pipeline integrity management -...

PIPELINE INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT Bob Vergette P.Eng. Lima February 28, 2008

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    Bob Vergette P.Eng.Lima February 28, 2008

  • Presentation Contents

    Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM) Purpose Scope Why PIM? How Does PIM Work? Typical PIM Plan Contents PIM Reporting

  • Presentation Contents contd

    ASME B31.8S Review DS 081-2007-EM Annex II review

    Implementation Schedule Ongoing Management

    Observations and Recommendations

  • PIM System Goal

    To ensure protection of the public and the environment by continuously managing threats to pipeline integrity

    Show operator compliance with Annex II of DS 081-07

    Minimize operating risk to ensure Corporate goals a met

  • PIM Scope

    Applies to all pipeline systems that transport natural gas and petroleum liquids

    Pipeline system includes all parts of physical facilities through which gas and liquids are transported: Line pipe Valves Compressor, meter and delivery stations Liquid pump stations and tank farms

  • Why PIM?

    Operators recognize serious potential consequences of pipeline operations

    PIM enables operator to demonstrate to OSINERGMIN that pipeline and facilities are: suitable for initial commissioning safe and reliable for service years after they

    have been put into service

  • How Does PIM Work?

    PIM employs a systematic, integrated approach to manage the long term safety and integrity of pipeline systems

    Through operating history, potential threats to safe and reliable pipeline operation are identified and mitigated

  • How Does PIM Work? contd

    Management systems and programs form the foundation of integrity management records management condition monitoring data analysis mitigation programs developed in response to

    hazards presented to the pipeline

  • Typical PIM Plan Contents

    Introduction Purpose and objectives Corporate policy Governing regulations

  • Typical PIM Plan Contents

    Organization, Responsibilities and Planning Budgets and resources Records Competency and training Change management Failure and Incident Investigation Communications and reporting Program Audits Organizational responsibilities

  • Typical PIM Plan Contents

    Hazard Identification and Risk Mitigation Design and Construction O&M Risk Assessment

  • PIM Plan Reports

    Integrity Management plan must be submitted for OSINERGMIN to review

    Report on plan changes and progress to be submitted yearly

    Change Management Continuous Improvement Internal plan audit results

  • PIM Related Reports

    ROW Stability - Geotechnical River crossing depth of cover surveys ILI and anomaly investigation Corrosion Control Personnel Training Incident reporting and failure investigation Risk Management

  • ASME B31.8S-2004

    Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines

  • ASME B31.8S

    Scope Applies to onshore gas pipelines. Designed to provide Operators with

    information to develop and implement an effective integrity management program.

  • ASME B31.8S

    Integrity Management Principles Engineered into new pipeline systems Customized to meet unique pipeline conditions Program must be flexible Periodically evaluated and modified to meet

    changes in operating environment

  • ASME B31.8S

    Integrity Management Principles Contd Assessing risks is important Information integration key when performing

    risk assessments Requires commitment from all operating staff

  • ASME B31.8S







    Quality ControlControl


    Integrity ManagementProgram Elements

  • ASME B31.8S

    Integrity Management Plan includes: Description of risk analysis method Documentation of data for each section Analysis for determining assessment intervals

    and mitigation methods Performance matrix that confirms performance

    based options

  • ASME B31.8S

    Performance Plan - Requires operator to: Collect performance information Periodically evaluate success of program Evaluate effectiveness of its management

    systems and processes Evaluate new technologies for use in the


  • ASME B31.8S

    Communications Plan Plan for effective communication with:

    EmployeesThe publicEmergency respondersLocal officials Jurisdictional authorities

  • ASME B31.8S

    Change Management Plan Pipeline systems and operating environment

    seldom static. Plan includes a systematic process to ensure

    that risks associated with: changes to the pipeline system are evaluated before

    being implementedChanges to environment in which pipeline operates

    are evaluated

  • ASME B31.8S

    Quality Control Plan Includes documentation for integrity

    management plan Allows operator to demonstrate that they meet

    requirements of integrity management program Requires integrity program audit including:

    Processes InspectionsMitigation activitiesPrevention activities

  • ASME B31.8S Integrity Management Plan Process Flow

    Identify potential pipeline impact by threat Gather review and integrate data Assess risk Assess integrity

  • ASME B31.8S Integrity Management Plan Process Flow

    Develop response to integrity assessment including:

    Repair methodsPrevention practicesSetting inspection intervals

    Update, integrate and review data Reassess risk

  • Decreto Supremo 081-2007-EMReglamento de Transporte de

    Hidrocarburos por Ductos

  • DS 081-2007-EM Development

    Previous edition DS 041-99-EM did not include specific requirements for pipeline integrity management plan

    Regulators (US &Canada) started to require pipeline operators to have integrity plans

    OSINERG started to prepare requirements with support from CIDA

  • DS 081-2007-EM

    Establishes regulations and standards for the transportation of hydrocarbons by cross country pipelines

    Regulation Includes provisions: To grant Concessions To establish Transportation Service Conditions To establish Transportation Rates To establish and safety regulations To establish environmental regulations

  • DS 081-2007-EM

    Includes 4 Annexes I - safety provisions for design, construction,

    operation and abandonment of pipelines II - new requirements for pipeline integrity

    management III - scope diagrams from B31.4 &B31.8 IV - emergency procedures

  • DS 081-07 Gives OSINERGMIN

    Authority to Supervise/Oversee: Compliance with the safety regulations for

    design, construction, operation, maintenance and abandonment of the pipeline (Article 70 b)

    Establishment and execution of pipeline integrity system (Article 70 e)

  • DS 081-07 Gives OSINERGMIN

    Authority to Request Reports from the Operator: technical information in the form it requests

    (Article 36 g) the information it requires for the compliance of

    its functions (Article 37) The integrity system reports and documents

    (Annex II Article 24)

  • DS 081-2007-EM

    Annex II Pipeline Integrity System

  • ANNEX II Title I General

    Requires the Concessionaire to develop and implement a pipeline integrity management system to prevent failures and thereby: ensure the safety of the public protect the environment.

    The PIMS is risk based and applies to areas of high consequence.

  • ANNEX II Title II Scope

    Operator must include: A physical description of pipeline function

    capacity and location A description of its geography and zones of risk Who in their organization is responsible for all

    aspects of the PIMS

  • Annex II Title III Administration

    Requires the Operator to: Keep records on all aspects of the pipelines

    design construction and operation Document procedures for the management of

    records for the PIMS

  • Annex II Title III Admin. contd

    Includes requirements for: Employee training and competence for

    managing PIMS Procedures to manage changes that could affect

    the integrity of the pipeline

  • Annex II Title IV

    Management of the Pipeline Integrity System

  • Annex II Title IVPlans and Programs

    Determination and revision of High Consequence areas

    HAZOPS/mitigation Remediation of unsatisfactory conditions Procedures to inform DGH, OSINERGMIN Methods to plan and prioritize PIMS


  • Annex II Title IVPlans and Programs contd

    Plans and programs documented for OSINERGMIN review

    Study of historical failure rates

  • Annex II Title IVPlans and Programs contd

    Analysis of risks associated with defects in the pipe and their disposition

    Methods to reduce risk of failure such as additional inspection and patrols

  • Annex II Title IV Patrols, Inspections, Tests and Monitoring

    Document procedures for: Cathodic protection Internal corrosion/Corrosive agents Visual inspection of exposed pipe

  • Annex II Title IV Patrols, Inspections, Tests and Monitoring Document procedures for PIT&M for:

    ROW patrolling SCADA system Procedures used to Repair defects

  • Annex II Title IV Internal Audits

    To ensure continuing effectiveness Operator is required to document procedures for: PIM review PIM audit

  • Annex II Title V OSINERGMIN

    OSINERGMIN is required to supervise the Operators PIMS

    Supervision includes determining frequency of its inspections Requirements for reporting, testing and


  • Annex II Title VI High Consequence Areas Determined in several ways:

    Class 3 or 4 locations are considered high consequence areas

    Locations inside the Area of the Circle of Impact that has a specified number of occupied buildings

  • PIM Implementation Schedule

    Operator to present OSINERGMIN PIMS implementation program by November 2008.

    OSINERGMIN has 6 months after receipt to approve implementation plan

  • Annex II Ongoing Pipeline Integrity Management By actively managing threats to integrity, a

    pipeline will remain in good condition for many years

    Operators must take integrity matters seriously and aggressively manage risks

  • Observations and Recommendations Article 21 Annex I requires that high

    consequence areas have a SCADA but SCADA must apply to the whole pipeline

    Article 1 Annex II indicates that PIMS applies only to high consequence areas but should apply to entire pipeline

    Article 94 defines the ROW as 12.5 meters on each side of center line of pipe making maintenance difficult

  • Observations and Recommendations Important to appreciate everyone's role

    responsibilities Operator has the total responsibility for the

    safety and integrity of their pipeline OSINERGMIN has the responsibility to

    oversee and supervise the application of the regulations

  • Gracias

    Espero hayan adquiridoconocimientos de mi
