pitt county schools / overview€¦  · web viewstates that congress can do anything necessary and...

American History: The Founding Principles, Civics, and Economics 2020 Midterm Review Mr. Lipe Mr. Stelly Directions: The following packet is divided into Units 1-5, each having 2 subsections to complete. Complete each subsection in each unit in order to provide review for the summative multiple choice Midterm Benchmark at the conclusion of the packet.

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Page 1: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

American History: The Founding Principles, Civics,

and Economics 2020 Midterm Review

Mr. LipeMr. Stelly

Directions: The following packet is divided into Units 1-5, each having 2 subsections to complete. Complete each subsection in each unit in order to provide review for the summative multiple choice Midterm Benchmark at the conclusion of the packet.

Page 2: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 1 ReviewSection 1 Instructions: Match the Vocabulary term to the corresponding definition.

1. Civics ___

2. Government ___

3. Direct Democracy ____

4. Representative Democracy ____

5. Absolute Monarchy ___

6. Constitutional Monarchy ___

7. Parliament ____

8. Legislature ___

9. Magna Carta ____

10. Triangle Trade ____

11. Mayflower Compact ____

12. VA House of Burgesses ____

13. Locke ___

14. Montesquieu ___

15. Separation of Powers ___

16. Self-Government ___

17. Social Contract ___

18. Consent of the Governed ___

19. Limited Government ___

20. French and Indian War___

21. Proclamation Line of 1763 ___

22. Stamp Act ___

23. Sons of Liberty___

24. Boston Massacre ___

25. Boston Tea Party___

Unit 1 Review

The ruling authority with power to make and enforce laws

All citizens have equal say in making governmental decisions

The study of what it means to be a citizenCitizens choose other citizens to perform

governmental duties on their behalfA King or Queen serves as the supreme ruling

A government body who is responsible for making laws

A document signed to limit the King’s power in England

The movement of natural resources, slave labor, and finished goods between Europe, Africa and America

Philosopher who wrote about life, liberty, and property

Philosopher who wrote about the separation of powers

Document signed by the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts to create a direct democracy

Representative democracy created by the

War that resulted in England going into debt and taxing the American colonies

Idea that citizens make up the government ruling class

Idea that the government gains its power from the citizens it rules

Idea that citizens give power to the government

Group of American colonists that influenced a rebellion against England

Rule set in place against the American colonies limiting their settlement to the east coast

British tax on newspapers

Page 3: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

26. Intolerable / Coercive Acts___

27. Battles of Lexington and Concord ___

28. 2nd Continental Congress___

29. Olive Branch Petition___

30. Patrick Henry___

31. Common Sense___

32. Declaration of Independence___

33. Tyrant___

34. Articles of Confederation___

35. Northwest Ordinance___

Letter from the colonists to attempt to avoid war with Britain

Pro-War colonist who wrote “Give me liberty or give me death” speech

Meeting where the Declaration of Independence was drafted

First battles of the Revolutionary War

Pro-Revolution document written by Thomas Paine

Document that first organized the government of the United States

Document that separated the US from EnglandAllowed American citizens to settle west of the

Proclamation line

Page 4: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 1 ReviewSection 2 Instructions: Read and analyze each of the following primary sources. Following each primary source, please respond to the two questions in order to pursue deeper understanding of each primary source.

1. (39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land. - Magna Carta

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

2. Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - Patrick Henry

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

3. “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the cause which impel them to the separation.” - Declaration of Independence

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

4. “[T]o secure these [basic] rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...” - Declaration of Independence

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Unit 1 Review

Page 5: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

5. And for and upon every paper, commonly called a pamphlet, and upon every newspaper, containing publick news, intelligence, or occurrences, which shall be printed, dispersed, and made publick, within any of the said colonies and plantations, and for and upon such advertisements as are herein after mentioned, the respective duties following (that is to say). For every other almanack or calendar for any one particular year, which shall be written or printed within the said colonies or plantations, a stamp duty of four pence. . . . - Stamp Act 1765

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

6. To CONCLUDE, however strange it may appear to some, or however unwilling they may be to think so, matters not, but many strong and striking reasons may be given to show that nothing can settle our affairs so expeditiously as an open and determined declaration for independence. - Common Sense

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

7.a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:


b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Unit 2 ReviewSection 1 Instructions: Match the Vocabulary term to the corresponding definition.

1. Virginia Plan___

Plan that created the House of Representatives and the Senate

Government legislature based on population

Page 6: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

2. New Jersey Plan___

3. Connecticut Plan / The Great Compromise___

4. House of Representatives___

5. Senate___

6. Electoral College___

7. Federalists___

8. Constitution___

9. Anti-Federalists___

10. Bill of Rights___

11. Elastic clause___

12. Full Faith & Credit Clause___

13. Amendment___

14. Supremacy Clause___

15. Popular Sovereignty___

16. Federalism___

17. Expressed Powers___

18. Concurrent Powers___

19. Reserved Powers___

20. Veto___

21. Override___

22. Unconstitutional___

23. Impeach___

24. Pardon___

Unit 2 ReviewSection 2 Instructions: Read and analyze each of the following primary sources. Following each primary source, please respond to the two questions in order to pursue deeper understanding of each primary source.

1. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,

Plan that created the House of Representatives and the Senate

Government legislature based on population

Early political party who believed in a stronger federal government

Early political party who believed in stronger state governments

First 10 amendments to the Constitution, protecting the rights of American citizens

Changes made to the Constitution that make it “a living document”

Gives full faith that the states will use their power to protect the rights of American citizens

States that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country

States that the US Federal government is

The national, state, and local governments all share power

Powers given to the national governmentPowers shared by the national and state

governmentsPowers given to the state government

Ability of the legislative branch to remove a president from office

Ability of the president to free a prisonerAbility of the legislative branch to pass a bill over

a president’s veto

Page 7: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." - The Preamble

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

2. “The checks and balances is a way to prevent government from either devolving into an autocratic tyranny or an autocratic mob mentality.” - Beau Willimon

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

3. "We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution." - NC Constitution, Preamble

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

4. “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” - 15th Amendment, US Constitution

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Unit 2 Review

5. “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be

Page 8: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.” - 22nd Amendment, US Constitution

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

6. “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows...” - Article II, the US Constitution

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Page 9: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 3 ReviewSection 1 Instructions: Match the Vocabulary term to the corresponding definition.

1. RAPPS___

2. Citizen___

3. Immigrant___

4. Illegal Immigrant___

5. Refugee___

6. Disenfranchised___

7. Political parties___

8. Democrats___

9. Republicans___

10. Third Parties___

11. Platforms___

12. Planks___

13. Incumbent___

14. Gallup Poll___

15. Recall___

16. Referendum___

17. Initiative___

18. Propaganda___

19. Just plain folks___

20. Name-calling___

21. Bandwagon___

22. Endorsements___

23. Slogans/Symbols___

24. Card Stacking___

25. Lobbyists___

A person from a different country who has moved legally into this country

A person from a different country who has illegally moved into this country

A person who holds legal responsibility to this countryYour first amendment rights

(religion,assembly,press,petition, and speech)

LiberalConservativePrevented from voting, such as during the Jim Crow

Era southA group of people who share the same beliefs on

governmentA political party who rarely wins elections, but impacts

Used by political parties to inform their decisions on where and how to campaign

Used to remove a government official from officeA person who is running for re-electionA broad plan for a political partyA specific idea of a political party

Strategy where politicians act “just like you!”

Used by people to persuade legislative branch to pass a bill

Strategies used to influence public opinion in favor of a

political candidate

Strategy where politicians call their opponents names

Used by legislative branch in order to ask citizens for their

opinion on a billWork for interest groups to influence politicians

Strategy where candidates make people feel like they are a

part of the popular group by voting for them

Strategy where candidates use famous people to make people

vote for them

Strategy where candidates make themselves sound perfect or

Page 10: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 3 ReviewSection 2 Instructions: Read and analyze each of the following primary sources. Following each primary source, please respond to the two questions in order to pursue deeper understanding of each primary source.

1. "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." - 14th Amendment

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

2. "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders & miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security & repose in the absolute power of an Individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty." - George Washington’s Farewell Address

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

3.a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:


b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Page 11: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 4 ReviewSection 1 Instructions: Match the Vocabulary term to the corresponding definition.

1. Legislative Branch___

2. US Congress___

3. Zoning___

4. Speaker of the House___

5. President Pro-Tempor___

6. Bill___

7. Implied Powers___

8. Denied Powers___

9. Appropriation Bills___

10. Line-Item Veto___

11. Majority Party___

12. Minority Party___

13. Census___

14. Gerrymandering___

15. Riders/Earmarks/

Pork-Barrel Spending___

Makes lawsGroup that makes laws for the US governmentLeader of the SenateLeader of the House of RepresentativesDivides sections of cities and towns into individual

areas of use

Government spending bills

Things that Congress can do but only if they are

“necessary and proper”

Things that Congress cannot do

Used every 10 years to measure the population in

order to draw political districts

Drawing political districts that favor one political party

over another

The party with more elected members in the legislative

branch, making it easier to pass laws

The party with less elected members in the legislative

branch, making it harder to pass laws

Unrelated additions to a bill used to encourage

Page 12: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 4 ReviewSection 2 Instructions: Read and analyze each of the following primary sources. Following each primary source, please respond to the two questions in order to pursue deeper understanding of each primary source.

1. Article II, NC Constitution: Sec. 6. Qualifications for Senator.Each Senator, at the time of his election, shall be not less than 25 years of age, shall be a qualified voter of the State, and shall have resided in the State as a citizen for two years and in the district for which he is chosen for one year immediately preceding his election.

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

2. Article II, NC Constitution: Sec. 7. Qualifications for Representative.Each Representative, at the time of his election, shall be not less than 21 years of age, shall be a qualified voter of the State, and shall have resided in the district for which he is chosen for one year immediately preceding his election.

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

3. Article I, Section 2 of the US Constitution

The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature.

No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen.

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Unit 5 ReviewSection 1 Instructions: Match the Vocabulary term to the corresponding definition.

Page 13: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

1. President___

2. Governor___

3. Sheriff___

4. Mayor___

5. War Powers Resolution___

6. Department of State___

7. Department of the Treasury___

8. Department of Defense___

9. Department of Justice___

10. Department of the Interior___

11. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)___

12. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)___

13. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)___

14. Interventions___

15. Treaties / Executive Agreements___

16. Ambassadors___

17. Foreign Aid___

18. Trade Sanctions___

19. Embargo___

20. Tariffs___

Local executive leaderLocal executive leader, also in charge

of local policingAllows the President to use military

without congressional approvalExecutive leader at the federal levelExecutive leader at the state level

Local executive leaderLocal executive leader, also in charge

of local policingAllows the President to use military

without congressional approvalExecutive leader at the federal levelExecutive leader at the state level

Used in foreign policy, sometimes lead to


Used in foreign policy, creates agreements

between nations

Government agency in charge of

preventing the spread of illegal substancesUsed in foreign policy, giving help to countries in need

Used in foreign policy, punishes a country by cutting

some parts of trade with them

Used in foreign policy, raises taxes on foreign goods

Used in foreign policy, prevents all trade with a country

Work on behalf of our government as messengers of

American foreign policy

Page 14: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

Unit 5 ReviewSection 2 Instructions: Read and analyze each of the following primary sources. Following each primary source, please respond to the two questions in order to pursue deeper understanding of each primary source.

1. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States. - Article II, US Constitution

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

2. Qualifications. No person shall be eligible for election to the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor unless, at the time of his election, he shall have attained the age of 30 years and shall have been a citizen of the United States for five years and a resident of this State for two years immediately preceding his election. No person elected to the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall be eligible for election to more than two consecutive terms of the same office. - Article III, NC Constitution

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

3. Whenever United States Armed Forces are introduced into hostilities or into any situation described in subsection (a) of this section, the President shall, so long as such armed forces continue to be engaged in such hostilities or situation, report to the Congress periodically on the status of such hostilities or situation as well as on the scope and duration of such hostilities or situation, but in no event shall he report to the Congress less often than once every six months. - War Powers Resolution Act

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

4. “People of the world do not look to Beijing or Moscow to lead - they call us.” - Barack Obama, 2016 State of the Union Address

a. Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to this primary source:i.ii.

b. What is the main idea of this quote in your own words?i.

Page 15: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

2020 Units 1-5 Midterm Exam

Unit 1

1. Which region was affected by good harbors, a cold climate, rocky soil, and a short growing season?

a. New Englandb. Middlec. Southernd. Eastern

And for and upon every paper, commonly called a pamphlet, and upon every newspaper, containing publick news, intelligence, or occurrences, which shall be printed, dispersed, and made publick, within any of the said colonies and plantations, and for and upon such advertisements as are herein after mentioned, the respective duties following (that is to say). For every other almanack or calendar for any one particular year, which shall be written or printed within the said colonies or plantations, a stamp duty of four pence. . . . - Stamp Act 1765

2. The American colonies reacted negatively following the Stamp Act. Which of these incidents best reflects how the Stamp Act impacted the colonies?

a. The colonists fought the British at Lexington and Concord.b. The colonists published their version of events following the Boston Massacre.c. The colonists who were loyal to the King fled to Canada.d. The colonists met in Philadelphia to discuss the Intolerable Acts.

To CONCLUDE, however strange it may appear to some, or however unwilling they may be to think so, matters not, but many strong and striking reasons may be given to show that nothing can settle our affairs so expeditiously as an open and determined declaration for independence. - Common Sense

3. Following the publication of Common Sense, which of these events would be most likely to happen next?

a. The Boston Massacreb. The signing of the Declaration of Independencec. The Stamp Act

Page 16: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

d. Daniel Shay’s Rebellion

4. What impact would this depiction of the Boston Massacre have on the mindset of the colonies?a. It would increase the likelihood of American colonists to support the Quartering Act.b. It would decrease the likelihood of American colonists to support for the Declaration of

Independence.c. It would increase the likelihood of American colonists to support the Intolerable Acts.d. It would increase the likelihood of American colonists to support the Sons of Liberty.

Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. - The Articles of Confederation

5. Why did the writers of the Articles of Confederation set up a weak national government?

a. Many Americans felt a strong sense of loyalty to the nation.b. Most Americans feared a strong national government might abuse their rights as Britain had.c. The people can turn down a law enacted by the government.d. The government decides what the people can and cannot do.

Unit 2

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” - 15th Amendment, US Constitution

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” - 19th Amendment, US Constitution

6. What do both the 15th, and 19th amendment have in common?

A. They are about suffrage

B. They allow freedom of speech

C. They are about giving powers to the states

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D. They are about convicting criminals

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.” - 22nd Amendment, US Constitution

7. Which of these is disallowed thanks to the 22nd Amendment?

A. People may be drafted into the US Army in times of peace

B. President Obama may run for a third term as US President

C. President Trump may send all illegal immigrants back across the wall

D. The US Congress can propose amendments to limit presidential term limits

“The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.” - 17th Amendment, US Constitution

8. What does the 17th amendment allow?

a. The creation of the Constitution

b. The senate shall be abolished

c. The senate approves Presidential appointments

d. The senate shall be chosen by the people

9. “I go further, and affirm that bill of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous.”

Based on this quote, which of the following would be most closely associated to the speaker?

a. Federalist

b. Republican

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c. Democrat

d. Anti-Federalist

“In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own …the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others.” - James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 51

10. The U.S. Constitution established a federal government based upon certain democratic ideals. Which one of these ideals was James Madison describing in Federalist No. 51?

a. rule of lawb. checks and balancesc. popular sovereigntyd. limited government

Unit 3

Presidential Candidate

Political Party Popular Vote Electoral Vote

Percentage of Votes Cast

Candidate X Republican 50,456,002 271 47.87%

Candidate Y Democrat 50,999,897 267 48.38%

11. Using the above chart, which candidate would become president of the United States and why?a. The candidate who receives a majority of the votes from the House of Representatives

would become president. b. The candidate who receives 50% of the votes from state legislators would become

president. c. Candidate X would become president, because they received enough electoral votes. d. Candidate Y would become president, because they received the most popular votes.

12. What effect do third parties have on election results?

a. little or no impactb. they make people support the party that they are most likec. they’ve won several Presidential electionsd. they often draw votes away from the party they are most like (spoiler role)

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

13. According to the 14th Amendment, which of the following would NOT be allowed to happen to an

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arrested person?a. A person is convicted of murder by a jury of their own peers and thrown into prison for lifeb. A person is removed from a restaurant for screaming at their waitress by the police for

disorderly conduct.c. A person is arrested for robbery and immediately thrown in jail for life.d. A police officer takes a person’s gun for evidence against them in a crime they may have


14. The phrase, “A survey taken by our campaign staff found that 92 percent of your neighbors want candidate Rachel Chen to be our next mayor. Join your neighbors next Monday and help make that wish come true,” is an example of:

a. Testimonialb. Card-stackingc. Bandwagond. Glittering Personality

15. A person who is a moderate would agree most closely with which of the following statements:

a. Conservative ideals should always be protected.b. Conservative ideals should never be protected.c. Liberal ideals should always be protected.d. Liberal ideals should sometimes be protected.

Unit 4

***Red = Republicans //// Blue = Democrats***

16. Which political party do you believe this particular gerrymander gives an advantage to?a. Democratsb. Republicansc. Democratic-Republicansd. Trump

From: The Washington Post, Sep 28, 2016

Congress on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to override President Obama’s veto of legislation that would allow 9/11 victims’ families to sue the Saudi Arabian government over its alleged support for the terrorists who carried out the attacks.

Page 20: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

It is the first override of Obama’s presidency.

The votes in the House and Senate amounted to a sweeping, bipartisan rejection of pleas from the White House to back the president, with administration officials arguing the legislation poses a national security threat by exposing U.S. officials to similar lawsuits abroad.

“Overriding a presidential veto is something we don’t take lightly, but it was important in this case that the families of the victims of 9/11 be allowed to pursue justice, even if that pursuit causes some diplomatic discomforts,” Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), who co-authored the bill with Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), said in a statement.

17. Using the Washington Post Article, Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York would most agree with which of the following statements?

a. Presidential overrides are a rare occurrence, but sometimes the rewards outweigh the risks involved.

b. Presidential overrides are an unnecessary tool that the Legislative branch can live without.c. Presidential overrides would be used more commonly against President Trump.d. Presidential overrides should always be used to cause diplomatic discomforts.

The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature.No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. - Article I, Section 2 of the US Constitution

18. The US House of Representatives is made up of 435 members, none of which are:

a. Below the age of 30b. Living in the state that they representc. Representatives in the US House of Representativesd. Newly immigrated to the United States

From: The Atlantic, Noah J. Gordon. Dec. 10, 2014

The legislation will once again enact a pay freeze for the vice president and senior political appointees. Joe Biden currently takes home $230,700.

The amount a single donor is permitted to give to national party committees will rise dramatically, from $97,000 to as much as $777,600, depending on how the language is interpreted.

Democrats largely protected First Lady Michelle Obama's school-lunch nutrition standards, but Republicans did win schools more flexibility on whole grains and sodium levels. (House Republicans had pushed for a broader waiver.)

Although Washington, D.C., voters approved the legalization of marijuana by a margin of more than two to one in November, the spending deal will prohibit the district from legalizing the drug this year. Some D.C. activists plan to organize a protest.

Page 21: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

On the other hand, the bill will ban the Department of Justice from using funds to undermine state medical-marijuana laws.

In a boost to Democrats, the Environmental Protection Agency will not be limited in its ability to regulate new bodies of water under the Clean Water Act, though certain farm ponds would be excluded. Democrats also reportedly blocked measures that could have severely restricted the government's ability to regulate greenhouse gases. However, Republicans secured a measure that would ban the EPA from restricting methane produced by livestock—and keeping the sage-grouse off the endangered-species list.

Republicans won one for the financial industry, easing regulations from the Dodd-Frank reform that required banks to set up affiliates—that were ineligible for federal benefits—in order to deal in riskier forms of derivatives trading called "swaps." Funding will also be increased for the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The bill includes legislation aimed at salvaging underfunded multi-employer pension plans, including a provision that would allow the cutting of benefits for millions of current retirees.

The Obama administration will remain banned from transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. The ongoing transfer of detainees to other countries will still be allowed.

Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, added a provision that will ease trucker scheduling regulations designed to prevent fatigue.

The bill will include $1 million "to compensate ranchers for livestock killed by wolves" and $2 million to stop the spread of invasive quagga and zebra mussels into the western U.S.

19. This bill shows that money is being spent by the government on several projects. This type of bill is known as a/an:

a. Appropriation Billb. Electoral College Billc. Line-Item Vetod. Ex Post Facto Law

20. This bill best exemplifies a bill which has undergone what process?a. Legislationb. Gerrymanderingc. Censuringd. Riders, Earmarks, and Pork-Barrel Spending

Unit 5

The acceptance of, and continuance hitherto in, the office to which your suffrages have twice called me have been a uniform sacrifice of inclination to the opinion of duty and to a deference for what appeared to be your desire. I constantly hoped that it would have been much earlier in my power, consistently with motives which I was not at liberty to disregard, to return to that retirement from which I had been reluctantly drawn. - George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796

21. Which of these would George Washington see as a drawback to being President?

Page 22: Pitt County Schools / Overview€¦  · Web viewStates that Congress can do anything necessary and proper to benefit the country. ... Name 2 vocabulary words that are relevant to

a. Having Air Force One and Marine Oneb. Going to visit Camp Davidc. Deciding whether or not to send servicemen to combat in Syriad. Having secret service agents to protect you

22. President Franklin D. Roosevelt followed the Democrat party objective of increasing government involvement by proposing and signing 15 bills in the first 100 days in office. New agencies of the bureaucracy were created from these laws, which helped him carry out the Democratic agenda. Which role was NOT a part of the previous description?

a. Party Leaderb. Executive Leaderc. Legislative Leaderd. Commander in Chief

“People of the world do not look to Beijing or Moscow to lead - they call us.” - Barack Obama, 2016 State of the Union Address

23. Obama made this statement because of the increased pressure on the global scene from China and Russia in influencing developing countries. China is forecasted to overtake the United States as the most wealthy nation in the world by the close of the century. Which member of the President’s cabinet would be the most likely to aid the President in planning international diplomacy?

a. Secretary of Homeland Securityb. Secretary of Defensec. Secretary of Stated. Attorney General

24. In the 1960s, the US and its allies began to severely restrict trade with Cuba because its government refused to “democratize and improve human rights.” By banning trade with a particular country, the US and their allies instituted a(n):

a. Embargob. Blockadec. Sanction Treatyd. Tariff

25. When Hurricane Matthew caused severe flooding in Eastern North Carolina, which executive was in charge of declaring a state of emergency?

a. US Presidentb. NC Governorc. County Sheriffd. Mayor of Raleigh