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COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training - A.Guion-TRAPIL 1 Pipeline Inspector Training

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COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 1

Pipeline Inspector Training

COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 2

TRAPIL : three networks of pipeline

LHP : Le Havre / Paris network

1 370 km

owned and operated by Trapil




ODC : Oléoducs de Défense Commune – military network

2 600 km

operated by Trapil by order and

on behalf of the state

PMR : Pipeline Méditerranée / Rhône

760 km

owned by SPMR and operated by Trapil under an industrial management contract

COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 3

Management of Integrity in TRAPIL



Integrity Steering Committee


Vice President Engineering of TRAPIL Manager of military Pipelines Manager of civil pipelines SQM Manager Manager of Pipeline’s Integrity

Vice President Engineering

Vice President Engineering SQM Manager

Manager of military pipelines

Vice President Engineering

COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 4

Step 1 : Collect data from ILI tool

Step 4 : Feedback

Step 2 : Investigation time

Step 3 : Recommend repairs, cut, …

Step 5 : Be careful of potential evolution of defects

Introduction of our Integrity’s organization






GT… : Specific Subcommitee

COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 5

Mission of the pipeline inspector Mission : To assess defects on pipelines during investigations :

Defects from datas of ILI Defects from third-part (for example, from works near to the


To locate the defect

in the pipeline

To suggest

a treatment of the investigated defect

To do a feedback for the ILI team

To check the harmonization of data

from ILI and investigation

To assess the defect (with END, ..)

To create a report of this investigation

COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 6

Pipeline inspector training

Investigation time : How to become a pipeline inspector in


COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 7

Profile of the pipeline inspector

To be perseverant

To be logical, methodical, rigorous To have a critical mind Not to be easily influenced

For each network, we have one Senior pipeline inspector : he’s the Reference for every pipeline inspector

COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 8

Pipeline inspector training

Theoretical training Internal training Practical training



(Time : ~ 3,5 days)

- visual control

- liquid penetrant examination

- Magnetic particle testing

- ultrasonic examination (with

TOFD et Phased-Array


- radiographic examination (X

and Gamma)

- metallurgy and fracture


+ practices in laboratory

Problematics of TRAPIL


(Time : ~ 3 days)

- Metallurgy and welding used


-Definitions of defects on


-Definitions of pressure

- Equipment of the pipeline


- internal software

- internal procedures

- regulations

+ practices on real pipeline

(with manufacturing defects)

On site


(Time : ~ 1 week)

With a senior pipeline

inspector, carry out about 5


COPEX 2014 Pipeline inspector training -

A.Guion-TRAPIL 9

Registration of the training


Checking of knowledge and practices By the Manager of Pipeline’s Integrity

Validation of the qualification « pipeline inspector » By the Manager of Pipeline’s Integrity

Registration of the qualification in an internal software Validated by the Vice President Engineering of TRAPIL

Nominative title of the pipeline inspector

(signed by the Vice President Engineering of TRAPIL, the

Responsable for the pipeline network and the manager of

pipeline’s integrity)

front back

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A.Guion-TRAPIL 10

The follow-up of the qualification

The title is nominative and valid for 3 years

The maintenance of the title (beyond 3 years) : the pipeline inspector has to realize more than 3 big investigations campaign with distinct periods during this 3 years

The follow-up of the title : Each pipeline inspector is followed up (investigations realized, other

training, … ) If a pipeline inspector lost his qualification, he has to follow another

specific training

Today in TRAPIL, 10 pipeline inspectors + 4 References +1 technical Reference …+7 futur pipeline inspectors in training

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A.Guion-TRAPIL 11

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