piwiibiiw1,myvu ypmwmgpli · tickets to all points in japan, china, india. agodnd the world per 0....

yPMWMgpli V- - .; l PIwiiBiiw1 ,Myvu" v !fSPf! f svfliiiBuPElHHIHSvMflSIHHralrm. - J . '' , VOL. V. NO. 71 (J. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 18M. PRICE 5 CENffS. THE DAILY BULLETIN ritlNTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON KXCICPT SUNDAY BY THE Dally Bulletin Publishing .Co., LU, AT T1IK OFFICE. Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. BUBSOUIPTION Six Dollars a Ykaii. Delivoreil in Honolulu at Fifty Obnts a Month, in advance THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IB PUBMSIIKI) E3VJH3K.-5- T TT.THISD.A.Y At Four Dollars a Yeah to Domestic, and Fivk Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONi: IN SUFEMOIt STYLE. 250 BOTH TELEPHONES P. 0. BOX 89. -- QO, Address letters the paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Managor. Business Cards. LEWEBS & COOKE, 250 for IlUFORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER AND ALL KINDS OF 15UILDl.NO MATERIALS. Fort Btreet, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Qcieen Streets, Honolulu. Q. W. MACFABLANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Aient. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers. 02 Fort Street, Honolulu. W. H. STONE, A.OCOXnsrT-A.3STT- . P. O. Box 17. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler maker. AND AVATCII- - Kukul Jewelry a specialty. Particular attontion paid to all kinds of ropairB. Mclnorny Block, Fort Street. ATLAS ASSURANCE OO. OP LONDON, H.(W, Sohmidt & Sons, Agents for the Hawaiian Ihlands. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Enoineb, Buoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass, and Lead Castings, Machinery of Every Description Made to Ordor. Funicular attention paid to Ships' Blacksniithliig. Jul) Work executed at Bhort Notice. O. B. RIPLEY, AROHITHOT, ('ompleto plans and Hiicclllcatlons for every description of building. Contracts urawn unit cureiul superliitciidunt'u of given when required. On ami uxuiuliiu plans. Now duxIgiiH. Modern buildings. Olllce, Uoomri.Kprcckels' lllock. Mutual Ti'l.aw, Daily Jlutletiii, cents a month, itlivtrtd fret. It. 8. MoonK, Butit. V. H. Tayi.oii, Pros. Risdon Iron Works, San Franoisco, BUIL1)KI18 Cal. Improved Sugar Machinery BOILERS ENGINES. Pumping Machinery For Irrigating and Water Works purposes of any capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Water PIdg & Fluming MATHESON LOCK-JOIN- T PIPE, HEINE SAFETY BOILER, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. E&- - For further particulars and cata- logues, address K-iscio- Iron Works, San Francisco, California. m 60 OF- - & DAILY AND WEEKLY Hawaiian Newspapers are the Leading Journals in the Kingdom. The "Daily Hawaii Holonma," Has the Circulation on the Islands and is the Best Medium for Advertising. Mr. Tiios. K. Nathvniel will receive all advertisements and transact all business matters. SOSF" Omen: "Brcnig Block," corner Nuuanu and Queen street (upstairs). fiHJ-- tf The Best Lunch in Town. Tea. and Coffee at all nouns. THE FINEST BRANDS OP Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS on hand. TE-- J. lSTOLTE. Froip. PALO ALTO STABLES, 3SO O'IParrell St., Two Blocks from Baldwin Hotel, S. F., Cal. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD I friends and patrons in tho Islands that I have purchased tho above Stables and intend to maintain its namesake "Second to None" 1st class. Llverv Outfits of every description alsoon hand. Forsalo: Matched Spans, lload and Draft Horses guaranteed as represented. Correspondence Invited. E. Jt. MILES, 095-t- f Proprietor. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., BnftftFEvT 81 KING ST. YMesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. a. J. Waller, Manager. CHAB. T. GULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oanu. Agent to taku Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Marriage License, Hono- lulu, Oiihu, Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A Hcott's Kntlglit unit Paicel Kxpress. Agent for the llurliiigtuii Itouto. ItKAL IISTATJ; Hlt()Ki:it a.sii ur.NKUAL AOKNT. llui.i.31- 8- TIJLKI'lIOSi: Mutual Ilia P.O. 1)0x116 88 MorcliHtit ut, Honolulu, II, I, J Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco : The Now nnd Fine Al Bteel Steamship "MONOWAI'' Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will bo due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about May 4th, And will loavo for the above port with MntNnnd Passengers on or about ihatdate. Vnr CttiIthmt onil Annlrlnvtfl luiujuuvjowiuuuuauu. a!" The Now and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about May 4th, jsnn Mails and Passengers for the above ports The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. pgt For further particulars regarding freight or Passage apply to WIH. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., i- -i Oceanic Steamship Go. Trrcie TetTole. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu from S. F. General Leave May May Juno June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. THROUGH From San Francisco for Sydney. Arrive Jlnnolulu. Agents. Honolulu for S. F. 17 24 14 21 12 19 0 1(3 ( 13 4 11 1 8 LINE. Fiom Sydney for fc in Francisco. Leave Honolulu. MAHIPOSA, May 4 MONOWAI, May 1 MONOWAI, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 2!) MAKIPOSA,Juno'2i) MAHIPOSA, July 27 MONOWAI, July 27 MONOWAI, Aug. 24 A LAM EDA, Aug. 2 ALAMEDA, Sept. 21 MAKIP()SA,Sept.21 MAHIPOSA, Oct. 19) MONOWAI, Oct. 19 MONOWAI, Nov. HJ ALAMEDA, Nov. 10 TO PLANT LOVERS HHHE UNDERSIGNED DESIllES TO X notify the public that he is prepared to Propagate any kind of Tree, Shrub or Bush by Grafting, Budding, Kinging, or other methods. No payments will bu re- quired until they aro well rooted, which will take from six weeks to six months, ac- cording to its genus. Now is tho time for ladies to uitikci pre-en- ts whether exotics or natives, to her fiionds. I will also under- take to eradicate all insects that prey upon or suck thu nap from trees and other vege- tables, which can bo expelled from 60 to 00 hours; no enro no pay. - Tho Cotlce and Orange family a specialty. Address W. L., (153-l- Bulletin Olllce. c. j. McCarthy, Real Estate & Collection Agency AflENT FOK- - Cincinnati Safe & Lock. Co. 35 Merchant St., : Cummins Block. M EDWIN A. JONES Has opened an olllco for transacting all uusiuess in connection wun Trusts, Purchaso and Balo of Bonds, Stock and Real Estate, And is propurcd to Audit Accounts. Olllco: No, 12 Merchant street, ofllco lately occupied by tho luto Jona. Austin. P. O. Itox 55. It can be proved Any day That the Daily Bulletin lias the Largest Circulation Of any papei In Honolulu. JJusincHH Stick a J -- 'in iDar, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OF THE WORLD. Tickets Issuod to ALL POINTS in tho UNITED STATES and CANADA, via Portland, Tacoma, Soaltlo, Victoria and Vancouver. .00 Second Class First Class $10.00 TF.SK THAN BY OT1IEK LINKS MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen, Frascr Canon, Etc. "Empress" Lino of Steamers from Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. AgODND THE WORLD PER 0. P. R. FOR SG10. M. STEKN, Dist. Freights Pass. Agent, 018 Ma, ket street, San FrancKi'o, Cal. Pacific Mail S.S. Go. ; Daily -- AND THE- - Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go. t For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of the abovo Comwanios will not ending live lines, call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports on or about the following dates: Btmr ''BELGIC" May 11, 18! Stmr "CHINA" July!). IS!),! Stmr "OCEANIC" Aug. 7, 18D.S Stmr "CHINA" Sept. 18, 18!).! Stmr "OCEANIC" Oct. l(i, 18! Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 27, lb!M Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 2o, lb'J.'l Rf.n- - KPHIVAII VU R lull or 18 to KfV.ai. WA.1.U. ....( X1UU tOiTX Stmr "OCEANIC" o,18!( "elP wanteu. Rt.nip "flHTNA" A..ril II! For SAN FRANCISCO. ...I.,.,. iJivismaKiiig; Steamers of tho Companies will onu can Cut and Fit; to woik in the at Honolulu on their from Hong- - "ousu. 1. O. llo 71'.'-:- !t kon A and Yokohama to on auout tne following dates : Stmr "OCEANIC" May 7, 18!)3 Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, 19J Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" ....... JunoO, lb!)3 Stmr "CHINA" Juno It), 18911 Btmr "BELUIC" June 27, 189J Stmr "PERU" Julv 7, 1)3 Stmr "OCEANIC". July 17, 189! Btmr "OITYOFitlODEJAT, E1HO" ii ', ., ltJU Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. 0, lb'M Stmr "CITY OF PLKING" ..... Aug. lo, 1893 Stmr "OCEANIC" Kept. 23, 189J Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 0, 1893 Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 4, 1893 Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" Jan. 2, 1891 Stmr "OCEANIC" Feb. 12, 1691 Stmr "CHINA" March 20, Stmr "GAELIC" May 14, 1891 RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: Cabin Cabin, round trip 4 months ..... Cabin, round trip 12 months European Steerage.. iflSU gW Passengers paying full faro will be nuowcu percent return return- ing within twelve month". For Freight and l'us.-ag- e apply H. HACKFELD & CO., 207 tf TO V. uo 223 00 2u2 f0 85 00 TO 00 202 50 310 25 100 00 io on laro it B- P- to Agents. fitter's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. W. 0. Wilder, Pres 8. II. Uohe, Sec. Oait. J. A. Kino, Port Supt. Stmr. KINATJ, CLARKE. Commander, Will leave Honolulu at -- ' r. m., touuhliig at Luhalna, Maalaea Hay and Makena the same day; Mahukouu, Kuwuihiiuaud the following duy, urrivhiK ut Hilo ut midnlijht. Returning leaves Hilo, touching at sumo day; Kuwaihue a. m. Ida- - luikonu 10 a. m.; Makena 1 r. m.; Mualuea lluyOi'. u.; Luhuiuu H v. m. the following day; arriving at Honolulu (1 a. m. Wednes- days and Buturdavs. Freiuht will received after 12 noon on day of balling. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES. Commander, Honolulu Tuosdnv M., funtf $175 No he Will leave ovory touching Kulmlul, uifl Huiitou Kipaliitlu, Uetunilng arrive at Honolulu every Sunday inoriiliij:. V No Freight will after m. on ilny of sailing. Consignees must he tho landings receive their Freight, we will nut hold ourselves responsible siuh Freight hits Intel i landed, l. A hi en 4 r. us While the Company will use dili- gence In huiidllug Live Slock, i ussuiliu any respoliHlhllity in euo ot iliu loss of stiliiu, Tho Coiiipiuiy in 111 not he responsible for Money Jewefry unless placed In tlmcaie of B.gf- - For Tickets and (icncr.il Iiiforuin-lio- n applj THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Agent for the Hawaiian hlaittts. Bulletin Emplopieiit, House & Rooms Registry ! All iliW'nrfinmiitilv tur !.... irt ,11. lit, lltllkt If ....III 1.. .1 .1 ... .... II..!.... . .. iiilii. iiiuuviuiii ill ill. tillll-i;- . M1IILI3 IU continue should lie given the afternoon tho advertisement e.phc. AdvertNeinents for tho Registry must be handed in before 1:2 o'clock noun of the daj they lir.-- t appear. The rates given below undur each held are counting seven word to ii line. Five cents a line win ailui-i- i e.icli ligure for all above live lino. Employment Wanted. Aih. awUr thit head. Hot: one neck orient: continual, Wc. a nick. ww. March 1MH J , I. Jo ,. Ltl ,.'...... ...... ho tinned, luc. each lime. WANTED IMMEDIATELY u oiium for V above who call way Joy. the above port - .. 1891 ; n I'uii-erB- . GOOD Lost and Found. Attn, under Ihh head, Ji)c. one time; Co- ntinued, 23c. each time. LOST YESTEItDAY UN KING ST., Fort street and Kulihi, an Unfinished Cinnamon Brown Wool bhawl. The tinder will be lowarded bv leaving -- amo lit the otll'e of the H'.r. i.iii'n New Co. 7 .;;t ...... Houses To Lot. Ads. under (hit Iniul liumd, We. each tiim. CtOc. one time; eon- - Houses Wanted. AiU. under tlili head, 60c. one time: JOc. each lime. Rooms To Lot. Ads. undir thii hunt, Se. one timr; oDc one nick; coHtiniiid, Wc. each ntek. Rooms Wanted. Ads. under thii head, .Wc one time; Wc. inch time. Baldwin Locomotives. The undersigned having been appointed Sole Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands KOll TIIK OKl.KMUTElt Baldwin Locomotives FllOM Till; WOKKS OF Burham, "Williams & Co., Fluladolnhia, Poun., Aie now prepared to give Intimates mid receive Urilers for these Knghius, of any size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works AUK NOW MANUFArrUlUNli A STY Mi OF I.Ol OMOTIVI; PAKTJOl'LAHLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes lit.) iniiiiliur of uliich Inivo reeuntlv ut Huelo, Hauu, received at thune Islands, and ud hue and will at to ufter due to or to he IV plcaniin In furnlthiiig plaiitatlon agcnn aim managers nun paiuciiiiirs o: ciiuie. The Superiority of Iht'sii Locomotives overall other iunl.es i known not only here hut Is aclcnouleilgrd thionglioiit the Unlt.d State. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Aootits (or ttm Hawaiian Islanilii. "1LANIWAL" PIIIST.I'I.Ati FAMILY HATlllMl ui hinim uj i.timmrivim rnminy v j;uuti u Wulkilsi 'i'raiiu'iiro jmi. fxumini nt I, no ritiea ui w I 'I'" K'"- - SFIKOIUl HI IHIlguUIUllU WH In) 2rompiiy , fur ,t , j,,,, uml Kv,tn)llK IMletin OjJUlf, ilnthlng Purtlu. m,t Latest Nows Itemized. 'I he KiiiV Own HciiUL-n- l huts licru slnliiiiicil at llivlifnx, A liij; nu?iu' works Inst licon slnrleil up in .Mc.Mt'ti ttmlcr ll.ith'ting iitinp-ious- . Many Ohio iiiiuitif.totitri'is ,uc tuov-iii- lo Wi'st'Tii I'vtiiisylviiiiiu to got gits. I'iltflitm: in.iiiufiiflururh uro hontl-inf- j machinery to Krant'o lo nnike wiio cables. Four fiu'totiL"! liitVL1 been eslul'lished in Mexico for tho iiiiiiiiit.iutuiu of jutu-clotl- i. New Orleiiiis is to h.ive ii speoiiil eoiil roud built fioin the Alitbatuu mines to furnish it with utwl. Steiitn lieilms that cut do tlie woik of a thottsiml lfien aie l.e,ging irrigii-tio- u ililehes it) .Mexico. l.o-- t year 1100 new freight o.tr- - were hinlt for tlie r.ulro ills of the United ril:ile evciy il.iy ol the ye.n. At Elm wood, l.xl., tho iipp urn nee of MiViMiil cities of genuine spotted fever h.is given grout aim in. Steel sloamers of 1,000 tons eap.ioity .ire to ho built at I)lllitti)ue, Iowu, to navigate thu Western livers. The 2S0 fuvings banks of New York have $31)0,000,000 on deposit, mid all loaned out exeupt u wot king margin. The Dettoit 1'oot Commission dur ing the month of February gave jno-vi- si in to 0,9115 persons, :it u cost of 1,017. A biiuk fi'inine. is threatened ut Chioago. l'uees h.ive jumped from $5 uO In $10, mid it looks us though hey would go to $15. A walnut log, bixteun feet in length, ml containing 11,000 feel of lumber, s being shipped from Kansas to the '.VoildV Fair. Thii teen murders oecuired ut St. Louis duriui; Aliuch, lor whicli tun portions are in custody, two out on bond, ii ml one ut l.uge. A l'itti-bui- g linn th.it has tried says tho inetensed ellieien-u.- r of the woiknieu i.iys the piolits that it distributes. The Whulier Honiesteid Associu-Uo- ii of lliiveiliill, .M.i- -., i preparing i ) lestote the poet's olil homestead to Uo foimer eoudition. Complaints of veiy dry weather come in fio n all parts of thu island of Cuba, ami many animals .no dying fiom the uuicity ol water. Texas is bonding- utruwbcriios and otlier hiuull fiuits lo the Noilh, in (.umpuiitiuii with Flo: ida, and work- ing up u profitable bi stness. A tabui.ited tutt tuuiit, just com- pleted, gives thu aggregate value of all new building, elected at (iiaiui Kapids during lb!) at $2,:U5S.52. A sugar i onibiiiu has been formed m the maritime piovmces, and the Nova .Scotia llouue of Aembly Inib parted a lull indorsing the same. Mrs. (Jeilrude Fox of Dundee, Mich., u years of age, h.is been toothlest for several years, rdio is now culling n new set ol teeth. The saloon loundeih in 1'illb.liuig .no in despair. A local judge has de- cided ili.il the fieu lunch must go, be- ing a means ol atti.iuung custom and therefoie contrary to thu laws of the State. 1 he laigost factory in the woild foi turning out h.mestcis is to bo built al til. Paul, and will have a capacity of 50,000 h.uvestern and 00,000 mowers a year. Last year 2,000 h.u setters went fiom St. Paul to I lie Aigentine Republic. 'lhc lennus.-c- o Li gislatllio has pass- ed a joint to allow the burial of thu body of Polk and Ml. Polk in I lie State Capi- tol gioiiiuls. They nie now lying at Pulh. Place, Nashwllu, wheio thu lned, and which was thu home of the widow lor many ycur.i. Wise and Othorwiso. One of thu stiougest p ints tho l'tu-siilo- niiikcs is wlion ho points thodooi. (Jltivuliiuil l'luii Deal- er. You nuvor know how do.ir things aro until von huy thcni, nor liuw choap tliov uro until you m'H thoin. Puck The Bimii t'st.itc of Texas, vnlueil at )!2,000,000, is in liiiyntiou. B .stun is in noli e.M'iteil. .Memphis Appeal-- v.iluiiuhu. To.idiir -- ipcll slippi-rs- , .Inhnny. Johnny Tcui'lii'i Thai spcllo slupjiors. Jnliuny Bainc thing. llaip' is Baiir. riho (Imtly) Why do limn always ho tu wiinicuV llo (cyiuuiilly) Wull, tin, women .ihv.iyf insist on eoinpli-inmilai- y lliiuns lii'iuc; saiil to tliuin, (lun't llioy? Dotnnt Fruo Prers. Kniplnyer William, Mis. Spritf-ymi- B coni)l.ius that slie iveeiveilonly lino of nil the liilllillcs she li.nl put lip hole last nin'it- - William That's funny, sir. I wiuti ".Mis. hpiigg.uis" on line huiidle and put "illUu" on itaeli of the ol In r.. 'I'M-Bit- Tim pnunpUiuss anil cortainty of ith ettrus liavo intnlii (Jhmuhurluiii't! Cough Kuuu'ily faiiioim. It is osiieeitilly ior eohls, isrotii) ami wlioopint,' eotmlib, anil is llio most ollVcttiul rumotly known for i tliuso ilieoasos. Mr. C. 15. .Main, of Union Cit,ln.,Mtj&: "1 havu a junt nalu on Chtnnliurlttiu'B Cough lioino-ily- . 1 warnint ovory botllnand havu nuvur huaul of oun failing to givo untiro Hitisfaution." f() cent hotilcri fm halo by all dealers. IJeiibon, ftinitli tt Co., agontn for tho llawai-in- u trilamls. Tho Chiinihi) ili'loelivo foreo a a nui'iol hotly ami I ho bent organized in i ho wuihl. The liu an ow iii-o- n every man, woman anil child, toruign or native, in China, ami, in addition, wateli over oaoli other, j ' . . . . . . , ORGAN OPENING. Inauguration of tho Instrument Bot Up in Central Union Church. Central Union church, was crowded Sat unity oveuing by pooplooagor to hear tho first public tones of tho groat organ built especially for that grand edifice. Tho instrument was manipulated successively by Mrs. Judd, Miss Dale and Mr. Wray Tay- lor. Its tonos in each instance woro greatly admired. Mr. Taylor played a number of selections to display the range and power of thu difforojit stops, giving an exhibition which showed that all tho music wanted can bo drawn from tho now organ. A delightful voeal concert was given in tho intervals of oxclufjivoly organ performances. Solos were beautiful sung by Miss Dale, Mr. H. Jaeger and Miss Beckwith. Mrs. Paty, Mrs. Judd, Mr. Booth and Mr. Wakefield rendered a quartet com- posed by Mrs. Judd when a girl of fifteen. Thero was choral siuging by the choirs of St. Andrew's Catho-dr- al nnd Central Union Church, singly and jointly, also by the Ha- waiian choirs of Kawaiahao and Kau-makapi- Below is a description of the new organ's divisions: GREAT ORGAN. 1 Bourdon, 10 feet wood. 2 Open Diapason, 8 foot metal. I) Dulciana, 8 feet mtal. 4 Mulodia, 8 feet wood. 5 Octavo, 1 feet metal, fi Flute d' Amour, 4: foot wood and metal. 7 Twelfth, 3 metal. 8 Fifteenth, 2 metal. II Mixture, 3 rauks metal. 10 Trumpet, 8 foot metal. SWELL OROAN. 11 Open diapason, 8 foot metal. 12 Salicional, 8 feot motal. 13 Stopped diapason, 8 feet wood. 14 Flute harmonique, 4 feet motal. 15 Violina, 4 feet motal 10 L'iccolo, 2 feot metal. 17 Mixture, 2 ranks metal. IS Oboe, 8 feot metal. TEDAL ORGAN. 19 Open diapason, 16 feet wood. 20 Bourdon, 16 feet wood. MECUANICAL REOISTERS. 21 Swell to great. 22 Great to pedals. 23 Swell to pedal. 21 Tremolo. 25 Bellows signal. Orange Economy. In the M(.'('iterranean countries, anil in fact everywhere that thu orange is grown, the utmost economy is exercised nothing that will re- turn a particle of fertility to the soil or a cent of levenue to the pocket of the grower is allowed to waste. Even the peel from the culls is saved and he petals as they full from the orange blooms are religiously gathered up ami sold to the perfumer. Perhaps our people would do well to take a few lesbons in economy from their foieign friends. There is, for instance, the matter of making orange wine, marmalade, ect., from the culls, and the biisinos might and should be developed to gieat proportions during the shipping season. Of course it would not bo practica- ble for o.ichor.iuge-growertoinanufac-tur- the refuse fruit into these com- modities himself, and the only wuy to utili.e it in a piotituble manner is by disposing of it to lactones that might be established in every orange-growin- g section. Each grower could then save his culls, and after n day's pack- ing deliver them to the factories and recure so much per thousand for them. Thebe factories c.uld utilize every portion of the fruit, from ttm peel to tho seed, anil while the price paid would bu small it would be just that much clear money to the producer. Floi ida Agriculturist. Our Royal Landlords. It is reported that Queen Victoria has been imestiug quite actively in real ostato in this country o( late. Tho Uurman royal family have real estate interests hero, and in 'iT'ict about every monarch in Europe, mourning the Jtussiuu uzar, baa set a stake dowu in our soil. This shows that faith in tho future of the Re- public is entertained right royally abroad. By and by tho candidate for naturalization who has forgotten to pay his rent on American roal territory will bo able to swoar truth- - full that ho renounces all allegiance to every foreign prince or potentate. Uonlun Globe. A Very Sad Affair. Mr. Oldehappie You aro looking vory bad nndorchiunp Yes, 1 know it. I went to n dinner party on Washing- ton's birthday nnd drank a little too much wino. When I wont to bod I forgot to talto otr my boots, and I went to (deep with my foet on tho pillow, and eoiiseijiiently I dreamed all night 1 hud toothacho, when it was nothing bit) my tight boots hurting my corns. Texas Siftimji. To Got at tho Facta Regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla, ask tho people who take this medi- cine, or read tho testimonials often published in this-pupur- , They will certainly convince you that Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses unequalled merit, and that Hood's Cures, mmm Hood's Pills euro constipation by restoring the puristaltio action of tho alimentary caual. They aro tho best family outburtio, V rW ,Av WM 4 n- a- 4

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Page 1: PIwiiBiiw1,Myvu yPMWMgpli · Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. AgODND THE WORLD PER 0. P. R. FOR SG10. M. STEKN, Dist. Freights Pass. Agent, 018 Ma, ket street, San FrancKi'o,





PIwiiBiiw1 ,Myvu" v !fSPf! f svfliiiBuPElHHIHSvMflSIHHralrm.

-J . '' ,





Dally Bulletin Publishing .Co., LU,


Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

BUBSOUIPTION Six Dollars a Ykaii.Delivoreil in Honolulu at Fifty Obnts aMonth, in advance




At Four Dollars a Yeah to Domestic,and Fivk Dollars to Foreign Subscribers.



Address letters the paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause delay in at-tention.DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Managor.

Business Cards.






Fort Btreet, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


General Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Qcieen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and General Business Aient.

Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii.


Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers.

02 Fort Street, Honolulu.


A.OCOXnsrT-A.3STT- .

P. O. Box 17.


Manufacturing Jewelermaker.


Kukul Jewelry a specialty. Particularattontion paid to all kinds of ropairB.

Mclnorny Block, Fort Street.



H.(W, Sohmidt & Sons,

Agents for the Hawaiian Ihlands.


Steam Enoineb, Buoar Mills, Boilers,Coolers, Iron, Brass, and Lead


Machinery of Every Description Made toOrdor. Funicular attention paid to Ships'Blacksniithliig. Jul) Work executed atBhort Notice.



('ompleto plans and Hiicclllcatlons forevery description of building. Contractsurawn unit cureiul superliitciidunt'u of

given when required. On amiuxuiuliiu plans. Now duxIgiiH. Modernbuildings. Olllce, Uoomri.Kprcckels' lllock.

Mutual Ti'l.aw,

Daily Jlutletiii, cents a month,itlivtrtd fret.

It. 8. MoonK, Butit. V. H. Tayi.oii, Pros.

Risdon Iron Works,

San Franoisco,



Improved Sugar Machinery


Pumping Machinery

For Irrigating and Water Works purposesof any capacity.

Wrought Iron & Steel Water PIdg & Fluming


HEINE SAFETY BOILER,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

E&-- For further particulars and cata-logues, address

K-iscio- Iron Works,San Francisco, California.



OF- -



Hawaiian Newspapersare the

Leading Journals in the Kingdom.

The "Daily Hawaii Holonma,"

Has the Circulation on the Islandsand is the Best Medium for


Mr. Tiios. K. Nathvniel will receive alladvertisements and transact all businessmatters.

SOSF" Omen: "Brcnig Block," cornerNuuanu and Queen street (upstairs).

fiHJ-- tf

The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. and Coffeeat all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS on hand.

TE-- J. lSTOLTE. Froip.


3SO O'IParrell St.,Two Blocks from Baldwin Hotel, S. F., Cal.

BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLDI friends and patrons in tho Islands thatI have purchased tho above Stables andintend to maintain its namesake "Secondto None" 1st class. Llverv Outfits of everydescription alsoon hand. Forsalo: MatchedSpans, lload and Draft Horses guaranteedas represented. Correspondence Invited.

E. Jt. MILES,095-t- f Proprietor.


BnftftFEvT 81 KING ST.

YMesale and Retail Butchers



a. J. Waller, Manager.


Notary Public for the Island of Oanu.

Agent to taku Acknowledgements to La-

bor Contracts.Agent to grant Marriage License, Hono-

lulu, Oiihu,Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A

Hcott's Kntlglit unit Paicel Kxpress.Agent for the llurliiigtuii Itouto.

ItKAL IISTATJ; Hlt()Ki:ita.sii ur.NKUAL AOKNT.

llui.i.31- 8- TIJLKI'lIOSi: Mutual IliaP.O. 1)0x116

88 MorcliHtit ut, Honolulu, II, I, J

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco :

The Now nnd Fine Al Bteel Steamship

"MONOWAI''Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

May 4th,And will loavo for the above port withMntNnnd Passengers on or about ihatdate.

Vnr CttiIthmt onil Annlrlnvtflluiujuuvjowiuuuuauu. a!"The Now and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

May 4th,jsnn

Mails and Passengers for the above ports

The undersigned are now prepared to issue



pgt For further particulars regardingfreight or Passage apply to

WIH. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,i- -i

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Trrcie TetTole.LOCAL LINE.


Arrive Honolulufrom S. F.



May MayJuno JuneJuly JulyAug. Aug.Sept. Sept.Oct. Oct.Nov. Nov.


From San Franciscofor Sydney.

Arrive Jlnnolulu.


Honolulufor S. F.

17 2414 2112 190 1(3( 13

4 111 8


Fiom Sydney forfc in Francisco.

Leave Honolulu.MAHIPOSA, May 4 MONOWAI, May 1

MONOWAI, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 1ALAMEDA, June 2!) MAKIPOSA,Juno'2i)MAHIPOSA, July 27 MONOWAI, July 27MONOWAI, Aug. 24 A LAM EDA, Aug. 2ALAMEDA, Sept. 21 MAKIP()SA,Sept.21MAHIPOSA, Oct. 19) MONOWAI, Oct. 19MONOWAI, Nov. HJ ALAMEDA, Nov. 10


HHHE UNDERSIGNED DESIllES TOX notify the public that he is preparedto Propagate any kind of Tree, Shrub orBush by Grafting, Budding, Kinging, orother methods. No payments will bu re-quired until they aro well rooted, whichwill take from six weeks to six months, ac-cording to its genus. Now is tho time forladies to uitikci pre-en- ts whether exotics ornatives, to her fiionds. I will also under-take to eradicate all insects that prey uponor suck thu nap from trees and other vege-tables, which can bo expelled from 60 to 00hours; no enro no pay.- Tho Cotlce and Orange family aspecialty. Address

W. L.,(153-l- Bulletin Olllce.

c. j. McCarthy,

Real Estate & Collection Agency


Cincinnati Safe & Lock. Co.

35 Merchant St., : Cummins Block.


EDWIN A. JONESHas opened an olllco for transacting all

uusiuess in connection wun

Trusts, Purchaso and Balo of Bonds,Stock and Real Estate,

And is propurcd to Audit Accounts.

Olllco: No, 12 Merchant street, ofllco latelyoccupied by tho luto Jona. Austin.

P. O. Itox 55.

It can be proved

Any day

That the

Daily Bulletin

lias the


Of any papei

In Honolulu.


Stick a

J --'in



Tickets Issuod to ALL POINTS in tho UNITED STATES and CANADA, via Portland,Tacoma, Soaltlo, Victoria and Vancouver.

.00 Second Class First Class $10.00TF.SK THAN BY OT1IEK LINKS

MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen, Frascr Canon, Etc.

"Empress" Lino of Steamers from Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India.


M. STEKN,Dist. Freights Pass. Agent,

018 Ma, ket street,San FrancKi'o, Cal.

Pacific Mail S.S. Go. ; Daily

-- AND THE- -

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go. t


Steamers of the abovo Comwanios will not ending live lines,call at Honolulu on their way to the aboveports on or about the following dates:

Btmr ''BELGIC" May 11, 18!

Stmr "CHINA" July!). IS!),!Stmr "OCEANIC" Aug. 7, 18D.S

Stmr "CHINA" Sept. 18, 18!).!

Stmr "OCEANIC" Oct. l(i, 18!

Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 27, lb!MStmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 2o, lb'J.'lRf.n- - KPHIVAII VU R lull




KfV.ai. WA.1.U. ....( X1UU tOiTX

Stmr "OCEANIC" o,18!( "elP wanteu.Rt.nip "flHTNA" A..ril II!



iJivismaKiiig;Steamers of tho Companies will onu can Cut and Fit; to woik in the

at Honolulu on their from Hong- - "ousu. 1. O. llo 71'.'-:- !t



and Yokohama to onauout tne following dates :

Stmr "OCEANIC" May 7, 18!)3Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, 19JStmr "CITY OF PEKING" .......

JunoO, lb!)3Stmr "CHINA" Juno It), 18911

Btmr "BELUIC" June 27, 189JStmr "PERU" Julv 7, 1)3Stmr "OCEANIC". July 17, 189!Btmr "OITYOFitlODEJAT, E1HO"

ii ', ., ltJUStmr "GAELIC" Aug. 0, lb'MStmr "CITY OF PLKING" .....

Aug. lo, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Kept. 23, 189JStmr "CHINA" Nov. 0, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 4, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"

Jan. 2, 1891Stmr "OCEANIC" Feb. 12, 1691Stmr "CHINA" March 20,Stmr "GAELIC" May 14, 1891


CabinCabin, round trip 4

months .....Cabin, round trip 12

monthsEuropean Steerage..


gW Passengers paying full faro will benuowcu percent return return-ing within twelve month".

For Freight and l'us.-ag-e apply


207 tf



223 00

2u2 f085 00



202 50

310 25100 00

io on laro it

B-P- to


fitter's Steamship Co.


W. 0. Wilder, Pres 8. II. Uohe, Sec.Oait. J. A. Kino, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at --' r. m., touuhliig atLuhalna, Maalaea Hay and Makena thesame day; Mahukouu, Kuwuihiiuaud

the following duy, urrivhiK utHilo ut midnlijht.

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atsumo day; Kuwaihue a. m. Ida- -

luikonu 10 a. m.; Makena 1 r. m.; MualuealluyOi'. u.; Luhuiuu H v. m. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu (1 a. m. Wednes-days and Buturdavs.

Freiuht will received after12 noon on day of balling.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES. Commander,

Honolulu TuosdnvM.,



No he

Will leave ovorytouching Kulmlul, uifl

Huiitou Kipaliitlu,

Uetunilng arrive at Honolulu everySunday inoriiliij:.

V No Freight will afterm. on ilny of sailing.

Consignees must he tho landingsreceive their Freight, we will nut holdourselves responsible siuh Freighthits Intel i landed,


A hi en

4 r.


While the Company will use dili-gence In huiidllug Live Slock, i

ussuiliu any respoliHlhllity in euo ot iliuloss of stiliiu,

Tho Coiiipiuiy in 111 not he responsible forMoney Jewefry unless placed In tlmcaieof

B.gf- - For Tickets and (icncr.il Iiiforuin-lio- n

appljTHEO. H. DAVIES & CO.,

Agent for the Hawaiian hlaittts.


Emplopieiit,House & Rooms

Registry !

All iliW'nrfinmiitilv tur !.... irt,11. lit, lltllkt If ....III 1.. .1 .1 ... .... II..!.... . ..iiilii. iiiuuviuiii ill ill. tillll-i;- . M1IILI3 IUcontinue should lie given the afternoon thoadvertisement e.phc. AdvertNeinents fortho Registry must be handed in before 1:2

o'clock noun of the daj they lir.-- t appear.The rates given below undur each held are

counting seven word to ii line. Five centsa line win ailui-i- i e.icli ligure for allabove live lino.

Employment Wanted.Aih. awUr thit head. Hot: one neck orient:

continual, Wc. a nick.


1MHJ , I. Jo ,. Ltl ,.'...... ......


tinned, luc. each lime.



above whocall way Joy.

the above port -





I'uii-erB- .


Lost and Found.Attn, under Ihh head, Ji)c. one time; Co-

ntinued, 23c. each time.

LOST YESTEItDAY UN KING ST.,Fort street and Kulihi, an

Unfinished Cinnamon Brown Wool bhawl.The tinder will be lowarded bv leaving-- amo lit the otll'e of the H'.r. i.iii'n NewCo. 7 .;;t


Houses To Lot.Ads. under (hit Iniul

liumd, We. each tiim.CtOc. one time; eon- -

Houses Wanted.AiU. under tlili head, 60c. one time:

JOc. each lime.

Rooms To Lot.Ads. undir thii hunt, Se. one timr; oDc

one nick; coHtiniiid, Wc. each ntek.

Rooms Wanted.Ads. under thii head, .Wc one time;

Wc. inch time.

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, "Williams & Co.,

Fluladolnhia, Poun.,

Aie now prepared to give Intimates midreceive Urilers for these Knghius,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposeslit.) iniiiiliur of uliich Inivo reeuntlv

ut Huelo, Hauu, received at thune Islands, and ud hueand


at to








plcaniin In furnlthiiig plaiitatlon agcnnaim managers nun paiuciiiiirs o: ciiuie.

The Superiority of Iht'sii Locomotivesoverall other iunl.es i known not onlyhere hut Is aclcnouleilgrd thionglioiit theUnlt.d State.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Aootits (or ttm Hawaiian Islanilii.


ui hinim uj i.timmrivim rnminy v j;uuti u Wulkilsi 'i'raiiu'iiro jmi.fxumini nt I, no ritiea ui w I 'I'" K'"- - SFIKOIUl HI IHIlguUIUllU WH In)

2rompiiy , fur ,t , j,,,, uml Kv,tn)llKIMletin OjJUlf, ilnthlng Purtlu. m,t

Latest Nows Itemized.'I he KiiiV Own HciiUL-n-l huts licru

slnliiiiicil at llivlifnx,A liij; nu?iu' works Inst licon slnrleil

up in .Mc.Mt'ti ttmlcr ll.ith'ting iitinp-ious- .

Many Ohio iiiiuitif.totitri'is ,uc tuov-iii-

lo Wi'st'Tii I'vtiiisylviiiiiu to gotgits.

I'iltflitm: in.iiiufiiflururh uro hontl-inf- j

machinery to Krant'o lo nnikewiio cables.

Four fiu'totiL"! liitVL1 been eslul'lishedin Mexico for tho iiiiiiiiit.iutuiu ofjutu-clotl- i.

New Orleiiiis is to h.ive ii speoiiileoiil roud built fioin the Alitbatuumines to furnish it with utwl.

Steiitn lieilms that cut do tlie woikof a thottsiml lfien aie l.e,ging irrigii-tio- u

ililehes it) .Mexico.l.o-- t year 1100 new freight o.tr- - were

hinlt for tlie r.ulro ills of the Unitedril:ile evciy il.iy ol the ye.n.

At Elm wood, l.xl., tho iipp urn neeof MiViMiil cities of genuine spottedfever h.is given grout aim in.

Steel sloamers of 1,000 tons eap.ioity.ire to ho built at I)lllitti)ue, Iowu, tonavigate thu Western livers.

The 2S0 fuvings banks of New Yorkhave $31)0,000,000 on deposit, mid allloaned out exeupt u wot king margin.

The Dettoit 1'oot Commission during the month of February gave jno-vi- si

in to 0,9115 persons, :it u costof 1,017.

A biiuk fi'inine. is threatened utChioago. l'uees h.ive jumped from$5 uO In $10, mid it looks us though

hey would go to $15.A walnut log, bixteun feet in length,

ml containing 11,000 feel of lumber,s being shipped from Kansas to the'.VoildV Fair.

Thii teen murders oecuired ut St.Louis duriui; Aliuch, lor whicli tunportions are in custody, two out onbond, ii ml one ut l.uge.

A l'itti-bui- g linn th.it has triedsays tho inetensed ellieien-u.- r

of the woiknieu i.iys the piolitsthat it distributes.

The Whulier Honiesteid Associu-Uo- ii

of lliiveiliill, .M.i- -., i preparingi ) lestote the poet's olil homestead toUo foimer eoudition.

Complaints of veiy dry weathercome in fio n all parts of thu island ofCuba, ami many animals .no dyingfiom the uuicity ol water.

Texas is bonding- utruwbcriios andotlier hiuull fiuits lo the Noilh, in(.umpuiitiuii with Flo: ida, and work-ing up u profitable bi stness.

A tabui.ited tutt tuuiit, just com-pleted, gives thu aggregate value ofall new building, elected at (iiaiuiKapids during lb!) at $2,:U5S.52.

A sugar i onibiiiu has been formedm the maritime piovmces, and theNova .Scotia llouue of Aembly Inib

parted a lull indorsing the same.Mrs. (Jeilrude Fox of Dundee,

Mich., u years of age, h.isbeen toothlest for several years, rdiois now culling n new set ol teeth.

The saloon loundeih in 1'illb.liuig.no in despair. A local judge has de-

cided ili.il the fieu lunch must go, be-

ing a means ol atti.iuung custom andtherefoie contrary to thu laws of theState.

1 he laigost factory in the woildfoi turning out h.mestcis is to bobuilt al til. Paul, and will have acapacity of 50,000 h.uvestern and00,000 mowers a year. Last year2,000 h.u setters went fiom St. Paulto I lie Aigentine Republic.

'lhc lennus.-c-o Li gislatllio has pass-ed a joint to allow theburial of thu body ofPolk and Ml. Polk in I lie State Capi-tol gioiiiuls. They nie now lying atPulh. Place, Nashwllu, wheio thu

lned, and which was thuhome of the widow lor many ycur.i.

Wise and Othorwiso.

One of thu stiougest p ints tho l'tu-siilo-

niiikcs is wlion ho pointsthodooi. (Jltivuliiuil l'luii Deal-

er.You nuvor know how do.ir things

aro until von huy thcni, nor liuwchoap tliov uro until you m'H thoin.Puck

The Bimii t'st.itc of Texas, vnlueil at)!2,000,000, is in liiiyntiou. B .stun isin noli e.M'iteil. .Memphis Appeal--

v.iluiiuhu.To.idiir --ipcll slippi-rs- , .Inhnny.

Johnny Tcui'lii'iThai spcllo slupjiors. Jnliuny Baincthing. llaip' is Baiir.

riho (Imtly) Why do limn alwaysho tu wiinicuV llo (cyiuuiilly) Wull,tin, women .ihv.iyf insist on eoinpli-inmilai- y

lliiuns lii'iuc; saiil to tliuin,(lun't llioy? Dotnnt Fruo Prers.

Kniplnyer William, Mis. Spritf-ymi- B

coni)l.ius that slie iveeiveilonlylino of nil the liilllillcs she li.nl put liphole last nin'it- - William That'sfunny, sir. I wiuti ".Mis. hpiigg.uis"on line huiidle and put "illUu" onitaeli of the ol In r.. 'I'M-Bit-

Tim pnunpUiuss anil cortainty ofith ettrus liavo intnlii (Jhmuhurluiii't!Cough Kuuu'ily faiiioim. It is

osiieeitilly ior eohls,isrotii) ami wlioopint,' eotmlib, anil isllio most ollVcttiul rumotly known for

i tliuso ilieoasos. Mr. C. 15. .Main, ofUnion Cit,ln.,Mtj&: "1 havu a juntnalu on Chtnnliurlttiu'B Cough lioino-ily- .

1 warnint ovory botllnand havunuvur huaul of oun failing to givountiro Hitisfaution." f() cent hotilcrifm halo by all dealers. IJeiibon,ftinitli tt Co., agontn for tho llawai-in- u


Tho Chiinihi) ili'loelivo foreo a anui'iol hotly ami I ho bent organizedin i ho wuihl. The liu an ow iii-o- n

every man, woman anil child,toruign or native, in China, ami, inaddition, wateli over oaoli other,


' ..






Inauguration of tho Instrument BotUp in Central Union Church.

Central Union church, was crowdedSat unity oveuing by pooplooagor tohear tho first public tones of thogroat organ built especially for thatgrand edifice. Tho instrument wasmanipulated successively by Mrs.Judd, Miss Dale and Mr. Wray Tay-lor. Its tonos in each instance worogreatly admired. Mr. Taylor playeda number of selections to displaythe range and power of thu difforojitstops, giving an exhibition whichshowed that all tho music wantedcan bo drawn from tho now organ.

A delightful voeal concert wasgiven in tho intervals of oxclufjivolyorgan performances. Solos werebeautiful sung by Miss Dale, Mr. H.Jaeger and Miss Beckwith. Mrs.Paty, Mrs. Judd, Mr. Booth and Mr.Wakefield rendered a quartet com-posed by Mrs. Judd when a girl offifteen. Thero was choral siugingby the choirs of St. Andrew's Catho-dr- al

nnd Central Union Church,singly and jointly, also by the Ha-waiian choirs of Kawaiahao and Kau-makapi-

Below is a description ofthe new organ's divisions:


1 Bourdon, 10 feet wood.2 Open Diapason, 8 foot metal.I) Dulciana, 8 feet mtal.4 Mulodia, 8 feet wood.5 Octavo, 1 feet metal,fi Flute d' Amour, 4: foot wood and

metal.7 Twelfth, 3 metal.8 Fifteenth, 2 metal.II Mixture, 3 rauks metal.10 Trumpet, 8 foot metal.


11 Open diapason, 8 foot metal.12 Salicional, 8 feot motal.13 Stopped diapason, 8 feet wood.14 Flute harmonique, 4 feet

motal.15 Violina, 4 feet motal10 L'iccolo, 2 feot metal.17 Mixture, 2 ranks metal.IS Oboe, 8 feot metal.


19 Open diapason, 16 feet wood.20 Bourdon, 16 feet wood.


21 Swell to great.22 Great to pedals.23 Swell to pedal.21 Tremolo.25 Bellows signal.

Orange Economy.

In the M(.'('iterranean countries,anil in fact everywhere that thuorange is grown, the utmost economyis exercised nothing that will re-

turn a particle of fertility to the soilor a cent of levenue to the pocket ofthe grower is allowed to waste. Eventhe peel from the culls is saved andhe petals as they full from the orange

blooms are religiously gathered upami sold to the perfumer. Perhapsour people would do well to take afew lesbons in economy from theirfoieign friends.

There is, for instance, the matter ofmaking orange wine, marmalade, ect.,from the culls, and the biisinosmight and should be developed togieat proportions during the shippingseason.

Of course it would not bo practica-ble for o.ichor.iuge-growertoinanufac-tur-

the refuse fruit into these com-modities himself, and the only wuy toutili.e it in a piotituble manner is bydisposing of it to lactones that mightbe established in every orange-growin- g

section. Each grower could thensave his culls, and after n day's pack-ing deliver them to the factories andrecure so much per thousand for them.Thebe factories c.uld utilize everyportion of the fruit, from ttm peel totho seed, anil while the price paidwould bu small it would be just thatmuch clear money to the producer.Floi ida Agriculturist.

Our Royal Landlords.

It is reported that Queen Victoriahas been imestiug quite actively inreal ostato in this country o( late.Tho Uurman royal family have

real estate interests hero, and in'iT'ict about every monarch in Europe,mourning the Jtussiuu uzar, baa seta stake dowu in our soil. This showsthat faith in tho future of the Re-public is entertained right royallyabroad. By and by tho candidatefor naturalization who has forgottento pay his rent on American roalterritory will bo able to swoar truth- -

full that ho renounces all allegianceto every foreign prince or potentate.

Uonlun Globe.

A Very Sad Affair.Mr. Oldehappie You aro looking

vory badnndorchiunp Yes, 1 know it. I

went to n dinner party on Washing-ton's birthday nnd drank a little toomuch wino. When I wont to bod Iforgot to talto otr my boots, and Iwent to (deep with my foet on thopillow, and eoiiseijiiently I dreamedall night 1 hud toothacho, when itwas nothing bit) my tight bootshurting my corns. Texas Siftimji.

To Got at tho Facta

Regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla, asktho people who take this medi-cine, or read tho testimonials oftenpublished in this-pupur- , They willcertainly convince you that Hood'sSarsaparilla possesses unequalledmerit, and that Hood's Cures,

m m m

Hood's Pills euro constipation byrestoring the puristaltio action oftho alimentary caual. They aro thobest family outburtio,

V rW ,Av





Page 2: PIwiiBiiw1,Myvu yPMWMgpli · Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. AgODND THE WORLD PER 0. P. R. FOR SG10. M. STEKN, Dist. Freights Pass. Agent, 018 Ma, ket street, San FrancKi'o,






Pledged to neither Sect nor l'aity,But Established for the Benefit of All.

TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1893.

Eviilontly tho Star was ashamedyoutorday of soino of tho utturnucusin tho Provisional Logislaturo, as itignored tho ontiro proceedings andovon failod to niuntiun that thorowas a sossion. Mr. Emmoluth, it isto bofoared.will havo to put his sen- - i

timonts in stoned plalos and issue anorgan for his own self,

"Agitation for any poli-tical purpose other than that forwhich this government lias beenorganized," would bo treason if Mr.Emmoluth had his way.' Then whatwould bocomo of Councillors them-selves who began agitating for Gov-ernment situations for themselvesand their friends boforo tho P. G.was out of its cradlo?

For somo mouths tho mortuaryreports of tho Board of Health havoindicated an improvement in thehealth of Honolulu and tho earo ofyoung children. Although a fourthof the doaths in April wore of babesunder ono year, thoro is only onecase from ono to ten. A fourth saveono died from old ago. Tho com-parative monthly mortality shows adoereaso. It is sad to seo tho annualdeath rate per thousand still far thehighest for Hawaiiaus among allnationalities.

Several words wore left out in ourleading article 3Testerday, whichturned two sentences into ono andmade nonsense of tho combination.Tho sentences as written wore asfollows: "Suroty, while tho coun-try is enjoying profound peace, thehundred and sixty men under armsand under pay make a formidableenough showing without drilling alltho clorks and mulo-drivor- s, as sug-gested by tho Advortisor, into play-ing soldiers. Or is it intended todisband tho bulk of tho soldiers andthus show some respect to tho risingdiscontent of tho taxpayers at pay-ing out their 11101103' for the supportof this largo crowd of useless andneedless military?" All the wordsbetween ''into" and "paying" weiedropped out by tho type-sette- r.


If Mr. Emmoluth were not devoidof the slightest suspicion or shrewd-ness in his nature, his intolerant andmalignant resolution atmeeting of tho Provisional Govern-ment might bo misunderstood. Sucha resolution coining from a moreastute politician might bo taken asan attempt to drag a herring acrossthe scout, so as to mislead xcoplcwho havo not gained a proper com-prehension of tho crucial featureof tho present situation. Tho gen-esis of the Provisional Governmentis being investigated by tho UnitedStates Government at this momentjust as much as any other elementcomposing tho present stato of af-

fairs. It is goiHg to bo ascertainedfor tho information and satisfactionof tho United States Government bythe current investigation whethertho recent change of government inthis country was effected by a suc-

cessful revolution of people of thecountry or by a hostile domoti.it ra-

tion of United States forces againsttho previous form of governmentand its constitutional representa-tives. "What the United States Gov-

ernment will do in the event of itsbeing satisfied that its forces madea conquest of tho Hawaiian Islands,in behalf of a collection of residentswho desired to cede tho dominionand territory thus acquired to theUnited States, wo do not presume toanticipate.

Tho revolutionary proclamationmentioned "union" with the UnitedStates as tho object intended to bo

accomplished before the ProvisionalGovernment gavo up charge of thiscountry. "Union" implies the con-

sent and of tho "partyof' tho other part." Had t'otherparty immediatolj' consented to theproposal, tho union would now boan accomplished fact, thoro wouldbo no Provisional Government, Mr.Emmoluth would bo reposing in theobscurity that an overwhelmingmajoritj' of his fellow-citizen- s deemhis fitting placo, and the only dis-

content and sedition possible wouldbe against tho authority of theUnited States. Theso things havonot happened, because tho party oftho other part tho United Stutosevidently doubted tho legitimacy oftho proposal as to its origin, and theGovernment of that country is nowexamining tho titloH of tho proportydescribed in tho deed of cession thatMr. Thurston and his colleagues car-ried to Washington. To this end itis necessary that tho quasi-judici-

Commissioner gout lioro by tho Gov- -

tdiih :iWtnYAm-

nossos through iutiinidation fromgiving their honest uvidoiicu. Inilii" action Mr. Emniolntli ns awould-b- o citizen of tho United Statesis morally guilty of treason in ad-

vance against that nation's Govern-ment, llo will havo to be watchedafter annexation. A man of hispeculiar stmeture if disappointed inresults after that ovont would natur-ally gravitate to tho anarchistic ele-


A Bridgo Across tho English Ohannol.

Most of our renders will rememberUV' !"ll"! ' ' ,J!T V Tr , ,

W0Il. v)nu.,v,i l)V ilio proposal lpieico the lied of the chnuncl betweentlmt country itml I' rancu with u tunmil. Km' u time it sjemed as if thecmintiy hml been turned upside down,anil Eiiglisdiinon were living in drendof "Huouaptutu" they took ti sillypU'.irtire then m using the Italianspelling and expected to see thoinvincible body guard charge out. ofthe black hole on I he co.isl and theImperial army follow, to lay wastethe land, capture the men and capti-vate the women. Tho fact that ady.iamite car. ridge which tin English-man could carry in his stick-coa- t

pocket would block a tunnel beyondrepair fur months, was not given amoment's consideration. The girdleof the inviolate sea was threatened,the thought was intolerable. Butnow it is gravely proposed to bridgethe channel, and though this is apioject as old as the English railwaysystem, it has been vuiy elaboratelydeveloped by French and Englishenginetns, aidctl by Sir John Kowl. rand Sir Benjamin Baker, designers ofthe Korth Budge, and it is evidentlyto be prcsi-e- in good faith and w thhope of success. It is intended tobo ni-ail- IS miles in length, restingon I'l pieis, alternately 1,310 anil1,(1110 feet apart, und con-truct- onthe canlili vui principle. But if Eng-li-liiii-

weie al. timed at a tunnel,what will they say to n bridge thatrequins six dozen obstacles of u mustt'oimidable kind to the navigation ofthe channel? But then English panicis a must ttnceitaiu phenomenon,quite as apt to lie missing when itwould be reasonable as to bo very un-

reasonable when there is no occasionfor it. Harper's Weekly.

English Interest in Hawaii.England so persistently fails to

"piotont," and so tranquilly acceptsAmerican protection for British sub-jects and property in Hawaii, that itmay be expected that tho gentlemencomposing the provisional govern-ment of that country will soon beheard from complaining that the oldcountry is playing a deep game of"dumb insolence,'' and demandingthat Sir Julian Pauucofoto bo givenhis passports on account of 'insult-ing -- ilenco." Tho truth is that Eng-land has been on record for overtwenty years past in regard to herwishes for the future of tho Hawai-ian Islands. At that tinio she wasdetermining whether or not to builda great fortress at Vancouver as aset-oi- l' to the Russian one at Vladi-vontoc- k.

SI10 took into full consider-ation tho situation and possibilitiesof the inlands, and concluded thatshe had no use for them herself, butwould bo glad to see tho UnitedStates take them in out of harm'sway. Thoj' wore not within strikingdNtanco of any plaeo she bad to do-fen-

and their possession could boof no conceivable use to bor. Thoonly desire she had in regard tothem wa that thoy might not fallinto Russian hands. That danger,not a very imminent one, could bestbo averted by tho United States"entering" (as a London paper re-

cently put it) "upon their manifestdestitii and becoming one in thegreat family of nations," which be-ing interpreted meant that our tak-ing of theso distant islands wouldservo tho double purpose of secur-ing them from tho possible clutch ofau enemy, and of unmooring usIrom the safe anchorage of tho Mon-roe doctrine, and no foreign ontan-glemeut- s.

S. F. News Letter, MarchSt, 1803.

Siscuss tho Merits.

Editoh Bulletin:"An Observer Too" in the Advor-

tisor of May 1st, says: "A man whois willing to sonously write thostatements contained in tho opistlois certainly ono who has tho cour-ag- o

of his convictions," otc. If aman when writing on a subjectshows that ho has "tho courage ofhis convictions," is that not onotighMr. "An Observer Too?" "What'sin a name? Nothing. It is thomeat in the "opistlo" that is openfor your digestion, my little daisynot tho name. Again ho says: "Ithoroforo propose, Obsorvor, that ifho will publish his views over hisleal nniiio, or will publicly makeknown his identity, I will ontor tholists in a similar manner, and will dohim right manly battle." GreatScott! Who will take tho word"Too" on tho other side, when hosays ho will give manly battle?Whore has ho been? When did hoarrive? What does ho look like?Manly battle is a mighty senrco arti-cle on your side of the ditch at thisseason of tho year it is warpedwithered (load.

Anotiieu OnsnitVEit.

While Mr. T. J. Kichoy, of Altona,Mo., was traveling in Kansas he wastaken violently ill with cholera mor-bus. JIo called at a drug store toget some medicine and tho druggistrecommended Chnmberlnin's Colic,Gholora and Diarrhoea Jtoiuody sohighly ho concluded to try it. Theresult was immediate relief, ami afew doses cured him completely.It is made for bowel complaint andnothing else, it never fails. Forsale by all dealers. Jluiihou, Smith fcCo., Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands,

Six London hosnitnls havo eomoorninont shall soeuroall tho evidence ' into .?I0(),(HI0 each from tho estate ofprocurable. Mr. Kininoluth's rowilu-- 1 tho late Henry Spicur, almost three-tio- n

is' riirtlH of his ontiro property. Mr.only a plan, as uonmu as

i wiia kiiowti in Atuoriea as thobo expected from such a m'lt,m. ,)f ,.si ,,tH U, H,liuilh (l

hourco, to porvort justice, as tho legal, history of hpiritualistii in that coun-phras- e

gooH, by preventing tho wit- -' try.

?fpiii!i?T1 iff nr";s!af1' ,,'T'' FT Wi-


Strango Uaos to Which Housos ofWorship Havo Boon Dovototl,

Our ancestors transacted a gooddeal of business of one kind and an-other in and about their churches.To begin with tho churches of oldEngland in turbulent times wore re-

garded as places of safe custody forptiuuc aim pnvaui piopony. 111 1110

border land of England and Scot-land tho idea was carried out stillmore completely, mid churches, orat least their towers, became regularfortresses anil not infrequently woroobjects of offense and defense. Womay note in rural England that intho cases of ancient churches thotow'ers are often not merely disproportionate 111 size to tho rest of ttiochurch, but are carefully and strong-ly built, evidently with an object.

Even in peaceful Surrey and Sus-sex tho belfries aro veritable strongrooms with barred windows andmassive doors, and ofton contain auancient treasure chest. Hither, attho first alarm, money and valuablesworo hurried, for, beyond tho security of thick walls and bars and bolts,thoro was an tegis of sanctity whichin a superstitious ago protected thobuilding from the most ruthless offoes. Tho fortress-lik- e constructionof many of tho border land churchesis an interesting study to antiquaries.In more than one well-know- n casotho holy ediiice consists moroly of abarn attached td but walled off froma regular Polo tower. Even in South-ern England a semi-militar- y charac-ter is given sometimes to a churchtower by tho cresset, whorefrom, incases of general danger, such for in-

stance as tho Spanish armada or thoFrench incursions of a later period,tho beacon fire spread tho uowsfromtown to town and from village tovillage.

In lone districts, such as thomarshland of Kent and tho Fencountry of Lincolnshire, tho tallchurch-tower- s which tiro such pro-minent features in tho landscapeserved a very important purpose, in-asmuch as thoy were landmarks fortravelers, and oven to-da- y tho pedes-trian has reason to bo thankful fortho guidiug presence of Bostoii"stump" or Lydd tower at tho closeof a hard day's walking. In a laterage than that of civil war tho vaultsof coast churches played a very im-portant part in what was au impor-tant branch of business. When anow rector was appointed to a churchin tho woalds of Kent or Sussex itwas usual for him to receive a con-tribtiti-

to his wine-cella- r, accom-panied by a concise intimation thatout of tegard for the future poacoand happiness, and, porhaps safety,ho would do well not to inquire tooclosely into tho uses to which thovaults beneath his church woro put.

London Standard.

Wanted More Tragedy.Seoker How did you liko the

tragedy last night?Sageman Thoro wasn't quite

enough of it.Seoker Good heavens, man! There

woro live acts; I'm sure you oughtto havo boon satisfied with that.

Sageman Oh, I'm not sayingthere wasn't enough for tho play; Imean there wasn't enough tragedy.A massacre of tho entiro cast in thofir.'t act would havo boon about thoright thing. Boston Courier.

4 Tj

r)yrupJ. C. Davis, Rector of St. James'

Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.:"My son has been badly afflictedwith a fearful and threatening coughfor several months, and after tryingseveral prescriptions from physicianswhich failed to relieve him, he hasbeen perfectly restored by the use ol

two bottles of Bo-A- n

Episcopal schee's German Syr-up. I can recom-Rocto- r.

mend it withouthesitation." Chronic

severe, deep-seate- d coughs like thisare as severe tests as a remedy canbe subjected to. It is for these long-standing cases that Uoschee's Ger-man Syrup is made a specialty.Many others afflicted as this ladwas, will do well to make a note olthis.

J. 17. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn.,writes: I always use German Syrupfor a Cold on the Lungs. I havenever found an equal to it far lessa superior.G. fi. GHK1SN, Enlc Man'fr.Woodlmry.NJ.


913-t- f i. l'. BUKGESS.


AND ALL PERSONS FOUXDriding, dilviuu or otliorwlso trespass-

ing on thu Kupiulau! Park Race Track,without the necessurv permit, will bo pro-secuted, 0. O. BHIitJBR,

701 2w Secret ary.


HPK0IAL .MEKTING Or THEA Stockholders of tho Wuloliluu Agri- -cultural Ar Grazing Co. will be held at theOlllce of Messrs. V. H. Irwin it Co., Hono-lulu, on WEDNESDAY, .Maj 3, 18!).), ut11 o'clock A. M.

C. P. I.VUKIJA,70U2t.l7lt Secretary.


THK ANXUALMKKTING OI'TIIKAT I'uihiou Stahlus Company, (L'd),hold In this city April 29, IMM, the follow-ing OMIrers weia elected to servo for thouumuiig car:

.1. J. S'llllvan .. . .. . 1'UHlllltllt,D. P. It. Iseiihurg . .. . Vleo.Piithldunt,J. Buckley Tieusuiur,.1. A. IhiHslngor .... Secretary,1''. W. Mucfailane . , .Auditor.

J. A. HASKIXOKIt,tjcuruiury.

Honolulu, Muy 1, lWi 7lO-3-t

By Jab. F. Morgan.

Mortgcigoo's Notlco of Foroclosuroand of Bale.

N0T10R IS IiniliniY GIVEN THAT,of a Powor ol Snlu eun-tain-

in n cortulit Mortgngo executed Feb-ruary 8tli, 1800. by Uoorgo W. Mnctnrlanoto Olinrlcs 11. Bishop, recorded in Llbor 12,1

at pngod 135 to 137 of tlio Hawaiian Regis-try of Deeds, it is tho Intention of saidMortgagee to foredosa snld mortgage, forconditions broken, to wit: for tho

of principal midlntorcsttliorconwhonduo. Ami notice is further given that,upon such foreclosure, it is the intentionof sntil Mortgageo to sell tho proporty inand by said mortgago convoyed (unless thoamount sooureu iv siion mortgage sunnhave been fnllv at I'tiouo Auction, Attho Salesroom ol.Tas. 1. Morgan, in Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noon on BATUltDAY,tho :id day of Juno, 18IB.

fur further particulars opiny 10W.. Asliford.. T'7.Attorney. lor.. 1110 ahortgn- -

gue, .Niercimnt street, iioiumiui.untcu tins 1st, iiav 01 .May, mu.


Tim l'lioi-r.ur- to iir bom at thk balkAtlOVK AUVERTISKl) AS FOLLOWS.

All of thoso tracts of land situated onNuuaim, Hotel und lictliel streets, inHonolulu, known as the Uooth property,described as follows:

1 Survey of Lots 1, 2,3, 4, 5 and 0, com-mencing at an iron spike at tho north cor-ner of Lot No. 1, on Xuutinu street, 78.1)feet from tho south cornor of Xuuanu nndHotel streets, and running:

1 S. 33 38' K. true, 101.8 feet alongroad through tills proporty.

2- -8. 69 00' W. true, 45.0 foet alongBethel street.

3- -N, 4 30' W. true, 4.4 feet along Gov-ernment Laud.

1 X. 20 30' V. true, 18 foet along Gov-ernment Land.

ft--X. 72 40' W. true, 29 foot along Gov-ernment Land.

u X. 00 00' E. true, 1.5 feet along Heck.7 X. 30 10' true, 80 " " "8- -S. (J0 00' W. trnc, 1.5 " " "i)- -X. 8 45' V. true, 13.(1 feet along Hnr-bottl- c.

10-- X. 21 30' V. truo, 31.7 feet alongAustin, thunee

11 N. 58 40' K. true, 27.7 feet alongXutianu street to initial point. Area,8121 square feet.

2 Survey of Lots 7, 8, J, 10, 11 and 12,commencing at tho west corner of Hoteland llcthel streets, and Tunning:

1 S. 50 00' W. true, GO.'J feet alongBethel street.

2 X. 33 33' V. truo, 91 feet along roadthrough this property.

3 X. 57 :iV K. true, 00.9 feet along theempire i.ot, James uius, to iiotei street,

thence4 S. 33 38' E. true, 93.1 feet along

Hotel street to initial point. Area, 0155square feet. 710-1- 5t

Mortgagee's Notice of Intention toForeclose and of Sale.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT,of a Power of Sale con-

tained in a certain Indenture of Mortgageexecuted September 5th, 1892, by AVilhamC. Achi and Isabella A. Aehi, his wife, ofHonolulu, to Charles R. Bishop and Sam-uel M. Damon, partners under the linnname of Bishop k Company, of said Hono-lulu, und recoided in Liber" 130 at pages 200to 270, the haid mortgagees intend to fore-close the said mortgage, for conditionbroken, to wit: tho nt of thoprincipal and interest secured thereby; hen due. And notice is hereby further

given that, upon such foreclosure (and un-less said mortgage shall have been soonerpaid), it is the intention of said Mortgageesto soil the property therein and therebydescribed and mortgaged, at Public Auc-tion, at the auction rooms of James F.Morgan, in said Honolulu, on SATUR-DAY, the 20th day of May, 1893, at 12o'clock noon.zy For further particulars apply to C.AV. Achford, Attorney for Mortgagees,Mcichant street, Honolulu.

BISHOP it CO., Mortgagees.


1 All that certain tract of land contain-ing 30-1- acres at Kaiawahine, Honolulu,aforesaid, conveyed to me by Bishop itCompany, by deed recorded in the Hawai-ian Registry of Conveyances in. Book 112,page 'Ml.

2 All that tract of land containing 120acres at Kealakomo, Puna, Hawaii, con-veyed to mo by Wailehua and wife, bydeed recorded in Book 113, page 281, andbeing part of Royal Patent Grant 293 toiConuauIani et al.

3 All that tract of land containing 110.74acres lit Manawai, Molokai, convoyed tome by Hoopii Olopau, by deed recorded inBook 118, page I5j. and being part of L. 0.A. 4000 to Hoonaulu.

4 All that tract of land containing 4.20acres at boutu jioua, jriawau, convoyeu tome by D. W. Keaialaina, by deed recordedin Book 125, page 201, und being the landdescribed in Royal Putent 554-i- L. C. A,,"741 to Kaoieniakale.

5 All that tract of land containing 27.500square feet at Kapalamu, Honolulu, afore-said, convoyed to me by Lau Ohong, bydeed recorded in Book , page , andbeing part of Royal Patent 401, L. C. A.8305 to Kunoa.

0 All that tract of land 150 by 150 feet,being Lot 321, Hloek 0, at Pearl City, Ewa,Oahu, conveyed to me by Oahu Railway ttj,ami uoiupany, by uceu recorded in uook127, page zaa.

7 One share in Holualoa. 1 and 2 XorthKoua. Hawaii, transferred to mo and J. K.Nahule by ICuoiwi by deed recorded inBook 127, page 424.

8 All those lands conveyed to mo by Ke-ulo-

Kalua, by deed recorded in Book130, page 190, and being a one-ha- lf interestin thu land containing 130 acres describedin Royol Patent 5179, L. 0. A. 74911 to HiKuuulohu ut Kuuauui 2, North Kona,Hawaii, and all that land containing 49acres described in Royal Patent Grant 1597to Kaluu at Kawauui 1, North Kona afore-said.

9 All that tract of Iuud containingaero at Knlihi, Honolulu, aforesaid, con-voyed to mo by S. Kuuiui, by deed recordedin Book 87, page 400.

11 All that tract of land contains 30-1-

acre at Knlihi, aforesaid, conveyed to meby Komo, by deed recorded in Book 90,1 hi go 380.

11 Lots 0 and 11 at Kapalama, aforesaid,being part of the land conveyed to mo byP. Kunoa by deed recorded in Book of,pago 3j3. and being part of Royal Patent101, L. O. A. 8305 to Kunoa.

12 All of that tract of land containingiiu iniuoms ut iveuwanui, aioiokui, coirvoyed to mo by Kani Kanone, by deed ro- -

n.i,l l.r.t.... l.nwl.,r till)corneii in jook vs.land described in Royui Patent 7081. L. C.A. 1823 to Kuallopo.

13 That certain lot on the Ewa side ofmy new homettead at Kapalamu aforesaid,convoyed to me by Luu Chong, by deed re-

corded in Bonk 133, pugo 12.14 All thut Kind convoyed to mo by J.

Muhuhydeed recorded in Book 115, pugoKM, being part of Royal Patent Grunt 289.1.

15 All that laud containing ueroat Kaiawahine, Honolulu, aforesaid, con- -vojou 10 mo ny una lvuwuu, ny need le--corded in Bool: 107, page 125.

ii All those lands conveyed to me by('hung Wun by deed recorded in Book llf,page 212, being Apaua 13 und 13A, eachcontaining acre, more particularlydescribed In Partition Deed recorded inHook 110, page 39i,

17 All those lauds conveyed to me by 0,M, Hyde und wife, bv deed rccorde inBool; lit), page U, boing Apulia 11 andI1A. each containing O acre, more

in said Partition Deed.is --That certain lease of laud containing

15,100 square leut ut Kiiiulama uforesald,part of Royal Patent 101 to Kunoa, for 10jcurs from Januury 1, 1891, inudu to mo byLau Chong end iccorded hi Book 128, pugo19.

19 Ono buggy, ono express, ono baylmrr.li, four cuts, four hurncsses, and fournorses oxen in my curuigu ijusuicss, onehalf Interest in ri, JC. Kuul ,t Company, ullollu'u furniture In niv olllce No. M. Merchant Kticct, Honolulu, uforcsaid, also 110idiarcK of Muck In thu Reehiroclty Sugart'oiiiiiany, 'M tliiirea In thu Uoim ( ollVc itFruit 'uiiiiiny, fi olmrcH In thu Lua Plan,tatloii (iiiimii. TU'i-i-

Fine Job Printing at ihc UuUtUnOffioT,

Hawaiian Harflwaro Co.rL'ft

Saturday, April SO, JS9U.

Under the present govern-ment a portion of the streetalong the water front has beenimproved to such an extentthat old friends would hardlyrecognize it. Heretofore it hasbeen the custom to repair thedriveways in the outer districtsat the expense of the businessthoroughfares. We are pro-

mised other improvements inpublic works which will behailed with sincere delight bythe residents. The pumpingplant at the water works,when it becomes a fact, willsilence the short water cry ofthe Waikiki folks and addcolor to the lawns. The sew-

age question which has beenmooted for years may veryshortly become a certaiaty andcholera scares will not bedreaded as thev now are.through the excellent man-

agement of the Board ofHealth, Hawaii nei has thusfar escaped, but now that theIslands have been so thorough-ly advertised and immigrationso cordially invited, it will bestrange if Mr. C. H. Olera will

not be found among the set-

tlers and tourists who visit usduring the coming summer.He is to be dreaded morethan the people who havetheir eyes on Crown lands andwho will take them up with anidea of laying them out, notonly for coffee growing but m

plots to overthrow the govern-ment. With the dangerswhich surround us in the ab-

sence of a proper sewagesystem the people must seeka preventive rather than acure. It will not do to waituntil the discomfort strikesyou under your vest button oryour girdle, it will be pain-ful then to read advertise-ments; look to it now. Thenumber of cases from Europewere reduced more by thecontrivance of a smart Yankeethan the ship physicians. TheOzonator did it! Last yearwhen symptoms of cholerawere felt in the United Stateswe took up two cudgelsagainst it. First, the ImprovedGate City Filter, becausemicrobes lurk in the watereven if it comes from anartesian well; secondly, wetook the Ozonator in hand torid the air in the dwellings ofanything injurious to health.We have a -- supply of each ofthese articles in stock and areprepared to furnish them topeople who want good waterand pure air. Everyoneknows what the stone filter is

but most people are in thedark about the air cleaner.There is absolutely no smellabout it and yet its effect is

instantaneous and wonderful.What the peculiar qualitiesare of the liquid used in themachine no one but the manu-

facturer knows, We do not,we only know the results. Themachine itself is a neat com-

pact affair and may be placedin the bedroom or parlor andno one will know but that it is

a piece of bric-a-bra- c.

When the readers of thiscolumn grow tired of scratchedand battered furniture theycannot do better than get abottle of Masolene FurniturePolish from us and put theirhousehold goods in order.Ten minutes' work will makean old dressing case or bed-

stead look like new. It's verycheap stuff and brings thesame good results that areobtained from polish for whichyou pay twice as much moneyas we ask.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'd0iubltu Hpreokolu' Jllouk,

Fort Street.

Corner asnox't Sc Strosts.

S IF E O X --A. L !

By the S. S. "Australia"T WILL KECEIVti A LAKGE STOCK OF



bedrock:S. EHRLIOH,

Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., - Honolulu, H. I.



Retjiilar Additions to Stocks Received per Sail and Steamfrom Europe, Australia, New Zealand

and the States.

Koclio Harbor I.imc, I'owell Jhiil'r.vn Largo Stuaiii Coal.


Guano " Goncentrado


prices i





OhlonilorH's Spatial Cane Manure, Ouleudorif's Dissolvod Peruvian Guano.

Steel HFLeiils, 14, IS, 1S&20 Dos.;150LTS, NUTS and FISH i'l.ATUS TO SUIT.

1SAOS nice, Coal nnd Paddy;WI11K Onlvaniud, Varni-liu- d, Mack and Galvanized B.irbod;


Ancliors tm.cL CligLixisYellow Metal Sheathing, Coal Tar, Iron Tanks, 100 gallon;

Plain und Corrugated Galvanied Iron,Sqmuc and Arch Firo Uriek", Down Pipe,

(iiittering, and O. Q. 4 to Gin.;Uidging, Galvanized Water Pipi, from y. to'-'in- .;

Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,WildenS Chaicoal Tin Plates,

Itoollng Slatos, Firo Olay.

Miggin's Fine Eureka Dairy Salt!56 Pound. Bags;




French. Iron Bedsteads !


a,n--c OILS I


Grain, Hay and Feed Stuffs Always on Hand







COAKSl-- f


IVCost asticiioTJLS Smoker !


loe Fort etreet, - - KCorxol-ulvi- , K, I.

Page 3: PIwiiBiiw1,Myvu yPMWMgpli · Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. AgODND THE WORLD PER 0. P. R. FOR SG10. M. STEKN, Dist. Freights Pass. Agent, 018 Ma, ket street, San FrancKi'o,

'i ... -- .




Time Table


TRAINSLeave Honolulu. .0:15Arrive Honoullull.7:'.!0Iamvo IIonoultull..7:30Arrlvo Honolulu. .8:35

Honolulu ...,....

City..(J:r.Honolulu. 7 :30

Sundays excepted, t SaturdaysSaturdays excepted.





Xidos, Moon.

C. J.




Pram. City Local.Lcavo 5:10!)Arrlvo Pearl Olty 5:I8Leave PearlArrlvo



J h. J en ..ISday. !fg!5frS'B?Se ' -

! r ? r-- & P F



n.m. ii.in. u.m.1 4 2(1 ;i BO !l :I0 .... 5 2!) nil 7 232 n :io 4 an a 60 o 20 fl 28 fi 211 s i'i3n fi a :io 10 in 1 to fi 23 a an u 134l 0 40 fi fiO 10 25 2 30 fi 27 0 21! 10 fi8, 7 30 0 CO 11 20 3 20 fi 21) U 27 10 57

n.m.C 8 25 7 B0 0 20 3 SO' fi 207 U 20 10 0. 1 10 4 151 fi 25,

Full Moon April 30th Cli. Mm. Iist(liuirtur next week.

Time Whistle blows 111. 28in. 31a. p.m.Honolulu time, the sumo Oin.



TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1893.


Arrivals.Tiiesiiay, May

Stuir W Hall from Maui and HawaiiStmr Likclikc from Humakua

Departures.Tun-iiiA- May

Am bktne W Dimond, KcNon, for SanFraneKco

Am bk Ceylon, Calhoun, for San FranciscoStmr Kuala for Kahuku und X'unalulu

!)aChiudino for MauiMikahala for KauaiJas Mukce for Kapaa

Btmr Bishop for KnuuiWnialeulo for Lahaina and Hamakua

Stmr Iwulani Mnkaweli

Vessels LeavingAm bktne Wilder, Grifllths, for San

FranciscoAm bktne Planter, Dow, for San Fran-


Cargoes from Island Forts.Stmr W Hall (H4(J bags sugar, bags

cou"eo, 45bagsawa, bundles hides,cattle and pkgs sundries.


From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr WHall, May From the Volcano: Mi. Dud-ley. From way ports: Miller, BaronLuttwitz, Meineeke, Gonsalves. Col

Norris, Crozfbr, Adler, Mrs (.'apt"Wcisbarth, Miss Abbie Kamiiliikanc, Mrs

Hose, Atong and wife, and deck.DEPARTURES.

For San Francisco, per bktno W Di-mond, May Mrs Swift and Manuel Cal-der- a.

Shipping Notes.The steamer Likeliko arrived Ha-

makua ports y with cargo sugarf.T the schooner Aloha, lying the

ream.Tho bark Ceylon, Calhoun, master, sailed

for San Francisco to-d- witli 11,705 bagssugar, weighing 1,829,0.27 pounds, andvalued $50,048.30.

The burkentine W. H. Dimond, Nelson,master, sailed for tho Golden Gate thismorning with 890(1 bags sugar and 2000bags rice, weighing 1,320,750 pounds, andvalued $43,232.

Mortuary Report for April.


Under 1 .1 .


,20 ,.





Over .



i ..



" 'b

Abscess 1

UronehltlH 1

ltriglit'n Disease,. 1

ConsumptionConvulsions 1

OongOHtion ofItruin 1

Debility 1

Diarrhuiu 1

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1'uver Typhoid,Hemorrhage.Heart T)lseuio.Inanition . . ..Lung Disease .

Meningitis ....Old ArcO list met ion



Apr.. 188!) 1,1 Apr., 180.'Apr., 1800 73 Apr., 18!U.Apr., 1801 til


Wards 1 ' 3 1 fl Outside

Deaths 8 2 10 11 1)

ts 0

rnrui.MioN kshmati:.Annual death rate per I0H) pur inonth.20.87JlllWIllllUlH ,"ll..'llAsiatics 10.00All others (I.N1

(1. II. Kdynoi.i.s,Agent Hoard of Health.

M. daMolinnri, in a notable arti-cle in tho Journal des KcoiiomiKtos,insists that the i'auama Canal is analfair of national interest, If it re-sults in a complete fiasco, thoro isan ond for a long time of Frenchprestige in America. "Tho loss ofthe buttle of tho isthmus would boeijuivalotit, for us, to an eoonoiniuSoduu,"


Thoro will ho a mooting of hoHoard or Health

Diamond lloml. U j). m. Woathurcloudy, wind frosh northeast.

A letter from Kau says in a 1 S.,"Kau is solid agaiust annexation."

Mr. Dudloy was tho only imsson-go- rfrom tho Volcano by tho stoatnor

W. G. Hall to-da-

Mrs. Biudt was committed to thoTnsano Asylum this morning at thorequest of relatives.

Tho Gloauors will givo a lawnparty at tho residence of "V. R. Cas-tl- o

on Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Lapierro and child will loavofor a visit to friends on tho Coast bytho barkontino Plantor

Mrs. Blountj wifo of tho UuitedStates Commissioner, called ou anumbor of prominent Chinese ladieslast week.

A firo plug near tho Bulletin of-fic- o,

long buried undor sidewalk im-provements, is receiving mechanicalattention.

Col. S. Norris, whoso familiar facenas uoon nnsseu lor some weeks, isin town again. Ho arrived by thoW. Gr. Hall this afternoon.

Tho regular monthly social of thoSt. Andrew's Church Associationwill bo hold on Thursday ovouingnoxt in tho Sunday schoolroom.

A mombor of Co. A was found in adead stupor, tho oljoets of too muchimbibing, on tho street this morn-ing, aud was carried to tho PolicoStation.

Baron Luttwitz returned fromHawaii by tho steamer W. G. Hallthis afternoon. Tho Baron is book-ed to leave by tho S. S Monowai fortho Coast.

Tho barkoutinos S. G. Wilder andPlautor will leave for tho Coast to-morrow afternoon, and as both aregood sailers an ocean race may booxpected.

Workmen aro engaged in cleaningtho weeds and otherwise putting thoraco track at Kapiolani Park intoproper condition for tho 11th ofJuno events.

Tho Portuguese residents gavo amasquerade ball at tho armory yes-terday evening which was well at-tended. The P. G. band undor Prof.Bergor was in attendance.

Reports by tho steamer W. G.Hall this afternoon aro to tho effectthat tho Volcano is very active, audfine weather was being experiencedthroughout Kona and Kau.

Walker was tried intho District Court to-da- y for allow-ing a prisonor (Bruott) to escapefrom tho Station. Tho evidence wasconcluded this afternoon and deci-sion reserved.

A remark was made on tho streettins morning to tho eltect that agreat majority of tho guards station-ed at tho Government building arestrangors, and whoro the- - sprangfrom is a mystery.

Tho smart little sloop Waianaohas boon placed on tho route be-tween Honolulu aud Waianao, in-

stead of tho St. Pedro, which hasboon converted into a fishing smack.Tho Waianao makes two trips ovoryweek.

A gentleman going up in thotower of tho now Central UnionChurch tho othor day was rathersurprised at seeing dried tobaccojuico, cigar stumps and sundry boxesthere. The towor overlooks "Wash-ington Place.

All membors of tho Hooulii La-h- ui

Society are invited to attendtheir monthly mooting at Honua-kah- a,

at 2 o'clock aftor-noo- n.

Tho trustees and the boardof lady managers aro also oxpectedto be in attendance.

Twenty-thre- e lopors from tho re-ceiving hospital at Kalihi will bosent to tho settlement ou Molokaiby the steamer Kilauea Hon thisovouing. Accommodation for somany is not ready at tho settlement,but souio kind of a shift will bomade.

All of tho valuable town lotsknown as tho Booth property aro tobo sold at auction, under foreclosureof mortgage, at tho salesroom of.lames F. Morgan on Saturday, Juno3. Metes aud bounds of tho lots areadvertised in tho nolico of sale inthis paper.

A Chinaman mot with a fatal acci-dent at Waialua, on this island, onaaturuay afternoon. Ho was drivingalong tho wrong sido of tho road,when ho collided with a bullockcart. Tho man was thrown to thoground, and almost instantly expired.A coronor's jury rave a verdict thatho canio to his death through care-lessness.

Soap from clean and nuro stock ismade at (ho Honolulu Soap Works.It has boon proved in use to gofarther than imported soap, besideswhich it has for some time been soldat a lower price. Prove your regardfor home manufactures by patroniz-ing them, especially when thoy arointrinsically more satisfactory thantho foreign product.

A native juror, a successful liti-gant in Court lately, came downtown smoking a pipe this morning.After his usual snili', ho put tho pipein his coat pocket, ami was rathersurprised wiiou no saw huioko coiningup to lus none. Un looking down hosaw that ombers from the pipe h'ulignited some matches in his pocket.A hole was burnt in the coat.

Serious ilis.-oiinh-iii is reported inthe diioctorato of tho Star. Tooiniuly cooks have been spoiling theluotli, whereby a row wa Marled,Tho head cook hit the onion peeleron Hid eye with a tin pot, makinghim weep woi-n- than ever. In theineautiiuo the stock holdtun aiu be-

ing asked to "dig," as even the largoCovonuiiout sub.iii lies have not beenKulliuiunt to keep the beau pot boil-ing.


llnwniinna Not tho Exclustvo Practi-tioners of Myutorlos.

A few months ago thoro lived onPunchbowl street a woman (for-eigner) who dealt in tho black artand told tho fortuuos of anyonecalling on hor, with tho dollar com-pensation, through cards. Hor housewas besieged by a numbor of horown sex, aud sonio of the results ofhor forecast wore domestic squabblesbotweon man aud wife. Tho bloodswere also frequent callers on thofortune-tolle- r, to ascertain whothorthey would win at games or not.During tho baseball season sho madequite a pile tolling tho sports whichclub was iniinir to win. In manv instances tho fortuno-tollo- r picked thowinner. Finally tho houso of niys-tor- y

was broken tip through tho hus-band's desertion of wifo and familyand departure by a sailing vessol forSan Francisco.

This woman is not tho only onodealing in the black art who hasboon here. Thoro aro several othersright in town now who aro tollingfortunes, their dupes being not onlyforeigners out natives. An uistancohappened not long ago, when anelderly nativo woman called On afortune-toile- r and told tho lattor ofa misfortune sustained in tho loss ofa valuable gold ring. Sho canio totho soothsayer for divination of tholocality of tho lost article.

Tho foregoing is given for thobonofit of tho twilight bladder whichhas contracted tho faiiimrecrazo.


Played by Captain Juen on His SidoPartner.

Captain Juon played a good iokoon his sido partner, Captain Sehlom-mo- r,

a weok ago last Sunday, whichis going tho rounds, aud too g"od tokeep. Juon, Schlommorand Klommemade up their minds on tho daymentioned to search all tho vesselsin tho harbor, and seo if WilliamBruott, tho escapee, was in hidingon any of them. The olhcors startedearly, all armed and carrying bulls-oy- o

lanterns. After a prolongedsearch they came to tho dorolictKaimiloa, and tho three wont downinto tho dark hold of tho torn. Itwas while tho oflicors were in thohold that Juon decided to put up ajob on his partner. He allowedSchloinmor and Klommo to proceedabout six feet ahead of him. All ofa sudden he dropped down and firedthree shots in quick succession intho wood. At the same time ho began to shout, "I've got him, I've gothim!" Tho suddenness of Juou'sfusillade and tho outcry ho raisedstartled Schlemnior so that his lan-tern wont flying against the side oftho ship and was smashed. Ho re-

gained his composure and runningback saw his partner sitting1 on thefloor convulsed in a fit of laughter.When Schlemnior found out hownicely ho was fooled ho forgavoJuon. The fragments of the lanternwore picked up and Ihoy all return-ed to town.


Mr. Emmeluth's Usurpation of Su-

preme Judicial Powers.Following is the full text of Coun-

cillor Emmeluth's sedition resolu-tion shunted into tho limbo of

consideration yestorda':"Whereas, the Provisional govern-

ment of tho Hawaiian Islands wasorganized on tho 17th day of Jan-uary for the purpose of furtheringtho annexation oi these islands totho United States;

"Whereas, this Provisional govern-ment has been recognized by all thorepresentatives of foreign powers astho solo government of those islands;

"Kesohed, that agitatiou for thorestoration of tho n, or forany political purpose other thanthat for which this government hasbeon organized, is hereby declaredto como within tho meaning of thosedition act passed bj' these coun-cils Jauunry 30 of this year; and thopolico department is hereby in-

structed to proceed against all per-sons making themselves liablo underthe said act."


Recall of Commissioners and Not ofthe Ministor.

In our report of tho proceedingsof tho Councils 3'ostorday, it wasstated that Mr. Alton, from tho for-eign affairs committee, reported arecommondatioii that Minister J.Mott Smith bo recalled from Wash-ington, etc. The stntemont follow-ing is the correct one:

Tho Committee of Foreign Affairs,to whom was referred the matters ofthe Commissioners and tho Ministorat Washington, reported that thoyrecommended the recall of tho Com-missioners, and, in the matter of theMinister, that no action bo takenuntil Mr. Thurston, to whom thoposition had been offered, bo heardfrom.


Shipped from Honolulu to tho Oar-do- n


The stumnor Miluthula on hor lasttrip to Kauai had among her cargoa box marked "K. II. Uloolo." Whentho freight for that port was dis-charged, tho K. 11. box was put inthe warehouse, and Deputy Sheriff.StolU ouiminiug it found it to con-tain a quantity of opium, Tho casewas claimed by a Chinaman namedKong iling and he was arrested.Kong Hiug was tried in tho DistrictCourt at Koloa for having opium inposhonsion, aud sentenced to pay alino of S2."(). Tho fine was paid.Tho Chinaman to whom the opiumwas hliimicd is the sulferer, but whatabout (lie shippers in the city?

AM ley's, tho great Loudon circusknown to all readers of Thackerayaud Dickons, is no more. Tho Ecclo-niustic-

Commissioners have taken.M r. Sanger's lease and t ho ringmas-ter's whip is baiiiMhud from theplace,


Proceedings at May Term of CircuitCourt.

Mr. KahookanoKalili, acquittedchargo of

was counsel forthoyesterday ou

lilting PolicomiiShoahau.

Tho trial of Kailipaka for larcenythird dotrroo was begun hoforo a nativo jury yesterday afternoon andcoucludod to-da- Defendant conducted his own caso, making an addross to tho jury of six 11111111108'

duration. Deputy Attornoy-Gonora- lWilder, as if to bo magnanimous,only took six minutes ou bohalf oftho Provisional Government. JudgoCoopor improved on "tho soul ofwit" by consuming but four minutesin uis chargo. Undor a now law thoCourt cannot chargo on tho facts.Tho jury retired at 11:!50 and whentho Court opouod at 1:0 after recessthoy brought in a verdict of notguilty.

Whilo tho jury woro out in thocaso just reported the trial of Ka-luu- a

for gross cheat third dogroo be-gan boforo a nativo jury. Ho is de-

fended by Kaulia.A nolle prosoqui was ontorod in

tho caso of John Inch chargod withassault and battory.


Throo Ghinamon and a Native Entora Japanese Houso.

About two months ago a Japanesecouple roportod at tho Polico Sta-tion that four mon ontorod theirplace and robbed them of sixty-fiv- o

dollars in monoy, a silvor watch anda peacock lei, at night. Throo of thorobbors woro Chinamen withoutquouos and 0110 was a nativo. Thonativo had a knife, aud threatenedto stab tho man if ho made a noise.Ono Chinaman held tho womanwhilo tho othor two ransacked thohouso.

Owing to tho vaguo descriptiongivon by the Japs no clue could bogot as to the idontity of the offend-ers. This morning a Chinaman wasarrostod ou suspicion.


Rooms to lot with board at Ilaui-wa- i,


Root Boor on draught at Bonson,Smith & Co.'s.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu-cumber Tonic. Bonson, Smith t Co.,Agents.

Dr. McLennan, 131 Fort streot,above Hotel. Chronic and Sugiealcases. Mutual Telephone 682.

Prof. F. Lombard, A. B., will con-tinue giving instruction in privateaud in classes; French, Spanish,and Latin. Residence, Alakea street,near Y. M. C. A.

Foreign News and Gossip.

Tho Argentine Government ownstho fastest cruiser in tho world.

Tho now Tolbiac bridge at Pariswill absorb about 1200 tons of stool.

More murders are committed inItaly than in any othor Europeancountry.

A Frenchman has written a vol-ume of 200 pages to show that oys-ters rest tho braiu.

It is estimated that about 200,000pedestrians and 20,000 vehicles crosstho London bridge ovory day.

There is a project on foot to buildeight tunnels under London, tliirtv-011- 0

and a quarter miles in length,aud to cost $16,000,000.

Tho municipal expenditure ofLondon is more thau $1,000,000 aweek. Paris with half tho popula-tion spends tho same amount.

Tho sea's upheaval near tho FarooIslands rocontly brought up a centu-

ry-old brig, containing throo skele-tons and $5000 worth of goldenguineas.

An English ship-build- says thattho cost of an ocean steamer inGreat Britain is now much greaterthan it was ton years ago. A first-cla- ss

ship now costs about $2,000,-00- 0.

A young American who is winninglaurels in Paris is Miss FrancosBigelow. Miss Bigolow is a whistlor,more ouphonoously styled over thoroa "sifllonse." Hor music is classical.

Itailway extensions aro to bo builtin Upper and Lower Egypt at a costof about $6,250,000. Tho existingline from Girgeh to Koueh will boextended and a narrow-gaug- o railwaybuilt to Luxor.

An Extraordinarily Rainy Season.Even South Africa has suffered

from extraordinary rainfalls whichseem to have been prevalent in allquarters of tho globe. Tho Transvaal is not as a rule a country thatBuffers from floods, but tho downfallof tho 10th of February, full particu-lars of which havo now boon receiv-ed in London, seems to have rivaledthat which caused such widespreadhavoc in Queensland. Hotels andhouses wore swept away, a suburb ofPretoria was almost destroyed, num-bers of persons and heads of cattleworo drowned, and mines woro sori-- Iously damaged by the destruction ofdams or machinery. For miles thocountry was under water. Thoroseems to havo been no parallel tothis flood since the Transvaal cameunder European occupation.

Tho most painful cases of rheum-atism may bo relieved by a few am-plications of Chamberlain's PainBalm; its continued use will cureany case, no matter of how longstanding. It is equally beneficial forlame back, pain in the side, pain intho chest, lameness, and in all pain-ful amotions requiring an externalremedy. A piece of flannel saturat-ed with Pain Halm and bound ouover the seat of pain is superior toany plaster. For sale by all dealers.Heiihon, Smith A: Co., Agents for theHawaiian Islands.


Fume Is a bubble of ruiubow hues,Mudu of sod soup uud empty ulr.

tfeoivs u, Vwlgt.

Convicted by a Blotting Fad.

"Ono of the most ronmrkablothings that I over saw introduced incourt as ovidonce," said Rodger Mi-lton, "was an ordinary white blotter.This happened in Norman, S. D.,whoro a follow was being tried formurder. Tho point that tho prose-cution was tryintr to provo was that

M tho man had been in tho HaywoodrS Hotel nt. t.linl, lilnr'n mi a certain day.

Tho blotter in question coutainod aportion of a signature to a loiter auda date, that of the day in quostion.

"It so happened that tho prosecut-ing attorney had visited tho hotelou tho day tho crime had boon d,

and that, too, shortly alterits commission. In discussing thomutter with tho clork the suspectedman's name was mentioned, and thoclork then stated that tho party re-ferred to had just loft tho writiug-roo-

With dotoctivo sagacity thonttomoy visited tho room and foundthis blottor, with tho namo and datoon it. Though sadly blurred audinverted, oxportB woro called, andtho writiug was proved to bo that oftho prisonor. The offoct of this waBsimply to destroy tho dofonso's ef-

fort to provo an alibi, which pointboing knocked out tho prisonor was,..,....I..i,w1 ' r,..... ?rio.-n.- .,


An Authentic Portrait of Columbus.

An alleged discovery at Naples ofa boautiful authentic portrait byTitian of Christopher Columbus hascausod a groat sensation thoro. Thefull-longt- h, lifo-size- d portrait, withtho oxcoption of tho face aud hands,had boon coarsely painted over.This extraneous coat boing removedtho figure in tho uniform of a Span-ish admiral was revealed. Tho faceis that of a man with hair just turn-ing gray. Tho oyos aro blue, thomouth is firmly cut and ho wearspointed, short brown board andmustache. Ou tho tapering fingersaro throo massivo rings. SignorCaunaviua possesses documentswhich vouch for tho authenticity oftho picture. It is to bo sent for ex-hibition to Chicago. London DailyNews.

Hood'sCuresSciatic Rheumatism

Quick Rollof and Perfect Curo

JlTr. B. PatriateStockton, Cal.

" I ws so badly afflicted with sclatlo rheumvtlsm that I could icarcnly more. I used a greatmany remedies whli-- did aie no good. A friendpresented me a bottle of Hood's Karsaparllla,which 1 began to take. The relief was quickand two bottles cured mocoirpletcly. I author,lze the use of my name anil portrait In recom-mending Hood's Sarsaparilla, for I Uilnk It avery valuable medicine. I recommend It to allwho may be afflicted with rheumatism or old

Hood's Kfc Curesfever sores, as I know of a lady In Oakland whohas been cured of ulcers by this wonderful med.lclne." 0. B. Patuick, No. 3(ir California St,Stockton. California. Get HOOD'S.

Hood'O Pllla act e::illy, yet promptly andefficiently, on tho liver aud bowels. 2CO.


MISSIONARY GLEANERS WILLTHE a Ijiwii l'nrtv at the Residenceof Mr. W. It. Castle, SATURDAY AFTER-NOON, May Otli, at 2 o'clock.

TBT Special Amusements for Children.Admission, in;. 71(i--


rpHE Sl.OOP "WAIANAE."X. F. Mottn, master, sailsfrom Honolulu for above porton every Monday and Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.

A. C. I'KSTANA, Agent,with Uonsulves & Co., Queen



fxsv. sum; of furnish- -Rooms with Until roomJ ed



attached. Enquire utMRS. A. M. MELLIB,

716-- 1 w 101 Fort street (upstuirs).



Rooms with llathrooiu at-tached, suitable for a simile


MTUgentleman. Also Furnished Rooms, private an ii v: uuiei oeuuiv. Aimiv ui. - ... ....... . '.A1 ...m71I5-I- NO. li.ll.MA nrtlKKT.


Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist

Club Stables,

from Switzerland, whero ho hudlive years' experience thu Army,

and hus opened ollicethe Club Stables.

IfcBoth Telephones 477.71.'h1iii





inan ut





1 Family Carriage Horse, "

1 Phaeton in Good Order,1 Covered Brake,1 Imported Jersey Cow.

It. I. LILL1F.,UT. i, UvUi t LVn.

N. S. SACHS104 Fort Street. Honolulu,

Corsets of Every DescriptionFor Ladies, Misses & Children I

The Well-kno- wn P. D. Corsets a

A VVUj ASSOKTMENT 01 The C. P. and R. & G. Corsets

The R, & G, Nursing Corsets, lie R. & 6, Summer Corsets.

Thoo are Dxtra kong Waist and Well Fitting.

Madm. Strong's Common Sense Corset WaistsAre Comfortable and Very Light In Weight.


The Ferris Good Common Sense WaistsFor Children, Host for Health, Comfort and Wear.

Children's Corded Waists for 40 cts.COMK AND SEE OUR

Beat's All Corset which we are Selling at 50 CentsA FINE ASSORTMENT OF

Ladies' Corset Covers in all Styles!



Curtains in White, Cream and Colored !

At half the former cost.

Velvet & Smyrna :R.xgsIn all sizes greatly reduced.

Woolen Goods in Plain, Striped & Plaids, Below Cost!

70!)-- tf


In fact wo oiler Immense Bargains in all Departments.

W Dressmaking Under the Management of HISS K. CLARK. ,43

To Lot or Loaso.


FURNISHED ROOMSwith Uath-in- g

facilities; ears pass theplace. Apply at this oflice.

712-- 7t




FRED. JOHNSON.Central Meat Market.


HOUSE OF FIVErooms, on Magazine

street, with Bathroom, pat-ent W. 0.. etc. Commandsone of the hnest views in Honolulu. Applyto (477-t- f) J. M. VIVAS.



Vineyard street, just oil'Nununu avenue, lutely occupied by W. H. Mulean. Low rental undnecessary repairs made, for a iniod tenant.Apply to W. FOSTER.

712-t- w


ACRE LOT WITHFurnished House at

Iwilel, Honolulu. Applyto

JOEon hoard "W. G. Hall" Mrs. Santos

on the 701-'.'- w




,SKB LOOK FROM BE- -retania street cars, aand Cot

tage of Six Rooms, Largelxit, btnlile and Chicken House. Am.

it.at Co.'s store.



AT NO.THE King Btreet, latelyby Mr. M. 8. Ixivy,

containini!3Bed rooms. Par





Convenient liiA.iiMiiiu,

Hawaiian Hardware



lor, Dining-roo- Kitchen und iiuthroom;Stahlo in yard; Artesian Water laid on.For particulars and tonus, apply

ABR. FKRNANDEZ,(M3-- tf at K. O. Hall Sons'.


BUILDING CONSIST-ingo- fA 4 Rooms, Kit-chen, Small Dackyurd uudside entrance, presentoccupied as a saddlery shopin the business nnrt of thetrauy lociitcu particulars npii



rpHB LAUGH HTOUKX and CoM'eu Saloon ofLove's Itukery on Niuiuuustreet. The Rooms are

-- o-




atbv Jose

and ecu- -

1'or ilyiusiv iM.in,


'ilx'OS and Uilx'JH, Tiie.--o are separate from.1... MM... II.. I t. .IllIIIU JXlltlT . AUU DIIM'IJ-

- IS MU llllipenilion and will liavu a for the sale ofBread, Cakes, Hus, etc., the pro-te-

ono, For further apply lo70.1-l-



rpiIK TWO I'IF.l'KB OFX 1'roperly with theBuildings thereon, situatedou King street, uud ut pre





ou the prt'iiilxc.

sent occupied by Mihsih. 8, Nowlelu uudJ, Downey, both being opposite tliu reel,deuce of J. It, Atlierlou; each uf these pre.mhos aiu bringing In an uiiuunl rental offUKi, and a Hue Is lioivliyollered anyone who is demroits of owningu nice I'litufort tblu homo in u good loc.vlily within u few minute' walk of ourtew ii. Fur terms upply to





Tho are to givoTburlsts the of a


in with theof thk


Of Now

ttt Further limy Imj hudupon


tiuculii u( the






Special Round Trip Rate


Chicago p Return

connection btkam-i;r- s

aare ss oceanic steamship cohp'y

UttL-'- a










Win. fi. WIN (t CO.

LIMITED.Vfinllnu neatly und promptly

iiuhVliii Ojjict,




Page 4: PIwiiBiiw1,Myvu yPMWMgpli · Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. AgODND THE WORLD PER 0. P. R. FOR SG10. M. STEKN, Dist. Freights Pass. Agent, 018 Ma, ket street, San FrancKi'o,




New-Yor- k Life

JOHN A. McCALL, President.


Premium Income .$25,0-10,- 13.113

Interest, Itents, etc 5,800,470.90

Total Income, - - - $30,936,590.83

Death Claims $7,890,589.29Endowments and AnnuitiesDividends, Purchased Insurances, etc 3,013,990.75

Total to Policy-holder- s, - - $13,995,012.33

Number of New Policies Issued 00,259Amount of Now Insurance Written


Assets,. .... $137,499,198.99

Liabilities, 4 Percent Standard $120,094,250.S9Surplus 1G,804,948.10Number of Policies in Force 224,008Amount of Insurance in Force $0S9,24S,(29.00


Increase in Benefits to Policy-holder- s $ 1,323,521.45Increase in Assets 11,551,908.18Increase in Surplus 1,003,924.79Increase in Insurance Written 20,940,088.00Increase in Insurance in Force 00,105,451.00

CZ2 . O . ZE3 Ji JtC Gr JtU Jtri. ,

General Agent for the Haioaiian Islands.


Cut GlassSaladsFitoliorsIoe

TumblersDeoantersBu.olc.etsEtc E3to.


General CrockeryFrench Oeirter IRugs,

French Sofa. Rugs,jTreiuoli Door IRugs,

French Stair Carpets Latest Designs, French Iron Beds, Double and Single; Baby Cots

CHINESESets of Card and Fancy Tea Tables

Basket Trunks, Trunks, Wooden Trunks.


American & English


Fresh Roll


Hew Goods Received by Every

All Orders faithfully attendedsolicited and packed with cure.








Royal WorcesterOP


Telescopic !











Importers, Wholesale





VasesChocolate Jugs

Rose JarsEtc. Etc. Etc.

and Glassware i




Butter Island Butter


Steamer San Francisco.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Island Orders

- Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

P. O. 372.

-- V. 0. BOX 2U7


& Retai Groee rs

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

-- P. O. IlOX 1 IS.

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFresh Goods by Every Cala. Steamer


Island Orders Solicited.






Gt-rooerie- s, Provisions einci Feed.Now Hoods Received by Every Packet from the Bastorn States and Euroio.


All Orders faithfully attended to nud Goods delivered to nny part of tliu City free.

Uland Order hollcltcd. BatUfaotlon guaranteed.

Hlauat Corner ITort H U.in.ft Streota,


t ' ?r

M Bazaai


Oar Optical Department stillgoes along in the even tenor of itsway despite all opposition. Everyday we Jit somebody either with apair of Eyeglasses for ., andonce in a while we get as high as$3.00. We can't 'go higher be-

cause that is the best pair of crystals gov can buy and tuhg paymore? The reason is that we donot need any special two weeks'study of the question because ourinstrument, the EYEMETER, isso simple that its (est is absolute.Doesn't matter if your eyes arcmyopic, astigmatic or any otherattic, that instrument gets thereevery time.

Typewriters' Supplies,Toilet Soap, Hair & Cloth Brashes.,

uroquut sets, uwn renins supplies,Uuitars from $4 up, Banjos, Violins,


Sewing MachinesOn the Instalment Plan, also For Rent

Domoatio FashionsA large sui iply of Popular Novels,

A well assorted .stock of Bouiul Books,

to suit nil ayes at publishers' rates.

Children's Books from 5c. up,Sots Hawaiian Stamps $1.75 & $4.00.

Sheet Music Ordered by Every Steamer.

Aro you looking for a Safe

and Profitable Investment at a

Small Annual Cost?Then examine the New and

Novel Forms of Life Insurancenow offered by


Managers for Hawaiian Islands



Bruce & A. J. Cartwright.

At Prices to Suit the Times.. NO. 1


Rrick liuuuing 0t I Jh im2l.with Pleasant Grounds.formerly tlie residence of the late H. J.Hart, situate on Nuuanu Avenue belowSchool itrcet. Tonus easy. 023-t- f

NOTE Ileforo seeking or closing har-- it

caii) elsewhere, will pay you to scanour column, and to at once consult tliuundersigned at their ollice.

USf We keep Property in Frst-das- s

Condition. Our terms are modeiate andas Landlords we will always lie found rea-sonable in our dealings,

ff-- Apply in eacli case to


"Cartwright Building," Mei chant street.Sltt-t- f

JUST RECEIVEDBy the Bark "H. Hackfeld'


SauerbrunnenFOR SALE BY

H. HACKFELD & CO.097--


"CORAL QUEEN"With Dinghy, has Oak Frame and Spruco

Flanking, Copper riveted throughout.Sails fast and is a strong comfortable sen-boa- t,

Can be Inspected at tho UealaniBoat House. Apply to


P. O. Box 1)0, or II. K, Walkor. atKing llros." OiKMf


Physician and SurgeonCan Iks consulted at his residence at Keo-nmil- a,

on the inaiika side of King aud Ewaside of Llllha street, 'ioiinu formerly occu-pied by Mr, (leu, L. Duslia.

Will Vaccinate from Pure Vac- -

ciuo Matter !

IW OlTK'K JlnUltX! From H to 10 a. i.and Ironi '.' to o r, m. tWI-U'-

The JJuily JSulletin in delivered by

curritri for SO centa per month,


A Mazo of Doubt About Its Oauioand Dure.

A correspondent writing from a,

Pa., finds bhnsolf in a mazoof doubt as to tbo cause and eurofor baldnoss. Ho says that onoauthority has doclarod that promn-tur- o

baldness results from too closoand froquont hair-croppin- g. Ac-cording to this authority tho hairbleeds to death, jubI as do sugarmaples, sago palm and grapevineswhou exhaustively tapped. Tliistheory is rofutod by the fact thatfroquont shaving does not conducoto barronnoss. After loss of hairfrom fovor or othor illness croppingis frequently resortod to BuecoBslullyas a moans of root oration. Por con-tra, it is urged that women who sel-dom have their hair cut closo do notoften become bald. A bald-heade- d

woman is a comparative rarity."Tho hair falls out," says a vogo-taria- u.

"because too much beef isoaton." To this a boof-oate-r respondsthat "too much starchy food is thoroot of tho trouble." A shoo-mak-

insisted that tho baldnoss on tho topof lift head was the result of wear-ing his hat constantly during his in-door work. His boliof was strength-ened by the experience of a man inIndiana, whoso hair undor his hatturned graj', while tho hair that thohat did not covor retained its origi-nal color.

In Donmark tho wiseacres insistthat staying out late at night orundue exposure to tho moon makestho hair fall out. This theory is ina measure sustained by tho methodadopted by a Philadelphia editor toarrest the approach of baldness. Howas advised to havo his hair cut onlyduring tho waxing of tho moon. Hofollowed tho advice and now proudbysports an unmolted topknot.

Unfeeling and libelous writersnavo insBtou tnat baldness is main-ly confmed to married men, thusseeking to create tho inference thattheir hair is pulled out in the courseof some heated matrimonial argu-ment or that baldness is a providen-tial .dispensation that lessens thoopportunity for ono familiar methodof feminine attack.

Time out of mind baldnoss hasbeon tho occasion of scoffing andjest. Tho fato of tho Hebrew hood-lums who cried, "Go up, thou bald-head- l"

is historical. In our owntimes tho scoffer often goes un-punished.

When Henry Clows, tho New Yorkbanker, a man of dignified bearing,who is unhappily bald, asked tholate lamented Mr. Travors what dis-guise he should assume in attendinga masked ball, he was advised to"sugar-coa- t his head and go as apill." It has become so much thohabit with tho small paragraphorsto insist that baldnoss indicates ahot liver and an antic dispositionthat sedate gentlemen who no longerwear their hair have been practicallycut oil from tho entertainment oftho ballet.

But the cause of baldness remainsunsolved. Thore may be too muchnitrogen; there maj' bo too muchstarch; thore may bo too muchmoonlight. Tho liocord will notundortako to solve the doubt of itscorrespondent. Too much of any-thing disturbs the equilibrium oftho system, aud may cut off thenourishment or overheat or over-nouri- sh

the hair. If compelled toproscribo a remedy for baldness womight offend tho hatters. To gowithout headgear might stimulatenature to supplv her own originaldevice and substitute. Women whodo not steam their heads in air-tig-ht

contrivances usually retain theirhair, and in countries where peoplego un hatted baldness is unknown.Philadelphia Record.

Longevity of Our Age.

The numerous instances of deathoccurring at oxtromo old ago provethat longevity is a characteristic ofour age. These prolonged livesshow that tho conditions underwhich wo live aro favorable to lon-gevity, since those old pooplo havolived all their days under substan-tially tho same conditions. The manwho was boru in 1820 aud is now 78years of ago has used about thesame quantity of whisky and tobaccoduring that entire period, notwith-standing tho assertion of admirersof "tho good old times" that boththose luxuries wore much bettor for-mor- h'

than now. Tho old pooplo inMissouri who havo attained three-score and ton and bid fair tolive another score of years came ontho stage just as tho era of sanita-tion began, when such causes ofdeath as ague and snake bites beganto diminish, and aro monuments notof the healthy condition of a formerbut ol the present ago. Honco womay conclude that length of days iain storo for tho prosent generation;that the sons will live to bo olderth nn did tho fathers; and this assur-ance is rendered stronger by thesteady growth of sanitary science.Kansas City Star.

Pokor Flaying in Boston Society.

A well-know- n Boston hostess re-cently followed the example of cer-tain London entertainers with suchmarked success that she now expectspokor dinner parties to bocomo aregular form of entertainment iu thosot that sooks novelty iu socialgayotios. Tho Americangame of pokor has of lato yearsfallen from favor among tho bestmombors of society, but is in highfavor with the English, aud is saidto havo boon introduced there bj'Gonoral Solionck whon ho was Min-ister to tho Court of St. Jamos.Hoston Home Journal.

Call on tho Prosident.Tho Prosidont continues tho prac-tic- o

of allowing from thirty to fortynornoiiH to ontor his oilioo at thoBiinio timo, and when ovory inoh ofavailablo HtaiuliiiL' room is occupiocli no uuur in oiosod, ah inst as onocallor is lisiosod of anotlior is ad-mitted, m that tho room is constant-ly lillod until tho hour for tho

to uloho. jV. K, .S'ua.t

HuUuribe for the Daily JiulUtln, CO

cent per month,


Wanted! Wan tod 1

Somo smart alock to try and slopmy passport, as I am about to loavotho Island for somo other soaporttown. Also ono good collector tocolloct somo bills. Ho must bo hon-est, upright and sobor; only thosewho can furnish first-clas- s roforoncoto tho abovo facts need apply. Alcash security must be furnished.Please call on or address Hon. A. L.Johnson, tho American Shirt Maker,corner King and Alakea stroots, Ho-nolulu, between tho hours of 8 a. in.and 12 p. in., whoro you will alwaysfind him making all kinds of shirtsto ordor with all tho latest improve-ments and only for honost peoplewho pay their honost cash, and notany bluffs. All porsons having badbills to colloct give them to mo andI will see to colloct thom. Myboard bill is now paid at Pahala.

ami now iook out lor some innall those who aro interested in mywelfare

"JOHNSON,"Tho Amorican,Tho Annexation,Tho Provisional,

And tho only good Shirt Makor intho World.

There is nothing I havo over usedfor muscular rhoumatism that givosmo as much relief as Chamborlaiu'sPain Balm doos. I havo boon usingit for about two years four bottlosiu all as occasion required, and al-

ways .keep a bottlo of it in my homo.I bolievo I know a good thing whenI get hold of it, and Pain Balm isthe best liniment I have ovor motwith. W. B. Donny, dairyman, NowLexington, Ohio.- - 50 cont bottlesfor salo by all dealers. Bonson,Smith & Co., agents for tho Hawai-ian Islands.



On Retail Prices!IB ALLOWED TO



Hobron, Newman & Co.'s



Mellin's Food,Scott's Emulsion,


Bnliach, Etc.712-l-


THE MECHANICS'WHEREAS, Union, a Corporation es-

tablished under tho Laws of the HawaiianIslands, has pursuant to tho law in suchcases made and provided, duly tiled at theOllice of the Minister, of the Interior, aPetition for the Dissolution of the saidCorporation, together with a certificatethereto annexed, as required by law; nowtherefore

Notice is horeby given to any and allpersons who have been or aro now inter-ested in any manner whatsoever in thesaid Corporation, that objections to thegranting of the said Petition must be tiledin the otllce of the undersigned on or be-fore WEDNESDAY, tho 24th day of May,18U3, and that any person or persons desir-ni- g

to be heard thereon, muat be in at-tendance at tho otllce of tho undersignedin Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu, at 10 o'clocka. m. of said day, to show cause why saidPetition should not be granted.

J. A. KIXO,Ministor of tiie Interior.

Interior Ofllce, Marcli '20, 1893.(iSO-'- Jt


PPLICATION HAVING BEEN MADEto mo Ijv Gum Kinc alias Yam Km.

of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, for the adju-dication of his rights in the stream ofNuuanu near or at the dam called I'ali-kc- a,

Nutmnn stream, in tho Ditriet ofHonolulu, Island of Oalin, as provided inChapter 20, of tho Laws of 1888, notico ishoreby given to all parties interested iusaid dam to attend and prove their rightsat 10 o'clock iu tho forenoon of WEDNES-DAY, the 17th day of May, 18iM, at theotllco of Chas. T. Gulick, Esq,, number IS8,

Merchant street, or they will be adjudicatedwithout sucli attendance.

EMMA M. NAKUINA,Commissioner of Private Ways and Water

Bights, District of Honolulu, Island ofOahu

April 27, 1803, 712-- 3t

"The Gorman"Now European I

100 Elegantly Furnished Rooms


Main Entrance to the Fair!310-31- 8 05th Terrace, Chicago.

Rates: $1 per Day & Upward, 1st Class Cafe.

J. F. GOBMAN,705-3- Proprietor.

M. L. MINEB, D. V. S.,

VUTKKINAUY SunimoN, Physician amiDentist.

Ollice: Hotel Stables. Ollice Hours: 8 to10 a. m.; I;30to3:30i'. M.

Besidonco with Dr. F. L, Miner, Beretania street. All calls will receive prompuuuuuuii. 712-t- f


LAWN MOWKBS TO LKT BY THKweek or mouth' Bepalilug,

Cleaning and Sharpening dime; DuplicatePieces furnished when required. Machinescalled for and returned. Also, BepairlugGarden Hose in fact, can do anythingnecessary around tliu house or stable.Blng up Mutual Telephone lot",

isfl-t- f N. K. MJKOKHH,


ALL I'KltSONK AUK HKUKIIVCAU.tioned1 against trespassing on the

iJinils know n us I'ulwa, Wuolaul, 1'iiuiiii I.Kiipaluiiiaitnd Kullhl. Anyone found tros- -msaiug win ne proseciucil accoming to


Proprietor BntoriirUu Hunch.Honolulu, Aprils, IbVJ. 71'Mw




Celebrated High Grade Cano Manures.

Wo aro alto proparcd to tuke orders for

Messrs, KT. Oh.lB.ndt 8c Oo.'sXrertiUzexis,

Insuring'prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOLThis Is a superior Paint Oil, con

suming lest! pigment than Linseed Oil, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier It givos a splendid tloorsurface. '



Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef

PAllAH'INi: V1NT Co.'s

Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Faint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans.


LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $7,109,825.49.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 4,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, S6,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, S137,499,198.99.

C. 0. BEMER,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Wm. G. Irwin & Go.


Wm. G. Irwin 1'iesident and ManagerGlaus Spreckols, - - --


M. Gillard, - Secretary and TreasurerThco. 0. Porter - Auditor

Sij.ga.r FactorsAND -

Commission Agents.

agents or Till:

Oceanic Steamship Company.




General Mercantile

Commission AgentsJ. O. Carter ,1'rcsldcnland Monuger0. 11, Bobertson TreasurerK. P. Bishop. . SecretaryW. P. Allen AuditorHon. 0. It. BishopB.C. Allen . .. ;:! DirectorsII. WnU'rhousf.


Imi'oiiikii ami Di:.m.i:ii IN

Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Shoes

aud Slippers

Has removed to Nuuanu street, "1'nster'nlllock," opposite Merchant sheet.

Kor Local 2stcwh

Kitly proBuntouTaku thoBulletinEvery timo,


" M, '


Are Receiving New Invoices of





Where they are fully prepared to do allkluds of work lu the latest styles, at

the shortest notice and at themost Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work In Colors a Specialty !


Exoouted lu the Most AttractiveMaimer.



Read the following partitil list of spec-ialties and get the Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Noto Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,

Circulars,Uon tracts,

Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission CardR,

Fraternal Cards,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tiekets,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Orders,

Promissory Kites,Pamphlets,


Labels of ovory variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes &. Loiter Circulars,Sporting Scores & Itecords,

Perpetual Washing Lists,Qoueial Book Work,

Em.. Etc., Etc,, Etc.,

Printed and Ulockcd wheiiidosiron.

1ST No Job Is ullowed to leave .tho of-

ficio until It gives satisfaction.



.fcfci imt, Mi u . & Afe ..:f4..i. .iV