pipelines for sysadmins


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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Pipelines forSysAdmins

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015

Matt Wallace

● Started as a “developer”● Moved to SysAdmin● Took a break from IT● Started back in support● Back to SysAdmin● Consultancy● Back to SysAdmin● “Developer” again● “DevOps” !



Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015

Why “for SysAdmins”?

● Event-driven workflow● “Reactive, not Proactive”● Not always understood● Often not involved until Deploy


Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015

The story so far...

● Bash scripts● Configuration Management● Virtualisation● More configuration management● More virtualisation● More configuration management


Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Where do we start?

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


What is a pipeline?

“The process by which code or configuration

progresses from the developer's workstation

into the production environment.”

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


When are we “done”?

● My Manager told me to work on something else...● Code has been commited to the repo...● Code has been commited to the repo with tests...● Code has been commited to the repo with tests that work...● Those tests have passed...● QA have told me that those tests have passed...● I've closed the ticket...● The code is in production...

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


When are we “done”?

“Is it being monitored?”

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Tools available today

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Keep it simple!


Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Monitoring Driven Development

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Why use monitoring scripts?

● Icinga/Nagios:– 0 is OK– 1 is Warning– 2 is Critical

● Jenkins:– 0 is OK– Anything else is a failure

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Lessons learned

● Get everyone involved at the start● Including Management● And Security● And QA● And the developers● EVERYONE

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015


Lessons learned

● Start small and iterate● Kanban-style “To do, Doing, Done” works well● Don't over-complicate● Automate, Automate, Automate● Use opensource● Find others who have already solved your problems● Abuse Twitter contacts heavily● Attend conferences (and the pub sessions afterwards!)

Pipelines for Systems Administrators

©DevOpsGuys 2015



