,那些尋求以行律法稱義的都將受

到咒詛(特別看申二七 26)

3. 按前面的辯論來辯解的勸誡:不要接受割禮和律法,當靠聖靈的力量順著聖靈而行(五 1~

六 10)

a. 警告不要回頭作受轄制的奴隸(五 1-12)

b. 需要將肉體釘死,並順著聖靈而行(五 13-24)

c. 闡明何謂順著聖靈而行的規勸(五 25~六 10)

· 附筆結尾(六 11-18)

G. 總結加拉太書的信息總結加拉太書的信息總結加拉太書的信息總結加拉太書的信息





Page 4: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 4 頁 共 18 頁

II.II.II.II. 加拉太書中的相反論與二元論加拉太書中的相反論與二元論加拉太書中的相反論與二元論加拉太書中的相反論與二元論

A.A.A.A. 「「「「不是這樣不是這樣不是這樣不是這樣,,,,乃是那樣乃是那樣乃是那樣乃是那樣」」」」

1. 不是出於人的信息,乃是源自上帝的信息

2. 不是順著福音行,相對於順著福音行

3. 不是因行律法稱義,乃是因信稱義

4. 不是因行律法受聖靈,乃是因信受聖靈

5. 不是咒詛,乃是祝福

6. 不是奴隸,乃是兒子

7. 不是使女的兒女,乃是自主婦人的兒女

8. 不是當前耶路撒冷城的國民,乃是天上耶路撒冷城的國民

9. 不是受肉體的控制,乃是受聖靈的管轄

10. 不是在律法之下,乃是受聖靈的引導

11. 不是以自高自大為印記,乃是以愛為印記

B.B.B.B. 末世的二元論末世的二元論末世的二元論末世的二元論

1. 定義:整個時間被區分為基督來之前,以及基督來之後

2. 從前上帝還沒有讓外邦人因信而稱義,對比於祂現在已經做了(三 8-9)

3. 蒙應許的後裔來到之前的時間,對比於蒙應許的後裔如今已經賜下(三 19、22)

4. 信心未來到之前,對比於信心來到之後(三 23、25)

a. 希伯來書論及整部舊約歷史是信心之人的歷史,但保羅描述基督來之前的時間是信心


b. 保羅特別思考到,上帝要按萬國在耶穌基督裏的信心來使他們稱義的時間

5. 過去我們是這世界事物的奴隸,但現在我們是蒙救贖的兒子(四 3-5)

a. 這區別發生在我們個人的生命與基督相遇之後

b. 保羅自己的人生,的確從上帝向他啟示基督的那一刻起截然一分為二(一 13-15,二


c. 加拉太人的人生也同樣被一分為二,成為:從前他們不認識上帝的時候,以及現在他

們認識上帝、而上帝也認識他們的時候(四 8-9)

6. 基督的來臨將時間一分為二,這對保羅來說十分重要

Page 5: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 5 頁 共 18 頁

a. 保羅相信,基督的來臨給所有的事物帶來徹底的改變

b. 保羅和其他教師其中一個關鍵差異是:其他的教師認為,雖然基督作了某些調整,但


1) 過去,你要成為上帝子民的一份子,需要受割禮、需要遵守摩西之約

2) 其他教師認為,基督來了之後,我們還是應當繼續以前所做的,但也應當信靠基

c. 保羅辯論的關鍵點是:基督的來臨不只是作個小小的調整而已,而是祂完全改變了世

7. 摩西的律法很神聖、公正、良善,但它仍然是舊創造的一部份,是上帝在基督來臨、徹底


8. 我們如何瞭解我們自己、我們與上帝、以及與環繞在我們周圍世界的關係,都要根據我們


III.III.III.III. 加拉太書二章加拉太書二章加拉太書二章加拉太書二章 15151515----16161616 節節節節::::好好好好、、、、壞壞壞壞、、、、與稱義與稱義與稱義與稱義

A.A.A.A. 這是處理這是處理這是處理這是處理「「「「稱義是靠信心不是靠行律法稱義是靠信心不是靠行律法稱義是靠信心不是靠行律法稱義是靠信心不是靠行律法」」」」議題的關鍵經文議題的關鍵經文議題的關鍵經文議題的關鍵經文。。。。這段經文提出的重要議題這段經文提出的重要議題這段經文提出的重要議題這段經文提出的重要議題::::

1. 稱義的本質與意義

2. 「行律法」的意義

3. 「在基督裏的信」或「基督的信」之意義

4. 因信稱義教義的實際含義

B.B.B.B. 種族種族種族種族////宗教的二元論宗教的二元論宗教的二元論宗教的二元論:「:「:「:「我們這生來的猶太人我們這生來的猶太人我們這生來的猶太人我們這生來的猶太人,,,,不是外邦的罪人不是外邦的罪人不是外邦的罪人不是外邦的罪人。」(。」(。」(。」(15151515 節節節節))))

1. 種族的二元論

a. 整個世界可以被區分為兩部分

b. 你若不是猶太人,就是外邦人

2. 宗教的二元論

a. 這二元論只用「罪人」一詞來暗示

b. 「罪人」的相反詞是「義人」

c. 整個世界可以區分為「罪人」和「義人」兩種人

3. 保羅的說法,使它聽起來彷彿這兩個二元論是在講同樣的事

Page 6: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 6 頁 共 18 頁

a. 換句話說,我們可以假設外邦人都是「罪人」,而那些生來是猶太人的是「義人」

b. 保羅可能是採用從耶路撒冷去的那批人的用語和態度

c. 加拉太書二章 15-16 節是:保羅還在繼續談論彼得的行為;他在某些人從耶路撒冷來


4. 那些遵行律法的人(在約裏面的人)被稱為「義人」,而那些沒有遵行的人被稱為「罪人」

5. 保羅指出這些覆蓋的二元論,為要在接下來的經節中削弱它們

C.C.C.C. 二章二章二章二章 16161616 節的交叉配置結構節的交叉配置結構節的交叉配置結構節的交叉配置結構

1. 交叉結構


A 人稱義不是因行律法

B 乃是因信耶穌基督

C 連我們也信了基督耶穌

B1 使我們因信基督稱義

A1 不因行律法稱義;因為凡有血氣的,沒有一人因行律法稱義

2. 交叉結構是以重複的方式來增加所強調的事物

a. 它是舊約中和新約的希臘世界裏,常見的重複形式

b. 許多人會辯論說,交叉結構的中間部分(例:上面的 C)是最重要的部分,但這當以


3. 二元論為什麼行不通

a. A 和 A1 在一起看:「人稱義不是因行律法,因為沒有一人因行律法稱義。」

b. 他們怎麼知道沒有人能因行律法稱義?

1) 保羅可能間接提及詩篇一四三 2 祢 祢:「求 不要審問僕人;因為在 面前,凡活著的


2) 沒有人能夠完全遵行上帝的約和律法

3) 如果仔細看詩篇一四三篇 2 節的經文,就會看到詩人是信靠上帝的公義,不是他


4) 在保羅的思想裏,唯獨上帝是好的(善的);我們其餘所有的人都是壞的;而稱義


Page 7: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 7 頁 共 18 頁

D.D.D.D. 什麼是稱義什麼是稱義什麼是稱義什麼是稱義????

1. 我們對「稱義」的典型用法

a. 稱義就是提供論證說你是對的

b. 稱義指的若不是論證本身,就是你為自己所做的辯護行動

c. 被稱為義,意思就是你是對的

2. 在新約以及猶太背景中的稱義

a. 在早期的猶太教和最早期基督教的盟約立場背景裏,都瞭解稱義是個司法審判上的用

b. 它是上帝恩典的司法審判,祂在審判中撤銷那些跟祂有適當盟約關係者的罪,宣判他


c. 它是末世的實質(上帝在審判日的裁定),那些信基督的人已經在經歷它的實質

d. 它是根據基督在十字架上贖罪的工作與祂的復活,以及我們透過因信認同祂、與祂聯

合、參與了祂的受死和復活而得到的(參二 19-20)

e. 決定稱義的基礎(以及誰已經稱義、或會被上帝稱義),是決定上帝救贖百姓的真正界


f. 對在安提阿與加拉太的外邦基督徒而言,這是基礎重點;也是我們理解自己與上帝、


E.E.E.E. 什麼是行律法什麼是行律法什麼是行律法什麼是行律法????

1. 在基督徒普遍的想法裏,聽到靠行為稱義,會傾向於把「靠善行」來和稱義連在一起

· 這不是保羅所指的,這是他為什麼在論及稱義時,不是說靠做好事,而說靠行律法稱義

2. 有些人提議說,也許保羅心裏想的是有猶太人身份記號(如受割禮、守安息日、守食物條


3. 龍耐克認為,「行律法」可能是一句當時流行的口號,標誌著藉由「奉行妥拉(律法)來積


4. 凱恩帕博士認為,「行律法」指的是:接受和遵守摩西律法的所有規定

5. 4QMMT(昆蘭抄本)和「行律法」

a. 4QMMT 是在保羅之前一百多年就有的昆蘭社團所做的抄本

b. 4QMMT 的作者們指出,文獻的內容本身就是「行律法」

Page 8: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 8 頁 共 18 頁

1) 文獻說:「按照我們的決定,我們給你送去一些所行的律法。為了你與你百姓的福




與善的事。」(4QMMT C: 26-32)

2) 參看講義附錄中的 4QMMT

3) 這份文獻的內容不是我們平常以為的,路德與中世紀天主教的衝突內容

(a) 路德被一群盼望靠行善、靠購買足夠的贖罪券來稱義的人所包圍;他們並不


(b) 當路德解讀保羅書信時,他相信保羅在寫加拉太書和羅馬書時,也面對同樣


c. 第二聖殿時期的猶太教不是劃一的實體

1) 正如我們上一堂課所提到的,桑德斯企圖以一個對猶太教劃一的理解來取代另一

(a) 在桑德斯之前,大家都認為:所有的猶太人都想靠持守律法來賺得他們的救

(b) 桑德斯說,不,猶太人從未這樣做;所有的猶太人持守律法,是出於感激上


2) 第二聖殿時期的猶太教文獻顯出一件很清楚的事,亦即不是所有的猶太人都持相


3) 有些猶太人確實更強調守律法,以這樣的方式來顯明他們是義人

(a) 耶穌時代的猶太人用「罪人」一詞,來指那些沒有按照律法過生活的猶太人

(b) 這些猶太人會說,上帝立約的百姓會靠恩典得救,但上帝的百姓會因為遵行


(c) 如此一來,持守律法成為認定一個人是否能得救的基準

6. 在加拉太書中,其他教師的目的,不是要加拉太人靠足夠良善來稱義,而是要他們靠身為


7. 保羅如果不是辯論反對「靠行善得救」這個觀念,那麼,意思是不是說,他的信息跟「靠

Page 9: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 9 頁 共 18 頁


a. 不,由於稱義不是靠行律法或身為猶太人而來,因此,稱義肯定不是靠任何其他的工


b. 有知識的猶太人不會認為他們能靠足夠的善行來稱義

8. 人要如何稱義?

a. 稱義不是基於行得夠好、或是靠遵守群體的標準過生活

b. 稱義無法奠定在信耶穌基督以外的任何事情上;保羅認為,任何其他可以讓人稱義的


9. 因信稱義的觀念是哪裏來的?

a. 創世記十五章 6節:「亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華就以此為他的義。」

· 保羅在加拉太書第三章中引用了這節經文

b. 哈巴谷書二章 4節:「義人必因信得生。」

1) 義人是那些會被稱為義的人

2) 哈巴谷書把義人和信心連在一起

c. 因信稱義是聖經的觀念,不是保羅自己捏造出來的

d. 亞伯蘭信耶和華所說關於他後裔的話

1) 那後裔就是耶穌基督

2) 保羅可以看到「亞伯拉罕因信耶和華應許他後裔的事而被稱為義」,以及「我們在


F.F.F.F. 保羅說的是保羅說的是保羅說的是保羅說的是「「「「信基督信基督信基督信基督」」」」還是還是還是還是「「「「基督的信實基督的信實基督的信實基督的信實」?」?」?」?

1. 「信基督」這個表達法也可以被翻譯成「基督的信實」

a. 我們如果要把該詞彙翻譯成「基督的信實」,那麼加拉太書二章 16 節就得讀成這樣:



b. 基督的信實將會是指祂的順服至死,且死在十字架上

c. 要這麼翻譯的說詞是,這可減少經文中的贅詞,但這也還是存在著三次的「行律法」


2. 凱恩帕博士辯論說,我們應當依舊把這詞彙理解為「信基督」

Page 10: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 10 頁 共 18 頁

a. 傳統的詮釋中三次指出「行律法」,也三次指出「信基督」

b. 我們或許該根據經文中間那句清楚的表達(我們也信了基督),來翻譯看起來不清楚的


c. 或許,我們擁有的三句「信基督」,正好完美地平衡了三句「行律法」

3. 辯論雙方都同意,我們稱義的客觀基礎,是基督在十字架上的受死並隨後的復活;而主觀


G.G.G.G. 相信基督是什麼意思相信基督是什麼意思相信基督是什麼意思相信基督是什麼意思????

1. 相信基督,是承認祂值得我們全部的信託與信任;我們把自己全然信賴地交托給祂、信任

2. 「信任基督」跟「信任信心」是不一樣的(我們的信心不會救我們,但基督會救我們)

3. 結冰的湖圖像:要緊的是冰,還是我們踏上去的意願?

a. 救我們的不是我們的信心,而是我們所信靠的對象

b. 我們仍然需要靠信心的基礎而活,不是靠懷疑的基礎而活

H.H.H.H. 我們接受什麼樣的人作基督徒我們接受什麼樣的人作基督徒我們接受什麼樣的人作基督徒我們接受什麼樣的人作基督徒????

1. 他們使用福音派的語言嗎?

2. 他們知道聖詩或讚美詩嗎?

3. 他們稱自己重生了嗎?

4. 他們看起來像我們、想法也像我們嗎?

5. 他們是好人、保守派的共和黨人嗎?

6. 他們知道「得救」是什麼意思嗎?

7. 他們的宗教經驗跟我們一樣嗎?

8. 我們有其他的方法來限制我們的基督徒團契,讓長相、行動、思想像我們一樣的人進來嗎?

9. 文化、種族、社會的不同,會讓我們無法與在基督裏的弟兄和姊妹團契在一起嗎?

10. 葡萄牙人必須拒絕自己的葡萄牙文化,來成為上帝百姓的一份子嗎?

11. 真正的問題是:他們是否將自己全然交托信賴基督?他們的口舌和他們的生活,見證了他


I.I.I.I. 學生的問題學生的問題學生的問題學生的問題::::如果有人說自己信耶穌如果有人說自己信耶穌如果有人說自己信耶穌如果有人說自己信耶穌,,,,他他他他////她就是基督徒她就是基督徒她就是基督徒她就是基督徒,,,,這會不會太過簡化了這會不會太過簡化了這會不會太過簡化了這會不會太過簡化了????那聖經其餘的那聖經其餘的那聖經其餘的那聖經其餘的


Page 11: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 11 頁 共 18 頁

1. 關鍵問題是:那個人信的是什麼樣的耶穌?

2. 信心要放在聖經的基督身上;沒有別的「基督」能夠救贖我們

3. 身為基督徒,我們不需要在所有的神學細節上都一致,但在「耶穌基督是誰」上要一致;


4. 我們不能既信基督,又信別的(例如割禮)來得救恩;我們需要單單信靠基督

5. 身為福音派,我們對來自相同傳統的人在神學上有誤解時,傾向寬大為懷,但對來自其他


IV.IV.IV.IV. 活出上帝家庭一份子的生活活出上帝家庭一份子的生活活出上帝家庭一份子的生活活出上帝家庭一份子的生活::::加拉太書五章加拉太書五章加拉太書五章加拉太書五章

A.A.A.A. 自由和奴僕自由和奴僕自由和奴僕自由和奴僕((((加五加五加五加五 1111))))

1. 五 1:「基督釋放了我們,叫我們得以自由,所以要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的軛轄制。」

2. 注意這節經文中陳述與命令之間的關係

a. 陳述是:說明上帝或基督已經做成的事(基督釋放了我們,叫我們得以自由)

b. 命令是:我們根據上帝已經成就的,該做些什麼(我們要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的


c. 這種陳述與命令之間的關係,可以在許多保羅書信中看到

1) 書信中的第一部份通常著重在陳述,而第二部分著重在命令

2) 弗四 1:「我為主被囚的勸你們:既然蒙召,行事為人就當與蒙召的恩相稱。」

(a) 陳述:上帝已經呼召你

(b) 命令:行事為人當與蒙召的恩相稱

3) 西三 1:「所以你們若真與基督一同復活,就當求在上面的事;那裏有基督坐在上


(a) 陳述:你們已經與基督一同復活

(b) 命令:尋求上面基督所在之處的事

3. 基督釋放了我們,為要叫我們得以自由

4. 容許我們再度受奴役,是削弱祂拯救的目的

B.B.B.B. 自由與愛自由與愛自由與愛自由與愛((((加五加五加五加五 13131313))))

1. 五 13:「弟兄們,你們蒙召是要得自由,只是不可將你們的自由當作放縱情慾的機會,總

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 12 頁 共 18 頁


2. 我們得自由不是去犯罪,而是要用愛心互相服事

3. 這裏的對立是:放縱肉體或情慾,對照用愛心互相服事

4. 在接下去的經文,用愛心互相服事被定義得更清楚,並且看得出來,聖靈是這行為的挑動

5. 「用愛心互相服事」只有在團體中才能做到

C.C.C.C. 肉體和聖靈肉體和聖靈肉體和聖靈肉體和聖靈

1. 肉體或情慾事實上一直努力要破壞群體的健康或合一;而聖靈所促進的行為,卻維護著群


2. 聖靈將我們從肉體的奴役下釋放出來

3. 靈和肉體的歸類是屬於末世論的範疇,而非人類學的範疇

a. 人類學的範疇談的是人性的各方面;我們如果把肉體和靈理解為人類學的範疇,就可


b. 末世論範疇的靈和肉體

1) 在保羅的著作中,「肉體」代表人的生命活在墮落之中、在墮落狀態的軟弱中

(a) 「肉體」無法討上帝的喜悅

(b) 「肉體」一詞在保羅的著作中有好幾種用法,現在這種用法是與「靈」做對

2) 這個靈是上帝的靈,帶給相信耶穌基督的人有能力活出將要來的生命

3) 「肉體」是指人的生命活在這個墮落世代的力量之下;而「靈」是上帝透過聖靈


4) 靈與肉體之間有爭戰,但這爭戰只有透過因信耶穌基督而得到聖靈的人,才感受


4. 加四 15-18

a. 愛被看作是完全了律法

b. 保羅說「愛人如己」是什麼意思?

1) 無關乎必須對他人保有正面的感覺;也不是對他人懷有情感

2) 愛被看作是「對他人的服事」

Page 13: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 13 頁 共 18 頁

3) 保羅把這種愛和「彼此相咬相吞」做對比

(a) 那種像動物一般的行為是「肉體」的特性

(b) 肉體會引導人類做出毀壞的行為,攔阻上帝要在祂的百姓當中建立的和諧群

4) 上帝子民的群體該標示著耶穌基督為我們捨己的特性,祂來不是要受人的服事,


c. 17 節:「因為情慾和聖靈相爭,聖靈和情慾相爭,這兩個是彼此相敵,使你們不能做


1) 這節經文經常被放在羅馬書七章的框架來詮釋

(a) 但是,羅馬書七章的信息是個挫折沮喪的信息;人知道該做對的事,卻沒有


(b) 回想我們剛才從末世論的範疇來理解靈和肉體的討論,羅馬書七章所描述的


(c) 在羅馬書第八章,保羅描述在基督的人;這人擁有聖靈,能夠討上帝的喜悅

(d) 第 17 節描述的情況比較像羅馬書第八章,而非第七章

(1) 情慾和聖靈相爭,聖靈和情慾相爭

(2) 因為這樣的衝突,「使你們不能做所願意做的」;這裏說的很可能不是羅


2) 你不做你想做的惡事:「順著聖靈而行,你就不放縱肉體的情慾了。」

3) 「但你們若被聖靈引導,就不在律法以下」:聖靈賜給我們能力以新的方式過生活

d. 肉體的作為和聖靈的果子

1) 肉體的作為

(a) 三個類別

(1) 性的變態:姦淫、污穢、邪蕩

(2) 靈性或宗教的變態:拜偶像、邪術、醉酒和荒宴

(3) 關係的扭曲:仇恨、爭競、忌恨、惱怒、結黨、紛爭、異端和嫉妒

(b) 猶太人所說外邦人會犯的兩種主要的罪,是拜偶像和姦淫;因此,這張「肉


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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 14 頁 共 18 頁

(c) 「行這樣事的人必不能承受上帝的國。」

(1) 這是指舊約「繼承」的用詞

(2) 人不能靠避免這些行為來賺得救恩

(3) 然而,如果這些行為標示著你的生活,那麼無論你怎麼宣稱自己信基督,


(d) 這張清單所列的是希臘文學中典型的「敗德清單」

2) 聖靈的果子

(a) 一張「美德清單」

(b) 這些美德都是助長人際關係,以建立和諧的群體(仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、


e. 靠聖靈行事是什麼意思?

1) 靠聖靈行事的意思是,隨著聖靈的期望活出基督徒的生命,

2) 「聖靈的果子」這個詞彙,確實表達了聖靈會在基督徒身上產生這些特性

3) 有一種基督徒的教導認為,我們如果嘗試去過與聖靈果子一致的生活,那麼個人


(a) 因此這種教導提議基督徒應該單單讓聖靈去做成這些事

(b) 但保羅不是這樣想的,這是保羅為什麼毫不遲疑地使用命令句和下命令

4) 保羅給了基督徒一張美德清單,使他們知道該朝哪個方向努力

5) 肉體的作為不是指個人的努力,而是指姦淫、拜偶像和邪蕩的行為

6) 嘗試對人有愛心、有恩慈、有耐心不是錯的,因為你如果能行這些事,那是因為


7) 學生提的問題:這跟個人的動機有關嗎?

(a) 對於根據人的動機來描述他們,我們需要很小心

(b) 當我們這麼做時,我們是在論斷毫無能力評斷的事

(c) 當保羅談到屬靈和屬肉體的事情時,他談到的,是我們可以鑑定的事

(d) 當論及「被聖靈充滿的教會」是什麼意思時,我們傾向於察看一些不是保羅


f. 第 26 節說:「不要貪圖虛名,彼此惹氣,互相嫉妒。」這類行為同樣也會毀壞群體

Page 15: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 15 頁 共 18 頁

D.D.D.D. 因信稱義以及靠聖靈而活因信稱義以及靠聖靈而活因信稱義以及靠聖靈而活因信稱義以及靠聖靈而活

1. 因信稱義提醒我們,與上帝以及與其他信徒的關係,是以什麼為基礎

2. 我們已經從這邪惡的世代、從罪惡本性的奴役中,被釋放得自由了;靠著聖靈我們可以抵


3. 我們得自由,為的是要用愛心互相服事,跟隨聖靈的引導,行出會促進基督徒群體健康與


E.E.E.E. 課堂上沒有談到的其他資料課堂上沒有談到的其他資料課堂上沒有談到的其他資料課堂上沒有談到的其他資料,,,,可在附錄中找到可在附錄中找到可在附錄中找到可在附錄中找到

V.V.V.V. 「「「「新觀點新觀點新觀點新觀點」」」」的保羅的保羅的保羅的保羅

A.A.A.A. 簡介簡介簡介簡介

1. 「新觀點」主要是與桑德斯和他的第一本著作《保羅和巴勒斯坦的猶太教》關連在一起

2. 桑德斯、唐恩、以及賴特,都對這觀點有更進一步的論述發展

3. 根據這項看法,第二聖殿時期的猶太教不是「靠善行來累積功勞賺取救恩」的宗教

a. 它是「因盟約而遵守的律法主義」宗教,也就是:上帝和祂的百姓立約,而他們知道


b. 他們持守律法不是為了進入這個約中,而是為了留在這個約中

4. 因此,根據新觀點的理解,保羅因信稱義的教義,不是攻擊靠行善來賺取救恩的教義,而


5. 從這個要點開始起步,大家採取了不同的方向

6. 對唐恩和許多其他將自己投注在新觀點的學者而言,要理解保羅的觀點,關鍵問題在於:


B.B.B.B. 對對對對「「「「新觀點新觀點新觀點新觀點」」」」的回應的回應的回應的回應

1. 有些人認為它給了猶太教太過正面的看法,並開啟了通往「兩個約的理論或途徑」的大門

· 「猶太人繼續信猶太教是沒問題的,我們只需要感恩外邦人可以靠著基督得救。」

2. 有些人覺得,新觀點暗中破壞宗教改革在「因信稱義相對於因行律法稱義」的教導,而給


a. 簡言之,這些人覺得它暗中破壞了宗教改革,即福音派和更正教會的根基

b. 宗教改革的世界觀是二元論的:人若不是因信稱義,就是想憑在上帝眼前累積足夠的

Page 16: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 16 頁 共 18 頁


c. 保羅如果不是辯論反對靠行律法來稱義,那麼有可能整個宗教改革對保羅的理解都錯

d. 事實上,桑德斯的頭一本著作《保羅和巴勒斯坦的猶太教》,就認為保羅並不瞭解猶太

1) 桑德斯假設保羅是在反對行律法的義

2) 然後桑德斯研究了猶太教,之後認為猶太人不相信靠律法稱義這種事;因此,他


3) 事情如果真是這樣,那麼,我們對保羅的信任就開始動搖了,而且整個宗教改革


e. 另一方面,保羅如果仍舊拒絕更正面的猶太教觀點,那麼凱恩帕博士辯論說,它一點


1) 事實上,它立下了更堅固的基礎

2) 即使猶太人沒有嘗試賺取他們的救恩,但仍舊把他們跟上帝的關係基礎取決於他


3) 把你跟上帝的關係,奠基在除了基督的受死、復活、並相信祂之外的任何事情上,


4) 在這樣的思維中,新觀點並未暗中破壞宗教改革的教導

f. 我們需要小心,不要假設保羅所有的對手都是一樣的

3. 桑德斯的證據是經過選擇的,他漠視「以斯拉四書」和保羅都是第二聖殿時期猶太教的見


取他們的救恩(例:羅四 4-5)

a. 桑德斯似乎漠視一些與他觀點不同的文獻,認為它們不足以代表猶太教

b. 根據許多的詮釋者所提,保羅書信中有許多證據顯示,當時代的猶太人都企圖靠行律

法來賺取他們的救恩;這仍是大家對羅馬書四章 4-5 節最普遍的認知

4. 桑德斯預先假定第二聖殿時期的猶太教是單一性質的,但證據卻不這樣保證(它是多元性


5. 即使是桑德斯拿來做其結論的基礎資料,敘述的方式也不一致(阿維馬利、舒馬賀、和卡

Page 17: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 17 頁 共 18 頁



a. 有些文獻著重在上帝揀選以色列的事實上,以色列會靠恩典與憐憫得救;這些文獻傾


b. 其他有些文獻著重在報應上:那些忠於律法的人將獲得申冤,不忠的人將受到審判;


6. 在進入(盟約之中)和留下之間,有一些錯誤的區分;這兩者不論哪一個,只要認為是要


7. 文獻中所反映的立場(比較是反映受過教育和有教養的觀點),通常和普羅大眾所持的觀點



a. 許多更正教徒普遍認為,人心非常容易傾向自義

b. 學生的問題:官方文獻或宗教領袖的立場跟一般百姓之間所信的彼此間不連貫,這種


1) 這種情況大概是普世性的,任何時候任何宗教都有這種情形

2) 這是我們的教會為什麼需要教理問答或教導

8. 桑德斯認為保羅是「從結果回到問題」,他的看法是錯的;第二聖殿時期的猶太教,經常是


a. 桑德斯辯論說,保羅對猶太教本來沒有任何問題,直到他遇見耶穌;他明白耶穌是答


b. 懺悔禱告的傳統:許多猶太人知道猶太教有問題;以色列還活在被擄的狀況裏,處在


c. 許多福音書都提到,聖徒們都在等候耶路撒冷的救贖;因此沒有道理去想:保羅認為


9. 桑德斯對第二聖殿時期猶太教的描述,不見得就是第一世紀猶太基督徒運動所持的立場;


a. 基督教的教導與猶太教的思想合併後,可能導致不同型態的律法主義,不是只有典型


Page 18: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA

第 18 頁 共 18 頁

b. 所以我們要留意,可能有一些非常特別的發展,發生在早期基督教和它猶太背景的互


10. 桑德斯預先假定的民族揀選觀,並非是第二聖殿時期猶太教普遍持守的(參馬可‧艾略特


a. 許多猶太人持有某種特別的揀選觀,要認出那些揀選的團體,唯有靠認識他們依附團



b. 桑德斯申論說,人從未被要求要完全地遵守律法;獻祭這個體系處理所有的事,但處


c. 絕大部分更正教徒都受了傳統的教導,以為在猶太教裏面,每個人必須完全地遵守律


1) 不過,整個獻祭體系是屬於盟約體系的一部份

2) 沒有以色列人覺得他們必須完全地遵守律法

(a) 基本上每個猶太人都知道他們經常失敗

(b) 他們有贖罪日,他們有為罪和潔淨所獻的祭

d. 猶太教的中心是尋求上帝,而不是完美地遵從律法

e. 學生的問題:耶穌在安息日治病時,法利賽人為什麼對祂那麼生氣?

1) 他們根據自己的詮釋,認為耶穌是在破壞律法

2) 他們未必會因為認為祂破壞律法而定祂的罪;然而,他們反對祂是因為他們認為


f. 有許多猶太人會說,真猶太人是靠恩典與憐憫得救

1) 真猶太人會被認出來,因為他/她持守律法的方式,是他們理解律法該被持守的樣

2) 有些猶太人並不確定聖殿中獻祭的功效,因為他們不贊同聖殿被運作的方式;這


Page 19: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 1 頁 共 18 頁

第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅

I. 加拉太書:概覽與背景

A. 這封書信中的主要問題

1. 你究竟是圈內人還是圈外人?

2. 你怎麼知道你是上帝的兒女?

3. 你怎麼認出上帝家庭中的其他成員?有「幾乎是基督徒」這種人嗎?

4. 我們要怎麼活出這個家庭的生活?

B. 作者:保羅

1. 注意作者如何在特定的個案裏呈現自己是很重要的。有時候作者會強調他的身份、他與讀


2. 在加拉太書中的保羅

a. 從前是個熱心迫害基督徒的人(一 13、14、23)

b. 蒙召作外邦人的使徒(一 1~二 21)

c. 是加拉太書四章 14-15 節所提到那些教會的創始人

d. 他所傳講的信息遭到更改,並且他的權柄遭到質疑(一 6-7,11-12)

e. 他相當擔心他屬靈兒女的健康狀態(四 19-20)

C. 收信者:加拉太人

1. 外邦的信徒(四 8-9)

2. 加拉太人不在意保羅身上有病,歡喜接受了他和他所傳的信息(四 13-15)

3. 書信的收信者在新教師們的影響下,正在考慮接受割禮和摩西律法的可能性(三 2-5,四

21,五 2-4)

D. 目的地和日期

1. 加一 2:「……給加拉太的各教會」

2. 加三 1:「無知的加拉太人哪!」

3. 加一 6:「我希奇你們這麼快離開那藉著基督之恩召你們的……。」

4. 保羅是寫給加拉太的什麼教會?誰會被定義為加拉太人?

Page 20: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 2 頁 共 18 頁

a. 今天的土耳其中北部,有一個區域叫做加拉太,是高盧人或塞爾特人居住的區域

b. 早在保羅的時代之前,土耳其的中南部,包括保羅第一次宣教旅程所拜訪的城市在內,


c. 保羅這封信是寫給北加拉太地區(種族上加拉太人居住地)的教會?還是寫給他第一



d. 這是新約學者當中辯論的議題

e. 有些人辯論說,除非他們真是種族上道地的加拉太人,否則保羅不會稱他們為「無知



f. 這封信可能是在第一次宣教旅程之後、但在耶路撒冷會議之前(徒十五;公元四十八~


E. 場合和目的

1. 最初的讀者正處在從新教師來的壓力之下,他們被遊說要藉著割禮來接受盟約和摩西的律


2. 使徒保羅寫這封信,是為了叫加拉太人既不要接受割禮(也不要接受盟約和摩西律法),更


3. 這封書信從頭到尾,論及的人與他們的信息,是非常確定的

a. 保羅不只辯駁反對他們的信息,同時也辯駁反對那些傳講這信息的人

b. 加拉太人要不就忠於新教師和他們的信息,要不就要忠於保羅和他的信息

c. 這封書信試圖建立保羅和他讀者之間的聯結

d. 保羅瞭解,加拉太人屬靈的健康狀況,取決於他們做出正確的決定,看他們是要聽哪


F. 大綱

· 問安(一 1-5)

· 引言(一 6-10)

1. 自傳式申論:保羅的福音是源自上帝,不是來自人;保羅不是依賴耶路撒冷的使徒(一 11~

二 21)

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 3 頁 共 18 頁

a. 立論:他的信息是源自上帝而不是來自於人(一 11-12)

b. 早期跟耶路撒冷沒有接觸(一 13-24)

c. 與耶路撒冷的第一次接觸(二 1-10):他們肯定了他的使命與信息

d. 保羅對彼得的責備(二 11-21)

1) 彼得在回應外邦信徒時,否定了福音信息的元素,保羅必須責備他

2) 看到這裏,保羅並非屈從於耶路撒冷的使徒,他甚至在那場合斥責耶路撒冷教會


2. 根據經驗和舊約聖經所做的辯論(三 1~四 31):經驗和舊約聖經兩者都顯示,稱義是因著


a. 依據加拉太人經驗的辯論(三 1-5)

1) 他們是因信受了聖靈,不是因行律法

2) 他們如果已經受了聖靈,那麼他們已經被上帝接納

b. 依據舊約聖經的辯論(三 6~四 31)

1) 舊約聖經應許,上帝是憑人的信心來稱他為義(特別看創世記中亞伯拉罕的故事)

2) 舊約聖經也指出,無法遵行律法的將受到咒詛,那些尋求以行律法稱義的都將受

到咒詛(特別看申二七 26)

3. 按前面的辯論來辯解的勸誡:不要接受割禮和律法,當靠聖靈的力量順著聖靈而行(五 1~

六 10)

a. 警告不要回頭作受轄制的奴隸(五 1-12)

b. 需要將肉體釘死,並順著聖靈而行(五 13-24)

c. 闡明何謂順著聖靈而行的規勸(五 25~六 10)

· 附筆結尾(六 11-18)

G. 總結加拉太書的信息





Page 22: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 4 頁 共 18 頁

II. 加拉太書中的相反論與二元論

A. 「不是這樣,乃是那樣」

1. 不是出於人的信息,乃是源自上帝的信息

2. 不是順著福音行,相對於順著福音行

3. 不是因行律法稱義,乃是因信稱義

4. 不是因行律法受聖靈,乃是因信受聖靈

5. 不是咒詛,乃是祝福

6. 不是奴隸,乃是兒子

7. 不是使女的兒女,乃是自主婦人的兒女

8. 不是當前耶路撒冷城的國民,乃是天上耶路撒冷城的國民

9. 不是受肉體的控制,乃是受聖靈的管轄

10. 不是在律法之下,乃是受聖靈的引導

11. 不是以自高自大為印記,乃是以愛為印記

B. 末世的二元論

1. 定義:整個時間被區分為基督來之前,以及基督來之後

2. 從前上帝還沒有讓外邦人因信而稱義,對比於祂現在已經做了(三 8-9)

3. 蒙應許的後裔來到之前的時間,對比於蒙應許的後裔如今已經賜下(三 19、22)

4. 信心未來到之前,對比於信心來到之後(三 23、25)

a. 希伯來書論及整部舊約歷史是信心之人的歷史,但保羅描述基督來之前的時間是信心


b. 保羅特別思考到,上帝要按萬國在耶穌基督裏的信心來使他們稱義的時間

5. 過去我們是這世界事物的奴隸,但現在我們是蒙救贖的兒子(四 3-5)

a. 這區別發生在我們個人的生命與基督相遇之後

b. 保羅自己的人生,的確從上帝向他啟示基督的那一刻起截然一分為二(一 13-15,二


c. 加拉太人的人生也同樣被一分為二,成為:從前他們不認識上帝的時候,以及現在他

們認識上帝、而上帝也認識他們的時候(四 8-9)

6. 基督的來臨將時間一分為二,這對保羅來說十分重要

Page 23: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 5 頁 共 18 頁

a. 保羅相信,基督的來臨給所有的事物帶來徹底的改變

b. 保羅和其他教師其中一個關鍵差異是:其他的教師認為,雖然基督作了某些調整,但


1) 過去,你要成為上帝子民的一份子,需要受割禮、需要遵守摩西之約

2) 其他教師認為,基督來了之後,我們還是應當繼續以前所做的,但也應當信靠基

c. 保羅辯論的關鍵點是:基督的來臨不只是作個小小的調整而已,而是祂完全改變了世

7. 摩西的律法很神聖、公正、良善,但它仍然是舊創造的一部份,是上帝在基督來臨、徹底


8. 我們如何瞭解我們自己、我們與上帝、以及與環繞在我們周圍世界的關係,都要根據我們


III. 加拉太書二章 15-16 節:好、壞、與稱義

A. 這是處理「稱義是靠信心不是靠行律法」議題的關鍵經文。這段經文提出的重要議題:

1. 稱義的本質與意義

2. 「行律法」的意義

3. 「在基督裏的信」或「基督的信」之意義

4. 因信稱義教義的實際含義

B. 種族/宗教的二元論:「我們這生來的猶太人,不是外邦的罪人。」(15 節)

1. 種族的二元論

a. 整個世界可以被區分為兩部分

b. 你若不是猶太人,就是外邦人

2. 宗教的二元論

a. 這二元論只用「罪人」一詞來暗示

b. 「罪人」的相反詞是「義人」

c. 整個世界可以區分為「罪人」和「義人」兩種人

3. 保羅的說法,使它聽起來彷彿這兩個二元論是在講同樣的事

Page 24: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 6 頁 共 18 頁

a. 換句話說,我們可以假設外邦人都是「罪人」,而那些生來是猶太人的是「義人」

b. 保羅可能是採用從耶路撒冷去的那批人的用語和態度

c. 加拉太書二章 15-16 節是:保羅還在繼續談論彼得的行為;他在某些人從耶路撒冷來


4. 那些遵行律法的人(在約裏面的人)被稱為「義人」,而那些沒有遵行的人被稱為「罪人」

5. 保羅指出這些覆蓋的二元論,為要在接下來的經節中削弱它們

C. 二章 16 節的交叉配置結構

1. 交叉結構


A 人稱義不是因行律法

B 乃是因信耶穌基督

C 連我們也信了基督耶穌

B1 使我們因信基督稱義

A1 不因行律法稱義;因為凡有血氣的,沒有一人因行律法稱義

2. 交叉結構是以重複的方式來增加所強調的事物

a. 它是舊約中和新約的希臘世界裏,常見的重複形式

b. 許多人會辯論說,交叉結構的中間部分(例:上面的 C)是最重要的部分,但這當以


3. 二元論為什麼行不通

a. A 和 A1 在一起看:「人稱義不是因行律法,因為沒有一人因行律法稱義。」

b. 他們怎麼知道沒有人能因行律法稱義?

1) 保羅可能間接提及詩篇一四三 2:「求祢不要審問僕人;因為在祢面前,凡活著的


2) 沒有人能夠完全遵行上帝的約和律法

3) 如果仔細看詩篇一四三篇 2 節的經文,就會看到詩人是信靠上帝的公義,不是他


4) 在保羅的思想裏,唯獨上帝是好的(善的);我們其餘所有的人都是壞的;而稱義


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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 7 頁 共 18 頁

D. 什麼是稱義?

1. 我們對「稱義」的典型用法

a. 稱義就是提供論證說你是對的

b. 稱義指的若不是論證本身,就是你為自己所做的辯護行動

c. 被稱為義,意思就是你是對的

2. 在新約以及猶太背景中的稱義

a. 在早期的猶太教和最早期基督教的盟約立場背景裏,都瞭解稱義是個司法審判上的用

b. 它是上帝恩典的司法審判,祂在審判中撤銷那些跟祂有適當盟約關係者的罪,宣判他


c. 它是末世的實質(上帝在審判日的裁定),那些信基督的人已經在經歷它的實質

d. 它是根據基督在十字架上贖罪的工作與祂的復活,以及我們透過因信認同祂、與祂聯

合、參與了祂的受死和復活而得到的(參二 19-20)

e. 決定稱義的基礎(以及誰已經稱義、或會被上帝稱義),是決定上帝救贖百姓的真正界


f. 對在安提阿與加拉太的外邦基督徒而言,這是基礎重點;也是我們理解自己與上帝、


E. 什麼是行律法?

1. 在基督徒普遍的想法裏,聽到靠行為稱義,會傾向於把「靠善行」來和稱義連在一起

· 這不是保羅所指的,這是他為什麼在論及稱義時,不是說靠做好事,而說靠行律法稱義

2. 有些人提議說,也許保羅心裏想的是有猶太人身份記號(如受割禮、守安息日、守食物條


3. 龍耐克認為,「行律法」可能是一句當時流行的口號,標誌著藉由「奉行妥拉(律法)來積


4. 凱恩帕博士認為,「行律法」指的是:接受和遵守摩西律法的所有規定

5. 4QMMT(昆蘭抄本)和「行律法」

a. 4QMMT 是在保羅之前一百多年就有的昆蘭社團所做的抄本

b. 4QMMT 的作者們指出,文獻的內容本身就是「行律法」

Page 26: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 8 頁 共 18 頁

1) 文獻說:「按照我們的決定,我們給你送去一些所行的律法。為了你與你百姓的福




與善的事。」(4QMMT C: 26-32)

2) 參看講義附錄中的 4QMMT

3) 這份文獻的內容不是我們平常以為的,路德與中世紀天主教的衝突內容

(a) 路德被一群盼望靠行善、靠購買足夠的贖罪券來稱義的人所包圍;他們並不


(b) 當路德解讀保羅書信時,他相信保羅在寫加拉太書和羅馬書時,也面對同樣


c. 第二聖殿時期的猶太教不是劃一的實體

1) 正如我們上一堂課所提到的,桑德斯企圖以一個對猶太教劃一的理解來取代另一

(a) 在桑德斯之前,大家都認為:所有的猶太人都想靠持守律法來賺得他們的救

(b) 桑德斯說,不,猶太人從未這樣做;所有的猶太人持守律法,是出於感激上


2) 第二聖殿時期的猶太教文獻顯出一件很清楚的事,亦即不是所有的猶太人都持相


3) 有些猶太人確實更強調守律法,以這樣的方式來顯明他們是義人

(a) 耶穌時代的猶太人用「罪人」一詞,來指那些沒有按照律法過生活的猶太人

(b) 這些猶太人會說,上帝立約的百姓會靠恩典得救,但上帝的百姓會因為遵行


(c) 如此一來,持守律法成為認定一個人是否能得救的基準

6. 在加拉太書中,其他教師的目的,不是要加拉太人靠足夠良善來稱義,而是要他們靠身為


7. 保羅如果不是辯論反對「靠行善得救」這個觀念,那麼,意思是不是說,他的信息跟「靠

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 9 頁 共 18 頁


a. 不,由於稱義不是靠行律法或身為猶太人而來,因此,稱義肯定不是靠任何其他的工


b. 有知識的猶太人不會認為他們能靠足夠的善行來稱義

8. 人要如何稱義?

a. 稱義不是基於行得夠好、或是靠遵守群體的標準過生活

b. 稱義無法奠定在信耶穌基督以外的任何事情上;保羅認為,任何其他可以讓人稱義的


9. 因信稱義的觀念是哪裏來的?

a. 創世記十五章 6節:「亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華就以此為他的義。」

· 保羅在加拉太書第三章中引用了這節經文

b. 哈巴谷書二章 4節:「義人必因信得生。」

1) 義人是那些會被稱為義的人

2) 哈巴谷書把義人和信心連在一起

c. 因信稱義是聖經的觀念,不是保羅自己捏造出來的

d. 亞伯蘭信耶和華所說關於他後裔的話

1) 那後裔就是耶穌基督

2) 保羅可以看到「亞伯拉罕因信耶和華應許他後裔的事而被稱為義」,以及「我們在


F. 保羅說的是「信基督」還是「基督的信實」?

1. 「信基督」這個表達法也可以被翻譯成「基督的信實」

a. 我們如果要把該詞彙翻譯成「基督的信實」,那麼加拉太書二章 16 節就得讀成這樣:



b. 基督的信實將會是指祂的順服至死,且死在十字架上

c. 要這麼翻譯的說詞是,這可減少經文中的贅詞,但這也還是存在著三次的「行律法」


2. 凱恩帕博士辯論說,我們應當依舊把這詞彙理解為「信基督」

Page 28: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 10 頁 共 18 頁

a. 傳統的詮釋中三次指出「行律法」,也三次指出「信基督」

b. 我們或許該根據經文中間那句清楚的表達(我們也信了基督),來翻譯看起來不清楚的


c. 或許,我們擁有的三句「信基督」,正好完美地平衡了三句「行律法」

3. 辯論雙方都同意,我們稱義的客觀基礎,是基督在十字架上的受死並隨後的復活;而主觀


G. 相信基督是什麼意思?

1. 相信基督,是承認祂值得我們全部的信託與信任;我們把自己全然信賴地交托給祂、信任

2. 「信任基督」跟「信任信心」是不一樣的(我們的信心不會救我們,但基督會救我們)

3. 結冰的湖圖像:要緊的是冰,還是我們踏上去的意願?

a. 救我們的不是我們的信心,而是我們所信靠的對象

b. 我們仍然需要靠信心的基礎而活,不是靠懷疑的基礎而活

H. 我們接受什麼樣的人作基督徒?

1. 他們使用福音派的語言嗎?

2. 他們知道聖詩或讚美詩嗎?

3. 他們稱自己重生了嗎?

4. 他們看起來像我們、想法也像我們嗎?

5. 他們是好人、保守派的共和黨人嗎?

6. 他們知道「得救」是什麼意思嗎?

7. 他們的宗教經驗跟我們一樣嗎?

8. 我們有其他的方法來限制我們的基督徒團契,讓長相、行動、思想像我們一樣的人進來嗎?

9. 文化、種族、社會的不同,會讓我們無法與在基督裏的弟兄和姊妹團契在一起嗎?

10. 葡萄牙人必須拒絕自己的葡萄牙文化,來成為上帝百姓的一份子嗎?

11. 真正的問題是:他們是否將自己全然交托信賴基督?他們的口舌和他們的生活,見證了他


I. 學生的問題:如果有人說自己信耶穌,他/她就是基督徒,這會不會太過簡化了?那聖經其餘的


Page 29: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 11 頁 共 18 頁

1. 關鍵問題是:那個人信的是什麼樣的耶穌?

2. 信心要放在聖經的基督身上;沒有別的「基督」能夠救贖我們

3. 身為基督徒,我們不需要在所有的神學細節上都一致,但在「耶穌基督是誰」上要一致;


4. 我們不能既信基督,又信別的(例如割禮)來得救恩;我們需要單單信靠基督

5. 身為福音派,我們對來自相同傳統的人在神學上有誤解時,傾向寬大為懷,但對來自其他


IV. 活出上帝家庭一份子的生活:加拉太書五章

A. 自由和奴僕(加五 1)

1. 五 1:「基督釋放了我們,叫我們得以自由,所以要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的軛轄制。」

2. 注意這節經文中陳述與命令之間的關係

a. 陳述是:說明上帝或基督已經做成的事(基督釋放了我們,叫我們得以自由)

b. 命令是:我們根據上帝已經成就的,該做些什麼(我們要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的


c. 這種陳述與命令之間的關係,可以在許多保羅書信中看到

1) 書信中的第一部份通常著重在陳述,而第二部分著重在命令

2) 弗四 1:「我為主被囚的勸你們:既然蒙召,行事為人就當與蒙召的恩相稱。」

(a) 陳述:上帝已經呼召你

(b) 命令:行事為人當與蒙召的恩相稱

3) 西三 1:「所以你們若真與基督一同復活,就當求在上面的事;那裏有基督坐在上


(a) 陳述:你們已經與基督一同復活

(b) 命令:尋求上面基督所在之處的事

3. 基督釋放了我們,為要叫我們得以自由

4. 容許我們再度受奴役,是削弱祂拯救的目的

B. 自由與愛(加五 13)

1. 五 13:「弟兄們,你們蒙召是要得自由,只是不可將你們的自由當作放縱情慾的機會,總

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 12 頁 共 18 頁


2. 我們得自由不是去犯罪,而是要用愛心互相服事

3. 這裏的對立是:放縱肉體或情慾,對照用愛心互相服事

4. 在接下去的經文,用愛心互相服事被定義得更清楚,並且看得出來,聖靈是這行為的挑動

5. 「用愛心互相服事」只有在團體中才能做到

C. 肉體和聖靈

1. 肉體或情慾事實上一直努力要破壞群體的健康或合一;而聖靈所促進的行為,卻維護著群


2. 聖靈將我們從肉體的奴役下釋放出來

3. 靈和肉體的歸類是屬於末世論的範疇,而非人類學的範疇

a. 人類學的範疇談的是人性的各方面;我們如果把肉體和靈理解為人類學的範疇,就可


b. 末世論範疇的靈和肉體

1) 在保羅的著作中,「肉體」代表人的生命活在墮落之中、在墮落狀態的軟弱中

(a) 「肉體」無法討上帝的喜悅

(b) 「肉體」一詞在保羅的著作中有好幾種用法,現在這種用法是與「靈」做對

2) 這個靈是上帝的靈,帶給相信耶穌基督的人有能力活出將要來的生命

3) 「肉體」是指人的生命活在這個墮落世代的力量之下;而「靈」是上帝透過聖靈


4) 靈與肉體之間有爭戰,但這爭戰只有透過因信耶穌基督而得到聖靈的人,才感受


4. 加四 15-18

a. 愛被看作是完全了律法

b. 保羅說「愛人如己」是什麼意思?

1) 無關乎必須對他人保有正面的感覺;也不是對他人懷有情感

2) 愛被看作是「對他人的服事」

Page 31: PL outline chi 03 - · 2. 在加拉太書中的保羅 a. 從前是個熱心轒害基督徒的人(一13、14、23)

《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 13 頁 共 18 頁

3) 保羅把這種愛和「彼此相咬相吞」做對比

(a) 那種像動物一般的行為是「肉體」的特性

(b) 肉體會引導人類做出毀壞的行為,攔阻上帝要在祂的百姓當中建立的和諧群

4) 上帝子民的群體該標示著耶穌基督為我們捨己的特性,祂來不是要受人的服事,


c. 17 節:「因為情慾和聖靈相爭,聖靈和情慾相爭,這兩個是彼此相敵,使你們不能做


1) 這節經文經常被放在羅馬書七章的框架來詮釋

(a) 但是,羅馬書七章的信息是個挫折沮喪的信息;人知道該做對的事,卻沒有


(b) 回想我們剛才從末世論的範疇來理解靈和肉體的討論,羅馬書七章所描述的


(c) 在羅馬書第八章,保羅描述在基督的人;這人擁有聖靈,能夠討上帝的喜悅

(d) 第 17 節描述的情況比較像羅馬書第八章,而非第七章

(1) 情慾和聖靈相爭,聖靈和情慾相爭

(2) 因為這樣的衝突,「使你們不能做所願意做的」;這裏說的很可能不是羅


2) 你不做你想做的惡事:「順著聖靈而行,你就不放縱肉體的情慾了。」

3) 「但你們若被聖靈引導,就不在律法以下」:聖靈賜給我們能力以新的方式過生活

d. 肉體的作為和聖靈的果子

1) 肉體的作為

(a) 三個類別

(1) 性的變態:姦淫、污穢、邪蕩

(2) 靈性或宗教的變態:拜偶像、邪術、醉酒和荒宴

(3) 關係的扭曲:仇恨、爭競、忌恨、惱怒、結黨、紛爭、異端和嫉妒

(b) 猶太人所說外邦人會犯的兩種主要的罪,是拜偶像和姦淫;因此,這張「肉


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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 14 頁 共 18 頁

(c) 「行這樣事的人必不能承受上帝的國。」

(1) 這是指舊約「繼承」的用詞

(2) 人不能靠避免這些行為來賺得救恩

(3) 然而,如果這些行為標示著你的生活,那麼無論你怎麼宣稱自己信基督,


(d) 這張清單所列的是希臘文學中典型的「敗德清單」

2) 聖靈的果子

(a) 一張「美德清單」

(b) 這些美德都是助長人際關係,以建立和諧的群體(仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、


e. 靠聖靈行事是什麼意思?

1) 靠聖靈行事的意思是,隨著聖靈的期望活出基督徒的生命,

2) 「聖靈的果子」這個詞彙,確實表達了聖靈會在基督徒身上產生這些特性

3) 有一種基督徒的教導認為,我們如果嘗試去過與聖靈果子一致的生活,那麼個人


(a) 因此這種教導提議基督徒應該單單讓聖靈去做成這些事

(b) 但保羅不是這樣想的,這是保羅為什麼毫不遲疑地使用命令句和下命令

4) 保羅給了基督徒一張美德清單,使他們知道該朝哪個方向努力

5) 肉體的作為不是指個人的努力,而是指姦淫、拜偶像和邪蕩的行為

6) 嘗試對人有愛心、有恩慈、有耐心不是錯的,因為你如果能行這些事,那是因為


7) 學生提的問題:這跟個人的動機有關嗎?

(a) 對於根據人的動機來描述他們,我們需要很小心

(b) 當我們這麼做時,我們是在論斷毫無能力評斷的事

(c) 當保羅談到屬靈和屬肉體的事情時,他談到的,是我們可以鑑定的事

(d) 當論及「被聖靈充滿的教會」是什麼意思時,我們傾向於察看一些不是保羅


f. 第 26 節說:「不要貪圖虛名,彼此惹氣,互相嫉妒。」這類行為同樣也會毀壞群體

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 15 頁 共 18 頁

D. 因信稱義以及靠聖靈而活

1. 因信稱義提醒我們,與上帝以及與其他信徒的關係,是以什麼為基礎

2. 我們已經從這邪惡的世代、從罪惡本性的奴役中,被釋放得自由了;靠著聖靈我們可以抵


3. 我們得自由,為的是要用愛心互相服事,跟隨聖靈的引導,行出會促進基督徒群體健康與


E. 課堂上沒有談到的其他資料,可在附錄中找到

V. 「新觀點」的保羅

A. 簡介

1. 「新觀點」主要是與桑德斯和他的第一本著作《保羅和巴勒斯坦的猶太教》關連在一起

2. 桑德斯、唐恩、以及賴特,都對這觀點有更進一步的論述發展

3. 根據這項看法,第二聖殿時期的猶太教不是「靠善行來累積功勞賺取救恩」的宗教

a. 它是「因盟約而遵守的律法主義」宗教,也就是:上帝和祂的百姓立約,而他們知道


b. 他們持守律法不是為了進入這個約中,而是為了留在這個約中

4. 因此,根據新觀點的理解,保羅因信稱義的教義,不是攻擊靠行善來賺取救恩的教義,而


5. 從這個要點開始起步,大家採取了不同的方向

6. 對唐恩和許多其他將自己投注在新觀點的學者而言,要理解保羅的觀點,關鍵問題在於:


B. 對「新觀點」的回應

1. 有些人認為它給了猶太教太過正面的看法,並開啟了通往「兩個約的理論或途徑」的大門

· 「猶太人繼續信猶太教是沒問題的,我們只需要感恩外邦人可以靠著基督得救。」

2. 有些人覺得,新觀點暗中破壞宗教改革在「因信稱義相對於因行律法稱義」的教導,而給


a. 簡言之,這些人覺得它暗中破壞了宗教改革,即福音派和更正教會的根基

b. 宗教改革的世界觀是二元論的:人若不是因信稱義,就是想憑在上帝眼前累積足夠的

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 16 頁 共 18 頁


c. 保羅如果不是辯論反對靠行律法來稱義,那麼有可能整個宗教改革對保羅的理解都錯

d. 事實上,桑德斯的頭一本著作《保羅和巴勒斯坦的猶太教》,就認為保羅並不瞭解猶太

1) 桑德斯假設保羅是在反對行律法的義

2) 然後桑德斯研究了猶太教,之後認為猶太人不相信靠律法稱義這種事;因此,他


3) 事情如果真是這樣,那麼,我們對保羅的信任就開始動搖了,而且整個宗教改革


e. 另一方面,保羅如果仍舊拒絕更正面的猶太教觀點,那麼凱恩帕博士辯論說,它一點


1) 事實上,它立下了更堅固的基礎

2) 即使猶太人沒有嘗試賺取他們的救恩,但仍舊把他們跟上帝的關係基礎取決於他


3) 把你跟上帝的關係,奠基在除了基督的受死、復活、並相信祂之外的任何事情上,


4) 在這樣的思維中,新觀點並未暗中破壞宗教改革的教導

f. 我們需要小心,不要假設保羅所有的對手都是一樣的

3. 桑德斯的證據是經過選擇的,他漠視「以斯拉四書」和保羅都是第二聖殿時期猶太教的見


取他們的救恩(例:羅四 4-5)

a. 桑德斯似乎漠視一些與他觀點不同的文獻,認為它們不足以代表猶太教

b. 根據許多的詮釋者所提,保羅書信中有許多證據顯示,當時代的猶太人都企圖靠行律

法來賺取他們的救恩;這仍是大家對羅馬書四章 4-5 節最普遍的認知

4. 桑德斯預先假定第二聖殿時期的猶太教是單一性質的,但證據卻不這樣保證(它是多元性


5. 即使是桑德斯拿來做其結論的基礎資料,敘述的方式也不一致(阿維馬利、舒馬賀、和卡

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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 17 頁 共 18 頁



a. 有些文獻著重在上帝揀選以色列的事實上,以色列會靠恩典與憐憫得救;這些文獻傾


b. 其他有些文獻著重在報應上:那些忠於律法的人將獲得申冤,不忠的人將受到審判;


6. 在進入(盟約之中)和留下之間,有一些錯誤的區分;這兩者不論哪一個,只要認為是要


7. 文獻中所反映的立場(比較是反映受過教育和有教養的觀點),通常和普羅大眾所持的觀點



a. 許多更正教徒普遍認為,人心非常容易傾向自義

b. 學生的問題:官方文獻或宗教領袖的立場跟一般百姓之間所信的彼此間不連貫,這種


1) 這種情況大概是普世性的,任何時候任何宗教都有這種情形

2) 這是我們的教會為什麼需要教理問答或教導

8. 桑德斯認為保羅是「從結果回到問題」,他的看法是錯的;第二聖殿時期的猶太教,經常是


a. 桑德斯辯論說,保羅對猶太教本來沒有任何問題,直到他遇見耶穌;他明白耶穌是答


b. 懺悔禱告的傳統:許多猶太人知道猶太教有問題;以色列還活在被擄的狀況裏,處在


c. 許多福音書都提到,聖徒們都在等候耶路撒冷的救贖;因此沒有道理去想:保羅認為


9. 桑德斯對第二聖殿時期猶太教的描述,不見得就是第一世紀猶太基督徒運動所持的立場;


a. 基督教的教導與猶太教的思想合併後,可能導致不同型態的律法主義,不是只有典型


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《保羅書信》 第三課 加拉太書和「新觀點」的保羅 課程大綱

Translated by permission of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA USA.

This Chinese Edition, Copyright © 2007 by CentriHall, Inc. , Chelmsford, MA USA 第 18 頁 共 18 頁

b. 所以我們要留意,可能有一些非常特別的發展,發生在早期基督教和它猶太背景的互


10. 桑德斯預先假定的民族揀選觀,並非是第二聖殿時期猶太教普遍持守的(參馬可‧艾略特


a. 許多猶太人持有某種特別的揀選觀,要認出那些揀選的團體,唯有靠認識他們依附團



b. 桑德斯申論說,人從未被要求要完全地遵守律法;獻祭這個體系處理所有的事,但處


c. 絕大部分更正教徒都受了傳統的教導,以為在猶太教裏面,每個人必須完全地遵守律


1) 不過,整個獻祭體系是屬於盟約體系的一部份

2) 沒有以色列人覺得他們必須完全地遵守律法

(a) 基本上每個猶太人都知道他們經常失敗

(b) 他們有贖罪日,他們有為罪和潔淨所獻的祭

d. 猶太教的中心是尋求上帝,而不是完美地遵從律法

e. 學生的問題:耶穌在安息日治病時,法利賽人為什麼對祂那麼生氣?

1) 他們根據自己的詮釋,認為耶穌是在破壞律法

2) 他們未必會因為認為祂破壞律法而定祂的罪;然而,他們反對祂是因為他們認為


f. 有許多猶太人會說,真猶太人是靠恩典與憐憫得救

1) 真猶太人會被認出來,因為他/她持守律法的方式,是他們理解律法該被持守的樣

2) 有些猶太人並不確定聖殿中獻祭的功效,因為他們不贊同聖殿被運作的方式;這


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Paul and His Letters

©2004 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

Lecture Outline 3: Galatians and the “New Perspective” on Paul

Beginning of Lecture 3a.I. Galatians: Overview and Background A. Key questions in this letter 1. Are you an insider or an outsider? 2. How do you know if you’re a child of God? 3. How do you recognize the other members of the family of God? Can someone be an “almost Christian”? 4. How do we live out the life of the family? B. The author: Paul 1. It is important to pay attention to how the author presents himself in a particular case. Sometimes the author will highlight aspects of his identity and relationship to the readers that are particularly relevant for understanding what has been written. 2. Paul in Galatians a. Former zealous persecutor of Christians (1:13, 14, 23) b. Called to be the apostle to the Gentiles (1:1-2:21) c. Founder of the churches mentioned in Gal 4:14-15 d. His message had been altered and his authority had been called into question (1:6-7, 11-12). e. He was quite concerned for the well-being of his spiritual children (4:19-20). C. The recipients: the Galatians 1. Gentile believers (4:8-9) 2. The Galatians had gladly received Paul and his message in spite of his burdensome needs (4:13-15). 3. The recipients of the letter were considering (under the influence of new teachers) the possibility of accepting circumcision and the Mosaic law (3:2-5; 4:21; 5:2-4). D. Destination and Date 1. Gal 1:2: “ …To the churches of Galatia” 2. Gal 3:1: “You foolish Galatians!” 3. Gal 1:6: “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you in the grace of Christ…. ” 4. What churches in Galatia was Paul writing to? Who would have been defined as Galatians? a. In present day north central Turkey there is an area that was called Galatia, which is where the Gauls or the Celts settled.

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Paul and His Letters

©2004 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

b. Before Paul’s time, southern parts of central Turkey, including the cities that he visited during his first missionary journey, were incorporated into the Roman province of Galatia. c. Was Paul writing to the churches in northern Galatia (where the ethnic Galatians lived)? Or was he writing to the churches that he founded during his first missionary journey and visited on his second that, although they were not ethnic Galatians, were within the Roman province of Galatia? d. This is an issue of debate among New Testament scholars. e. While some argue that Paul would not have addressed his readers as “foolish Galatians” unless they were ethnic Galatians, James Scott has suggested, based on his research into Jewish concepts of geography and ethnography, that Paul would have understood all the people living in the Roman province of Galatia as Galatians. f. The letter was probably written to southern Galatia after the first missionary journey but before the Jerusalem council (Acts 15; A.D. 48-49). E. Occasion and Purpose 1. The original readers were under pressure from new teachers and were being persuaded by them to accept the covenant and law of Moses by means of circumcision, so that they might become true members of the people of God. 2. The apostle Paul wrote this letter in order that the Galatians might accept neither circumcision (and the covenant and law of Moses) nor the new teachers who were propagating that message but would remain faithful to his gospel message instead. 3. Throughout this letter people and their message are closely identified. a. Paul not only argued against their message, but he also argued against those who were communicating the message. b. The Galatians would either be loyal to the new teachers and their message, or they would be loyal to Paul and his teaching. c. The letter was an attempt to build on the bond between Paul and his readers. d. Paul understood that the spiritual well-being of the Galatians depended upon their making the right decision about which gospel and which messengers they were going to pay attention to. F. Outline • Greeting (1:1-5) • Introduction (1:6-10) 1. Autobiographical argument: Paul’s gospel is of divine origin, not human. Paul is not dependent upon the Jerusalem apostles. (1:11-2:21) a. Thesis: His message is of divine, not human, origin. (1:11-12) b. The initial lack of contact with Jerusalem (1:13-24)

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c. The first contact with Jerusalem (2:1-10): they affirmed his message and mission. d. Paul’s rebuke of Peter (2:11-21) 1) Peter was denying elements of the gospel message in the way he responded to Gentile believers, and Paul had to rebuke him. 2) So far was Paul from being subservient to the Jerusalem apostles that he even had occasion to rebuke the leader of the Jerusalem church. 2. Arguments based on experience and Scripture (3:1-4:31): Both experience and the Scriptures show that justification is by faith and not by the works of the law. a. The argument based on the Galatians’s experience (3:1-5) 1) They received the Spirit by faith, not by works of the law. 2) If they had received the Spirit, then they were accepted by God already. b. The argument based on scripture (3:6-4:31) 1) Scripture promised that God would justify people by faith (see especially the story of Abraham in Genesis). 2) Scripture indicates that failure to keep the law has resulted in a curse on those who seek justification by that means (see especially Deut 27:26). 3. Exhortations justified by the previous argumentation: Do not accept circumcision and the law, but live by the power and orientation of the Spirit. (5:1-6:10) a. Warning not to return to slavery (5:1-12) b. The need to crucify the flesh and walk in the Spirit (5:13-24) c. Exhortations that clarify what it means to walk in the Spirit (5:25-6:10) • Epistolary Postscript (6:11-18) G. Summary of the message of Galatians Since my gospel is not of human origin but divine, and since your experience and the scriptures show that we have become members of God’s eschatological people by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law (and since the Spirit is the true remedy for the problem of the flesh and the law is not), remain firm in the gospel message that you received, and do not accept the yoke of the law through circumcision.II. Oppositions and Dualisms in Galatians A. “Not this, but that” 1. Not a human message but a divine message 2. Not gospel walking versus gospel walking 3. Not justified by works of the law but justified by faith 4. Not receiving the Spirit by works of the law but receiving the Spirit by faith 5. Not curse but blessing 6. Not slaves but sons

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7. Not children of the slave woman but children of the free woman 8. Not citizens of the present Jerusalem but of the Jerusalem above 9. Not controlled by the flesh but under the dominion of the Spirit 10. Not under law but led by the Spirit 11. Not marked by vanity but by love B. Eschatological Dualism 1. Definition: the division of all time into the time before Christ came and the time after Christ has come. 2. The former time when God did not yet justify the Gentiles by faith is contrasted with the present time when he does (3:8-9). 3. The time before the coming of the promised seed is contrasted with the present time when the promise is given (3:19, 22). 4. The time before faith came stands in contrast with the time after faith has come (3:23, 25). a. The book of Hebrews talks about all of Old Testament history as a history of people of faith, yet Paul described the period before Christ came as the time before faith came. b. Paul was thinking particularly of the period in which God is justifying all nations on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ. 5. Formerly we were slaves of the elements of the world but now we are redeemed sons (4:3-5). a. This division occurs in our personal lives after our encounter with Christ. b. Paul’s own life is marked by the division before God revealed Christ in him and the time after that (1:13-15; 2:20). c. The Galatians’s lives are marked by the division between the time when they did not know God and the present time when they do know God and are known by him (4:8-9). 6. This division of time in to two parts by the coming of Christ is crucial for Paul’s argument. a. Paul believes that the coming of Christ has brought a radical transformation of all things. b. One of the key differences between Paul and the other teachers is that the other teachers believe that things have continued to be the same as they were before Christ came even if Christ did make some alterations. 1) Before, to be a member of God’s people, you needed to be circumcised and to obey the Mosaic covenant. 2) The other teachers believed that, since Christ has come, we should continue to do what we did before but we should trust Christ as well.

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c. A key part of Paul’s argument is that Christ did not just make slight adjustments, but he completely changed the world. 7. The Mosaic law was holy, righteous, and good, but it was a part of the old creation, something that God had given before it had been radically transformed by the coming of Christ. 8. How we understand ourselves, our relationship with God, and with the world around us needs to be defined in terms of our relationship with Christ and our participation in his kingdom project.III. Galatians 2:15-16: The Good, the Bad, and the Justified A. This is a key text in dealing with the issue of justification by faith and not by works of the law. Important issues raised in this text: 1. The meaning and nature of justification 2. The meaning of “works of the law” 3. The meaning of faith “in” or “of ” Christ 4. The practical implications of the doctrine of justification by faith B. An ethnic/religious dualism: “We who are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners” (v. 15) 1. The ethnic dualism a. The whole world can be divided into two parts. b. You are either a Jew or a Gentile. 2. The religious dualism a. This dualism is implied by the word “sinners.” b. The opposite of “sinners” is the “righteous.” c. The world can be divided into “sinners” and the “righteous.” 3. Paul’s phrase makes it sound as though these two dualisms mean the same thing. a. In other words, we might assume that the Gentiles are “sinners” and the Jews by birth are the “righteous.” b. Paul was probably picking up on the language and the attitude of the people who had come to visit from Jerusalem. c. Gal 2:15-16 is a continuation of Paul’s discussion of Peter’s behavior. Peter had pulled away from the Gentiles at meals after certain people came from Jerusalem. 4. Those who are compliant with the law (within the covenant) are called the “righteous” while those who are not in compliance are called “sinners.” 5. Paul refered to these overlaid dualisms in order to undermine them in the following verses. C. Chiastic Structure of 2:16 1. The chiasm

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We who are Jews by birth and not ‘Gentile sinners’ know that A a person is not justified by works of the law B but by faith in Jesus Christ. C So we, too, have believed in Christ Jesus B1 that we may be justified by faith in Christ A1 and not by works of the law, because no one will be justified by works of the law. 2. A chiasm is a way of adding emphasis using repetition. a. It is a common type of repetition in the Old Testament and in the Hellenistic world of the New Testament. b. Many people will argue that the central part of a chiasm (for example, C above) is the most important, but this should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. 3. Why the dualism does not work a. A and A1 together read: “A person is not justified by works of the law, because no one will be justified by works of the law.” b. How did they know that no one would be justified by works of the law? 1) Paul was probably alluding to Ps 143:2: “Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living will be justified before you.” 2) No one is fully in compliance with the covenant and its law. 3) If one looks at the context of Ps 143:2, one can see that the psalmist trusts in God’s righteousness, not his own, since the Lord is righteous, but all human beings come up short in comparison with him. 4) In Paul’s thinking God is the only one who is good. All the rest of us are bad. The justified are that portion of the “bad” who recognize that they are bad and who call out to God for mercy. D. What is justification? 1. Our typical use of “justify” a. To justify is to offer an argument that shows you are right. b. Justification refers either to the argument itself or the act of offering the argument. c. To be justified means that you are right. 2. Justification in the New Testament and Jewish context a. It is judicial language that was understood within early Judaism and earliest Christianity in the context of covenantal standing. b. It is God’s gracious legal judgment in which he cancels the guilt of those who are in proper covenantal relationship with him, pronounces them righteous, and vindicates them. c. It is an eschatological reality (God’s Judgment Day verdict) that is experienced

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already by those who have faith in Christ. d. It is based on Christ’s atoning work on the cross and his resurrection and on our participation in that death and resurrection through our union/identifica- tion with him by faith (cf., 2:19-20). e. To determine the basis of justification (and who then has been/will be justified by God) is to determine the true boundaries of God’s redeemed people and the proper limits for full Christian fellowship. f. It was of fundamental importance for the Gentile Christians in both Antioch and Galatia, and it is of fundamental importance for our own understanding of our relationship to God and to other Christians. E. What are “works of the law”? 1. In popular Christian thinking being justified by works tends to be associated with being justified by doing good deeds. • This is not what Paul is referring to, which is why he talks about justification not by good works but by works of the law. 2. Some people have suggested that Paul has in mind a select group of Jewish identity markers (circumcision, keeping the Sabbath, dietary laws). 3. Richard Longenecker suggests that “works of the law” might be “a catch phrase to signal the whole legalistic complex of ideas having to do with winning God’s favor by a merit-amassing observance of Torah.” 4. Dr. Ciampa suggests that “works of the law” refers to the acceptance of and obedience to all the stipulations of the law of Moses. 5. 4QMMT and the “works of the law” a. 4QMMT had been copied by the Qumran community for over a century before Paul’s time. b. The authors of 4QMMT refer to its contents as “works of the law.” 1) The text reads: “We have sent you some of the works of the law, according to our decision, for your welfare and the welfare of your people. For we have seen that you have wisdom and knowledge of the Torah. Consider all these things and ask him to strengthen your will…, so that you may rejoice at the end of time, finding that some of our practices are correct. And it will be reckoned to you as righteousness and good in his eyes, for your own welfare and for the welfare of Israel” (4QMMT C:26-32). 2) See the handout on 4QMMT in the Appendix. 3) The content of this text is not what we usually think of when we think of Luther’s conflict with medieval Catholicism. (a) Luther was surrounded by people who were hoping to be justified by

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their good works and by their purchase of sufficient indulgences. They did not trust solely in Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross. (b) When Luther read Paul, he believed that Paul was facing that same challenge when he wrote his letters to the Galatians and the Romans. f. Second Temple Judaism was not a monolithic reality. 1) As noted in the last lecture, Sanders tried to take one monolithic understanding of Judaism and replace it with another one. (a) Before E. P. Sanders, everyone believed that all Jews tried to earn their salvation by keeping the law. (b) E. P. Sanders said that no Jews did this. Rather, all Jews kept the law out of their gratitude for the redemption that God had given them as Jews. 2) One of the things that is clear from the literature of Second Temple Judaism is that not all Jews had the same view. 3) Some Jews did have more of an emphasis on keeping the law as a way of showing that they were righteous. (a) Jews in Jesus’ time used the term “sinner” to refer to other Jews who were not living in accordance with the law. (b) These Jews might have said that God’s covenant people would be saved by grace, but God’s people were recognized by the fact that they kept the law. (c) In this way, keeping the law could become fundamental to understanding whether or not a person will be saved. 7. In Galatians, the goal of the other teachers was not that the Galatians should be justified by being good enough but that they should be justified by being undeniably Jewish, that is, by being members of God’s people. 8. If Paul is not arguing against the idea of salvation by good works, does that mean that his message doesn’t contradict the idea of salvation by good works? a. No. Since justification does not come about by works of the law or by being Jewish, it certainly is not going to come about by any other set of works. b. Well-informed Jews would not have believed that they could be justified by being good enough. 9. How is one justified? a. Justification is not found by being good enough or by living according to any set of standards. b. Justification is not found by any means other than faith in Jesus Christ. Any approach that looks elsewhere would be heresy as far as Paul was concerned. 10. Where does the idea of justification by faith come from? a. Gen 15:6: “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as

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righteousness.” • Paul quoted this verse in Galatians 3. b. Hab 2:4: “The righteous will live by faith.” 1) The righteous are those who will be justified. 2) Habakkuk connects the righteous and faith. c. Justification is a biblical concept, not something that Paul made up. d. Abram believed the Lord about his seed. 1) That seed is Jesus Christ. 2) Paul can see the connection between Abraham being justified based on his faith in God’s promise of a seed to him and our faith in Jesus Christ who is the seed of Abraham. F. Is Paul talking about faith in Christ or Christ’s faithfulness? 1. The expression translated “faith in Christ” could possibly be translated “Christ’s faithfulness.” a. If we read the expression as “Christ’s faithfulness” then Gal 2:16 would read this way: “[We] know that a person is not justified by works of the law, but by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. So we, too, have believed in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by Christ’s faithfulness and not by observing the law. b. Christ’s faithfulness would refer to his obedience in dying on the cross. c. This interpretation is said to reduce redundancy in the verse, although there are still three references to “works of the law” and two references to “Christ’s faithfulness.” 2. Dr. Ciampa argues that we should continue to understand the expression as “faith in Christ.” a. The traditional interpretation has three references to “works of the law” and three references to “faith in Christ.” b. We should probably interpret the potentially ambiguous expression (faith ? Christ) in light of the unambiguous expression (believed in Christ). c. We probably have three references to works of the law perfectly balanced by three references to faith in Christ. 3. All sides agree that the objective basis of our justification is Christ’s death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, while the subjective basis is our faith in Christ. G. What does it mean to believe in Christ? 1. To believe in Christ is to recognize that he is worthy of our complete trust and confidence and to entrust ourselves and commit ourselves to him in confidence. 2. Trusting in Christ is different from trusting in faith (our faith does not save us, Christ does.) 3. Illustration of a frozen pond: It’s the ice that matters and our willingness to go out

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on it. a. It is not our faith that saves us but the object of our faith. b. We still need to live on the basis of our faith and not on the basis of our doubts. H. What kind of people do we accept as Christians? 1. Do they use evangelical language? 2. Do they know hymns or praise songs? 3. Do they call themselves “born-again”? 4. Do they look and think like us? 5. Are they good, conservative Republicans? 6. Do they know what it means to be “saved”? 7. Has their religious experience been the same as ours? 8. Do we have other ways of limiting our Christian fellowship to people who look, act, and think like us? 9. Do cultural, racial, and social differences keep us from having fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ? 10. Do Portuguese people need to reject their Portuguese culture in order to become members of God’s people? 11. The real question is: have they entrusted and committed themselves to Christ? Do their lips and their lives testify to their faith in Christ? End of Lecture 3a.Beginning of Lecture 3b. I. Student Question: Isn’t it an oversimplification to say that if someone just believes in Jesus then he or she is a Christian? What about the rest of the Bible? 1. The key question is: What Jesus does the person have faith in? 2. Faith must be in the biblical Christ. No other “Christ” is able to redeem us. 3. As Christians we don’t have to agree on all the minor details of theology, but we do need to agree on who Jesus is. That is fundamental to our faith. 4. We cannot trust in Christ and something else (like circumcision) for salvation. We need to trust in Christ alone. 5. As evangelicals we tend to be much more generous about the theological misunderstandings of people from our own tradition than we are with Christians from other traditions.IV. Living our lives as members of God’s family: Galatians 5 A. On freedom and slavery (Gal 5:1) 1. 5:1: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” 2. Note the relationship in this verse between the indicative and the imperative. a. The indicative is a statement of what God or Christ has done. (Christ has set us

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free, and he did that for freedom.) b. The imperative is what we should do in light of what God has done. (We should stand firm and not let ourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.) c. This kind of relationship (between the indicative and the imperative) is visible in many of Paul’s letters. 1) The first part of the letter usually focuses on the indicative, while the second part focuses on the imperative. 2) Eph 4:1: “I, therefore, as a prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.” (a) Indicative: God has called you. (b) Imperative: Walk in a manner worthy of that calling. 3) Col 3:1: “If, then, you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” (a) Indicative: You’ve been raised with Christ. (b) Imperative: Seek the things above where Christ is. 3. Christ freed us in order that we might be free! 4. To allow ourselves to be enslaved again is to undermine the purpose of his salvation. B. On freedom and love (Gal 5:13) 1. 5:13: “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” 2. We are not free to sin, but to serve each other in love. 3. Here the contrast is between indulging the flesh, or sinful nature, and serving each other in love. 4. In the verses that follow that loving service will be more clearly defined, and it will be seen that the Holy Spirit is the instigator of that behavior. 5. Note that serving one another in love is something that can only be done in community. C. On the flesh and the Spirit 1. While the flesh/sinful nature works to destroy the health and unity of the community, the Spirit promotes behavior that maintains the unity and health of the community. 2. The Holy Spirit frees us from slavery to the flesh. 3. Spirit and flesh are eschatological rather than anthropological categories. a. Anthropological categories are aspects of human nature. If we understood the flesh and the Spirit as anthropological categories we might think of them as the body and the soul, or the material and the immaterial parts of human beings. b. The Spirit and flesh as eschatological categories

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1) The “flesh” in Paul’s writings represents human life as lived out in its fallenness, in the weakness of its fallen state. (a) The “flesh” is unable to please God. (b) Note that the word “flesh” is used in more than one way in Paul’s writings, but this is the meaning when it is contrasted with “Spirit.” 2) The Spirit is God’s Spirit who brings to those who believe in Jesus Christ the capacity to live the life of the age to come. 3) The “flesh” refers to human life lived out in the power of this fallen age. The Spirit refers to the power that God gives us through the Holy Spirit to live out the life of the age to come. 4) There is a battle between the Spirit and the flesh, but it is a battle that is only felt by people who have received the Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ. 4. Gal 4:15-18 a. Love is seen as the fulfillment of the law. b. What did Paul mean by “love one another”? 1) It is not a positive regard for one another. It is not an emotion towards the other person. 2) Rather, it is a love that is seen in service for the other person. 3) Paul contrasted this love with “biting and devouring each other.” (a) This animal-like behavior is characteristic of the “flesh.” (b) The flesh leads human beings to carry out destructive behaviors that prevent the harmonious community that God wants to establish among his people. 4) The community of God’s people should be marked by the character of Jesus Christ who gave himself for us, who came not to be served but to serve. c. Verse 17: “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.” 1) This verse has often been interpreted within the framework of Romans 7. (a) However, the message of Romans 7 is one of frustration. Someone knows the right thing to do but doesn’t have the capacity to do it. (b) Recalling our discussion of the flesh and the Spirit as eschatological categories, Romans 7 is a description of someone living under the power of the flesh. (c) In Romans 8, Paul described the person who is in Christ. This person has the Spirit and is able to please God. (d) Verse 17 is describing a situation more like Romans 8 than Romans 7. (1) The desires of the sinful nature are in conflict with the desires of the

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Spirit. (2) Because of this conflict “you do not do what you want.” This is most likely not the “good thing” mentioned in Romans 7, but the desires of the base human instinct. 2) You don’t do the bad thing that you want to do: “Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” 3) “If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law”: the Spirit gives us the capacity to live in a new way. d. The works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit 1) Works of the flesh (a) Three categories (1) Sexual perversions: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery (2) Spiritual or religious perversions: idolatry, witchcraft, drunkenness, and orgies (3) Relational perversions: hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy (b) Idolatry and sexual immorality are the two primary characteristics attributed to Gentiles by Jews. Thus, a few of the items in the list of “works of the flesh” are addressing typical concerns about Gentile behavior. (c) “Those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (1) This is a reference to the inheritance language of the Old Testament. (2) But a person cannot earn salvation by refraining from these behaviors. (3) However, if these behaviors mark your life, then whatever claim you have of faith in Christ is questionable. (d) This list is a typical of the “vice lists” of Hellenistic literature. 2) The fruit of the Spirit (a) A virtue list (b) These are virtues that are conductive to interpersonal relationships, to building a harmonious community (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). e. What does it mean to keep in step with the Spirit? 1) Keeping in step with the Spirit means living the Christian life in keeping with the desires of the Spirit. 2) The expression “the fruit of the Spirit” does suggest that it is the Spirit who produces these characteristics in the Christian. 3) There is a type of Christian teaching that suggests that if we try to live a life that is consistent with the fruit of the Spirit, then that personal effort is the “flesh.” (a) Instead this teaching suggests that the Christian should just let the Holy

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Spirit do it. (b) However, that was not Paul’s way of thinking about it, which is why Paul doesn’t hesitate to use imperatives and commands. 4) Paul gave a virtue list so that Christians will know what they ought to work towards. 5) The behavior of the flesh is not personal effort but sexual immorality, idolatry, and divisive behavior. 6) It is not wrong to try to be kind and loving and patient, because if you are able to do those things, it is only because God has given you his Spirit. 7) Student question: Doesn’t it depend on the person’s motive? (a) We need to be careful about making characterizations of people based on their motives. (b) When we do this we are making judgments about things we are unable to judge. (c) When Paul talks about things of the Spirit or of the flesh, he talks about behaviors we can identify. (d) The things that we tend to look at for what it means to be a Spirit-filled church can be less fundamental to what the Spirit is all about than what Paul was talking about. f. Verse 26: “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying one another.” This kind of behavior is also community destroying. D. Justification by faith and living by the Spirit 1. Justification by faith reminds us of the basis of our relationship with God and with other believers. 2. We have been set free from bondage to this evil age, from the bondage of our sinful human nature. By the Spirit we can resist its power. 3. We have been set free to serve each other in love, following the Spirit who leads us to behave in a way that promotes the health and unity of the Christian community. E. Additional notes (not covered during the lecture) can be found in the Appendix.V. The “New Perspective” on Paul A. Introduction 1. This “New Perspective” is identified primarily with E. P. Sanders and his first book, Paul and Palestinian Judaism. 2. It has been further developed by Sanders, James D. G. Dunn, and N. T. Wright, among others. 3. According to this view, Judaism in the Second Temple period was not a religion of “earning or meriting your salvation by good works.”

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Paul and His Letters

©2004 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

a. It was a religion of covenantal nomism, in which God had established a covenant with his people, and they recognized that they would be saved by his grace. b. They kept the law, not to get into the covenant, but in order to stay in the covenant. 4. Therefore, according to the understanding of the New Perspective, Paul’s doctrine of justification is not an attack on earning your salvation by good works but must be understood in light of the New Perspective on Judaism. 5. From this point of departure, people have taken things in different directions. 6. For James D. G. Dunn and others, the key issue for understanding Paul’s views is recognizing that God has not limited his people to Jews but is committed to the inclusion of Gentiles as well. B. Responses to the “New Perspective” 1. Some feel it gives too positive a view of Judaism and opens the door to a two- covenant theory or approach. • “Jews are fine staying within Judaism, only we need to be grateful that Gentiles can be saved through Christ.” 2. Others feel it undermines Reformation teaching regarding justification by faith versus justification by works and thereby grants validity to Roman Catholicism. a. To put it more simply, these people feel that it undermines the Reformation, the foundation for all evangelical and Protestant churches. b. The Reformation worldview was dualistic: everyone was either justified by faith or trying to be justified by amassing sufficient merit in the eyes of God. c. If Paul was not arguing against a justification by works, then perhaps the entire Reformation understanding of Paul was wrong. d. In fact, E. P. Sanders’s first book, Paul and Palestinian Judaism, suggested that Paul did not understand Judaism. 1) Sanders assumed that Paul was fighting against a kind of works righteousness. 2) Then Sanders studied Judaism and came to believe that they did not hold to a belief in works righteousness. Thus, he assumed that Paul just didn’t understand Judaism. 3) If this is true then our confidence in Paul would start to shake and the foundation for Reformation teaching would start to come apart. e. If, on the other hand, an even more positive view of Judaism is still rejected by Paul, then Dr. Ciampa would argue that the New Perspective doesn’t undermine the Reformation at all. 1) In fact, it would set it on a stronger foundation. 2) Even if the Jews were not trying to earn their salvation but were counting on their relationship with God being based upon the fact that they were

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Paul and His Letters

©2004 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

Jewish, they were still wrong. 3) Basing your relationship with God on something other than Christ’s death, resurrection, and your faith in him is wrong. 4) In that sense, the New Perspective doesn’t undermine Reformation teaching. f. We need to be careful not to assume that all of Paul’s opponents were the same. 3. Sanders made a selective use of the evidence, discounting 4 Ezra and Paul as witnesses to Second Temple Judaism (and ignoring 2 Baruch). The evidence of Paul’s letters suggests that contemporary Jews were seeking to earn their salvation by their works (e.g., Rom 4:4-5). a. Sanders seems to have discounted documents that did not agree with his view as not being true representatives of Judaism. b. The evidence of Paul’s letters according to many interpreters would suggest that contemporary Jews were attempting to earn their salvation by their works. For example, this is by far the most common understanding of Rom. 4:4-5. 4. Sanders presupposes a homogeneity in Second Temple Judaism that is not warranted by the evidence (it is a “variegated” reality). 5. Even the works that serve as the foundation for Sanders’s conclusions do not speak in a univocal manner (Freidrich Avemarie, Peter Stuhlmacher, D. A. Carson, et al.). Discussions of justification revolve around two different foci, the principle of election and the principle of retribution. Those two principles are at times in conflict. a. Some of the documents are focused on the fact that God had chosen Israel, and Israel would be saved by his grace and mercy. These documents would tend to support the idea of covenantal nomism. b. Other documents focus on retribution: those who were faithful to the law would be vindicated and those who are not will be judged. These documents would tend to sound like legalism. 6. False distinctions are made between getting in and staying in. If either is thought to be by works it is still works-righteousness (Gundry). 7. The positions reflected in the literature (reflecting more educated and informed perspectives) are frequently different from those held by the public at large, so that there may have been much more legalism in Second Temple Judaism than that literature reflects (cf. Catholicism around the world) (Morna Hooker). a. On the popular level, many Protestant Christians think that the human heart is such that it tends to move towards self-justification. b. Student question: Does the disconnect between the official documents or positions of the religious leaders and what the common people believe go back to the Old Testament?

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Paul and His Letters

©2004 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

1) This is probably a universal situation in all religions and at all times. 2) This is why there is a need for catechesis or teaching in our churches. 8. Sanders was mistaken when he suggested that Paul worked “from the solution to the problem.” Second Temple Judaisms often worked from a perceived problem to a hoped-for solution (Thielman, Wright). a. Sanders argued that Paul did not have a problem with Judaism until he encountered Jesus. He realized that Jesus was the answer and that led him to conclude that there must be a problem with Judaism. b. Penitential prayer tradition: many Jews realized that there was a problem with Judaism. Israel was still living under exilic conditions, alienated from God with a burden of unforgiven sins. c. Many of the gospels mention that the saints were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. There is no reason to think that Paul thought there were no problems in Judaism until he met Jesus. 9. Sanders’s descriptions of Second Temple Judaism may not be indicative of some positions by Jewish-Christian movements in the first century, since the latter reflect some of their own particular developments and challenges in the process of establishing their own self-identities. a. The combination of Christian teaching and Jewish thinking may have lead to types of legalism that were not typical of Judaism alone. b. We need to be aware that there were probably some special developments that arose from the interaction between early Christianity and its Jewish background. 10. Sanders presupposes a view of national election that was not universally held in Second Temple Judaism (see Mark Elliot, The Survivors of Judaism). a. Many held to a type of special election and the elect group could only be recognized by their adherence to a system of “defining laws” (works). Many Jews felt or recognized that they could not count on the efficacy of the sacrifices being made in Jerusalem b. Sanders argues that the law never required perfect obedience and that the sacrificial system dealt with all but the most stubborn of sins. c. Most Protestants have traditionally taught that, in Judaism, one had to keep the law perfectly, or one would be condemned. 1) However, part of the covenantal system was the sacrificial system. 2) The Israelites did not feel that they had to keep the law perfectly. (a) They knew they failed on a regular basis. (b) But they had the Day of Atonement, and they had sacrifices for sin and for purification.

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Paul and His Letters

©2004 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts

d. The heart of Judaism was seeking after God, not perfect obedience. e. Student Question: Why did the Pharisees get mad at Jesus when he healed somebody on the Sabbath? 1) They believed that, according to their interpretation, he was breaking the law. 2) They weren’t necessarily condemning him because they thought he broke the law, but they were contradicting him because they believed that what he was teaching was wrong. f. There were many Jews who would have said that the true Jew is saved by grace and mercy. 1) But they would have recognized a true Jew because he or she kept the laws the way they understood they ought to be kept. 2) Some Jews were unsure about the efficacy of the sacrifices in the temple because they disagreed with the way that the temple was being run. This led them to push for a stricter obedience to the law.End of Lecture 3b.